tv News RT February 5, 2025 7:00am-7:31am EST
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the, the, the democratic republic of the congo demands and immediate withdrawal of the m 23, and rwanda increases from its territory. following the forces declaration of unilateral humanitarian, it seems to fire. we discuss the evolving situation with through wanda's. that's person. meanwhile, residents of goma in the dark, the struggle under dire conditions with severe water and power shortages intensifying the humanitarian prices. yes, most of us are suffering as we don't have any connection, no network, no electricity in the water. these are very serious problems, and we are also scared to us. we'll take over the guys a script and we will do a job with it to load it. and the us president unveils as shocking plan to take
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control of gaza and force palestinians and from their land. donald trump claims everyone loves the idea, but so far, benjamin netanyahu is the only foreign leader to endorse that you are. the greatest friend is room is ever had in the white house, the . your watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital . the democratic republic of congo has demanded the immediate withdrawal of m. 23 rebels and rolanda and forces from the eastern city of goma in a bid to restore stability and ensure humanitarian access. following 2 weeks of violence classes, m $23.00 has declared a cease fire, but they are seized for administer and says that in order for a pass to aid to be re stablished,
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goma must 1st be demilitarized. the m $23.00 group insist that it's unilateral. pause across the east of the country will allow humana turned perfect to begin. the parent military group has control of the key city in the region which borders lawanda. situation remains dire with m. 23 and legibly backed by rolanda and seizing the local airports. there are reports of up to 2000, that's 10 tens of thousands being displaced. 0 c officials are describing the aftermath of the recent hostilities as catastrophic with a surgeon crime and the destruction of a central facilities as humanitarian organizations that struggle with severe shortages, residence, voice. their fears to yes, most of us are suffering as we don't have any connection, no network, no electricity in the water. these are very serious problems. and we're also scared . some of us lost many things,
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making the situation even harder. and those are for the route. what them, what do i, you know, we can't do anything because we don't have electricity and because of that, thieves are always coming at night, as they know the power is out. if we don't have electricity, then we cannot even sleep unless people have solar power or the sun is already up. and we'll use that. they are saves information and communication administer patrick and we, i told us in an exclusive interview that the classes are a demonstration of rwanda's aggression on condo. it was as easy to, it's an aggression because you sold the gra one to mobilize nearly $10000.00 soldiers and special forces to make an assault on the city of come up with the clear aim of committing cottage, the most abominable crimes. first we saw how they attacked him. a new sco peacekeepers. they bombed camps for displaced people and hospitals. the only idea was tara, they were met with fierce resistance from our forces and so that you have it. there's no other word for it. then aggression, which means the country deliberately leaves its bold as limits to enter another
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country with the aim to kill domestic, and to occupy a certain space for awhile, and then use the emphasis use minister there is a process underway. the lawanda process which divides the 2 parties, rolanda and the d r. c. on the issue of direct dialogue with the m 23. and as for today, has the situation not changed in such a way as to force the con, the least government in relation to the occupation we're talking about here, to force the government to enter into direct dialogue with m. 23 today, vicar, possibly a one that true? yes. good. why should we engage in dialogue with them? because the rwandans killed thousands of cum gleese because they bomb to town. is that the bonus we should give them? know we have to be clear and consistent here. the president of the republic, we have never refused dialogue, but we want these dialogues to be undertaken in an organized framework cooled the nairobi process when we were in the wanda on december 15th, that's where we were supposed to end the situation. the president kind of made did
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not come, but while we, with the we had president, can you out to with us, the honorary president of kenya kenyatta. he was there because it is he who conducts the political process where discussions must take place, including with them 23. so now on what basis would that be? they going to tell us because we're one that has killed, but we're already at the table with rolanda. what are the problems today presented by rwandans? the famous falls pretext presented by rwandans. what problems have not been addressed in the, on the discussions is today. we already have the solution on paper, but it's obvious here that for the rwandans, that's what's important to them. it's not about moving towards a solution for peace. it's about maintaining the war in the d. c, so that they can continue the process of pillaging so that they can continue to prospect behind the backs of the congo and the blood of the companies people. and that is the only project to the man who has costs now to the rwandan government spokesperson, yolanda mcculla to discuss this further yolanda good to have you on the program
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with us the d i. c, information and communication minister, set in an interview that ro, wanda, is to blame for the recent escalation. i'd like to hear your thoughts on that stance. this seems to be something that the dear c officials have really become fixed, but about in placing the blame on all the people instead of taking responsibility for governance and security in the territory. what grande's doing right now is assuring that out of borders by defend it, and then i'll people a face. we have a security threat. aloha board that has been created by the dear c failing to address the issue of f. the lar genesee there who brought us to genocide and there are no fighting alongside the new york to kill the old people. and also to talk, rhonda, we have to defend ourselves against this. the d r c has to take responsibility for its own territory and for the people not fighting them. so he also pointed out that
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dialogue is not in real. wanda's interest is that accurate? you can say whatever he wants to say, we have been very consistent to that there is no military solution. so the conflict in eastern new york but can only be a political process left by the region led by the african union to get us out of this conflict. but us taking too long, we have boldest been open to talking. so in the regional process and to be the leaders of african lead us, we're meeting this process and we want more than just talk, handshakes and thoughts as soon as you want real action in the ground, the dear, she has no political will to implement as of the things that you have agreed upon into stocks. he mentioned the present because i'm going to wonder what for when the d r c continues to violate to cease fire continues to attack. you told people in kill his own people and also kind of talks against wonder. this took care of both sides of each of these mo, uh, they have to be really interested in peace and engage in the,
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in the political process with goodwill. we can attempt to do that, then we have always been ready to do, got to into clear thoughts, image showing that big of sustainable long term solution to the customer to eastern bureau. see we need peace and we want peaceful the know anyone else here. so it doesn't tell us what is the situation in the d r c right now. and what role has rwanda played that? i cannot speak for the dear seats, but i know right across. so the company's minutes still speaking to customer loan because we are in control. so what i can tell you is what's happening versatile, border here in goma, right next to all of the main city in the, in the west of wonder, oh, that's, you know, if you can, of cuz from uh, from the, from what i, what we understand is that the situation established that the m 23 has declared a ceasefire or unilateral cease fire. that takes will 2 days. that's a good thing. the done this. the can't have done this for community reasons. that's
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very good. so that life can be get back to normal. and also this gives face for the political dialogue to continue so that we get back on the path to a trip to a solution. yolanda so that m $23.00 has declared a unilateral cease fire for humanitarian reasons. why unilateral and how likely do think it is that it will last as well? we don't hoping that to be less does we need it. you know that during the fighting and go my we lost 16 people from across the board to show him the police officers were directory. a talking of the shooting into one of the, from the airport. we lost 5016 people and those property those damaged. so we happy to hear that there's a cease fire and the increased security in goma increase safety falls for civilians . so that's something that we're, we're happy about you actual because that's what they can do. i guess i don't see.
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i don't know if the shop is interested in, in the school. and if they're interested in finding the, talking to the old people to enter the 3 and resulting this through a political process that we're wandering president has previously said. he didn't know if the country's troops were present in the d. r. c. has the government been able to determine whether or not troops are there for the present? because i'm a little exasperated by that question because he's said that so many times and the full postpone of whether or not to run the troops and the dear c obscures a big question of why would there needs to be any kind of scope of action like that it's because one of the legitimate security interest, i'm not taking into account, i'm gonna take it seriously. we have troops defense on our board is defending our borders and ensuring ensuring that nothing comes comes across with the immune and
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it's going to attacks from the receipt. we also have an offensive fulcher, so the anything that comes across the border is dealt with before it gets to the border. we have the funding o territory and ensuring that the conflict does not spill over onto the boss side of the water and, and home loans and everyone who lives here. so that's our responsibility. and this is what the present has been trying to get across the board along and then um, it seems that people are ignoring this uh, this requirement for security for wonder. uh oh, don't care. but the good thing is that we can, we care about protecting one that we care about ensuring that we're all they see from the mess of groups, discussion groups for in forces that are affecting the d. r. c. putting this genesee, their group, the f to allow those fucking alongside the companies on what do you make of the r c . and us accusations that were wanda supports the m, $23.00 militants. what it means, do we understand what the entity,
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3 level group is fighting for us? we we emphasize with the supervisor, bear with us. so we know what it is they are up against because the companies to tease in the east on b or c have been systematically persecuted for jacobs. but it's a group that is fighting for their guys who have survived well. what we know this because we see what's happening. eastern gear, see we've seen the ethnic cleansing. that's happening there. we have over a 100000 communities. refugees in one to many, many more in uganda, and even as far as kenya. so these are fiji is having a rough to go back to their lives, but to be safe enough to be to be chased from their homes and to be killed for the properties to be stolen. particularly by this generosity their group. that slide. one thing that you need to find a subtlety we spent the receipts for those 2 security and konami are expected to
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attend to the east african communities summit. is it possible that talks could take place while they're there? and we're open to talking to anybody who is interested in the political solution to this conflict, including the president of the dear, see if that makes sense here. and it's serious. we will be going to the summit, the joint summit of east africa communicate with southern african development, the, the group we're looking for to this. we think it's an opportunity to, to get back on track and to fund we have a solution for the people of this region. what kind of negotiations if at all, are rolanda holding on the current situation. we want the sd lar, which is this london genesee there, that is in the d r c. to be neutralized. well, the help of the book that is happening right now with the government of deer c, financing and fighting alongside them, them stronger. now this group that they have ever been and they're more of
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a data to us than they have ever been. we want them neutralized, this is what the law under the toxic and i'm going to well about neutralizing this group. we want the refugees for here from scattered around the region to release the to see refugees. to go back to the homes and be safe. they're safe from persecution. safe from attacks, from the hate speech to the government of the receipt has been propagate to forego the form. and we would also like to see all these foreign forces that uh, have a keep have, uh uh, you know, coordination and accumulated alone on motors to, to, to leave because its a security threat for us as well. so before able to get to backup truck with the political process, then there will be no need to for the dear see to all sorts of security to buy the armies or to you appear missionaries or to. but after the large, you know, see there for to the was a lender group is a rock type of munitions ethnic militias that are roaming east of the are seeing the inner cat international community has widely condemned the violence in eastern
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d r. c, with the un secretary general, telling rolanda to remove its troops from the country. what's your response to, um, what, what are your thoughts on these comments for the, the response from the international community on this crisis? and i think the statements betray a lack of understanding which really isn't possible to, to consider, given that they see what's happening here or just neglect or for what all countries needing to social security. the un has been present, been but the r c for jacobs. but the piece of the peacekeeping meet the soho peacekeeping mission, when the school has been there for about 20 years more than 25 years. and they have achieved nothing, but it is me. see, there was suppose to this problem, the s b large and other ethnic condition and the dear see they never did so. so we find ourselves in a situation where we send the receipt, which is right along the border. it's all dangerous. nobody's ever been. so the un,
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so if they want to be useful for this situation, they fall festival have to show that they understand what the problem is and then backed up in the right way to eliminate these the security threats and to protect the community that we send to you are see that having persecuted systematically for years and years and ensure that the governments of pure sea cope the government of the receipts to take charge of governance, the security of the country. and to ensure that the people are safe from discrimination and persecution of that's the way to to get locked a piece. there are accusations, this conflict is really about control over minimal resources, including where metals that are used by western companies to manufacture electronics are. is there any accuracy to those claims? so it's a, it comes up a lot. but i think the,
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the whole discussion on this is completely misguided, one to have no mineral companies in the dear. so you don't have any mineral industry there. i think the companies that have the money up to between the deer see a well known logistically spend, dear, see no to solve people, but total of, of you know, see and concern. great. other promises very far from, from the one in florida. we know, we know these companies off, you know, which countries they come from. these are the rich countries, different countries that are putting obviously statements and then misinforming, people in the real causes of conflict in video. see, so that conversation about minerals is displaced. it seems to be necessary to them and quite frankly it's, it's really offensive because it's, uh, it makes us look offer because of this, we have no politics. i think you have no reason to live in a safe place and take charge of what is to be for, for the business of the rest of the world for the rest of the world. so we reject our position completion. there are claims, however,
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that rwanda is plundering that they are, sees resources. how would you comment on that? as i said, the people were plundering the d. r. c, a well known as the ones who have the capacity to to, to, to conduct real mining, industrial level mining in the deer feet. these companies are well known. those are the ones who should be asked to deal with the government. we cannot take responsibility for the guessing governments dysfunction. i mean, the ability to take charge of economy that's up to don't stick. they're supposed to be the key for that and to ensure that they are the people benefit from the wealth . that is the natural resources, the world from their natural resources. they're not doing that. you kind of played wonderful that we are taking care of all countries trying to do the best of school with what we have, including the miracles that we have in rhonda to make sure that it's the mind responsibly and that we're able to get the money to my benefit that we can, for our people in ensure that we're getting the money is plugged back into our
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economy with wonderful able to benefit the teachers to be sure to take charge and ensure that the people are benefiting from uh, from the natural world. many complex and africa have historical roots in the colonial era. the division of africa took place without taking into account any of the realities on the ground. this is conflict in the day are see also have plenty of footprint. yeah, absolutely. i mean, the board is that we see today the board along where the conflict is happening. what's decided in berlin? in 188418. 85 of the, the artificial voters that divided families, the divided communities. but what's important is that we are living with those borders and the agreement with the african union as well as, but the people who find themselves been those borders of citizens of both countries . so whether you are the co release of the one inheritance purchased the speaker,
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can you wonder whether you're to see it so for you should be able to enjoy your full rights coal as a company citizen? this is the crux of the problem. so yes, there is a very profound impact of to be, that'd be totally, a drone board is fearful, not confident, but it shouldn't be happens all over the continent. why is it that it's just hearing the dear see that the people are persecuted from? you know, being accused of being independent, they're all countries. we have examples in other countries or communities, whether divided their living by piece of age during the rest of us citizens. unfortunately, tommy's press secretary accused cnn of admitting statements from the final broadcast of their interview on the escalation. what's your reaction to that? well, they wish everything substitute to media was, was conveyed in full then accurately. when we don't always get to wait, that's fine. they're the ones who are on the platform. we'll do our best to convey
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all position as best as we can. i'm, i'm, i'm happy that my colleague was able to then go on social media and mix all of these corrections. so we do the best we'd love to come about on these these medias that don't belong to us. all right, we're gonna leave with our yolanda, my colo run for london government spokesperson, thank you for your time. thank you. and in south africa classes erupt in between the congress, community and local police. those crowds gathered in pretoria, angered by the deadly activity of m. 23 fighters. the protesters have also blamed rolanda for the surge of violence. in the d. r condo, people have been waving posters in support of the south africa, national defense for submission stationed in the or condo. the mission confirms 14 of their soldiers have died in the fighting with a situation in eastern they are congress still far from stable. we discussed events with the head of the con, the least dias for, and russia. he says the country has been abandoned. well,
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people continue to die. a victor atlantis the due to the intensity of the current fighting. there is already a significant displacement of the population, which is causing problems in the field of health. the d. c has always suffered from color, a fever ended by law. as for the issues of food security, this war has been going on for a long time. the population has been left in a miserable situation, and i think it really is a disaster. the only problem, along with the rosie, it is true that the conflict has been going on for 3 decades. several countries, particularly western ones, have condemned the m 23 offensive to me. that what is the weight of this condemnation in practice, and when poor fits going down no, soon this condemnation does not mean anything because this is a rule. it has been going on for 3 decades. and if they were able to ended, they would have done so long ago. but what we see today is just proceed towards the d. c, which is currently being left to itself and people are screaming, people are dying, it's simple condemnation, no action is ok. yeah,
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he does it for you. pretty much the diplomatic efforts have been made even at the continental level, is a diplomatic resolution of the conflict possible or an african mediation mission that was required to since i think that this is not enough, it is congo that must choose good partners to get out of the situation which is today we have arrived at this situation because of all these mediations, because of all these negotiations that have brought us to this point to, you know, president a gama over one to is using blackmail. he knows that the international community is behind him and he is doing everything he can to plunder. the results is of the d. c . the blame lies with the international community and ways for our pots, invest. congolese must also act and we love our country and we must do something. negotiations, yes, but the d. c must play its role, and now we must reach out to other reliable partners such as russia and i assume not 10 in the back. the what is the impact of the conflict at the regional level, the cold water level to assist, and the d. r. c is
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a large country with enormous resources from which we can open offensive. but unfortunately, this crisis is putting full of african, which is in crisis to sleep. once the d c wakes up, we will see africa wake up. so we really need to call on african countries to support the d. c. because the d i c is currently in a bolivian, we no longer trust the international community. we want partners who can support us and help us get through this. so that in africa can benefit from all of the wealth that it has to offer. we must understand that the world is now moving to a multi polar older. we can no longer remain in a unipolar world where we are dictated what we can do. a lot of us will own and rebuild guys uh well sending the enclave entire palestinian population to other countries. that's the bombshell plan announced by president trump after taxes. he goes really prime minister at the white house. do you as well take over the guys a script and we will do
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a job with it too. without it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous, unexploded bombs and other weapons on the side to level the side and get rid of the destroyed buildings level it add, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area, then it should not go through a process of rebuilding and occupation by the same people that have really sit there and fought for it and lives there and died there, then lived a miserable existence there. instead, we should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts. and there are of many of them that want to do this and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the 1800000 palestinians living and gaza. ending the death and destruction and frankly, bad luck. i've said this before,
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i'll say it again. you are the great is friend as well as ever had in the white house. well we can say that putting it to yeah, he calling to be moving sees yes, it was a historic visit or a lease. that's how it's really promised to describe the despite the visiting the white house full teen times before that more than any other born leader is really prominent or cold. this the most significant visits on his can we and there was a reason for that back home that and yeah. who is under tremendous pressure negotiations on the 2nd phase of us these 5 do with him. us kicked off monday and then yeah, who's stuck in the middle as he's focus called ition partners are demanding the war was you immediate the all they bring down his government because they should already said they step in to support the call to action is needed. but missing yahoo business and much, much interested the he needs us back in to navigate this. mine failed,
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not supposed to collide lines from his rivals and it looks like he's guessing moved and he could ever expect it from for my real estate developer latest out. clearly the west plans to take control altogether. strube this mental terrorist infrastructures and a receipt is reconstruction with wealthy neighboring nations. 14 the bill trump calls that have a gather street and middle east. riviera, rebuilt with international investments, and according to trump, everybody loves the idea to go. i said to the american president, you're talking tonight about the united states taking over a sovereign territory. what authority would allow you to do that? are you talking about a firm, an occupation there, redevelopment, i do see a long term ownership position. i see it bringing great stability to that part of the middle east and may be the entire middle east. and everybody i have spoken to
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this was not a decision and made lively. everybody had spoken to loves us the idea of the united states, phoning that piece of land developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent. all trying to dismiss the idea of his reading, supplements in gaza, colon and dangerous and unnecessary hills of rudolph palestinian authority control over the street saying it's impossible, a stance. newtonian who has long pushed for one thing, his clear on him as has no future. just like mention yahoo again, trump as calling for its complete destruction. and once again, the last leader is reviving his most controversial proposal for simply relocating gases around one point. 5000000 people to foreign countries, not just ages or jordan, he claims all their states will eventually going to right now. they say no, but drum says and then says that they will come around. so all the countries,
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the american president is banking on even remotely on the same page, but state of us. and it is imperative that israel does not amex any palestinian land. such annexation will simply run to the 2 state solution and viable dipole, taishan of palestinians from the land will push the region towards more attention, conflict, and instability. such a move will not certainly be a clear violation of international law. it will be a threat to regional stability and security palestinians do not want to leave that land. we completely support that position. i have a feeling that despite them saying no, i have a feeling that the king in jordan and that the general president. but the general in egypt will open their hearts and will give us the kind of land that we need to get this done. and people could live in harmony and a piece. thank you all very much. thank you. the o as phone and yahoo, he can be more and she's the as to cods,
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where the problem is as appraised from slater shave. he's out till the bolts thinking and his ability to get things done. no, just in 4 weeks, but in 4 more years. meanwhile, is really reactions to trans proposal already for name families, it was really hostages. the response was outraged for them. and for many's ways, there were still unfinished business. 17 non applique teams remaining guys, and it was via keep napping that triggered israel's invasion months ago. the war that has so far left over 60000 killed on missing according to gases, communications administrative form of hostage families issued a blistering states fantastic from suspicion, saying they were shocked to hear a talk of gather future before securing the release of those still trapped inside they reminded, sniffing. yeah. and from that team in lines are in stakes and that's a long term plans for guys and must come.
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