tv Documentary RT January 17, 2025 9:30am-10:01am EST
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now is there any reason the interest of both our countries is in supporting these instability in the region? to so say if she has yet to go to get yourself above see him, it's him either again. but again, the discussion that all day as another original mattress was quite useful in our view and was time later. and in conclusion, i would like to emphasize that we are satisfied with the outcomes of these round of talks given with it. and i'm sure that the agreement agreements that we have reached will help us to strengthen the entire range of the rush and the rain in relations and at times. and it will also be facilitated by the interest a treaty that we have to assign. thank you for the attention to that of to those and the name on the phone. no later than my theory colleagues easy or media representatives that are nice,
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repressed. and so i would like to thank you for telling me is going to show yourselves in jonah, and to express our gratitude to the russian people and the russian government for the welcome extended to me into mind to legation. i hope that our bilateral context will continue to me on such a chicago and the universe here in volunteer. we are going to wait and is just a wider called birth unity, bigger opportunities to develop the biological relations, such as the work of the goodness of all neighborly and as a policy around and both of the right and russian separation attaches great significance to this. and over to the most recent to years, we had a lot of exchanges to kind of get an exchange in our country. since this is an ongoing process, and we are grateful to our counterparts in russia for
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a day is always that always. i mean, we will continue to develop but our trade in economic relations there a certain mechanism. so we decided to remove all of the obstacles on the path of our relations fee. we reviewed all the matters that works on our agenda. we discounts the entire range of power relations on your own, always in its full scope. and we decided that we need to go one working the positive team. so it's by laterally and also originally and also globally, but it was these comprehensive treatment that we have signed today will open up a facility part unit is will start a new chapter in our relations, especially. it goes for the trade in economic relations between rushing around. i'm sure that this document is based on the best interest of our accounts raise. it was drafted based on the best interest of part of the countries,
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and it will help us to prepare the foundation the for our further confirmation, rushing around our to jody. how's your willing to remove those tiny opposite goes on the passive power trade in economic relations. as for the customs, no mattress or the banking and financial matter is the most do and also asked for our investment projects. and these are free or is, or james and those are typically between our countries and we discussed these matters in number the street. he will have an opportunity to discuss these matters of to in the future as well. and i would like to mention how important they pleased to obtain an observer status within the race and economic union. what types of great significance to these because all of the symbol way can enhance the level of cooperation between our country within these unions attitude. and we also share the same view and counter terrorism and counter extreme is matt efforts,
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adults. and also one of the pillar itself, our future corporation, we discounts so that both set off quite a so our compensation in child conquers is in syria in the middle east and have janice down at the top table. and i believe it's her changes that are happening that are happening in our regions and our region, considering their all of you institutions and organizations such as the brakes and the as seo, it gives us view of our communities. it enhances the potential of cooperation between our countries to go on with our conversation, rushing around or actively participating in these new organizations, which is very important to all of us. and i would like to say once again, that is still, it is and one more is not the right way to resolve issues. and we welcome the settlement of the political settlement and also the barriers issues between russia
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and ukraine. we have to respect each other and the western countries must not force others to be some did by them or follow their will as for the air, it strikes to trade in by day is round the origin against the lab and in syria. i believe that we share the view that we must have got emphasized the importance because all was on all sides, the stopping collects the strikes and we hope that the seat squire agreement in the street would be put into practice truly. and in conclusion, i would like to thank my counterparts, russian presidents for hospitality, for having these good relations between the 2 rod early nations to properly people's russian and the reigning. thank you very much cause i'm going to get this . this is, this must have been for most of the virginia showed us was it just was more than
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a so that will develop all sort of cause the media representative to see you now can answer what most before have 2 questions. so, as is the tradition, the 1st question is for our guests, the representative. so the uranium media the settlement for the out of the settlement presented info the uranium and quote to you guys and i'll tell you to v and use the on absent in both of us for preston to out how similar the price including the afternoon present. because that's kind of considering money that we are going to raise to ask a question about the, is a big treaty. i would like to ask the question, is team president. so on the 2 country on the to answer the following question,
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we all know that or ran and russia that we have for the cultural and social obviously you montecito bits on traditions and we are too large strong countries in the region. we have vast unit is both of us stand against unipolar world, build the rushing around, stand at work on that thing. you world order based on multi polarity size to and we, for dissipate of our bowed 1400 years have been with same side show important organizations such as ceo and duration, economic union, and the brakes considering all these shared approaches. we still see that our bilateral relations has special and post economy in trade. do not respond to all relation, seem to feel jobs with them or politics. so the question is, what are the prospects of our relations considering the signing of these trinity today in the future?
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and so what we can hope for what we can count on what will happen in the future considering the signing of this new treaty. thank you. okay, virginia the government, but i will, will, strengthening the legal framework will obviously treat that or conditions which result the very is it matters so by level the corporation in the old, if they want to across the board. and one of the most important things for us is the trade in the comic corporation between our countries use them as we have already sad when we spoke both in the platters for them and live in the machine. yeah, i see them in narrow wars performance. we discussed the relations between russians and i'm a part of our neighbors. got of the mean sion put them solemn. you can, the just can eat with the account transportation with smaller potential picking up economy wires and 100 and some other populations. we have much of the bigger trade
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turnover stuff we truly spelled on lucas and was such a big country as around 80. $5000000.00 believe only watch relations, the level of trade and economic times the volume of trade which it and the comics compilation does not correspond toward intentional is not a problem to residential enter. the idea of the treaty is actually signed today's of the e, as in, as publishing you, additional conditions of you to use basic conditions to develop a trade in economic ties between now and the countries to put it into the lot simpler terms. we need to remove red tape and we need to make more practical staff isn't this. and then on why we should see us in the is how we've got it together. so just guys, the financial matters and to discuss how we can expedite like a resolution of various logistical matters that have to do with the customs, career interest and so on and so forth with these guys just the, the
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e s. cause of the issues in energy and hit on my counter apartments for pressure. and so i also mentioned that to rand is expanding its corporations can cause when the reason to nomic union. all these are things that are taken together will establish good conditions of need to make the good unless you tell wrong steps for verse 6, you can sort of the we have good projects and all the fields that have just mentioned . and i really hope that bible looking into the other stuff, can you see if the same as the music can we have? we entered governmental commission working on this will continue to move forward. i have no doubts and basically guard added to keep any opposite goals, whatever obstacles, whatever challenges we faced, crated you by external forces, we are able to overcome these challenges and i'm sure that that's how we will be. thank you. the commodity. all the ask for the prospect to follow a compilation. considering the treaty,
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those take 3 days that we've signed, we are convinced that that's to waste the 1st day of the very 1st days i probably was elected. i kept saying that the 1st important step for my government is to strengthen our relations with the neighboring countries and to expand the potential for the further a corporation, especially young man, the russian federation on c, m. o. when i settled that as well because it's a big country that we have really good political relations waiver by the in between . and i went through a come on is very important for us quote, originally and globally, and to strengthen our bilateral relations and all the details across the board. we needed to kind of hits on that all over the can rooms all showed as saw, started for the should all pay not to try and then not all the typical by normal days a new legal framework, emerald to review and strengthen as well. what can we do in the future as well?
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the 1st, we need to come up with a new legal mechanism to update the treaty or wired to my account or part mister president, the same conservation and research on investment in education. we have very good project was to bring my mobile home to your caller book on tests every month and then we have good commissions and working group. i don't have the courses and the decision was made of going forward through to make sure that all of this working groups and commissions had been due legal framework to use it as a foundation as the basis to expand our account ration corporation between our account trades and it's part of our shared policy to ensure the security in the region to fight against the any pool or world order to get us. and we are convinced that in our region, we can cooperate without any implants from the outside,
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without any external x rays. without any extra regional use, actors, us and the seal russia bureau, limited, and none of our our neighbors have vast potential and without a seasonal dish about it. i'm sorry, i don't, we don't need any. does he to any advice from across the ocean? and i'm very glad to be here today, and i'm sure that we have great prospects of course. so thank you very much. now we and our fax agency or question please. there is a 2, i guess thing to the folks. uh, hello, professionally agency. you've got a question for both presidents upright for future. thank you. so it to me because we will have to do i. e. what the we've spoken about all these projects are you there it is. i see it. right. and i would like to ask about the learning project and another one on the project. there's the yes pipeline for the study and user lying to the gas. there's no,
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they're both ends. you're going to need to discuss this matter. they're going to me today is to talk soon. all right. so how successful? but the thing is that the project that i want for the, the, the scale and without the, is a good project. and the 2nd question is about this, i'm gonna say 3 nouns, norton has helped international transport, corridors and show, are there any challenges with this project? and do you expect it to grow bigger or in the future? well, they're all, there's some challenges and some issues. and i mean both of the project management and all the other projects that we have in your garage. we're always somebody shoes that need to. so for the parties to agree upon the lakers to make the necessary decisions, to be logistics, transport or the energy it, things are a lot of places are a lot of mattress and we need to to agree on prices because some simple sewing in there and it's a different approach is let me just send me the seasonal pass code 0 and let me start a new member sitting next to you and he can explain to you all those technical matters
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which you had with must be taken into consideration. so we need to agree on these technical matters, but these are ongoing projects about what you want. these projects are important. they're very interesting. as for this scale, the science of these projects, i believe we need to start with this. i'm just smaller in volume. some of the tube feelings you look neighbors, and eventually we can reach the video to 55000000000 cubic meters. sell them gas appliance to rand was more than the use of the reach. so see the something to attend. so i'm going to try and project seen the oral or the nuclear power one year is already operational families. most discrete guards are successful and now we speak about the construction of traditional units. because do the, yes, we would have to delay all our plans a little bit low because if you could just a few things, there are some of you receiving transactions when you a message from a secret 21. but however,
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the last we continue with the separate per thousands of people are involved in these projects. start working on the site and you know what? that's always a big for them. and with some 80 percent of the company construction efforts are being by, say, completed by the local the companies. and it's a curious, it's a leak project. and when you mine, you know, with that we see that sometimes it's on average require our attention but that's fine. we'll see together that's fine. withheld is talk to you to resolve them as the or the north sale the program for new york. we are interested in these projects because it's an additional aren't going to do for us to promote our commodities without a rushing around. we not only we are interested in promoting this project but also other countries that develop trade and economic ties with dodge skills. yeah. there are some technical matters like technical issues and some administrative issues and the financial issues here it is. it's only organizational issue. so that they can,
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can result we have a dedicated headquarters as a premium is working on the project, our deputy prime minister needs for so fairly easy to use a set of monitoring the situation in pages. so talking to his uranium counterparts and stuff. so these projects are ongoing and we believe they will be completed to in the saw it as over to this of the year by so probably, and i'm just you me to ask for the gas cap operation to move to the following up on my home who was on the conversations that i had, and i can say that a human being on that eat on has a certain capability is if less than that. and that is ways that is, and there is a lot of work that delivers sandra jude to various body parts shop. and by the time we need these kind of needs, there's a lot of work to do. so we can, we need to energy supplies to the regions us on that,
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we know what are we need the standard chain. so you're not and we, sad this call. i'm calling the supplies. so pro materials of energy or other commodities. that's what the muscle work on. and we need to sort of structure the supply 0 and to accomplish laws, i mean caught in the jobs, but these resolved to accomplish all her good, very solid. do we need to do? so what she boss assuming that it was your boss above you just entering you, but the supply route built for fuel and down are cheese. these are the matters that, that our colleagues were working is you must have been working with all the to the goal is to the box to the ropes have been working on for a long time. and there's your whole, your positive fuzzy about the get it in your, you know, your plan, the same goes for small gas energy. you're doing that, or even renewable energy team. and we'll do the google how your car is, you know, say that it over to their own car. and we talked about that in our experts, that experts on the both sides of working on the days now. and we believe that we
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can do basically, how can we to eliminate any obstacles on our tab to make sure that we don't use them again to make sure that they are ravaged, were planned in such a way that it would work. most of the field facility route, slowly plus yeah, there are some technical issues, but we have them ready and may take staff season for those intervals. here you don't task, we can start and you cham, vern and the energy cooperation between your rent and rochester, and the, the work continues with every day. yes, we need to enhance our, the administration efforts and disregard. maybe i don't want to adopt this message. i wanted to see if i should have only a position. so am i speaking with a job that i will be 2 weeks a year on the day that i should have received a lot more time. jewel, them all, i had a cameras and so i should see all set to about in the like california to will you
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for the smooth will see that over to him. i saw it be normally, but i'm show you how call you month at a while. you're on, we are still need on to me to an english pretty much yep. okay. i did not get translation. considering the signing of this big 3 can be pretty. what would be the policy globally for the both countries. how will that affect the global policies charged sorted by they would get bought out. i do that, i want to move it. you don't know. apologies of the question was said, considering good relations between around and russian considering the signing of the treaty. what do you for the rest of it will see today that whole some see it all this is, well my, so i have been a movie, but how call you all your monday voice basically telling me that actually international agend and also the original calculation, especially in our region,
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how as good as faculty, at least matters, is when you're trying to remove continuing. so where you will see that and then we've heard them made our efforts international. you will have been doing this for a long time and i'm really to, for this given yeah, there's not on the focus but, you know, especially on the origin matters international mattresses that are you going to use the middle east, the south hawkins there. so basically they're pretty much going to use just incorrectly concerns our interests or as, as previously no grades from the union needs for preston mentioned. then of course, if there were some co shaneeda training, our colleagues that they are aware what's happening there. we of zillow by troubleshoot, and we have them all remaining and printed out what's happening there. but 1st of all, we were still a smooth lace. our mention something international added to stuff for me is that saved me on this month. if you're still close to it and it is based on the un charter until everything related, missing the development of the relations,
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the relations internationally. you must be based on the principal. so the us, the charter, we have consideration you more thing for us to fold the members of the international, my parents, you know, i mean, tricky, or in this, in domestic terrorist and be sort of the principles that we had here to see on the tree that was signed today, look at what you're going to do and that's we shifted. we still use the machine, you know, establish is a series of painters or not to be seen going have for a couple developing color relations and also based on the principles that i've just mentioned in these treaty. i'm not sure. but it gives us a simple stipulates our priorities and the 3 was on our experience to these quite your tiers. and then you see it allows us to strengthen our end of my life. for the relation in the best interest of the people is elva ran on the russian federation it was because it will soon as,
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as you really want to code is in the mind me that said that in california to get this theme along with the washington and that's part of the marble you ask. i think the treaties that we've assigned to a as the, for our operation in the regional day man, just a month ago, i believe that i'm still gonna be put on that as well. the technician will this help us to establish stability in these, especially things in our region, come on the high end dialogue, via consultations, and all of us by respecting. and we'll go through the total amount of money, equity, and values of all the countries hold them. and them to us and void ink, extra original for us in our region. as a result of some countries as well. totes original countries are able to resolve all the issues that we have in the reach. and i believe that this all the people intel to money even when you had such a dialect as we had today with the other countries, we could have bothered us to reduce the number of health standing issues. we could
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have eliminated. various obstacles on the order is a beta call need with us. so maybe we'll do the meetings because sometimes some count resorts officially free difficulties on the order. it's obviously it becomes an obstacle in our policy. is to look at the mutual interest of ivy. i'm caught the ball was the got on a month up there and of course, and we can develop good naturally relations with the regional laboratories and we are able to result all the issues into corporate eliminate only obstacle is by working like this, especially if we speak about the middle ages are 6, and thank you very much. and the final question, your business was also ease of use to is vast to you. thank you. the eclipse, and you all can use as we used to those girls and you'll get them dispatched to the same attribute. and that's the commercial can you? it's obviously everyone, but i don't remember the 300 holes that were old or,
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or is it the cutting gun and the throwing. yes. which is something you were already order to say, look and tutoring or some good the turbo. and i see, for example, in the middle is how can you preserve that balance because of the portion of the power not stalling me? like i said, we need to use the when chargers meet. so that's why we must. so try for the key. that's why we measure the, but that's it used for the rece range houses. right. and the power of going to use to cut us, we must not use the international law for what i do in our lives residency. the sort of like trying to gain somebody confronted and you put me in to stuff one, picking me the probably a lot of people to try to replace the un charter with some rules that what i, what else had a 1000000 times no one saw. would you mind or did you was so now what we're going back to this idea because you're the,
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when you that is the wife. but his tablets tentative personally signing, using the principles a sat can usually the solution was founded to contact the main thing. you know, obviously it's or the shift that has come to the complex, instruct on the, to solve your times, mission hours in your, in your ministry from a coach who was named mr. no, it wasn't. it wasn't as bad as though just because of the fluid. thank value, it's very difficult, easy was lose. so like 3 on all the matter in all the issues of rational use way under the culture. the warranty is a sense, but that's why the un what so? so what do you back yesterday to be? we weren't comfortable with new additional users and the solution was and the not to in the unilateral and solutions or just recently on the someone but you need 5 at a certain point and use i want to decided on saturdays that i'm united nations are going as a small business and usually, and the idea was spent in that doings to someone's reading plans the describe the necessary ends and the story discussions about the principles of lee
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when you say just those 2 and so on and so forth. i used to go into the room when you add them around to agree and then all the categories. very cool. build lincoln, small woods, that's how we must see it. that's how we must treated with that. with respect i'm going to face with those who, who don't want them to know if we can find with them as my, as an on down or bizarre. the charter president on that double standard. how do you, it is over the should, it was a, they are going to us and with the very fact that the one is on the account 3 or the sono seems to have the right one. okay. ordinary citizens to get with children, to kill the women were to entice twice colds in the hospital. and then they go to that about a month and speak about human rights. boom, walk. what are your call? the hell is one of the you who but, but let us do what was there since you the,
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you know, some the, they're gone a by the, for the voters about it. and then they say that other countries the most adhered to the human and provides, especially if it each, if they speak about us, we believe these are not dotted with standards and we called zillow. no, it's not about human rights. so because what's happening in the lab and, and 0 in the kansas tree, you'll see the, it's a box that it does not stop and it doesn't know that you see it with your eyes and all know about your whole site is on auto. but it's all bone bodies i'm given, the international organizations were not allowed to ensure the safety of women and children they are. and so what you tell them we used to say about 8 years ago must be, you know, how we talk about these because no one has ever been allowed to destroy all of us, all, most of schools in the hospital. but it's only thing that's holding in front of our eyes in the middle east. these are doubling standards that are not acceptable for
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asthma to my field trip route to commode is still happening there. and i believe the lives of also from the basic primitive, especially thing, remember with the other account for you to just added a year to the international run, the sooner the criminal you, once i do need to lower where or you're just on dollars, these are going to tell is why they who do i don't know, we each 5 given the control not to use double standards to that but all the way that the sun was around the world wide or must be no difference between some olga and present the country. there's my friend, the telling everyone they say come on and even we want to speak about human rights . these human rights must be on top of your muscle board forever and whatnot. for certain groups in certain countries, it mazda ensure to cross out the entire world, or did you want the meetings that took place here today? and i think room and the rates, if you don't mean, generally, our account trees have to boot along the road route. i believe it will and you have an additional amplitude also hold on one bit over the establishment of
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a multi polar world, the amount and also goes from the development of the relation to the construction around the thank you very much of the press conference that you have which state is over by a back with me in the us, you do is here a mazda and full, so we have the 2 presidents that so okay, we had rushes vitamin puts in on a wrong president visit. same for the 1st time. here in marcell close, i signed a 20 uh yes to to deposit it didn't, i'd like to go over a couple of things that really sort of caught my eye. that really, i think you'll find interesting with closer to delve into it more throughout the day. but of course i told the students name by that from 5 they told us about, um, building a home. well, he's been many sexes together and that it, it puts in was talking about how a little of i'm this.
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