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tv   News  RT  January 13, 2025 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the the civilians to safely relocated from a don't box city that's been taken by russian troops. all correspondence hayes, exclusively from the sizes, one of the boxes and nobles, p g, fluids. the rocket propelled grenade was by russian plaza way seated on both the stuart. this multi media in west palm and personnel carrier. and these are those of the cut off somehow diplomatically. i just don't think it's realistic to say we're going to expel every russian for every interview. bring in soil a wake up, call the full p a. this donald trump national security advise its hell do crane to accept reality when announcing funds to between the incoming us president on
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the wall listed official praise the post, the saw the is limits. rules at the mouth because we speak with a young syrian act, 2 people to seek refuge in russia on the receiving desk to us for international humanitarian. it is very sad to realize that terrorism which sometime ago took the lives of children and destroyed homes and has now come to power pains, and the child, especially considering terrorism, is now on the a very good morning to you. this is on the international with the world news update is great to have you with us up story. this. our civilians are being safely evacuated deeper into russia from a front line. don't back us digit has been taken by most goes troops. some citizens
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off, correct, of described, be now fully ukrainian occupation as lawlessness. there's too many atrocities aussies war against the embedded with russian troops who fried the city is the 1st international corresponded reporting from the ground that these early morning we are on route to put off. the lock is on our side. the it is warm 5 degrees, which means that if you need to in the plaza, oh, and you drove the tool. condensation will very quickly blow the camera. so with
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this incredible, you have to sit outside of a credit because the most i briefly where are we and what's the situation to deal with the court if you could have them. we're in coronado, but the situation is tense but stable. you which we just don't punch up. doug from chapman spread out so it would still take my head. if something happens to you, my guy is come on. the 1st battalion, the gods brigades, 51st army. he had his units. stukes. good. awesome. it was a blue, cool, yet unexpectedly quick victory. now he's charged with safeguarding and marshalling, deluca folk who there are too many of the hello please. where could i charge my phone?
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i saw the generator. yes, but i don't know the weight of the basement. but well, let's say come inside and go. right. you know, probably this year. yes. we've heard one. how are you holding up? young lady. young lady, no old woman. no, your a young lady. oh boy. how are you holding up? we're managing voice. we're managing. this is the result of an attempt to ukrainian towns where they mess with it all. bush renewable p g launched a rocket propelled grenade. yours by russian finds a way secret on bush destroyed. this multi median west and supplied almost personnel, carrier. and these are those of you know, of a cut off your roles of repeated and attempted count of attacks by you create in forces. psychics, all one of our groups came in quiet during the night and set up to empty tank minds
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. opposite the call workshop. in the morning, the enemy decided to carry out the rotation. we woke up to the same 200 nieces down the road. another german made mazda ahmed personnel carrier and alongside the alma countess corpses in camouflage, abandoned by ukraine's retreated. and there are many, many apologies visit will ever cut off the bodies of kate and soldiers bounded here by the retreating comrades. they are being collected. the situation is much calmer than it's usually ease off of the captive big city. it is. you're in the com the city again, eas, unexpectedly, who we are currently less than an hour's walk away from ukrainian positions
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you crate in phones. this is the red zone as we were told, the danger zone. but what is spending ease? this doesn't feel like the red zone. it doesn't feel like the ukrainians are mia? our way we have seen baffled fields and cities. what move from are you able to walk with modern garage? it is, you know, and it is never looked like face the thought cities virtually impacts other than broken windows and busted roofs. everything else could be easily repaired, as it is a testament to how you premium resistance has weakened that ukraine's army has lost boots and see is new secrets, russian forces. and now far beyond the city, pushing further and further ahead. morale is high level to him
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with a ball my call sign is to bow. everyone here knows me. we gave those developing and we're off again. we're going forward. rise, stay strong boys. but the other surprises how many civilians choose to remain in court. oscar but to risk its war and the wave sort of russian troops i've done, which is we waited for you for so long. the soldiers told us not to close our windows that they'd come soon. and we didn't believe it at 1st because there were incidents where they would change clothes and kill people in basements and apartments and would kill them properly. ukrainians who else? what do you mean? killed how i would just like that is we would think they were russian soldiers. we would go out to hug them this. we waited for you for so long. we were so happy that you came here from so it was revenge. yes. they shot at people because we were waiting for russian process moves to 1000 people here right now for
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a quarter of the population. choose their risk. if you stay in crossover to bring us to greet russian troops. it is a stunning figure given the results. yes. now, all of them have horror stories. they will describe the have the views yourself with the hands of ukrainian too. is i do yes, it will do for you that they would come into apartments and execute people. they would throw grenades into our chimneys. you couldn't go outside, they'd get you would drones. if you went outside to throw out the trash, there would always be someone killed and injured. if you tried to get to the bodies, they'd shoot you right there only to the father and son were walking down our street and the father was killed. they then hit his body several more times. they wouldn't let anyone get close, you know, they didn't care if it was an old woman, old man,
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a woman or someone disabled. they shot us off like hairs as good as really, really good sizes for what the other store for was because we are traitors. because we were waiting for russia that they wouldn't even give us aid. some volunteers wanted to bring us food, but may or told them that were traitors, that we shouldn't be sad. not system losing, their would not see zone and they were obvious nazi. so how could you tell somebody they'd be taught to the next service they'd have to process and chevron because if they sold them so police have a marketing on the side from the swastikas. they also have free goals and the ukranian trident in the middle of the source to get that was that normal? how could it be normal? normal, how the sold them to openly at the market. they will be new, more swastikas, nazi symbols sold in put off of a future has changed. and then the coming months, many more you crazy and towns and cities will be the knots of fide and cleared
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zalinski is to a regime the tables to many of the 2 people. what you crave, hold the ford for a city of cut off, come up, fell in badly a month. the city was completely unprepared for defense and the fight that you create and pulled up was nothing close to what we have put up before more. i guess the of the, from good rock of then the people's republic donald trump, is making plans to sit down for talks with vladimir putin to discuss and doing the ukraine conflicts. as, according to the incoming us presidents, nominated for national security advisor was a waltz. it says he expects a phone call between the russian and american leaders soon, and they also watched kia have to forget about basing most go on the battlefield.
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everybody knows that this has to end somehow diplomatically. i just don't think it's realistic to say we're going to expel every russian from every entry of ukrainian soil even cried me a president, trump has acknowledged that reality. and i think it's been a huge step forward that the entire world is acknowledging that reality. a doing that now biopsies i saw david ski, he's going to bring us more details on this. so mike was, has given his quite the inside the average. so it's good to hear. one more did he say, and i didn't see where he's basically reiterated. what we have already now heard from donald trump, that this is not a conflict that they going to be able to resolve in 24 hours that was assigned by that we were hearing before the presidential election in the us last, you know, the case, this is like you now to take a lot longer, but he said that so lensky is aware that his time is running out. now,
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i'm from something that has refused to enter negotiations in the cost. he says that lensky is now ready to start discussions and find a way of the conflict. he also, as a you heard and mentioned that a has said that there's going to be a meeting set up with most go possibly a phone call, possibly a face to face meeting in the near future. and these are really important points because we have heard from my quotes previously suggesting that if most go wasn't ready to go to the negotiating table, be open to discussions that uh then the trumpet administration was a general. you claim what i feel like we're gonna give you the weapons. you may not have the manpower but we're gonna keep you. we're gonna all me to the help. so it's really interesting how we're seeing both sides being pressured in different ways. an interesting enough that issue of mind power was something that we heard my quotes. talk about, again, saying that, you know,
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giving you crane all of these weapons. it's connie useless unless you clean does something about the fact that it's got a lack of mind. power on the front lines and that comes to soldiers itself. let's just, this was what he had to say about that. i will say, you know, the other thing that we're going to need to see is really stabilizing things on the battlefield. and one of the things that will be asking of the ukrainians is they have real manpower issues. you know, they're drafted right now is 26 years old, not 18. i don't think a lot of people realize that they can generate hundreds of thousands of new soldiers. so when we hear about morale problems and we hear about issues on the front line, look if the presence of asked the entire world to be all in for democracy, we need them to be all in for democracy to. so the suggestion i reduce the age to 18 is milton,
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new coal. we have already heard the card fight of the ministration of back in the august of 2024, making similar to mullens. a few quain saying once again, will give you lessons speed. you need to sort out this issue of manpower and not can possibly only be done by reducing the age of conscription down to 18. know nikki, we know that this is a huge issue. we scans operating inside the frame dropping manual the streets if for some into conscription, these are the draw still just a wind sun that they something like a 100000 soldiers to, to, to, to the positions in the crane and move them. not because it's such a problem, you claim to have to pass a new law. it's a so full a rule which allows soldiers to is a one time. and if they wants to come back, they will be prosecuted to know a real sense if this is a massive issue that ukraine has been grappling with for a long time. and we've had to apply to mr. landscapes officer from the office in
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the past that that he is personally a gaze lowering the mobilization age any further. so we'll kind of response to that we might expect from polanski is team to these latest comments? well, i think it will be very similar response. you know, we know reducing the age down to 18 and in fact we've been hearing from you cranes for my for minister, who's back to back those calls say he does expect that to be some reduction in the ages mobilization, but certainly not all the way down to 18 because she said ukrainians generally with just speak up in arms. if that was the case, however, it misses that the only person who knows that we possibly happy about the age things we can show all the way down to 18 is his son who was 18 years old and his child bring it in the base apparently to join the online, the thing the only the only person that wouldn't be happy was going down to 18 would be my son who's, who's 18 years old and he wants if he wants to fight,
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does he is yeah, he's taking military classes. and so i, i barely convinced him to continue with his studies at the university of this point . so interestingly enough, why his son is trumping at the pace to fight to bella. not so much. he resigned this foreign minister back in august of last day. we haven't seen him in the army come back for cheeks. we haven't seen him on the front line. and you know, at the same time you've got all these unwilling men being rounded up, we knew, grabbed off the street. and this for my minister who's down not serving in government, isn't on the front line and fighting spite the fact he previously said that all ukrainians, when people tried to fight on the front lines with shuffles, if they couldn't get any weapons. and that's was attracted some criticism at hit in russia, but the fact that he himself is not fast fighting. he himself is known by supporting
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his country. cool about once promised to fight with trenching shovels overcame his desire to go to the trenches and left to the us. and he barely talked his son, who wanted to fight out of it and send him to study in london instead. and now speaking from the us, he says, ukrainians have to be mobilized from the age of 18. that's what the current ukrainian elite is all about. they want their country and their people to pay for their wellbeing, but they want to live very differently themselves. you may be wondering what he is doing, he's just being appointed associate professor. that's science po and parish due to head back to the spring to teach classes. so while he is happily saying, but yes, we need more men to come fight in the front line. he is not going to be one of them . saw that when he, thanks for coming over the details, appreciate it. the new rulers have been quick to renounce the
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terrors paused and less than officials and outline and got to meet them when the syrian refugees on returning to the country to rebuild their lives. in the wake of last month's h t. s. power grab some, hopping, forced to flee. we spoke exclusively with a syrian activist girl who refuge in russia after receiving death threats and the bronze ali was targeted for her efforts to forward she monetary and ties with most sco stone back. a novel i showed like a 9. how did you feel after the warrant, serious started again i this year to be that i was very satisfied. i remember the beginning of the was when we had the sounds of gunshot in the street explosions in school being blown up more sure or, and how did you feel when a sound of gunshots and explosions started to repeat? i felt sad. i guess. we started thinking about the people who have nothing but the homes and the people who are now dying, the fear in cold. my whole family tried to collect close toys and all the help for
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them, a 9 member. so that's, that was the mon, you started corresponding with president vladimir putin in 3 years ago, as well as the children of don bass and began collecting humanitarian a for syrian refugees and, and residents of don bescedy. how did you come up with the idea to help those in need of my idea came from the feeling is have any child, especially considering that terrorism is now present, done by what it has. it is the same terrorism that was interior until syrian children now who terrorism is killing the children of dumbasses in that i collected my clothes, personal savings and toys, and set them talk to his own boss and drew pictures for them. i wrote matches to the soldiers and don't bass, who are fighting terrorism. so what does the children have gone by swamped? they just want to return to the homeland and feel the stomach piece so, so i know that i had it. so was it your idea that your parents supported you in,
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or did the initiative come from them? and this was my idea together with my friends, parents and volunteers. we decided to help syrian refugees and people in met him on a lot of how did, how to him on during this war that i've had russian flags and you burned letters already sent to the children of don passing and to president putin because you receive threatening letters to you and your family. do you feel safe today? the business that that's i was really hiding the to the flags. i was very sad. it was like i was hiding a piece of my heart. i'm sending. it's very sad because it's a part of my memory, a part of my childhood that i love. it has these lines, the peace of mind, the love between me and the children of russia and don't boss. because those who love peace will never fail. we children or a bridge of peace, love and culture for the whole world. and i see that the other side might not understand these lines, symbolize a new friendship and love my and keeping the image. oh man,
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what do you think of the new government? syria, which is very sad to realize that terrorism, which some time ago took the lives of children and destroyed homes and schools has now come to power. i had the militants change and become examples of future generations and syria and example of loss of bishan justice, culture and peace left on most of the day. and it's like a you called yourself in and bassett, or for the children of syria and visited moscow with a group of syrian children. how did you spend your time in moscow with the children? i really enjoyed who parts of the russian capital, especially as far as children services, a consent children, all the lights of out loud and i genuinely fell in love with the children. we had a mutual sympathy and shed culture and understanding with each other. i felt i was the most of your kids and them. syrians gave it to me. i can do mean, how did you manage to master russian so? well, i left a message. i went to my skills, i led by hall the poems of many great russian poet,
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such as alex on to push good bye will see lend russian songs by heart and practice . mike, rama and vocabulary, and russian montgomery who talk to you the russian language. i'm sincerely great. send to my teachers that i especially appreciate my favorite teacher, the poet pushkin's, it is from him that i love, love and devotion. i've translated many suppose times into arabic, k, my defense. why did you choose russian? yeah, because it is the language of peaceful culture and laws through which we can overcome dogs lesson digging around and about i heard that some russian officers in charge of reconciliation and syria visited us. so what, what did they seem like when i looked at the feeling that they are really a symbol of culture, peace and love. they came to syria to help the country defeat terrorism and protect minority as well as fines ravage southern california. the death
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toll has risen to 24 with dozen small people still missing. extremely strong winds and making it hard for us to emergency forces to contain the masses blaze. or far as he say, 16 people died in the 8th, an area of los angeles with another age. the victims concerns him. palisades. well, the $12000.00 structures, including many homes and find hollywood stalls, were being destroyed. the unprecedented dissolves to has reportedly inflicted more than a $150000000000.00 worth of damage. critics awesome. ongoing accountability with some ads in california is governor governor gavin newsome to resign lions and friends of also lost their homes. always good to have you with us, hey, on, on the international. i do hope you're having a good start to your week. we'll be back at the top of the hour, trying to see more news on the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders that conflict with the 1st law shows alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to place a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the team and of the robot must protect this phone existence with alexis, the
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you. what so you going you to new? what we know is on here next week. go with it off the
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hey everybody. welcome back to the most. come use. welcome to 2025. good to see all again. we're still here. well, we are kind all still here. uh, our little friend, dog. this isn't with us tonight. um, sometimes you know, gender realignment surgery can have serious complications, particularly if you're, i'm certain that this to me, and sadly, i have to announce that now he's still on holidays. people this next week, starters doing this page total for us. so when we start to think, well, i think we ought to start and to go to all usa. i mean, look the big on new on the haven't even got in mind a desk yet, and they're really shaking the tree upside down. incredible stuff. know who was the 1st people from the 1st victims, if you like, of the, the big on a new on the lawn or whatever you want to call them. i think it was definitely our ask for the year. remember, good old ad justin to go to sweet to behold. so we gave him the award last week. we
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thought he was going to be on his way out soon. i'm sure as heck is watching him get told by you on and don and the whole crew has just been to sway tween or let's have a look at us on the front on the video are assigned to virginia. my kids, the decision that i'm sharing the content to resign as far as prime minister parties select next to a go bus nationwide. competitive. oh gosh, we're going to miss you. justin morgan, i'm is so bad. oh, not so where, you know, just as great achievements. you know, he did achieve great things uh, making sure that a big chunk of debts and kind of an a how her boy arrangement with you know, assist the dine, you know, he did protect now the l. g b to clue the blue hair brigade. he didn't says that the nazis wouldn't be revealed
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. the big list of the people that gave us almost after the 2nd world war, in case it upset canadians. so we do a lot for a tiny little minority. he did a lot for the tail that was wagging the dog. he didn't do much for the fuckers protesters. he didn't do much during cold, but he was a bit of an a far terry and ask only i think so you got to ask yourself, what exactly would the international community say when the president elected, even the president decides that he's going to basically annex as a one territory. take it over, maybe the panama canal, out, you know, maybe canada and you know, what else? where else is he interested in? oh, yeah, a green land, a vast churchy full of mineral level. talking about that a 2nd. i'm sure the international community would absolutely have a middletown. i know so many quite close to here, just up the road actually went along running territorial dispute with a bunch of nazis work here with these people just across the board. are you worried about it for 30 years now? listen, finally, have to cross over. coca cola was gone. ford was gone. everybody was gone. everyone
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walked out, still window. keep it yourselves. that's what we look at, the big don. doing kind of just the same thing and i was just going to be able to pull the video or, i mean i see this, i like i, it's showing cuttings the ok, the even bond portal rushing cuts from international competition. let's get serious for a 2nd. a lot of the western media, the climb media calling, you know, the big donald lunatic. he's mine, he's crazy company doing this type of stuff. what's the reason? well, i can tell you what the reason is. maybe he's a very far side and then you know, smart, shrewd operator. because guess, watts in greenland, for example, we know, but the panama canal, one the most strategically important waterways in history on earth was built by the americans for the american navy. don't tell anybody. i have a greenland in particular, greenland is chock full of goodies. it holds that. let me go to my notes for this
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22 percent of the world's hydrocarbon resources. it also holds 30 percent of the world's natural gas and lots of other things. so maybe the big dawn, isn't that crazy? and that brings us to the next section. why have they tried to watch them again? maybe because the established room, which is just about the whole upside down of the window and shake is too happy about them getting in behind the wheel of that truck and rahman at re right into the center of the swamp. the cyber talk. yeah, a message. me, let's have a look. will the video, the copy? so what they tried to bump off to big don, yet again, no surprise there. you know, my own boss here said he may not get into the office margarita. what they're trying to watch them. you gotta remember the, you know, the establishment media so.


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