tv News RT February 2, 2025 2:00am-2:31am EST
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drastically defends from other camps of assad, rice watch on tv. the most good cases caps troops of committing a woo climbed by call me a school in washington, battled could squeeze you in to to, to attention a wait for ukraine fulcher, an execution of civilians in a nearby area. and warning distressing images on the on t v. i do z as do poorly. the jack in the cost region comes with the all the russian troops to scope of the forty's of 8 when teaching locals too apparently, mexican, by ukrainian forces. despite the faith buying guns, the israel steps up, it's adults on palestine killing at least 5 people across the west bank. and in the weeks tops stories the
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taxes in the d. o. c. capital to the embassies of rwanda. several western countries offered in greek captures the key 16 of gold, locating any 2nd 170 people. the international with the latest news update on the look of course that the biggest store results the last 7 days. we have them all have a good to have your company. it's our lucky f has intentionally bomb the civilian building in russia's coast region that's being partially occupied by ukraine since its invasion in august. this is, according to the defense ministry in moscow. the cranial non forces committed another walk fine by long seeing a targeted missile strike on the boarding school in the city of sewage up the lawn
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. she'll find them in miss solves from this and leave each and both the re quoted by boston that defense systems. this publication is aimed distracting the world public from the atrocities. so the key, if we see which we're committed to attend the village of roost. crap, i'd say in the coolest region destroyed by that you create an anal and forces on the civilian facility. you once again demonstrated the terrorist in human nature of those. what empowering to, if the russian defense ministry has accused key of, of carrying out basically of to michigan war crime by carrying out a missile strike against a boarding school in the town of subject in russia's kudos region. basically, according to the russian defense ministry, they have, they are saying that they have detected a missile strike launched from the sumi region over the u. cray of, of the country of ukraine. and they're saying that those massages, they headed right towards that voting school in the vicinity of the region of russia, and that they targeted civilians,
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according to the russian defense ministry. this basically, this action taken in this war, crime committed by ukraine was to distract the international attention from a world truly harrowing discovery made by the russian soldiers in the village of whose cape a rich staff whose corporation is one of the villages that was most recently liberated by the russian forces in the quote, a scrooge an overall shot, and vad the russian soldiers they discovered in one of the basements. basically they discovered bodies of civilians who were not just killed, but were brutally executed by the crating and troops. i did a report on that, he's an extract from it. and do you see that it was meant to be a standard clean up operation. instead, a bloodcurdling discovery fingerprints of ukraine's months long presence in this village be above you. a. how do you get your info?
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let's do those little. i mean, these civilians were killed by straight bullets. they didn't just happened to be in the way of a random piece of crap. no, they were restrained, tortured and executed with a diabolical meticulousness the well, which is, it is well for you, and i guess you're not the leader who script but each the is one of the villages most recently liberated by the russian forces in the course region. and as they rounded up those ukrainian soldiers who failed to flee the settlement. little did the russians know that one of the captives would admit to the atrocities. so that we raped the girl with particular cruelty. then i made her neil and then shot her. we went to another house, there were 2 men and one woman. we cut the veins on one of the men's hands. we decided to mock you just like that. then we killed them both. after that i raped the woman worried her neil and shot her. so all these images is truly something the
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teacher doesn't want the international community to pay attention to. and speaking of sewage, it is under the ukrainian control right now. it was arguably the biggest target by the world for the ukrainians. so at the very beginning of the board were in cash and the, the carried out that they launched back in august last year. but that particular boarding school, it was well known for russia, it was well known for russia that the ukrainians, they did use it to hold the civilians and they even use it as a bit of a something of a prison for civilians ensued. in fact, the russians permanent representative to the un accused ukraine of using that boarding school as you're using it as a concentration camp, quote, unquote, he's his exact words. we're just pull a good. russia has numerous pieces of evidence indicating the concentration camps
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were set up in a number of settlements controlled by ukrainian militants. in the course of regent civilians who were unwilling or unable to evacuating more forcibly brought there. for instance, between 70 and 100 civilians were forcibly driven into the basements of the siege or financial and subjected to moral degradations, used for filming propaganda, stories for ukrainians and foreign media. there was no confirmation as if 2 millions were killed in that strike that russia right now. blaze phone you frame. but given that the given the history given the padget great that the ukrainians have since the very beginning of their incursion into the coast region. because of the rule, there has been documented evidence and that has been video footage confirming that the ukrainians that were there. well, for instance, rounding up civilians and forcefully having them evacuated to ukraine from subject, given that they have a really they have to shed, little consume,
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they have show looking, concerned toward civilian towards the civilian population and towards this really is that we're trying to flee to russia from sewage up, for example, that has been plenty of video evidence and video footage confirming that the ukrainians they were shooting up very and well unmistakably civilian cause that we're trying to please from su jr at the very beginning of their border and caching again. so really right now, it is unclear as to how much you over a humanitarian, how many, how much of a humanitarian disaster this strike is. but russia is adamant, and russia is blaming this on ukraine. well that's, that's foreign ministry. space person says the killings must be fully investigated by the international community. it is evident that the extreme is news. they were committing a grave crime and attempted to destroy evidence, the selective nature of the militants. reprisals against the least socially
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protected segments of the occupied population, particularly the elderly, does of special attention. we believe it is highly important to inform the widest possible global audience about the crimes in the temporarily occupied territories of the coolest region. the bloody nature of the actions of keeps militants in the co squeegee and should be widely presented on international platforms such as the u . n. b, a, c, e, and the specialized agencies documented by representatives of the international committee of the red cross. and will become a subject of investigation by international human rights mechanisms, including non governmental organizations. well, for my pentagon senior security policy, unless michael believe, says caps, attempts to blame most go for the military atrocities on a parent cover up. this is all part of a propaganda war by the ukrainians are desperate. they want to say they want to
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show that to you. they want to suggest that the russians were firing on their, of finding on their own people and, and they had actually set up uh, uh, had actually done that and bodies can book and blamed it on the ukrainians when in fact it is just the opposite is a very desperate move by the ukrainians to uh, to do this. and it is a and i suggest a cover up of what they did do. and this others in the m a. m a. this other city in the course screeching which was described earlier. they're trying to terrorize the population in the, in the course career gym and that's very clear all of their targets for the most part. some exceptions have been civilians and especially a civilian civilian school. and that is not that is not a military target. so i think that it's best that uh that that, that the you went be informed of it was tied to the middle east now or
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benoit is where any raids, the cost of westbank has resulted in the depths of at least 5 palestinians, 3 audi a friend strikes reportedly hit the city of jeanine and a nearby area with social media 1st aid shows the smoke old dot foaming. at least 2 people were killed and said from the audio says it was targeting terrorist inside the financial. it is also on palestine comes despite the ongoing ceasefire from garza as part of that deal is well and how much they've been tiring up prisoners swaps on saturday. a 183 palestinian detainees were released. this was off, the 3 is way hostages return from garza. however, these really defense minister has so non threatening to reclaimed custody, but policy and in whose be let go. this is zachery. as you baby, you were released in an agreement for the sake of freedom is really hostages. one mistake, and you'll meet old friends. we will not accept support for terrorism. wow,
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so i see it as if he was released by as well on thursday during the 3rd person, the swamp, he withdrew back in 2019. is israel fun guilty of enforcement in a terror attack? killing several is where the citizens, members of his family, foot chilled while he was in jail and mississippi has demanded accountability from as well as weston packets. hey, i see that my life without freedom has no value. no meaning that the world, the world may of my freedom, especially britain, france, and america, which took away my freedom and the freedom of my children must restore my freedom. they are the ones who should think about the mistake, not me. they are the ones who wronged us, and they must reflect on that mistake incorrect. the rooms against me and my children. what is ready? prime minister benjamin netanyahu is heading to the us to talk to president trump, who is early. a proposed relocating governance as population neighboring our countries, but it's highly controversial idea has been rejected in
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a joint statement by egypt and jordan. we express continued full support for the steadfast as of the palestinian people on their land and their adherence to their legitimate rights in accordance with international law, informing the rejection of any infringement of these unalienable rights. whether through settlement activities, expulsion and demolition of homes, annexation of land, or by evacuating that land of its owners through displacement or encouraging the transfer or uprooting of palestinians from their land. the president trump has said it would be best to quote, just clean out the entire enclave. he announced last month and he discussed this with the 2 damian king potentially recessing of a 2000 people while temporary or long term housing is built. somebody's rarely officials of also champions similar ideas. meanwhile, tensions are on the rise in the injection side of the rough uh, frontier with hundreds of locals gathering on friday to protest to the displacement
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of palestinians. we came today to prove to the palestinian people that we stand by them. we reject the idea of displacing palestinians. it's a red line. if our palestinian brothers come to egypt, it means the land will be taken over by his real name, which means the end of the palestinian cause. we have no problem receiving them as guess where they get food. they have security and everything they need to sort of what the palestinians, especially if they are displaced from their land. no, they will not be able to return. the cadets will kyra based research on commentate to honey solomon says the tongue plan with just the palestinian stuff. with the this is the statement is very important, the facing is the desire to make the, it's only a solution about what this does today, i think, and the will make it a british or arms that uh, i mean, you can divisions because it's a one way solution about the business today because the thing,
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yeah. when use it as a green light to make kind of on commitment of order has been serving its ends, us digital and the street. so we can say is that the timing is very dangerous and does that 0 is on? so it's on so far as our team for making the egypt and jordan to go for on thing the position for room mid you have to be understanding me. do this, right, because this is what i mean if that's the right one, the left towards the national security of egypt and jordan. and so i do wanna pause a solution under this to turn towards. well meanwhile, some bundling, when did palestinian civilians are forced to seek treatment outside of gaza? the on types devastated health care system is unable to provide them with a life saving cap. the w h o says 34 children, the 3 adults along with 139 companions crossed into neighboring egypt on saturday, of correspondent and gauze that has the story of one evacuate. so and then we'll
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just have you, what was the pain of body and soul like companies of how is sitting in children on their journey from gaza to treatment. you are a good your law of the palestinian girl differs from thousands of other palestinian children and that her name has appeared to unless leaving the sector either off of border crossing with egypt to receive medical care along with her injured brother is really bombing destroyed their family tents in their el bella, leaving garrett without her mother and father and craig and sister, as well as 2 brothers. she lost her family and looms all well. she was suffering from cancer and we were sleeping in a tent and suddenly i woke up at night and found myself outside. i felt split into and had a severe pain in my legs. when i looked at my feet, i realized they were gone. i was awake the whole time when the ambulance arrived and took me to the l. oaks of martyrs hospital in their obama. now i have been
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given a pass to guitar but also also i am in all. yeah, right is just 14 years old has been inviting me to take decades for her memory to comprehend the events of being more. she's leaving with 15 children, comforting adults, and starting a plus right. 3 hospitals in the sector to ship a medical complex in gaza. unnecessary medical complex in the european hospital in the south heading towards the roof of border crossing. now what is my about right now? we hope that this process will continue, and the number of patients and andrea people are allowed to leave, will exceed 100. as we were told total, however, the 1st part of the day consist of $15.00 to $1600.00 children. what are the only these children are suffering from very serious illnesses and i fear, right? if somebody could die at any moment and that then you could just shoot disclosure, it'll be roughly crossing by these really aren't asian. i may as an aggravate of a situation where they're suffering has continued as most of the sectors and medical facilities are rendered inoperable. idea of bombardment smith fan on the
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importation of medical supplies, the children and gaza needs psychological health and treatment which may be more than their physical needed. so they are witnesses and victims of the blatant crimes of israel, which will remain in palestinian memory and determine their present and future below. so they need to know how to go home. well, i mean us a massive, far to spoiling or finery in california has injured at least 6 workers. authorities say the place response. i had to call them late. the lights on an explosion that the sites officials issued $113.00, has that to look to local residents and instructed them to shelter. the fine has reported leaping contains to martinez for funding. we have space though, a number of technical incidents over the past year to the balkans, our spiraling anti corruption protests. and so be i have seen thousands of people block a key bridge across the down. if you rip,
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the citizens have been rolling over the deck, so 15 people at the railway station accident in november. the countries pm recently resigned to but the by flash, all tease correspondent and nicholas which advocates sugar. so if you notice, southern bells are usually most, if there's a box in all 3 advances in all these sub as another form of pressure on the outdoor . if this is that'd be able to fulfill their demands. several designed by many, multiple sites isn't residents. so nobody's started in other places, instead of you even the, i'll call more your tires, to solve for still moving from the directional boundaries, creating big traffic jams for safety reasons. the students and professors will not be standing on the bridge just about the process of the resistance fell. while earlier students are moving forward and store all 3 and all of a sudden ridges, steps were prepared and going, i answer your phone for them and a lot of folders on the streets of the city. he fell. the group of students from failed. randolph is also participating in the blockade of the freezers,
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says it was more than a 6 elements as in 2 days, and arrived, and noticed that on friday evening, where they were welcomed by their colleagues of the notary, sobs, universities, and thousands of residents of the city itself, we must say that under february, the 1st, which is exactly 2 months since this tragedy written 15 people die than to others are seriously injured. in the fall of the canopy at the railways, facing the city of bodies, of the same dates is the notice solved today is the day of the city. the thermal criminal liability for the fall of the canopy is one of the key, the man, some of the students who have been blocking colleges and organizing process throughout sylvia for more than 2 months. on the other terms, the governments of serbia claims that all students demand have been met and blames the last concert semester and authorities for meddling during the blockades and attempts to be civilized, serve us as a country what's happening to central africa now because there are almost 800
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bodies in the moves of the city in the d o. c. this is according to the health industry that you may find the following images distressing. well, many more copes is also lining the streets of the city seized by and $23.00 group. this week, militants now reported a moving to within the eastern city and of flags to reach the country's capital. company's locals are accusing one the western states and backing the groups, storming their embassies, intern shasta, the . we worked 5 kilometers to get here. we have only one desire to destroy this house . look at these chairs i took, no one is going to stop me. i'm at home here in my own country. the, the,
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the call could come a must understand that we, the congo, these people are angry. if this building falls, then let it for the all of this is the property of our country. even though we have sit fired with no one regrets, this, those who have died in government are worth more than anything we've destroyed here . we're following the takeover of the congo river lines, good thing which is associated with the n 23 is issued a statement, claiming the militants and to the area of the being invited by local to off that protection present use the result of a general crisis in our country, which does not spare any category of citizens,
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thousands of displaced people have been taken hostage by the government. in contrast, we are in the city of going about 2 months of the multiple distress pools of patriots who are living on a situation of insecurity. which was imposed on them by the coalition of the can she also redeem? and we shall continue the march of liberation to can shasta when they are retreat. where do they want us to retreat? we are not going anywhere well congested kansas k gully of supporting the militants to access the deals. these mineral resources which are critical for the production of electric vehicles and mobile phones, the one that has denied any involvement. however, only a year ago, it's signed a key resource apply deal with the leading to some now pointing to the western interests and the ongoing more, the minerals value chains are critical to rolando is economy. the country is a major player on the world's 10. tell them extraction, it also produces 10 tungsten gold and i opium,
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and has potential for lithium and rare earth elements. in addition, rolanda with its favorable investment climate and rule of law can become a hub for value addition in the mineral sector. since the deal was inc, since he entered the city, a group establish full control of people by a mining everything east and call every a whole deposit, solve 10 to them, it re mitchell extracted from colton. and i see you in miss sitting combo said over 15 percent of the will supply off. this key material comes from the cap to give you, you in experts did some digging and solve that to the one does quotes and exports have increased by 50 percent of tweaks to the city compared to just the year before this mean to the one that became the world's largest colton. exporting to institute the city. here's the catch. the numbers shows the world's biggest tent and then producer is not for $1.00, but the d. c. it has been cruised. it's 10 to the mining activities in recent years
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. in total, it puts out $900.00 to $8.00 to metric tons of to be until the 20 to the city, producing nearly 4 to one percent of the world's mind supplies. that's now take you back to the e u signing. that's memorandum of understanding on strategic minimal what one day this was a major player when it comes to cancel the restriction according to the dfcs. no. so once again, one day you might to question why it's not the minimal which to yes. well, some have the onset you, we're going to use the funding run that because of my conditional company is want to see it to, to have access to your sources. this is the easiest way. this is the cheapest way costs going with this kind of just giving better sources like this. i'll use anybody's guntee let's i'm them. and this is in this or measurements that roll melts over kind of things such as the d i. c is extract it from that country. without any beneficiary sion,
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they all was being conducted in order to get access to those areas with these very important 3 minimal costs. and unfortunately, then the people of africa are being played against each other for the sake of getting access to those mineral. let's see, you're the one de memorandum has left a very bitter taste in the mouth of the congress. these lead, it's a publication in very bad taste. we're one that continues to hide behind the m 23, which is why i do not talk to this terrorist group. my priority is peace. i want definitive piece for my country for that i am ready to put a pause on my goal like desire as if we can obtain it with no more like methods. i will sign with both hands, but if it takes want to have peace, i will also do it with both hands. the d s. c. foreign minister went in for that and he directly accused envelope in countries of all fluids. he gets results. this
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agreement on what the european union terms strategic, raw materials, is not an isolated occurrence. the use complicity in the exportation of our resources and we're one to aggression against our nation, cannot be overlooked. we have denounced these actions. they undermine the mutual trust necessary for our partnership with the european union. what is this just history repeating itself is only 2 sizes that you in puppies to report, to computing that government stuff. you've done the and one that was something located in some parts of the d. c will profiting from the conflict, i need to diamonds goals to colton. and as the precious metals, the reason departure of troops should not be interpreted as a sign of rwanda is willingness. to reduce its considerable involvement in the evacuation of valuable resources to reduce the level of form conflict or to diminish the humanitarian crisis and the region. economic exploitation in its various forms will continue relying on a less conspicuous armed force and alternative strategies for carrying out the
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exploitative activities. any with this. yeah, washington has a choose a one. the ad you've gotten the often legally accepting intervals from cocoa. one is present, push back, saying it would be better for washington to monetize phone, which is it does more mining in the eastern or in a coma than the federal and i never knew a perfect place. okay, let me see what lies behind the piece with need for companies for success. kobolds is critical to the renewable energy transition. it's taking me to the minimal is required for the best of production. batch leaks of vehicles and energy storage systems tend to them use the phone solar panels and wind turbine components. that's the thing about these minimal resources us to change it for the u. s. claims to green its economy and to become clients need solvent to to 50. they even mention kobolds and lucy and tend to them. and all of them all consistent as critical and
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pay offs to, to you to can port is for your vocal society as well. and now, as a conflict, basically the world has largely failed to notice the english actions and how, which is the hall hearted condemnation for the one that you packed has fall, speak multinational companies that want to make sure that they have access to their a host minerals of the d, f c, and they don't care whether they care to through the government of the d. r. c o through the innovation. so for one, the whole through any other groups such as the him 23. good. the only thing they interested in is to get those minerals because those minerals is single in the manufacturing, all computers and of smartphones. and in fact, some of those minerals are only found in the d r c. so it's easy,
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simple for them to have access to those models. well, the ongoing violence is the latest round of escalation of decades long as to nic tensions fuel by struggle for natural resources. let's take a closer look now, that's how the conflict has been developing over the years. the, remember, the price is $1.00 to $2.00. now,
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a little bit to see why the 3 in the given some new gund all of these countries. they have been since the optimal edition of the general to data if the latter will came from rhonda killing a menu and disease and that to, to columbia, exported to chrome or the ideology of genocide operative or the tutsis from portable calling them the one done vendor providing the airlines the .
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