tv Going Underground RT January 20, 2025 7:30am-8:01am EST
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this is some would say if you, if you're a big mega republican, very strange appointments like marco rubio is national security advisor waltz. um, even is new added to ca radcliffe, always. nobody's. well, i certainly assume he learned his lesson from the 1st uh your administration. did when you nominate people, if you don't monitor them closely, they go off and do their own agenda. part of this i think, is the fact that he's really not consistent in his thinking. he's, you know, he's willing to intervene at different points. we've seen him blustering about greenland and canada, panama canal. you know, some, as it was in, he doesn't come to this with a clear, simple, 80 ology. but he certainly wants have done his way, and i think we've seen what appears to be a tougher stance towards benjamin netanyahu, for example, than anyone expected. so trump has the ability to surprise. so i think this go
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around, he's learned he's got to tell his folks, do it his way. the question is, can he manage that, that can it keeps the attention span? can he focus on it? is he willing to switch them out if they don't do that? you know, all of these are unanswered questions, but he's not us and he's not a dummy. and he's certainly saw what happened. the 1st go around. he's commented about john bolton and others who undermined him that data almost any opportunity. so one has to believe he's taking that into account. he's been much more disciplined coming into this a larger ration of the previous one in terms of making appointments, early, choosing people, including controversial ones, whether it's robert kennedy junior, whether it's tulsa gabbert, you know, that he certainly seems to know what he's doing this occasion. yeah, you mentioned the guys as these 5 plan, i mean taking on that lobby. the israel o v in washington dc is quite a big 1st and,
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but some people might not have expected. the steve wick off, big zion is to have done that. and we, what we see, we heard from biden trying to say, hey, we've credit the tragic credit. i'll give the over the bodies of so many most the women and children. um, do you, do you think that gives us a sign that he's willing to take on some of the toughest lobbies there are? because clearly, i mean it's obviously also the end of a through the eyes of the military industrial complex wage. i mean the, i've seen some of them as companies share price is declining. e. do you think that he wants peace is the really the piece president to but he campaigned, as i think he is now in saying that that doesn't mean that he doesn't wonder wonder around the world doing things and that he's not willing to kind of try to a certain american power and make threats. now you said greenland about them are actually you might want to go into that because, i mean, they are strategic decisions. that's right. i mean,
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almost any american security analyst would say, there are reasons for the united states to care about what happens to both the panama canal and greenwood. but they are virtually none of them would say that you kind of show up and threaten denmark that you might seize greenland or you seem to be implying that will use military force. so. ready want to take the panama canal back. but of course, part of that i think, is seeking leverage. which shows that he has this unilateral as impulse to him. where the us is a great power that needs to do what it needs to do. but i think part of that is he really doesn't want to go to war. and i think we have to give him credit the way he talks, for example, is there he talks about a lot loss of life in ukraine and how terrible that is. well, frankly, most american presidents don't worry an awful lot about people dying in other countries. george w bush never spent a lot of time lamenting the hundreds of thousands of it. rockies who died after the
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us invasion and the okay, 8 years ago and trump randy gave him a foreign policy speech. it in that at one point he talked about aggression and criticized us policy in places like a rock. so i think buried with in trump's bluster really is a desire to make sure americans aren't dying and stupid wars and he prefer other people not die. ready as well, but he really doesn't want to get us involved in the war. he's talked about the dangers of nuclear war. he recognizes what could happen, you know, in terms of ukraine, russia, if that went into a war with nato. so i think this is very, really good. he doesn't have a clear philosophy exactly how to make it happen. but i think we should give him credit to more than either get a pre leased recent president. certainly joe biden. he really worries about these issues in a way that the others haven't. i feel like i'm a bit like a judging of all the time over here. if anyone's watching is well cost, cuz i often it's because image photo congressman this as well as i'm going to ask
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you the question basically on saturday 0 and he's he was more optimistic than anyone could have hoped about to trump. the ability to control this cabinet that he's appointed, but doesn't it just take one piece of paper from his new c. i a boss if he's confirmed radcliffe to work with john ashcroft, to say oh iran is behind and as, as a nation attempt, actually they already tried to had on it. uh, it takes uh, how much for rubio just say, oh my doro is doing this in venezuela or walter's national security advisor. to say something about, i want all the to be some kind of blow back full of the content and catastrophic record of the, by the ministration, whether it be outside the weapons, coming all the way from syria. now that, that's the legacy, the obama years hitting, hitting the homeless, the united states. so then the own weapons and not season ukraine hitting the home . well, all it takes is that, and doesn't it just throw drop off costs,
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or is the savvy enough to realize you b, b doesn't want to be played again. was soon said coming out of his 1st administration, he realized as he was played, he realized as people use this, i think it's one reason he wants tulsa galbraith, that intelligence that have chelsea gabbert is there. she's very likely to take a different view and where a lot very likely to be more wary and helping kind of boast or him in terms of where you look for the people are doing what you watch. and you look for the folks trying to manipulate, you mean i showed that concerns? i worry there are too many around or that you hate to think of both the secretary of state and the national security advisor. then if you're tossing a c, i a director. if they decide to come up with a common front, is he prepared to bucks out? but he's certainly, again, if we look at the way he took on that yahoo, real bite and claims of course is all faith bite and claim to be all this is terrible. we need to, you'll get a cease fire. but the applied no pressure at all. you know,
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the deal that deal they've talked about and which we know is one that one it could have been had months ago with the us to put pressure on that. yahoo and it didn't. and from every thing we say is the trump actually did. so you know, benjamin nothing, you know is one who got to spend a lot of time saying you should go to work with iran. you've got to do all this other stuff. it looks to me, you might get a hold of a trump recognizes them. so yeah, no worries coming from, that's not my policy. so i'm hopeful and then again, we need to be very cautious how donald trump is a very and acquired taste is unique in the way it does things. but that uniqueness gives us an opportunity. we certainly haven't had the last 4 years or the 8 years before the 1st trump administration. yeah, the legacy of the vitamin genocide is going to be a long one, especially in this region. but since you refer to it again, i don't know whether it's is higher, but there can sign a little bit. i mean in that deal he's possibly going against a dosing gab of that
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r f. k. junior were about zionists, and $0.01. and miriam adults and the big donor to his campaign, kenny really 5 the, even the, those voices, i mean, i know you believe that as far as i understand it, josie gab, it poses a, a, a promise of something different. and something truly make america great. again is regards foreign policy and therefore on policy, does it show how independent jump intends on me? right, but what i wouldn't bounce here is the truck realizes he showed his bonus eats, you know, is really, can come to him and say you're selling god, israel, he's going to say, look, i moved the capital jurist. when i did this, i did that. you i came up with that now deal to century plan that really sold the palestinians out. but you can say, you know, i did all this stuff for his or you can accuse me of that. but he has at some level, i think some credibility,
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and it looks to me like he's decided to use that credibility. and we may very well there. may i remember one moment in the 2016 campaign he talked about the importance of fairness to the palestinians. i got a sentiment you didn't usually hear american presidential candidates talked about that disappeared and he kind of went off of what it is, a very strong pro israel, whatever they want mode. but then you can look back at that and think, well maybe you get buried with getting him as he says, what's happening in the west bank today. he saw the rumble. you know, then, i mean, it could have been a nuclear war of the destruction and gone so that i have to believe this had an impact on him. and it, while he might have americans saying it doesn't really matter, of course is real how to do it. if he's looking at the death toll, he's looking at what remains. why just as that, that probably touched him. then that may very well be part of this notion that we need to cease fired. we need it now. and it was ronald reagan and they wrote
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regular with lebanon. who did that is roland martin, and i can beg and you know, where it is real headed, invaded horrible stuff in lebanon and ranking, basically said stop it. and they do know that had an impact on israel. so maybe your trump looked back on that. and so yeah, there was a chance. yeah, you can be very conservative. you can be in favor of israel. but you can also say in this world, stop killing civilians. yeah, that's what, that's what reagan did in the, in that events. uh, i saw that already, the attorney general know many pam bundy was being attacked for the f b. i know many guys could tell saying that to be some people that have lived in the past been to be brought to justice. do you think uh there will be some kind of uh, of bringing to justice of all the people, not only that of light about the trump administration, the rush or gate hoax, but also those people that destroyed the ukraine deal, which came there was a deal in turkey in march 2022 forest johnson m a 6 apparently involved. i mean,
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the, and they going to go over all of that while they are trying to forge be so that the never, again, can us policy be abrogated for, to the benefit, not of the american people. it's hard to know exactly where he wants to go with us . i think he certainly would like to go after people he believes, broke the law in going after him in terms of what they did on policy now. and what i would hope is that he might kind of break this up into 2 different incense groups . one group is to investigate recognize, and there's probably another form of legal issue here in which you can indict someone. but you certainly want to investigate in the suck, it would be go after people who really have it would appear committed, perjury, lied and whatnot. and we should know about what happened in terms of, you know, when i, a whole bunch of, you know, these security officials came together in 2020 saying, you know,
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100 biden's all laptop. no, no, that wasn't his, that's the russian did this information. then after the election, the new york times runs and stories of oh guess what? it looks like that was really a 100 by this after all. well, you know, one of the, all the security officials in terms of security agencies and stuff doing it would appear jumping into a presidential campaign. yeah. those are places where i think you probably at least want to investigate. yeah, i think he wants to be careful how far he pushes prosecution and you know, he's talked about it, but i certainly haven't seen that as being a big emphasis of his, you know, the last couple of months. so we'll have to see where they go. i mean, as to, as of the f b i, right of, of justice department of the attorney general. i mean, she's a, it strikes me as a measured person in terms of her background. doesn't look like somebody who is going to go off and do crazy things, and that's what he needs somebody to measure to complete the appointment. rather i'll stop you that more from the full,
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the specialist as and do as far as the reagan after this break, the in 1941 with the nazis health creation ultram nationalist. the was dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power, they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. the moustache is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us. campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they
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send them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the welcome back to going under grantsville here with the former special assistance you as president ronald reagan and senior fellow education institute. doug plan the doug guy and then to find one you had mentioned on dividing the laptop i should say going underground on us election day. some time back had rudy juliani on had an air full of air in new york and i'm afraid to say even we couldn't believe the laptop that he showed on this program. i think we can be forgiven for that because it was such a explosive story, but when it comes to bringing to justice, all those who lied about tried to make out it didn't happen that there was no role
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of the bite. and so crime family as regards ukraine and the censorship that takes place in your country. do you expect to do you expect trump to really reject your country again so that it abides by the 1st amendment? a game. and we don't see the kind of censorship that is going on for us now in violation gross violations i'm would say of your constitution as well. i think we're certainly going to see action taken to prevent the government agencies from pressuring digital companies to suddenly censor stuff. and we've seen progress on this, i guess i think the mirror election of trump and the recognition that trump was elected. yeah, i mean, he actually won the popular vote as well as the electronic college to anyone looking at that election, but seeing virtually every demographic group, including minorities moving towards trump. i didn't really put
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a message in there to whether you called at the deep state, whatever you want to call it. the american people are tired of this. so we say facebook mean, oh my goodness, you announcement meal and commenting about, well, the election kind of shows some things you know, and so much for kind of our monitoring and everything else. it's suddenly fact checking by the biotech checkers is getting is going out. that was a very important step. and my hope is that we're going to see some others follow the suit. and this is a obvious place for the justice department in terms of, as you indicate, a lot of these are things where they try to get around the 1st amendment by saying, oh, it's not as it's a private company, but where you have government putting the pressure on and we certainly saw that with facebook, that's the place the justice department can go in. and again, at the very least, investigation highlighting this, pointing out how dangerous this is to potentially new legislation with republicans in control of both houses of congress with the president. this would be
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a place to put new federal rules in, you know, government agents can't do this. the, your appointments can't do that. so i'm, i'm hopeful because you're quite right. what's extraordinary is a country that's always had robust environment for free speech. while we started going on and the last few years has been extraordinary and not regions, and all the galks rove oligarchs, i can be like a book should just be forgiven, even though they knew they were being pressured by the government. so they weren't really private companies, they were to acting as a government agents and they should just be forgiven. you think it's that easy for these people to me for giving off to the lives they told about trump, and they attempted subversion of the drum, but the policy of shed your, as it was when forgiven. forget, i think the problem here is it's not at all clear there's any legal remedy. and i think this is where you shame them and you take the sucker burden you say, well it's nice that you know turned around on this. but how do we put in roles that
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ensure this doesn't happen again? and you use this example, and you should go out now to the other digital companies and say ok, you know, what about youtube? your, what about amazon? what about kind of go down the list, you know, that we, we know it is happening. we've already had the confession from dr. berg. when are you all going to come play? i mean, it was so useful, it turns out to, and had, you know, had twitter or now x taken over because we got to find out the details of how this is conducted in action were suddenly ex, has become a truth teller rather than basically a captive of the deep state, it's certainly better than it was, but google youtube still, as far as we know using algorithms to suppress yes of the kind of the views that the american people, as you say, vote in a popular vote. i don't know whether they could break it up like bell telephone or, or something. google and companies like that. clearly they pose a danger to
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a free speech in the power that concentrated in the board of google. you know, it's hard, you know, there are other search engines out there, so you can argue that there's a marketplace effect. google's gotten such a share. yeah. and how would that government attract is, are they government defense contract as amazon is one? google is what they work for the pen to get for p takes f x rays. that's the only way i can control. i mean that, that is, that is a, that's, and it shows a problem of the military industrial complex mean eisenhower was very pressure in his warnings were, i mean, universities, you know, kind of your defense department funding. this is pervasive and you're right. it takes ages your turns agents into something other than private entities. if they rely so heavily on the fads and then it's hard for them to say no, when you know whoever the president or any of his minions call up. and lo and behold, we see what they do to the american people. if he, if he really does try to get a piece with retro over ukraine,
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perhaps restarts start in the i in the f treaties and so on and tries to seek peace in this way. he simple changes. he wants to open up the j f k papers, which some believe may show the government duplicity even far beyond that already suspected. i mean, would they not try and kill it? and does he, does he do you think fair that they will try and kill him for opposing this? as you say, i, as in the military industrial complex that i've never himself was do weeks to fight . you know, it's a legitimate concern. i mean, we saw what would appear to have been the incompetence of the part of the secret service. i mean very lucky, you survived that one as, as nation attempt. and then there was a course the 2nd where they assessed and setting something up and they got to him before he fired a shot. but i mean the extraordinary blunders. and again, what, you know, there are people who think that that was intended. i don't,
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i think it was in confidence, but one could understand why he'd have to worry that though there is so many who are offended by his policies that uh, who knows what they might try in certainly from the military industrial standpoint . they want the worst to keep going. the worst thing for them to would be to have peace break out and not have everyone ordering all. ready extra munitions? i mean obviously headset hasn't been confirmed at the time of this interview. do you believe that the smith, i mean rather than this as nation, it is usually so we have to exit a use obviously against trump himself. go to do christmas daily on my 6 agent, who i don't know might they might need to look into him. do you think chosen guy with will be confirmed? i mean, you've seen the kind of level of propaganda that she is now working for vladimir putin in between being in the full i'm not sure what, what was your personal reaction to that? that kind of smear tactic throughout new york is because it's grotesque stuff. i
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mean, whatever, i point out how, you know, data officials, american officials help set out, you know, this tragic ward. you know, it's all, yeah. those are pollutants talking points. and i tell people the issue is not, was there put in is talking points. the question is, are they the truth to the deal? if you're not able to criticize your own leaders and point out where they have wonder need blundered in a way where we're talking about tens or hundreds of thousands of debt because of their blunders. that uh, yeah, this is a real problem. none of them what the truth out. yeah, yeah, and we see, and i mean, now i think it's, the poland is accused of russia of wanting to have terrorist attacks. and airplanes mean just looks to me like just another attempt to try to prevent some sort of the . ready shade so much, you throw anything out there. i mean, we know when they were accusing russia of having blown up it's on pipeline. i wrote an article at the time saying this is nonsense and it was published, but it was published with a priest script that said, you know, this is only the,
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the writers viewpoint. we publish lots of different stuff. they didn't put that on any other article. i wrote, they never put that on any other article by any one that i'm aware of. you know, it shows the sensitivity there, that you even people who are supposedly part of a free, perhaps get very nervous about talking about the truth. so he asked the where i hope you start so heavy. that is making these disclosures, you know, kind of allow the stuff to come out there do this early on. so you've got it done as opposed to them thinking they can prevent it. you want to do this early and basically bring out everything that's there and then that's the way to undermine them and talk about further disclosures. yeah. see more i just came on this show to talk about his revelations about the north stream pipeline bombing. do you think we'll see any justice as regards that operation? probably not because it's the c i a but will we see any, just as brought about to the people and structures involved in getting the united
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states. a treasury basically involved in killing defacto so many hundreds of thousands of ukrainian people on an altar of uh and then a failed nato expansion as well. he certainly should. and again, he's talked about, he recognizes the role of nato. so this is a perfect opportunity for him to move forward and say never again. are we going to do this? you know, never, you know that you can talk about it, you know, american exceptionalism of what america needs to do for its own security. and that's a potential for him to say what was done in europe was not that and point out how the new american foreign policy can be assertive on the part of the united states. but the how do you, i should be very much against wars and recognizing how it's over the actions can help promote that. so i think he should take the lead on that he recognizes the truth and that's when the advantages with him. so we know, okay,
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i just finally indications that he hasn't said that he's definitely gonna resend biden's a permission to fire long range missiles. the united states themselves that most co, keith callo gig seo of the rock coalition provisional authority is the trump no many right regarding you crate. i mean, how long is he gonna last the, the colors conflicts, the air. how i don't know, maybe you know him. i mean, how long is he going the less and how is he did? they think they going to be bugging with the rusher over a long range missile attack? permissions given by the biden to ministration i mean pollutants. going to want more than that. actually of course, i'm sure there are some arguments being made. the trump should kind of pocket. this is leverage and use that an upcoming negotiations. but i think you're right. who is not going to give up what he is, is essential interest for russia over something like this. and he's made it very clear the deal with these are years that they're prepared to retaliate and put and
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has a very good alternative, which is to say, you all do this. you know, we can make sure that the north koreans can target your country with icbm and we can help them with their projects. is that what you'd want? so i would assume there might be some hard bargaining become that the web hand here is not held by the united states. frankly, i think it's a mosque as a much show you a better deal, but make an offer. doug brand, thank you. you're welcome. that's it for the show. we'll be back with a brand new episode on saturday. but until then, keep in touch by the social media. if it's not sensitive in your country and had to have channel going on, you're going to be hon. they'll come to us new and old episodes of going on the grands he's having the
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law shows alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes a truck rather than fit the area. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have so many of them in the robot most protects this phone. existence was on the lease of the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community
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invest in most all sense and the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on process to day and supports the r t smooth neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say even twist, which is the, the c dot silver? so the, somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from
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a country whose top official is constantly complain about shortages of our munitions and military equipments. fluid low paying the boy passing low green and maybe a little in your system with below grade level nominal facility or some of those other slash we. i'm about the daisy dean in the middle. so one of the easiest on bottom of a bubble showed, well, nice to have to kind of get used to have gone on. now, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally is that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell women. yes, we're also known in the world as arms dealers, that we must not be ashamed of them. the,
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the breaking news of this, i would just, our remaining, you know, is joe biden has issued a series of pre emptive pod among them at the top of the hills involved. and the response to the cobit pandemic, global node reaction by the us lawmakers investigated storming on the capital 4 years ago. i will end the war in your brain. i will stop the chaos in the middle east that i will prevent world war 3 from abilene. i you have no idea how to us. we are, donald trump proclaimed a new era. a one level pause is just our visual. he gets one in the 47 president of the united states we discussed with a problem guess what's left.
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