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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2025 11:00am-11:30am EST

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the, the, the united states does not need any competitor in any areas, starting with energy, where they give the go ahead to carry out terrorist activities to destroy the basis of the energy wellbeing of the european union. russia is the top diplomat loss of out at the us for using it terror tactics to achieve for political gain, the points to sabotage of the north stream pipeline and 2022 and the tax on the turks dream pipeline, which occurred last weekend. so the patient was there now in moscow following kansas decision to cut russian gas transit through its territory. the head of the parliamentary delegation says the move is legitimate and will cause more damage to the you. then to rush the to perhaps no one would want to accept that kind of ukraine into the you, if the you survives at all,
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because the decisions that are made there are contrary to the interest of the e. u member states. and as you, as president elect donald trump ponders acquiring greenland, there's a lot for us to adjust the 1st. consider the opinions of local a local parliament member tells us that green lenders can decide their own future. we don't want to be james. we don't want to be american citizens, we want to be 3 letters into it and bring them. and one of the things is that defines us is our arctic and location, of course. so we don't mind working with our neighbors, and that's one of the main messages we've given so far the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. this is our t international pressure top diplomat circuit lab. rob has slammed the u. s. during his annual press conference for using but he calls it terror tactics to achieve
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political gain. a good evening as opposed to the united states does not need any competitor in any areas. starting with energy, where they give the go ahead to carry out terrorist activities to destroy the basis of the energy wellbeing of the european union. they now incite the ukrainian clients to take out the tuck stream gas pipeline, just like north street in my. and there are lots of sanctions implemented against china, even against its allies, without blinking sanctions are imposed as soon as there is the slightest fear that they will produce something cheaper somewhere and will promote it more effectively to international markets than american manufacturers do. since the stop of transit of russian gas, the through ukranian territory, caused by t of starting from january 1st, the 3rd stream has become the most important route for the supplies of russian energy, central europe, and according to the russian defense ministry. on the 11th of january, you brain use 9 aircraft type us these to attack
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a compressor station which funds gas into the pipeline in across is our region in russia. thankfully for uh you were being consumers, uh, the damage wasn't critical. and so this compressed of the station continues supplying gas into the pipeline for minutes. the lab roll says that it's now become a tradition for outgoing democratic administrations to try to make life as difficult as possible for the coming democratic republic and rather administration the same. he says happened with obama right before he left. he had spelled dozens of russian diplomats and arrested russian diplomatic property, creating a huge diplomatic role where the russian, which to donald trump coming in the 1st time ended up inheriting collaborative says that the same is now with this attack on search stream. because see if doesn't do anything without the approval of washington. and the foreign minister says that even serbia is under a lot of pressure. now it's uh, being pressure,
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it's by washington to hold all its activities with the russian energy companies for it to join with the anti russian sanctions. and serbia and russia. i key allies. so this is quite a difficult position being created for serbia. and again, for donald swans coming in now, 4 minutes, the lab room says that it's now become a tradition for outgoing democratic administrations in the us to try to make life as difficult as possible for the incoming republican ones. the same, he says, happened with obama right before he left, he had failed to dozens of russians, diplomats and arrested russians. diplomatic property, reading a huge role with russia, which then in coming back then for the 1st time president donald trump inherited, the foreign minister says that all of this just shows how the currents remaining or leading us administration just keeps saying good morning. the voice of the american people which shows and showed in that the election that very don't agree with the
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current policies yet they still continue with them. so eager going back to the attack on the turks stream. what's been the reaction from turkey, you know, surprisingly, but there hasn't been any storm reaction coming out of turkey, which tends to be said about hungry, which is one of the key a consumers of russian gas west listed in the church stream pipeline is indispensable in the natural gas supply and hungry, and central europe, security of energy supply as a sovereignty matter. therefore, every action that threatens the security of our energy supply must be considered an attack against sovereignty. the 140 minutes earlier said to that, so this attack on search stream doesn't only threaten hungary, energy, security, but the entire energy security of the european union. were there any signs that the turkish pipeline would be targeted? why would kia have decided to attack the term stream, starting from january 1st? the contract between russia and ukraine on the transit upfront,
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some gas to central europe fits expired, decided not to prolong it, not to assign a new one. effectively making this the 3rd stream pipeline. the main route for russian energy supplies to central europe is not only hungry which is being effected. slovakia is also one of those countries. it's also one of the main consumers. in fact, the slot, our prime minister, even has called on vladimir zelinski to meets to discuss this whole situation and try to understand, do you have stance on this person who has it? and it gives us that your decision to stop the transitive gas through ukraine. just the log in and so either recipients is causing significant harm to ukraine itself. there's the voc, yeah. and in particular to the european union, and it provokes a variety of reactions which is not conducive to either by electrolyte or move to actual relations. as the highest representative of the slow book executive allow me to invite you to negotiation towards the earliest possible opportunity.
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understanding the demands of your agenda. so yeager, what has key i've had to say was the last, the reply to this in his own matter, i guess, which many found a bit rude. because basically said if you want to talk, come through to you. and let's discuss this, but apparently sonic authorities are really in the mood of visiting key of right now. especially in this context. instead, i bet it gets it from sort of. i can't even rush that right now. and guess what they're discussing. of course, energy is among the key issues. meanwhile, a slow box parliamentary delegation is in moscow looking for means to ease the crisis, prevent, bye ukraine's decision to cut the transit of russian gas through its territory. we spoke to the head of the slovak delegation to moscow, who said kids latest move will backfire. a little more to this decision is made at the level of presidents of lensky and is also not in the interest of ukraine. ukraine is losing
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a 1000000000 euros because of this problem because of transit fees too. we see this as a purely political decision that will not harm the russian federation, but will harm e u. member states and their economies of the e. u has adopted several packages of sanctions and they have affected our standard of living, not the standard of living of people in russia. and we would like this to stop. there are also voices and other member states that these senseless sanctions are damaging our economies. a cubic meter of gas and the e. u is 4 times more expensive than, for example, in the us. this is not a normal situation. prime minister fits so, send a letter to the lensky inviting him to further negotiations, and in response, he received some words that were quite offensive. i don't think that was worthy of a president of any country, but he certainly has no place in modern europe in the modern world. perhaps no one would want to accept that kind of ukraine into the you, if the you survives at all, because the decisions that are made there are contrary to the interest of the e. u. member states lettering his news conference earlier law prov also responded
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to the greenland controversy, which has been a done by comments from us president elect donald trump to acquire the danish territory. the foreign minister suggested washington might consider the opinions of locals 1st before adjusting the geographical map. it was easily the prime minister of greenland declared that they do not want to be either james or americans. they want to be greenland as and i think we need to listen to the greenland as fast as we listen to the inhabitants of crimea. the inhabitants of don't bass and nowhere else the. to learn the stories that attitudes towards the regime that came to power through an illegal to day tom, which was not accepted by the residents of crimea, no russia and don't bass. this is in full accordance with the rights of a nation to self determination. in cases where a nation being part of a largest state considers that it is uncomfortable, event, staples, and that it won't self determination in accordance with the you. and john to a large state is obligated not to counteract based on what else to hinder. it is
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easy to do models, so was the reason the survey shows more than half of green landers are in favor of joining the united states. although it was done by an american pulling firm. 37 percent opposed to potential acquisition with around 5 percent still undecided. breeland parliament member pele broberg told us us pulling company may be prone to bias. although some of those do favor joining the us and the pulses get ahold of people. they tend to get ahold of it more or less the same group of interest if you didn't call that, there's no down there. there are some in green them that don't mind joining the us . but it's not the majority of one of the things that we have noticed is the interest for green and again and back in 2019. we managed to make a come a plan with the us who said we are buying for the defense of the us. and right now i think what is happening is people kind of looking at premiums and the independence movement and saying, well what's happening?
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why is it stalls again and i think uh, the interest from the us is quite good in that sense that uh, it gives us that perspective that somebody else in denmark is interested in actually making sure with becoming independent. one of the things that all the political parties in green and i agreed upon is the statement that we don't want to change. we don't want to be american citizens. we want to be 3 letters in greenland . and one of the things is it is that defines us is our r t good location, of course. so we don't mind working with our neighbors. and that's one of the main messages we've given so far. breelan has a strategic position in the arctic. it's one of the areas of all countries that are in the arctic, and it actually is one of the places where they have been sort of equipment since the 2nd world war to make sure that they get fairly warning systems for us. so i think it's more of a sense of security for us to have bases and women and also have their radar
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stations in agreements. very important things to notice as well is that greenland opted out as the 1st country to go out of the european union. in 1982 we had a refund and it was in force in 1985. but so far we're still being kept as a oh season countries that always ends in the territory by denmark. so we still in fact part of the union, but we haven't stayed in the union since then. we are outside of the union union. so i think it's a little bit of a matter of people don't, or countries don't actually understand the relationship between green and denmark, and why the un secretary general was notified in 2009 by the danish prime minister . that we have a right for independence whenever we want. so i think one of the things that people have realized is all the natural resources are quite expensive or might be
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expensive to start from greenland. but if you look at the long run that has one of the places where you actually can actually go ahead and make sure that you are in position to take advantage of the natural resources in green. and when the time comes the meta ceo has the indian parliament up in arms over his comments about government mishandling of the covet pandemic. march. second, burke has set a lead to the 2024 election losses for new delhi incumbents and its ministers have called the claims misinformation and are holding him accountable. mr. zachary burges claim that most incumbent governments last post cobit is factually incorrect, including the 2024 elections in india, from delivering free food to $800000000.00 and providing to point $2000000000.00 free vaccines as well as a nation's worldwide during coven, to leading india. as the fastest growing major economy, p embodies decisive 3rd term victory is
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a testament to good governance and public trust. meta, it's disappointing to see misinformation from mr. zachary berg himself. let's uphold facts and credibility. this information about a democratic country lines. it's image the organization should apologize to parliament and the people here for this mistake. a dan dan general elections took place from april to june last year and handed prime minister and a render ammonia 3rd consecutive term. while his b, j. p. mr. securing a majority, it's called a sion partner, still gain to the necessary seeds to control parliament. but the meta ceo classified the government as one that has lost the public, a trust and part of a global trends. 2024 was a big election year around the world. and, you know, they're all these countries in the next 8, you know, just like a ton of countries that had to have elections and the incumbents basically lost every single one. so there is some sort of a global phenomenon where the, the,
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whether it was because of inflation because of the, the economic policy used to deal with him with covered or, or just how, how the governments dealt with cove. it seems to have had this effect that's global or the mistake comes of med controversy over meadows decision to replace those fact checking process with the system relying on community no similar to what the ex platform uses. second bergen system move is aimed at ensuring free speech and that the existing framework has proven to be biased. but for some it's donald trump's return to power that influenced the decision. his supporters have long granted the moderation of online content as a tool of censorship. right, that's for us now to legal experts and kit shot from good. you're right. national law university and take that to have you on the program with us. so it seems like india has taken mark secretary's remarks quite seriously. why do you think that is a dish at all?
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thank you for hosting me on uh, id. uh well via seeing that the cool, what goods from the rest in uh you know, elements trying to justify the, i'd always do them off this got, they are being successful in the job that they were given to bog down national, this governments in some of those countries i think, is trying to justify, to his mazda is that they have been successful in trying to manipulate the elections and the election inducted on, that they regularly conduct themselves all relations across the world. i think they've tried to global india as well in the a success list, but i'm very happy to announce and see are ready to go to the audience that defeated. and yet they were not able to generate any good outcome in this particular election. despite the best of the i flush that the impacted and deployed within about 3030. if i type, my says i'm at this,
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do you want me to the fact that as soon as you know, when i was traveling through during the election signs, i could clearly see you met that with it's some of the, you know, platforms, you know, tweaking on go to those to day effect. um, you know, trying to damage the election prospects for the master list of the strong government that we have at the center. but despite that, the people do the government, the election of, you know, majority for the coalition government like it was expected. so i think the ways to need so now learn the lesson from india that it's not that just social media interference would give you the results that you wish. in fact, and always turned exposed in terms of what all of the big that can do in terms of election, it definitely runs in nations across the way. so now we are more prepared with, you know, what steps to take mixed in, in the digital process for the platforms that in terms of regulations,
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what changes that we need to make an kit. how do you expect meta to respond to? do you think that indian ministers demands for an apology will be met? would? what would be the harm if they did a bowl? well, i don't think they have this, uh, this kind of, uh, you know, a value system it embedded into the air of, you know, heads off of this effect companies. because you already seen some of these come to box like alone must the way they behave with leaders of some of the countries, the kind of threats that they do attacking some brazilian need or are, are going to do a good on a public platform or talking about the q starting or uh, in the bag words as much bad words as possible. i think of this behavior is even better than dec. i jump just like the guns and the void economy. so i don't expect that they would have any sense of uh, you know,
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remorseful where they have statements. what if any sanctions do you think might be imposed on meta for the are well, uh, very clear that uh, the, the digital breast is broken in terms of the experiences that we have heard in the last, at least in the last 2 years. i'm more than sure that the government is considering solver of, you know, regulatory provisions. uh, you know, for bringing this big stick and there's some kind of, uh, you know, accountability towards the government, the law of the land and force of it should be applicable to their platforms. okay, we're gonna leave it that goes all right. national law university incubation council advisory board member and kit sha. thank you. thank you, jackie. russia is deputy, you and representative has lambasted a recent informal security council meeting saying it was organized as an anti
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russian propaganda event. you know that, that the presence of an invited to create in new nazi only proves the meetings true intend the needs. and if those are just, and of course none of today's speakers or the states that organized already a formula, informal us, the meetings mentioned that russian soldiers who fell into cubes, hands were subjected to severe torture and abuse. you don't have to go far to get proof. everyone can see this except are selectively blind and deaf western colleagues. the focus of today's event is predictably on the alleged violations against captured soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. it is clear that today's informal meeting of the council was originally conceived as an anti russian propaganda event. more over there are notorious neo nazis among them. in particular, valerie greske, me, who served in the as all regiment which was recognized as a terrorist organization in russia. and by the way, was recognized as such until recently in the united states. i hope that after today's event,
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information will spread widely in this country that british diplomats, the organizers of today's event, are inviting a man who glorifies the nazi criminals who killed their compatriots to speak at the un. this is all you need to know about the moral principles of modern western diplomacy was up for the eric archly is just one of the speakers at the you ends in formal meeting. he served a new cranes as of battalion, which recognized as far as that which is recognized as a terrorist organization in russia. the man is known to have the infamous tongue proof or depth head s emblem tattooed on his left arm, which was on the way, reminded his colleagues that it's unit killed, 97 british prisoners of war in 1940 let's cross live. now, the political commentator anthony webber, to discuss this further, anthony, why do think this and from where you and i see meeting avoided the topic of abuses against russian war prisoners if they are creating conflict was being discussed to hello rachel, well is just so i can cindy right should not as a us to,
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to the you try a complement which is not the deal falls a from the pressures public, right? heavy events actions regarding vague, involved in the crate and complex. so this, so this is just a racist wrong. and um, the, the government doesn't seem to mind if it involves the advice would be, do you try people? was that indorse thing? it stream as i'm, which was actually a separate ma, this invitation. he has all the time we have no medicaid has dropped a reputation. the whole big, big involved in a stream is that with a modeling itself on not c formation from the spectrum mobile. um, but it's, it's a wider concern because is the implicit say which uh, cuz coming your costs will be a kind of foreign policy, for instance, uh the headphones secretary david. lemme e as just type
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a tool with the phone secretary hold for the government for the sure. yeah, i'm not cool prize. i shouldn't have his attorney. so my eyes don't nitrate don't minutes. i'm just sewage iris organization. it says it does agree to been in the u. k. now, know if anyone else has diag not and i'd be interested in possibly be push it in jail. maybe you try. but for some reason, try to find me the type fun. so i could try to stay in this, arrive for him, say the guy, shy will be the terrace of i'm this is just a whole lot of a talk to say because recently we have some, what were cool, some south porch rocks in the try. i remember people were pushing gyle on the are problems of it, stream it something to some of them for years as it this is because the document type that right in definition of i stream is looking for largest people. but this
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stuff, and this should make a doesn't mean all right, you think because there's no more archie and the why the vs complementary is to finding a streaming survey. it changes like the wind changes and it doesn't make this kind of governmental the guy people already guys are tool and, and the well stage. and what's happened with this recent active site is mine sort of what happened in kind of one thing or canadian, uh, uh, not see a supervisor at a site. and the 2nd of all was invited to the canadian problem. and so i just wanted to tell you in your own self of another uh but uh i g i can for sizes have sort of adoption of you crazy phone. my, if you try government install, if it's part of a discredited power, as drums has some c, charlie,
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$95.00 is the tools. there's no support. i have in terms of the minds, right and the pressures people have suffered accordingly. yeah, i'm just wondering how can you, how would you explain western you and representative silence regarding the concerns raised by the russian colleagues as well. uh it is very simple and very, very, very actually i can have uh very believe it in the backs square feet are peaceful. i also the enough i will be believed. uh very, very believe i can put football inside all these facts. i can pretend that these facts don't exist, how they feel like it and do what, what type of i was i to assure you if i was a referendum on the issue, i'd say in our get back prior come up and stuff at the bottom. and so everything to
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do with the grading bible j spell right? again, like i mentioned for evaluation to help support the check by tools. all right, we're gonna leave it there on the, on the web or political commentator anthony, thank you. thank you for right now. so q, 16 you nations are calling for a stricter price caps to be imposed on russian oil in another attempt to decrease moscow's revenue. in 2022, the g 7. impose the $60.00 per barrel limit the price ceiling, which has gone ignored by russia and its economic partners. the trade has continued for the last 2 years at market price is now sweet in denmark, finland, lot via lithuania and to sonia. are asking for the cap to be lowered. we believe now is the time to further increase the impact of our sanctions by lowering the g 7 oil price gap. measures the targeted revenues from the export of oil or crucial since they reduce the rest of the single most important income source to. well, that says that you use own energy sector face is
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a major crisis. the blocks gas reserves are only 2 thirds full and they're being emptied at the highest rate in 5 years. meanwhile, russia's oil trade earnings have increased by 6 percent despite the g $7.00 price cap. right, let's discuss this now with nelson wong, vice chairman of the shanghai center for a rent pack in international studies. now some good to have you on with us. i'm wondering how could an e u decision to double down on elegy in ports effect gas prices and supplies in asia? well, apparently of the lack of a gas storage for the winter in europe is not an accidental company. but this is just one of the pressing issues. many of the european countries are facing or has been facing for years drastically. the rising cost of energy has seriously calls the laptop competitive advantage of european products and the sky rocketing electricity. bill has certainly brought down this standard of living,
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but the people, the question is why europe is doing this to itself, the politically this should have realized today's situation a long time ago and why nothing has been taught to prepare for the worst. yeah, so i mean, it has, it was all the measures they have taken to, we can a russians that caught them in the rushes economy. i mean, russia has being selling its energy source is all tentatively to asia. so now the key the talk is they, they were aiming to achieve. sure. and he'll benefit from europe, substituting russian gas with l. a. n g. or apparently the us, of course, i mean they, they have to buy l n g from the us, which is both times higher than the price that they are, they used to get. and so we really don't know what uh,
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what your end is doing this or why they are doing this to itself. yeah, that's the, the main question here. nelson washington has imposed increasingly severe sanctions on the so called russian shadow fleets vessels that supposedly carry russian goods well being registered in 3rd party states. what repercussions could these 3rd parties, phase 2 thing where i think the, these sanctions have kind of extended that coverage to anybody that is doing business with rupture or inc connection with russia. so, um, well we don't, we don't really know where the sanctions will go. eventually, but uh, i mean, maybe that's, you know, part of what by d as been doing as his last minute resort to, to basically uh, you know,
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through a hot potato to the upcoming president. trump, to handle it. let's right. mean me, lot of the incoming president trump is threatening neighboring states and bricks. members, i like with tariffs out there. do you think that corresponds to washington's attempts to sell more elegy? or i think it's about so much about selling ellen, g, e for the us. and a more it's about the new world where all facing i think we're all have to be prepared for the worst case scenario, because uh, the quote is not only changing but changing big time. and the weather, this is for the the better or this is for the was we don't know. but uh, i think what we need to understand is that we should never have realistic expectations any.


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