tv News RT February 4, 2025 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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the, the are some of the same priorities that, that organization has been spending money on. 47000 for a transgender offer in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. the white house picks it next to us the id and reveals that list of expenditures that include quotes, meals for. i'll tell you the affiliated fighters in syria. but opposition comes in the form of us. never perhaps claim the agency fights terrorism all over the globe . and vows to challenge that, trump administration's efforts to go up the organization and from venezuela to ukraine, we look at us, the id has been spending billions the further and washington's agenda on to the guys of monetary and health. that's all ahead this. these are
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the, from us go to the world. this is our t international. hello and welcome. i'm, you know, the, the oval office is cracking down on the u. s. a. i the organization by some, i was washington's regime change agency. the lot most cars already threatened to shutter it as part of his efforts and leading the new government, the efficiency department, the white house press secretary took further shots claiming it waste taxpayer dollars on the questionnaire bill initiatives. as you look at the waste and abuse that has run through usa id over the past several years, these are some of the insane priorities that that organization has been spending money on. $1500000.00 to advance the at the d, i in serbia's workplace is $70000.00 for production of a d. i musical and ireland. $47000.00 for
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a transgender offer out in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. i don't know about you, but as an american taxpayer, i don't want my dollars going towards this crap. and i know the american people don't either. and that's exactly what you on must, has been passed by president trump, to do, to get the fraud waste and abuse out of our federal government to yeah, to back up the accusations team trumpet revealed list detailing the us agency for international development, mismanagement of on the counted funds, we heard some of them there, but also, let's say add some more, but $2000000.00 tax period dollars set aside for sex change operations in guatemala . then there's the boss, some set to. busy the prophets linked to terrorist groups, including meals that made their way to, i'll tell you the affiliated fighters no less in syria, and most starkly of all the hundreds of millions of dollars sent to support the unprecedented cultivation of opium, poppy, and heroine production. and that's going to spend spite all not democrats gathered,
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i'd side usc id hate to, to the nights. don't watch on splunk to us that these sites terrace groups all across this world, making sure that we address the underlying causes for retreat to tears. and usa, i do chases china all around the world, making sure the china doesn't monopolize contracts for critical minerals and port infrastructure. it sounds like you almost did not create us aid. he doesn't have the power to destroy it. and who is going to stop him? we are without that soft power around the world. we are making ourselves weaker. we're making our adversaries, allies stronger. we step back and we create a vacuum, you know, steps in. it's russia, it's china, it's our adversaries. but while democratic representatives plumber over and pending $4.00 and $8.00 budget cuts are ti corresponded saskia taylor dells into the murky
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history of the agency who discharge all those taxpayer dollars across the world as an old hand and the biggest play in the game, usa i, they really should have seen it coming. how often movies, decades, could they not have smelt? a president, shutting down here is uh, the, the, the, the, the reason for that as opposed to simply, um, you know, trying to do and do some minor house cleaning is, is that as your dog again sir, usa usa id, it became apparent that what we have here is, is not an apple was a woman, it's, but we have actually just a bowl of ones. and so it's as a point which you don't really like if you go to an apple is go to it, it may even take them out. but if you could actually just a ball of ones, it's as hopeless. and you're savvy as a bowl of want me to right there is no apple. and we're still apple does this, you just gotta basically get rid of the whole thing. nothing but
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a crop with the gang of criminals, apparently spread thing on types past. honda and cash, samantha powers a she had a worthy goal, although it was a stupid goal. she said she was hoping to get the amount of for an age us $8.00 to go to actual aid, up to $0.30 on the dollar from $0.10 on the dollar. that's a major problem that we have this agency that that's all that goes abroad. i think it's a miracle. is dollar. i think now you're talking about the, the usa. i d at the a just, yes you had. right. oh us a i days always to $15000000000.00 annual budget. it's estimated that only 10 to 30 percent of it actually goes on aid. so what about the rest? well, has a head washington beloved agency employees, a lot of regime change in foods? yes. so by club for a press schools and old things, who's starting close to home in america's back yard. if you happen to be in cuba,
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in the mid to thousands, for example, maybe you attempted to sign up to the local flash and of puts up spot, surprised, surprise. as soon as i knew it wasn't no cool. it was a usa, i d, lead co, federal peroration, the goal to dangle political messages in front of the cuban. you've got some wild top, get them onto the streets on top of castro puts that's make it seem pro through send cannick. there will be absolutely no mention of united states government involvement. this is absolutely crucial for the long term success of the service and to ensure the success of the mission, which is strange because the website posted on the phone. lots about transparency documents and interviews make clear that the program was aimed at recruiting a younger generation of opponents to cuba. castro government documents prepared for the usa id sponsored program called the h. i the workshop,
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the perfect excuse to conduct a political activity. yes, usa, i do fake to offering health services to slip around a scale town. some potential spies, fingers crossed and store them out on the inside, just like they installed quite, quite low over in practice. you know, the, the mine who was briefly considered venezuela's president by everyone about the venezuelans themselves, a $120000000.00, well spent. in addition, usa id has committed $128000000.00 to support venezuelan human rights defenders. civil society, organizations, independent media and electoral oversight. when the material regime is gone, the funding will support the recovery efforts led by a democratically elected venezuelan administration. well, a few 1000000 on a few months of spontaneous protests, maita nicholas madura was still. busy in office,
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so the d. c leads to the day the documents. but the person that you recognize as the leader of democratic leader in minnesota is not here. what do you think about themselves or juan will here by home . one way though, the, the answering precedent the venezuela, the do recognize what a bit farther south usa, our day was also called red handed supporting set protests. invalid is eastern region. i'm sure it's a coincidence. the santa cruz is very, very results rich. all the highlights and sold georgia better us because it's don syria, the solomon islands, and the recipients of generous usa i. d. gifts. and then woke, spied financing and dependency with government left too badly, clinging on to power. but hey, maybe that's just
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a coincidence. then that was you crate usa id, which is the front point $5000000000.00 in the funding. those riots those riots lead to the to it could a talk against the 1st elect, democratically electric. i'm of the ukraine a most before that comment is over on victoria new and you know, the part of the center piece of the economy of the ology and who is now a high level official and the state department. as a secret call with us in passenger, which is tape recording and is now public, which anybody can go and look up where she is picking the new cabinet for you. okay . the good news here though, is that the agency is reading it to accounts every single time. the other one is my efforts. and this began years ago when we were trying to figure out what they were doing with our american taxpayer dollars. they were going to
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support humanitarian efforts and, and you crate. so i wanted to know exactly how those dollars were being spent and not reasonable request. yes. oh my gosh, and i share this with you earlier alon um, just privately, but we got all kinds of threats from usa id because i was trying to exercise my oversight capacity in congress. and so they, that's best, it's shocking. i mean is it? oh, how i mean obviously it's, it's outrages that it a tax payer funded organization which threaten us senator, who's simply trying to figure out if merican tax per money is being spent correctly and, and not fraudulently. yes. but for one thing on rest and toppling need is,
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isn't usa, i days only bred them off to problems. resume phrasal star named for 90 days has left 90 percent of ukrainian media at risk upcoming dog. because yes, the agency is big on sponsoring independent journalism and the child, it's proud to solve the o. c. c, all p a. not unless investigative organization spawning 6 continents with a team, but just one of the whole power in check. except interestingly, you don't get many times into us corruption because that wouldn't be causing off the hand that feeds that somehow that sometimes gives it a speed pull to that end up bringing about real change. you know, i think as donors have realized, this is really important. um, this is having impact. we've probably been responsible for about 5 or 6 countries
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changing over from one government to another government. you know, because and getting, you know, up and people, you know, prime ministers indicted or thrown out. that's the most important investigative reporting organization you've never heard of. so as las hand tightens that square on the front of the sofa pointed, gone 10 of freedom and justice. how i want to act that every now democracy can finally freeze free. well, let's go live now. i for an extended conversation with journalist john korea. co, a former c i a analyst on x, senior investigator for the us senate foreign relations committee, john, do the c. thank you so much for your time today. good to see you. my pleasure. thanks so much for having me. among the best things i need to start with this, that you se id was funding according to the document published by the white house was, equipment and fertilizers used to support poppy cultivation for heroine production,
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if enough callous and quite extraordinary. i know you investigated the agencies actions as regards that back in 2009 high wasn't allowed to happen as well. you're correct. i did investigate the cultivation of hair when popped in afghanistan for the senate foreign relations committee. a i actually flew to afghanistan helicopter into the poppy fields and interviewed a poppy farmer. i asked him not easily in retrospect why he didn't grow crops that had to growing seasons instead of poppy. something like tomatoes or onions, or pomegranate, and express great frustration and said in 2001, the americans told me that i could grow hair when poppy, if i told them where the arrows were hiding. and when i said what americans told you, you could grow hair when poppy was pulled back into the jeep and driven quickly back
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to the helicopter. now the bottom line, when i got back to washington unable and reported this was that we wanted afghanistan to grow hair when poppy, because that her, when went to russia and to iran, and we wanted them to be addicted to heroin. so you, you put your findings forward of your investigation and that was the response that yes, were allowing her when to grow because it's going to hurt moscow. correct? correct. it was very plain and very blunt. and i was told not to publish the report which i didn't the special inspector general for us down to spend as well just sticking with the country john. and for i've got to send reconstruction repeatedly pointed to us the id phones misuse in the nation. and not small numbers either in
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some provinces that came to 95 percent of funds. now this is a recurring question. i've been trying to find the answer to over the last number of days for this. in particular though, where did the money go? of the money went into the pockets of people that you and i have never heard of. and i'll give you another example you and when i was in yemen in 2011 as part of an investigation, again, the senate foreign relations committee. i went to see several american embassy officials to get an update on the situation in the country. and i was told that they were spending millions of dollars on a radio station that was broadcasting pro american propaganda, indiana. and i said, well that's just such an old school propaganda operation. why would anybody be interested in that? and they said, oh we've, we've dedicated tens of millions of dollars to making it sound like this was being broadcast by the american network. national public radio and p r. they would
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intersperse talk with jazz and it was, it was in specifically at young people, teenagers and people in their early twenties in young. and of course it was a failure. so where did all that money go? it went into the pockets of middleman. the same thing happened in afghanistan. the same thing happens across africa. it happens everywhere that usa idea is spending millions of dollars and doesn't have to account for it at the end of the day. so looking more of the figures here as well, john, according to us lawmakers only 10 to 30 percent of us. the id funds actually go towards that word in the title aid. and does that mean that it's, it's help with strings being given across the world? it's washington's unique type of democracy. if, if you accept this help, we expect something in return. oh, yes, most of the time,
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but looking at this way as well. the, the defense industry in the united states is very proud when it says we do not give cash to foreign countries. we give in kind aid which is jets and weapons and ammunition and weapon systems. that way, the government pays the defense contractors here in the united states, and it's the equipment that finds its way overseas. that's not always the case with us, say id. they do provide cash with a wink and a nod that we give you this money and you do what we want you to do. sometimes that happens most of the time, it doesn't. and we enrich a lot of very bad people overseas with the agency systematically being caught red handed in funding anti government activities across the globe. and the presidents desire that we're seeing play, i to call it, does this signal a real change in u. s. foreign policy, what's, what's your intent to telling you on that?
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i think the answer is yes. you know, marco rubio was an interesting a used air quotes around that. an interesting choice for secretary of state by donald trump, because rubio is generally not seen as a disruptor. he's seen as a, as an average normal in line republican. but the mark of review that we have heard speak since he was made a secretary of state is very much in the mold of donald trump. i think this entire foreign policy is going to be disruptive. i think that it looks now as of today, that tulsa gathered will become the director of national intelligence. the vote will take place in just less than 2 hours. and i think we're going to see a complete and total change in us foreign policy. me, can i just put a hobby out all? not on the get your take. you've got vice president, ga, the bonds,
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very much the supporter of donald trump. but he's going to be running. i would imagine for president in 3 years time, his pockets aren't as deep as the incumbent. so he's going to need cash to run the campaign. and that means, you know, getting money from people that, that may go against at this type of, from politics. so, is this a blip for now, or is, is it taking off for real? you know, i think it's actually taking off and, and i'll explain why, you know, in 1932 here in the united states. the election of 1932 was something that is now called a watershed election, where the ideologies of the democratic and republican parties switched. the republican party had been the liberal party. the democrats were sort of the racist conservative southern parties that flipped in 1932. i think we've seen a slower motion slip, where donald trump and donald trump's followers are now the voices of populism.
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they're the voices of labor. they're the voices of a, of a, a foreign policy that, that does not use war as a primary tool. and i think ged vince sees a unique opportunity here where he can be the next donald trump, so long as he stays in line. donald trump was able to finance his campaigns, not with his own money, but with the money from very, very wealthy like minded donors, especially jewish americans, but populous people who don't want to fight these never ending unnecessary wars. and i think judy vance is smart enough to know that he needs to cultivate those same donors. i think we're going to see him continue to campaign for himself, but in the mold of donald trump, very interesting analysis. can i get onto another aspect of this? not the media at the funding at all of the media, donald trump said freeze,
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for instance, has seen at ukrainian sources, say 90 percent of the countries and media comp survive at west side grants. what does that tell us both set by their dependency on the independence of the content that they are alive to wield? or can you imagine unity if it was normal for, for media to be dependent for their funding on foreign governments. that just, it's crazy to me that the ukrainian media is dependent on the american government for its funding. if it's dependent on the american government for its funding, frankly, it shouldn't exist. and so i think that the, i think that's changing, we're seeing a big change right now. and we're seeing a big change in the american media to donald trump, threatening to soon media outlets that had gotten pre election stories wrong. and
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people stopped at the idea and then he started suing them and then he started winning. so i think we're in the midst of a major media change. we're whether it's domestically here in the united states or overseas in terms of how foreign media are able to continue operating. yeah, it's going to be interesting to see what the focus is on ukraine. isn't it? in terms of really is usa id funding. it's the largest recipient that includes financing, n g o was again, a major point and not just the new crane, but sticking with that country for a moment. what influence do such organizations have on ukrainian policy? what role that they play in 2014 the qu in the country and will indeed always be a lied to to almost get away. but what they did under the guise of us the id. i think it's all changing now. we know that in, in 2014 the us government was in up to its neck in the bay done to and the
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aftermath of it. it was largely engineered by the state department. something that should never, ever have happen. not under any circumstances. it's a violation of sovereignty, but i think again that that's changed for a couple of reasons. first, the election of donald trump. this is not the same. donald trump that we saw in 2016. this is a far more refined donald trump, and it's a man who now really understands that way. the american government works. he didn't understand it in 2016, he does now. but we see now donald trump, that is working with a senate majority of senate majority that has, that has snapped together to fall into line that to carry out his policies as well as the house of representatives which is also controlled by the republican party. so i think that for at least the next 2 years, we're going to see of vastly different american foreign policy created in the mold
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of donald trump. and i think that the white house is going to try to get as much done as it can, especially in places like ukraine, before the democrats could make it rosary. perhaps perhaps the control of some of the, the oversight committees on capital hill. so buckle your seat belts for the next 2 years, we're going to see a lot of changes. but of course you've got the opposition that we're seeing with the democrats saying that this is a, this is a travesty. they're coming out. it's hard to know as well, for instance, where the likes of, of the moderate republicans are going to full on this the mike johnson's, for instance. so, you know, the, the career is some on people who are their livelihoods at stake here. when, after trump, for instance, will the democrats, will they find a way to, to give organizations like usa, i d, a saving grace, and how much input will they have?
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i think mike johnson would laugh if he heard you describe him as a moderate to uh, that's a good question. i think that the democrats are utterly powerless right now, even though they have a they have a minority of, of, you know, they're, they're just a minority by something like 3 or 4 seats of house representatives. and they're minority by 3 or 4 seats in the, in the us senate. but i think that we're not going to hear much from the democrats for the next 2 years. it was trying to get something done. it's just, i'm wondering if we heard one note about that we're kind of talking about, if us a id is cold, it's going to mean the likes of russia on, on china are going to get more influence around the world. will that argument tickled? i think among democrats, yes it will. but the truth is that that's not, that's not really the situation that we see on the ground. the reason russia and china, especially china, are so successful in other countries around the world is because they spend so much
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of their money on a, they build roads, they build hospitals, they build airports and ports. and the united states spends its money on weapons and weapon systems. i spoke to an african diplomat once when i was still with the senate foreign relations committee. and he said, you know, the difference between you, americans and the russians, is you promise us democracy, which were. ready these weapons and the russians promises food. but that's the difference in the united states just can't understand that. so if the democrats find themselves in power again in 2 years, at least on capital hill, or in 4 years with the white house, i think we're going to see usa id coming back. and i'm going to, i think we're going to see the same old policies that we've always seen from the democrats, where it's going to be more and more and more military, a just back to what you're seeing if i to ukraine in 2014 us the idea is municipal energy reform project in the country signed
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a memorandum of understanding with the not in semester for risk. my company, other time when hunter buying at was employed there. why would us the id bought a for profit company? it is. oh, and i'm sure it's because they were told to they were told to listen, we can say it now. we can say it now the job. i no longer president no longer can hurt us. this was a, this was an organized crime family. that's what it comes down to that that's why the, that's why president binding pardoned everybody in his family. whether they had been accused of committing a crime or not. and the truth is finally got out about us involvement and us interference in ukraine in 2014. so now the, now the cat is out of the bag as they say. and the reason why brief moment was, was involved was because put her bag was on the board of a policeman. there was a great deal of money to be made, whether it was ukrainian money or american money making its way to crane and then
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back to the biking family. that's what we saw. it was a criminal act. according to mike bens former state department official, the 2021 defense department document presupposes using us the id to organize on fund riots on stripes. the language really is extraordinary to in order to achieve concessions from governments across the world. don't how wide spread where such practices to oh, this been widespread since the creation of usa, i. d, i mean, look at the name of usa i the united states agency for international development. i was always under the impression that usa id was out there, building a sewage treatment plants and helping countries to the electrical grids or plan the construction of a hospital, for example, or a school. you would think that that would be what, what an agency for international development would be, and that's not it at all here in washington. it was, it was an open secret for
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a long time. that usa id was just simply an offshoot of the c. i a and was involved in propaganda operations. you heard the clip where robert f kennedy junior just came right out and said, well now everybody knows that that's what usa id does. it's just a propaganda organization. it's an organization that promotes american foreign policy, whether over at lee or covertly, and as an american, i'm glad to see that it's going away even if that is temporary. under the effects the, the shoot issues are your as well apparently, according to the wi fi. so it shows that us the id was funding the organization involved in research at the woo hon love, which came under scrutiny following the cobit pandemic. of course. so was this purely a humanitarian program on the parts of, of us a to you? i think that's something we'll never really know the truth of the overseas. yours on the senate and house intelligence committees would know that,
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but it's probably so highly classified that all we could ever do would be to speculate. i wouldn't be surprised though, not with what we know now about what usa ideas been doing for all these decades. and then we have what the law must and said, hey, you choose the organization of funding, biological weapons research. another big issue, rush earlier repeatedly warned of suspicious activity of us organized by logs ukraine. other post i'll be in states as well as a asia, an african, a lot of locations. what role do you think about us? the id plays in invests fewer i wouldn't be surprised at all if us see id had been ordered to work with the likes of the national institutes of health or the centers for disease control. which of course in turn to work with the.
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