tv News RT January 13, 2025 9:00am-9:30am EST
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most i noticed was that some of the top of the, not the, the breaking news moscow towards the ukrainian ro strikes on energy infrastructure in southern russia. hungary calls it and it's hacked on its sovereignty as the russian compressors stations, the blinds gas to europe, through the turkish spring pipeline. renewables. p. g. fluids, rocket propelled grenades, forced by russian plaza way, seated on both the short, this multi 1000000 west and supplied ahmed personnel chart. russian for us to secure the don bus city of toronto, and we hear from locals to solve the atrocities they say. ukraine submitted there and a massive slide of over 600000 syrians from the home to neighboring 11 on since the
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start of internal fighting that caused a government over throwing november terms. archie talked with refugees under threats and reluctance to return home. no one is paying attention to us. we hope international organizations look into these matters. they entered a house, killed the father and son, rape the wife, and their 7 year old daughter, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow year, watching archie international. we start with breaking news on gary on foreign minister peters. the article has commented on ukraine's failed attack on energy infrastructure located in southern russia. the targeted gas compressors, station supplied encore as the turks treatment pipeline, budapest, the top diplomat said, the ru isn't indispensable part of central europe gas supply chain, making its security paramount, a tuck. his current cable is indispensable in the natural gas supply and hungry and
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central europe. this freight route has been operating reliably for many years. both carriers and transit countries respect that contractual obligations and behavior reliably. we expect that the safety and functionality of this transportation route will be in place. security of energy supply is a sovereignty matter. therefore, every action that threatens the security of energy supply must be considered an attack against sovereignty. let's press live now to our to correspond it. yes, and i can who is an is symbol. yes. and what more can you tell us about the hon gary and for ministers statement regarding that attack on the truck stream pipeline . the other statements i'm hungry comes at a time when there's also a great deal of pressure from other nations. within the immediate area we understand slovakia is also been quite vocal about its whole position devin statements in the past made by the germans as well as the dodge with respect to ukraine's activities in, in around the black sea,
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particularly targeting as the charge stream pipeline. and we understand that this given moments, as the minister of foreign affairs of russia in turkey, held the phone calls on sunday to discuss the developments within the immediate region to discuss the prospect of ensuring that its interest in the region taking into consideration the pipeline is one of them must be protected and also taking into consideration what friends may arise and we understand that as a result of this phone call, they discuss a number of other matters pertaining to russia and turkey by lateral relations. but at this given time, we understand that the statement provided from the ministry of defense of russia suggests that a number of drones have been down in an operation sites in the southern parts of the country. and we understand that the attacks have been supported by russian air defense systems. and we understand that there have been some minor damage, but not much more information as to whether or not there has been major damage to the pipeline. and we understand that the ministry of defense has issued
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a statement providing further information. let's listen. on january 11th, 2025. the key of regime in order to stop gas supplies to european countries, attempted an attack using 9 aircraft type. you avi's on the infrastructure of the russian compressor station in the village of geico, the zoo and the crowd in the region, which supplies gas through the tucker stream pipeline. the consequences of pulling fragments what promptly eliminated by gas problems, emergency response teams, and all equipment was restored. the compressor station continues to supply gas to the tucker stream pipeline, as usual. that'd be no disruptions at a time. as many suggest of all this comes at a time, as many suggest is that is the crating present of let him is landscape, is essentially trying to sabotage is the position that you're currently it finds itself in many suggest that the creating president is sabotaging uh, oil flow to europe, especially after it's decided to stop will flow by way of ukraine. and we
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understand that this given point that there's a great deal of criticism, particularly from those and such as the slovak apartment, is to go back to the. so issued a statement, a quite harsh, but clear statement suggesting that is that ask you to someone who rooms your begging and black mailing european leaders for handouts, weapons cache, any kind of feed and assistance i can fits, get, attends on. but what we also understand at this time is that the church stream does serve as an important and significant interest, not just for russia or turkey about that of the european union as well. which is why we have also come across reports from the european union from the u commission, specifically, that has issued some form of restraint, but also a great deal of criticism towards the ukrainian leader in this current state. it yeah, yes. and the peter c, r 2 has singled out 3rd stream as a crucial energy supply route for a year. a pretty tough a little more about the role that plays well,
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the 13 pipeline has been in place for a number of years now. we understand it was 1st initiate in 2020 and towards the end of 20222023. we understand 100 became the 1st and non neighboring country to join the church. i just, uh, the church here in pipeline, and we understand that it is, it's also an important step by the hon gary ends to diversify its energy import so that it doesn't stay reliant just on the ukraine that it has other alternatives. and we understand based on the flow of the charge stream pipeline, that it is capable of meeting the needs of not just the box you thought just hungry, but many countries throughout the european union. but at this given time, we understand that despite the efforts made by the hon gary and said diversify his portfolio attacks such as these seem 200. this is the statement provided by see if we had to come to the friendly pressure against the tucker stream years ago. we would now be in a very, very difficult position as
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a landlocked country. we also understand that the statements being provided by stock. yeah. and hungry, although they may be new as the prospect of an attack against the church stream is not new. reports standing back 220-2320. 22 suggests, based on information from military intelligence by the germans, as well as the dutch, suggesting that former commander in chief, the training former commander in chief had plans to carry out attacks targeting the charge stream pipeline. and we also understand at this given moment, there has been no official reaction from the turkish side. and it's going to be crucial to see what happens moving forward, particularly with the perspective of on cut off. all right, ortiz, yes. and i can reporting for us from assemble. yes, and thank you. well turning on to the front lines were rushed as defense, ministry has confirmed the taking the village of a pest chattanooga in the west of the don't ask for public. as troops continued their advance civilians are being safely evacuated. deeper into russia. residence
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of the recently secured city to roosevelt described atrocities they saw and called the former ukrainian occupation of the strategic don bescedy. lawless arteries were odd. does he have imbedded with russian troops to free? the city is the 1st international correspondent reporting from the ground. there it is. early morning we are on roof to put rocks about. lock is on our side. the it is warm 5 degrees. which means that if you need to in the plaza, ho and you drove the tool. condensation will very quickly blow the camera. so it
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is incredibly evans and opposite of a credit because the most i briefly where are we and what's the situation to deal with my quote, if you could have them, we are in colorado. the situation is stands much stable. so don't bun child school, just don't bunch of stretch out and they'll take my head if something happens to you most high is battalion. come on the faith gods brigade. 51st. me he had his units took good. awesome. well, it was a brutal yet unexpectedly quick victory. now he's charged with safeguarding in marshalling, deluca folk, who there are so many of the hello please. where could i charge my
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phone? i saw the generator, but i don't know the way to the basement, but we'll come inside and go right here. yes. we've heard. well, how are you holding up? young lady. young lady, no old woman. no, you're a young lady. oh boys. how are you? holding up, we're managing boys, we're managing this is the result of an attempt to ukrainian towns where they mess with that bush. a normal p g launched rocket propelled grenades was by russian finds a way secret on bush destroyed this multi 1000000 west and supplied all mud personnel carrier. and these are those of, you know, of a cut off results with repeated an attempt to count of attacks by you create in forces. so once you call one of our groups gaming quiet during the night and set up
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2 entered, think minds opposite the car workshop in the morning, the enemy decided to carry out or taishan. we woke up to the scene 200 maces down the road, another ahmed personnel carrier, and alongside the alma account was cool to sit in camouflage abandoned by ukraine's retreated. and there are many, many apologies visit. we'll have a cut off the bodies of credit and soldiers abandoned here by the retreating comrades. they all being collected the situation is much calmer than it's usually ease off of the captive. big city. it is. you're in the com. the city again ease unexpectedly who we are currently less than
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ours. walk away from ukrainian positions you crate in front spaces. the red zone as we were told, the dangers, the zone. but what is spending ease? this doesn't feel like the red zone. it doesn't feel like the ukrainians are mia? our way we have seen baffled fields and cities. what move from are you able to walk with money and guitar 2 days, you know, and it is never look like face the entire city is virtually intact. other than broken windows and busted roofs, everything else could be easily repaired. as it is a testament to how you premium resistance has weakened the 2 grains ami has lost pollutant. see is new secret. russian forces a now far beyond the city, pushing further and further ahead. morale is high level to him
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with a ball. my call sign is to bowl. everyone here knows me. we gave those developing and we're off again. we're going forward. rise, stay strong boys. but the other surprises how many civilians choose to remain in garasco but to risk it war and the wave russian troops i've done, it was legit. we waited for you for so long. the soldiers told us not to close our windows, but they'd come soon. we didn't believe it at 1st because there were incidents where they would change clothes and kill people and basements, and apartments who would kill them, hopefully the ukrainians. who else? what do you mean? killed how i would just like that. we would think they were russian soldiers. we would go out to hug them. we waited for you for so long. we were so happy that you came here. so it was revenge. yes. they shot at people because we were waiting for russia. moves full 1000 people near enough foreclosure of the population,
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choose their risk is in stay include rock of a hooping greet russian troops. it is a standing figure given the research. yes. now, all of them have horror stories. they will describe the haze and the views. software the, the hands of you create the into the idea and do what do you that they would come into apartments and execute people. they would throw grenades into our chimneys. you couldn't go outside, they'd get you with drones. if you went outside to throw out trash, there would always be someone killed and injured. if you tried to get to the bodies, they'd shoot you right. there was a father and son were walking down our street and the father was killed. they then hit his body several more times. they wouldn't let anyone get close. they didn't care if it was an old woman, old man, a woman or someone disabled. they shot us off like hairs. good, really,
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really good sizes for what other store for what? because we are traders because we were waiting for russia, they wouldn't even give us aid. some volunteers wanted to bring us food, but or may or told them that we are traitors, that we shouldn't be fed school assisted living there with nazis. they were obvious nazis. how could you tell? it's obvious, they'd be tattooed up the next service they'd have the crosses and chevrons. they sold them openly at the market. aside from the swastikas, they also had feagles, but with the ukrainian trident in the middle and the source to care was that normal? how could it be normal? normal, how they told them openly at the market. they will be new mod, swastikas. nazi symbols sold input ok of its future is changed and then the coming months many more you crazy and towns and cities
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will be the knots of fide and periods of zelinski is troops a regime the tables soon, many of the 2 people, what you crave, hold the ford for a city of cut off come up, fell in barely a month. the city was completely unprepared for defense. and the flight that you create and pulled up was nothing close to what we have put up before more i'd gas v of the from good rock of then the people's republic. ukrainian military intelligence has released a shocking video of a group of people on the russian front line, being riddled by bullets. a warning, disturbing images are a had 2 of claims. the video shows ukrainian snipers killing a group of so called invaders near the city of pock rob skin donuts republic. the train failed to offer any evidence about the victim,
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some of whom appeared to be an armed, judging by the images. but joining us now as in his book and then finished chief editor at m, v. let the youngest, looking at the video, what can you say about ukraine's time the victims were military? of course there is no weapons seen and uh, the dean is very horrible. it also lives up with the policy which has been uh, biting. there is lots of reports now from the grady and rage against c williams water waiting to be liberated by russia and they are demanding to shoot all of them to all the syrians from the territory of the, of the phone line. so so these goals now very sadly above the, the nature what we are facing, we're not being in the last race of grainy and d presses according to ukraine. and as the shooting took place near,
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the city of paul cross for civilians remain or maybe trying to evacuate. what does it say about kids tactics? oh, they want to to make do cds as fortresses. and what i understand russia is now trying to, to, for past the safety so that they will be not so much feedback as we saw him in of many previous cities. and of course, it would save lives of to see really and see if they are not caught in the crossfire but, but think the same time they have to face, you know, compression of forces which seems to be very violent. oh, i think the, the, the, or the situation between the, of these fix dreams or cranium nation noticed and the super easy on population. these, these are real o escalate of the conflict between the syrians and of course these videos will spread from homes to craniums as well. and they will see the real nature of the
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sole good defenders of their country. and i think that these were using a full collapse of will still create in myrtle. was there anything that seemed unusual about the attack kill, who are the primary targets in this kind of killing? the thing that the the courts do this is the mercenary forces which are for the top from the little term nationalist elements. they are facing their own fears. they, they, they see that the people doesn't support them. they are afraid of their own future, and they want all the witness the salt, who can know also given the testimonies from the cruel actions by the gradient forces in the eastern ukrainian territories. they are trying to feel the traces to their own crimes and o, and of course the witnesses,
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the c rating and population is now targeted. they want to do be follow back up by silence. ukraine's military intelligence has been accused of resorting to terrorist methods. do you think there's a risk that attacks like this would continue even if there is a negotiated ceasefire? oh, yeah, this is that it streams the elements are, are real, real threats. but of course, there is a good possibility that the door of briefcases demonte will stop flowing and we know that these troops as being seems my, the mercenaries, they, are there any way for the money. and then the ideologies very build on the dean. red line, of course those 2 guys will have taking the full bike base and, and get in the do not see them in the score. they are doable. scores are very
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dangerous terrorist for all. so if you don't mind what kind of negotiation will be sol? but, but if i think that the core problem, the dollar briefcase is the suitcases to corruption money. when that starts to flow due to p, a regime, the the biggest problem solved. all right, we're gonna leave with our youngest book and then finish chief editor at the m v. like the youngest. thank you. thank the goal of rex membership is to benefit the indonesians, that's according to m. p. amelia, on grain a welcoming it to carter's integration into the block. as the island state officially becomes the 1st southeast asian nation to participate in status as one of the most populous countries in the world means it breaks includes almost half the global population. all right, let's press live now to the indonesian house of representatives. first commission member amelia, on gray and issue joins us from jakarta. good to have you on the program with us
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1st off. how does indonesia benefit from its birch membership? oh yes, it's a critical moment for our country becoming part of the exports in the new show and in the leak with us. tom under works most back to make economies such as ruysdael in the rush. you, i train, i sold africa the immediate attend this particular to me just to keep you informed . we inherited a principal or strategic open them in diplomacy or non look physical. we don't want to be subjugated to one though. this is one of the ways to exercise the principle. we now can post the full abrasions with fellow members and you get stronger access to expand it, markets and opportunities for trade and incitement with them. which is bruce. you also are fueling with both n uh, the 1st suffice our 1st buying our economics. and they're gonna keep point for
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indonesia in full money is that we can stick for funding from the new development bank. which brake has a sub the lease of focuses on the bang speed of the current pay, pay reduced of the denisia which are construct structures on suspend the boat development. it means we can stress, attract a project that improves the deed and quality of life for our people. moreover, uh on uh to political life. busy dismember c, m p 5, introduce your voice on the glove box springs and it is. it is a boat of venturing over portions to remain a key player in shifting the future of the global order. so break has been, i feel, getting for, for the reform international institutions to make the more e c n fair. yeah. especially for developing nations in its alliance
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with this. so it's a bundle that be in, you see a did a long time ago. joining rich doesn't mean alignment with what side it's about expanding our partnership and spend a minute over what you sent me a requisition a globally. so in this context alone, sites joining o u. c. b as being at this in the 220. i also believe that speak for doris clinton in the new shift global space and out of the newest additions, why was indonesia the only country included as a full fledged member of bricks at this point in time? how has it gone from being a partner states to a member state and such a short period? oh, i see there are reasons to put on the list why we stood out as the newest member of the big 1st street in denisa is the biggest economic and keep layer in the region
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of. so this is, yeah, i would strategic geographical location and large populations 11 with 15 natural resources needed by racing industry in the level of floods. there's no logy and growing consumer market mix us, but in, in a suitable a check this before this elliots on the top of that, indonesia has this, the low instance difficult ration is bricks. member countries over the past decrypts inspectors such as the economy a politic military and education. and in my few, in an eastern assistance to be in a short period through resulted from this diplomacy under our press. you did uh, a person did a scramble with somebody and those literacy. and she still, she still recently indonesia expressed interest in joining bri during our former
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president. president, jo, what we do adult administrations in place use the term in to 1000 uh, 19 uh, 2034 and into those 2023 in the news. jared, joining re, uh during the innovation officially a flight and was, you know, using the new mostly accepted uh, life fixed member. however its membership was uh for my life. so in these sites, just with the family, just let the election when the new administration was established. well, we heard from the nation president that a western style economy doesn't suit the country. can you explain to us why that's the case of so many people consider that model to be the most developed? that's an interesting question. i think it is important to stress that's a key point about economic systems. they are what size fits all economic system and
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policies vary between nation, depending on us for cycle condition, initial national interest. of course, while the u. s. a dears, to get the police economics system center on market economies, indonesia will lose the princess. you like? well, no, because the yeah, by just you don't over a deal to g, which can be described as a mixed economic combining market mechanisms. which step left this depaul, indonesia remotes in the 1st month. innovation and price of $6.00 chairs, a partnership, while modernizing and personalize these, they own, and the prices to minutes frightful, a nation of resources. this approach insures and juice of stair and sustainable development focusing on equitable and mutually beneficial for operations. right, that then replace it, but getting expensive,
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going to be quite terms. we house to another which the very country, a nation's come with different context, bit going on history. the western economic model is not accept, you know, we, we, we are aware that the unique challenges and priorities funding of countries like in the nation has to be addressed politically by carefully assess, then make sure that whatever style we adopt should be adjusting to our big got an interested in really the, as a country with their own interest on the subject. typically the washer, my apologies for interrupting that washington has long labeled of russia and china as a, as the main threats of the asia pacific region. if that's the case, why does so many nations want to work with russia and china? well, it is important to recognize that a free country has put the jeep interest in meant the new original and global
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stability. the accused is victory stations, australia they just the same thing, but any positions, many nation continue partnering with russia and china because because they also don't check this trip. so i know luigi and infrastructure corporation as, especially for developing countries as a, not a licensed on taking the neesha avoid. avoid line english any blog. it re, replies this construct states construct this a peaceful relation to the old nations was 5th, guardian, nation or interest and support the economic trends formation of towards upgrade or independence and resilience. all right, we're going to leave it there in the nation house of representatives, 1st commission member amelia, on gray, and he thank you so much for your time base or what turning now to the middle east or israel has try it out fresh strikes on the south of level non threatening the shaky ceasefire deal signed in november. the idea in says it was only targeting
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has the military sites. this comes as washington vows to guarantee the, as rarely, military is complete, withdrawal from lebanon by january 26th. that date corresponds to a true condition which gave the idea of 60 days to pull out of the country. well, despite the fragile piece, lebanon remains under heavy strain. the un estimate of the country has accepted thousands of refugees from neighboring syria since the terrorist groups toppled the assad government in december are 2 correspondents, steve sweeney met with some of those who were displaced by then. now, under ahmed, all sure oz regime, the old gilani regime, not all metal sharah, but all gilani whose hands are drenched in blood. he continues to kill based on identity, the media and reality. behind the scenes are completely different. behind the scenes there is slaughter killing in every type of crime and.
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