tv Cross Talk RT February 7, 2025 8:30am-9:01am EST
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to get the names of those people whose bodies were shown by the bbc general effects ago, just their names to isn't this a natural step in any investigation of any crime includes a stone wall moves also on usa. i these books is the bbc which got over $3000000.00 in 2024 alone making it that years. the 2nd largest recipient of us say i d funds and it definitely earned that money. shamelessly pushing fake and 2 russian stories like those of ukraine's former human rights chief lewd meal. a denise of all who made up stories of a case with russian soldiers raping ukrainian women to goes to wait 25 women age 14 to 20 full. that's where rates by russian soldiers, the needs of his life were so obvious, but to have removed her from her post in may of 2022. she even admitted that there was no evidence to backup any of her claims. and that she was being told to spread all those lights. they told me, can you write that there is a prison at this oper,
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rosie a nuclear plant, because the official media sources are supposed to say this. oh no, the ombudsman didn't want to say it. he only says what the president's office tells them to be. but i'm being asked to say this by the authorities by intelligent surfaces. but spreading lies like the nice of us have only been half the battle for us say id. the organization also instructs its minions to observe so called strategic silence, essentially a form of collective censorship, through lack of media coverage on subjects inconvenient for the west. by this usa, i d means that coordinated by the order of the sponsor of such pocket media. they ignore those inconvenient stories, facts and opinions that do not fit into the version of events approved in washington. a blow to sujata. what is such a restore? perhaps? no, yeah, there was nothing vicious. well, you get the pattern. however, the brochure did not. so act an equally high sounding term for the orchestrated
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distribution of prepared, stuffing and fakes by all these incorruptible and independent people who are on the payroll of the overseas owner. as it was at the staging of butcher the hoaxes surrounding the north stream bombings and the wrong elections and a number of countries, i can help you strategic hubbub. try looking up the little square footage and i on google. you'll find nothing in the english press about that war crime that the ukrainian military committed in russia's course region. do you see a know that it was meant to be a standard clean up authoration instead of a blood curdling discovery, fingerprints of ukraine's months long presence in this village be above you? i do. yeah, of course i do. did you? i didn't pull. let's do those little of me, but when it comes to hysteria surrounding russian propaganda, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. it's all over the internet. it's ingrained in people's minds and its mission accomplished for us. say id. what before we go
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breaking news. when the boston defense ministry most coast forces have an upgrade to the town of ships in schools, and it is tourette's custom, the done yet public. and it was previously unimportant logistics hub on a stronghold for ukrainian troops. russian army can use it to make father font so, so they say a lot we all going to leave a well, we'll be back at the talk. see, see that the the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered. i'm peter live
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out. trump promised to shock the system and he is, he has declared war against the us government, threatened friends, info, a like with a tear of war. and now is personally decided to reorder the middle east palestinians and guys have faced more force displacement and ethnic cleansing the cross. i think guys, i'm joined by my guess, ramsey's by root in seattle. he is a palestinian author and journalist and due by we have, i've made a lean. he is an investigative emmy, nominated journalist. and in beirut, we process the risk. he is a security and political affairs analyst. i drilled in cross ok, rules and effect. that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate, i'm going to go to ramsey 1st because he got up early is for this program, much appreciated audience always appreciates when you are on the program ramsey, we reflecting on what we heard on tuesday which is world historic for any number of
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reasons here, but one kind of almost drug test and take away from drum claiming he will own gaza essentially, i guess annex it. i mean, the words were very nebulous, and when pressed by a very feeble, per se, would not answer. i want to talk about media reaction in a moment, but rather than using a real estate deal is a substitute for a political solution. how bad can you get the get this situation go ahead, ramsey as well. this is very, very bad, but it's also has a context of this is not the 1st time that americans, especially on from side to care about the real estate. the 14 it is a weak and with them in in, in uh, garza and is the 1st on such references as the riviera, the east. i mean, the 1st of all is that the one for the long carlo, the middle east, that was doing the also, of course, the very objective cautionary spoke a repeatedly about the real estate opportunities waiting for them at the gaza coast
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. but just to say these things, after you actually joined inside the extermination of the palestinian people, were somewhat like benjamin that any of these are the parameters. so it's fugitive running from the law and to call and you on that fuel to a fire that is beyond any other why did we ever seen in the middle east? it really shows such as the responsible steed craft and it took completely away from any credibility from mike to gathered for him. so claiming that he is indeed the one who puts pressure on that to me. i'll just stop the war. why i'll quit. it's also very interesting is that, as we've all agreed, we've heard these phrases from his son in law. but now it's the state policy. this is the policy of the united states. it's not as a reference, you know, wouldn't be good if we did,
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they'll. now this is policy here and what it is and again to many people in the west, the want to admit it is that the united states is turning into the guarantor of a genocide in palestine. the most certainly, i mean i have to say i was certainly not shocked, but i did think i was hallucinating at one point watching donald trump say palestinians must not be awesome at i had to watch it twice. i had to was to be honest. and, and, and regardless of how many times you watch it, i mean, admitting guy that has, and i quote, been turned into hell while sitting next to the grinning devil who turned it into hell. and of course, he was only able to do so. and then yahoo, that is using american weapons and unrelenting diplomatic cover. so you know, a complete and total display of hedge, a monic hubris. and, and let's just take a quick step back. i mean, it's important to know that the 1st world leader, the new us president, welcome to the white house. just happens to be
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a work criminal with an arrest warrant have for him by the i c c. and so it does affect the question, why is the trunk perfectly happy that off work attends from federal funds yet continues to fund is really government. and i think the fact is, the us, we all know, i think can agree will not be occupying garza and donald trump and jared questionnaire won't be building any resorts there. but in one sense, i'm kind of glad there. i say to see trump announced these plans so. ready with me so plainly instead of pretending to care about palestinians as many other us presidents have done that preceded him while simultaneously enabling their ethnic cleansing and genocide, which of course violates international law, but also violates us law as well. you know, and also ramsey. it's very interesting is that this whole approach, 1st of all, all of us have been very critical, critical of the so called to state solution which we have heard for decades,
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which are just mouth by western politicians. but now with crumbs a pronouncement, even though his administration's walking a back a little bit, it's the overton window is open. it's widened. okay. is that, you know, they, the ethnic cleansing is, is us policy right now? and what it does is, this is an attempt by walking away from the so called 2 state solution. it is an attempt, and we've seen this before to erase palace palestinians as a national identity. go ahead, ramsey. and this is the policy, the americans have sponsor from the day that you start to there's no point in history as the u. s. government, any u. s. administration of ashley champion and palestinian identity or palestinian sovereignty and all of that then no matter what is what has done or do they do that, americans will always maintain that position. but think about it this way be, are talking about, oh well, you notice just clean up the mess and this going to get the gardens out 1015 years
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because come back or maybe some of them don't. this damage the initiative or this is the initiative. and the power back in the hands of the americans. and this is what i feel like the fear that many, many of us many palestinians outside outside does, doesn't mind you are experiencing is, is unrealistic. because the fact is, for 471 days pushed back. and that's only i guess it is what you need to tell me. but it gives the worst of intelligence that gives american arguments against italian, german, french, and british course abuses that is what introduced like the entire western world of food in both sides to the device in world war 2 piles of gaza. and this still fail . so what can mr. from the real estate mobile can do to see the dynamics that last is for nearly 500 years. and garza emerge victorious despite the rest of the price,
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ordinary gauze, paid for the victory. but the thing that much to this is psychological because not everybody is paying attention to come back and give him the are ups the i'm or a good the you don't do this, this is crazy. do use would not use would not to carry on with such language and so on and so forth. put the power back in trumps. have the power is actually in the hands of the palestinians and it has always been in the hands of pets. do you know, holly, it's good to you and very rude to mean the a question that has not been brought up about it least up front and center is this also gives a green light for netanyahu. and in his a government to continue their growing genocide in the west bank because it's the, it's dispersing displacing all palestinians, not just gaza, but all. and that is left on spoken here. go ahead and be root. a penalty that does
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it does encourage you rush to have your own the positive. nothing. you know, i think that westbank in particular is an important issue. i remember that um uh, toms a pointy, his choice for a bus that the history on is mike huckabee mark huckabee sense is on the west side well known and they very much align with smoke friction blended up here. and uh, trump side by side or to the year when also stephanie. so you have a number of right wing fingers within this administration who are very much in agreement with smoke friction with ben copier and with this brand new, ultra right. so based upon that, i think there was a real possibility that donald trump might extend his approach will give his blessing good for. i'd like to some kind of bridge really and that are in the west bank. we heard him saying that um, in about 4 weeks, he's going to make his announcement about whether or not to and next to west bank or to announce that he supports his ready self warranty or the west bank. i am
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suspecting that um trump is going to give nothing, you know pretty much what he wants when it comes to palestine bought in exchange for that. i think that on the issue with the wrong, what i mean to say here was the trump has we heard any statements, he's not going to be he wants to deal with the wrong. so he might know, i'm going to say what he wants in public story. it's strange for nothing, you know, turning it down when it comes to where iran had on encouraging escalation with the wrong. or i think that off to the press conference off that the statements we heard during the nothing here who's visit it appears that might be the trump middle east policy. you know, i said it's really interesting. i mean again, because it's my job, i have to look at what media says, all media has to say and in western media, they would never one. so it's a question as what, what, what, what happens when the palestinians say no, we're not interested in this feel that question is never posed to western audiences
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ever. ok med, i know it's true and i, you know, i think that it's important when we, we talk about trump and, and his, his, he's in the edict things he says, which are obviously meant to manipulate, not just the mean media, but create some chaos. you know, give some real leverage to and then yahoo and normalize some of the most extreme is parts of the zionist ideology. but i do want to say, you know, let's not forget the bite and, and the bite and administration was exploring this very same option of pushing the palestinians out, academically, cleansing them in late 2023. i kind of want to echo with them as he said, because i think, you know, the addiction regime of course didn't tolerate. it, didn't accept it. but the language that by didn't use was, you know, softer as it is often with democrats. he called it a humanitarian corridor. you know, there's all these euphemisms for pushing the palestinians into the sign. i desert. but to your point peter, where was the sort of the moral conviction,
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an outrage that we've seen in display in the media. and then the halls of power and dc with cost and pj, trump over ethnic cleansing. where was that during the last 1516 months under bite, and when billions of dollars of weapons were being sent. when you know, now we know more than 70000 palestinians murdered almost 100000 tons of weapons. more than dressed in more than here. ashima. where was that? i mean, not to me peter. the real scandal here might be simply that trumpet. sing our right, whatever us present in before him has done endorsed and upheld just without the mask of pretense. right? when it comes to the question about where to the palestinian stand and all this, i mean, it is kind of appalling and really beyond shameful it's, it's seen how palestinians are not being raised only through genocide and ethnic cleansing better race. even in the equation of determining their fate, i don't know that point. i have to jump in here gentlemen, we have to go to
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a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion. i've got to stay with our team the the welcome at the cross sack were all things are considered. i'm peter real about your mind you were discussing godsa the . okay, let's go back to our guess now ramsey in in seattle here. and it was saying at the end of the 1st part of the program, i'll use my word, but the continuity that we see through weed ministrations. here trump is this a compass, trump? he's an oddity. and he's been, he's turning into a historic figure, maybe in for not for the right reasons. and i tend to think that's true. but,
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you know, he's using real estate as a cover most other presidents, a humanitarian, it's of our democracy. all this other stuff that we've gotten so tired of here, but the, the outcome is exactly the same. there is a continuity from biden to do to drum trump. she is more open about it. and he thinks he's actually doing humanity a favor by moving these people to like a motel 6 around the corner of intimate, eminent domain stuff here. and, and that's a cover that's a cover for genocide and his and, and if he will, they move forward with his plan as well, whatever it is, how you got a formulated. and it also essentially means the genocide continues a mr digit. indigenous stock has been taking business id and both the 8 and south as early as 1953. if i remember correctly, it was when the americans were pushing for the so called roger plans. and that's
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the idea of pushing, you know, the palestinians out of gaza through the same night desert, the field because of and this to me as a garza refused to, to do it. and again, and 1967 under the, the, the, you know, in class. and again in the early 19 seventy's under the sharon class. and none of these bands have work. now that trump is trying to be clever about it and trying to give it some sort of up to you minute tell you. and i saw the end of the day, it makes no difference. it also makes no difference for palestinians who and i have been in situations as been a city as being fired out or, or living under is a, be a bombs. it doesn't matter to us whether these bones are being provided by a democratic administration or by the public and administration at the end of the, the, the american bombs. and it's just american sustained julia site. so this is the reality of it, of kind of stimulus. i'm not buying into it, i for the social media, but it goes to be from gaza and most people are just making fun of the notion that
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i just created all of these incredible economy the. and the notion of from trying to do what is what has failed to do, of course, to be to 6 or $7.00 to $7.00. yes. and peter, if i can just get back into something that rumsey mentioned there, i mean, for 76 years. as he says, israel's tried to forcibly displace palestinians. and even 15 months of genocide with complete diplomatic cover in gaza, they failed. and the reason they failed, just to really emphasize this, a trauma doesn't understand that this is what indigenous people do. yeah, they remain on the land because the land is not just where they happen to live. it's not a condo, it's who they are. and you know, when we see more than 70 percent of the victims of israel's genocide being women and children, that is by design, that is not an accident. that is to prevent further generations. that's what i need, which they're waging this war. and lastly, i just want to say as far as that it gets,
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trump can appear what we saw in the last few days. and this week is the white house press. secretary insist that the real evil per word isn't that us in israel turning on gaza, turning it into an unbelievable wasteland. but in genocide is not the evil but that surviving the genocide and insisting whether the palestinians themselves insist for others that they remain in their homeland. but that somehow is the real evil. i mean to green light, the bombs fund, the destruction, and then act shocked when the result looks like a post apocalyptic wasteland. i mean the words, the admissions. i mean that not so bright. to put it like me, white house press, secretary admitted that israel using us weapons, has made garza and it happened. oh no, no, no, they didn't, they didn't, admitted. that's what that's what's really amazing. if you look at the rhetoric coming out of the press score and the white house and trump and you know,
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it sounds like a natural disaster hit the place they, they never mentioned how it was turned into rubble. and the 1st light is the know what the world knows. the greed ali it trump is repeatedly said that the countries like jordan and egypt are on board the saudis. remarkably, this, the saturday for ministry at 4 o'clock in the morning that somebody was agitated, came out and said, now there must be a palestinian state. what is trump talking about? i mean, does he have that kind of leverage? i mean, both states, jordan and egypt are very fragile places. there under america's thumb can can come get his way ali, a symbol. i think that when from the start of these words, they weren't very carefully considered hardly. even some of these pains weren't aware of what he was going to say. uh, so he didn't get much thought, i think, to the repercussions or to the impact of what he said, that this is what trump blogs for the way you know. he promotes the mad man theory
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by not from unpredictable person. and i think he's enjoying of the attention which is being given to these statements regardless of whether or not the plan is going to be far from or not. and to enhancing the real question, i think egypt and jordan will be, will categorically rejected any such proposals because this for preston, they've already in existence. all these got been seen both these 2 countries set a ravia as well. i think you can a st. goodbye to any possibility for normalization, with history on shore to trump follow through on his plan. so there are many, many major obstacles which could prevent from, from doing it. they don't have leverage with these countries, but they also, i think have leverage which they can use. now, our country is usually don't use the leverage against the americans at this time because they have very existence,
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the security of the governments will be at stake. it might be given to a change of the bar, the right of these countries that they come in, but become closer to although he jeer political arrivals like russia and china. so i think should um, trump squeeze these nations that could very well be very damaging to your with interest and leave the us to losing some very valuable allies just quickly about the continuity between administrations and the, the by the mistress and picked up where trump left off with the hey, brand the phones and try them also to mobilize tories between the saudis and the use rate is how it would be and, and successfully. so there was a continue with tech, and i think that um, but the proposal put forward by trump was just an unconventional language which we saw before, which was used by other demonstrations over there might be using a soft a ton. one final point is that this is a good policy for the us. it's not good for you with reason interest,
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and it's also not politics. because search i remember, according to recent opinion, polls, pamela harris, the main reason she lost, that's right was why didn't him instructions were on go so. so trump isn't doing it himself. i think any good if you were to follow through on this plan. yeah, been around so it was really was interesting again, the optics of watching the 2 leaders in the white house sitting together, companies taking on all of the risk nothing yahoo takes no risk. said oh i, i find it very strange a strep. i mean, he's a business man, that's a very strange business strategy. go ahead, ramsey as well. i mean it, think about it based on how this lady he but we get particular reporting on this. nothing. he a whole goes as a field reader who is in bad told in his own country, the military is in tatters, is a big, big problem as well, politically and militarily. and he comes back at 5 pm sent to me that we'd be via
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an all the, you know, of thinking about 3, joining the government. again, this is the gift of font, but these are temporary gifts of the whole building. just a sense of try it before when he killed muscle, when, when he killed other kind of sidney and, and everybody's leaders of the always feel that temporary sense of victory. but it disappears quite quickly. but what we have actually benefited from this is that this sense of ownership. i think it's very important that you'll raise the question about the media. the way the media is having this issue is what it is. i got a deal that we owe on display. so we own discomfort the way the been taught speaks of ownership. he speaks about this on the real estate point to view what american politicians and, and, and, and, and jo strategist actually don't thing can be done because the sign in front, the rest of the middle east is this. the difference is that from speaks about it in a very cool sense of colonialism. the way that the, the belgians under king,
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the vehicle perceived the of the code. for example. this is always we will sold it out as to which someone needs to tell the americans that the world has changed. you are no longer living these days if you don't have all the keys and you cannot control and even the face of gauze it anymore. nor to think of the amenities, you know, awkward one of those. very creepy. it's cringe things about nothing. yeah. who has visited, gave a page here to trump a very publicly that's so create and it's just a b. that means something to people like our ourselves, that in, in the region in the middle east itself. but, you know, all around the world that is one of the most terrific things you can do. it's almost like, almost never use this word. it's almost just evil. no, it'd be beyond being evil. it's normal. i mean, let's call it what it is. it's normalizing terrorism. just like the media celebrated what this form is, the i a director, clearly called the master event and 11 on when,
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you know israel did explode all those pages and killed many, many civilians. and then in addition to some resistance fighters, i do just want to say on that note it should also be noted and said very plainly, the netanyahu himself is playing with fire. he's humiliated america this week he made trump look like his serve. and quite frankly, and the main stream media to you earlier points that can spin it all the like. but the american people are slowly waking up to the fact that no matter which party wins as has been set on this program, somehow is ro, always stays in charge. and i think the american people are actually much like all of us growing tired of this reality. i mean the crime that trump declared, so probably in plainly let's just be, you know, legal about it. it's a crime born out of imperial lawlessness. but it's the crime of force displacement and you know, when you permanently drive and indigenous population off their homeland in mass scale. and you replace that with settlers. perhaps that might speak to america's
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origin story to a genocide, but i may be a whole host of other nations, but we all know that beyond it being morally reprehensible. i think right now it's a litmus tests for the 100. well, i am a documented, and then i have to end on this note here, and the entire western civilizational experiment is on trial here and it's failing, it's failing very badly. and donald trump will be its head figure if things continue the way they are gentlemen. that's all the time we have a one, it's like my guess in seattle, dubai, and in bay road. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our see, see you next time. remember across the the, the new cost cuz i don't know of the, i'm almost conflict man there's read you can use to, to provide you with
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a sense of security should tested because of to who don't really know what else to do with the physical if you're doing this was on the guy with the funding and done it unless you don't know if it's this thing that a little disappointed connecting to chapters because of them you thought it was sold up new to butcher. it wasn't the key the to the for the book, you know, of course, so sort of multiple solely to show me could see him got the solution to continue with that. i don't need them all in use for is there any part of the last thing that this i've seen? yeah. and yet some level, it's a bonus or southern line. you can, you're more than a single actual distribution info use because i believe right for scalable body, no needy me. she and the hotel, but this to not make the,
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the, the, the russian army takes control of the town of chad is in a, a form of strong hold for you. crazy and full says it was done yet. republic pads were full. it's come in of low cost and being killed despite the fees for the u. s. president suggests to relocate, sing them to nearby arab countries. palestinian say they will resist any forced the space for the i agree with the come the but the whole the will not agree or with the anyone who is the trying to force them out to be at home then a the with the it is on the subject lands on it's a.
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