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tv   News  RT  January 12, 2025 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the the preparations for a meeting between the us president elect vladimir po to the are under way according to trump's team with a supplemental the ukraine conflicts at the top. the attend also ahead. slovakia wardens. it will come to a 2 year crane. it's not the mirrors of lensky doesn't resume the transfer of russian gas to europe, thoughts and fixing the streets of the medium and capital, demanding the resumption of a presidential election and notified the constitutional court. after an empty brussel, candidate tops of polls, the from must go to the world. welcome to the news,
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rough of the week. that was right up to the moment developments as well. the us is preparing for a meeting between donald trump. vladimir puts an, that's according to trump national security advisor, designate mike walls, who also stated that a telephone call between the leaders may help and as soon as this week, well, we have a set the exact framework for it yet. we're working on that, but i do, you know, expect a call for at least in the coming days and weeks so that, that would be a step. uh, we and, and we'll take it from there. everybody knows that this has to, in somehow diplomatically, i just don't think it's realistic to say we're going to expel every russian from every entry of ukrainian soil even cried me a president, trump has a knowledge that reality. and i think it's been a huge step forward that the entire world is acknowledging that reality. the
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question of talks between the 2 leaders was raised by the us president elect this week. the kremlin welcome to move nothing. there had be new specifics on the meeting. so far, the german shuffle also buck the idea, while serbia on switzerland to express their readiness to host talks, donald trump added a focus on ending the brain. conflict would be top of the agent. quite understand, still no, call it who is that a day one or week one wants to he wants to make and we're gonna, we're setting it up. president button once to me is said that even publicly and we have to get that were over with that's a bloody mess. so what's the significance? well, retired us lieutenant colonel, the international security consultant, earl rozmini's, and told r t. the meeting between trump and putting could lead to an overall more constructive dialogue between the countries. finally,
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we've got some leadership coming office here that have a more realistic view of what's actually occurring on the ground. and then the current administration just completely ignores that so. so that it's, yeah, i think that having a realistic view, we create a more of a or so with environment for a constructive dialogue between the different entities. he talked about this even on the campaign, wanting to, to resolve this and to stop the killing. kind of, i really brings a new perspective and completely opposite of the current administration, who as in fox and was for level for prison tv for a number of years. what i've heard is that they're setting an at least initially, and i think it's gonna take longer than this a 100 day window for them. so i think they'll try to try to set up some type of deletes a telephone call rather quickly within the 1st few weeks, perhaps some of the after that are meeting face to face meeting after that as well,
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depending on the telephone phone goes, but i do say, you'll see an active engagement by a mr. crump and the profit administration. i don't think even with the lowering the draft, h is no way that they could put together a force to provide any type of offensive action. i think just this is looking at just purely from the staples ation of the, of the line, but i don't even know if that's going to be possible. so another headline, stories pulling tells refuse to allow us low back delegation to fly pruitt's our space on route to russia. the parliamentarians, though, have already loved it in most school for energy supply talks brought his love earlier, threatened to sanction key of over a lot. the mirror zalinski is decision to come the flow of russian gas to europe via you create on chances of a meat look slim. a lot of people out here in a situation where the ukranian government, the ukranian president decided to cut off our gas supply clean and refuses to
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transit it to slovakia. that's fundamentally threatening really the energy security of slovakia. and in a situation where the ukranian parliament passes a law that is supposed to prohibit the transport of the oil as well as keep the to slovakia, let's say we have valid contracts. so under such circumstances, my trip to ukraine is out of the question at the moment, and we'll see if i have to go there just to take a picture. and they tell me that not a drop of oil or a cubic meter of gas is going to go to slovakia. oh, i really don't need to go there. and the ford, any club that will be what's the fuck these prime minister has joined a e u. countries president in slow means a lot of years, a landscape. here's the latest statement from robert feet. so gosh, now is we do going to do cranium, president continues to damage just like this. declining president continues to damage the entire european union like this. the slovak republic will show that it is a sovereign country at this moment, zalinski deliberately damages the slovak republic and the european union. so what
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can we do? first, we can stop all humanitarian aid, even what was recently approved by the government of the slovak republic. the 2nd possibility is that the government of the slovak republic is determined to significantly reduce or even completely remove various social benefits that have been given to you printing and citizens who came to the slovak republic since the start of the military conflict. well, and ukraine and brussels concluded to basically screw over e u countries, lights of out here that were still dependent on russian pipeline. vast trends that through ukraine and how they do that well by turning off the top about 10 days ago, meaning a loss of about 515000000 annually. first, with ikea and the potential here to another $1000000000.00 from having to pay more for gas from other sources and well brussels tosses. cash it keeps blankets wrapped around a stripper tool. actually, you members, state schools,
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actually i can't seem to get any love at home so, so the prime minister robert pizza says that he's just going to march right on over to the you in front of the energy commissioner and basically say it's a, it's key for us by the make a choice, not that he wants to create drama, he says he isn't quote, interested in escalating tensions, but it's the problem isn't solved. so lock you will have to take put hard reciprocal measures shortly. he says, but brussel says that it doesn't see a problem here that they've been quote, working with member states and with ukraine to prepare in advance for this scenario . which scenario exactly the one where the gas prices go up and blow a massive hole in the budget of you have another. busy you country the says that the gas coordination groups not last week, which is, i guess, another merry band, it's dest jockeys. and, well, they don't see any security or supply issues for the,
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you at all. just uh, you know, the industrialization of germany, skyrocketing debt and installation in france and the establishment regime changing itself right out of power across the u because national economies suck now. and now, so that, yeah, it's sounding the alarm. but other than that, no, no problem at all because the uses are there haven't been any price increases since the new year as a result of this latest active economic suicide. and well, that's because the market is already had to do that. that'd be, you would in fact do something really stupid to itself again, and that's already factored in the slightest se, into their projections before the new year pizza had warned in his new year's address the trying to stick it to put in by going further into the whole paying more for gas having to subsidize ukraine even more because it also cut off its own russian gas transit income and dealing with rising gas prices across the blogs.
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um, well, wasn't what winning was supposed to look like for the you hunger, you can get russian gas or turkey at least. but it's still recognizes how ukraine has basically screwed everyone over across the block. the development that led to the latest price increases was ukraine's cessation of the transfer of russian natural gas on its territory to central europe. since the end of the ukrainian transit route in mid december. the price of natural gas on the european market has increased by 20 percent. now hungry is energy supply secure, but ukraine's decision to stop transit shipments will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for central europe and the european union as a whole. oh yeah, and the problem isn't just installed actually right now. there's also involved over which was getting russian gas pipe through ukraine and into the pro russian enclave of trends and history. but then just decided to stop paying for it, wrapped up
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a $700000000.00 debt in the process, and then use the boat solving that problem by claiming that they just own the russian gas from majority own gas company that was delivered yet. i think i'll try that with my own gas company after racking up some bills and just see how that goes . like, what are they going to do? cut you off for using the mail. you see it for many years. russia supplied natural gas. thanks to which in fact trans and history a survive ship now, due to the decisions made by ukraine and the mode open authorities, trends in history a has lost that possibility. well yeah, yes. to kind of figure that that's how this stopped like that would have turned out, but hey, nothing to see here. all is going great in the you. they say these good, good, i'm good you. it's hard to get by with the electricity and gosh, hold adjust. the gas is running out and the right electrical blackouts, for example, today from 8 am to noon, and then from $6.00 to 8 pm. so for
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a total of 8 hours, we didn't have electricity. the through c is for the most of us, there are difficulties because i used to wear a t shirt at home, but now i have to be fully dressed. it is become more difficult to live. we've simply doesn't look like these just so we're all tied to electricity, mobile phones, all devices run on electricity. and naturally, these rolling blackouts are a surprise for some of those who have generators can cope. but those who do not have generators are forced to rebuild their lives to the new so called reality might often break out the turtle next and heavy sweaters across to you again because winter gas storage is way down this year compared to the same time loss here as 69 percent capacity down from 84 percent right across europe. same in the u . k. where it's 26 percent lower, but no, nothing really to worry about. everything's under control. you just have an e u member states. slovakia downsize that they're going to take drastic measures targeting what it considers to be inactive economic warfare against it by ukraine
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and the blocks chief diplomat. tie a callous to say that she's totally sure that o e u. countries are ready to continue to support ukraine to the point that the you will take over ukraine's bills to the us under china kicks zelinski out of the basement and off their wallet. speaking like someone who clearly doesn't have to worry about being elected to the job by popular vote, looks like the clowns in charge in brussels. are intent on doing a high flying truck p zach here without a safety net. when we heard from his story about police, george zamarelli on this, he said he's the commission is likely to withhold energy support from stuff ikea. if the country continues to challenge ukraine's actions, it is a very serious issue. i mean it's not just the loss of uh, gas uh for uh, slovakia but it's also a loss of revenue because um, so lock is gonna have to pay
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a lot more for its gas. and those, those are so accurate and squared a lot of money. uh, through uh, transiting gas to other other countries such as the czech republic and hungary. i think it's going to get um a lot worse because the european commission isn't going to help us. so voc, it's made clear that it really does. he does, they don't thing, but as the login deserves any help because it looks like it has explicitly opposed you policy the warranty period. so i would expect to lock in now to take the steps that is making which, which is threatening to take, which is to stop selling electricity to ukraine. stop providing humanitarian assistance to ukraine and probably a couple like cutting off uh, welfare to um you ukrainian migraine. since we're back here, the news from troy show where the country's president is set to be comfortably re
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elected for another 5 year term. not is, according to the countries electoral commission. zora mulanda, which the country's most popular politician, is a vocal critic all the european union of nato, as well as western military support for ukraine. the last leaning beloved, which secured around 75 percent of the vote, defeating his opponent from the conservative party islands. life is missing the item. well, thousands of people in the mail have taken to the streets of the romanian capital. the protest against the cancellation of the 2nd ride vote in the country presidential election, an independent candidate with a pro piece of the nato stone's wall. november's 1st road i made a c all romanian flood. the examples being car horns demonstrators in bucharest, the month is the presumption of an election which has been frozen since the
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constitutional court. no. the valid citing alleged violations on foreign interference. came after opposition candidates colleen? george s. good talk. suppose known for his euro skeptic, i'm teenager views the presidential frontrunner said the west is using romania as a platform for more. what these couple now legally. and he's no reaction. this mission from the states. they don't understand what is going on here. because the yours will mean yes or for what would be next week and not accept these c planet. question what that would be since it's not our war again? well, i discussed the unfolding events in the balkans with the head of a vienna face thing. talked alexander markovich, he told me, croatia is seeing a cabinet. it's favored by the people coming into office. well in romania the country is a leads. are seeking to silence democracy. the significance of this event of the
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protests right now going on. i mean romania can't be under estimate since the whole welts can see right now and especially us europeans in europe. that the so called the guardian of democracy, the european union and its member states are actually preventing elections and cancel the elections. this, the results are not in line with the globalist wishes of war against russia. and um, in general, um to apply himself um the transformational from european society, most importantly as um, a lot of the, a protests based that's, that's, this is actually um, killing um, romani, and democracy and um your opinion, markers in general. and just wondering for your, if you, if you'd like to add
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a mention about what happened in corporation there, another bulk and country it's president, known for again, auntie at nato stands is set to win. re a re election. candidates with such views are becoming it seems the norm, instead of outside there's not. well um, what type of integration is that's the candidates of to people um, what's elected as the president's in contrast to um, candidates um of the elite who normally govern european countries. and therefore of course mr. milano rich on, once you realize the us a right wing x for me is this, uh, um, yeah, to 1st be someone who understands the important and everything. but um, on the contrary, um, just the middle of the which is just the normal, christ compatriots who does not ones that says um country is collapsing under the weight of the anti russian sanctions under the gas prices and inflation. and he also doesn't want that. um, prices uh way to war against russia,
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that's grayson's as to die for the interests um, of the lease in brussels as boosted and in washington. building a south africa that belongs to wall. that's the reality. and try from presidents around the post on the $113.00. the 1st 3 of the african national congress is establishment mr. on the pose. it is also head of the routing amc, which ship modern and sub african on this buffalo for independence. the party originated as a liberal ration movement, fighting against the parties and gained global supports under the leadership of nelson mandela with many economic problems and social issues. 2 in the country, b and c, split back into power loss. me as the major partner in a coalition government, we heard from the south african foreign minister who lifeline for tory is international priority at the tone of received the loan overboard
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that is able to help us with resolved or to check the brakes. the development is the mrs. luxury needs for the development, the alternative level, but also for the, for the reform detection that most of the individual policy is it continues to be in the country and really save lives on the entire global financial funding for climate change. whereas where the most of the, which we knew also the instructions that was used for,
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for the, for the presidential visitors fortunately, casual, paid for digital policy times the pages of pain faces by a table for a piece they do. so the issue is, we believe it's important because it's in line with the technician shut up is in line with all the progressive visions including the to see. so this is the own was when they meet, come to you need to and then that's why we continue to waste time, maybe in the us water. and that is getting by doing a international court of justice because it's an important platform. so a total community. so that is the only thing that them can move us is that is that i installed that gratian visa. we're going to advance the advocate for the piece to initiate that piece with
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the same for the in keeping the piece initially to use something to ensure that the induce conflict. as you dial, everyone must be involved the closest as well as the card on the. so anything that the government does is in the home, by the way, the court is that the lovely news shouldn't you been? one was to implement something else or the one to introduce anything as it was on the order process is a part of man. it was on the issue, it must be components or for the mission of interest. sushi, the code is also informed by the national development
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plan. so those of no change the i them, it is what the progressive intermission of these don't do with a human rights or emphasis and district is informed by our constitution. so that is what we will continue to implement and as the government, the mission of the situation we are following from has officially handed over its 2nd military base in chad, reaching the final stage of its eviction from the african nation. the withdrawal marks the end of a 65 year old military partnership, which engine may not cold, obsolete, and in fact terminated a number of months ago prior to not chad was the last country in this a hell alliance with a french military presence western media. i'm think types of accused russia loving to this place from, but the loan lock country itself, stress that the move was about the starting its own sovereignty. john has demanded that all french troops leave the country no later than the end of this month. the
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read through november, democrats caught on november 28th 2024 north out country officially renounced the military cooperation agreements between chad and france. today marks the return of the adverb, share base. this phase as an important indicator of the straight line leading to the final and total disengagement of the french army from mac countries. the southern states must rely on its own capacity to defend its territorial integrity. this fullness of confidence that equals its sovereignty, which is obtained after independence cannot be, shall, content. i urge at defense and security forces to remain vigilant against all threats where ever they come from the branch of december. somewhat ominously, though the french commander in this hell said the withdrawal is not a farewell. despite the clear message, congress has been sent. it will start though vickers, our soldiers have lived, worked, and sometimes fought alongside their treaty and brothers. despond is
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a living testimony to the friendship that unites our 2 peoples and which will endure despite the departure of our troops today. after so many years of presidency, novice share, the situation is different. this is not a farewell from france, but a good buy from its military cooperation of our 2 nations does not end here. that's been seems to me like to pick because we have so many activities that just the templates do categories i've taught got increased by 2 tons on percent according to the index. what's up do i talk? what do you mean by really and security? yeah, the reading body level and of what that associates, another thing you're doing is level n o flips. then you have to do that is on the ground that these pointers come up because of the frame community. people don't have the quality because even the are
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part of it is prevented from party. so these are the situation. the compound is good, whereby who's the completed addiction of the potential pollution? we're going to save it. is it to the general to do that one? what do you say? we don't have one for us? we need a more friendly partner. what not like russia parts, not like turned off of this the region, the job of your social construction hope for them to lose the development or do i propose to people who want to exploit opportunities on exam trish on with high level appeal security. so that is exactly what i think the page will continue over at the time between thoughts which will see most of this operation. the quite a lot of reaction to this next story western media are spreading. the news that gay men will not be able lied to join the catholic churches, priesthood in making the claim. number of 5, let's quoted
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a new set of guidelines published by via tell you and bishops conference in their interpretation. certain parts of the documents with a live homosexual man to train his priest in roman catholic seminaries as long as they remain celibate. not directly however, contradicts pope frances and this earlier recommendation update people should not be allowed to join the charge. you probably can link to new sites real quick to label the headlines as misguided the rules on non admission of homosexual persons to the priesthood do not change. the new intervention was made necessary after a partial and non contextualize reading by some press outlets of paragraph 44 of the document which addresses the issue of homosexuality in the formative path of seminaries. right all now the newly published guideline repeats the 2016 statement which expressly bars those who live a homeless, actual lifestyle, from becoming praise. the confusion seems to stem from a single bishop's comment,
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alluding that all seminary should be treated with respect, while their personalities form under the church's instruction. but vague, okay, what funder all the you gum did, organization straightened nation. pastor martin simp offered his take on the misunderstanding as it can be 2 reasons. one, many of the editor has in these western newspapers are themselves almost victuals and they want to promote the l g b t q agenda. so it could be that they did not read in detail the implementation that let us pass to them. we kind of imagined maybe it was in latin, or maybe it was lost in the translation. but i think it's probably that it was intentional. i think in propaganda there was a method where you met the set and missed that to go out. and that probably just been daily. but then you denied that you did not say that message,
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but you are trying to call dish and the minds of people to believe that the actually that's the truth, i think, but to con, should make its position clear and stop dealing with. i'm be going to pop prizes, has increasingly being shifting the church i'm from it's called summer to be pushed on to make it more accepting of homosexuality. but francis invites homosexuals into the part to con, full frances is publicly seen watching dances of transgender frances condemns countries like you go into which resist whom was actually to we most this is i'm biblical. this is to be called to what does happen to the child to england and the whitland churches and submit to discharge. in fact, it's coming to the point where is the africans port coming to this?
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uh, european of course, johns, that you guys have a binding to the bible. and uh you have tons of goods combined with the issue. what was it you already took and you must become christians again. now these are up for this hour. i'll catch you again soon. here all the 247 r t, the 1914, the world war one. it's the military conflict. gradually in gulf facility and the 59 independent
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states and 60 population, the officially, it was the assassination, the voucher friends to the austro hungarian empire. i have both of them sub sponsored but the other underlying reasons but let me just get bridge. can majority of the computers, i'm not sure to do it. so that's all the information you would have just given the control panel. i'm going to really military history institute research fellow david met at a center is known for his work on the causes that lived the world into a large scale. your wife's computer from soul sca.


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