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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2025 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the is around the, which is what is cooling, a major anti terrorist operation in the west side, killing 10, the apollo city input slowly alter the song to boot browsers. these 5, the change of humps and the one the shaky pays agreements. these palestinians were turning to the n clave only to find the net equity you wednesdays of a 90 percent have gone, says infrastructure has been destroyed the complete and total destruction. there is no life at all in the north. the house is destroyed and reduced to rubble. the
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place he likes life, no water food or anything else. from wipe the slate clean on his 1st day in office quickly reversing a slew of biden's executive orders. quick slow or what this means for washington. the to very good morning. this is on the international with the world news updates. welcome to the program. on top story this morning. 10 palestinians have been killed and fresh is waiting waves on the west bank as according to the local house or dorothy. this comes as the ideas announced, these a so called anti terrorist operation, the the i and rule, which was the last 7 days. and the
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idea special falls is stormed jeanine's refugee camp over night. media report suggests that the palestinian authority security services will also to withdraw from the area earlier. movements both in and outside the city is said to be severely restricted at the moment. the close though, as he said, dozens of being wounded as is weighty, treat supposedly target civilians on palestinian security forces. we heard from the international secretary of the american communist party, christopher holly, he says it's no co incidence. that is well begun is westbank operation mit hours of the trends integration. the trunk was asked and in the past few days about israel and he said it's their war and they're free to conduct it as they want. but trump needed that ceasefire to basically say that he already was a deal maker. and he said that ended the not girl speech. that he was the one that was pivotal to this. and we know that he's on boy had an odd sized hand and power
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and leverage over nathan. yeah. who to push this through? i also think it, it doesn't only come from the us that might have green lighted behind the scenes. it's a gift to the far right that are currently very much upset with that. then you have boost government for appeasing. that'd be americans and other allies by going into this deal, the ceasefire deal uh with uh, from us in gaza. so in order to save space, as we say, they are continuing operations of the west bank because the west bank or was the religious rights in israel cause that in some area they are very, very important in dep, pivotal for the long term project of the, of design the state of israel. so with that understanding the ongoing escalation and displacement is a necessary to the eventual annexation that they would want to do of the entire occupied westbank and occupy east jerusalem. so well, meanwhile,
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it just stays into the ceasefire and does the repose of some erotic fighting, continue. the idea stays it open sirens, who individuals in the end of today of telling me that this trips were on the threads as on the verified. so it's, it's a line, a pace to show a young person reportedly being killed by is really smart because now we cannot independently verify whether the video and the idea of acknowledgements are connected. and so what we do, the following footage is a graphic the the amount is being coming on the phone. i was trying to retrieve what appears to be a lifeless bodies. the id, yes as no comments. it only authenticity of the doing whether it shows one of the 2 people. it opened fire onto the chat and all of your embed, human rights monitor has all associated hit this footage and accused, as well as violating the c's. 5, we spoke with my major, my god, that's a senior official at the organization who informs us that it feels x, but it's going to send the goals,
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anticipate of old videos they release from cause and as for the, so does that have been haven't gone by the i've seen it that shows how israel is started on the 1st se violating, but she's 5 be a to room. i do have field officers and the researches on the ground that on 20 searchers who authenticate and collect as much information as possible and cross checked with different sources to make sure that all that for me, ition we publish is uh it authentic edition that is another another violation on, on the, the west part of the gulf coast where the idea falls. so fired the at the fisherman . the fisherman is order. the, i'm sure we seem to is justification somebody to throughout this genocide or even before it's for the other minute throw patients as long as no other 3rd party is
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allowed to investigate these crimes or acts by the idea for the other is really a entities misses that really matter to me is false and is not, you know, uh to be the light on the is really not if there's bed that i, that i was trying to generalize through media or statements. as far as something proven by the search parties who are independent 3rd party, who can go inside the strip and investigate these allegations, the 15 multiple in gaza has left behind wide spread destruction. according to the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs. 92 percent of homes that were being destroyed or damaged by his weighty strikes with 90 percent of gauze and displaced residents returning to the northern parts of the enclave so that they have lost everything. the destruction is terrifying, complete,
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and total destruction. they left nothing. they completely wiped out the infrastructure. there is no life at all in the north. there is no shelter. we don't know where to go, or where to return to. i swear to god, i came to search for my house and i couldn't find it. we found nothing. my house and my children's homes have all been destroyed. the house is wiped out, buried under ground, with everything inside it and we left with nothing. was you to come and look and then i came back from the place where i had been displaced to the yarmouth area in gauze. uh north. i had hoped to find my house or even part of it to live in. but we have no power or strength. as you can see, the houses destroyed and reduced to rubble. see if i will try to build a tent to live in to face the cold. as you know, it is winter now when the weather harsh and the other put the she has in and nothing remain. the place here likes life, no water,
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food or anything else. we are exposed to the sun rays all day with no roof to protect us. and in the night it is freezing and we have no way to go myself. i said it had enjoy like, and this is a of the, a l blah in central garza civil defense teams. they, they've almost no equipment left to continue that work. this, as many of the staff members have being tools over the course of the war, making the task nearly impossible. a local correspondence such as this report from the gaza strip. we are here at the civil defense serve as a premises and the center. the goal is to serve mainly and the during the fall off, down as this civil defensive premises. there is only one vehicle which is used for extra english inc fi r, as well as a double task, which is actually risk doing that. or we're seeing that one did on taking them out of the rubble. as you might see here,
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this vehicle is completely ruined and needs repair according to what it shows here and the several defense products and services. mainly the heads of the civil defense versus a says services at mister around me, a lie deep or the combined to run me a lie do is in a charge of those, those, those us that this back of nature, bad every day. as you might see here on the camera, you can see some tools for excavation at manual excavations done and carried out by the crew members of the civil defense, a services here in the middle area. how you, how you be, shut up with my crew members. work manually using their hands and with simple capacities that already need fuel to operate as we need petrol to run the generator . the fuel has stopped being available that as far as the crew members to work using acs and hammer, we have also suffered from a lack of liquid for extinguishing fires. and we need equipment for cutting iron, which are all of this equipment has been damaged by the bombardment of,
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of the past area. over the past period of time. they have been depleted. they service services has been, have been depleted because of the lack of fuel, a lack of equipment, machinery is and cause for over it goes to use and threw out the that there was the right danger has been far amount during the past period of time as i stated by the civil defense services at g fee, or mr. ally dates who told us that they had been working none of the stuff around the cloth to save what could be said next intensive as really strikes actions across different parts of the center of the gaza strip sufficiently. that development, even though the civil defense services in the central government, governor 8, have lost $22.00 crew members as martyrs and more than 40 wounded during the war during this devastating war, which seems to be a genocide, we have completely lacked coordination with the international committee of the red cross,
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as our crews worked under continued bombardment and gunfire by the repressive occupation around 24 hours per day. many of our crew members have been exposed to showing as you actually, that's the situation for this. the civil civil, several defense services, at throughs and the ex debit isn't that through at the rate. and this comes after 15 months of that as a war on that goes the thread that has come to a temporary and a few days ago with that through the side between israel and i must mediated by cuts of egypt and united states rami i've made r e r t t and the civil defense services center and the center of the gaza strip town of dairy by the liberal efforts to end the bloodshed in guns a contributed to secure in the seas. file major diplomatic efforts like south africa's genocide case against as well played
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a role ordinary people also put in the work indonesians tend to boy coughing is well link products on mass o. c. correspondents with back in the pitcher puter takes a closer look at how to help them do that. at the center of this movement is a digital to empower and consumers to make ethical choices. it's called the new things app, developed by pro policy and tech for dash square. i am going to try to use the app, the wall going for my weekly groceries run this innovative platform. let's use or scan product bar codes in seconds. the app evaluates the parent company stance on the war, and this place a simple verdict. node things for products to link to company support is are l or positive for commendation for alternative test. with just a scan users feel they are contributing to a global cost. for instance, readings so a popular laundry and soap detergent from union laser receives
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a new things label. unilever has been under fire for what some shoppers perceive as tacit support of israel else military offensive in gaza. one of the causes was when one of their companies that and jerry's decided to stop selling ice cream in the west bank palestine during the is early of patient in 2021. technology like this helps people to navigate their buying power and the impact of the boycott is undeniable. in october, you know, leave are revealed. it's mark could share in indonesia had fallen 3.6 percent from the previous year. well, local companies like oregon blood group reported a remarkable, a 150 percent jump in sales for their crystalline water golden types. in the last quarter of 2023. according to the company, crystalline has clearly benefit from consumers. going to support local brands over
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multinational. once the new types app is not alone. boy cat, an app created by year many seal and kind developers also helps avoid cod compete efficiency. the app known to be working closely with the boy called the fassman and sanctions move me known as b b s. using the product list that b s has q read it. it offers appearing system based on the priorities of the boycott. a coca cola made it to the b d as priority list. meaning the company has a proven record of complicity and is, are out apartheid. the growing support through tagging notation is also welcomed by the b d. s. movement in indonesia. the group receives such support as a means to an emmy support for israel also, oppression of palestinians. we are happy because this proves boy codes are popular, and many people want to join the movement as
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a form of commitment to humanity. indeed, there are many apps now. so given the b d s movement honestly supports any increase in public awareness, especially in the form of boycott. display card has particularly as, as needed with emotion shoppers, majority of who are vocal about their support for palestine. uh, i really appreciate this because it's very helpful. haven't been many people are unfamiliar with a boy called list. so perhaps this app can provide some information because there are many types of boy costs when i'm maybe i'm interested in using this app in the future. i think it's extremely helpful. yeah. i see boy quotes have some well known products and instagram, but for a less than own products, it could be confusing. perhaps this application to be really useful. instead of searching the internet, we can use the know thanks application to get more immediate information on whether we can use a product. oh no. i never hear this sort of thing directly, but i once read about it in the group chat of months ago. but i didn't really pay attention to it at the time to pick up my motorcycle. of course this helps, especially for people like me would,
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that would be enough. there is an app that people can use in a easy, convenient way. it proves one thing. once a household name dominating the market, the company is now losing ground to local competitors. we hope that with the awareness of the community is boy thought will become more necessary and more successful. along with increased awareness by the local community, somebody. hopefully it will create a stronger boy thought community as well so much as consumer behavior, a shift in indonesia and beyond. the power of choice becomes a potent weapon and shaping corporate responsibility. living multinational with a pressing question to answer how building navigate the complex intersection of politics asked, makes, and business. vigorous diplomacy and pragmatism of the only means to ends the will in ukraine, according to the new us secretary of state. the admission came off that donald
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trump failed to settle the conflict with a new suppose 24 hours in the open office, a promise he made on the campaign trail. this is a complex, tragic conflict. the one that was started by vladimir putin has inflicted a tremendous amount of damage on ukraine and also that on russia, i would argue and, but also on the stability of europe. so the only way to solve these things, we gotta get back to pragmatism, but we're also going to get back to the seriousness here. and that is the hard work of diplomacy. now obviously, you know, neither is going to involve complex and hard diplomacy. it has to be vigorous, so it will not be simple. it will not be easy, but it is important. it has to happen. that's a priority. despite those things that they would have to have a peace deal on these 1st day in office, the new president instead found himself in charge of attending a special integration service as a self imposed deadline noon. when journalists later pressed him on his pay strategy, he appeared to lean more towards washington's go to sanctions policy and over the
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diplomacy, the us secretary of state. cool, cool. are you crazy? we you have additional stations on russia. sounds likely. sending weapons turned off the top so well, we'll look into that. we're talking to the landscape where we're going to be talking with president important very soon i and although the u. s. has positioned itself as ukraine's biggest advocates. those ties might just be challenged by the full year expiration date oh below. office policies seem to have just how dependable is washington ortiz? don't on puerto explorers. one day in office and trumps, already cleaning house, repealing biden's, executive orders one by one. direct your economy. i will assign day one orders to end all bide. restrictions on energy production terminate is insane. electric vehicle mandate 10. so is that your gas search board van
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reopen and why it will as go the big is site potentially anywhere in the world declared that 0 energy emerges. sounds a lot like trumps 1st term when he reversed brock obama's decision and took the us out of the paris climate agreement. data binding came along and reversed it right back. we're going to reverse trump's role backs of a 100 public health and environmental rules, and then for job path to greater ambition. we're going to get back into the parents' agreement, back into the business of leading the world. and assigning us and review while you're all here is a commitment. i made it, we're going to rejoin the parish. finally the call as of today, now trump's return and the powers agreement is back in the garbage can. in recent years, the united states has been posted to joint international agreements and initiatives
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that do not reflect our countries values or contributions to the pursuit of economic and environmental objectives. moreover, these agreements, the american taxpayer dollars to countries that do not require full merit financial assistance in the interest of the american people, back and forth, back and forth. it's like american politics is one big game of policy pain palm. and now, is anyone supposed to conduct good faith diplomacy with a power that renee exotics commitments so easily back in 2020? it was the same story after trump blamed china for the corporate pandemic and threatened to pull the us out of the world health organization. patient world health organization has become nothing more than a corrupt global is scam paid for by the united states, but owned and controlled by china. that inviting broad washington right back into the fault. the world health organization plays a crucial role in the world's fight against the deadly cobit 19 pandemic. as well as countless other threats to global health and health security,
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the united states will continue to be a full participant and a global leader in confronting such threats. and advancing global health and health security. surprised surprise, we're back to square 2016 with trump once again ordering the us out of the w 8, show drawing, withdrawn from the world health organization. so the same goes for l g b t inclusivity policies, which binding revived after trump slap them down during his 1st term, the weeks ahead i'll be reaffirming the federal government's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and accessibility building on the work we started and your obama by the registration and now another flip flop, i will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender and do every aspect of public and private life. the
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new affords a society that is color blind and merit based as of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the united states government that there are only 2 genders, male and female. this political skits, of framing. it has been especially relevant for the issue of the legal migration. we all know trump made it the center piece of his 1st political campaign. but by who put it in reverse, on every saying that he could present and buy and well announce that the department of homeland security will take action. designed to help us citizens with a non citizen spouses, keep their families together. this new process will help certain non citizen spouses and children apply for a lawful permanent residency,
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a status they are already eligible for without having to leave the country. now trump $2.00 is promising a renaissance full illegal entry will immediately be halted and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came. we will reinstate my remain in mexico policy so much the zig zagging and so little following through our any of the us as allies its partners, its opponents, supposed to even do business with washington when they don't know what to expect tomorrow. well, it has always an organization from the lowest, his own crypto currency, the so called main coin quickly shows up in value, but also to increase this is it from some popular crypto enthusiasts as the main stream media? so i'm say there's a conflict of interest. 80 percent of the coins does that belong to companies
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associated with the newly elected us president? well, a small clip, the car as these have traditionally been associated with private capital 5. i moved from government involvement. city a bit point advise the to the president of al salvador max at kaiser phase transcript type plan will likely backfire in the us, the suffering from inflation right now bordering on the high for inflation. if you go back to why montgomery, the 19 funnies, they were launching main points in the cities in the states. the cities in the states are launching their own. what you could call main points back then to try to get a handle on the high for inflation. these main points are flooding the american economy with trillions of dollars of work with paper. that's no different than flooding the economy with more for millions of dollars, a fee of money and us dollars is positive inflation. it's inflationary. it's counter to what the president said. one of his goals is to find inflation and he's really interested in finding inflation. see what not flood the market with these
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worthless main point. of course it's an ethical violation and a conflict of interest, but the business donal itself, we're talking about who sells trump stakes and sometimes and everything. so. so this is the mentality of the american dreamer, right? and everything and put your name on it and it will succeed. but unfortunately, the rest of the world is not going to play along because of the rest of the world as dropping out of the us dollar there, adopting gold as occurring se, se, the breaks in start moving away from the dollar. and so the dollar needs some much better support then this idea of what we're going to flood the market with our ego centric main points. and that will somehow healthy american economy is doing the exact opposite. only if the rest of the world decides that they are in love at some point as well. everyone in the central america, south america, asia, russia, europe, they all have to agree that this trump point is going to replace the us dollars world reserve currency for it to succeed. if that's not the case, then it's got to go to 0 against the only international standard of well,
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big going thousands of russian volunteers arriving on the country south west in coast to to help clean up an oil spill as rescue black sea walls life and the search engine behind me, you can see the effect in beach and waters if the coastal areas spill occurred and to send the off to, to fuel oil tank, his son in heavy store rooms. and here you can see how the same area looks now off the volunteers of works tirelessly to clean up the polluted region, which was was covered with field oil. ortiz of concern that leaks from this phone can time cuz that have now being contained. i'll take all responding on this to see if a loading the has more on what fits likes to work as a volunteer and even as a helping hand and the clean up efforts where the start of wait time to the run around in the cold straits in december, the night's merry time rusty service and russian emergency ministry all working at the site to contain the damage in the wake of the december oil. so a federal emergency was declared to russia,
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south western preston and all region. we specialize, teens involving t is being quickly mobilized to clean up the area and protects local wild life. mostly as you, me and at the moment we work on manual cleaning. as you can see, our guys are doing this by hand. unfortunately, there is no other way. we are removing the floating remnants of oil from the surface of the water. it is almost impossible to reach and clean some places due to the rocks. the water level containing the oil is grueling book every day, thousands of on and t as a specialized team are on the front lines, joining the team and armed with a shovel escape to help this 67 oil from the water unpacked it into facts for disposal the cold winter temperatures have made the oil particularly viscous, so i was grateful for a helping hand to scrape it off. the oil was also incredibly heavy and lifting it often sounds like a physical challenge. to protect the eclipse,
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we were provided with special seats, gloves, and rubber boots, each discarded of to the dates, work. cleaning oil from the water and beach is, is just one part of the effort. the ecological disaster has mostly impacted the light compared to population. so my next stop was a center dedicated to rescuing these one little creatures. this is web pads found quoted, an oil along the shows approved for cleaning, extremely stressed and at risk of death. they receive life saving care from volunteers within the hope of giving them a 2nd chance of survival opponent. while i wrote each just registered, i'm given a unique serial number. then the initial treatment begins. it speak always and knows. ok. ashley king, i'm a sole bent is applied to tackle this stubborn oil stock is used to be submitted. the budget is then boss with a dish washing detachment and chant detroit wants to buy this paint. it's transferred to an in patient cat where a factoring area and placing monitors their recovery number because we have here
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the medicines and the equipment necessary for the treatment and stabilization of birds. we initially treat them with absorbing substances and we use hot water bottles. if the bird is cold and when the bird begins to eat and drink by itself, we can already say that it is stabilizing. it can be taken from a rescue center. during the work with birds, we decided that it wouldn't be possible to make medical probes from out of droppers . we use them to give the bird medicines directly through the esophagus into the stomach. we came up with this ourselves because unfortunately the despite for seating po, for treatment, no told bucks device, but the once they do all being very cassy, it lips off to the fact demonstrated the proper way to handle the but, and then of expectedly. this happened. i was very lucky and i was actually allowed to hold. one of the 5 is currently being treated. it was full sitting in a serious condition. and once his health stabilizes, he will be transported to crescent, all the badge receive precise guy with shelves,
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scoped full of medicine to ensure they get the treatment they need before being transported. each day, few of us are approved and i hope to sign the condition of the boys to see a swab. life is stag lane proving this was just one day for me, but many more are ahead for the thousands of volunteers here as they're not willing to stay away from the tragedy that hit the show unaffected. those who cool displaced home and with that every day dedication, they make you pay for everyone. and especially of all as you know, all the from cross and all region. the next task he speaks with the deputy president is all the republic of south africa on the is well, palestine conflicts, the multi polar. well, those are on the budgeting labels and we're back in the mornings and best the


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