tv News RT January 26, 2025 5:00am-5:31am EST
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the, the coding stations open that door to the russian voters as they choose the country next presidents. but before any balance of cost, western media, some since the cold of boats. rhode island impose a federal hiring freeze of federal regulation, fraser, foreign aid for ease. so that's and then donald trump confirms he's freezing us for in a previous report suggested the movie for last for the next 3 months with 2 countries as well. and egypt take offense from dimension as well. when he says 200 prison is following the return of full female id of soldiers held by her mask as part of the ongoing cease fire agreement. i thought of the city and not with the limitation,
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thanks to all to you about his time behind bars. i was sentenced to 25 years and served 13 god willing. i want to focus on my home, my mother and my children. i want to make up for the years. they've lost the difficult days. they lived through and the tough circumstances they endured me. god gave me the strength to make it up to them. there's nothing more to say, but thank god, who has blessed us with freedom and diseases president, thanks india. for supposing the country's bid to join brakes as a nation of 280000000 people becomes the blocks lasix candidates, then the a very welcome to you. this is on the international with the late as well. news update is our top story. posing stations have opened across spelling bruce's vote is choose who's to leave the country for the next to 5 years. well, 5 candidates are running to be head of staging, shooting, president lucas chang,
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folks. it was just voted himself. these are the latest pictures from mince, but the full eddy ballots will cost western media jump to label the election as weeks of correspondence with phone calls, or if it's in minutes with the latest. folsom opens at 8 am across villarille's for the 7th presidential election. now over in the european union, they have already prepared statements that condemns and does not recognize the results of this votes. the cell went as far as saying that the elections are as sold. yeah, well actually this happens time and again, when russell's or washington are not satisfied with the people's choice in various countries. so just take a look at the georgia or romania where despite the majority of both brussels, the lead protests have fueled the minority to take to the streets or take a look at some old volva who opened multiple pointing stations for
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a few of us citizens in the european union, while giving the minimum number of ballots to the hundreds of thousands of old buildings in russia. and of course ukraine where the wednesdays presidency already ended, as he is the tower, thanks to the western politicians who are mute, in this case, some places that are g on democracy. so bill rooms had certainly reacted sharply for the european and us statements as both the central election commission and for administrative deliveries, telling the west to well, actually wides their own business. meanwhile, at vall, sick a lot like for him for that long as you have no scott who fled the country, asked for that might done or a revolution in minsk in order to use the route to mind you, we can push and how it perfectly shows that what the route leads to people like to handle sca, which is nothing but a bargain in ship and upon to intimidate food in the presidents of
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a different country and kind of gets present said that the most i can look for them as an educator in itself now, in addition to the elections, the west also wanted to undermine and attack villarille's, vice minutes remains. alexander of both of is the secretary of the republics. the security council says that's an minutes. every sub massage crating for radicals is currently underway in ukraine, and a special sensor has been set up in poland to freedom lessons. now their task to capture the border regions of villa roost with the help of biller washing and seamless. meanwhile, members of the election commissions of the roof began to receive threats. according to the chairman of the central election commission, big famous spread information about the private lives and personal dates of more than 10000 citizens who work as observers and commission. the members during these presidential elections. now all the forces of the european union are certainly focused on the weakening the well, what are the best allies,
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how russia billy roost? meanwhile, during this election period, the security measures here and then scar unprecedented. of course everybody remembers what happens uh 5 years ago and the thirty's i doing everything they can in order to prevent that from happening. the us is posing a freeze on the foreign aid. the news has been confirmed by the new president donald trump, details so far vague, but the report suggest to be post would be for 90 days on the excluded as well. and agents. i impose a federal hiring freeze that federal regulation, freezer, foreign aid, res. oh, that's and then and i created to do department of government efficiency and have a lot of good people. a review of k organizations is believed to be on the way, including in to the agency for international development. don't usa? well, the measure, primarily suspends humanitarian and development assistance,
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military funding could be hosted to us. we ukraine is allowed to make lensky and fists kids. legal aid is sick to yes. i see. i know that there are some restrictions. you have to look at it in detail, a 90 day limit on humanitarian programs. i can only say what ukraine may not receive, and i am focused on military 8 and it is not stopped. as you had that for, i've said lensky saying that this doesn't affect military a to tools ukraine and not concerns what we've been hearing from other bodies in the last few days. this relates to the executive orders that donald trump signed just a few days ago when he became avenue president again of the usa, where he said that he was stopping funding for all of for an agencies essentially. but that executive order was quite specific. this was to do with international assistance to develop them programs. an age military, a few crane doesn't come through those programs. we also have the job,
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i did. i did quite a few things before leaving the white test to try and secure the administrative view cleaned, at least for the next few months. so this seems to firm up that we understand is for the next 90 days, any programs through us military of a us age will not get any funding after the full of the soviet union back in 1998. between then i'm just off to the mind encourage took place in 2014, something like $5000000000.00 us dollars was pumped into cranes. and of course, we've also now got, you know, us officials being closed on tape essentially saying that the money that was being spent in countries like you claim was being used to a sub for the country. let's just take it and listen to that. have invested over 5000000000 dollars to assist you crane in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic some friends. today, there are a senior officials in the ukranian government in the business community,
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as well as in the opposition civil society and the religious community believe in this democratic and european future for their country. yeah, us is missing essentially, that isn't how this thing is in the pies all over the place when it comes to a country light. you claim, man, money for and politicians have accused usaid of funding groups involved in stirring up trouble in their country is a recent claim involved efforts to undermine the government of georgia. so what other examples do, do we know of? yeah, well, we'll start with georgia cuz that's obviously a very recent example. i was into pc just back in december and november with me through the process that these are authorization process that the georgia government had said were being funded. would be focused rated by actors in the west . this is all over the web of the elections, and i'll tell you, but we'll legitimate to know what it is, despite the fact that the constitutional court in georgia said that they were legitimate. now we've now heard from
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a former minister in georgia who's going to the us and the georgian prime minister saying essentially there was a direct link between the money that comes from us age. and what is happening in countries like georgia, whether it's being against these simple to attempt to choose take place. we have repeatedly said that organizations such as us a id and any d with the former being a state agency. and the latter, supposedly a non governmental organization, but are both finance from the us budget play a very bad role in our country. they issue grants used to teach georgian youth how to carry out a to teach them how to use weapons and teach them how to deal legitimize law enforcement agencies. and the government will someone say, this is just the type of the iceberg rachel view as a what's a look. they say soft power. this is if i was promoting democracy in other countries, others were putting doesn't say no. this is a white regime change to favor what the us wants at any time. we spoke with former
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director of inside governmental a fast for the us trade representative. steve go and he said the blank checks for the lensky have run out. and i think donald trump is made it clear, we're going to stop flooding money to other countries while we take a pause and look at exactly what we're getting for our money. and i think the donald trump's executive order is also calling for an audit of what we have sent to ukraine, which many have fought in the past. we need to know how much money has actually gone to where we were told it was going versus going into the pockets of the corrupted crafts in ukraine. but it's 1st of all going to put pressure if the, you know, western nations, if the, if the brits, if the others in western europe want to continue to fund this. uh, uh, zaleski regina, they will have to step up and put even more end to make up for what the united states will stop putting in. i think the flow of weapons is going to come to a quick end, as well as the before the so called for an aide. so i think it's got to put
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a cease to what the u. s. is doing. and then either the western europeans are going to have to step up, or it's kind of put additional pressure on zalinski to come to the reality that the, the, the open checkbook has come to an end. and it's time to end the carnage that is taking place. and then as president trump has pointed out, what has been avoided all the long if he has been president the last 4 years instead of jo vitamins. however, together with, as well, washington's hour of allies, jordan and egypt solver posted the exams from the a freeze ordered by donald trump. in the meantime, the american president has been suggesting that the massive refugee population of gauze should be relocated to those countries. i'd like egypt to take people and i'd like jordan to take people. you're talking about a 1000000 and a half people and we just clean out that whole thing. you know, over the centuries, it's have many, many conflicts. and i don't know something has to happen. it's literally a demolition side, almost everything is demolished and people are dying. the so i'd rather get
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involved with some of the arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for change. a. well, that says donovan's express fear that the war is likely to continue on the washington's new administration. but he's out there trump, policies will say that them this is from trumps of policy and the policy of the whole west be synonymous with the policy of israel in order to control the entire region. of course, trump is following the same political model. the war will continue to, i'm gonna have to go in and the terms of policy will be a mix policy in the sense that he will try to provide supplies and weapons to these rallies. and at the same time try to stop the war. but i believe that he will not stop the war, and israel will continue. it's aggression on the cause of stress. and how long can you cool? there might be an agenda related to israel for a specific policy behind it. and i, you know, but the reality we saw is that the wall has stopped to give it so we hope that what
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lies ahead will be better and that his decision will be better for the palestinian people. hopefully won't offer us anything. he won't provide us with anything, perhaps he will act against us in his personal interests in the interest of his country, as well as in those of israel and those of other countries. we are not considered to be a state or nation by him. to him we are not even the people we don't even exist. let spring in a guess where joins job. i don't, i'm not good for trust. a professor of political science have held on university many thanks for joining. gives us very good to see. so i'd love to ask for your thoughts on don't translate his comments on relocating a palestinian refugees to egypt and jordan. is it really that simple? okay, i have to summarize the whole situation by one statement. it is a vicious plan with the no the, the for said, the facade p is presenting to show that he wants to relieve
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the pains of it. but let's genius. is it a vicious plan? why? because he wants to liquidate the palestinian coast to live peacefully in the 2 states. the motion, no force of the displacement of peoples is a crime against humanity under the international. so he treats the gaza strip as a piece of variable states. if you want to lead his mind, you have to reduce book the or to video the d 3 flip c's commercialism and he's transaction of the person, these look to control, there's everything to him. there is a price,
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the status and to yes. aside from being immoral as you say, what kinds of complications could sits in a mass displacement bring? it was when he displaces at the palace dm's forcefully from the uh west bank and gaza. he is leaving the area the whole area to be 3 shaped and 3 engineers as part of the road to mid east that was presented in 1993 to have these ready control over the big east. and he wants that he should be area as part of the internet getting a stage and phase of thinking because he wants to
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get rid of the problems of the middle east and concentrate in focus on the internal issues in united states. now, eh, what is it suggesting at the abundance, at least 3 administration suggested in 2024 last year and they presented $450000000000.00 to egypt to displace the listings from gaza. angels, 49 in egypt, refused and declined. gotcha, awesome. so that was almost going to be different than i was going to be good for. and i mean like you say of tools that i need to previously, what i'm willing to welcome anymore, published any refugees, how likely is it that this, you know, trump's proposed piece plan would succeed? the growth is the show we've person as you already know. and trump is there so that
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when he goes to bed wrestling, or, you know, there's a lot of noise and lots of threats to undermine his opponents and pressure these opponents. so he's exercising tremendous pressure on the key players in the be to use to pressure them to answer what he is offering. that's why in the introduction he excluded egypt and drove them from the heart of the 8. so this is the california and the not accepting it that's considered was told with the pressure as you say my what because of this done, this trump is just frozen age to most countries in georgia, in egypt. all reports of the, the exceptions do things from could use that aid as leverage to fulls cairo and them on into this, do not only aids at 8 and other precious because,
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um, uh, egypt realized that the we have to not depend on the united states as the sole source of width and an argument. that's why you do that with diversity. fight 8 sources of arguments from france, russia and other source or china as was so. and he's trying to pressure egypt with the stick. but this stick is smoke behind these back. he is brand, she gets in front of us. so, but we are no binding because people can cause has been for the last 18 years. the main cause of the out of word, out of countries, and egypt along the sides of the countries in the middle east. the out of countries, $380.00 chains. and to give a blog on to the vicious lines uh to g. you political and
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geostrategic reformation and 3 inch meeting of the meetings at donald trump, funding, low jar, and push now has previously, i suppose, you know, expressed interest in gauze or appearing to see a business opportunity in the, off the mouth of the ongoing conflict. and i was listening to trump speak early, i talk to you about how does that has so much potential it has the best. whether it has the best cause lines. do you think it's likely that there were some elements supposed to gain to the trunk proposal at the end of this to be expressed as you've said, that he's willing to change it. he said it would be like when i called and even a print to. yeah. then when i go, so as i mentioned earlier, he is printing you the, reinstate the ups because of the sort of sticker is the people who have thought for a place eh, for solving. so here,
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and i mentioned earlier, also forceful displacement, the displacement of a deep and a nation is a crime against humanity and it will never draw it. we'd be there and people stick to the international law. and he said, this person, we are trying to be a good listening to a boy to the international is local by doing a look at the executive orders. he has great design, then thirds of the executive orders on, on milford, and a separate of them. and there were litigations in united states and one of the judges of that one is a on no for the executive orders. so this is his personality and
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his campaign promises are not going to be the lords as simple as he said. in one day, i'm going to add 3 babies in the middle east and one day i'm going to prevail a piece in ukraine between your green and brush. and this is not going to happen. uh oh, those are promises. uh how. i think the ultimate question is what, what becomes of the palestinian people in garza who will already suffered too much and what kind of effect would further displacing the palestinian people have in such a way as they are? i tell you something uh many of them have still the keys for the houses in the uh of you applied the land and in 1948,
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they keep it because they believe that this is the historic and heritage. this is that right and there would be back again. um, move the household, the palestinians. have the more the name out of the news coming back to the land. so yeah, they use this and they take egypt and jordan for not allowing the displacement to the other land in the that's why these think of displacing them 20 dcea and other places. so, but this is not going to work really good to speak to you today. thank you so much for your time and talk to not get back to us professor of political science as hell when university. thank you very much. thank you for having to. what is that in the prison, on hostage swap between his while into a mazda has taken place as paul to be open and going si,
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fi agreement between the sides. 200 depaula city ends up being released from is wally jails. the majority who was allowed to return to the west bank had been studying life sentences according to the palestinian prisoners office, 70 people convicted of the most serious crimes have already been deported to egypt . t's middle east bureau chief maurice motion. i kept an eye on the development for now in ramallah as in trouble of location where apparently streaming prisoners were brought tough to the release in ways you can see a massive crowd has gathered to welcome them. now ex prisoners dimensions are running high. people walk with plan to resubmit, the heard somewhere, some people, and then sing manual cemetery and palace theme flags, most of our relatives and dissipating the return of their loved ones. and friends of those really would also just ordinary people. that is, they say is celebration moment for the entire palace, seen
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a nation theories charged with imagination. but joyful freedom of the horse makes with sadness. so we're 46000 gallons were killed in 15 months of the war. and this is one big deal. okay. now i think there is another reason or now the. c main recreational center in the 2nd way of return release the 200 palestinian prisoners in exchange for those who were afraid of her there. on the 2nd day, most of them are 120 individuals convicted of killing. these really is many sir, and multiple lives sentences from 22 to like sentences, but all of them was here to die 7 t,
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all these 200 labeled heavy weights. what is real calls with a blog on the hands will be deported to foreign countries and we heard already from to jail, drew into new to the they all confirming their reading to welcome them. 16 roll returned to gaza roll. the rest will be sent home here and to the ok part was bag. it also is through so that we have been able to speak to some of the newly please. let's listen to what they have to say about the experience and what they feel right now. i was sentenced to 28 years with somebody is suspended. it's an indescribable feeling beyond words. it's something great beyond expression. may god bless you. when they dragged us out and told us that we were about to be released, they said, go, go home, go home. i was sentenced to 25 years and served 13 god willing. i want to focus on my home, my mother and my children. i want to make up for the years. they've lost the
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difficult days. they lived through and the tough circumstances they endured me. god gave me the strength to make it up to them always. there's nothing more to say, but thank god, who has blessed us with freedom, how mass actually was supposed to release all civilian hostages, 1st followed by military personnel and several of non comb with time still remained and consuming to how wherever a mass has reportedly fed up the release of soldiers that was really sort of just like when, because the secure, high and prisoners say is rash. your face to probably assuming prisoners for age is really sold or another possible reason. some civilian hostages may be in the hands or family student is wanting to add another guy. so based on milton grove, mazda might simply not know the exact location is all these upside victories. a lot of ground off her mouth and p, i. j folly tours gathered at the exchange location in the gala street earlier and stuff like that. you would miss the release several money. the sale of stipulates idea of complaints we drove from dogs eventually is viewed by the militant group as
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a victory, a force, a very important moment. these really army was supposed to open the net sarina cory door. this is a line that divides into 2. and that the army now controls to allow displaced return to the homes in the north, but only after all the civilian hostages are really, which is not sure which will suffice to happen on several day. but since it's not the case, the idea of has worn g as a residents against moving know, so i think extreme danger so that that's are in florida is not open yet. this is likely israel's way haul from the law as a functioning. how mouthful, not sticking to the terms of the agreement, this related has always part significant backlash, or one is really is while complaining that it's played involved. and so is that the attacks against israelis. hayes is a serious security. threats to israel. best exchange is just the beginning. in the 1st page i'm asked who released the 3 hostages wiley's room phrase. 1904,
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palestinian between these, including 1200 thousands detained during the war. notably those involved in deal for were 7 mastercard. i know to include the 1st phase will last $42.00 days and during this stage, negotiations will start about the 2nd phase, but it is still several weeks to go. so we have to wait and see how it plays out. very from ocean. i'm seeing reporting from ramallah. the brakes just keeps growing welcoming a new permanent member and the nation, the nation's president, has highlighted the impulses of just call to is inclusion, offering in the special thanks for supporting the countries bid to join the block. india continues to champion south south cooperation and redo voice of the global house. and therefore, we also would like to things in the for supporting our permanent membership
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in bricks we have when we are convinced that this corporation would be beneficial to global stability. and the regional cooperation assailant was made during pro. so beyond those 1st visits to new delhi assisting presidents and diseases brakes, membership came into effect january 1st kicking off with a series of co operative agreements, signed by a prime minister and moody, and the in the nation leader. along with the newest phone on the brakes also gained 9 upon the countries this year from africa, south america, and you're asia. larry, we spoke with the deputy chief mission of for the indian embassy and the call to the day itself, the sofa rods. he explains how in denise has bricks, members, it will only strengthen the platform. the brakes to us is a, is
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a plat sloan for the global, the south, and, uh, even easier and it down some, uh, chevy, depending foreign policies. but uh, we see that business affordable which can benefit the global. so there are lots of activities, you know, if we lead to these statements. so all of that comes out of declination which happens in october of last year. now we see the entire spectrum of activities and the time for lab patients that happens amongst the vacant nations and indonesia being a boss of this uh, worldly strength and the uh, the, the body. and then we hope that this will lead to a greater level of participation of other than other countries and be initiated as spend up in the context of the city where the separately it is a full operation have been spent out and the consent of the interest from.
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