tv News RT February 4, 2025 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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the reputation of that british empire, the are some of the same priorities that that organization has been spending money on. $47000.00 for a transgender offer out in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. the white house takes an act, c u. s. k i d, and reveals that list of expenditures don't include meals for. i'll tell you the affiliated estimates in syria from dennis wheeler to ukraine. we look at how the agency has been spending billions to further washington this agenda under the guise of humanitarian also in the program coming off the yalta conference, which brought together the postwar allied leaders of churchill f t r on spelling parks. it's 80th street. the meeting was pivotal in the creation of the united
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nations and to come to us the nuns broke today to reform that to the face is arts international. my name's unit illegal in 30 minutes of using views starts. not the oval office is cracking dawn on us a id. by so miles washington's regime change agency, you will must cause already threatened to shut the rates as part of his efforts and leading the new government, the efficiency department, the white house press secretary, or the lead i'd were selling the big sums. i've gone a look at the waste and abuse that has run through usa id over the past several years. these are some of the insane priorities that that organization has been spending money on $1500000.00 to advance the d. i in serbia's workplace, is 70000 for production of a d. i musical in ireland. 47000 for
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a transgender opera in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. i don't know about you, but as an american taxpayer, i don't want my dollars going towards this crap. and i know the american people don't either, and that's exactly what you on less has been passed by president trump, to do to get the fraud waste and abuse out of our federal government to well, some more examples of those all not coated funds. $2000000.00 were set aside for a sex change operations in gloss a mile of then there's the boss, selma sent a non profits link to our risk groups, including meals that made their way to, i'll call you the affiliated fighters and syria, a new star key of all the hundreds of millions of dollars sent to support the cultivation of opium, poppy, ontario, and production in afghanistan. the on the point i spoke to former c i a analyst, john curry, aka through while working in couple uncovered u. s. involvement in hurling and i did investigate
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the cultivation of hair when pop. ready scanned the stand for the senate foreign relations committee, a i actually flew to afghanistan helicopter into the poppy fields and interviewed a poppy farmer. i asked him not easily in retrospect why he didn't grow crops that had to growing seasons instead of poppy. something like tomatoes or onions, or pomegranate, it's an express great frustration and said in 2001, the americans told me that i could grow hair when poppy, if i told them where the error of this were hiding. and when i said what americans told you, you could grow hair when poppy and i was pulled back into the jeep and driven quickly back to the helicopter. now the bottom line, when i got back to washington readable and reported, this was that we wanted ask you understand to grow hair when poppy, because that her, when went to russia into iran and we wanted them to be addicted to heroin. you put
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your findings forward all of your investigation and that was the response that yes, were allowing her when to grow because it's going to hurt moscow. correct? it was very plain and very blunt. and i was told not to publish the report which i didn't, the special inspector general for us down to stand as well, just sticking with the country john add for. i've got to send reconstruction repeatedly pointed to us the id phones misuse in the nation on a not small numbers either in some provinces that came to 95 percent of funds. now this is a recurring question. i've been trying to find the answer to over the last number of days for this. in particular though, where did the money go? the money went into the pockets of people that you and i have never heard of. and i'll give you another example you and when i was in human in 2011 as part of an
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investigation, again, the senate foreign relations committee. i went to see several american embassy officials to get an update on the situation the country. and i was told that they were spending millions of dollars on a radio station that was broadcasting pro american propaganda in unit. and i said, well, that's just such an old school propaganda operation. why would anybody be interested in that? and they said, oh we've, we've dedicated tens of millions of dollars to making it sound like this was being broadcast by the american network. national public radio, n p r. they would intersperse talk with jazz and it was, was in specifically at young people, teenagers, and people in their early twenties in yemen. of course it was a failure. so where did all that money go? it went into the pockets of middleman. the same thing happened in afghanistan. the same thing happens across africa. it happens everywhere that usa idea spending
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millions of dollars and doesn't have to account for it. at the end of the day, the defense industry in the united states is very proud when it says we do not give cash to foreign countries. we give in kind aid, which is just in weapons and ammunition and weapon systems. that way, the government pays the defense contractors here in the united states, and it's the equipment that finds its way overseas. that's not always the case with us, say id. they do provide cash with a wink and a nod that we give you this money and you do what we want you to do. sometimes that happens most of the time, it doesn't. and we enrich a lot of very bad people overseas. here in washington, it was, it was an open secret for a long time that usc id was just simply an offshoot of the c i a and was involved in propaganda operations. you heard the clipboard, robert f. kennedy junior just came right out and said,
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well now everybody knows that that's what usa id does. it's just a propaganda organization. it's an organization that promotes american foreign policy, whether over at lee or covertly, and as an american. i'm glad to see that it's going away, even if that is temporary. we heard one note about that we're kind of talking about . if us a id is cold, it's going to mean the likes of russia on, on china are going to get more influence around the world. will not argument tickled. i think, among democrats, yes, it will. but the truth is that, that, that's not, that's not really the situation that we see on the ground. the reason russia and china, especially china, are so successful in other countries around the world is because they spend so much is their money on a, they build roads, they build hospitals, they build airports and ports. and the united states spends its money on weapons and weapon systems. i spoke to an african diplomat once when i was still with the senate foreign relations committee. and he said, you know,
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the difference between you, americans and the russians, is you promise us democracy, which really is weapons. and the russians promises food. but that's the difference in the united states just can't understand that. so if the democrats find themselves in power again, been 2 years, at least on capital hill, or in 4 years with the white house. i think we're going to see usa id coming back. and i'm going to, i think we're going to see the same old policies that we've always seen from the democrats, where it's going to be more and more and more military aid. yeah, the insight there from john korea? well, ortiz saskia taylor has been delving deeper into the murky history of the agency who discharged all about us taxpayer money across the world as an old hand and the biggest play in the game, usa i, they really should have seen it coming. how often do these decades, could they not have smelt a president shutting down here?
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is that the, the, the, the reasons that as opposed to simply because you're trying to do and do some minor house cleaning is, is that as your dog again, sir, usa usa id, it became apparent that when we have here is, is not an apple was a woman, but we have actually just a bowl of ones. and so it's as a point which you don't really like for you to go to. apple is go to it, it may even take them out. but if you could actually just a ball of ones, it's as hopeless and you're savvy as a bowl of words. mm hm. right? there is no apple. and when there is no apple, there's this, you've just got to basically get rid of the whole thing. nothing but a crop with the gang of criminals, apparently spread thing on tax pass. honda and cash samantha powers a she had a worthy goal, although it was a stupid goal. she said she was hoping to get the amount of for an age us $8.00 that and go to actual aid up to $0.30 on the dollar from $0.10 on the dollar.
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that's a major problem that we have this agency that that's all that goes abroad. i think your time american workers dollar. i think now you're talking about that. the usa id at that age. yes. yes. you had. right. oh us a i days always to $15000000000.00 annual budget. it's estimated that early 10 to 30 percent of it actually goes on aid. so what about the rest? well, has a hint, washington beloved, it agency employees, a lot of regime change in fluids? yes. so buckle up for a press schools and old things who's starting close to home in america's back yard . if you happen to be in cuba, in the mid to thousands, for example, maybe you attempted to sign up to the local slash and also puts a spot, surprise, surprise. as soon as i knew it wasn't cool, it was a usa, i. d lead co, but operation. the goal to dangle political messages in front of the cuban. you've
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got some wild up, get them onto the streets on top of castro puts that's make it seem grow through send panic. that will be absolutely no mention of united states government involvement. this is absolutely crucial for the long term success of the service and to ensure the success of the mission, which is strange because that website pulls that on for lots about transparency and carlo. they were running another project on the car, being island. this one off 9 documents and interviews make clear that the program was aimed at recruiting a younger generation of opponents to cuba. castro government documents prepared for the usa id sponsored program called the h. i the workshop, the perfect excuse to conduct political activity. yes, usa, i do think the offering health services that slip around and downtown some potential spies, fingers crossed and store them out on the inside,
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just like they installed quite, quite low over in practice. you know, the, the man who is briefly considered venezuela's, president by everyone about the venezuelans themselves. a $120000000.00, well spent. in addition, usa id has committed $128000000.00 to support the venezuelan human rights defenders civil society organizations, independent media and electoral oversight. when the madura regime is gone, the funding will support the recovery efforts led by a democratically elected venezuelan administration. well, last few 1000000 on a few months of spontaneous protest slates. uh nicholas madura was still. busy in office, so the dc leads to the day the grants. but the person that you recognized as
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a leader of democratic leader in minnesota is not here. what do you think about themselves one way little here? by whom? one way though, the, the answering precedent the venezuela, the do recognize what a bit farther south usa our day was also cool, right? handed, supporting set protests. invalid is eastern region. i'm sure it's a coincidence. but santa cruz is very, very results rich. all the highlights and sold to job better us because it's don syria, the solomon islands, and the recipients of generous usa i. d. gifts. and then woke, spied financing and dependency with governments laughed too badly, clinging onto power. but hey, maybe that's just a coincidence. then that was your crate usa id, which is the front point $5000000000.00 in the funding. those riots, those riots lead to the, to it could
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a talk against the 1st elect, the democratically elected of the ukraine a most before that comment is over on victoria new and was, you know, the part of the, the center piece of the, in the economy. audiology and who is now a high level of fiction that the state department has a secret call with the us and passenger, which is tape record and is now public, which anybody can go and look up where she is picking the new cabinets the you okay . the good news here though is the agency is reading it to accounts every single time. the other one is my efforts. and this began years ago when we were trying to figure out what they were doing with our american taxpayer dollars. there were going to support humanitarian efforts and, and ukraine. so i wanted to know exactly how those dollars were being
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spent and not really a reasonable request. yes. oh my gosh. and i shared this with you earlier alon um, just privately, but we got all kinds of threats from usa id because i was trying to exercise my oversight capacity in congress. um, so the best it's shocking. i mean is it? oh, how i mean, obviously it's, it's outrages that it a tax payer funded organization which threaten us senator, who's simply trying to figure out if a method tax per money is being spent correctly and, and not fraudulently. yes. but for one thing on rest and toppling. need is, isn't usa, i days only bread and fata problems resume phrasal star named for 90 days has left 90 percent of ukrainian media risk upcoming dog because yes,
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the agency is big on sponsoring independent journalism. and the child is proud to solve the o. c. c. op a, not unless investigative organizations finding 6 continents with a team, but just one of the whole power in check. except interestingly, you don't get many dives into us corruption because that wouldn't be cutting off the hand. that feeds that hand. that sometimes gives it a split pull to that end up bringing about real change. you know, i think as donors have realized, this is really important. this is having impact. we've probably been responsible for about 5 or 6 countries changing over from one government to another government . so, you know, because and getting, you know, of, and people, you know, prime ministers indicted or thrown out. that's the most important investigative reporting organization you've never heard of. so as las hand tightens that square
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from the fragments of the sofa pointed, going to in a freedom and justice how i want it, that every now democracy can finally freeze free. okay, another story to tell you by today, kalsich stem has published a preliminary report on the answer by john or lines plain crush that kills more than half of the 67 people on board in december last year. well, let's hear more of lots was released with r t correspondent in the email is shar higher, and i yeah, indeed take us through. what details on the tragic incident have come on to, as you've mentioned, because of son has released the preliminary report on the as a by john airlines plane crash that occurred in december of 2024 or 38 people lost their lives. now, the report space that the investigative commission continues to conduct a detailed inspection of the aircraft. the report also had
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a photos of the damage parts, as well as the ford metal objects that were retrieved and slide data recorder analysis. the document also added that the investigation within the framework of the reports does not imply at the establishment of a share of guilt or responsibility. because this is a preliminary report and it can only really be clarified based on the study and research of all materials. but was there media was quite quick to put the blame on russia, stating that the for an object is a rep from a russian missile with no proof to back that up. meanwhile, a russian aviation circles involved in the investigation came out stating that the russian side has not yet received samples of these for an objects for an examination. and the report itself does not really clarify what these objects are. now,
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it seems that the main things from the report is that the damage of the aircraft indicates that there was a penetration of external objects on board, which led to a pressure drop and a stabilizer malfunction. and before the crash, the aircraft also changed its flight path, leading to a sharp climb and the sun. they've also pointed out that'd be for an objects that were found would be taken for an examination. now overall, the report doesn't necessarily seem to give a direct reason behind the crash. so this is still quite a developing story, a party correspondents in the email it start taking us through that think you know it today marks the atf anniversary of the your conference. a pivotal milestone in global diplomacy, which was destined to guide the collective order on security of post world war 2,
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society, and this ortiz political correspondence, equal or pissing off reports. it also with a long way and ensuring the united nations came in to be as it was, an iconic meeting would symbolize the rare unity between the heavy weights of the 2nd world war winston churchill of the united kingdom franklin roosevelt of the united states. and joseph stalin of the soviet union. this picture is part of a unique exit mission, taking visitors behind the scenes of this pivotal moments in human history. the classified documents and maps and diagrams show how the l. a leaders coordinated their military strategy towards the end of the war. holly invasions the political future of a liberated to europe and the plans to prevent something has horrific as that war from ever happening. again. one of those ways was through the creation of the united nations and it was it the alta conference where the leaders finalize details on the security council is the voting procedures and veto bowers. it was supposed
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to be fair for everyone involved. since most countries in the british empire and the commonwealth were guaranteed voting powers, stalin requested the same for the republics of the soviet union. they settled on 3 and agreed that each of the big 5 could veto any action by the council. considering them to move together on the epic and see the conference into ron was a conference on how to do for you to germany and see the conference in post them determine how to rule defeated the germany and the conference. and y'all to it was a conference on how the world would look like it after this. decisions were made regarding a certain restructuring or renewal of the league of nations. that is, the foundations were laid towards the united nations, which as you know, is still functioning. we have long since moved away from the results of the all to agreements, but some elements are still working. this is mostly due to the in viability of borders in europe. and the united nations, of course, can still functions in the form in which it was conceived by the participants of
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the yalta conference. and we just don't have to consider butts over 80 years so fast since then. and the world has changed. mean, you know, feel that the united nations no longer reflects or satisfies the needs of our multiple are world and our calling for change. spear heading these calls is one of the original members. just put on the category and use with us. so we have repeatedly said that powers like india and brazil by all accounts, have long does it have to be permanent members of the security council, but an appropriate decision is also needed for african permanent membership. and the united nations was established as a result of the failures of the league of nations which was created after the 1st world war. it fell apart because it didn't achieve its main objective world peace. and it doesn't look like the you, when is it doing any better considering all the complex, raging around the world? despite the rise of the global south africa, the un security council still looks like this. not a reflection of the real world, and definitely not a way to insure a global peace or growth with even the un secretary general admitting he can no
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longer ignore the growing goals for reform. so it is absolutely essential to a very form of this. it would be possible to make this is it because somebody presented it to those roles and to make his body say, this was one of the central questions that would be right in the subject of the world has evolved into a smock into connected on multiple loc every now and its members have increased 4 fold since you went to inception. yep. so you n remains a prisoner of the past expansion and proper representation. and the permanent category is a particular embedded the asia, africa, and latin america. the global soft cannot continue to be short changed. achieving and maintaining peace and security requires the collective will of the community of nations, god. but here it is. requires that the u. n. a security council
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should be more representative body and inclusive almost 80 years late to many things have changed and we need a larger and more representative council with voices from latin america and africa to really contribute to peace and security. the reform of the security council should uphold fairness and justice increase the representation and voice of developing countries allowing more small and medium sized countries to have more opportunities to participate in the decision making of the council. in particular, it should redress historical injustices against africa. within 1940 is we're all about creating a new world order, learning from past mistakes and building a better, right or future. but the passing decades revealed how fragile such partnerships are and the need for a larger group of people to be able to make decisions. take africa, for example,
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over 50 frequent countries are members of the united nations, yet not one has a permanent seed at the un security council. that's around 17 percent of the world's population. compare that with friends for example, which has less than one percent. it just doesn't make sense. the west claims, it's now ready to welcome some of them, but without the hope hours. we are not interested in being token members of the security council. africa must be treated as an equal play. a note, as a secondary act to in africa cannot have a 2nd class participation on the un security council. we demanded require that we should have serious participation. one fix that we from africa demand is for the united nations to embrace democracy in the security council by giving africa to permanent seats with vito power and institution that excludes $54.00 african countries. while allowing one nation to veto the decisions of the remaining 193
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member states is unacceptable. the counsel is dysfunctional and democratic non inclusive, unaccountable, autocratic, and opaque. that's why russia is calling for real reforms, but moscow is not suggesting a new organization insisting that the framework already exists, but needs polishing, and ensuring everyone's voices are heard and respected. it's what we've heard from russian officials, time and time again, building a fair, multiple world based on the principles of equal and indivisible, security. and together with this un security council reform, we will make the west understand that it is no longer capable of imposing its own rules on the whole world. for many centuries pumping out results is from africa, asia, and latin america no longer capable of living at the expense of others. we should seek a balance of interests. if things continue this way with the majority of the world continuing feeling in order to install only a matter of time before countries give up on the united nations and start talking
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about building something else. it already happened decades ago in history does have a habit of repeating itself. you go up is going off r t the fall died. international discussion club is hosting its 14th, middle east conference building relationships with bricks, nations, mediation in the gals that were in the future. of syria among some of the issues getting delegates talking in moscow. we spoke on the loss or with a former british, different lot of august or crook receives the west hudson grass, the dire consequences of the collapse. sure, assad government. and i was very shocked by what has happened to syria and disturb via to what was the purpose of the rise of these hard line groups because they were considered more effective, of taking out the governments at the west pointed, kicked up. that was the case that's being the case from syria. why is it being such
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emphasis on the guide in this isis in syria? it was to do 2 things, get rid of russia from syria and to get rid of their off from sarah was one of the objective supporters outside of the base. but they never had a base. and now i was kind of have a base syria that's to base about them. do they understand the consequences of what they've done in fear? do they not understand what the consequences will be? will be, i know for a terrier is coming up the top down, all slower, terry and solemn fist is fam, which will merge with the muslim brotherhood. and we are going to enter a new era. and also it will be in the secretary and this will have the rise of self as a price of secondary analysis. that would be the consequences of this worrying
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conclusions from allister trip. now every time a question is raised in washington about its global biological warfare program is the stock response. it's one of ridicule when independent journalist continue to amass what they say is incorrect or full evidence of subjectivity in next. one of those very reporter shares her findings without the a better late than never term secretary of state. marco ruby, oaks admits america's unipolar moment has passed viewers of this program understood this long ago. all of this emission make comes foreign policy different. will diplomacy make a comeback successfully
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so i would have to be using this. nobody's telling me that a human funding business, but yeah, and that's what it's available to what you still there are some of it from the umbrella data. so within the what it says, this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job. she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us labs and ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we used to test. biological weapons for the 1st step is i didn't, they said that she's the real quickly. what say we shift anybody that didn't exceed the sheep? what the he and the she was a post before the ukraine army retreated, glanced. i've tried to remove all materials and documents but they filed the.
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