tv News RT January 20, 2025 8:00am-8:31am EST
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the the, the breaking news of this out with just our remaining and of is, joe biden has issued a series of pre emptive pod among them at the top of visuals involved. and the response to the cobit pandemic, global nodes reaction by the us. and it'll make, is investigated the storming of the capital 4 years ago. i will end the war and you, right, i will stop the chaos in the middle east that i will prevent world war 3 from abilene. i, you have no idea how close we are. and donald trump proclaimed a new era, a one level pause. it was just, i was easily get someone in the 47 president of the united states we discussed with a problem. guess what's left for the democrats? what are they going to do now?
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cry. i don't know who to go to and save room where they don't have to see any when they disagree with off the months of a you politicians blaming, rush sofa said bring both 16 data cables us into isn't our vehicles of damage was caused by an accident as a 1st stage of piracy is ivy's, where the hostages take place. as part of the see if i do one of the is released from an is reading down says she was never even told why she was being held for renewable 6 months, telling you that there's a look. and so we connect to what you did, what you're going to stay behind. and i've been behind by the
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all right, well welcome to using the inside out seats as a new scene would come and see you live from moscow to take a look at the top 40 this hour. we saw with breaking news just hours before jo button. same sound the outgoing us present as it seems, a series of pre emptive pardons. while they include anthony out to the full, my white house chief medical advisor who is face scrutiny of a is handling of the co dependent demik, retard general markham riley, who called trump of flashes. i know one of the dictates a, the january 6 committee who is investigating the storming of the capital is also on the list. now this all comes suitable to the protect them against any prosecution from the incoming trump administration. well, let's discuss this live now is also you contribute to tyler read. who previously said of course as a us senate a the, you know, a lot that's going on. okay. you're on,
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this isn't always surprise. what do you get with a little bit? so, i mean, are you surprised what is all that this is actually happening now? now he was signaling that he was going to be doing preemptive pardons and you know, he pardoned hunter biden. of course, his son, even though he said, for, you know, for months that he wouldn't, and then now he's done these preemptive pardons of people that committed in the eyes of even some european countries. crimes actually. yeah, it's really quite shocking. is that a couple of names that we want to start with? the saw with anthony file g. he was started code 19, perhaps the responds or, or he faces. so as a face has started, hasn't been charged yet, but i and he was told is all about the vaccine and, and the vaccine rollouts and all but what, what do you make of, of that? i mean, found she engaged in several criminal activities. he took money which so there's going to be monetary issues attached to this um, to send a message or to um,
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encourage the american people to go into lockdown and to take certain measures that were medically not proven as effective. and he knew that in advance, and there's a, i guess there's talk about, you know, bringing him forward. he was also making deals with large, big pharma, pharmaceutical companies. those will come to light um, or if k junior did a lot to kind of expose this as did others at the time that they were left out and call conspiracy theories and you know, whatever. however, um your p and cords are bringing him to task. he's actually under indictment for misinformation, if you will, and for bringing a false information about the safety of the vaccine. the vaccines been proven to be harmful, causing micro katia in many people, the pfizer in particular. and he benefited financially from a lot of this. also, his labs were involved with the coven vaccines themselves. so, um, you know, he has, he's kind of the point person this,
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that was going to be targeted for prosecution. possibly, i guess the job id decided to give him a preemptive. pardon me? yes. are you discussing what he is and then these co meals? well, tara, the next on this is general mark kemati, who served as a chairman of the joint shooting stuff. but after i saw you play syria, all was taking place on the his watch. why would he need to be 3 buttons? well, i mean, look at the mess that was left for the afghanistan and americans that died in that . and then of course the, the adventures of almost bringing us to world war 3, the to, and ukraine. his involvement with the, the after mass of going forward with military actions. and also the pentagon has flunked, it's audits 8 times. weapons that were supposed to go to ukraine are still unaccounted for. and now there's been talk about, again, more monetary, ms handling and actual, you know,
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money laundering that's been going on. that may have benefited him. and on top of it, he was very involved with the, i sort of thing. he made a mockery of the american military, and a lot of people's eyes had generals that were wearing skirts. his focus seemed to be more on diversity rather than on american safety. and he definitely wasn't a favorite of the trumpet ministration that's incoming. but he also was very made some very colorful remarks about donald trump, so it's no surprise that you know that the bite is decided to try to give them preemptive per day. i also i c hit the generally 6 committee. what, what was that? what about the ginger, a 6 committee. now, if you remember this, the storming of the capital, they called it. well, they discovered that there was at least 50 to 53 f b i. agents, they've now had footage that was held back. that shows that the police a couple of police were letting people in that it was mostly peaceful and that they
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were isolated. um, you know, things that happened but is that a lot of it was drummed up by actually these f b i, agents. so a lot has come to like, what's really sad about the general research committee as they led to people getting imprisoned, to simply have different political views that were supporting donald trump and are still some of them in prison. their sentencing guidelines were actually extended. um, so prosecutors were extending their guidelines on the normal sentencing guidelines . so you have grandmothers for instance, that just were there, there were, there is one i think she's like, close to in her late sixties. and she's still, you know, trying to get released as are some others. so that was quite something. so i think what, what biden is trying to protect them is the fact that they knowingly hid the, the, the evidence of the january 6th tape. it showed that they, they also hid the fact that there was, um, you know, uh, american f b i,
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agents trying to stir up trouble on behalf of bite and, and this is where it all gets tangled into that weapon ization of the fbi i in the doj by the, by new ministration against americans. yeah, certainly, quite interesting isn't to see some of this. i want to know the of all these people now safe from any form of accountability, you may not be in about say no problems out. no, not necessarily. i mean, like there can be civil lawsuits that could be handled. um 1st, you know, uh, for instance, i'm, i, i have filed a lawsuit against the d. o. jan f b i. um, you know, so that's in a, in the works. i as in some of the january, 6 people might be filing civil seats. so there's a civil court as far as criminal. that depends on the attorney general um body who's now in effect. how, how is she approaches this? and if there's other things that they can bring, like, for instance, vouching on bribery and, and that kind of thing. and it also depends on how sweeping his, um, you know,
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pardon is it has to cover all the years cover all the possible criminal. uh, you know, into uh before i let you go try, do you think uh, joe, by his phone is just me off the hook right now with everyones on cooling and saying, i need the, the pod in this too. well, you know, there's one significant pardon that i think should happen. that doesn't seem to be on the list. and that's julia massage julia song the so wrong, but you don't see him being pardoned by joe biden to you. and i know the stella songs me to personal appeal suited julian's father to try to get a pardon for him. so there you have it. joe biden is going out. just the corrupt, a witness that he, the queen, and as to all to do, don't present. instead of this, by the way, they all sort of have this a list of pod as before, they go, you know, kind of part of themselves. well, that's a good question that has been, you know, i don't think the bite is going to try to pardon himself. he pardoned his son. if
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he does, i'd be surprised. it's hard to do, but legally, but from a legal point of view, this is the 1st time i've seen this much pre emptive pardoning happening. um, and it's, it's really interesting that biden has chosen to these people to preemptively part of a clearly does that. they've done something wrong. yes. my while was a pleasure talking to you all to contribute to. uh, total res. thank you for that. i mean, well those part of those come just hours before though trump is one and as the $47.00 president, my head of the event is imposing to his supporters era of moments. this change i will end the war in your brain. i will stop the chaos in the middle east and i will prevent world war 3 from happening. and you have no idea how close we are. quickly re establish control of our sovereign territory and borders. we will expel
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every single illegal alien gang member and migrant criminal operating on american soil. and we're going to end divide warren american energy and lose your energy resources to quickly defeats inflation and achieve the lowest cost of energy and electricity owners. and we're going to be using our emergency powers to allow countries and entrepreneurs and people with a lot of money, build big plants, a i, plants, we need double the energy that we already have. it's going to end up being more than that. and just in conclusion together, we're going to cut your taxes and inflation slash your prices, getting a back down, raise your wages, and bring thousands of factories back to the usa, right where they belong. and that'll be done through terrorists and smart policy. we will also reverse the over classification of government documents, and in the coming days, we're going to make public remaining records related to the assassinations of
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president john f. kennedy brother robert as well as doctor martin luther king junior and others off, which is great. this is all going to be released while washington has been getting prepared for the funds and know the ration set of me files and the present alex symbols has filled the capital one or read it to me. it's in his last riley. you're familiar with us. the overall office. oh yeah, my colleague what kind of what you discussed with a pilot? yes. the ways in which drums come back may change america's policies, both inside and outside of the country. we've already seen that the democratic party has transformed itself into a party of now neo conservatives. we've seen, even dick cheney, who came out supporting come a hair as we've seen all of these sort of rules and goblins, the war mongers, from other republican administrations. coming to the democrats. and we've seen
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a much more populace and research in movement in the drum base. we'll see what the trump administration does, which side to the board working class, especially cuz a union is into the movement. but overall, i think that the trump faced, he's a working class and middle class more so than it is of the elite. of course there are millionaires and 1000000000 there that support him. we know this very well, but i think that there is broad support in the community over 70000000 people voting for him is indicative of that diet. how did some pull off such a huge political come back? how does the president biden's own political feels as some people would feed, have an impact on all of this? there was a total loss of trust because people watched him being unable to find his way off the stage and press conferences. but his role already rallies around to tell everybody that everything is fine and you're in the middle of one war after the
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next. i think there is a serious loss of trust on the fact that the economy was in terrible shape. ero, let me come to you now about the president elect has repeatedly promised to lower the process of, of gas of food and i've already said shoals, but if you haven't given any details of how he plans to do that, how easy would that be? and would it be able to achieve that as quickly as people would expect? energy plays a critical role in that so. so if he can, if he can expand the expiration and develop energy development that focus on that. i think that will help us significantly. and that'll, that'll kind of trigger out throughout the other sectors as well. we need to look at where we focus our, our funding as well. we were sending hundreds of billions the boss on the other side of the planet in an area we shouldn't even be involved in i think
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t v will still try to re focus where the money's going, where the funding is going. put more emphasis on internally within the us, chris of our into amazed at how quickly corporate world culture was dumped out of the main stream almost needed to buy amazon, microsoft. net to end. the rest doesn't mean it was never about morals after all. no, i think it was political opportunism, interiors, and for some i don't think it was ever about anything about substantial about trying to save the world. it was trying to create a new glass of a sort of these professional managers and the, the specialist who could come in and dictate different policies. and i think it's really important for us to bring some balance back and bring some open mindedness and fairness into different conversations and to white and people's perspectives. and i think that some of these, um, uh, forms that were, were taking place whether in the, in incorporation,
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during government were really disruptive. they destroyed many people's lives, does cancel, culture. business was, it was absolutely of war and i think we're going to see a big transformation the next 40 years in all of the sectors government, private, public. diane, what are all the people who associated believe in the woke ideology and trusted the democrats over this? what are they going to do now? a cry. i don't know who to go to a safe room where they don't have to see anyone. they disagree with. no. maybe they'll get some help from the fact that a ceasefire has finally occurred. then maybe that will cause some of them to reconsider their uh, facility opinions are, let me ask you the same thing. why do you think it's going to happen now to all the work next? the everyone has seen it? well, it was almost looking like the gospel of the day. what's gonna happen now? to be looking for jobs. i would agree to cry that if you listen to all these people,
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it's like they have tedious prompt arrangement sitting there. and it's just crazy. um, they'll probably flock to uh, to you know, insight from the think tanks and, and try to organize things maybe work with the intelligence community. maybe take a vacation right now to kind of, kind of just kind of recover from the depression. in the end, the stress of that have been created for themselves. really build this slides, the worst pointing the thing that rush out the mountains for being behind the text to critical on the c cables and the baltic. washington post is now 5 anonymous us intelligence sofas, but claim the damage was closed by accident. a us official sided, clear explanations that have come to light in each case indicating a likelihood that the damage was accidental. and a lack of evidence suggesting russian culpability. officials with to european
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intelligence services said that they concurred with us assessments. despite initial suspicions that russia was involved, one european official said there was counter evidence suggesting otherwise. i mean, how many times of the last few years have we heard it's the russians, the russians, they metal, the russians sabotaged russians, polluted the russians killed. so how, rather now we're hearing it's not the russians. that's the determination following investigations led by the us and a handful of you intelligence agencies forming a series of unfortunate events relating to on the see tables just to be on some what it is that we're talking about. these cables are really just about the size of a scan to content hose and a criss crosses on across. i will see under ocean tools and they carry gas and power and dates at 9 to 9 percent of international data to be precise. and we really do need them from every state, you know, from
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e mails to video cools to that 6, even into tool by around 600 in the world. and they run to $1400000.00. hello mrs. and sometimes they do just stop walking and it can be accident. 05. west . a boat on cost comes. great. so sometimes it's just old infrastructure that hasn't been upgraded yet. in 2023. that were around $200.00 table fees. but over the last 18 months, that was 3 significant incidents in europe in waters, which really got the western parts of the international community while talking, prying file as passions wufung at china or russia, the usual suspects in short. and now it turns out that actually it was just simple human error. it was an accident off the roles. so it has uh, officially transpired that's not a met. butram is sitting in the kremlin, conducting and coordinating a campaign of tales to this critical infrastructure. yeah, interesting is that,
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so you mentioned the blame game, but what one of those obligations founded on in the 1st place, and i'm, well, the only 2. well, that's the thing by such an even nation's own admissions, specific case, accounts names were in the number of the smaller countries bordering the baltic. for example, estonia investigations was still ongoing, and they haven't thrown off any conclusive evidence, went to reggie. these rooms started to swell the pallets. rhetoric was really on the top. and of course, i think that's what being pointed. this was definitely not the case of innocent until proven guilty gold valve and the 2 fellows, nobody believes that these tables were accidentally cut. and i also don't like to believe in the version that these were anchors that accidentally caused. how shall i put it? damage to these cables. so we have to conclude without knowing exactly who did it, that it was a hybrid action. and we also have to assume without knowing it, of course, that it is sabotage. the one hand you have traditional kinetic warfare, that is what we see in the battle fields in ukraine. and then on the other side you
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have no matter how you define it. hybrid warfare of sorts and we're seeing those types of activities on the increase in so many different ways, especially coming from russia to another thing on the about this time finland has already reacted very appropriately. the ship was stopped and the people responsible for this attack on this infrastructure were arrested. and this, in a sense, was the 1st real example of the kind of decisive action. poland appealed to all the baltic states that they can have an effect. it's really about deterrence, but also about effective monitoring, who enters the baltic sea with what and who poses a danger on these was well accompanied by action as we just had from the powerless p, f. so one of the last is incidence was the damage to a power link running between finland and the starting is what is for telecom cables, housing. he actually sees a, you, a, he owned oil tank of believing that i had
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a hand with this and then announced that the ego s is 9 crew mountain best. when else saw specs and a criminal investigation which op your job you said was totally beyond the pay. well considering that this event didn't even put in and will take nations territorial will to search beyond that jurisdiction. but housing to pursue this line, even stretching at one point to open a case into whether the best was actually a branch of international sciences for secretly shifting russian oil around the globe. now, most of the fritz part has been insisting that is toll is really just deflection from the real threat to your parents. curious, let's begin here. i q 's, ations directed against on nation a kind of a bit chilly voice even before the circumstances of what supposedly happened are established. but as i say, we have seen this many times and very quickly, especially if we recall the continuing negligence towards any investigation of the
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north stream terror attacks. sometimes hypocrisy the non investigation of the time are attack against node stream one. the node stream 2, which are purely civilian installations, has been ongoing for more than 2 years. but at the same time, the order to identify the guilty parties in the current situation with separate cables and the baltic sea was given almost instantly using it. so as ask in russia has been found in essence also. what does this change going forward? well, probably nothing. the truth is the hysteria raised about this mystical sabotage, has already done its work and such and goals have been achieved. now the most important of that, i think that's was noting is it less than a week ago nato's secretary general. he came out and announced that his defense of alliance would have 2 minute tribes, the baltic sea father, but only in order to counter the russian tract. today, i can announce that nature is launching baltic century,
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a sort of nato supreme allied commander general kiska 40 this minutes here. activity is part of our ongoing effort to enhance maritime presidents and monitoring of key areas for our airlines. it's all in full range of assets, including free tickets and maritime patrol aircraft. i'm all others and for on house our vigilance in a bolt seconds. we have agreed today to launch the initiative to deploy, deployed new technologies to those efforts, including a small these of naval drones, do, provides and hums for veins in the church. so these waters coincidentally rich in oil and gas and minerals and on and fish and i'm bar will now be patrolled as part of nature's new mission. the baltic century, which translates into move across to move will ship small drive into the post joint exercise. so really quite convenient, isn't it?
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as they say you never that a good prices, though to waste. and of course, it's very hard to imagine that now, but they've put that boots in that water of a place to wash it because of course, the ex place. cleaning grad is that home to most of those bone sick feats and several bases on the boat. so that we can't really imagine them sailing away, regardless of the fact that it's now being to tell them the most part and you have to have peaceful intentions that but either way, you know, this is undoubtedly a vindication for russia. and suddenly it is a crack in the pervasive russia badge narrative. the 24 hours into the seas. 5 between is a lot of us on the 1st it certainly the those held in captivity have taken place. 3 is what else is usually will release back to their loved ones along 90 policy in business for free from jail on the
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head of the exchange policy and protests as christ with is really security for the in the west bank. so i think the fires and the st site and demanding is well speed up is prison. i release the the other side is had gathered outside and is very prison on sunday. is some even attempted to break through into the compound to people arrested in the flashes. meanwhile, though, all the scenes of jubilation as the buses carrying the release post soon,
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detainees finally arrived back in the west bank of the roof. and this 1st phase is what was said to release around the 1900 post in from prisons, including more than a 1000 residents of gaza, who are not involved in the october 7th, a tax of 2023. all the 95 students who were on the 1st, the 16, i'm a women. we heard from one who was never even told why she was being held. i mean, it has been in jail for 7 months now. i was under administrative detention, so there's no key. she has a secret file against me. so i really don't know what i did. remember what the quotes i went to court to just say that there is no child. there's a secret file that comes to your lawyer to not know what you did. only the the jury can tell you, can do this file for you. no, no, no,
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you're just the administrator because of the law. that was i had to investigate this matter. dave, and now it's working by the government against the business. so they put you for a renewable 6 months, telling you that there's a stupid fight against you. we come up to what you did, but you're going to stay behind bars. and that's been behind bars for 7 months under administer the nothing. so what is the did parents and well, it allows the rest of individuals based on, on this was evidence. people can be handled for up to 6 months without formal fall towards old life. now let's take a look at the current numbers. more than $10000.00 products is a still low. so it is a prison with hof not charged with a crime or given a trial. humanitarian groups have previously paying people and these kinds faith system. i think the abuse,
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sexual assault and ms. phillips and his one is such story which happened at the thoughts of the this is what size mohammed was a, is he was held in prison. i've suffered from severe health problems, but did not receive any medical care. as a result, he died also a fully into a co la right. slips claims as well. committed a medical crime. let's take a closer look at his story. the the, the officer only took monetize after he fell into a coma. and then they moved him to the hospital. within 5 days he had lost 30
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kilo's. in 5 days he lost 30 kilo's. how could someone lose 30 kilos and just 5 days without them doing something to him? the research, the house violently and one soldier stood at the door and told me, we don't want to talk to you. we want mo, it has. the officer asked me whether my, what us had any weapons in the house. and i told him no more. what has also told them, i don't have any weapons search the house if you want. they didn't find anything, but they used a false accusation of weapons possession to justify their actions. the
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