tv Documentary RT January 30, 2025 3:30am-4:01am EST
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to me, they extended my detention 3 times each for 6 months without any evidence of proof justifying my continued imprisonment. the prosecution and supreme quotes refused to release me. they told me i would only be released as pots of a deal, or when the war ended. we live in an occupied land in every palestinian homes as a detainee or a former detaining. this is coming across old palestinian families, god willing that you will continue and we trust in god and our resistance to secure the release of all prisoners. are now back to the moscow region where a russian citizen has been detained by the federal security services for his involvement and a number of acts of sabotage. as we understand ordered by key f. it's been revealed that he said 5 to several civilian and military installations, including a warehouse where the russian defense ministry was storing, equipment, rush, just as the ukrainian security. so it was organized, these acts in return, the perpetrator was promised faith documents that withdrawn him safe passage to europe. however, he lost touch with his sponsors offer his most recent criminal acts,
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leaving him without an escape. oh yeah, that story continues online right now. what are your thoughts calling for the meantime though, a very busy day here. they all seem other ship in moscow, but someone should talk about the updates. so you're breaking news from washington, d. c. we all back soon with more. you'll have the last real jobs that last job. i got a paycheck from the college professor in new york city at the digital new york film academy. and i tried to make 20 programming languages in different classes. i have all the courses here and i found them all recently, which is great, like i was looking at my google drive and i was like, i have recordings of my lectures. i have my quote, i have my lesson plans my are,
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is this digital. i actually joined a, our community in brooklyn to, to just to, to prove that to myself and to other people that are taken out to do his art as well. and, you know, by the end they'd read, you know, because i was making a guy that talked back and we're doing gallery shows where we will put people in a room. you know, we have like a bunch of mannequins like 5 mannequins with different, different personalities and a little different, a personalities and group of people in that room for 5 or 10 minutes during the soonest. you say a single word, they all start cascading and go off of each other. so you have this really like a conversation with 5 different people, like one headed, you're making max. and that goes like different temperaments or women. have you ever heard of the technological singularity? the technological singularity is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial super intelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth resulting in
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non fat and negotiate just a human civilization. laughter. the can you tell please, what is its left and what is the cost of sitting there? should i have right here? like i say, this is one of the dining halls. and you can tell the advisors long stretch right here. this is where the dining room was, is where the officer sit down and they that was probably a storage st cuz you could tell there was walls went there. you could tell were all the walls when i bet any money that high rise section right there. there was where they went and got their food. it was a mess. all right. you know the soldiers food place, you know, we call the mess in the military. i don't know why they call it the mess, but that's what it is. right? there are forest labs just like this one around here. i mean,
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exactly the same pattern, the military, this was just a temporary base during world war 2. while our training, the guys to go to war, you know, and then the, and after the words they, they close this base down the think a 1st year i was out here. all these feel this was like a field and there was so much green on it like the plants. so we see right here where like, feel like it looked like a blanket blanket, a green and there was these. i don't know what kind of butterfly they were, but they're migrating and you'd walk through and they just like lift up and it was like, you know, like a blanket moved on right here. i'm gonna put in uh, a grove or uh, an orchard with um apple trees, ill citrus, a full variety palmer, granite,
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a lot of different things. my sister's husband bought me 14 trees for trees. so maybe putting those in the i built the staircase of 4 years ago now it goes down or up the end of it up to the top of the tank wall . and then i did a whole ladder on the inside that goes down into the tank. and it's a if you're afraid of heights, it might be a little challenging, but it's all cell phone, cell phone for me. so i built this staircase in 7 days for the just to get in the thing the, i want to make it into an off of bond where i have vertical walk upon its coming down the walls. and then i want to grow bits in here. i want to have
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a trough all way around. $471.00 foot circumference. yeah. it's gonna be a big project like to go enough to provide for the community for the most part, for fruits, industrials, and maybe you have livestock as far as chickens. i always wanted to talk regarding dogs easily coming down the wall right here, the like that and come back and drop down into the the trough. this trough would be like maybe 3 feet off and wall about 3 feet high. and just put a legal parrot that wall right here to check this back. yeah, i just use what i got here. usually i re opposed service, but i'm kind of looking for something like that drugs. yeah. okay.
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well, i will say that i got something to do every day, and it's a good thing your life stay busy because i've been through some crap in my life and i'm a processor. and oh yeah, you know, i don't hold myself to my pass, but if you say you don't think about it, you know, believe me, i've done some pretty things now. yeah, that's why i'm saying maybe even help me out cuz i'm telling you managed a weird bike put those parcher up or natural. yeah. cuz just go the other way. just like that. yeah. last night and my last wife i shot my brother in law. i got a sense of bringing board i just thank god today i doing drilling. so a. yeah. this is nice that they do more hours there she divorce me
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and all that. and i mean, i can talk about it now, but it was a very difficult time. i. i remember that time and being in prison on top of that, i couldn't even talk. i go my mouth, i my crack, which is and think i was broken, has a man, but that, that day in there. i mean it was a restaurant space there. i remember though to see it was only 5 years ago or so for me you yeah. about 5 years minus and 7 months, the 7 months that i left it for prison for 7 months. i'd rather talk about the future in like what i'm doing now, you know then and then all the problems they gotten here. but i mean, you know, you have to bring it up, i suppose, just to, you know, the, the whole story. you don't want to. yeah. yeah. it's not that big
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a deal though. i guess the seem like a lot when i was going through it though, you know, and i've seen a lot of other people too, so i got compassion for people because i've been there kind of a lot of on a lot of the homeless things and stuff like that now. so i know what i know what it's like to get down or they've gone in and try and come back up. and i'm, i'm doing it. doing it slowly and how long you've been here. about 5 years, they picked me up about 6 months and after i'd been here, they picked me up right in my b mx bicycle down the side of the road was about 30 feet off the road. they stopped me for no light on my bike after sunset, and i had a warrant from san diego felony warrant for some stuff and, and that's why i came out here to try and trying get away from them because they're just, they were looking for things they were creating, creating problems where there was no problems. so they could profit off of it. okay,
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jim, you've already put select stuff in the sheet up. you have the people are here because they have nowhere else to go with. it came function in society and the other hand of here because they loved the place and there's no where else they'd rather be than here. but i'm one of those people. so i to leave and i did for a little while. and i, i always remember that, and that's why i'm patient intolerant with people. because the think so i'm not serving, i'm taking a spot somewhere. someone can live here who has, who can live anywhere else. so if i'm going to live here by my own choice, when i have the option to go to los angeles and do fine, and then i need to serve to make up to earn my spot here. several 100 people have passed through here. either on the way somewhere else or provide safe space to abuse women, to elderly people, to mentally ill,
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people to alex i'm to children. you know that if i have an extra trailer, i always i always making rooms out of it. so that when people come near phase the state and they have one that was married to an intel executive report of this 25 years that that had an extensive bank account. tony know actually the game and did the whole purpose. and my cousin asked me one time, what was it like living in the white man's world? and i went to the sales floor and i i couldn't recall him the culture of all to know that white man mentality of their just spectators. they're not participants in life. but they pay for adventures,
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call it a living. right. why or get to live it every day? i was a born again. christian conservative house wise. for predict 16. i gave him 6 kids, well, 5 kids and the baby came after and then once on that mostly and talk rest, i'm swear i lost my mind. it's no better place to be to the village in the some beautiful features and live free live. however, you want to get along with everyone who had all the dogs, how the dogs get along with the goat of these things. susan,
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it's one of them. this is just a horn dog. your name again is mike uh, mark. so he is michael mark for info and marco paul. uh no, i know i get it is i was truly enter it just in the sense that there are no authority is within the city. everyone is their own citizen, including the animal who owns free. awesome. and there's no organization except for what comes out except for what emerges from everyone coming together, bring their own situation to it, and creating their own home and environment. and joining in when i 1st came there, most of the population here was snowbirds, you know, mom and pop. get to retirement age, the kids
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a wall left. so they sell the house and buy a big motor home and start traveling. and you could stay here for free. and so those were the people i met when i 1st came here. the people all started getting old and owning a motor home. got it started getting more expensive in the economy. we started going down and are all those factors together, those that crowd of people died out. but now i, in the world today, there's a lot of people that don't have a way to build a life that you'd want, you know, the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best. most all sense of the, in the system must be the one else calls us about this. even though
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makes a lot of rain on some things like so what did you say? i'm going to start remembering wanted to go home. so there we have a lot of refugees. we don't have to have the regrets for refugees because we got refugees right here. you know, you see the, all the, the blue tart homeless people in los angeles and the other cities. i'm sure this is better living than living and skid row los angeles, you know, that's gotta be so hopeless. it's heavy. i think about this because i'm interior of what they think about. then i see a bunch of hungry people, a steel and this is blessing, right? here for all that food we get him. we good. try to
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get these a lot of this whole thing. do they come and look every month but every month feel they make sure that we hit, we have food out here. you know, a lot of people are hungry there. don't have no money or anything vices. you say yeah, it's all good to love the community that helps people out here. that's what i love, the most is syndicated. all this is one big happy family. that's what i like. and even though you see people here with nothing, you know, some of them are cardboard checks, you know, but the cardboard shack of real coffee. if you just been sleeping on the dirt, you know, and you get a few odd jobs and maybe you could find a run down broken down trailer to deliver it. and you know, you can pull your life together and that kind of way here for if you're in the city,
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is it never ever, most of the cancellation in your car in the city? yeah. you know, those, those sites you run you off, but i'm not always nice because that's why we call this the last free place. because it is not because you can live here in free because you can be here and nobody's gonna persecute or prosecute you about it. you know, you just laid down in the dirt here, people can just come and ask if you're all right. if nobody's going to charge you off to jail for oh, $77.00 decades, your insurance. but uh so you know, here you can do the things you wanna do without having to have a you didn't turn in jail, have people keep one bill on you as i got to talk reading tony sometimes who is doing this program over here. so here is my little kitchen area is in transition,
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as is, everything's really in transition all of his time. but uh, yeah, so its all scrambled around right now and when i get done with it, well i have a good job. what is it? i don't know. what's the thing with gas now? you were out for 2 days. i don't know. hardly ever run, i guess, but somehow within flushing away it is a things cost. and so what we're apps ryder i just heard from my beer because it's like i said, inflation oh, inflation is gone up. so i a last one year. i mean it's been going up for like 4 or 5 years now. but the last year that's just really take this right in, wallace, you know, right in a money department, if you are fortunate enough to get money out here, some of the shar and some others aren't. everything has gone up and show much impression, especially if you have to shop right here in town through. gosh,
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robbery is a 1st degree you get food stamps once a month. i just but i buy cheap natives. they try to get my money is last as long as i possibly can. i mean, i got a couple more years. retired ads. that's the goal here in future retirement. and after that now got some things to do. 6 bucks. fix with any of that. it's up 7, said 17, obviously i have already live 7 bucks for going sitting here. is that to 59 that for this and to no doubt 99 or 10 to the airbag issue, still gotta get
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ready to get your money. oh wow. i worked deal for 25 years and whatnot. and you know, it suddenly gave me as a, you know, um, literally disturb time ago. but i have no lithium in my body. so therefore, uh, you know, you got your option down the highs and lows and this type of thing. and that is, uh, you know, considered to be a handicapped of shots that to where they, you know, show up on your hands on. when i mentioned that mine was, uh, yeah, a boy, i loved the torch feeding i was a welder too, but well, garage a pretty good welder, but in your torch department and feeling no, why was that the tough? so you wouldn't be probably able to make it out there with the amount of money. oh, hell no. but you have to have 2 or 3 people, you know, conglomerate, and together to do you have enough money to pay the rent to pay your electric. just
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pay your sewer bill and obviously again, by your groceries, you know, as you go ahead, take a combination of people where, where here, where we do do it in combinations of people, we help each other. sure. and as a good thing, over a year ago, we started what we call these labs, the soup kitchen, cuz every poor community, an american, and brought like it, almost a world nowadays has some kind of free feeding, but we didn't like study. so i'm starting a little over a year ago on christmas morning. we started feeding on sundays and we've been feeding every sunday for a year. and as you can see, we're starting a little thing here. um and it just is just trying to help our neighbors out. and i mean, it is a place to congregate, a place to eat and show. there's all done by one man named lorenzo. even when he's our cook. i kind of put it together in between to, to meet him and a couple of their homes and put it out. you're on the streets, you know, i mean, you know, trying to change what chance and change those things out here. i'm sure you see, i mean, slides to these hard place, your free meal in a bag and food is
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a nice thing every week. we're all not at the back of food yet, but we're trying to get bags of food too. but we do every sunday. we see before i can this lives, i was on the streets. i've been excited for 15 years. i've been in prison. i've sold drugs. i've, i've done a lot of things. and for ones i want to do something nice for somebody. so we decided feet. and i mean, i cleaned up stop doing drugs and opened up a soup kitchen to my town. yeah, hands are getting backs that always taking. i mean, everybody goes up. everybody goes up. somebody has always started early, early learning, you know, call me slow. yeah, i think is like, it took 40 years or 20 years, however long it took me a long time to figure this out. but this is what makes me happy. you know, what everybody can do is apply to food now and they're, they're smiling. snapshot of them to me in there may the term dog you remember we me he was the age of 1st to the actually the
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there it's all uh oh let me see i think opening day was new year's eve and oh to me. right. i don't make money. you know, if anything, i spend my money. the reason i've kept it for 20 years is the only thing i ever did that made a difference in the world. you know, if this wasn't here, the people in that that would be quite a bit different. i think issue, you know, you look around our existence, things to check and look rather bleak. look, but this is the thing we're,
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that the humanity of the beauty of, of life comes out the feeling of, of the art, the feeling of people feeling like they're an artist, as opposed to a vandal. if it is fixed or selective. the collective self image of everybody here can be part of this, you know, even though it is adult play of the neg road. yeah. really bad actually. so my friend screwed this piece of metal on and i, when i read poxy, did you say you say that? yeah, he wants to play did 13 year. yeah, i learned like, uh, maybe 3 years ago now. maybe a little less than that and was a and wasn't inspiring to was there the range and the yeah, yeah i, i said there for a year and a half or 2 years cuz i live like music. you know,
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so we sit in the front and i watch them and i love it. i did it in new york. you like watching music and like i can do that just like most people in the audience look in there and you're like, i can never do that right. i can learn how to play guitar in my fourties and they were, they, i know a single court. you know where they're had to sing to which, and the most thing i would do is like, it doesn't carry over the 2nd half of them, good half of them. and then we learn how to write songs to. and we do a lot of the same time, and i'm going to stand a very next to my heroes, you know, nice to be able to bill and all these amazing jones that people that view, you know, they're also my family, all those people. so they'll then me their instruments and i was like please me, another car getting to see it isn't yeah. now i know like 4050 songs though, and i wrote favorite songs and think through that i can do that most. no, i don't know
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that's what brought me here was the public guard or kept me here that the breath when i got here ignorant, i didn't know nothing about swenson but it was the public car and some of the minerals out here. bloom, my my and it was that was something with things for you to stay. yeah. cause there's not a lot of places where in america, where you can do this and not be criminalized. right here you can see any kind of art and it's not criminal. it's appreciated and it's not in some phases, it becomes famous. so this is my original taxidermy dinner party that i, i did, i think it was 3 years ago when i set this up originally in there. so we've got young back. i'll go back and grandma back and young back is here bragging about this guy is like, oh my gosh, humans are so stupid. i was just hiding behind a tree. i just lasted them right in his face while he was filling up. this car with gas is guy arrears, like you know, we could add, think we research human some,
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you know, prostitution rings, drug rings, the homeless. there's so many places we can get people besides us in grandma, but 5 police are feed me. i'm starting. see, i will stay here as long as i'm happy here and right now, i mean, it's like a dream come true to be living here and having the amount of people that come through every day that i get to share this with and get some people are like mortified, some people are excited, some people are like, oh my gosh, i love your brain and it's like, i didn't really get that kind of attention and feedback when i've been doing my artworks in my life. like even like the 1st post i did of like a baby at all. i put horns on the back to make it look like wings or something and i posted it on like some obscure, like not instagram, it's like google plus or somewhere. and i really, oh it's, it was one person to be like, oh, that's weird. like delete the language such as big down.
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did the whole fishing? yeah. that's the plague of christianity that it's not against christians. it's just the christianity crusades. and what not the propagation of one, religion type of thing and then the plague, i don't know, it's kind of open to interpretation just to put the name alone. the i'm not an atheist living here in the desert. you find, you find spirituality all over the place so you could really connected to a lot of things here. the same just don't have to shape house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground,
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the the and the headlights are not international. you're looking at live pictures right now from ga, so where it's just after 11 am the good hosted to swap between israel and a hamas is underway. and in the program we hear from a palestinian woman who was released from his riley prison during a previous extract. the day of the suffering was immense. everything was terrible. it's worse than just saying it was fired. multiple suppression, small nutrition, and so on. of course, all the female prisoners were subject to the physical abuse of the western make over the leader of the ships terrorist group in syria that took over to moscow as is now officially the nation's new transitional president.
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