tv Documentary RT January 11, 2025 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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the language let me just get bridge, came for joy to check with the computers. i'm not sure i did was i thought you're coming into profession, you would have just given the control panel. i'm going to like, mandatory history institute research fellow david mental center is not for his work on the causes that will let the world into a large scale your wife's computer from source based on screen stuff out of all sco confirmed thoughts. so let me just clear the children's them go to, but if you want to insure the signal corps on their stores, the difference in premium which will mccormick track of what was on the conflicts on little 1st thing. here was most of july 29th, 1914 through on gary an invalid declared war on samuel could not stand aside and declared of generalization. the gentleman invested a went to the russian side,
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ministry to deliver a declaration. the funeral was divided into 2 minutes williams political blocks. these were russia or greek, but that was opposed by the trip of the alliance of germany, austria hungary, intentionally from a divided between germany, austria hungry, russia. the many poles considered russia to be one of their own. as much as balance diplomacy created a unique situation in which foolish ranch was in no way infringed the political of his many possibilities stolen this, but it's something more frustrating. it was less than 2 minutes. his computer doors to, to report any document what your thoughts are doing. ocean goes to problem books of daniel and goes to be dropped. i use this not to minimize, modest one yet. now for doing that, it is pretty in this and also say something good point is going to what else tool
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honestly is cause what else? so to drop, my seo is cut off num, the community a new boy is getting it in the near future. so i mean, if you're going to press control is owens population was growing tax as well as an am central. russia and mall funds were allocated to education that most of the schools in the pony language course do. but i'm listening to these red color as many people who are pretty wrist thoughtful. i mean, what does this to me pretty much just in my room, what i see score. and whereas in the pounds of poland taken into the blood pressure, industrial hungry, the population was meticulously converted to gym and waste. german was the primary language roast of cbs and was also imposed on the locals chest moisture, black, western. and i need them to me either way. if i'm getting my new students that are
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in newark, near the regular start until that goal pressure start off on stashefsky, additional points compressed kind of new clinics case against this nation. patient portion was a quick border of sonya is really what sure what was good. i see. here's the thing as need mean it's so who should sway me and what we're skimming and beats immunization, record teach us suits him in his own name room for pipeline as soon as only we have those. and so i'm interested a little picture of id stories with the outbreak of world war one. society misplaced some simple into the russians line, on a simpleton, germany, the promise to grump, poland, its own state of russia's defeat, opponents of russia, while anybody else, if those who, excuse the family defense, here's a bill. so i'll skip crunch the 0 to and they're just aggression, man, sorry, man, we're here. so it was listening to that are still interested in your precious. can you get a few times of reviving the melodies, lithuanian monroe and 20 pounds and an assassination attempt. the number of
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products on to the 2nd during the research companies will disrupted village companies, intelligence that was involved in relativism. notice when world war one began bill subscript was 47 donors of all intelligence. the good one that awareness was the role and your name for security. you're right. good afternoon. there's going to what she said. so it is still pretty much so i need them to show somebody. she's getting theatre voice across from the suitcase opponents. democrats, bremond most gave the leader of the opponents fiction in the russian state, duma famous poland, joining the war on russia signed a little skein or shit, though, stuck in the pitch and the lights. and how could i ask him, do that or gave him another? so though i know for
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a minute i words and to give up loving and prost of adults on the so let's, let's pushing associated those new windows here and yet still most of the 12 more. let's see what those are states picking glove and mclaughlin west station able to get the results on both sides publish. historians now often presents a world war. one is the fratricidal politician polish war. but now it is widely believed that only those suits and his legions default on foster language side. defendant opponents, independence. however, poland, profess to ignore the atrocities committed by bill. so excuse troops and alicia discussing water and them together the sea. and we're seeing the ends in 1914 is tim though, in new york because of the role playing by austria, hungary and poland in decimating the get easy, and we're seeing the unorthodox population i need to leave the ship
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any wherever you need for it. sure. sure. what is it? all right, outside of class we is writing search, skipped of concentration coming across in australia was built in 1914 specifically for russians. certainly were good at issue. so the answer, my book, the page here was pushed, narrow, became the destination, the see any of the skill, easy, understandable? convenience times antonio villages were arrested. the window barracks and people were kept in the open in the cold and rain for the home. people died. they were being tortured and murdered, and one concentration camp wasn't enough. another a bad and also bohemia, the reason of the mobile phone of the 10s of thousands of russians being tortured hang,
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don't show the austro hungarian empire. com. they wrote the arrested russians with guilty, that they would have changed to prevent them from becoming guilty. decree of denounced emperor of austria, hungary, charles the 1st the phone didn't really seem to so skews legions were complicit in the extermination of resilience as brandon. more than once, the main genocide perpetrator was the australian dollar in the same sort of law. the russian army advanced almost as far as chronicles. but then all strove german forces, went on the offensive bills to excuse legions, went into russian po on the,
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on the bill. so let's go look at the douglas lee and i should've told you, of course, can you send me a, she's great beauty state you live, continue the, there's lots and that's not saying it says that on the policy, but somebody, she's, she's getting paid a deal is getting you out of a style of the who's, i mean it's cool with 3 as soon as the miscellaneous i'm going to show up was kids . oh boy shouldn't be chose to rush in fargo skin. lenny, we're just sort of symmetry. elaine is about to not be interesting in history in front of one of caldwell and one of them and its consequences for solving staples the i, if i did, there's a line, you know, the bunch of the guilt defaults go if it goes clickable, i go on them does it shut off? i need to impose over to this side via the ring. the bell in announced the establishment different queens on independence thanked instead of the king colon, but didn't want to give them that bonus to advertise essentially,
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think times of the kingdom of poland into a cohen and then them started pelting the population. the number was, the toilet is a, it was the news. people go explore, thoughts who design it, the city stories, as the war approach to tipping points. russian forces were strong, gary, and entertain several victories over the tongues. the germany and russia wall retails at down and bloody battles. russia's allies, england, and france comfortably put their economies on a war fitting and prepared to come up, not just germany, but also russian territories to which the conditions were already in place. the better way of getting sick soon, but i was done schooling at the mill, which is thrash the especially impeding luxury is that if you have the bullets as
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most as lovely you subscribe was to 1917 the, the overthrow of nicholas the 2nd and the provisional government taking pallet proof disastrous from the battle from 1 march, the 2nd 1918. the bolsheviks who had 6 pallet were forced to sign the president of the russians. participation came to an end to give we run this through unless the town that i've seen you, fortunately, mutual, but you do have the courage that you'd have to deal with and has the rights to be completely independent in states and international matters and appeal to the opponents people petra grants, so the of walk us and so just deputies stolen was now free. get my bill. so let's get reverse the situation. rushes decision forced him to
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abandon his loyalty to germany, does legions with disbanded and pete was arrested. ultimately the arrests of tim, well, according to him, in the eyes of poles who fought germany and austria hungary on russia's side, he made a trial for time to also. and on november, the 11th 1918 on the day will want to ended. he was proclaimed, and just a pony or states germany was unwilling to see each territory component. and the bonus gentleman bowed. a question was sent to the suitcase fletchley rejected the eastern board to promote his mind, which is foreign secretary and no one cousin worship pages. it cheers me, me excuse me. it's yours. for those caves you need no further. can you put in an order said his quarters to if it is not extensively tool funded,
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push it. that is $320.00. and the problem is there is no spelling of the code that brochures to district prosperity. according to the cousin line approved by all major states, poland incorporated territories with a predominantly pony population, great of poland indecent on the radio. the desk was given free city status on the league of nations or besides the full script goes through the new gus function and we're going to use go to do a portion of those tutoring. your smiles. come with steering fluid shakespeare to your printer located in the local. i hope it's almost a bill. so let's go with doesn't use a junior putting a toyota cited school cuz she didn't sit there stealing and was in the mid soon granted that our family and those are and were folks of the
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in february 2022 ukraine, the game, the world's number one new story for ukraine, new brand, new credit, a brand new crane question. truth invaded ukraine. name one perspective, ukraine suffering from russian regression. replacing the main stream media and the nightly news, reciting, clean developed scripts that essentially say exactly the same thing using the buzz words of this as a threat to our democracy. when you see 10 different channels exactly that sentence, you know that it's the central intelligence agency script. the role of p r firms, the ukraine throughout europe and into united states really can be overstated. it's quite different than it wasn't previous decades where there used to be more of a culver role of propaganda, government propaganda operations. now, this is just celebrated as p r in helping ukraine and helping get their message out
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. if that's the case, who's pulling the strings and who is profiting the . the visuals are these 1st was to pass along with russia to seize all ukrainian undeveloped russian lands. in january 1919, poland waged war on the southern states particularly here's rebecca, this that are for commercial in your work say it's good or secret daughter. so sions for quite a bit of all of these issues. when i come come moscow, i will have it written on the kremlin walls that it is forbidden to speak russian. joseph toners marshal from the memo. so this left maintenance, the toners administer incentive,
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marshall. the cost entities began with the captured resilience, the pennsylvania opponents forces in 2 minutes after teaming up with toyota, subterranean detachment, joseph came out on the seas can put you on these fast traveling. we all mean was pulled from the caucuses and the rid of them and launched and offensive the with regard to go, scale is the only falls capable of resisting moscow. so unprecedented amounts of a funnels to poland. problems gave those in 1494 kennedy, 2800 machine guns. 385 sales rifles. 700 aircraft, 200 and vehicles. 576000000 rounds of ammunition. 10000000 shells. 3000000 uniforms. the 4000000 pass
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along the loops, medical supplies and communications equipment, the united states, st. colins, half mileage. so you wouldn't need to push it down in store. the case of we'd sierra of javascript value would suggest us cuz i know a look somebody on a slide that i see here today. it was more list blocks instead of an se, uh, not to the 3rd. i see of the bought c e as most of positive 3, but as junior i see you to the authority. however, the pony show me, it was an a predicament to magic on catastrophic. it was about to surrender when it's phone tunes suddenly changed. in poland, the unexpected victory became known as well. oh, cool. cut a come and you'd have crossed the army category and it will spell it. wouldn't it be boy sits quoted that they had to do on the law. not too much because you have
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school russia with, with the invaders. well, i'm trying to deal with one time devastation of the 400 sales instead of your troops. 300 salesman percent. to find the wind telling me that invaders only 100000 . we deployed against finland, custodian miscellaneous colon on march 18th. 1921 and rico stolen and russia signed a treaty on extremely disadvantages tops of musk stone and proceed to the box of western ukraine. and western russia belongs to the russian empire colon done to attempt to drop the mode totally. and that condition was going so felt the need to get things up and little cry. and then put kind of part squared, which is actually out of order, which will be g o n g. and then it's got bill thoughts. gabriel, a cheat dumbly by the g v. i'm agree, ha c a i don't mind me. daniel quinton, at
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a desk. you within the past why, you know, go, i'm could do it. it's sort of why they had to shift lazy. i'm an interest in news or cut the more because i was promised, loving their cars. i just, i be of the you or from the pretty mean you years live you. regarding the, the, the thing you were originally spoke with angelie screws a little bit considering beloved in the rush, opponents was about 70000 killed on both sides according to confidential reports by the published general styles department 3, nearly 207000 rid of the soldiers were taken prisoner, but at least 65000 russia. the rest went tortured and killed in concentration camps . some of that size shape were no flores. so you've got to me in the top where there's the new models, was a media post to,
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to the high to the new presto made high land by disney is, and they're designing that video, whoever's doing it is just there was at the, at this book, this is spoken in the media at the crystal glen, you're going to have thought of him or her doctor. i don't, denies at all religion, typhus feet and on the wall conditions. but they're all witness testimonies. the terrible things i have seen in my life. professor metz league of nations visited the building, his counselor, read all me prisoners in front of each of the focused. i'm pretty sure it is a suite is a store and there's a force give me a list of of course can discuss anything that has been cancelled or pretty well where to where to where did you go for it if you ever did or of course, let me just figured it would've personally, jim, cuz it's close to me. you know,
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there were one of them where disney me, of course, now some me, there's a searching for something for the kids. this, for, if it is not as long as you know, it's still a new brokerage. so it would be someone who has behavior differently on punish land . the impeccable that the soviet troops in comparison with the violence into unnecessary robbery, while unit to significantly undermine trust in the pony shall, 30th september, 19th, 1920. expose the total number 6 most old military district, 2nd development, the 1926 colon this present like you could know, making the political crises joso its key launches include a ton of sense of the autocratic regime with the apparent president using not see
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much this game but the real head of states is closer to keep themselves cool. pretty media near, but it be all sorts come. so be a square. i see is a set of issue in your book the door. so the bush, i wonder what's out there, go to being able to to ring, and then the police are to go to where they are just when you press thing and it continues to soon as you, when you're thinking suddenly your project when cool was started or smell as your list. no, i'm not going to just come over here at the blue. i just my last couple of jo studying here. however, the bolsheviks family help made good economic progress with the countries ministry potential. this makes western countries, etc. and 1971. to you as our end component, sign of friendship and crates. funded by and on aggression packed in 1972, the
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1973. the the nazis come to battle are in germany. the pacific union by hand with rise to our office also. and on team nazi agreements for this turn down the bonus for administer. joseph beck, penfield slootsky. out into to the fence book pretty long go get sort of for you for getting through. i knew ok. and if through type people, they will show somebody to tell me why knowing this portion you and was listening. yeah, correct. that was, it's, and you know, as the back of products i guess course i use a joseph mag is also
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a ramp and mtc might be or if i should discriminate to at those schools. but usually it isn't when you're in a contract in the community really screw up personally interested in hearing immunity. and me a favor to ask. nick, my personal name is judge davids camry left voice january 26th. 1974. germany signed the pill, slootsky, federal impact, a 10 year non aggression declaration, colon didn't as a close alliance with a country that didn't hire it's aggressive plans to russia. when we speak of new territory and new or up today, we must principally think of russia that colossal empire is right. so there's an issue. but ultimately, mine comes right to the story and john list and film
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director, peter cruz, nick noticed the world's pretty was situation. well, hitler makes clear in mind comes in 1925, that the real goal is to take over ukraine. and so, and so the union paint talks about the bins around and what he's talking about is basically taking it that's going to it is against the soviet union that was always have those rail gall. i live your opinions, understood that the dismemberment of russia original foundation of poland, eastern policy. the main objective is to weaken and crush russia from a total of general stuff. intelligence development tripled the faithful year of 1958. the hunch lives the season czechoslovakia rented a petition between germany, poland,
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and hungary. the czechoslovakia was sold down by us allies. 3 fronts for peace with colon doesn't. hunger he takes about in czechoslovakia, has petition the filled with a gr, you devalue not dropped out in the robbery and destruction. if the check is low of x data. winston churchill, when was the 2nd world war to various fitness, please? oh, good idea. what does that process to explore? what you've told me, just put you on the bus. he'll get saying his gift. uh was cheerful, like, you know for sure i've got it all this bubble sheets you westcott you this way. you security towards the cost of research here on the history of intelligence and authors, books on world war 2, analyzes the alignment of political forces before the world again for sure. i've got it all this gonna push it to a westcott chase where you jim, summer, washington pins actually was gilbert school say years like i've done this and we're
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just, i'm a bullshit or as zillow kind of that bullet talking so low. it could different school just have territorial claims on lisel laney around. so if you go to crane, they dream of companies like over here to stay in balance. how, but for some reason the colon does not pre while you are at this a menagerie of cynical and relentless predators just as it is today, the seeing the danger and what was happening in march 1959. so if you union invites wisdom countries to form an empty finishes block. so we have been trying to rally route the popular front terry of this i was in trying to rally the west just to make a stand with them against fascism. they opposed new deck. they oppose the allowing
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hitler into checkers lavaca, but nobody would do that. so wasn't just and 1939. and this will be as well proposed in alliance, but britain and france against hitler, and have been actually throughout the late last half of the 1930 is that the soviets were pushing for that. had that happened because of stop hitler, the cutter preventive world war 2, because hitler was weak and knew he was weak. and he was bluffing. and assuming that the west was not gonna stand up to him at the west was hoping and many ro elements in the west. we're hoping that he was just going to go east. and so in the thirty's, the soviets are the ones who are most strongly opposed to the nazis gambles and gathering a welcomed on a grand scale. the fastest at least permits to support poles in the struggle against the. so it's not just a bulky,
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it is that's dangerous. the rush of itself, and in that sense, the interest of poland and germany come upside having, gathering and conversation with polish motional rich. this makes the least return to the russian states. never as tight as on the phone in the most sense. community best ingles, all sense and up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rushes to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services to the question,
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the we are in the center of good rock about the city. surprisingly, is almost entirely, in fact, the spots about who the wage for a month to the are to use the foss international news networks to exclusively report from the recently liberated logistics hub. the end of the net to pop up and i'll for years of a, went in censorship and that's fine on top of america. beyond box zuka bug pays that had all the incoming us administration flips his policies and slides to blame biden
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