tv Cross Talk RT February 5, 2025 1:30am-2:00am EST
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this is being caused by fascist an extremist and anti russians. i have not seen evidence of that. i do recognize that there are some parts of the opposition that are viewed as far right. them things that have res, concern, but i don't see them playing a dominant role in the current political situation before you are on my don kramer worked at another state department funded and g o called freedom house, which russia has specifically flagged as a vehicle of american foreign policy interest as far back as 2004 and 2 main stream politicians were raising their eyebrows at freedom house and just how much money was going to ukraine through the organization. how did this one sided us funding and ukraine come about? while i'm afraid we may have seen only the tip of the iceberg?
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one part that we do know thus far is that the us government, through the us agency for international development, granted millions of dollars to the poland america, ukraine cooperation initiative, which is administered by the us based freedom house. the rates of us say i didn't even touch his breeze. well, that's right, hunter biden's company in ukraine, justice hunter joined its board of directors. bismark cut a deal with the state department. response is not a terry reese was not a humanitarian, private energy corporation or profit gas company. why do they have a formal m o u y d or the usaid e mails saying that we are supporting very slow us age funding for each month? you have these connections completely, all over 800 by himself was on the board of the national democratic institute, which is b and c, branch of the c i's most notorious, cut out the national down for democracies. a 100 themself is running through those networks. and 2023 usa i d spending and ukraine skyrocketed to 5 times. it's 2022
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level, reaching a whopping $1300000000.00 for that year alone with ukraine being the most corrupt country and all of europe. there's no doubt a lot of the pockets have been lined. hunter, biden's lensky, his wife's and who knows who else is that brings you up to date with a license from across the well, we'll be back with more than half an hour. don't go anywhere though, until then. it's the latest episode of the cost, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter level, better late than never trump secretary of state, marco rubio admits america's unipolar moment. his past, viewers over this program understood this long ago. how well this emission make comes for him policy different. will diplomacy make a comeback? the cross, i think from foreign policy, i'm joined by my guess. daniel is our in new york. he's a journalist and author of 3 books on the us constitution in nashville, we have ryan christian, he is founder and editor of the last american vagabond, as well as co founder of the independent media alliance. and in brisbane, we crossed to what we could poll. he's an adjunct professor at queensland university and technology and senior fellow at the ty, hey, institute, or a gentleman, cross talk roles that affect,
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that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate a daniel, um, so much to talk about here. i was leading, obviously, in my introduction, i'm going to quote marco rubio right now. it's not normal for the world to have a unit polar power. remarkable coming from a secretary of state. and then on the heels of this, we have the or which seems to be the imminent destruction of the u. s. a. i d at least, and it's current or is former incarnation. we don't know where it's going to go from here. the point is my friend so much is happening. i think they're related uh, take it from here. daniel. or? yeah, i mean, i think what we're seeing is a global crash of, of neo liberalism. and it reminds me of the crash of communism in 1989 to 91. i think the water is going to a major phase change. uh the uh the, the rules of the last 35 years or so. i have 4 on the part and were inter entering
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into a new era. and that era is based on multi polarity, intense international competition. uh, the, uh, the destruction of old alliances, like, you know, nato was going to way of the warsaw pact. um so uh it's a really a dramatic change that we're the was passing through. ryan, is this all a good thing? go ahead. so i'd like to start with pointing out that i think in general the destruction of us id is obviously a positive thing. if alternately, that is what happens to it because i think it's one of the things that is being debated, which is frustrating for a lot of us that have followed along with what has been doing is that there's some ultimate positive net positive outcome to what it does i disagree with that? i think it's a regime change engine with some things that are done positive around it, ultimately as a cover i would argue, but i think what i'm worried about here is that the process i think is important. and i think the way this is going is indicating to me that this is more about framing it as a positive change in order to role in what i worry is a, is
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a worse outcome. and, but like we were kind of saying off air before i, it's a win nonetheless, to see this begin to go that step. but i think what i'm seeing a lot across the trump administration right now is taking things that we've always wanted to go away on it and framing it as a positive destruction, but really already rolling in something that i see is much worse. sort of like the digital end of this, the cdc direction, walmart, private end of that. but that's what i see happening here with mosque and the rest of this the way it's going or marco rubio taking control or merging of what the state department would or wouldn't already really was. it just seems more of a shell game to me, but i'm going to wait and see how it plays out. but i think if it was gonna be done right, it should have been done in a way that was more transparent and not only focused on the left has been doing this the entire time. that's it. so that's just just on us. yeah, i, i agree with you because it's settling domestic political scores also very much so because this is woodside shown is being the machinations of the democratic party. they've said this very openly, so you're absolutely right. but where we go, i kind of got drawing upon what daniel had to say,
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which is really interesting is that, you know, when the, with the end of the cold war, the end of the soviet union, the end of the warsaw pact we had, you know, kind of a i was gonna say ideological boy, but we, we actually had a, a preponderance of neo liberalism around the world. i agree with daniel, 100 percent and we're not on the same frequency when it comes to many, many politics here. but it's, it's good to see that go, it's a low will be less of an ideological world. that's a plus. but the is it going back to just great power, a rivalry which has its pluses and minuses to go ahead in brisbane. a good school debate with the paid around, especially after the uh, the last time we try to disconnect it. so i greetings to you and have the look. i think that, um, there's no doubt that the 35 year period of the liberalism, he's coming to an end. and in fact, full nice people, they've been watching these things closely for a number of years. it ended
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a little while ago. it's just taking the united states leadership, i guess. so the political legal sections of the political like come to terms of that reality. but i think it also spells the end of a $500.00, the period of liberal wisdom, liberal colonial government on. so we've got 2 endings in a science. one is a short term ending, which is a 35 year period of a particularly intense type of west in the liberalism. but we're also seeing fundamental changes in the way that the global economic system in logan eyes and as a result of that, the ways in which countries interact with each other. so it is a moments as purity that we're living through. and um, you know, and that's kind of read the ride for quite some time because there's a whole bunch of vested interest. so don't want to let go. and i'm, and i will 5 tooth and i of course to hang onto what they've had. and um, and the struggle in a sense is going to continue for a little while get before the gospel. yes,
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me there cuz no one likes to give up power in this. the new neo liberalism is a powerful if not toxic for say it will not give up easily as well. but daniel, i mean, you know, i mentioned great power politics. okay. for me they'll be a relief not to hear a secretary of state or we're only doing this for democracy around the world data. i think we're all tired of all of that. okay. um. but then on the other side of the ledger is a drum says he's going to take a greenland in panama. okay. i mean, not for democratic reasons either for disappear. national south is now a national interest here. i mean, that's the flip side of it, isn't it? daniel a yeah, i mean the, the, the us, you know, polarity is not unprecedented. we saw a british u unit polarity for 99 year period from the 1815 to 1914. then that collapsed. and we all know what happened next. a trump. ready is, you know, these, he's like, he sees himself as
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a copper and he's picking fights with the, with minor parties that he certainly can win. i mean, it's no big deal to the us to steam roll over canada or mexico or, or panama or denmark for that matter. but the point is that the, the old pieces for. busy when you're parked in a very dramatic fashion and no one knows how it. ready shape a shape shake out. so no one knows what rock china is, reaction will be no one quite knows what russia's reaction well, you know, ryan, it, they, they, they, one of the, the, the outcomes of all of this is that the alliance system that we have been in place . it's been in place since the 2nd world war will start to unravel. i think certainly it's already been mentioned that nato may find the uh, its faith is that it doesn't, us doesn't need nato the way it did before because it's not an ideological conflict
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according to at least someone like mark rubio. go ahead, right? yeah, i mean, i think it's worth considering that this there's might be more global collaboration on, on certain directions that we see then then the not even a lot of these different things like i, i definitely agree with what, what, what both of the panels are saying in the context of what seems to be changing. but again, i would like to argue that i really worry about how that is. you know, whether it's the change is that even a positive change when you're really using 2 different establishment powers, a fight over who controls or live, you know that that's what i kinda see happening. but i worry that there's more collaboration on like through the like the cobra 19 era which is not really done. we saw a lot of global collaboration on things that really concerned a lot of people that were going the direction of more of a world power. and i worry that that might be in a ways what some of these are going in the direction of, even though it does seem to be more, you know, trump taking for his own interest or for the united states interest or the government. but if you look at it on a grander scale, like what we're looking at with canada, and i mean even the, even panama included or, or mexico,
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you're talking about something that's been discussed for a long time, north american union dynamic, you know, coming off the conversation of something like the european union, it's the same kind of idea. and i think this is going to a very clearly away from the idea of freedom and liberty. and i think that was the problem. is that because we're seeing things go away that we argue are obviously bad. that is tricking a lot of americans into feeling like we're going in a positive direction toward freedom. when i see all of the directions, they're taking as dramatically the other direction, even if we're seeing positive things come down. and again, we'll see what comes up underneath that. that's how i kind of see it right now. but i see these things as positive steps, but if they're simply rolling out like the fed goes away and it's simply a private stable coin, cvc, dynamic, and that's not a positive change. that's how i see it as yeah, but more work, i think also the or the word sovereignty is really important here. and, you know, pursuing a sovereignty policy, the like trump appears to be doing that. it also encourages other countries to do exactly the same thing. i mean, i'd be getting to thinking in this is early days,
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but i wonder if you know, the, the, the ideas about international law in cooperation of the 2nd half of the 20th century is going to be forgotten. we're going to go right back to the 19th century, go ahead. warwick a little way back to the 19th century, but done, but of course history channels on ron a little bit. i think one of the things that we are saying and is that um, it is, is not necessarily a complete pretended right. politics yet. bought a recognition by the united states that the, the found items of its global hegemony and its global power and are along the way. and therefore it's going to have to recalibrate its position, at least in a short time. whether that is a short term recalibration that leads to a long time system of change. whether it's really an attempt to re group is another question altogether. the recognition, i think that the debacle, the new crime is tied up amount to
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a strategic phase for the west $95.00 and of course united states. this is the dominant finance here in provider of weapons into the crime. the mess that is in the middle east of the monument, and of course the the diminution of american privacy and asia has old driven, i think i very realist, trumpet ministration. here's my more and we weren't before we go to the break. let me just ask you a quick question here. and because you know, we bad need about the term had gemini, but you know, privacy is not the same thing. crumpling. trump, once primacy, his, it, his administration is apparently not good. his driver had gemini, there 2 different things, but real quick before we go to the break. yeah, look, i think he's, he's looking to um it looks to use on the start of the, in colloquialisms he's going to matthew's territory. yeah. i'm like adult, the territory and um, and that's the 1st thing that he's going to do. and clearly he's doing that model read of that is that in part it's a, it's has a recognition of the, of the face of,
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of the united states as a global head. your mom that iraq, these are about. and that guys with the demise of the liberalism and the reassertion of american preponderance cybert's and okay, we're going to end up this part of the program on pondering some of the discuss it in the 2nd half you gentlemen, i'm going to jump in. we're going to go to a short break, and after that your break, we'll continue our discussion on transform policy. stay with our team, the the is the launch of the special military operation mold. in $13000.00 far less than the race of joining the ukrainian miller tray. we will use a lot of things are good enough to still go to another venue i need for 2 of us doing to the the what if any of them going to surely because it was trustworthy which my
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friend build for the fine you is fine. yeah. the, the but if the, yeah, the, that the surgeon at the end of what it is, i do know that, you know, for your state of mental breakdowns gets to the doctor. so as and you might have time today to cover the time to come see fun. susie, i'm going to sean, you and media con soon the vs. the back of the if cisco on top of the computer, which of the go means it is so slow because you are gone. you start us a beautiful supervisor of good or should for you. my florida. she knew was like you strong enough. listen to the physical knots, the long moons when i went to the wrong. just don't you have to shape house because the after and engagement equals the
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trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the welcome back to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle to remind you were discussing trump's new foreign policy. the okay, let's go back to daniel in new york and i'm talking to the title of this program is tax americana. and the reason why i put that there is because it seems that a new light of what we have said already in this program that there is going, there is a transition going on from pax americana, to tax america. trumpet. has this amazing affinity for a tear of taxes. he's doesn't push sanction so much, but i mean that's still in the, in the, in the cards. it's kind of,
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i'm trying to uh, break bread here with ryan because, you know, these tools here can be very much, you know, associated with the behavior of neo liberalism. it may not be a spouse to say it might be ology, but it looks for the same outcomes. daniel, or what else think it does. i disagree with that. i think that on that neo liberalism strove. ready for a new world order under us of gemini, and i think a trump is a, is a bringing in a new system based on national ecosystem. his, his, uh, his, his, um, tariffs. uh. where is that a good? is that a good thing? national eagle ism, is that a good thing? no, it's not a good thing at all. it's, it's a, it's a very bad things. beggars. i, neighbor policies are precisely the same as the same type we saw in the early thirty's. i mean it's, it's, it's one thing of trump imposes tariffs,
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but of every other country imposes terrorists and which allegation then world trade goes to 0 very, very fast. uh, and, and with that comes, uh, a serious economic uh, contraction. so uh, so trump is, you know, he's, he's bringing in a new order and questionable a, but that's not a good new order. well, um, okay, um, i can absolutely see where you're coming from here. but brian, as we're speaking right now, um, uh columbia, panama, mexico, and canada ever taking the ne, is trump on to something as well. i mean, obviously if we're just talking about whether or not he wins in his political dynamic, then he's, then he's gaining. but ultimately, this is of, i think, a negative thing, whether we're talking about the way the world sees united states policy or, but whether we're just for whether the united states is in any way what he pretends to be to the world. right? i mean, it's, it's just as imperialism naked, imperialism the way of carrying this out. what through tariffs or not, it's it's belligerent in my opinion. and again,
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go back to the point that i think this is about what like you, it's interesting. you've, you talked about like the old, like dynamic, a new world order, new liberalism, but you know, in comparison to what he's doing today. but i, frankly think it's just kind of the merging of all this stuff. it's i, this is going in that direction of a global tower, but not, i mean, it's hard to see it when you think through, through trump only as this nationalistic kind of, you know, america 1st. but that's not really what their policies are. when you look at a broader dynamic look at the what they mean, i don't see much deviation between buy insurance policy when it comes to foreign policy for ukraine for is real. and i think quite frankly, we're seeing a lot kind of just break down in that very basically us government throwing all of its agendas out for the interest of other foreign policy agenda as far as real, for example. and so if we're talking about the parents, we're talking about the new canada next to that. and we're watching things implode, things that have destroyed previous bipartisan or just, you know, any both democrat and republican administration from before that we're trying to accomplish. or just the basic idea of the rules based order that is completely
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collapse because of their foreign policy. that's not in america's interest. even right now with trumpets doing, you can argue there's interest and resources and, and, and x, y, and z. but as you were pointing out, the tariffs are only going to begin to cause more international problems for both countries, even though you see some beginning to take the knee as you put it. i think it's only got a spin out further when other countries react, and so i see in the negative and all of this a other than imperialism for jeff. yeah, i mean, why don't we get me, you in, we could really, we can figure out this entire conversation in the sense that trump wants to have a fortress western hemisphere. i mean it was being clued so apparently uh, greenland here it looks like, you know he, he wants a power block. okay. and ryan is absolutely right. i mean, as we speak right now, um, these rarely prime minister is visiting the united states. we'll see if marco rubio is approach to the world, you know, when he was on making kelly what's going on with you with a id that may all be
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a side show the in, in new cycle time, considering the vested interest, that the binding ministration and apparently will find out the trumpet administration has with the genocide going on and gaza a look. i don't think that there is a tiger and strategy at this point in time. i think that there is a kind of here and a saw switch, i guess some others have described here is a form of nationalism or an actual egoism. but what we say is a whole bunch of, of initiatives or actions that um, you know, i say to satisfy particular constituencies. and also i would say to create a particular emotional responses from the political bice and, but that's largely about heated the volume inside. we don't have a car here in strategy in relation to ukraine, promises of solving that in 24 hours. not withstanding the fact that it was a bully campaign, how terribly have amounted to nothing at this point in time. and i'm not convinced
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that there is actually a meaningful strategy at all to bring that more to a meaningful clause. that's certainly nice strategy and the license stabilizing the middle lease. then i don't believe that there is a strategy in the license or the asian pacific eva, all the reason of alignment is a consolidation loan which is around the um, the back yard, so to speak. and an assertion of regional, i'm sorry, i have a negative. so did quite clearly not in the same league. you know, it's a pretty easy thing to do as the terrace. the reality is, is that you lot of sides my own, the wheels, the, the, the big stick that at once the, in i am and, and that's mainly because the united states contribute to not more than 15 percent of global will trade today, which is down from 20 percent on the 6, he is a guy. frankly, it is just less important, relatively speaking, and sort of has less impact in terms of with policies brakes,
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nations i able to adjust, should they have a 100 percent tariff imposed on them within all of this to my 2 and a half to 3 is to fully comp insights, so the last of the us, my, the us in the main. com will take the training for 5 and 10 years and possibly even longer to adjust to a loss of the industrial machinery. the robotics and not to mention the rule. materials have comes from the rest of the world, you know, when you've been living on devices of i use for the last 3540 years and you come to the realization that at some point a really call them the names real things. it's a bit of a shopping realization of the world doesn't need american. i are using the why once the that's just the reality, daniel, this new approach. and i think all of us would agree it's, it's in its formative stage right now, or maybe it's just the one off. they wanted to go after this agency. and ned could follow, which would be great in my opinion. but daniel,
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they've been given the trajectory, at least this. this is trump's approach, making the world more or less safe. oh, it's making us far less safe. i mean, 1st of all, number one, i mean you have to where you're told with things like you use phrases like trumps approach. trump is a highly erratic individual. yeah. i mean, is a really a med tech. there's a certain kind of lodge, but in what he's doing, but he has not thought this out fully, and he's gonna get in big trouble very, very soon. the just stabilizing effects are profound. i mean, i think the, you know, the, the, the, the weakening of nato will have dramatic fx throughout the region, concepts. so it might actually feed the war up and ukraine rather than the tamping it down. this is a and that, of course, the middle east. i mean,
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i mean that yahoo is now trumps both of them. how he is the he is the trump whisper . and so uh, so essentially he's running the entire middle east as a proxy for the us. and that is pretty extraordinary. and that does not. ready a more peaceful region, obviously. right, i'd like to point out though that i go ahead and go ahead, jump in. i'd like to point out that i think that it's, it's worth considering and it's, i'm of the opinion that it's possible you go the way around, right. the idea that we're watching all of these things, but as you pointed out, are, are not in the, i mean you can say for instance, greenland and minerals that meet are either resources. there's of interest for americans. it might be positive for short term game or maybe long term game, but ultimately it's, i think like i said, in that positive and a lot of different reasons that are imploding, a lot of things for a long term american interest. and i think that that benefits is real and a lot of ways and that's more abstract. i think for some people, unless you understand some long term policy that they will just to be frank that,
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that people like then go there and smoke church. and some of the more radical people are openly talking about, which is the stabilisation of 4 countries. weaponized migration, these, these are with statements by then just so that's clear. but so thinking about how these things like people with nato. i think you could argue that these things benefit what they're trying to accomplish in the world. and let's not forget that even the promises of the ending funding for ukraine or israel for that matter, both have been broken even recently, despite the pause, even though they what is really huge of continue trump, then through poland for through israel sent weapons back to you create that just happen. so it just seems to be even challenging with on promises to his base. i think i see all of this is in the interest of at least 4 and countries as opposed to united states. but i would say israel, i think that's worth considering a war waco of last 40 seconds. go to you back and given what we've heard from daniel and ryan, is there a coherent strategy here? go ahead 35 seconds. there's no kind of you and strategy. it's um, it's a series of emotionally driven reactions to changes in the world that trump is
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coming to grips with. it is a function of a deep side of displacement. i'm the see from a country and a man who has experienced um, a world that was dramatically different and where the united states that have a pinnacle that's my level of okay. yeah it's, it's quite fascinating. the, the, the, the new administration is inherent in a world very, very different than the 1st administration of trump. it's really quite fascinating . and i guess we'll all agree, we'll see where it all goes it's, it's very difficult to keep track of what's going on here. i want to thank my, i guess in a natural new york and in brisbane. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember across the the,
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in 1941, the radical right wing was stone show organization seized power and from the independent state of croatia. cool on the 10th which kind of a problem with it's still a system of these 3. i mean, one of the main targets was children, historical sources say because gosh, killed over 72000 children business it. my god, they have done of all of you know is that that of course i say you for implant down by may have done one up front that they have just done with general just well a, b, c on that. and even the germans themselves are horrified by the atrocities committed by the stash reflection of that. so there's a lot to deal with global mistakes. theme is that we saw on
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structure cost me. it could be decided not to allow me just a little research on the do you actual take over the guys this trip and we will do a job with it to load it for us president shops the well with an unprecedented plan to take control of garza and displace palestinians from a land owner from claims everyone loves the idea that so far i need benjamin netanyahu public. the place that you are the greatest friend his room is ever had in the white house to give us the patience of the main hospitals that served the holding gauze as trip towels in terms of video tricks and mid to take full of the population. here we
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