tv News RT February 5, 2025 12:00am-12:31am EST
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the us will take over the gaza strip and we will do a job with it too. will own it. to us present shocks the international community with an unprecedented plan to take control of garza off the displacing palestinians from the lines. donald trump claims everyone loves the only did, but so far. only benjamin netanyahu publicly print you are the greatest friend is room is ever had in the white house, the recitation of the
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main hospitals that served the nosing calls us trip. dogs in terms of video tricks, admit to and it's a for the population. here we report from inside distracted hospital in the way, because the all idea sold to northern garza, the 2nd thousands of palestinians with as access to life saving treatment. plus the western media sounds the last the usa funds of pros and it made sort of a whole all the foreign assistance agency on the white cap, the very well and welcome to the news our this wednesday morning in most gay. this is all t international. plenty needs to get our teach stuck into this morning. we're going to start with the fact that the us will own. and we build goal is that while sending young slaves into high apollo sidney populations,
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2 of the countries that was the bomb shell plan announced by president trump also talks with use way the prime minister at the white house to us. we'll take over the gaza strip and we will do a job with the 2 without it, and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous, unexploded bombs and other weapons on the side to level the side and get rid of the destroyed buildings level it add, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area. and then it should not go through a process of rebuilding an occupation by the same people that have really sit there and fought for it and lived there and died there, then lived a miserable existence there. instead, we should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts. and there are
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of many of them that want to do this and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the 1800000 palestinians living and gaza endings of death and destruction. and frankly, bad luck. i said this before. i'll say it again. you are the greatest friend as well as ever, had in the white house. but went on to clarify his shocking suggestions, present complaint, everyone he's talked to, has back to his plan. if you're talking tonight about the united states taking over a sovereign territory, what authority would allow you to do that? are you talking about a firm, an occupation there, redevelopment, i do see a long term ownership position. i see it bringing great stability to that part of the middle east and maybe the entire middle east. and everybody i've spoken to this was not a decision,
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made likely everybody i've spoken to loves us the idea of the united states, phoning that piece of land developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent. however trumps proposal to displace palestinians garza has been rejected by high ranking diplomats across the arab world. it is imperative that israel does not annex any palestinian land. such annexation will simply run to the 2 state solution and viable dipole, taishan of palestinians from the land will push the region towards more attention, conflict, and instability. such a move will not certainly be a clear violation of international law. it will be a threat to regional stability and security palestinians do not want to leave that land. we completely support that position. i have a feeling that despite them saying no, i have a feeling that the king in jordan and that the general president. but the general
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in egypt will open their hearts and will give us the kind of land that we need to get this done. and people could live in harmony and apiece. well, joining us from jerusalem now is spot to reform is democratic faction spokesperson, dimitri delani. thank you very much for your time at this morning. i just want to 1st of all, get your reaction to trumps plan when it comes to gaza. a good morning. i don't think it qualifies as the plan. there's not much inclusiveness in what seems to be thoughts coming out of the mouth of the u. s. prizes and i believe that the 80 percent 90 percent actually of uh guys uh uh, the population that have survived the 60 months of genocide with us weapons
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be our refugee. and these refugees have hope that their homes is occupied by the state of israel. so let's start by applying united means the united nations resolutions for returning of these refugees into their homes that were occupied. and there were driven, forcibly driven from, uh by the, the state of israel, in historic, the ethnic cleansing the war crime that took place around 77 years ago. it's time to adjust that injustice and it's time for the refugees to return. if president trump is a cheap uh on, on, uh, evacuating, uh the uh, gaza strip. well, 80 percent of the gardens are refugees. that wants to go back to their homes. apple in accordance to united nations resolutions. so let's start from there. as far as
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owning a gaza strip, nobody owns does a strip except for the palestinian people. this is the fact that not even a genocide has changed it and nothing that the president trump can do to change the ownership of the guys and strip. so let's start by applying united nations resolutions returning of the refugees. and then we can talk about rebuilding garza and the process a, rebuilding god, by the way, as spouse do you mean people guys that will not be we built unless it's done by the approval participation leadership of the past and you, people get tongue says he has talk to people about this plan and everyone, he's talk to says city love it. but the reality is across the hour was we all guessing, reaction and criticism to his plan to again displace palestinian people. can you
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imagine any scenario with any country other than these? well, in the middle east supports that plan. well, i don't think that any rational human being can really support is, but nothing, you know, with his premises, genocidal or id. ology is direction that has paved the way to this point with the blood of bouncing in children and the destruction of guys that of course, he's going to agree with such a proposal, especially when such a proposal and provides is ethnic cleansing ideology with the pathway to be applied with the support of the united states of america. i believe that we should start with applying united nations resolutions by returning, passing the refugees into their homes and in the established state of israel and. and then we can gone from there
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a term also suggesting that countries like saudi arabia would be able to point that how does that net pockets and pay for the relocations of policy news from gaza. we've had a pretty strong statement from saudi arabia saying that they disagree with this plan. what kind of situation business put that relation between saudi arabia and the us in and, and what's your assessment of the fact that side you re, they've come up so critical of this plan a hi. i think this plan could be easily. ready that'd be described in titled even the plan of ignorance and arrogance. what would make president trump think that with his ignorance about the nature of the palestinian light since the establishment of the state of israel can be repeated and you force one through a forcible displacement. another time for our people,
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this is not going to have to what makes them think that he has control over solving decisions of sovereign states. these dates are not weak. these are strong states, egypt is a strong country, saudi arabia is a strong country. georgia is a strong country, they make their decisions. uh, with a lot of uh, might lot of strengths and there they are willing and capable of doing that. in addition, on top of that, the palestinian people are in agreement with so the radio with jordan, with egypt on disposition. so the funny clown is do oh nothing. yeah. oh drum really? eh, can body an issue statements that way they want, but we have to on the ground is different. and this is going to cause uh, president trump, uh, policies in the middle east to hit the brick wall and be shattered. like all the conspiracies, to,
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to put more pressure on the 1000 new people to leave our land. this is not going to happen under any circumstance unless we return to our homes that were stolen from us in the 1940 or other than that. we are not going anywhere and is right in the genocide goods and forces to do that for 60 months of indiscriminate bombardment, for over $48000.00 people, killed 90 percent of the guys the infrastructure was destroyed in order to drive us out of guys. this trip, what makes president truck a believe or saying that his words can't achieve what genocide? good. yeah, i just want to focus on that partnership between saudi arabia and us. it's been decades long. trump is bolted that previously in his last administration. really putting a lot of emphasis on not how much in jeopardy could that partnership beef of this issue i,
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i'm not going to interfere onto relations between saudi arabia and the united states of america, but we all trust so dear reviews decision, we believe that the, this proposal by president trump uh, affects negatively affects the stability in, in the regions, especially in, in countries that surround us. and i believe that the savvy areas, interest and stability and comic cooperation and political support for the palestinian cause and, and justice. and, and of course, the popular is support via for the past. and e, cause would be way more much more than a relationship with the president that in 4 years will not be there as, as president. so uh, i don't think strategically. there is much, there's not much to talk about this is this might cause
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a disruption in the relationship, but split the ties between the united states and so it would be a review are much larger, much deeper, much more important than to jeff prove of size over uh, thoughts that haven't been studied and built on ignorance and arrogance as we've had a either a huge amount of reaction to this. uh, now one of those things we heard from saying he would do is that he would take over garza and build places for housing, people from all around the world. we've had one us own boy saying that that would take 10 to 15 years to achieve. he said, putting in sort of could come back, but i mean here in your view, is he really implying that goal is that would not be a homeland for palestinians in the future. guys are, is a homeland for pals,
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things in the past. now i need the future, nothing. donald trump or nothing you can do to change that fact, it's a, it's very simple. you can dream only once. a can draw plans only once. and if it wasn't done with the approval of the palestinian people, there is no force on this earth. then can that can uh you force that on, on our people. and i think that the resilience of the 1000 people has been proven over decades. and i don't think that president drum again guy, it again can be the mike uh and, and the level of like, uh for the 1000 people, especially when we are on there just because that has been and is been supported by the world and international law. and on top of that, the, the, the main and direct support from the airport. so we're gonna get much more on this during, in the coming days and weeks. but for the moment we'll leave it that. thank you
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very much for joining us. that's a thought to reform is democratic functions, folks best thing to meet the only thing what political strategist nice prussia says us and these while having to nationally be making garza on inhabitable the other thing is, will be not just occupied by the israeli occupation. they're going to be occupied by americans. you know, this, that, you know, nan, yahoo wouldn't start to the bottom of the golf there into the, at 6 or something that would have shown him. also his political future. and this meeting with trump is showing that he's the only security guards are itself. so the is really occupation. this is what it looks like. it looks like he'll be in american occupation. this was the plan from the very beginning. you know, they pets the make off on and how to most of how this thing is have no choice but to lead entirely. now, they called every inch of land from north to south, so massive massively,
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until nothing could survive the window from says he wants to well to end up sending in gaza. he means designers who are not from the language setting in gaza, what they end. they want they want to do is demolition in china into settlements for western design is to go sell and you can they want to extract the gas mule? know that regard and gas bills really should gas ends. yes. there are many people in the united states in europe who won't back gas, and that's what we plan to do with a science of d, populate the region to get into the depth, demolish it gas bills and create settlements. there is no intent of giving them palestinians about land back off there. they clear it out, demolish and build new settlements. it will be settled by scientists from across the world, whether that from your american south america, wherever they're from. well, while the world debates, trans shocking plans a goes to the in bottles, policy and people are struggling to survive. now, most of the old slaves ravaged hospitals have been forced to shut down, as we've reported many times, leaving thousands without lots of paints savings support,
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local journalists from me, i'm a gallery reports now from what used to be the main house facility ingles and gaza, or we are now as it came out loud loud hospital and the noise in the valley. a repeat d can a nosing garza, this hospital has been particularly exposed to a mess. it is really action is really our reaction during the war that has been lost against the gauze, us rep for 15 months. now, this, what remained from the hospital is that the bus station is up or run to all the divisions, all of the departments of this particular hospital, which has originally served both bid, yet directs. as maternity for not only for the value, but also for the nose in gaza strip downs of bay to noon. they lie
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here and also jump out of the town and devalue, repeat d, no, hold on to so that we're now working on building a make shift field hospital to serve these grieving people in the damaged area. that is all we can do for the time being the minute for the hospital as a whole. we can do nothing but remove the structure and rebuild it from scratch to me then. well, i know that the situation is very difficult. if my daughter gets sick, where should i go? the hospital is completely gone. we can go to gaza city, but gaza city is also destroyed including roads and transport to gaza. it's very difficult over time. we are now as the emergency department of the come out of the hospital, a nosing goal is us trip. this emergency department, along with other deposit as have been completely destroyed and damaged because of the must have, is really, are me actions against the hospital in the past to 3 months for the hospital has the and i feel so sad as we did. don't think that the destruction would be those
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bad when we evacuated. it seems they wanted to wife to come out with one hospital, which stood as a landmark of the mountains, who just currently there's no medical facility in the north misconduct. and so this is really catastrophic. it's a terrible situation. the decorations need a place to treat the patients. also pregnant women need a place to get them need his medical age and due to the difficulty of reaching medical facilities in western gauze, a city the situation is catastrophic or to this hospital has been all was, has been all was serving the bid. yet drake and maternity not only for the repeat cap of good value, but also for the other towns of the northern gauze as tread, including the bates. i have bates, a known and evaluated town in the northern gauze us trip. we are now heading for the uh, the, the, the be deactivated department, and particularly the, um, to bates. so this is the department that was the department of the video tricks
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that served the children of the nosing, galls us dread before the is really army actions caused this must've destruction of the hospital as we are. it's able to see now we are, we are in the, in the incubator department that was at serving get the bid yet directs to the the ones who are the babies. and for the nosing garza strep, as you might see, the destruction is upper intent to clear. and every corner of this particular department of the hospital that has been completely or partially damaged because of the as ro, ailey army actions over the past 3 months. as you might see here,
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yes, these are the remains of the hospitals, particularly the incubator, right at this place. that's the scene. that's the scene totaled the best patient off of the main hospitals that served the nose in gauze, us trip towels in terms of the detrick's and maternity for the population. here who are debated up to about 500000 palestinians, not only the destruction, but also the human loss as 70 personnel, including doctors, nurses, and other stuff. workers have been actually killed during the as really massive, massive operations against the hospital in the past. the 3 months also actually $68.00 or so now have been detained by the israeli army, including the chief of the hospital. the doctor has um, most of the that is the situation of the come out,
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how do i in the hospital as you might have seen the divisions that have been had the uh, ambulance. uh, the uh, archive is the external or the outpatient. the clinics also the bid yet direct and as well as the matter li section. all the sections of the hospital have been already damaged a the completely or mainly completely. and spatially. this is a part of the destruction of gauze as a hospital that other gathers most of it, those that are numbered at about 55 mos on. so 2 of them have been out of service because of the war, including the come out loud one hospital where we are now the west and media outlets on crying file over the freezing of us for an assistant assets by the trumpet administration. it said that this move will plunge the most
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vulnerable and impoverished countries into the crisis. but usa programs would be only about helping the poor, the agencies funding of what it calls independent media and other organizations also extend it to washington's closest allies, the bbc report. so the international charity, bbc need action, had usa down as a top don't of the 20232020 full financial year. second only to the u. k. for an office measuring foreign correspondent boss and j says it was an a winning strategy for america to fund the partition food cost is projects. if you look at the bbc track records, you know all of the not being too um, uh, vigilance. oh, or a garage or aggressive way? it checks fax on stories that are aligned to its so pools interpretations, conflicts and,
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and trouble spots around the wellbeing assumptions. syria where we saw a group of people completely fake a chemical attack on them. and this was written up immediately within minutes for the bbc as a cycle, nissan people. these are the kind of things that you think may be just for the 9. stop the reports and the facts. you know, it's often the case that uh, there are jeep at school and financial powers behind the bbc, the up pushing their bosses in the region, and it has a certain direction. so i think we should be very skeptical about bbc having the is that it's generally having the 2nd to last fund being the american tax plan. and let's be specific. you know, the, the work brigade within the us think it's well, just to say, well, examples away, usaid money went to $1000000.00 for sex, change operations in guatemala last sons to nonprofits,
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linked militant groups into the meals that made their way to al qaeda affiliated fight is in syria and perhaps the most archival hundreds of millions of dollars to support the cultivation of opium, poppy and heroine production, and afghanistan, former c i a and on the list, john kerry act who told us that american involvement in the lucrative industry was actually an open secret and i did investigate the cultivation of hair when popping in afghanistan for the senate foreign relations committee. a i actually flew to afghanistan helicopter into the poppy fields and interviewed a poppy farmer. i asked him not easily in retrospect why he didn't grow crops that had 2 growing seasons instead of poppy, something like tomatoes or onions, or pomegranate. it's an express great frustration and said in 2001, the americans told me that i could grow hair when poppy, if i told them where the airbags were hiding. and when i said what americans told
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you, you could grow hair when poppy that was pulled back into the jeep and driven quickly back to the helicopter. now the bottom line, when i got back to washington unable and reported this was that we wanted ask in a stand to grow hair when poppy, because that her, when went to russia into iran, and we wanted them to be addicted to heroin. you put your findings forward of your investigation and that was the response that yes, were allowing her when to grow because it's going to hurt moscow. correct? it was very plain and very blunt. and i was told not to publish the report which i didn't, the special inspector general for us down to stand as well, just sticking with the country john. and for i've got to send reconstruction repeatedly pointed to us the id phones misuse in the nation on
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a not small numbers either in some provinces that came to 95 percent of funds. now this is a recurring question. i've been trying to find the answer to over the last number of days for this. in particular though, where did the money go? the money went into the pockets of people that you and i have never heard of. and i'll give you another example you and when i was in human in 2011 as part of an investigation, again, the senate foreign relations committee. i went to see several american embassy officials to get an update on the situation the country. and i was told that they were spending millions of dollars on a radio station that was broadcasting pro american propaganda in unit. and i said, well, that's just such an old school propaganda oper. ready why would anybody be interested in that? and they said, oh we've, we've dedicated tens of millions of dollars to making it sound like this was
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being broadcast by the american network. national public radio, n p r. they would intersperse talk with jazz and it was, was in specifically at young people, teenagers, and people in their early twenties in yemen. of course it was a failure. so where did all that money go? it went into the pockets of middleman. the same thing happened in us get us did. the same thing happens across africa, it happens everywhere that usa idea is spending millions of dollars and doesn't have to account for it. at the end of the day, the defense industry in the united states is very proud when it says we do not give cash to foreign countries. we give in kind aid which is jets and weapons and ammunition and weapon systems. that way, the government pays the defense contractors here in the united states, and it's the equipment that finds its way overseas. that's not always the case with us, say id. they do provide cash with a wink and
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a nod that we give you this money and you do what we want you to do. sometimes that happens most of the time, it doesn't. and we enrich a lot of very bad people overseas. here in washington, it was, it was an open secret for a long time that usc id was just simply an offshoot of the c i a and was involved in propaganda operations. you heard the clip where robert f. kennedy junior just came right out and said it, well now everybody knows that that's what usa id does. it's just a propaganda organization. it's an organization that promotes american foreign policy, whether over at lee or covertly, and as an american. i'm glad to see that it's going away, even if that is temporary. we heard one note about that we're kind of talking about . if us a id is cold, it's going to mean the likes of russia on, on china are going to get more influence around the world. will that argument tickled? i think, among democrats, yes, it will. but the truth is that, that, that's not, that's not really the situation that we see on the ground. the reason russia in
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china, especially china, are so successful in other countries around the world is because they spend so much is their money on age. they build roads, they build hospitals, they build airports and ports in the united states, and that spends its money on weapons and weapon systems. i spoke to an african diplomat once when i was still with the senate foreign relations committee and he said, you know, the difference between you, americans and the russians, is you promise us democracy, which really is weapons and the russians promise us food. but that's the difference in the united states, just can't understand that. so if the democrats find themselves in power again, in 2 years, we stayed on capitol hill 4 and 4 years with the white house. i think we're going to see usa id coming back. and i'm going to, i think we're going to see the same old policies that we've always seen from the democrats, where it's going to be more and more and more military. a thanks very much for your
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