tv News RT February 4, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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the the are some of the same priorities that, that organization has been spending money on. 47000 for a transgender opera in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. the white house picks it up to us. the id hon reveals that list of expenditures don't include quotes, meals for i'll tell you that affiliated fighters in syria. opposition comments in the form of us democrats who claim the agency fights terrorism all across $6.00 to showing this bit from ministrations efforts to get that and also ahead. this means our, the pivotal and your tech conference marks, it's a number 3 which recognized the establishment of the united nations comes as the
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mountain road today to reform the global bond, the fly from our international youth center in law school. welcome to our t international. let's get into our top story. this our, the oval office is cracking done on the u. s. a. i d organization done by some of washington's regime change agency. you lot of most kind of already threatened to shifter it as part of his efforts in leading the new government to efficiency department. the white house press secretary took further shots claiming it waste tax payer dollars on questionable initiatives. if you look at the waste and abuse that has run through usa id over the past several years, these are some of the insane priorities that that organization has been spending money on. $1500000.00 to advance the d. i in serbia's workplace, is 70000 for production of a d. i musical in ireland. 47000 for
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a transgender opera in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. i don't know about you, but as an american taxpayer, i don't want my dollars going towards this crap. and i know the american people don't either. and that's exactly what you one must, has been tasked by president trump, to do to get the fraud waste and abuse out of our federal government to well, here's some more examples given of those on accounted fellows, 2 $1000000.00 where it set aside for a sex change operations in guatemala, then there's the boss, some sent a non profits linked to terrorist groups, including meals that made their way to al qaeda affiliated fighters in syria. and most starkly, of all the hundreds of millions of dollars sent to support the unprecedented cultivation of opium, poppy, and her when production enough against them. despite all the democrats gathered outside the usa id, hate cute to the nights. donald trump, something like that. these thoughts terrace groups all across this world,
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making sure that we address the underlying causes for a treat to tears. and usa, i do chases china all around the world, making sure that china doesn't monopolize contracts for critical minerals and port infrastructure. and so, as i do most did not create usaid. he doesn't have the power to destroy it, and who is going to stop him? we are without that soft power around the world. we are making ourselves weaker. we're making our adversaries and allies stronger. we step back and we create a vacuum, you know, steps in. it's russia, it's china, it's our adversaries. a well, we spoke to retired lieutenant colonel in the american army spell his love picnic, who saves us a id program, the sub turned sovereign states into washington dependent corporations under the guise of promoting democracy. the us id. oh,
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it was for the quote democracy by installing public dictators to do it, including the government's destroying their countries. murder and people are spots at all. they. they don't do themselves, but they do it for sponsoring others won't have what we do. but uh, they have a taste of power. they look behind the distort nations or the process of destroying nations and resources are going straight up to us corporations. this is nothing new, us saves the job, was one of their job is to promote that american dream. it has nothing to do with the reality of living in the us. it has everything to do with this little fantasy world and they sell to people. you're, as you can get here and you can move like this. there are, we'll make you to here and you're going to come, you know, that we're, we're coming to with democracy for the country. i and they are the students, the people behind it goes through this thing, but what's going on?
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they're going to get their share and apply. they're going to give the rest of their masters in dc and they don't really care what happens to the country need. the heads of the cia, they also want to have a very large post upholstered tire and career room very large paycheck. they continue to work, they continue to operate these kinds of organizations all over the world and within the belt way it's, it's all part of this big gigantic, right? i mean, you brand new stuff is probably the biggest money laundering operation ever saying what i mean to us between you know, data stand uh, and i read the amount of money that was spent. i know i will spend those in there is very, yeah. and most of char, amount of money goes to into these $2.00 holes, is sold between $7.11 trillion dollars. okay, now this is what we were across today. a free account is a natural ally for russia. the words of most of those top diplomats who laid out
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his vision for partnership with the continent of a presentation of a really related department within the foreign ministry. and so i see by the list of by the pollution it by russia has consistently advocated for the strengthening of africa's position in the multi pulled her world, which is objectively taking shape before our eyes. and which must be based on the principles of the united nations charter was the principle of self determination laid, the foundation for the colonization of the african continent on the basis of un decisions. after a certain point of living under colonialism, africans decided that they could not live under the impression of governments and metropolises which did not represent the interests of african people. such are similarly today. the key of regime cannot claim to represent the interest of the people of the dawn, basque and nova scotia, and probably the interest of a population of many other parts of ukraine. we support the aspirations of our african friends to obtain permanent positions in the united nations security
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council. and of course, we support the aspirations of our friends to determine their own state. we are convinced that africa is our natural ally in working together to ensure that the principles of justice and equity are truly respected in the world news. that is why a department dedicated to african affairs has been created in the ministry of this decision reflects our main goal of strengthening comprehensive ties with the states of the continent, and more broadly with the states of the global south to remove some of the well, that's down a little further into this and welcome life onto the program president of the african peoples convention and former member of the south african national assembly . then, but go the mr. go to you're most welcome. the russian foreign ministry has introduced the department of african affairs. what impact could that have on cross continental . busy relations with things have been so it, me, me,
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me is it this can only be a positive as the tennessee i remember that way. ready when you start up row and i think a prison put in mention to think that trust you and will assist in strengthening africa. so that entity yeah, i think 2 or 3 is big our goal and i was really. ready in many applicants we have but we're not sure how this was going to have been, and i think the creation a dedicated section within the ministry is the exercise ition a whole that commitment. it can only have a positive impact. allow up to go to the boss that you will respond to, to the 3 people, but will owners had hedge and once you know fully, all that us without any helping hands, it not since the days of the soviet union. and now russia coming openly. i mean,
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the only super power that is open the switch, you know, africa when it's roll elyse, what going to help. ready it's it, you know, it sounds like music talk is sergio of ralph mentioned that out for k is a quote, natural ally for most so how much is about spence reciprocated across the continent? a really my so look and it's, it's interesting but it didn't say she's sort of a lie because they need to be like, you're, you, you went to in on purely to the soviet eh, either missions. but the shows that with nature of meaning cost. russia is a country that respects the sort of need to other countries and it, it is shifting its own funds, lot it to defend his phone. so that entity it can do with us. we can find things,
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you know, voice also, but i need a rush. i can only be a little ally because we're all fighting for multiple well, the way there will be equality with just these will print specs for the so that i need to other countries to ask for practice or cultural to appreciate the history without really being subject to the hedge and one off of the west. so yes, this what i lice that's the most appropriate would offer k is seeking a permanent position on the un security council. are we in any way close to seeing, not materialize in your view on why is it important? with look at the color and the security cause of the nations deflects and outcomes will the 2nd world war and the world is really looking for the video very much is since then and of the guy has come on its own. and so his asia let to know, mary con, like and ask because because through the eh,
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also can you know everything to the united nations that monday in, you know, a phones a off the security council of africa, a continental or would it be on people continent that is say, in house, that little mean that i was less, that's a, that's how other words cannot be better. speak. take the on the sidelines as a hosting technician, i like this. so it is only say, included in the rest i've been very consistent in supporting our core democrats under biden. just also said the same, but what is critically the think that the whole time frames, if there is agreement with other time slips is we know the other countries go to the old introspect would wish that the case will phosphoric. i should not be tied to that i'm being so shall pon and gemini about police some of positive concerns
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you know about with this so that in countries with southern foreign policies and so we didn't interest outside. ready americans, so we sincerely hope and wish that we must know took time frames and we the support, especially in other countries, believe that the this can ensure video whether it's something we'll be closely following here on our tea. of course, we've been speaking to president of the african peoples convention live from south africa today, then, but go to thank you so much i, i think you today marks the 80th anniversary of the your to conference, a pivotal milestone in global diplomacy, which was destined to guide the collective order and security of the post world war 2, society ortiz, political correspondent, you're pissing off, brings us more for the most school expectation. remembering the it was an iconic
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meeting which symbolized the rare unity between the heavy weights of the 2nd world war, winston churchill of the united kingdom franklin roosevelt of the united states and joseph stalin of the soviet union. this picture is part of a unique exit addition taking visitors behind the scenes of this pivotal moments in human history. the classified documents and maps and diagrams show how the l a meters coordinated their military strategy towards the end of the war. how the invasions, the political future of a liberated to europe and the plans to prevent something as horrific as that war from ever happening. again. one of those ways was through the creation of the united nations and it was it the alta conference where the leaders finalized details on the security council is the voting procedures and veto bowers. it was supposed to be fair for everyone involved since most countries in the british empire and the commonwealth were guaranteed voting powers. stalin requested the
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same for the republics of the soviet union. they settled on 3 and agreed that each of the big 5 could veto any action by the council. considering them to move together on the epic and see who the conference into iran was the conference on how to defeat the german amc, the conference in post them determined how to rule defeated the germany and the conference. and y'all to it was a conference on how the world would look like after this. decisions were made regarding a certain restructuring or renewal of the league of nations. that is, the foundations were laid towards the united nations, which as you know, is still functioning. we have long since moved away from the results of the all to agreements, but some elements are still working. this is mostly due to the in viability of borders in europe. and the united nations, of course, can still functions in the form, in which it was conceived by the participants of the yalta conference, which has been to y'all, took a continuance, but over 80 years, so fast since then. and the world has changed. meaning. now feel that the united
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nations no longer reflects or satisfies the needs of our multiple world and our calling for change. spearheading these calls is one of the original members just put on the computer and use with us. so we have repeatedly said the powers like india and brazil. my old accounts have long does it have to be permanent members of the security council and appropriate decision is also needed for african permanent membership in the united nations was established as a result of the failures of the league of nations which was created after the 1st world war, it fell apart because it didn't achieve its main objective world peace and it doesn't look like the u. one is doing any better considering all the complex, raging around the world. despite the rise of the global south africa, the un security council still looks like this. not a reflection of the real world, and definitely not a way to insure a global peace or growth with even the un secretary general admitting he can no longer ignore the growing cause for reform. so it is absolutely essential to
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a very form that this has to be possible to make decisions because somebody presented those roles and to make his body say, this was one of the simple questions that should be ready to give the subject of the world has evolved into a smock into connected on multiple loc already now, and its members have increased 4 fold since you and inception. yep. so you n remains a prisoner of the past expansion and proper representation. and the permanent category is a particular imperative. asia, africa, and latin america. the global soft cannot continue to be short changed. achieving and maintaining peace and security requires. the collective will of the community of nations, god. but here it requires that the u. n. a security concept should be more representative body and inclusive,
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almost 80 years later, many things have changed and we need a larger and more representative council with voices from latin america and africa to really contribute to peace and security. the reform of the security council should uphold fairness and justice increase the representation and voice of developing countries allowing more small and medium sized countries to have more opportunities to participate in the decision making of the council. in particular, it should redress historical injustices against africa. within 1940 is we're all about creating a new world order, learning from past mistakes and building a better, brighter future. but the passing decades revealed how fragile such partnerships are and the need for a larger group of people to be able to make decisions. take africa, for example, over 50 frequent countries are members of the united nations, yet not one has a permanent seed at the un security council. that's around 17 percent of the
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world's population. compare that with friends for example, which has less than one percent. it just doesn't make sense. the west claims, it's now ready to welcome some of them, but without the rope hours. we are not interested in being token members of the security council. africa must be treated as an equal play. a note, as a secondary act to in africa cannot have a 2nd class participation on the un security council. we demanded require that we should have serious participation. one fixed that we from africa demand is for the united nations to embrace democracy in the security council by giving africa to permanent seats with vito power and institution that excludes 54 african countries . while allowing one nation to veto the decisions of the remaining 193 member states is unacceptable. the counsel is dysfunctional and democratic non inclusive,
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unaccountable, autocratic, and opaque. that's why russia is calling for real reforms, but moscow is not suggesting a new organization insisting that the framework already exists, but needs polishing, and ensuring everyone's voices are heard and respected. it's what we've heard from russian officials, time and time again, building a fair, multiple world based on the principles of equal an indivisible security. and together with this un security council reform, we will make the west understand that it is no longer capable of imposing its own rules on the whole world. for many centuries pumping out results from africa, asia, and latin america no longer capable of living at the expense of others, we should seek a balance of interests. if things continue this way with the majority of the world continuing feeling in order to install only a matter of time before countries give up on the united nations and start talking about building something else. it already happened decades ago in history does have
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a habit of repeating itself. your physicals are t let's discuss the world orders past, present, and future with ruined death. managing director of the bio energy consultancy firm rebel a energy and former indian army colonel con. you're most welcome. thank you for your time. so 18 years on, on the establishment of the you and the world appears as divided as it's ever been is something as a pop defining as your to needed again or, or can reforms paula spock a a thank you for having me on your soul. i think it is a goal is a long time and if you see was gone past past this world, the major part has been the industrial revolution, which has evolved a sense of hunting for greater metals and, and key to sources across the globe. and the decisions in the us slowly but a gradually post seventy's had been, you know,
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sort of sabotaged up with an adult mutual con, consent by key stakeholders, a standing into you and whether it be the best impalas or even it beat china or be any other country and in this, in that a new order miller, which we are seeing that loving actually un has, if i can say very bluntly know locust and i, because it's more all for these notable oddity interest based. but i think between countries by like drugs as smaller, many like those coming at on the globe, whether you'll see brakes on one side, you'll see florida on one side you'll see any of our show and all that kind of, we don't, uh, uh, the prints happening throughout the world, so it's the mutual interest, the nation interest and those nation and, but as being, you know, mutually nature for a vision ship which is acting on the water. it's more economic, more based on prosperity. it's no more legal for us, aren't open on monday. sounds good school started the agenda for the revolution of
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the industries for the wars and for what to do next. that phase has gone. so somebody config that the election because that country is probably powerful in terms of a defense. but certainly that country does not have a big thing or to, to come on some kind of decision making from some sort of a subordinate the for them. so nobody, the subordinate. so while there are people in the countries in the un, which have vito above us, some exercises that responsibly but something good to a different mean that have been was, and the last 43 are not the kids without soap or bob brad, you wouldn't consent, auto renew, but at any and consent. so there had been various scenarios with the war decision. so i don't see this to be a big bug bed today because i think countries like those, i'm going to see what i see on india. we have had a friendship or wrong. we have a lot of business here to help each other. it's all spills in which we had moved to be invested and data generally everything. so be that it's go to the defense or anything i'm in between energy or otherwise it's going to happen, you har,
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dot otwell on a budget declaration where we have going to and all that. why when lot of similar new that box. so i'm quite so sure to many countries in the rest on this guy didn't even go to create a new and could i and what would be far or know sort of as sources and technology. so basically that assumes headed personally or they may manifest, or the book is open for anybody to come and help us. so i think that market demand, which countries created whether it's india busy or africa. i think that is something which the west must north and i'm not really sure if this a data you know of us from the you in that please include india as a member, please give us the we don't bar. i think india is going to a border into a country very slowly but steadily. we would say we don't quite any way it was. we are able to create our own markets, auto and industry, our own mutual interests with other countries. but show us the will not be represented of the i'll see you in though because you've got most yeah,
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several global southern countries on the west is over represented in the u. n. strong. yeah. and it is so vital that that there is a fall and stuff, the res, seem to be furnace at play. you see that always to look at it this talk about reforms at the end. you can go back to lee lee. these winds in a lot better from india, i was leading back to study and i believe in reading the 9, the ninety's we were giving out of stop what it was that meant ition. that was a been big time. you ended up problems at that time. and i've actually gone to them back and subsequently for years. and so it is hands. so in 3 decades, i haven't seen it happen. so the point is yes, that and dad and present that of uh, you know, aspect how the asian countries out india, how browse the lo, after god forbid up as it did to give it the more inclusive nature is the utopian idea. but i'm not to show that everybody will agree on it. when we speak to the americans, there's a good, the only friend which says, every time you are a book,
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the board until they you want is the nation's best. everybody has go to different posting, make on his own, but then the off, somebody wants us to do some favorites with them to get that seat. so i don't think so. india is now looking at that point to then i see that the un. yeah, we will that i fully gave. so what we are doing is we are getting the global cells as a fox knows, but i've seen as a fox, most antibiotic evolving mechanisms. sure. and the comics fear and those bills to make sure that the rest of the license if you don't office in today to leave a little bit left off from dish, talk of the what are the ways of whether you want to do it or not? yeah, i think that is what the best most understand. i completely take your points abide . total equality is you know, in some ways a pipe dream. but at the very base level you have 3 confidence africa sites. america's trail. yeah. not represented on the at security cards. so, so surely there, that in itself is a compelling argument for, for reform of sorts there. i absolutely agree. so, so if you see that the phones which i've been talked about for the last 3 decades,
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they have gone by some kind of a product in terms of population, in terms of, you know, how the growth of the wood ought to be with equal the vision of all the continents, so that does not happen. you see, the sweet thought is happen considerations of happen. but nobody is what the devil on the un best to say done. so, and, and what about what a gather more than that is somebody or the other was bought some and still, you know, either with either the indians or the seller and, or bank you know about to get us on board on some, a better stream. which countries and continents are not going to for full, for long, you see the effort and point them in. it's been of going to an end where the people have gone. they have utilize the sources, they have lose what to say, but under the sources and taking it away. but what's given them the benefit of the but it's one of those at the end of it. so, you know, as long as they have, nobody was given them the wise for that equal the population was there or good in the words. just because somebody got educated earlier,
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just because somebody got in this less earlier, they are now the thing to dictate will be either what, what to do. for example, i will give you in, in, in my, you know, a bus for the energy and i'm, i'm, my country is very clearly we will go into the energy foster than any country on earth, which we are doing well on the same time, our domestic on invest in after the applications and explanations the mon oh boss, quantum of energy. so us anomaly plus family has got all good. it's in his house. i'm just thinking of countries and image of the country and india. we are far away . verified a way by nearly as it says about 70 percent of what publish. i'm not typing those gadgets. so obviously the expedition is to have that good. so you can tell me that i go completely to the one another. you can't go to the list under the a while you are, but you build your dental upstate of it. then what happens with that is with the all of it to be able to progress shown but organize and for us. but it be also comes into play and that is with the person who is it comes with being the
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subcontinent of the southeast asians, india in particular, and the african continent. well, what happens in india today is going to happen in africa in the next 5 within the. so that's the story, but it up where we can go to like to each other, our progress and our past as well. so i think that is something big, normal, fascinating points raised there. we wish to see what happens in the next 2 years. the sea does it survive, and that's current ties. and mr with dev mother's in the director of the bio energy consulting, i have a nice company, rabelais, energy, i'm for an indian army, colonel. thank you sir. most welcome. all right, some more news to ask you in a today, catholics done has published a preliminary reports on the december answer by john or lines plain crush that kills more than half of the 67 people on board. the findings include a number of external objects which were removed from the aircraft debris. it'll be subject to further examination, just a reminder of what occurred on locked in flight. the and prior 190 flying from buck
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code to the russian city of gross ne, diverted to the cause. ok, city of town, where if crushed after its pilots attempted an emergency landing, especially on our lines, promptly released the statement claiming the tragedy on quote, physical and technical external interference, azerbaijan, the russian numbers of the an expert are taking part in the ongoing investigation is just waiting where a 10 people have reportedly been killed in a shooting out of college in the city of or a bro, west of the nation's capital. local police can confirm the exact number of casualties they say at this stage. local media, say 5 people were initially injured by on, on the ceiling to open fire with on both the magic weapon the perpetrator is believed to taking his own life. and his motives remain on known valences
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rescued services. police have been working up the scene for some hours. the authorities have asked the public to keep awake until further threats. and that's a rep for this news. our better reminder the story shipping our world today can be find out to r t dot com all was fresh content to live. the discussions get involved with their the in 1960, the americans launched the huge bellwether operation documents. most of the, of the reading found that way online the us army chemical coal research and develop
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