tv News RT January 12, 2025 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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the the headline stories this hours kovak, the awards, it will cause a to ukraine. a lot of years and landscape doesn't present in the transfer are rushing gas changer up. also coming off preparations for the meeting between the u . s. president elect a lot of them are put in are under way. it's according to trump's team with a supplement of the training conflicts that to top the agenda on south africa's ruling parts and you would shape the country's fight for independence, celebrates its th anniversary. we hear from some a and the see leaders about what per tore as priorities are. for 2025, the
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pro must go to the world. welcome to the news drop of the week that was on right up to the moment developments as well. poland has refused to allow a slovak delegation to fly through. it's our space on route to russia. the parliamentarians have already landed in moscow for energy supplied talks. brought this lava earlier, threatened this function, key of over plumbing mirrors. lensky is decisions, the cup, the flow, russian gas to europe via ukraine. chances of a meat now looks then a lot of people out see it in a situation where the ukranian government, the ukranian president decided to cut off our gas supply clean and refuses to transit it to slovakia. mean that's fundamentally threatening really the energy security of slovakia and in a situation where the ukranian parliament passed as a law that is supposed to prohibit the transport of the oil as well as keep the to slovakia, let's say we have valid contracts. so under such circumstances,
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my trip to ukraine is out of the question at the moment, and we'll see if i have to go there just to take a picture. and they tell me that not a drop of oil or a cubic meter of gas is going to go to slovakia. oh, i really don't need to go there for you. any clock it'll be, what's the fact these prime minister has joined the country's president in slamming vladimir zalinski. here's the latest comments from robert fitz. so as god knows what you're going to do, cranium, president continues to damage just like this. if the courtney president continues to damage the entire european union like this, the slovak republic will show that it is a sovereign country at this moment, zalinski deliberately damages the slovak republic and the european union. so what can we do? first, we can stop all humanitarian aid, even what was recently approved by the government of the slovak republic. the 2nd possibility is that the government of the slovak republic is determined to significantly reduce or even completely remove various social benefits that have
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been given to you. credit and citizens who came to the slovak republic since the start of the military conflict. well ukraine and brussels concluded to basically screw over e u countries. lights of out here that were still dependent on russian pipeline, vast trends that through ukraine and how they do that well by turning off the top about 10 days ago, meaning a loss of about 515000000 annually. first, with ikea and the potential here to another $1000000000.00 from having to pay more for gas uh, from other sources and well brussels tosses. cash it keeps like it's wrapped around a stripper tool. actually you members state schools, actually i can't seem to get any love at home so so the prime minister, robert tito says that he's just going to march right on over to the you in front of the energy commissioner and basically say it's a, it's key for us by the make a choice, not that he wants to create drama, he says he isn't quote,
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interested in escalating tensions, but it's the problem isn't solved. so lock you will have to take put hard reciprocal measures shortly. he says, but brussel says that it doesn't see a problem here that they've been quote, working with member states and with ukraine to prepare in advance for this scenario . which scenario exactly the one where the gas prices go up and blow a massive hole in the budget of you have another. busy you country the says that the gas coordination groups not last week, which is, i guess, another merry band, it's dest jockeys. and, well, they don't see any security or supply issues for the, you at all. just uh you know, the industrialization of germany and skyrocketing debt and installation in france and the establishment regime changing itself right out of power across the u because national economies suck now. and now, so that, yeah,
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it's sounding the alarm. but other than that, no, no problem at all because the uses are there haven't been any price increases since the new year as a result of this latest active economic suicide. and well, that's because the market is already hedge their bets that'd be, you would in fact do something really stupid to itself again. and that's already factored in this latest se, into their projections before the new year pizza had warned in his new year's address the trying to stick it to put in by going further into the whole, paying more for gas having to subsidize ukraine even more because it also cut off its own russian gas transit income and dealing with rising gas prices across the bloss. um, well wasn't what winning was supposed to look like for the you, hunger, you can get russian gas or turkey at least. but it still recognizes how ukraine has basically screwed everyone over across the block. the development that led to the
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latest price increases was ukraine's cessation of the transfer of russian natural gas on its territory to central europe. since the end of the ukrainian transit route in mid december, the price of natural gas on the european market has increased by 20 percent. now hunger is energy supply secure, but ukraine's decision to stop transit shipments will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for central europe and the european union as a whole. oh yeah, and the problem isn't just installed actually right now. there's also involved over which was getting russian gas pipe through ukraine and into the pro russian enclave of transmission area. but then just decided to stop paying for it, wrapped up a $700000000.00 debt in the process, and then use the boat solving that problem by claiming that they just own the russian gas from majority own gas company that was delivered yet. i think i'll try that with my own gas company after racking up some bills and just see how that goes
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. like, what are they going to do? cut you off. usually you move, you see it for many years. russia supplied natural gas. thanks to which in fact trans and history a survived ship now due to the decisions made by ukraine and the mode open authorities, trends in history a has lost that possibility. well yeah, yes, to kind of figure that that's how this stopped like that would have turned out, but hey, nothing to see here. all is going great in the you. they say these good, good. i'm good you. it's hard to get by with the electricity and gas shortages. the gas is running out and the electrical blackouts, for example, today from 8 am to noon, and then from $6.00 to 8 pm. so for a total of 8 hours, we didn't have electricity. the through c is for the most of us. there are difficulties because i used to wear a t shirt at home. but now i have to be fully dressed. it is become more difficult to live with simply doesn't look like the shoe store. we're all tied to electricity, mobile phones, all devices run on electricity. and naturally,
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these rolling blackouts are a surprise for some of those who have generators can cope. but those who do not have generators are forced to rebuild their lives to the new so called realities might often break out the turtle next and have the sweaters across to you again. because winter gas storage is way down this year compared to the same time loss here as 69 percent capacity down from 84 percent right across the europe. same in the you k where it's 26 percent lower, but no, nothing really to worry about. everything's under control, you just have an e u member states. slovakia downsize that they're going to take drastic measures targeting what it considers to be inactive economic warfare against it by ukraine and the blocks chief diplomat. tie a callous to say that she's totally sure that o e u. countries are ready to continue to support ukraine to the point that the you will take over your cranes bills to the us under trump kicks zelinski out of the
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basement and off their wallet. speaking like someone who clearly doesn't have to worry about being elected to the job by popular vote, looks like the clowns in charge in brussels. are intent on doing a high flying truck piece out here without a safety net. the us is preparing for a meeting between donald trump vladimir putin. that's according to the farmers national security advisor, designated mike walls, who also stressed that a telephone call between the leaders may help and this month. well, we have a set the exact framework for it. yeah, we're working on that, but i do, you know, expect a call for uh, at least uh, in, in the coming days and weeks so that, that would be a step. we and, and we'll take it from there. everybody knows that this has to, in somehow diplomatically, i just don't think it's realistic to say we're going to expel every russian from
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every entry of ukrainian soil even cried me a president, trump has acknowledged that reality. and i think it's been a huge step forward that the entire world is acknowledging that reality. the question of talks between the 2 leaders was raised by the us president elect this week. the kremlin welcome to move nothing. there had been no specifics on the meeting. so far, the german chancellor also welcome the idea while serbia on switzerland to express their readiness to host talks. donald trump noted the need to stop the print conflict as being top of the agenda. we understand still no, call it who is that a day one or week one wants to he wants to meet and we're gonna, we're setting it up. president button once to me is said that even publicly and we have to get that were over with that's a bloody mess. well,
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that's cool. so i've dr. retired us lieutenant colonel and international, a security consultant, earl rog, missing early. busy we appreciate your time as all of us. thank you. such a meeting has been one of the most discuss topics and use headline for quite a few weeks. how quickly after mr. trumps and organization, are we likely to see this materialize? well, i think i think it'll in your crack and he talked about this even on the campaign, wanting to, to resolve this and to stop the care like really brings a new perspective the and completely opposite of the current administration. we have some fox and most for level, for present food for a number of years. and i think that what i've heard is that they're setting like uh, at least initially. and i think it's gonna take longer than this a 100 day window for them. so i think we'll try, we try to, um, iris sort of set up some type of deletes a telephone call rather quickly within the 1st few weeks,
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perhaps some of after that are meeting a face to face meeting and after that as well, to send any kind of a telephone call goes such that i do say, you'll see an active engagement by a mister from fan, the trusted ministration of both the groups systematically, both from the president side. i think also from the security side as well as the defense and the diploma. diplomatic side, i'm the 1st are left, they're talking about from the trump teen side that it's going to be among the top of the priorities will not a quick to significant progress on settling the print conflict being may do for see a link between the 2 to it if, if they're going to make it such a high focus, but something has to happen. yeah, it's gonna be, i think something's gonna happen mostly what have happens. there's a lot of wide differences on the whole. listen when nato is
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a factor in here. we've got um, you've got in a side, somebody administration who would like to settle this quickly. i said you've got the, the congressional side and you've got a lot of different bearing opinions. there. you've got the europeans, and of course you've got ukraine. and at least from the rhetoric from mr. zalinski, he's living in some other world and doesn't actually know see the situation and i think uh, i think the same thing was mr. blinking and mr. barton. um, but uh it definitely appears that that uh president trump, uh, vice president elect to advance uh miss scabbard. uh mr. waltz have a more realistic perspective and perception of what actually is occurring on the ground. and i think that that's acknowledging that and accepting that in, in,
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um you know, trumps come and see other day where he kinda understand the situation. the rush was in prior to this and the number of agreements that were just basically thrown out the window and not even looked at side by the west. he understands this is a much better grass, but i think the infinity of the current leadership. so i that alone, he create a dialogue, this new a lot of big gaps in the have to be overcome. how do you resolve those? that's another story. so i don't think it's going to happen in a 100 days, but i think there could be major, major headway within the next $1600.00 a percent. sure. it just as an aside to what mike wald sat said here, just ukraine to lower its dropped age. the quote stabilize at ukraine's position on the bottle field. do you think you have is likely to agree at to that? do they have, do they have a choice? will it really help their position militarily?
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just your view overall? yeah, i don't think it has. um i don't think they really have a choice. it's not going to give them a so i know the ability to take to launch any type of offensive, realistic offensive action it could provide stones to billy. um, but um yeah, willy is they just don't have a man for making that was much equipment is as a, as the less deals them. and they said they have no ability to manage. and they also don't have the right now, they haven't been doing accurate twitter training when they do conscript, that they need to improve their training side. that they probably just a team assets. so young man, lower the subscription age. and then a lot of pressure put on them by both europe and the us to do that. so i do, i do see them actually lowering that age to probably the 18. i think i said that
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a couple months, several months ago as well that that was probably in the car. and so we just moved into many people. uh and just uh, just to keep some type of relevance. uh, they're gonna have to do that. it is interesting just early enough that in the last what 5 weeks or so we've heard the word piece more on from not even in power yet than we had perhaps in the last 5 years or under bite. and so it's interesting to see what comes as you said, it was a 100 days, but might very well be the way forward. thanks so much for your time. as always, us army veteran and global security consulting our residents. thank you. a building a site out for can that belongs to all. that's the rallying cry from presidents around the post and the $113.00 on the 1st 3 of the african national congress is establishment. mr. rom, oppose it is also head of the ruling in c, which ship modern south africa. it's possible for independence. the party
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originated doesn't liberation, live fighting against the part tides on game global support under the leadership of nelson montana and made many ac. and. busy my problems in the country, the n c suite back into power last me as the major partner in the coalition government, we heard from the south african foreign minister who i line for tory is international priorities of the toner. wherever they seem to be a little overboard that is able to help us or the impulse that is missing. sorry, the luxury needs for the development but also the for the, for the reform detection that most of the individual policy it
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continues to be in the country and really see from the top on financial funding for climate change. whereas where the most of the okay back to europe, a news from croatia where the country's president has been constantly re elected for another 5 year term. that is, according to exit polls following sundays, run off ballot, zora and mulanda, which the country's most popular politician is a vocal critic of the your opinion on may. so as well as western military support for ukraine, the left leaning lama which reportedly secured between 70 and 80 percent of the vote for feeding. a cabinet from the conservative is missing the following sentence of people have taken to the streets of the romanian capital.
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their protest against the cancellation of the 2nd rod vote in the countries presidential election. remember that an independent candidate with a troop peace. i'm think they so position wal november's round one admitted c, offer medium flags and hunting car for demonstrators paul, to resume on an election with has been frozen since the constitutional court knowles, at the polity. citing alleged violations on for an interference. and that came after opposition candidate kelly purchase goods for the poles known for his 0 skeptic, amounting nato views. the presidential frontrunner said the west is using the media to platform for what these couple know legally and he's no reaction. this mission, the space they don't understand what is going on here because they usually have some store for war. but to be next week and not tech,
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so please see planet question, not the business. it's not our war again. poll was good to see the head of the vienna face. think type face gerald. it's a truth, alexander mark, if it's live on the program. alex, other thanks for your time today. we've just been looking at bucharest, people, they're furious really at the court's decision to a know the 1st round of the election, which amounts effectively to annoying their democratic. right to vote. are the mountains to resume the election, will not be heard? will it be? listen to will it help it? well, i think 1st of all um, the significance of this event of the protests right now going on and romania can't be on the estimated since the whole welts can see right now. and especially us europeans in europe. that the so called um,
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guardian of democracy the european union and its member states are actually preventing elections from canceling elections. this, the results are not in line with the globalist visions of war against russia. and um, in general, um the plans off um the trends formation of um, europe in society. so just as of course, um, 1st of all at last um for the european democratic project itself because now the whole world, tennessee, um that's weston, well use are actually based on double standard sense on hypotheses. and so this will, of course, um, affect um the next romani of elections and most importantly as um, a lot of the protesters today set that's this is actually um, killing tom romani,
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and democracy and um, your opinion buffers in general. and i think this is the much bigger consequence out of that's, that's the west is obviously willing to kill democracy and install or kind of talk proceed in order to say 6 um global political project. it's very interesting as well in the bill to that. the 2nd election, we talked to romanian people, some of them who don't support at the front wonder i'm saying that we want the election to go ahead because this kind of precedent, it does not look good on romania and the future of the country 1st. simply saying no to an election because we don't like the result. the ramifications of that are huge, aren't they? yes, they are absolutely huge because nowadays it actually hits the candidates where is the i'm supposedly pro russian and i'm rights we x from is best they tell
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us the most for me to for example, but tomorrow it's good also happened to a socialist candidates to someone who was the left wing extremist, or basically i'm to anyone who's not in favor of the lead policies in favor of unity polarity. and so basically if they can, um, find him from the elections, they can basically pan everyone. and this is the great stage. and for democracy in general that it turns more and more of what's offer italian under this disguise of um, well liberalism and staff for we as the people have to send up to this as the re, from protesters today just to remind you and say no to this and say that's the wants to will of to people to be hurts and that's they want actually lots to be substitute done by uh, scrupulous. um global is the lead face. thats the people is worth nothing. and so we lost the lease is every 6 kelly george ask who is not
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a barking dog and certainly he stays at nate. so is using romania as a platform for war with, with russia. what do you make of those comments? well, these are definitely comments. um, not likes them by the europeans union and sticking out to the states and at this moment. and of course it's true since we all know that military equipment has been transported by nature states, right. romano and fruit major states like romano to the conflict in ukraine in order to actually prolong this war against russia and the west coast so far before doing every thing in his nights in order to relax more and more russians into training and died in order to save the west and political project of newly polarity, and to prevent the emotions of a peaceful, multiple of wealth as well. and not only the will of the west is taking
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a look into consideration, but also the will of the global self for example, which russia is currently reading. so i think um, comments are actually uh, wary, true and are showing us why the west is actually one. see lots to be presidents, offer ammonia because this is get selected because it actually um and this policy of war and escalation. um lets by the european union and to not to the states against russian ukraine. like i said, we've got about 30 seconds left. but i'm just wondering for your, if you, if you'd like to add a mention about what happened in cooperation, are there another bulk and country? it's the president known for again on t at nato stubs is set to win re a re election. candidates with such views are becoming, it seems the norm, instead of i'd say there's not yes instead. so we're in faults, since, as a consequence of gentle russian sanctions,
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we have these problems all from rising inflation of rising gas prices. and of course, the imminent danger also an escalation of this war. and therefore it is white pool . that's such a man of the people gets elected in order to stop. these. megalomaniacs believes, thanks as always for your time and your thoughts head of the support off institute, alexander mark of its life from austria. no, there had been hopes 2025 would be a little less k all take down the previous 12 months. but l a while fires and berlin being turned into a fireworks war zone is already testing the prospect. the must commute this team get to grips with the early new year headlines, right ahead to the
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you. what so you going to new? what we know is on here next week and get on with it off the hey everybody. welcome back to the most. com use welcome to 2025. good to see all again. we're still here. well, we are kind all still here. our little friend, doggie. this isn't with us tonight. and you know, gender realignment surgery can have serious complications, particularly if you're, i'm certain that destiny. and sadly,
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i have to announce that now he's still holidays. if you lose next week, or after the head doing the page turn in force. so where would we start that sort of think? well, i think we're going to start and to go to all usa. i mean look to be gone new on that. haven't even got in mind a desk yet, and they're really shaking the tree upside down. incredible stuff. know who was the 1st people from the 1st victims, if you like, of the, the big don and the loan or the loan or whatever you want to call them. i think it was definitely our ask for the year. remember, good old justin to go to sweet to behold. so we gave him the award last week. we thought he was going to be on his way out soon. i'm sure as heck is watching him, get full by you on and on. and the whole crew has just been to sway to a war. let's have a look at us on the front. on the video at a site virginia. i told my kids, the decision that i'm sharing the content to resign as party as
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a prime minister. party select next to bus. nationwide. competitive. oh gosh, we're going to miss you just and we're going to miss you so bad. oh, not so where, you know, just as great achievements, you know, he did achieve great things, making sure that a big chunk of death, some kind of an a how her boy arrangement with, you know, assist the dying. you know, he did protect the l g b t crew, the blue hair brigade. he didn't says that the nazis wouldn't be revealed. the big list of the people that gave solos to after the 2nd world war and case it upset canadians. so we do a lot for a tiny little one already. he did a lot for the tail that was wagging the dog. he didn't do much for the truckers, protesters. he didn't do much during cold, but he was a bit of a far terry and ask only, i think so you had asked yourself what exactly what the international community say when the president elect on even the president decide. so he's going to basically
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annex a sovereign territory, take it over, maybe the panama canal, how, you know, maybe canada and you know, what else, where else is he interested in? oh yeah, a green land, a vast surgery, full of mineral level, talk about that a 2nd. i'm sure the international community would absolutely have a mailto. i know so many quite close to here just up the road actually went along running territorial dispute with a bunch of nazis work here with his people just across the board. are you worried about it for 30 years? no one listen. finally, at the crossover, coca cola was gone, ford was gone, everybody was gone. have you walked out still window? keep it yourselves. let's have a look at the big don. doing kind of just the same thing and everyone's just giggling about it on the video or, i mean, i see this, i like i, it's showing cuttings the ok, the even bond parole russian cuts from international competition.
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