tv Going Underground RT January 27, 2025 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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the cam gloucester 10 days, or what else made it drastically defense from other camps of the 3rd rice watch on t the time action or can see and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the hot to the middle east. on that a style in liberated the nazi death to camp a voucher. it's in poland. today asked ritz is compared with the gaza strip. for the 15 months of u. k. u. s. and you sponsor genocide, live streamed on, take talk, rumble, linux. the i really, europe in united states involvement in that genocide was hardly co, but unlike c, i a and i, my 6 involvements in supporting al qaeda in syria now victorious today and investigation into the c. i is arguably never more pressing. not only because it is 50 years to the day of the creation of the us senate judge committee,
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which expose the c i a as a version of democracy all around the world. thanks to donald trump for a few days, at least the men, women, and children have gone to have slept without the u. k. u. s. u armed aerial bombardment, and trump is trying to appoint cabinet members like our f, k junior and josie, gavin. we want to rain in the ca, that is cabinet design just within minutes of as an organization he ended restrictions on us x, bullets of 2000 pound bombs for israel is picked through us ambassador to be un who appears to accept nitro scripture over you. and resolutions on palestine and trump is funded by casino mobile and is rarely american billionaire, mary and madison. joining me now from pennsylvania, virginia is dr. philip gerald, the for the 2 decades. the i a military intelligence case officer and executive director of the council. the national interest to dr. jeroski. thank you so much for coming on. uh well, one of the 1st things trump did was in financial for an aide for 90 days. and then of course that excluded israel, the largest recipient of american aid. what,
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what do you think is the points even of the fall, renee, the executive order that he made on inauguration day last week, as well as there's a problem with donald trump is that there's always something that contradicts the good news. and in this case, the bad news, of course, is that he has recently also made a decision to eliminate all all conditions on the context of weapons. that is, you will be able to receive from the united states. it will be able to receive those 2000 pounds of ball buzzers that have done most of the destruction. gotcha. and he is also targeted uh, turned around and, and said that the uh, groups of, of right wing settlers who have been so disruptive of the west bank and continue to be disruptive even today will continue to work with his older be subject to
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any kind of a change in spite of the united states so that you get one thing one way and one thing, another way i suspect we're going to have to wait and see what happens. i'm watching him in the oval office. it was clear that he said, look, i don't expect the sci fi to los by the time this is real gus, my talking to you, it may already have been broken. it has been broken, as you say, in the west bank, which wasn't part of that agreement. what did you make of his intentions? i know it's, it's very difficult, very literally investing all of this into 11 human being, steve with golf the on boy anyways, design is although from what we hear was really into the at least stopping the fighting for a few days. yeah. well, i think that again, with this is a, a case where there is a developing a situation, a donald trump does not really have much experience in dealing with the go she ages
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at this kind of level. and we have to wonder, to what extent his ego is driving the process by him wanting to be remembered as the man who made peace. now we will see how that plays out if he doesn't expect the, uh, the 1st uh, 6 weeks to actually bring a, uh, some kind of settlement. uh, and that the, uh is really, is, is, uh, will break the agreement. then it will be every single watch to see how he tried to cover himself and to talk the story that makes it look good. what's your feeling as to why? i mean, clearly by blinking sullivan iris the names we hopefully will never have to mention again except in some sort of trap. you know, they, they had this same deal for months. what do you think the deal was, was about? i mean, did the, as the with golf i ordered by trump to say,
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i was able to tell that and yeah, look, uh, given uh, because this is basically giving into, uh, ballast indian resistance. and we'll back you for destroying the westbank in the occupied territories, or was it will all, i'm you to the deep maybe even militarily get involved in a war on the run. although i should say the around on boy brian hook has been fired as well. who was kind of in charge of transition that state department. and he was another these people who are under water on the run. but mind you so many of his cabinet like rubio has been historically as well. the bind administration. we have to be honest about the bible ministration was collaborated with israel to do what was going on in gaza and also to increase the temperature of what was going on in level non and with syria. so they collaborate with them and we'll have to see, to what extent a trump will be
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a collaborator or whether his reputation uh will push him in a different direction. it's. it's a very hot situation right at the moment. and you know, there's brian hook, he was the previous one void to run and then he was supposed to be arranging transition for rubio at the moment. i mean, i, i should, i suppose i should really ask you about, what do you think of walton rubio? really a, given your intel background, let alone. i think many people know who marco rubio is, what bus new, bizarrely left cube or under the us back. but face to face thinking, i don't think he's a communist though. and he meanwhile, is always back the whole case positions right through the habits of your atmosphere . and, ma'am, is where i'm speaking to you from as well. i mean the, virtually the whole cabinet that the knowledge help us both together is assistive hardliners and the hard liners in the middle east. the hard line,
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in some cases is on the ukraine rusher issue. it's a little bit softer there. and of course, it's a very hard line against china, so this is what we can expect. and that's what we should expect. but we have to wonder what extent donald trump will be pushing sometimes in the other direction. yeah, he invited, she's been paying famously to the, to the organization other when he ended up going that. yeah, well, i suppose ukraine is the issue. people have most hopes about with regard to a to piece. how do you think uh, people like rubio and waltz are able to make such swift uh, a you tons because clearly the trump policy is not going to be the one that is being advocated by a lot of those cabinet members that he has a pointing a completely out of step with them and there was some reports that as of even um,
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72 hours of uh, his it will get ration arms exports with being stopped from nato bases us spaces in your up to ukraine even to zalinski, paraded it to the globalist and douglas, well, you can only for him as well. the question has to be, to what extent these appointees will be able to go around the president if they're able to do that as it was done with buying, we will see a lot of things happening that are hard to explain in terms of the rhetoric that came out a good campaign from, from donald trump. so again, this is going to be a work in progress. i would recommend that everybody watch carefully what goes on virtually either on a daily basis for the 1st month. because that will do the term and to a certain extent, the shape of what goes on after that. clearly, the confirmation hearings, rubio appeared to think that he actually use the word leverage on russia as regards
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sanctions. if brakes didn't exist, and as if you didn't understand what happened to rush, you're after all these sanctions i, the economy is the biggest buy pvp i think in, in new york or something has done well out of it. do you think good people like rubio and the rest of them understand that there's no point in leverage inclusion in any way over ukraine if they think that's the way to get some kind of a deal. this is one of the great sections of washington, which is that the, the, the, the support for your crime, basically who was about weakening russia. but the fact is otherwise, is that the, the, the, the so called leverage has basically made russia stronger. and you increase the value of its energy exports. and um, it basically has come out of this with a, some of the, with alliance with the iran and somewhat of in relation of
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a renewed relationship with where i would try it out. so cool. when the chair and the put unfortunately, people and rubio don't have the depth of understanding to appreciate what really is coming out of this. it's in america's interest to settle this business in ukraine and russia without turning russia into anatomy. and the national security adviser, bolts people don't really talk about him that much or former mayor or some small town in america who worked under john ashcroft in from us for reinstituting. right . that's explained with the palm of raids, where the americans and how, how do you expect them to impact, uh, actually on home and abroad. these kinds of policies, as well as you know, the thing is when, when these people show up in an international forum,
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director inches profile. and that was the interesting thing. go 4 years of joe joe biden. and his regime was the fact that any time these people opened up their mouse and i'm talking about blinking, and i'm talking about the spokesman and washington that appeared constantly on american televisions. these people showed directorates. and i think we're going to have another round of that, but again, the big question becomes, who's going to be pushy full and is, does it pro as a result of his 1st time in office? how do you understanding that he didn't have that. and the baby will do some of the right things that people have been criticizing tools. the gabbert is intelligence. pick a for you, turning on the 7 over to of the patriot back, allowing more and was wide shopping and fan is you don't think that the jump will need to wirelessly wire. tap is in dire administration for any conspiracies against
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him. like the last time around with people like from bad. yeah. well that's the whole thing. i mean, the us government is doing this ever since the george w bush. and they've been doing it secretly a lot of the time. and they've been doing an open lead by virtue of these uh, these of allowances that have been written into the loss. so this has been going on since forever. i mean, i respect to tulsa gabbert because she was one of the few caught was women went to syria, to find out what was going on there to have it did for vote on what was the current . and she's afraid, right, well i'm, and i think that she is not one who is going to be uh, basically allowing the whole scale surveillance of people and stuff like that. i think this will be a kind of a, a select process for her, which i regret. but this is the way our government works, our government,
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you have to shape how's the constant and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground the the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with the executive director of the council of the national interest dr. phillip drowsy, talk to jerome. you were talking about the tool see gab, but you might have to just explain how the power relations work between the position she has been picked for. if a trump versus john ratcliffe at the c i a and the national security advisor, mike wells. well they, they all have a similar function is that they're basically of people who interpret intelligence for the white house. the one why does it most directly will be
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a policy gab or because her position is a, is, is such that it's the house of function in the white house. there is a less of a functionality and in the, in the to other jobs because they have separate responsibilities. her job is to interpret the intelligence for those who are the people who, who make policy judgments. the other 2 are basically the focus of the organizations that they had which, which have a different role. so you know, there are different voices, but they all are supposed to be saying the same song. yeah, i think a position the breed assessor. i wrote a report about this program and it's a, it's power around the world for which i really like to. i really like that intelligence reward. but of course, we know that your all the god media and let alone the
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military industrial complex don't like tools. the gap it into smearing, just as they used as we had trouble. drum is basically a rush and asset a how much do you think a whole sentence is congressman will be believing all these lies about josie gab and being a russian spy. more or less? yeah, i don't think any of you will actually believe it or they're playing a political gave in terms of whether they want her there or not for reasons of the wrong. and, you know, most of the people in congress has a, i'm sure of all, all of you in the rational community where, well informed know that congress is probably one of the most corrupt organizations, a political organizations of that type in the entire world. yeah. they're pushing back against the department of government divisions. they already, obviously a lot of money being made the somewhere political stories, the garbage like r f k junior,
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who's not responsible specifically for any kind of foreign policy ream it though oral scientists and the push against the run. given the choices for cabinet positions. does that concern you? yeah, it does. it's a, it's the one area where i think people should have a, in addition to the russia, of course, which is the big area where people should have a considerable wake up in terms of the policies that they're, they're pushing. and the reasons for the policies that they're pushing as it turns out, of course, the supporters of history or the united states have very deep pockets and lots of money to throw around the politicians. so all of these politicians, as i mentioned before, have basically been corrupted and basically have that what, and it's critical for them to say the right things about israel and the right to end the right to you to which are of course,
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the wrong things about the rock and you think that the despite saying he's all about peas, they will be saying things like, look, syria went when no one expected it. i think that in the congress, people are in saying the intelligence didn't support the fact that aside would flee so quickly. similarly, the same could be done about iran and the net result will be trump, my ring himself in a war which is a previous presidents and recently is have and go down in history, is just another failed us war president as well. so that's why i say we have to watch the situation almost on a daily basis between now and say the end of january. uh, we'll see in terms of some of the decisions that the president maddox where it's all going. and this is the time when people like us who have
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somewhat of a voice and somewhat of audience, have got to speak out and got to say here we are going that way again. and it might be something that trump is actually sensitive to. and he might push back against his own appointees. that's what i hope to see. yeah. been possessed. can the president of v, i've a run mandated by a toilet as well. so many, up here to one did tones they haven't retaliated for his riley strikes, seemingly saying that it was all about the gods as these 5 deal. what would you advise them? i mean truly, and they're hearing voices in their own country, clearly to preemptively attack in these early days of a trump administration to for a stool and still some kind of fear. because at the moment everyone will be having drums here and saying, look, it runs a walk over there having problems in their own country, and that was the time to go for it. well,
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i think somebody has to be very clearly making the case that 1st of all, around just not a walk over and, and secondly, there are implications in terms of policies for a whole regions at o 2 parts of the middle east and also parts of, of farther into asia that would be upset and disturbed as basically a to come back to this credit to what the united states is doing. so there is a downside, a big downside to thinking that, oh yeah, well the run is a pushover. israel wants us to do it. we like is real, they give us a lot of money. so, so let's go in what is the fact is nothing is ever quite as simple as it seems to the people in washington. and this isn't good. our our deficit for quite some time . yeah. the russian around comprehensive strategic partnership agreement was made
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within hours of the organization. the timing was set to be near the inauguration day of possession and being in moscow with boots in the do you think they understand you were talking about those massive trade routes? do they just not? i mean, you're at the see, i actually doesn't tell about the fact as a trying to hot card or from india through to iran involving the caspian huge, massive trade routes are being organized under the ages of bricks as being view from the united. i remember it's a member of that grouping, just as iran is. did they just not have this information and think that they can? i know trump said spain was in bricks with the do they did. they don't understand that the rest of the world is moving very swiftly towards new ways of uh, uh, financial exchange, let alone um, goods exchange rates, as well as i made the honest to god truth. is there a lot of people in washington who do understand all of these things?
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and then certainly when i hear some of my former colleagues from the intelligence agencies, and so other people who are outspoken in the peace movement, basically they do understand all of this of their career table of explaining it. but the 3rd is now listening, coming from congress a, you know, you could name the congressman who actually, um, are aware of all these issues and how important they are. you could names of probably a one hand. and this is the tragedy of what's going on in the united states. and of course, a bear in mind that the, the media, the media to united states is a big part of the problem that, that's so people that i know would call it the biggest part of the problem is because what they are doing is they are supporting up the standard lines that are coming out of the administration, like the, uh, everything that is real does is uh, explained as something else. so what this actually doing,
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everything to united states is doing and in ukraine is somehow whitewashed. the relationship with russia, russia, and put in are declared to be boxed or is of various kinds. you know, this goes on and on and on and on. and this has, this has been national media, this is the new york times, the washington post. los angeles times the major newspapers are, are primarily involved in this level. and rupert murdoch's fox news, which a goes trump, but apparently watches it is 50, is the judge commission. uh today. uh, the most recent case the i is, uh, i see for rough months. uh uh you think he actually does a whistle blowing revealed the is there any plans to attack iran and how important uh, would you tell me about that case and what do you think of it and how important uh, the trump getting uh his hands on uh some kind of accountability as regards a c,
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i is going to be in his 2nd to or yeah, well, i certainly think rockwell was a whistle dollar and i think he was a i, i consider most of the whistle blowers we've had the last surgery last 20 years happen, right. choose people who are really concerned about what the united states is doing . that is damaging the interest of the united states and damaging the futures of america. ordinary american citizens who are kept in the dark, there lied to cautiously by the administration. and they are essentially being sold a bill of boards where, you know, we have situations like we have natural catastrophes and do night in states. and there's, there's no money to help these people. and yet the, there's a $100000000.00 us to send them to you crate. so something seriously wrong here as something seriously wrong about the money of the weapons that he's real is getting
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to kill maybe as many 400000 palestinians. so this is awful. so these whistle blowers, you're saying the right thing doing the right thing. and i'm all in favor of what we're doing. if the, if for our club has been able to forestall, is really these really various attacks that have been taking place in release. and in the lab and not syria and, and potentially wrong, that would have been a good today. and just finally, i don't know as a case officer, whether you had security guarantees to see them. but trump has said that the jeff k papers, the r f k papers, the m l k papers going to be released. what impact on american society is a going to have when american see the truth about what the government was trying to cover up, even if it's not as bad as some suspected to be? what do you think is the impact will be on the american public when they realize what the, the circle, deep state does for much beloved figures like john f kennedy,
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robert kennedy and martin luther king junior as well. i told you, i mean, the fact that this has been covered up for as long as its been covered up in the case. there's something incredible, something lawful in there. and then, and people like myself or been to concerned about the is really role in the american government. and ever since the 19th sixty's a, we'd nurture the, the possible syria is real, was behind the killing of j. a. k or at least was knowledgeable. that it was going to take place and that was because robert f kennedy was about to make up the israel lobby or register as a for an agency. so that has never happened since that time. and there was a strong motive. and many of us believe that there is or this real tied to that that's the both those man, even though the official narrative is a palestinian killed bobby kennedy,
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attorney general and candidate for president. yeah, that's, that's correct. yep. so that that would contradict completely the, the narrative and, and turn it upside down that alone because cash patel is up for free. i am what i go to what further is going to be revealed? i mean we already have papers that you are the api. i tried to tell them i didn't do the king junior to kill himself. yeah, well, that means there are a lot of these stories that have yet to surface. i mean, certainly when i was in c, r a, there were a lot of things that happened that kind of either went away or made to disappear and things like that. and these were things that in many cases, people like myself in the intelligence agencies, we part we protested and said, no, this is not right. but we were, we were people lower down in the, in the hierarchy. and uh, you know,
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the ones who make these decisions are at the top of these organizations, and they're essentially politicians. dr. philip, charlie, thank you. thank you for having me. or that's it for the show will be back with a brand new episode on that day. but until then, keep in touch my role as social media or if it's not censored in your country, had to watch idle going under warranty. if you all rumbled, they'll come to watching you and all that is, is it going on the grounds? these have the, the, the revolution of $1789.00 in france, a whole for the liberation of the oppressed peoples and the french overseas
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territories. but paris did not want to barge with in sources of profit. silver sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves and 80, that remote highland reduced almost half of all the sugar on the planet. sooner was made by d as in franchise slaves broad from africa. scene 1791. they started an uprising against their oppressors. the black swept away the colonial administration and formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson lever to a range of dams to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to haiti, the french manage the caps, or to saul level 2 or by defeats, for they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating defeat. on january 1, 18
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o 418 declared independence. the 1st one in the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sec revised their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events and haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history when they not only through of slavery, but also began to rule their state. the subscribers could be less, so based on any you can find me on dfcs, so sorry. we missed that desperate
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