tv Going Underground RT January 18, 2025 9:30am-10:01am EST
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america and was on their rondon china, this despite trump, himself declaring that his design as well peace. joining me again from cleveland, ohio is dennis percentage of all the mayor of cleveland, who twice ran as a us for democratic presidential candidate, most recently running as an independent candidate for congress. dennis, thanks so much for coming back on happy new year. you're on the season premiere of going undergrad. you are the washington press club just a few weeks ago before christmas. right? speaking about the risk of nuclear war. how important is it for trump to immediately was in biden's permission to fire us missiles that russia let alone the other elements of the bite and the policy that have made us a little closer to death. right. yeah. i, you know, 1st of all, it's great to be with you and your, your audience is very important for being able to analyze what's going on in the world. and i think by reference has an impact. so i'm glad to be with you, right?
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let's start with this it's very clear that we need a new security world security architecture just very clear and that that would reflect the interest of, of each party. not just una paula approach. and the big thing in the us, as we have to shift from the cold war perspective, which has locked us into the apprehension of a nuclear conflict, which sometimes can become a self fulfilling prophecy. especially if i as in divided ministration or lobbying language mitchells towards moscow that never made any sense. and it carried worth it the possibility of, of a nuclear war, which myself, scott ritter and others were very pointed about sharing that perspective with the american table and search it. there's
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a new opportunity or not which standing whatever trumps or pointers upset or been. i'll get on to that brought us in a bit. i'll get on to the point. he's in the minutes. yeah. so. so the president, trump, is not somebody who watch more war. uh, here's the deal maker and asked joe, he's always interested in trying to find a way to come to a deal. and course if you have a nuclear war, there is no deal to the end of daily. so i think said we're looking at a potential here for a new relationship with russia in particular. that's going to be built on mutual respect of course. and that will give the people of the world an opportunity to see, to leaders, both of whom have a great deal of experience, find a path towards a peaceful coexistence and, and maybe even
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a path towards working together. because after all, in the past, the us and russia found a way with the star tray to the intermediate nuclear forest, rudy and others to come to agreement with america. so i think that we, we should be in can be optimistic if not cautiously show that there will be an opportunity for an opening here with the new relations with russia. and i'd like to get into some of the details as we go through this discussion. yeah, i actually, i mean i'll get back to the future. is it where the in the 2nd you definitely do believe the bible blinking austin, the sullivan. paris policies brought us closer to nuclear war and the end of the world. i mean, just, just on the legacy it's been reckless and it has been as go tori at a time when we most de escalate at a time when we need to advocate for
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a multi polar world data unipolar world. and show that that whole approach has been anachronistic. even it's not mindful of the fact that the world changed from what it was in 1950. and yet those who were advocating for escalation with russia for further aggression aggression didn't seem to have the capacity to be able to engage. and we need constructive engagement. uh that something that, uh uh, the bite and blank and leadership on foreign policy didn't seem to be capable of. so, you know, i'm um, you know, we, we need to, to look for new partnerships or what's with russia. but what have you made away from? what have you made of this week? so, i mean, it's quite type lifted. people use the cool it criminal criminal. and all the g one who were trying to work out with the soviet union was doing what did you make of the tags? that's confirmation hearing the that's the,
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the nominee for the most of the pentagon in uh, the new boss of the c. i a fugitive uh john rack that is very difficult for the public watching on youtube or whatever that confirmation hearings as to what precisely they're doing. do they look as frightened as we should expect? that it is executive power here? i mean marco rubio giving his boss direct going. it was amazing to even to hear him talk about negotiation and the idea of a kind of multilateralism, your hinting at their make no mistake about it. unlike the last term we're president, trump is last and we're president. trump relied upon this top advisors on matters of uh, international policy and security and intelligence. he's, uh, he's brought this much closer to himself. now he's,
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he's making the decisions on warranty. and she's making the decisions on uh, america's position in the world and america's ability to deal with other countries . he, he seated some of that to people like my mike compared to last time. that's not happening. this time you're going to be, you're looking at a of a different type of person and truck. one who is more informed of the ways of washington, which can be a secure addition, a snake put sort of way. and one who is not going to be misled by advisors who may have their own agenda. people are working for donald trump. in this term, whoever's appointed will be reflecting. here's the point of view. there's this is not a president and cheese that is going to be on hand. it's a presidency that's going, i think that will be focused on trying to come up with
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a means of establishing a de todd, or at on taunt with certain nations. but he'll be focused on america's economic success. and there is a there's, there's americans economics, a set success is adverse to the interest of the military industrial complex. because the more money we spend from was a less able work. we are to meet the needs of the american people. and joe, the present drum knows that and he's, he's supporting people will follow his direction. i have any doubt about that there, there's not going to be many people out there who are going to be freelancing into trump administration, but we had so best in gulker on that he was nominated by trump to become a deputy assistant to the president. and the senior director on cause of tara, i don't know whether because you were running out of k jr. his campaign before he
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dropped out. whether you got a call to go tomorrow, i'll go ahead of the, you know, your ration day. but is it your sense then that um, even if trump is taking more executive control and not leaving it to illegible criminals, like mike but bear, he sets up a huge battle line here. if you think of ruby a waltz. radcliffe, on one side, i mean just the confirmation hearings, at least show that they want to mass surveillance and so on. the new edge of the ca versus the lawn. my scarf, k junior, your friend josi gab, cash patel who saw through all the russia gate hoaxes. i mean is, is that the kind of trump uh technocratic. see a way of having a divide and rule situation because it seems pretty dangerous to a lot of people that allow people in positions of that kind of power to pass without rubio is going to be the secretary of state directly is going to be the boss of the c a where you're actually ration about the diversity within the
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trump cabinet choices as well taken. however, i'll say it again, president trump is going to be running a shout. and if he wasn't, then you could say, well, these forces are going to be at loggerheads and you end up with spacious inertia and government breakdown. i don't see that happening. i don't see it happening because a strong leader can set a tone which can cause others, notwithstanding what their predictions might be, can cause others to fall in line. and one thing about trump is a strong leader and is not a pushover. is not somebody who is going to be easily misled by any of his staffers. he is, uh, as such, a he'll cause a, a, a, a kind of a consensus to arise that will hopefully create
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a administration that will find a way to work together for the benefit of the country. yeah, and i thought, i mean, do you think that was a sense that the southern and i mean we don't know the state of it be stealing guys a was an indication of that because you wouldn't expect the likes of rubio, mike wald, sebastian, go ok. these people to have a full us and that, and you know whose hand and say, look we don't want genocide for the it will get ration. i mean, if anything, it obviously proved that blinking and bite and then the sullivan were useless. as so many tens of thousands of mostly women and children with slaughter. but is that in any indication, the fact that the we saw of this piece deal a head of an organization david. he just, he wants peace in effect as he does one page and he sent a non boy in to meet with netanyahu and company and made it very
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clear based on reports that are public and some that i've heard privately and made it made it very clear that there had to be an agreement and the the, a war against the people of guys. and he's looking at an architecture for patient middle aged. and again, trump is someone who is taking a view of trying to put the pieces together to come to an agreement as far as guys uh, uh, as a time that we're talking i, it's there. so conflict within the netanyahu government over whether there should be any secession of of the war. and that, that will be a moment where netanyahu's ability to survive is going to be tested. because on one hand, he absolutely needs the help of the united states to stay in government and the
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other hand he needs the votes of the far right coalition that he put together to stay in office. so being the torch and in between creates a situation where the war is going to keep going for a while until they find a path to settle it and uh before the bank of yours and small treasures of the netanyahu. government realized that, notwithstanding their sincere desire to cleanse the land of everyone away, i'm to be a palace stand in that that's not going to happen. and that the truth is that their approach of ethnic cleansing of genocide has failed. that this idea of uh, of greater israel that comes about as a result of varying people that's not going to happen anymore. they're, they're going to have, take a new directional. donald trump is
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a very strong support of israel. and i support is you're up to the point of a, you know, ethnic cleansing and genocide, count me out. but what we're looking at here is an opportunity for israel to, to get out of the right and other content as awesome child to israel survive. because right now israel's own existence is threatened by leadership, which is uh, going down the path of destruction which can good could consume the state of israel child that is because the jobs stop you that more from the twice us debit card presidential contender involved with mayor cleveland ohio after the spring the the
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in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the you astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise, the prisoners. they send them your concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the
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welcome back to going undergrad. i'm still here with the twice us democrat presidential contender involved the mayor of cleveland, ohio, dennis percentage dennis, you were talking about the dangers to israel. of uh, this uh, 15 months of slaughter in garza. i mean, in one sense though, is the, is there any project not fatally hom, the renewal around the world, the world is rail is now synonymous with genocide. how can they recover in any way unless trump gives them that way to recover their reputation? ruggedly about shot. it's very sad to look at the trajectory of the historical relationship between the israeli government and the people of palestine. they are the pal shannon's, the guidance and the people in westbank because it's, it's really been a, a history fraud with depression and occupation. and there's not just
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buzzwords because i take an approach where i want, what's best for everyone. and frankly, israel, the government of israel, has taken an approach which has been destructive in a way that it certainly caught the attention of the world. it is harmed israel's reputation as a state in the world community. its last israel, a tremendous amount of goodwill, without improving is real security one bit, you know, or, or without treating a return of hostages or any other significant number of netanyahu has played a hand where he's strengthened his hand within uh, within israel and within his government. but he's working himself around the world . now, what is the, is it, i mean, what do you go so far as to say, entity blinking is done? how mazda is work for me blinking for some reason this week was saying, there are more how about us members than they were before october? the 7th, but in a sense, was he not meeting the failings of us policy itself?
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and i mean to say that if that is true, if that is true, then it's a confession of abject failure. it's, there are more how much members, but you know, this isn't a game a waka model. here. we're talking about the survival of the state of israel and the survival of the people of guys in the west bank us and the us policy has not been conducive to either, frankly. and so our anthony blank and uh, god bless him is uh, gratefully. uh, at the end of his service uh to the united states of america. give him a gold watch and shut him off the door deal. as many people would say, i mean, he might be going back to his defense contract to jo, bit, west exec it. do you think it'll be safe, ever for by bananas officials to travel anywhere in the world after monday at 12 o'clock eastern time given that there they are. obviously,
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in some ways complicit some people say, participating actively in the genocide, according to that wealth quote, i know it's not respected by the us congress, but around the world, do you think they'll ever be able to travel these people, jake sullivan, blinking kamala harris biden. you know that, that, to me that's, that's less of a concern than establishing a newer security architecture that respects the ability of all people to survive on. and donald trump has a unique opportunity in that regard because he sees the shortcomings of the binding of instruction. and he is in a position to capitalize on a on, on openings that he can create through. i mean, what about this about this problem? they were horrible terror atrocities over the yuletide period in the,
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in the us in new orleans in the c as in new orleans for agents. and there is going to be blow back presumably for these policies under the by them. yes. i mean, the, you know, whether it's supporting nazis in ukraine, isis in serial kaiser in china. a oligarchs in latin america and things come back home. and of course, what happens to presidents is that they suddenly react and over react badly and throw themselves of course, in terms of foreign policy. what are the dangers to a trump administration of that? we're having this be seen to be tough when the inevitable blow back happens. there's so many weapons in the world. they've sent too far, right? groups and ukraine, so many weapons they've sent to al kaiser and nice dashing in syria and so on. like each new administration is inheriting something of administrations
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before them. that's a given and the danger always when you're in a position of power is over reaction. even in the face of of of a major attack. i'll give you an example 911. the reaction was nitrous, an overreaction, but it was focused on a rack which had nothing to do at $911.00. it ended up costing the united states maybe $5.00 to $6.00 trillion dollars for ones that never had to be fought. i gave a speech on the floor of the house right after the attack, saying, hey, hold on, let's wait a minute. don't rush into any kind of, of decision making. let's you know, let's reason and then let's go forward. i mean, we have to defend the united states, of course, but there was something else going on here that uh, another agenda. the depression of the united states has an obligation to be able to
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take a measured approach in any kind of a conflict. whether it's domestic or international and hopefully from all of the lessons you've learned was, you know, offers and, and appear at an out of office where he was under him, were themself. he was under a, that was the attack president, trump will, will emerge from that crucible of personal experience to become the leader that american age at this moment. of course it remains to be seen, but he certainly has an opportunity. and, you know, we, we need to, we need to look at the escalation engagement, an opportunity to create a new security architecture. respect other people's concerns, and to try to find a way to get to prosperity. because in america, be very sure about those people or titles each, unless wars, that's why they vote one of the reasons why they vote for donald trump. they wanted america to focus on the economy here at home. they wanted to do something and
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stopped. there's flood of illegal immigrants coming in because that's an economic issue as well. americans are really more focused on what's happening here. the housing situation is a nightmare in america. today. people are having trouble due to renting or, or staying in or home because of the cost. so, you know, we've talked a lot about foreign policy, but i'll tell you that the success of president trump is going to depend on him on him being very dextrous and handling the international matters. so he can focus on the domestic economy. if he's able to do that, will be a successful president, he has a chance to actually be a great president. but, you know, there's a view ported out there is the president's inherit all kinds of policies and, and sometimes the response to the united states happens during another administration. and so i'm hopeful that that will see a mixture of, of engagement and restraint and, uh, towards the establishing a, um,
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uh, you know, peace negotiations for ukraine. uh, looking at uh to uh, renting in nato's expansion, as policies which have been devastating for the world of doing something about reviving discussions over nuclear disarmament. for example, that would be a huge development so that we're no longer, we no longer have there's nuclear sort of damocles hanging over the world. there's, there's a lot of progress to be made and i'm optimistic. of course, no president never going to be spared criticism. uh for his decisions. but i think the donald trump having had a, an ocean of criticism both publicly and privately, there's probably better pauses and most to be able to make decisions without regard
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to public pressure. and to basically try to do what's right. and you believe he has cabinet members that will question any stake? evidence brought to him because you mentioned iraq because that was fake intelligence information. i'm enjoying ratcliffe worked with john ashcroft. as i said, monica rubio is the i'm, i don't know what you know, of this national security advisor and like, well, it's all it takes is one piece of evidence to get them into a wall with china or ron, isn't it? and that will throw him, of course, from the domestic agenda, or if you will say like any which any kind of, or any kind of a war would rec, present and trumps domestic agenda. just record. and that doesn't mean that he's going to permit the united states to be vulnerable at all. what it means is that he has a, he has great latitude right now at this point. the question is, how's it going to use it? and uh i, i'm quite confident and watching him closely over the last few years that he is not
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going to let any of his appointees just go off on their own and do whatever they want. on behalf of god, those whatever interest they're gonna have to file donald trump's lead. and if they don't the way out that's, that's pretty clear. and just find easy going to bring to justice. all those people that will be lying about his 1st time. um, you know, the roger oak steel don't say i don't know whether he's going to get that m a 6 agent. christie was still done. the people responsible of a fake syrian chemical attack stories. all those people, i mean, do they not pose a problem for the future? the people that lied about him being a russian agent. and so they're all that they will have jobs. they're all in the firmament of some of them working at legal practices. how are you going to get rid of these people that will no doubt be all over the news media? the tests trump? i think what we have to do is get rid of the mindset of fear and suspicion fors. that's a bigger job. and individuals who have been purveyors of that fair and suspicion
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with the present and to is, is not fair for it will make a difference. the those who were promoting russia gave another conspiracy theories which proved to be false and their, their punishment. is it that a trump kind of elected anyhow, re elected and how and i, i don't, i don't think that it would serve the trump administration well, to use the power of their office to essentially try to purge everyone who ever lied about about donald trump or his policies, but i don't, you know, there's a line to that. i always remember in a poem by shelley called a prometheus on about and it talks about to forgive ron's dark or the night when when we carry with us this idea of being wrong,
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then we got to pay back people. that's a burden that weighs heavy on someone's heart and soul. and so to, to free herself of it and basically say, okay, i know what happened, but i'm going to move forward. and in some cases, even i forgive you. but, but really the, the real test of power is to be able to meet all of those in attempts to undermine you and attack you and, and degrade you to meet at all and not go down in bitterness, but the rise of up and to find means of serving the public who elected you those because image, thank you to have that set for the show will be back on monday with doug bend that would be full of a special assistant or president roland reagan, and you'll then give it to us by the social media, if it's not sense and you'll country and i do i channel going on. you guys have your normal, don't come to watch. new and old episodes are going to go and see you monday. the
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release of come to the russian states never see as tight as i'm one of the most sense. community best ingles, all sense and up the in the 6595 and speed. what else holes? question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on the rushes per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the,
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the developing wall claimed and ruined the lines of tens of thousands, but it was the hague tribunal, with delta finishing flow to the muscle. expand on your side, i will talk to him. all of that will cause up the curious thought me memories that the rest of your stuff or some of the funded 13 has made them i guess i need to catch up on these. you betcha. so mutual blood test to the as well as doing any took a soul tie it out loud, custom built around what sort of on team so. so this would be a vision to offer something to bid jamie stuff. as i've done this, your boss, they have to go into discuss as i said this, so not clear on nice to cover the problem or find out is,
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was that some of the, the government enter on kills to judge is. and it was a supreme court for the media center, it was at least track a died by suicide to police to that. also, as we need to, there's absolutely no doubt records on into unplugged, interrupted human turn, accessed responses that tremendous suffering. you know, guys are only uh, immediate access to gaza, to deliver the critical agents who the own play list the 100 more lives in the, in the idea of sites just like the cx 5. we went between israel and how about the interior becomes of the lives on the state of brick since finding the global stuff present it.
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