tv News RT January 12, 2025 6:00am-6:31am EST
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countries the, the we are in the center of good rock. this easy, surprisingly, ease over to charlie. in fact, the sparse a back to the wage for a month p a r t becomes the 1st international news network to report from i don't, that's for public logistics hub that's been taken by a question for the american dream burns in los angeles telling at least 16 people and destroying more than 12000 building. well, president biden defends, california is governor over the fierce public backlash. i ask you, we got to deal with this misinformation. i think you're getting a bad rap. i know you're getting a bad rap about these far in
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town. so robinson saxony has placed pushed back the liberal protesters who tried to disrupt an alternative for germany, party congress, the head of next month election, the live in moscow. you're watching the weekly on our t international. i'm rachel ruble, with a look at the top news stories from around the world. and the week gone by. when normality is gradually returning to a don best city that's been taken by russian troops. moscow says zekia of lost more than 15000 soldiers in the battle for carrasco by russian forces have now gained full control of the strategically important logistics hub. r t 's broad does, do you have is the 1st international news correspondent to exclusively report from the area as we are in the center of good rock about this easy,
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surprisingly ease. well, it's entirely, in fact, the spots a back to the wage for a month here with, with the 1st press, the managed to ends up quarter, i'll cover the most dangerous pause, ease the drive to the city, across plains and, and fields. but the weather was all friend today. it was very foggy, almost new drones. the other remarkable thing about the quarter, aka, is that a pre will population of $18000.00. almost almost 4000 people choose to remain in the city and the waste russian forces hiding in basements, high digging in the apartments. and they were very fortunate. they were very fortunate that you credit defends, as he has crumbled, the russian soldiers that we have spoken to save the city was completely unprepared
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for an in depth defense. the defensive positions that ukrainian military, it seems, he's suffering from, appreciate the fight that they have pulled up here. is of the fight that they would have put up previously the parts of the soul in the body. but in bulk, most embodied in sort of dog. many other cities that are being left devastated. these people, he of the thousands, the roommates we spoke and the cost of the data. many of them may have described as i read this things they have said how they were abused, how ukrainian soldiers mud that civilians here who they accuse of being phrases will staying to wait for russians for trying to re unite with the with russia they, they said many of the, the faces of the people here,
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of the towns people, the be is up to them. they would have killed the more we will bring you, of course, the, the testament later as we leave the city. but as you can see, it is incredibly called, despite the fact that we have gone kilometers away from you, crazy and positions. they are still on the retreat and with the capture of good rock about which you create in force as described as a fortress city, which they poured huge sums of money into the defense offered money that was apparently stolen this but promising to defend this loss. they gave it up and this opens an operational space for russia to advance further. there's nothing similar to cut off of a fuss, many and many kilometers westwood towards the door. the don't towards the appropriate. they're all regions. the battle for cut off is over.
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the unprecedented wild fires are spreading further in southern california after destroying within 12000 buildings and leaving at least 16 people that you have some emergency services say they've only managed to contain just over 10 percent of the fires. so far. the play in los angeles, several districts have been completely evacuated. local authorities imposed curfews, unaffected areas, and national guard troops happened, deployed to help maintain order, canada, mexico,
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and south africa have sent firefighters to assist. now the pacific palisades neighborhood home to many, hollywood stars, has been ravaged, causing tens of billions of dollars worth of property damage. california authorities are facing heavy criticism for failing to repair of the fires, despite knowing they were expected. while the media has been shutting light, what exactly went wrong in the golden state? now turns out that a mass of water reservoir, near the scorching palisades area, was cut out of service and completely empty when the blaze truck. well then, in the middle of firefighting efforts, hydrants quickly went dry as emergency water. stocks were emptied and well ahead of the disaster. the l. a fire department, prioritized diversity, hires well, cutting emergency training due to being under funded. but even despite all those facts, california is democratic, governor has claimed she's the target of a smear campaign as a brief outgoing president biden. i ask you,
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we got to deal with this misinformation. no hurricane force winds of miss and this information lies. people on it, divide this country and then we'll have to address that as well. i think you getting a bad rap. i know you get a bad rap about these fire. i don't have enough water in them. give me a break, which is all about is the utilities understand that they did is a cut all power because they're worried about the high tension winds coming down and causing more fire. right? when they do that, guess what? it shut off the power of the controls, the ability to function water. and so now for given generators, i mean, this is complicated stuff. we're going to have a lot of democrats out there trying to take advantage of. you're doing the right one of washington's global arrivals has offered an unexpected helping hand. a ron's
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national governments, along with the red crescent, humanitarian society have said they are ready to send emergency workers to the us just a lot. but as you are, you still need the iranian red crescent society based on its inherent moral religious islamic duties, as well as adherence to the principles of the international red cross, and red crescent movement announces its readiness to deploy as rapid response and firefighting teams, which a highly professional and specialized to help the people of the united states. if the american red cross agrees, we can dispatch our forces so that the news of the fire in the us is painful. we are witnessing the people over there are in during difficult conditions. and the fire has not been completely extinguished. it seems that it needs support from other countries. we sympathize with you the people of california who have been displaced from your homes and safe environments. we empathize with you whose homes and possessions have been burnt and destroyed. we stand with you who have endured
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this devastating wildfire caused by climate change. we also remember the sorrow of thousands who have been displaced and mourned due to the selfishness and war mongering of others. as the iranian red crescent society has announced, we are ready to dispatch rapid response teams to help extinguish the fires. we spoke to jack rasmus, a professor of economics and politics at st. mary's college in california. he says the crisis has been caused by a mix of incompetence, twisted priorities and padlock. the fires are terrible. it's really devastating over 10000 homes and businesses have been destroyed. many of them uh, had been denied insurance by the insurance companies out here. we have that crisis and insurance coverage, so a lot of those people won't to, won't receive any compensation unless the government does something to directly compensate them. you know, it's very interesting that the buyers, mazili is office, can find $20000000000.00 to get to ukraine. uh, but uh,
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no money for our own citizens. interesting that the chase bank is estimating the property damage is 20000000000. so you know, why not take that 20000000 or is it gonna get to your credit and give it to americans to meet at many of them who don't have any insurance coverage anymore? as far as the incompetence, there is some evidence that there is some local government incompetence. you know, they cut the budget of the firefighters, the mirror of the newly elected, the career politician, medicare and bass. a takes off right off like on a junket. you know why she was being warned that we got these a big center. i don't know what is coming. you know that below 50 to 80 miles an hour and when a below the, there's no way you can contain it until it stops. or we have a convergence of, of problems here, both in terms of local government and water systems and water supplies, and bad decisions that have been made for government has to step in and do
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something. and you know, i really urge somebody that we throw all this money off shore to all these the neil con moore's proxy wars and everything. and we can't find it enough for our own people here in america. you know, it reminds me of what happened to the citizens in hawaii, where now they got burned out and, and bite and guessing the $700.00 check. you know, i mean, it's almost insulting. and it's about time that we got our priority straightened out in california. and in the country as well or well, he survived the string of political scandals during his 9 years as canadian prime minister. but just to intrude o has finally caved in the pressure to step down ahead of an election that he was widely expected to lose. i intend to resign as party leader as prime minister after the party selects it's next leader to
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a robust nationwide competitive process. last night i asked the president of the liberal party to begin that process. this country deserves a real choice in the next election. and it is become clear to me that if i am having to fight internal battles, i cannot be the best option in that election. it was expected that several and he's were going to ask him to step down anyway. so to those basically getting out ahead of this before he's shoved, were sent for walk the plank by his own party. you can say, because ultimately he is way down in the polls. he's about 20 points back from the conservative opponent plug of law. and it's an election was to be held today. he was the liberal party would be absolutely designated. so what to do has done with this move is he is per wrote parliament until march 24th. what that means is that, that gives about 3 months worth of time for to go and the liberals to hold
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a leadership review and select a new leader or whoever that might be a one thing that i think play a role in all of this is the fact that donald trump is coming into office in just a few days and the deputy prime minister under justin to go. because jeffrey lens resigned just before christmas, basically saying to, to don't like, we have different priorities with respect to how to handle this new incoming in an administration on the us side. and we just don't agree on anything when he got up to speed in front of reporters. he, the 1st things he said worth things like, well, you know, i'm really proud of the priorities that i took care of while in office. things like ukraine, which canadians at this point, you know, they have better things to think about climate change. again, that doesn't really show that he's aligned with the priorities of,
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of the western people in this day and age. even in here in europe for apartment changes generally are really big deal. it's really not that big of a deal right now. and people can't pay the energy bills. so canadians are facing the same types of concerns. the carbon tax, things that he's, he's champion, the ultimately hit them in the pocket book. but so his agenda and payment service to this vote agenda that he's always promoted. so he mentioned you've heard, he mentioned that he mentioned truth and reconciliation. so in other words, anything to do with race and divisions. and he's basically playing into that again and using that as a touch stone is something he's improved on and have again, things that canadians have better things to think about. there just so many other issues that are really heating. he may be as hard before he get way down the list to clapping for nazis, and we're in blackface in old photos. the agenda. the justin to go opens with today during this press conference just to show how i've been touched. he totally is with
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canadians, who again are starting to see their interest more aligned with the interest of the average european or the average american who voted for trump. and that's why we're starting to see these leaders fall one by one. if they're not residing, they're trying to find a way to just hang in there by, you know, by the end of the teeth, which address imminent departure has been welcome to by donald trump. the incoming president has been calling the canadian premier, a governor, while suggesting the neighboring country should become part of the us. many people in canada love being the 51st state. just introducing new this and resigned together what a great nation it would be. it is in fact a needle and it sort of trump is good at it while the people like it or not reminding canada. so who's in charge when it comes to tariff negotiations, when it comes to, you know, the political discourse,
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who's in charge and who is negotiating from a position of weakness and that is kind of like it or not. so it's not a serious proposal. it's never going to happen then. it's not even something that america would want to happen. but it is reminding canada as to their position at the bargaining table. and it's a reminder that trump is in charge. america pretty much, you know, calls the shots whether canada likes it or not, and they should negotiate accordingly. i just want to add play again what he said because i think it was, it was one of the, the focal point solvers. premiership at the vaccine truckers when they rolled into also what this is, what the premier have to say at a thought time. freedom of expression assembly and association are cornerstones of democracy, but not the symbolism racist, imagery and desecration of war memorials are not. it is an insult to memory and truth. he mentioned several things there including nazi symbolism
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interesting. how the following year, mr. crudo himself, opponent and not c. s. s. veteran in the canadian at parliament. will he were dressed up? does he have the, the, the inside the self reflection to do so? the short answer is no, he's a narcissist p o s the on the highest order, if he can do no wrong in his own mind, everything he said in that and that clipped izzy. god, for sake and a lot, no one desecrated the woman more. that's what i brought me down there to documented real time when i was life through on the streets. no one desecrated the war memorials, no one desecrated the terry fox memorial next. and there was no racism whatsoever. nobody was stealing food from the homeless shelter. that was not anything related to the truckers, but he's got his state funded media that ran those lives. they were all confirmed the bunk life excuse a lawyer in the highest order. she couldn't leave office fast it up. my only concern at all this is it's too little too late, but better late than never, that this guy gets his disgusting being out of the canadian government. the only question is going to be who's going to replace them and if it's krista freeland,
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is it going to be even worse than justin? true to the chaos. the crowds and pepper spray the eastern germantown of breeza had at all on saturday. that's as liberal protesters hit the streets to disrupt a conference of the right wing alternative for germany party. the the, the demonstration delay the f. these key congress by an hour as delegates struggled to reach the venue. thousands of people reported late joined to the protest and 6 emergency service workers were injured and the chaos they of the party lead or criticize the quote and self proclaimed the defenders of democracy, accusing them of intolerance, but noted they failed to prevent her nomination for chancellor poles now show the a if the in 2nd place, the head of february is election following the collapse of incumbent. chancellor schultz is coalition governments as classes, abrupt it outside the
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a if the candidate for national chance, we gave a speech that was welcomed with loud applause. alice vidal promised to revive energy links with russia by restoring a cripple, the gas pipeline system. if for party comes to power van, we will put nord stream back into operation. and you can count on that. we have already drafted many of the necessary laws and introduce them in parliament. all other factions have rejected them. i can tell you that when we are at the home, we will tear down all those wind turbines. those windmills of shame. while the gas pipelines from russia to germany were bombed in september 2022, some western powers have blamed a group of ro give premiums by the american journalist. seymour hersh has planed the us sabotaged the pipelines. all right, let's cross now live to stefan. quite her alternative for germany party member of the federal parliament,
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stuff on good to have you on the program with us. i'd like to hear your perspective 1st off on the key points that are emerging from the a if the congress you hello. yes, good morning. and so i'm calling from resolved lifted toner, the eastern part of germany, where we hold all apart team meeting. we have chosen a candidate for chancellor in germany for the election slip and just talking like some next month. it's alex vital with all the voices. so it was very successful that it shows how appropriate for the election and its re migration if the people not integrated. and so there's no reason to athens in germany to send them back. we are open to energy supply and we want to reopen of this as well to mr. slide also said we want to reopen the north street pipelines and we want to step back to rescue oil. i guess the sanctions are a big problem for us, for our economy, and also for the good relationship, sofa restaurant germany. and we have to revise this. but could let me talk
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something or tell you something about a party meeting here that was a strong demonstrations again. so upon to see it in the streets, we saw several more than $212000.00 people demonstrate to me again say your fee level, i mean fall in member to $50.00 people spreading cables. and that was a lot of police. what couple of 1000 policemen in the city, but they were not really helping us. the scrubbing i was suppose to meet police outside re so uh yesterday morning so we had to wait and the copy of the office will be extreme. that's been pretty stroke for some rolling reason. the area for 2 and a half hours before we reached the convention hall. so this is a politically motivated, 10 of the tracy democrats. so the, the, the government c and the state all for 6. so we are also fighting and you'll be in this way, but this will just be a struggle for,
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for some more months or years. and then a fee will be over. a stefan missed by bill is your parties. first, every candidate for the german chancellor shipped uh, what can you tell us about her as a potential national leader? well she's uh the approximately, the for a couple of years now and also the lead off the, the group and one of the stuff we have 78 cheese in the state. probably a bunch. so she's leaving this and i'm the vice spokesman of this group. so i'm working together with her for, for quite a while now. so she's a good leader and she so bright woman, to lead us into this of the election campaign to select your any so well, she's so female. she's less pm. so she stands for conservative values, and this is something of the mainstream media doesn't cope with a there's no media points to get ahold of her and i think she will be very
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successful and to see people stream our applause convention here. the christian democrats have the really, as well to this weekend. the address 1200 people watching mr. moore. it's the candidate, chancellor, for patricia democrats and more than 1200000 people watching all parts. you need to just split a and even the richest men of the world, the own all x. this that you must stream this from pension and it's very successful for us. then when you're looking at the full costs, we adjust that 22 percent and i think they're still or 10. so stepping over 25 percent c and w. so every 4th voltage, germany will come the next over for a to for them. as you mentioned um, as defined this by the had said that she wants to restore the north stream of gas lines from russia to germany. but 3 of the 4 pipes were destroyed by explosives.
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how would that be possible to restore the gas? so everything is possible. if that's a political real, we see that there's no political riddle right now. they talk to, you already have it. we'll just talk well the driving seeds of the poly event on of the government still wants to get rid of this pro. probably, you know, they are not working on finding out who's responsible for this. they're not work. you want restoring the pipelines that you can put in the sanctions into function and we want to rewind ms. we want to reset the pipelines. we want to have a super relationship with the rest of them. want to have a cheap and reliable energy supply. so in i think it was 202-2021. i seem to be a model islands of uh, of russia and i met the people are producing the guests there. so what we have cheap gas for you for more than 300 years. we're drinking together and celebrating together. there was
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a good relationship between us and we want to come back to this good relationship by the russian. jessica, and this is what our chance lo, candidate business might have told us. let's repair the pipeline. let's buy the gas again. let's go to the good relationships from the pos on a new level to get it in terms of who's responsible for the sabotage of the north stream. berlin says it's investigating a group of ukrainians, but earlier america, american journalist seymour hersh claimed that it was the u. s, behind its uh, what are your thoughts uh, who do you think is really to blame here? um, well, uh you have to have a look who's, who's a fortune on this subject tops. and it would be the us but they also some of our candidates. so we have to investigate this, but the judge governments has no interest in doing so. so when we get into the driving seat in germany, vba investigate and we were punished for watts who are responsible for those who and who actually loses and benefits the most from the shut down of north stream. as
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well as us, we are buying uh, energy from uh, from sofa from the states like saudi arabia wade. and so it's built by us company using the us of selling the pricing gets to us for much more. a higher price is that we bought the russian guess. so they like 14 of these. and it also has to do political, a picture of the us. it supports the ukraine in the struggle against the russia. so staples ref interest, beacon ross, so on. so that multiple for financial supplies. so this is probably the on see already see last b. so we have 232 rewinds this us. but we talked about your party wanting to have good relations with russia. what, what can you tell us about the if these perspective on the ukraine conflicts and germany's military support for gab overall? well, it's a very short answer to this question. it's, this is not,
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i don't know what this model on think we should step out of this. we should stop debris, all for weapons. we should stop by then showed supply, business mode or conflicts. we should stay out of this. if you ask me, i understand the rest of the perspective very well. so if we, if you would, station weapons in cuba, the us, whatever big problem they don't want to have a potential threats and the gardens at all. and this is good for, i don't think that might to stages, but it's also good. right. all right, so not to have for 10. so threats they had gotten like you create your party is currently pulling out a reported 20 percent, which is well behind the christian democratic union which has over 30 percent support. how do you plan to close that gap ahead of the elections next month? why we don't have to do much a so the media in japanese already doing our job. they're not reporting about us.
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of them are telling about us. uh they are framing off of the laptops and drums. yeah. not that's to face. they realize what's happening here. um, so this brings us to, to us, they identify with all positions. it's a common sense, it's appropriate. it's all, it takes of common sense. and so they don't want to, to change to let's electric to be utils. they don't want to stop by rushing guess. they don't want to 40 people to choose the sex every year. you know, they want 3 additional family values. and so this is the politics of common sense, this sort of thing. so i'll touch it for germany. this will make us a more. busy successful in gym, the other german parties have ruled out forming a coalition with the a f the after the elections. what could your party potentially do in the situation of a political deadlock? okay, right. they pulled up the soap codes, tie a wall against any of these. i say,
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well, we just want to make coalitions without alternative for germany, but it's up to the laptop to choose about this. so the strongest parties spill with joint lessons, and that will not keep us a order for business for ever. so why did they form a coalition next month without a problem for germany? they have to continue the style of politics. so this is not very successful to jump even so that we lose more and more vote just in the next few years, at least at 4 years time. it's time for you to be taking over power as strong as power, joe. but we'll see what happens. it depends on the results. that's the electrons we on a very good way right now. and so, well, we will start these problems, but basically say something to the regarding the fire war. yeah. and the other side of the fire was the other parking. so one, our side of the firewall we have support on the most important most our fleet
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management was the next president of the united states. mr. trump and the richest man of the world. mr. m. awesome. so the, so you need to get, all right, we're going to leave with us to find quite her alternative for germany, party and member of the federal parliament. thank you. all right, and you stay with us here on our to international. i'll be back with much more in about half an hour in the meantime. be sure to visit our website, r t dot com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the .
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