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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the the 24 hours after taking the oath of office. donald trump attends any larger racing church service and that's asked the deadline for his promise to end the war when you trade in the just one day expires the at least 7 people that have unfortunately been killed. as usual launches a counterterrorism operation in the west bank and it threatens to death in the peace hopes, maybe protest kenyans now have the rest of the glen. donald trump, the video is speculating online and let's be shows continued finding in gaza,
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opposite the ceasefire, or the idea of, of the shot that multiple people perceived as the threats. without elaborating the what you're watching are the international reaching you live from a new center with moscow. i a mike for watching. now let's say time management is that important straight for business men weld. months ago, donald trump claimed for the 1st time that he would be able to bring the water new crane to a peaceful conclusion. within the 1st 24 hours of taking off. as you want to pledge the she would repeatedly make on the campaign trail far as the end of the deadline approach, the new president watson judge attending the specially not duration service. the
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not, despite his repeated planes about immediately bringing the war to an end, the where multiple experts, politicians rushed as you and, and bass of doing others cooling up to say that that would be impossible to achieve within 24 hours. well, our to correspondent donald caught a joins be right here in the studio to take a look at this done that 24 hour deadline had passed about an hour ago. i said this right now, did we move any closer to a resolution on the clean russia a conflict? well, i mean, not at all really. i mean, the a promise to end ukraine conflict and just so 24 hours is an outrage. just one to begin with. i mean, it turns out that donald trump only had time to mention ukraine just once throughout the entire day, between signing his 1st executive orders. and what we heard,
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i mean this is if it wasn't that sort of self assured, talk that we heard before saying that he was going to sit putting down was the lensky and cut a deal. and just one day, in fact, his rhetoric is really starting to shift i have to speak to president, but we're gonna have to find out he's that he can't be thrilled. he's not doing so well. i mean, he's grinding it out, but most people thought that would have been over and about one week. and now you're going to 3 years, right. so he can't be, he can't be thrilled at stuff. making them look very good. now let's do you watch them? i can do if i don't know, fulton does not to me shouldn't make a deal. i think he's just trying to rush it by not making a deal. also we're pointing out that from the claim for a quick end, this conflict actually originated with former general mark. milly, when he actually said, or that the, i mean this, the same guy, the trump actually ended up calling an idiot and saying that he deserved to be
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a sap executed for treason. right? because before the conflict even began, millie actually told congress that he of wouldn't even last 72 hours in the face of a potential russian offensive at the time potential. and this is something where, of course, when the 73rd hour came along, he was able to say that the united states came along and saved the day with his game changing aid. so, you know, it's a mystery why anyone would believe the claims of either of these people. but it's also strange to think why, who would want to even deal with the landscape in the 1st place. because the lensky is someone who has outlived his presidential term, and he's essentially only empowered by a legal means at this point. but as today is, has, has ross have reacted to this claims by trump? well, after the actual an alteration, not yet, but we did hear some statements from vladimir, put in several hours before trumps in an alteration, congratulating donald trump on his ascension to power and was also reiterating something that the russian president has said,
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time and time again. that's that mosque out is always ready for dialogue and has been since the beginning of the russian military operation as well. and although russia has not seen a similar indications from the american side, willingness to have a good faith discussions and dialogue with me, easily, a russian side here country where the russian president did say that he's happy to see this anti war attitude coming out of the trumpet ministry patient that he was union, we also hear his statement about the need to do everything to prevent the 3rd world war. of course we welcome this attitude and congratulate the president elect of the united states of america on assuming office. and i would like to emphasize that we have never refused to have a dialogue. we have always been ready to maintain smooth cooperative relations with any american administration. i've already said this many times more than that. we're also open to dialogue with the new us administration on the ukrainian conflict with them. the most important thing here is to eliminate the root causes
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of the crisis, which we have discussed many times the same washington, right. as it is now, some has it's, it hasn't said anything specifically, but what could be a now to line up an agreement from the eyes of washington? well, we got a little bit of insight into that from trump, secretary of state, marco rubio, who by the way is got a feel a little emasculated, working for a guy who used to call them little rubio all the time. but anyway, he said that it's gonna require some complex diplomacy and that everyone should be happy to have a president who's dedicated to i may and finding a peaceful solution to this and ending the blood shit. i think one of the most important lines in yesterday's and our girl dress was when president trump said he wants to promote peace. and i think everyone should be happy that we have a present that wants to promote peace. and that means we want the war in ukraine to end. now obviously, you know, neither is going to involve complex and hard diplomacy. it has to be vigorous every site is going to have to give because neither russia nor ukraine can achieve the
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maximum those goals that they may have for this conflict. but he wants to dying to stop. we also have to remember though, i mean russia is winning battlefield victory after battlefield victory in the military operation right now. so it's very unlikely that moscow is going to budge on any of the initial goals that it's set for this military operation. when it began back in 2022. and so whatever complex diplomacy is going to be necessary here . it's not really clear. i mean, what is very likely to happen is that ukraine is just going to have to denounce a fi, demilitarize. i neutralize my life, we have to leave it here in our teachers, put it on a quartet, but you know, it's up to speed. thank you. right. all right, the spot, despite making a practice from across the other side of the ocean in washington, the situation on the was front lines is constantly evolving. the artist, senior correspondent, more odd, guess be a report from the doing yet. school public a well,
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someone far removed far away from the situation from what's happening in east and ukraine in northern ukraine in southern ukraine. they might've believed would probably include potentially have stopped this was implemented a deal. uh cesar, off of you started peace negotiations on these 1st day and every one here knew that class on was going to happen. and i want to remark with the situation on the ground since when trump declared his presidency. oh, he's run for the presidency since when he and his vice president that moves campaign stop, they said that they would stop this war in a matter of days. a lot of times pause since then. and the situation has drastically changed. russian forces are ever increasing. foster all the attack across the front bloods, endless assaults, ukraine,
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and loosely were tracing across the sectors of before our blood, including in the cold, screeching weather sally of the credit, sally and e, as in which has proved a graveyard for ukraine's best units, which was still intact because in july when trump made those promises, the situation has changed dramatically. this piece deal the tea moved to implemented when he boots, that he wouldn't go to bed was never going to happen. nobody here again, i reiterate, believe for a 2nd that he could do it. he has begun to, to back track. now you say no. i've got to speak to both sides. for the 1st time we've heard that the landscape once a piece deal, presumably the same piece, the like really unrealistic piece deal of these wanted since the company forgot and which you can get. everything in russia gets nothing and nothing changes that isn't going to happen. russia isn't good,
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is it takes to sort of deals with the landscape perhaps even from haven't lied. so sir, the, the, the 5 here will continue or do you credit and will continue to retrieve. and the greatest problem it's not in power shortage will get, was, the situation is the ukraine's army of 2022 doesn't exist. anyone who wanted to join the ukranian army is long since done so, and many of them have died. bruise that i left being forced against the will to flies. and that isn't that. i mean, that is going to will, it's called good clues. are the realities that from his team will have to contend with the dynamics of change that any piece deal with might be signed between russia and ukraine? well, the realistically speaking this a piece deal, it's going to be signed between the united states and russia. i need deal is going to be much more in favor,
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russia now that it would have been before but let's discuss all of this now with kevin, mr. lazy, a former us department of us defense department, contract to cabin is good to have. you enjoyed me now. so the 1st of psalms, a big practice to em, but you're creating war in 24 hours has gone onto field. did this come to you as a surprise? well, not really. she said that before he got to collect the money, changed it to all end. it within 6 months, but she did sign an executive order yesterday stopping aid for 90 days. so i think is what she will do is he's real. 2 eyes that his piece plan will not be acceptable through russia. so by stopping funding to ukraine, he can say, well, see what i did for you, russia now, except my policy,
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or i will restart aid to ukraine. all right, and looking at things, ideally they do you have a, have a real chance of ending it so quickly? absolutely not. i can't comment on that one more. the, the idea of his plan just has so many things that have been the goals of russia from day one. all right, so why would some make such a problem is if you knew he wouldn't be able to pull that off within 24 hours, what do you think? is it just politics or what? it's just politics a way to get elected. the people in the united states are tired of their prices going up on everything, the infrastructure falling apart, and the united states sending billions of dollars to ukraine. so it was a good talking point for, you know, elect to me, and i will stop this. so. busy by spot being funded in for 90 days,
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he is bypass the policy by it and put in place to continue funding that against trump's wishes if he chooses to stop. but it also gives him a negotiating point with russia over things that russia just isn't going to give you a non. all right, now the, you, the new us that gives you a state says that both ukraine and russia would have to give up something at the end. the price is, what do you think he was referring to? exactly. well, i think he's probably referring to the fact that russia will have to stop at the current calm about why in which we know won't happen, because they've already taken the entire don boss regions into the country. and i think also he views that russia will have to, uh, you know,
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given to having uh, foreign fruits in ukraine to keep the piece as they call it. so i think it's referring to that on the ukraine side, ukraine's going to have to give up some territory. so it's 2 points that neither side is willing to negotiate on. today, they've been saying that the lensky is said, he's willing to negotiate with russia. but i haven't actually heard that out of his mouth. all right, so it shows that landscape be afraid of losing us support at this point. in the short term, i don't think so. a 90 day loss of funding and equipment may harm them a little bit, but we have europe really stepping up and putting in a lot of money into it. now if it goes beyond 90 days,
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i think he should be very afraid. and now from a white house strategist be bad and has ones that the ukraine conflict could become from vietnam war. could you said heading that way? i don't think so. i think there's way too many people in the united states want this war stopped. they want the funding stop and with the republic, republicans controlling the government at this point. i think there will be some slow down in any way. so it could have become like vietnam maybe, but trump is really focused on internal the economy. and, you know, and he's, he's, he's fighting another battles right now. he's fighting with canada and denmark and mexico. so he's got all kinds of policies out that out there that are
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just a little bit crazy. all right, thank you so much, kevin. mr. lazy a former us defense department contract to thank you, but i'll keep you. i'll come back to you shortly for another issue. so don't go away too far. sure. right now, with trump, having previously said that the development of technology and it will be a major goal of his presidency, it was perhaps no surprise the well top tech, bella diaz found themselves with a place at the top table during mondays and now duration. now, among those given fond rule v i p. c to west some of the richest people on the planet. we had mob circuit, but we had jeff bezos, gill on mosque and son dot p charge. the images of them casually sitting together, set social media allied with use us, joking that one picture represented one trillion dollars.
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all right, let's get back to kevin mr. lazy us on the us defense department, contract to now i know you've been following all of us issues cabinets so many bill . it is a tech guy and supporting some do you think they could have, you know, they could have a substantial influence on who's presidency going forward? oh, absolutely. i think this is part of the deal with all these billionaires surrounding him during his and not your ration, but you know what they're showing support for his economic policies. but also when you think about, you know, what you just mentioned the a i thing, biden, a week ago said that the united states should place, you know, important tablets on most of these things that are sold to other countries and limit the number of a i chips of the and i think these technical works, i think is what you're going to see is they're going to push him to not do that
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because it will affect their company is there shouldn't be that cannot mix down here to our country. and i think this is just a way to show that they are all back in whatever she does. and i think it's going to benefit their bottom lines and the all right from the headset, but he won. so mary took receive for america with people able to add sense to positions based on the past, the chief and not the color of this can or the sexual orientation that they do you think that's a realistic goal right now? or would there be a pushback from democrats and other advocates of previous diversity policies? so i think there will be a lot of pushback. he's getting it already. she did the sign an executive order yesterday saying that only male and female are recognized for government positions . so they can push back on him,
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but that's an executive order that will stand for 4 years. another president can change it, but that's the way the wall will be for the next 4 years. and you know, the diversity hiring, he's ended that program as well with an executive order. so for the next 4 years at least, what would change it permanently? probably not. now trump has also spoken about taking greenland on the us control. now wireless, he says it's a security issue. we all know grid land is known for its rich resources. what do you think is really behind trump rhetoric about that danish territory? i think it's not only the resources that greenland is rich and, but it would also give the united states a much longer border with the arctic circle. right now, russia has, you know, over 50 percent of the arctic border and with
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the united states have been only canada. they don't have a lot of influence up there without support of countries like canada. so if they take greenland, he's got those resources, he can pump whale and gas out of it without it revealing the green people in the united states. and you know, it just gives him a more power and influence over the architects. but why we have to leave you here now to kevin, mr. lizzie, a former us defense department contract to thank you so much for your insight on all these issues. a thank you, mike. great, now to the middle is now while these are all they have agreed, a truth in guys that the westbank still seemed very much in the idea of guns sides were a large military operation is on the way. the
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the idea of says it's forces have started a quote counter terrorism operation in the city of geneva, which is expected to last several days. a series of air strikes her all that the beginning, all the a sold about policy cd and those pharmacies claims that at least 8 people were killed in the 35. others were injured. that is ready. troops including special forces, have reported the beans domain, the main refugee camp, and the such a while, the polished tedium government is said to be withdrawing its forces of the strikes on jeanine came a day after ease ready. secular set fire to several villages in the area. meanwhile, in the separate development, 64 other students have been arrested by the ideas throughout the westbank. the arts, a middle east bureau chief, more of an option brings us the latest from the west. bank of westbank is on fire
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and again, these roll continues its large scale. milton reparation in geneva, the northern west bank. c team long seeing as a strong hold of armed resistance against this really occupation. jeanine is viewed by israel as a key hobb of terror. this is one of the operation dogs. i run wall has been labeled counter terrorist and buys really army reports suggests that palestinian authority forces which have conducted months of raids in janine i have the area leading to over $400.00 arrests, withdrew from the city, has the operation began. all the operations kicked off earlier on tuesday with a drones tried talking to multiple infrastructures before his re troops rolled into the city in convoys of military gates. clashes immediately abrupt his between local fighters and it's really forces gunfire and explosions echoed through the city and area and video circulating a line show at it. and it's really helicopters firing over janine the das toll as
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rise and according to the palestinian ministry of health. and the situation will continue escalate for sure. i now have responding to these really operation mazda milton's group has called on old palestinian youth in the west bank to take up arms and confront these really occupations. we call on the masses of our people in the west bank and its rebellious youth to mobilize and escalate the fight with the occupation army at all points of contact with it. and work to confuse it and prevent the wide spread zionist aggression against gen and, and its camp police real estates. the operation has clear goals to dismantle terrorist infrastructure and neutralize taking bonds and what it calls to be. in scenario, the biblical term for the west bank official say the operation will continue for as long as necessary. under the directive of the security cabinet, the id of sion bed is rarely police have launched a large scale military operation to eradicate terrorism. and janine called the iron
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wall and this is another step toward achieving our goal of strengthening security and judea and scenario. we are acting systematically and resolutely against the uranium to access wherever it extends its reach. whether in gaza, 11 on syria, human or judea and scenario, and we are not stopping here too many developments following the gaza states fire deal that was not welcome to buy some high ranking is really politicians, including from the to the i was call ition, show payoff to they agree when took effect on sunday national security minutes to bend. view left the government, the early a complaint to build jeopardize this visual security. then the operation in the west bank started less than 2 days off to the bills implementation. so the house to that the chief of staff will you have just now heard earlier, who talked about the need of actions in the west bank resigned. he said, the reason is, israel's failure to protect it. citizens on october 7,
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2023. when him, off attacked is ro killing hundreds and taken dozens of hostages. but the timing is crow show like why he decided to do it now is really hawkish wine and submit a small tray tow previously threatens to resign over the gaza seized by which he deemed by waiting to carry some, but ultimately remained in the call. lucian, we did not know the exact reasons of that voice, strong support for the operation engineering of the gaza and 11. and today with god's help, we have begun to change the security concept in judea and samaria, and in the campaign to eradicate terrorism in the region. this is part of the will goals that were added in the cabinet to the demand of religious scientism on friday . possible israel mazda as far, took effect on sunday, a wave of bile and swept across the west bank. armster settlers fiercely opposing the guys a deal that includes the release of over
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a 1000 palestinian prisoners. they labeled as a terrorist attack the police to posted in the villages section homes and cars on fire and damaged and profitably. some of these attacks were captured on cctv cameras. lilia revealing who is attacking who settlers wholesale organized rates to prevent former palestinian inmates released that day buys, were by israel from returning to the home towns in response to these attacks is really defense minister issue, the statement condemning to violence. law enforcement authorities must enforce the law and arrest and prosecute anyone who violates the law. there should be a criminal procedure and not administrative orders. and settlers should be treated the same as people involved in any other incident anywhere in the state of israel. earlier. the un secretary general expressed concerns about the rise and violence in the west bank. progressively. the situation of the west bank continues to woodson with glasses expedite and the right to the legal settlements expansion and
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demolitions. i am deeply concerned about the next, the central setup to the integrity and continue with the of the occupied policy and 3030 of the guys in the west, but easily all it means that these changes over the past 2 years. streamline the big sell that i did the supplement approval process is that results control over many aspects of planning and daily life. unity is c of the west bank is being transferred to the value cds and all 40 t's or see me. it is rarely officials openly speaks for moving next scene, all or part of the, of the west bank in the coming months. and he's such an accession with glossy to the most serious violation of international law. so from one hand, we see these really large scale operation in the west bank with casualties rising from another settler volunteers in prison is fred in, across the west bank with
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a mazda is calls to mobilize and trump now back to the white house. so the one who is favoring drew settlers on the backend is ro we expect even further and dangerous escalation. what the spot, the ceasefire a guy is that there are still reports of sporadic file, right? the idea of it says it opened fire on to individuals in the enclave, claiming the proceeds for right now on verified foot to show was a young passing report that be being killed. although it's not clear if the video is connected to the incident, a warning that there are graphic images ahead of the a man is seen coming on the file while trying to retrieve what appears to be a lifeless body. or the idea of has not commented on the old, but just a t all the footage or whether it shows one of the 2 people the open fire on
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not we spoke with mohammed mug about a senior official law, the euro met human rights monitor. he told us that the feud experts confirm the authenticity of all the videos the release from gaza, including the footage of gone fire out to be truth, went into effect. as for the, so does that have been and haven't gone by the i've seen it that shows how is there a is sausage on the 1st a violating the ceasefire. the a to room. i do have field officers and researches on the ground that are on the 20 the searchers who authenticate and collect as much information as possible and cross checked with different sources to make sure that all that for me, ition we publish is uh it authentic edition that is another, another violation on, on the, the west part of the of goes where the idea also fired the at the fisherman. a fisherman is order the answer. we've seen these justification,
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somebody to throughout this genocide or even before it's for other minutes throw patients. as long as no other 3rd party is allowed to investigate these crimes or acts by the idea for other is really a entities mrs. really not at the is false and is not, you know, uh to be the light on the is really not if there's bed in the office trying to generalize through media or statements. as far as something proven by the search parties who are independent to serve parties who can go inside the they've goes a step and investigate these allegations. well, that's the update. now hold it back, have a couple of the hours more story somewhere around the world. thanks for me in the.


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