tv News RT February 5, 2025 6:00am-6:31am EST
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the, the do you as well take over the guys a script and we will do a job with it too. without it. see you as president and sales are shocking plan to take control of gaza and forth palestinians from their land. donald trump claims everyone loves the idea, but so far, benjamin netanyahu is the only foreign leader to endorse it. you are the greatest friend as well as ever, had in the white house, the total, the best patience of the main hospitals that served the holding gauze as trip dollars in terms of the dent tricks. and we had to take for the population. here we report from inside the shattered hospital in the wake of the idea of salt on
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northern gaza. that's let thousands of palestinians without access to live saving treatment plus, despite usa id, having helped to provoke the ukraine crisis in the 1st place. those who relied on money from the notorious american agency now claim the trans won't survive without more after the white house suspended funding the . i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching our t international. the us will own and rebuild guys that was sending the enclave entire palestinian population to other countries. that is the bombshell plan announced by president trump after talks with the as really prime minister at the white house. or do you as well take over the gaza strip and we will do a job with the 2 without it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous,
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unexploded bombs and other weapons on the side, the level of the side and get rid of the destroyed buildings level it add, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area. and then it should not go through a process of rebuilding an occupation by the same people that have really sit there and fought for it. and lives there and died there, then lived a miserable existence there. instead, we should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts. and there are of many of them that want to do this and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the $1800000.00 palestinians living and gaza endings at death and destruction. and frankly, bad luck. i said this before, and i'll say it again. you are the greatest friend as well as ever had in the white
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house. well, we can say the told me to yahoo he calling to be more than sees. yes, it's was a historic visit or a place that's how it's really prompted to describe the despite visiting the white house full teen times before that more than any other born leader is really prominent or cold. this the most significant visits on his can we and there was a reason for that back home that and yeah. who is under tremendous pressure and negotiations on the 2nd phase of his these 5 do with him. us kicked off monday and then yeah. who's stuck in the middle as he's focused called ition parkers are demanding the war was you immediate, the full day bring down his government position already said they step in to support the call. ition is needed, but missing the apple business and much, much interested the he needs us back in to navigate this. mine failed,
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not supposed to go live lines from his rivals, and it looks like he's guessing moved and he could ever expected trump for my real estate developer. later out. clearly the west plans to take control altogether. strube this mental terrorist infrastructures and a receipt is reconstruction with wealthy neighboring nations footing. the bill from coals that have the gaza strip and middle east riviera, rebuilt with international investments and according to trump, everybody loves the idea to go. i said in to the american president, you're talking tonight about the united states taking over a sovereign territory. what authority would allow you to do that? are you talking about a firm, an occupation there? re development? i do see a long term ownership position. i see it bringing great stability to that part of the middle east and maybe the entire middle east said everybody i have spoken to
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this is not a decision made lively. everybody i've spoken to loves us. the idea of the united states owning that piece of land developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent. well trying to dismiss the idea of his reading, supplements, and gaza colon. a dangerous and unnecessary hills are ruled out palestinian authority control over the street saying it's impossible a stance newtonian who has long pushed for one thing his clear on him as has no future. just like mentioned yahoo again. trump is calling for its complete destruction. and once again, the last leader is reviving his most controversial proposal. forcibly relocating guys is around 1500000 people to foreign countries. no trust ages or jordan. he claims all their states will eventually agree to right now they say no, but the drum says and then says that they will come around. so all the countries, the american president is banking on even remotely on the same page. but state
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compass and it is imperative that israel does not annex any palestinian land. such annexation will simply run to the 2 state solution and viable dipole, taishan of palestinians from the land will push the region towards more tension. conflict and instability. such a move will not only be a clear violation of international law, it will be a threat to regional stability and security palestinians do not want to leave the land. we completely support that position. i have a feeling that despite them saying, no, i have a feeling that the king in jordan and that the general president. but the general in egypt will open their hearts and will give us the kind of land that we need to get this done. and people could live in harmony and peace. thank you all very much . thank you very much. well, as phone isn't, yeah. he comes the more and sees
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a as to cause where the problem and it's appraised from leadership. he's out until the bolts thinking and his ability to get things done, not just in 4 weeks, but in 4 more years. meanwhile, is really reactions to trans proposal already for any families of his really hostages, the response was outrage for them. and for many's ways, there is still unfinished business, 17 non applique teams remaining guys. i was there to napping. that triggered israel's invasion months ago. the war that has so far left over 60000 killed on missing according to gases, communications administrative form of hostage families issued a blistering statement, often from suspicion, saying they were shocked to hear a talk of gather future before securing the release of those still trapped inside they reminded nathan. yeah. and trump the team and lives are in stakes. and that's a long term plans for guys and must come after the hostages. come back home,
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you have to wait and see if this visit and this mission between trump and mentioned . yeah. we actually, we shape the region. moss has rejected drums proposal on the future of guys and branding it a quote recipe for creating chaos. well, palace times and bass there to the united nations as people should be allowed to return to the homes. taken from them by israel our country um overall is the, uh, does the strip. it's part of palestine. we have no home for those who will want to send them to a happy, nice place. let them go back, you know, to their original homes inside is right. there was, there are nice places that day will that be happy to return to these places. but in the meantime, i'll uh, i'll, our home line is our home. and if a part of it is destroyed, the guys a strip the fellow see me and people have selected the choice to return to it. but
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i've seen them people at the end wouldn't make that determination. their determination would they want to clean the destruction and guys, they want to rebuild because they want to rebuild the schools, the hospitals and most of the enclave rabbits, hospitals have been forced to shut down, leaving thousands without live saving care. local journalist from yamaha or a reports from what used to be the main health facility in northern garza as we are now, as it came out loud loud hospital and the nose in the valley. a repeat d. can it? no thing goes off. this hospital has been particularly exposed to a mess. it is really action is really our reaction during the war that has been lost against the goals us rep for 15 months. now, this, what remained from the hospital is that the bus station is after run to all the divisions, all of the departments of this particular hospital,
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which has originally served both bid, yet directs ad maternity for not only for get value, but also for the nose in gaza strip downs of bay to noon. they lie here and also jump out of the town and devalue, repeat deacons. now hold on to so that we're now working on building a make shift field hospital to serve these grieving people in the damaged areas. that is all we can do for the time being for the hospital as a whole. we can do nothing but remove the structure and rebuild it from scratch and they then look back. the situation is very difficult. if my daughter gets sick, where should i go? the hospital is completely gone. we could go to gaza city, but gaza city is also destroyed including roads and transport to gaza. it's very difficult over time. we are now as the emergency department of the come out of the hospital, a nosing goal is us trip. this emergency department,
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along with other deposit have been completely destroyed and damaged because of the must have is really army actions against the hospital in the past to 3 months for the hospital has the and i feel so sad as we did. don't think that the destruction would be those bad when we evacuated. it seems they wanted to wife to come out with one hospital which stood as a landmark off the mountains. we just currently, there's no medical facility in the north. this call is often so this is really catastrophic. it's a terrible situation. pediatricians need a place to treat the patients. also pregnant women need a place to get, need his medical aid and due to the difficulty of reaching medical facilities in western gauze, a city the situation is catastrophic or to this hospital has been all was serving the pediatric and maternity not only for the repeat g cup of devalue, but also for the other towns of the northern gauze. this trip, including the bates,
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i have bates known and evaluated down in the northern gauze as trip we are now heading for the be deactivated department, and particularly the on to bates. so this is the department that was the department of the video networks that served the children of the nosing, galls us dread before the israeli army actions at coast. this must've destruction of the hospital as we are, is able to see now we are, we are in the incubator department that was at serving good. the big detrick's, the. the ones who are the babies for the nosing garza strep. as you might see, the destruction is i presented to clear and every corner of this particular department of the hospital that has been completely or partially damaged because of
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the as really army actions over the past 3 months. as you might see here, yes, these are the remains of the hospitals, particularly the incubator, right at this place. that's the scene. that's the scene totaled the best ation off of the main hospitals that served the nose in gaza strip 1000 terms of the detrick's and maternity for the population here who are to made it up to about 500000 palestinians, not only the destruction, but also the human sloughs as 70 does to nail, including doctors, nurses, and other stuff. workers have been actually killed during the, as really must've operations against the hospital in the past. the 3 months. also actually 60 a 1st. so now have been detained by these are in the army including the chief of
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the hospital. the doctor has um, most of the that is the situation of the come out. how do i in the hospital, as you might have seen the divisions that have been had the, a ambulance uh, the uh, archive is the external or the outpatient. the linux also that bid yet directs and as well as the mentor li section, and all the sections of the hospital have been already damaged a. they are completely mainly completely and spatially. this is a part of the destruction of the gods as a hospital. that's the other guy, there's hospitals that are numbered at about $55.00 mos on. so 2 of them have been out of service because of the war, including that come out loud one hospital where we are now.
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all right, joining us now from babe ruth is academic and research her high out our, her very high on good to have you on the program with us, a mazda in gaza and the palestinian authority in the west bank have both slammed drums. proposal saying the enclave that people will not leave their land. how do you think the white house expects to actually implement? implement this plan? a yes. hi. a 1st. let me start by editing the information or story back to a few years ago or decades ago. the question of the normalization between the societies or the arb states of this or it was called to them, an even a acceptable event to talk about it or to mention it's 2 years later as to the dates of the media of to talking about the extensive to be on the media action needed this project or the concept has been introduced into 3 to the data side use as we saw that some of states already normalize the relations that with is right
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now and some other parts of the other states. full. where does using the idea they are now the bathing and talking about the idea. so the same concept as the statements approach is applied here to the question of this placement of the people that people are sending us from goes up and also from the west bank because the project as the one, it's just the same job. and the, what is going on is doesn't that to be best. and if the, there's a big danger on this today. so they've got to send you a certificate immunization of existence on the right of us and. and there are serious uh, thoughts and the plans in order to display sleep on a student input from the land in order to apply it to different the sizes as trump was saying yesterday in the name also, you might see the name of the construction and the name of economic investments and so on. but this is unfold now, a to mind way,
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opinion that is going on since 1948 at today's they are expressing gets a publicly offensively without a need, a constant or, and he's a be under a different type of. so what is going on is this is a serious now, this is i, c s that i don't know the, the, the ups aside do the people who are not accepted the people to augusta 1st, the by the student instances, whether in does the west fund, they wouldn't method accepted, but it started to the best of this is one of these tactics usually get some use in order to pass this project. he is starting to test the a lie or the response of 1st the populations of the other states, how they will deal with it. and then we should need a mention. how is this thing that despite the fuse,
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it'd be public announcements of each of, of georgia, that they are, will not accept the displacements of the people that goes up p a. d to move the law that they will eventually of the accept this proposal or so what is this? is this president trump saying out loud that there is no chance of a 2 state solution for the middle east because his predecessor present by then while he was heavily criticized for arming israel during the war and gaza, at least by the end officially did back a 2 state solution, a dozen to see if this is, if i, if i big see or hear a steps american stuff that there is no possible solution or possible a possibility for to space solution. actually, we know that the u. s. is backing is right and this so if you go to here and we have to question was all the thoughts about a to space solution by the us administration. and the previous us administration
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specs. the us of this patients with just the goods mover in order to teach this a through again, 5 most of the promises for people that's to me is to have a good life and defense. and that's also on our, the humanitarian of the construction project. so in my opinion, yes, we know that is, or whether it's through a right wing or the last week of the is it, or is there a this, they do not believe in 2 states solution. and they said that the clearly, i know we are witnessing the u. s. o for all this attention, on effect this decision that there is no possibility of tools based solution and cost us what was going on if the truck is ready to actually implement the cloud. this we need toward cost mix of $2.00 more wars, not only and both sides, but also a, this one due to instability in the one other vision. because this issue does not,
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that's all the 1st time it is related directly to the national security of the hold up states. yeah. and should go back also. yeah. be fair to will when the mention that they want to expand. those are 8030 threes to other countries and the to 2 days ago. and you said that when he used them at the, for the east, the take them is what i define. and the, at the, at the, the is there is a sophomore in and called, compared to the east of that we should expect based on the expense industry. yeah. i mean, you know, trump had floods to the, to bring peace to the middle east. that's why a lot of people in america voted for him because he was a candidate who said he wanted to bring peace. how does this plan fulfill that campaign promise? and obviously that was, it seems a, that's a piece according to transition. and if we, you notice,
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he says that he wants to include the piece by force, a piece according to his own vision. and the, as you notice yesterday, during the main thing, he said that he started by introducing this concept of the american piece by saying that the only way to establish these on vacation in most times. and it will chance, i'm very sure it is to displace the product and he has to give them another lot as if it is easy to display people up to push them off from their last and to give them incentives, economic incentives, and a good to you might tell you in a living conditions, this will not work and it should not work. they shall know is called the other states, literally spa, and more importantly that we, the other people should be aware that the u. s. is not working for their own interest. it's working for its own interest and the interest in because both of them have the same interest, one interest actually. so we should not for the same that up on the same mistakes
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regarding the previous a plans, the projects in which this was at the beginning, unacceptable base it on due to media consumption, it became acceptable to the u. s. at the us bank in the usa requirements and at positions. so here again, a drum is be the think actually he believes himself that he is a matter of you see. so the, just the dates, but according to its own vision, which is more cosmic, either you abide by my orders, whether you like it or not. or we will put sanctions on you as we've been forced you to a part of lots of other issues. and this is a big problem, this is not needs to be actually what is going on, what situation is, i guess international or new? and i guess also this is for an agreement between right? does a visit?
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i okay, we're living in a world where war is peace. now academic and research are high. l, her very thank you. i think you print in n z o's are in a panic over the suspension of usa id programs by the jump administration. pro key of projects have been on for and the live support for years and cannot function without western funds. the trade in a workers are voicing a grim outlook for civilians. you know for us 3 of them. i can just imagine what a difficult moment they are in and how important it is to save these people. because if we cannot save them, then they will either die or be forced to become russians. well, however, usa id programs have reads to far beyond the purely humanitarian goals in that ukraine over the years are to correspond to donald quarter explains how the notorious american agency actually helped provoke the crisis in the 1st place. ukraine's that us puppet state and washington is used and g o is to control
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t. uh for years. it's a stark fact that people in the us are bringing more and more attention to this covers everything zalinski is allowed to do on security issues. and who is this message coming from? it's coming from the us state department that makes you create a book like a vassal state. so ukraine is not allowed to negotiate with russia. in less ukraine's dog owners, the us state department, let's them. so who is really running your country? and with key of under washington, some that means vladimir zalinski is to, within his very 1st month in office. so lensky was sent a letter signed by around 70 n g o's laying down a bunch of red lines that the new president must not cross. the letter itself was relate through the ukraine crisis media center, which surprised surprise is bank rolled by usa? i d, the state department, and a bunch of other n g o's,
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also funded by them. they all even promised to destabilize the country, should zalinski decide not to play nice. as civil society active as we present a list of red lines, not to be crossed, should the president cross these red lines. such actions will inevitably lead to political instability in our country. and the deterioration of international relations along the sacred red lines are supporting the russian orthodox church and revising laws connected to language and education that might, in any way protect russians. even holding peace. negotiations with russia is a no go for the countries own government. it goes to show the lensky did exactly as he was told, considering the current band on negotiations, and all the anti russian legislation passed during his term compared with his rhetoric for the campaign trail, just as the virtual green article 10 of the constitution of ukraine says ukrainian is the official language, the country and the government must support and develop the russian and the
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minority languages. it's not necessary to try to suppress them to try to suppress the russian language. okay. yes. in terms of the ukrainian media, they've pretty much all been kept in business this long thanks to usa i. d. so the organizations recent shut down, understandably, has the propagandist shaking in their boots. they try to justify their existence as somehow being independent and therefore different from russia. independent, ukrainian media is a key element, distinguishing us from porting russia. it is the voice of our values, our freedom and democracy, which makes ukrainian society resilient. even in the most difficult times. the irony of it all is that any and all media that did not tow a pro key of line have long been banned and ukraine and the outlet still around are precisely so because they are not independent from usaid. not only are they being controlled by cab and the west, but they are even used as instruments of censorship and cooperation with western
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media corporations. the new voice of ukraine syndicates with yahoo news folks. ukraine is a fact checking partner with meta, which assist and removing content deemed russian this information from facebook. instagram and whatsapp detected media has similarly let a consortium of non profit groups pressuring social media platforms to aggressively remove content critical of ukraine. the rabbit hall of western domination goes even deeper. remember russia gave? well, according to former us official, mike then john mccain's original source for the christopher steel dos documents was a guy named david kramer, is a former employee of the state department who made regular appearances at events organized by that usa. i. d funded ukraine crisis media center after the euro. my don qu, in 2014. and so it's a very humbling experience for me to be back here. and to see this 1st hand freedom
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house has been very dedicated to providing support to ukraine. the kremlin propaganda is trying to paint everything that happened in ukraine is being caused by fascist, in extremis. before you're on my don kramer worked at another state department funded and g o called freedom house, which russia has specifically flagged as a vehicle of american foreign policy interest. as far back as 2004 and 2 main stream politicians were raising their eyebrows at freedom house and just how much money was going to ukraine through the organization. how did this one sided us funding and ukraine come about? while i'm afraid we may have seen only the tip of the iceberg. one part that we do know thus far is that the us government, through the us agency for international development, granted millions of dollars to the poland america, ukraine cooperation initiative, which is administered by the us based freedom house, the rates of usa,
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i. d even touches breeze. well, that's right, hunter biden's company in ukraine, justice hunter joined its board of directors. bismark cut a deal with the state department recently is not a chair with bruce was not a humanitarian private energy corporation or profit gas companies. why do they have a formal m, o u y d or the usa emails saying that we are supporting very useful usaid funding for each month? you have these connections completely, all over a 100 by himself was on the board of the national democratic institute, which is the n c branch of the c i's most notorious, cut out the national down for democracies. a 100 themself is running through those networks. and 2023 usa i. d spending in ukraine skyrocketed to 5 times. it's 2022 level, reaching a whopping $1300000000.00 for that year alone with ukraine being the most corrupt country and all of europe. there's no doubt a lot of the pockets have been lined hunter biden's. zelinski is wives and who
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knows who else has the right to stay with us here on our to international. i'm back with more and half an hour. in the meantime, visit our website, or to the com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the such element as was very, excuse this little boy. and that's really curious. what is it which commend immutable sort of senior for us to bring a bridge? if for example, as i said, i was just going to get upset, so thank you for asking before, but really color supplementing, group more interest, your old sample of me, the virginia probably do you too much too much. you to do it here. i see it the look at it on it the way it looked to sign it at all, but i mean it, obviously i'm reading something we need to go to pennsylvania where the photos get those renewals uh the critical security rather go to share contacts and uh, find your thoughts on you, his products. cool. cool. something is anybody. so looking at a mediator with the vehicle for through the screening system, the see the start using.
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