tv Documentary RT January 14, 2025 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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to finally, rest is deputy un representative has one boss that a recent informal security council meeting saying it was organized as an empty russian propaganda event. he noted the presence of an invited ukrainian nationalist only prove the meeting's true content as it needs. and the 1st sewage, of course, none of today's speakers or the states that organized already a formula informal us. the meetings mentioned that russian soldiers who fell into cubes, hands were subjected to severe torture and abuse. you don't have to go far to get proof. everyone can see this except are selectively blind and deaf western colleagues. the focus of today's event is predictably on the alleged violations against captured soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. it is clear that today's informal meeting of the council was originally conceived as an anti russian propaganda event. more over there are notorious neo nazis among them. in particular, valerie greske, me, who served in the as all regiment which was recognized as a terrorist organization in russia. and by the way,
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was recognized as such until recently in the united states. i hope that after today's event, information will spread widely in this country that british diplomats, the organizers of today's event, are inviting a man who glorifies the nazi criminals who killed their compatriots to speak at the un. this is all you need to know about the moral principles of modern western diplomacy. will it take recently, syrup and ukraine's ass off battalion, which is recognized as a terrorist organization in russia. the figure is known to have the infamous depths, head ss unit tattooed on his left arm brushes on boy reminded his colleagues, stuff that battalion killed 97 british prisoners of war. 1940 we heard from political commentator anthony webber, who sees the u. k. government chooses to loss over a fox, it, deans, inconvenient? well, it's just, i couldn't send you. right? you should not as a us to, to the you try government, which is not if i had deal falls a from the pressures probably it's
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a wider concern because is the present, say which uh, who's coming here. costs a new type farm voters. very recently we have some what were cooled, some south porch rocks in the u. k. i remember people were pushing gyle on our grounds at a stream. it certainly some of the been full. yeah is this is because the u. k. government definition of uh, streaming service providers, people, they actually do, i can very believe there's no maximum and fees are peaceful. i also the enough i will be believed very believe i can put to bottom aside for these facts, i can pretend that these facts doesn't exist. everything today with the crime label j spell right? again, like i mentioned for evaluation to support a project by tools. just a reminder for up to the minute developments this choose
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a quadrant 3, give r t a, follow an x. we'll keep you right in then know the know greens come with them was cookie, which ended in the business combined with turn by turn of them. but the show, the thing that i showed as a female, i did not mean that by it was a line in the law spot. so why didn't story so just a minute about them. uh, but also the scripting a lot of them could aspect initiative that you know, most of the people within our quick books there was an airport and lots of off
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the lease from great systems. and it was much different than that. and they'll see with the new ones that to bill so that, that you the much advantage of the 3 lamp, the best of them let's, and we'll hope all's available. he thought it was on the charts and how many understand the last minute the look like a couple years now. this cargo cover at the louis chileya and it was due to now really positive. we finish the general skim relocating. so i'm going to attempt to show, you know, yeah, on the so notice so craziness, you know, green should that storm? i seen the shortly. duck capstone,
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cutting up my stomach subsidy on done yet little guns coverage to know some of the machine that you should be on the wife to get some money out of the towing is now, you know, as i thought to go to stuck me and we'll do the article and i any special the thoughts on the when you go on 1st on ski football fan? not substituting. yeah. my mom. i just kind of quotes on this. no, no. should i say is uh okay. uh through uh when to put a showing. yeah. what are your initials of them? what dental? just the key or your senior photo for me. but uh for us to just stick with this. yeah, we'll be good on your sourcing lots to will version i 7 to 100 a month for all of us to i don't understand. so it's kind of the way. so then they're moving a little slow to, to turn off coke, and it wasn't really for status of the plugins or any about that. i see i need the
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st. you to somebody on the phone with us cuz i can and especially from the bottom of the so says all that, that all in the blue interior, simple realty is when you go to the flash time, what we should have before me the most control, you know, what the research that tools can check. so let me have to bring you uh secular ship with i wish to moodle detroit. even though connecting and what the goal is to cool . now cool, cool. dawn was 90. i was looking at a sky or from a lot of the on this niger,
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somewhat the shooting layer of but it's got k a post, if no bundled last name was i can just do to a new prospect. i'm looking on the 1st and you could have that goal in motion because you mightn't, i need some of you but i the cartridge, so i noticed the pool is less so whole bunch would come down. we'll sort of go with sort of got a small sort of good way for about the dark 6 look and welcome. oh, well shift here where you want to have them personally, i'm from multiple great up and pack those little things the
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still i'm going to do the addition in those williams if i'm if low low shalonda bell honestly it was a key liberties union and their stow typically is sales duncan and then i'll go more slowly so. so, so those media, well, no other seems income is fine. we can use them. well, let's see. so this was an interesting industry and grab an traditionally push label. well, this one else gave us the layout of the label. it says that, but in order to go up the image and look similar carolyn law, so i'm showing sort of somewhere in the solution. motor home excel,
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what could i get in to the model in the, in someone who, out of the prison, why it was, looks like it was all the stuff you could do just to be switching the appropriate of dismissing this matter to most of the team of the 40 inch from florida. do you agree and you will show me, love doesn't lend school and you will probably have an issue in the unit. a lot of the people are much avenue, is also the amount of tea with all the crowd like is federal credit union because it's just a moment. she's under the english little bit. all of them did to come up with some natural struggle, a pistol through last year, but it continues to be in your for young, but the most of my i do not loss of love. yeah. a lot of law option. a deal of the origin bar to spill. jeff lived in full. is there any work that you had budgeted or not the form of that, but the bells down the
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expedited the defense started. i do well, if you have through that the soon we started, it was just starting out. it's also like you did a good the good anything to get some. yeah. yes. uh so what is up at night just to create a new. mm hm. uh, why don't you, my, uh, i saw that the lowest my of those things that the phillips in the
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side of the river. so it's a mazda loan on for you, and you just call the police or to the shoes or something of the printer was. locate allows me to find out my re is on name of luke. yeah, sure. and i will put you under a sore throat. and is there any way also may assist you with the quote oh it doesn't. then you have some boy, you usually have no skills to go on and get, but the spinning still in the future is low enough. i should know, minus on square, gives me a call. it was a way to take one dimension willing that let me know if they thought it should have been should way posted. and if it's the life of the month or so is the lender and you fill that portion of the funding. integrate just, i'm going here with the plan jo, shipping this for you. it looks like it does also fill this out. so a full check. the 5th you have to look at the motion is submitted at the 1st of the
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general. i have an estimate for him. lap could have been you if you had a repair slip and the salary plays around you from which india ortiz. i'm interested in that which section which one think you what you're not going to be shy shift found even though it's about the well is it ask what's going up and what's going you might be able to bring in something. i didn't that will not be a good deal because this particular course i seen him is that it was one excuse me to be on the myself. i can always thing to move up like real thing to pull numbers lots and then you can go and then you have enough to store them. but as i said, i'm thinking it's almost the local shit, the whole thing. i think,
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you know, there's no special jacob goodness, you know, watching is linkable just kind of new listing as well. excuse me here. one of them feeling about and i was talking about. so could i emailed you both of them less than yes. like of course the numbers up on the openings, they will not let you know. so on a phone call, it's got the little button. when you get this would need that for yes. and then you'll notice the one i sent them and that's in the waiting list. okay, and so that's the last thing. it goes away to me. it's just a couple of show across the same time, like almost besides the safe, a suite. oh dear for us to show support you in your ad. i see on thursday and i furniture and green 7 x plus such a like a a kind of like an e glass on the screen. yes. you know, i cherish austin the weird risk with the and i'm with especially in, you're going to have some nice imagine i shall have it on the schedule but also to,
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i'm going to see just on the status and it wouldn't go to you. can you just kind of national business stuff? can you go to work with the pretty much you i showed them nice the tendency to let someone see 21 a still monday, and i am fam, the starting the fast, the most competitive with the list. mm hm. the missing of the lord that's and you're going to the 2nd thought i shall have them with some of the lecture last week, and i need to go to the federal war. i'm not sure the doors now. i'm not sure. lucian episode of the furniture basically to post, you know, by the 19 they will, the 60 on the nurse, the place where you to send me football. she will be in the area which was the new one though. things have been from us only from where it gets because it kind of
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something to associate with the communities near custodial and also from the for just so you know, the, if the piece is missing, when you're sending for you from us income opinion, the piece in front of the fulls issue, football shift, i'm wondering if it's yet she's let me contact with them as i'm speaking those little little guy in school and that will, they will stay army with them is the way that the
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the research titles can window trying to style things and when they took the music and the way to no one of those come, oh interesting us. that was also one of sculpture edition that goes away. my reading is a good own word or you just the say a possible way. americans in law for which it photo care is present historical as rifka issues because i'm happy, i don't think they're when they're condemning both areas on the same stuff. the engine knows anything, but it's really talking about the new and one of the reinforce the software. so just let them know that the,
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those are and what they're doing here from some of the mostly phone cause a little to one of the, some of the machine is off to, you know, to get an oil change a little. and that was the brushing him or pushing brush and see if there's also such show up just on layer of them that are sort of where like bringing why i need to do much the guy in english and one of the support of this engine and a lot of different dr. and then you are there is what got great left or like way of getting a car and that's discussion where they come. uh, let me know. like, what could i ask if my chair, sneaking william leo, brian screen for us to, to book and quote, for not for a while or, and usefulness of motion. you've got a quick are you doing a symbol is here. nothing else can see us. get them to one there who am i should start in the system. you don't worry about you, but assuming i want to put in a bundle, say it is a kind of goes center. we have to ask again, why if it was just single,
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such as an inventory warranty? some of us put it in there. that was because of control. i had them use disclosure . no near to now most come back when i get there was cut off when i hit ok, we estimated sometimes it almost got even longer. you know. so we start just almost there. so sounds like i'm still not so sure of that money open on a yeah. for sure, not. yeah, during the, during year which can, i was just wondering uh, getting to the position which enhancements its in the agreement as of what the holder to if there's a total of keep the little boy i'm gonna jump in the middle of this thing with the wrong phone child, so that issues i'm going to kind of what you're used to. stephanie corner person appointment associate about the about the pro, what are the gotten there? what else console frontier can move into this language more than 20 minutes. i'm one of those cuz i move on no more than an additional point to step in your color
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for multiple or you talk with football, but really i know. so what we're going to see, what's good, what's called the soldier, only knows me with a mediator with a local. we know who you are, someone else nimble. and if you have, that's the ne, rushing on this board else or the forest just on less than will what the status of can watch stuff online is and all or most things. and all of the children who i see really was preventing us let's to can uh uh, wound up on november on. that's going to be easy to do next week. we just watch the showing, is these busy at the busy, empty, using a us or really, you know, sort of your own words pretty sagel green. so need a lot of stuff, means interviewing, chasing the, giving historians really interest the dental, a renewal to be able to move this new brains. and one of them is just mean i sold
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them this. don't really know anybody else unusual, but as i need it, once every single branch re, the name of the jewish named bruce left her a new and they've got mad. yeah. so how are you doing that was up on the list that whole grain really, your apps image. uh no, somebody's the gun on the pursuing table and you get a new product symbol. vince, if you've got it's a long graded, wouldn't cool, gives you where that category will. but do i need to kind of move your name? she's going to get the most only fluids that we use. they need to remember slaves and pursue me on list the grading the do unless the if the city or is the same thing in for the off, but nobody is there. so we're going to have that many comes to the window, samuel gray. i've been using the filters so they'll be able to answer them. but if you just keep them exclusive, i mean, last time. unless there's no, no, no, no, not that the digital. like every time i was usually at the
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end of it know of style know the story size. one thing you like to know and yet they mean i think it was, i mean you're looking bad thinking pursuing them. yeah. yeah. they're bringing my name in the 7 hundreds to assume and then she wrote, this is a how to put on that. i finally permission them their whole i'm just the typical, the main focus code was too no one is convinced i didn't know if i can try and at the same time i don't know uh was sent or what so yeah, but both plan a hey apple stock number, if it is the most different way, and you have to always look at the more dealt with those, those special data sources. and if they bring it, you know, when i was just responding to the thing, it's a game. so it is,
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it gets there at the store and what is the way the summer was a whole and the phone was ever do move. i mean, it sounds good, but it will stuff. we're both statement on his own board was nipple or it was a thermal of them. yeah. well, you'll just let us know producers to put in a good. so you originally. yeah, well thought of the old sort of stay and like on every other whitney just now that stays at the windows and learn when you're with yourself. uh. but a nice car closer. just like to come right. no, no way is. it is addition to the stores of water, man, i thought was an additional software, even though the, you know, to a slow around dialogue now, because they don't see you michelle doesn't mean that lucia was 50 portion of the somebody took up with the support they have a phone in the next 2 years within check up the phone, you know,
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and then what's the story just letting more and the 1st thing and now we're getting into the dice. the water is just so you have something in the sea. so if you're ok when i was born, assuming that what comes up to the homework, my problem is this blankenberg is off from like suckers, 9 for me like worst i can just so i can show them uh might see is my but most of the vine you most of the i need from us or by new and about the most fun. yeah. uh come when you go to the store man. so i didn't want you to notice and was the let you us and then and but the system and when you, for just a company, my name, i don't know what to do in the most a statement that is cutting me with some of the lowest level in following the fish in water, and that was the meanest, portable thing to come on with my totally skipped by just because i'm probably talking about that. so what about this more lights on the bottom most of these on
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the home? no, i bet to just let me able to talk you the initial point. it is with us. i'm scrolling on best buy from us. now. let me lose was what the it was about this thing that are coming your judgment. which i so my, when was your business today? now? mostly the bookers gave the the balance and they're going to say a book that this one just comes through compared all the customers can push them videos and refresh them. and do it just sits. and we're a lost another 15 minute exposure, so darn must go get positions to keep the boys big going to a noise. don't that are coming up satisfied what's going on? what are single grains? what's coming up? data show still, the initial they went to study at if between what the technician told me, i would have previously homework it to
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a motion to send him to link. i'm able to post a fuck. the nose was just what they were both the kinds of fun. so that's a criminal. so there's a lot more on the part of the process they know those get here over the years and don't know, but i still pictures. describe those that are nice, initial worried about the inputs and it was a shuffle of them. what give me another quote. bringing one has to be yeah, we're doing this one must have put you on much of us as well. right? yep, it's good. it's so, so don't, but i'm gonna switch over costco even though i have to sedated that there was a message in the queue. the similar, so i'm gonna so i drop it off at the moment. yeah. there's knows that i noticed a lot are used to performance and load on your woods. okay. could you point question when i would have a vision source, learners that are you familiar with study just about the new something in the past . got to show the cause of this and i was just coming to the restaurant down
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here. the memory share part of the way this book of business 1st and i was just put in a quote before, no, should i just do it? i'm not sure there's any to notice on it and what it was that i was in the so when those are the questions that i should have misled up. so what it was as a culture of the dig around the bush get, get the rest of the assessment. there's no way to go and ask, what is the best part of the machine to place? so if i still get wounds graph, i'm sick i trusting the other, is it a name is what it says up and what it was and stumble up as it sir, is it could be discerned as opposed to letting it in the this is almost, i'm not gonna be scared is good at those. it could be on which aspect, but i'm not losing them in the life even though it's tim can. but i guess it's on the list. there's a mazda stuff,
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but don't panic or what is in the still go around with the car. i don't really know much about the collection of car. yeah. look on. sure me am just putting that in there was a check on the run across the the scroll numbers. now let's go through those ways to say, i just know how to restore senior when i'm sorry, it's okay man and uh cause ortho is there's no way to say i want to ship it never but just go laborious more. so i'm going to do is let's look at them once they finish about me. i thought, and it's just an assignment, a little one listing of them, just put it on level. it's much like okay, i'm actually going to put in my position that almost just the
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floors store i was doing. i'm yes. may i ask you model well such as one chocolate remote from towards the border. so i'm open to any of them. so there's nothing else to check my screen and assumptions refunded. is it confusing to which one? is it the kind of good person? so i'm gonna show you a little bit so it's coming. you go to what you can afford an option. i'm not sure what it is now. no longer has cuz i have a spanish so i send you the i just did it, sir. i got them. yeah. but them usually about the semester and it will take me longer than most of them are cracking the ok. and suddenly my tools collateral scheme grants. so what's the pro, a funding for the 7000000 dollars really bunch of stuff with i'm not sure what number i can't imagine, but have somebody else on ocean bulletin. you're watching that by area they will be presented. additionally, somebody keeps thoughts about that or us look over the one for that or actually
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what you're saying, well, you know, i'm not sure i've definitely set the nurse with the staff show about that. if i'm in the budget, but the, and avoid a contract that both of those little sheet, the assembly maxine might in the more short chest not show up. what could i do in the one of the, and you know what that with us the ship would be in the is the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the united states does not meet any competitor in any areas. starting with energy, where they give it a go ahead to carry out terrorist activities to destroy the basis of the energy wellbeing of the european union. russia stop dip them out, fix a mount, washington for it's a part of the role in a tax on russian energy infrastructure use to supply gas to the nation as cuts rushing and gas transit through its territory. slovak officials, travel to most of the crisis, accusing afraid of sabotaging europe's energy security. the perhaps no one would want to accept that kind of ukraine into the you,
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