tv Lumumbas Africa RT January 23, 2025 11:30pm-11:46pm EST
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is on the motto such as these, they are up to visions on the account uh, acquisitions which must be on the, to the, in the context. and the context that i want to bring, particularly with regard to the war in so done is that there is, i is $32.00 it when so done, regained independence on when so done was seen as a country. that was either a, it orientation with a significant african population. so don was never these on those lines. the close districts in the south. i get dated for a long time, which culminated in the independence of south to done in the 2011. off the menu was the i knew i knew it was. and it is also important that after the south to don, regain the independent, there has been conflict in that part of the world in the nova mountains in the blue
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niles and in the dive for agents. but the most recent of the conflicts and then event before that during the doubtful wall, it was actually confirmed that the administration of a model but she was sponsoring our groups known as the agenda we do. i talk to people in data for it is the john joe weeds that have no most into the artist service which has innovated and the government of sudan lead device and put her on on him, met teams of who was part of the suit. and these on me, but he's now seen as the leader of the out assess. and this is where the acquisitions are coming in. number one that they've been coming from ukraine and not only ukraine in other parts of this. one was former soviet union, the even claims that they have been boots on the ground. and they have been claimed
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that there has been a recruitment of individuals from the outside, 80 and region. and when the conflict between russia and ukraine started, one of the things that came to the full was the quote distinction between the russia on the west. in the 1909 does, the undertakings was given to the russians. the nato would not expand to the east, and when is the nato countries thought the dix funding to they used with they are firing enticement to the key of government to join data in union. then the cont, decisions acquired a totally different kind of that context is important for us to appreciate in order to understand what is now been caught in the rise of the involvement of ukraine on even russia in the african continents. the most important thing that's happened
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recently in print it didn't default is when the government of molly accused ukraine direct that there was supporting inside agencies in mali. and that there was being used to fight a proxy will in russia. and i remember the, the best set out of ukraine was actually summoned into bama cool by the administration of a team. great. and there was told that if you don't stop participating in the insurgency in molly, then we are going to expand, you are going to see, but diplomatic ties. and they are quite a number of occasions in this regard. and it must be understood once to gain in context, the russian involvement in many of these conflicts is seen to be a little different from the involvement of ukraine. seems to be different in visiting good. it is best government of this central african republic, for example,
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that the invite the, the group because the y insurgency, that was fun said by multiple parties including the french. it is also the case that in countries such as booking alpha, so on the if any of these at once, the americans had been expelled. it is these administration that invited the russian administration of the russian army to offer both training and support. so the presence of russia, as opposed to the presence of ukraine, is seen on explain differently, but as it is in a month, as of these, a nature, there's always been different arguments by both sides of the device that has foss, examine the presence of russia, then we come to the presence of ukraine in the continent of africa, and particularly in the conference due to conflict in students. a number one,
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as we have said on said diamond time again. though she had been under the soviet union was not the typical quarter nicer. and the reason passed after the collapse of the body in wall, there has been what is described as the russian soft file on visit. osh and soft file has been seen as the count, the weight to the traditional power of the western countries which retained the military bases in the continent of africa. the french with their ministry basis in different parts of the quarter needs. the americans of costs expressing the powers through different small, di national agencies and russia was not in many of these cases, but disciplined in the intimate way. is that the wisdom power as well? and it is in this regard, therefore, that when the regimes which gained power through what under the level of
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practically is called unconstitutional changes of power, the wind advising the russians to protect them. this invitation has been seen as i've already indicated in central african republic and bunkie. the bunky administration. you have seen this invitation in the government in yeah. may you miss it? and sometimes this happens, particularly in nam may when they see that you in your mines on the friends well or does out on west and foster as well or does out the nea may administration initially it said we don't have the capacity. therefore, we are inviting a friendly power to train us on to off of the temporarily protection as we protect online so that russian presence is sending that to the good. of course, that little idea when uh, the webinar group. well, but hey, ethan as an independent entity,
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there was seen to be almost in the nature of much entries, but with the depth of the leader. and then rushed analyzation of their participation on the naming of the african quote. it is seen as the beach had for the russian administration to try and engage these particular countries and it is not lost on me the russian for administer levels. i've been in those countries quite a bit with a view to explaining and deepening that. the relationship, conversely, ukraine is not up by why in the mind that russia ease and didn't did one kind of say that even during the soviet era, whenever one wanted to talk about the soviet union, the name for the soviet union was that as you so in the minds of many people, whenever you talked about the soviet union, you could as well even say, rush and bill for us. yes. stuck in people's mind in that to be good on when
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ukraine via full is involving itself in the affairs of any african country is seen as fighting a proxy war on behalf of the western world. and the reason is very simple, even in this war that is going on in the united evening, going on and the united states of america is involved, the wisdom countries are involved. it is seen that ukraine is actually a c, a for a war that is being prosecuted by nato. against that i should. that being the case, even if there is a width of the presence in any country in africa, it is frowned up on the scene as a thing on the b, at the behest of the neil colonizers on the involvement is not welcome. and that is the context in which we must understand the, the resentment we have seen in there is in fast, i think, in the print,
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it printed 3, the president of russia, of that mid put then into thing, quite a number of african leaders. and some of the institutions that came out of those meetings was that the many african countries do actually support russia in the as well. whether it is right or not is another debate. but russians are saying, what are the africans are saying? you have to do with us in times of difficulty. we know that the fight to engage then is not to you a fight. it is a fight that is being prosecuted to designate you and to control the was we have therefore costs you owe a lot with you. i mean the position, but let us come to sit on this are done. conflict is, is very confident you did the concept. i can see what you did in the sense that address sutton's stage in the life of sue done during the item is fission of ahmad al. but sheer, the
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a was what was called the i r by is vision of islam. so that when you are talking about islam, it was not simply that you are a photo of their religion. but you are also added up by the position of our i bit of the language and the why are you little like customize tutor at the who uh the intellectual weight on the think that's behind a minor in but sheer on when the john joe, we met the was then seeing it to be using the fi, up our, against the docs in the people in the food that gave the wall in so done a totally different cut. and then that the 5th therefore is you have claims of libyans being in this space. you have claims of americans through sutton support being in this space. you have claims of ukrainian being in this space and we know
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this other stuff has been recruiting young people across this. i had a problem as far as judge from us, far as and these a, these um, must synergies who are prosecuting the war against the brand government? and that is why it has not been easy to resolve this conflicts. we know, for example, there was an attempt to buy, you got to resolve this particular concept, but the, the brand government rejected the appointment of the canyon prison on the ground that he was partisan. and we also know that there has been an attempt at what is the reason of this conference in gender, in saudi arabia with the so these on the americans playing the leading role there, i shouldn't have been muted in this particular month old was solution. but the conflict is continuing the pace and only the last few days there was an attempt to involve the present the site, as i've said, well, key will vary for you on the understanding that he does have some kind of
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connection with both him at the and put on all these are happening at the time when there is great confusion and of course, the names of russia and the names of ukraine. we'd always be there because of the ukrainians. if they don't have what's done, the ground also seen as a conduit of, of weapons. but particularly when you have the s k for the 7 in the mix, we always look to that part of the supplies of the k 47. so the situation is an interesting one. so if you have play as in the continent of africa, uppercase one. so gain a sort of concept. russia expressing ourselves through soft power in southern cases, even being allowed to establish military bases in southern cases, even being invited to take over the basis that i've been a bundled by the west with that, that is a good or bad thing. the judy is bailout,
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but i hold the view that the relationship between the african countries and russia must be defined. it must be a relationship that is not one over dominance, but is one of collaboration and as concerns ukraine. i or the view that on till now, i have not seen evidence that they have been invited by in the african country to participate on. the participation is seen as one that has been procured by the neil colored noises. and that is an unfortunate thing. and what one should see, come only when you are invited. i. thank you very much, let as a photo, a selves, a shock break as we continue the conversation about the continental plastic, the
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground can the cover 0 photo gallery of, of risks facing those in this region? what do you need for this is of the people? this is the as the bodies in gorgeous. joining us to find out how the rich local
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coal just size see the close crash and sentences that have been passed down from generation to generation. the head of the rooms by here, the power dies gardens in campbell county and the republic of kenya. and today we talk about mining in africa many years ago. are they todd young? or is that roman then or has to do you need there? the said i drove off because always something new. what he meant at that time was that.
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