tv News RT February 8, 2025 6:00am-6:31am EST
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or she could be an exception. you're right. she could be an exception to larry. welcome. and thank you charlotte. that's it for the show. well, we were talking to guys on monday to further explore the reverberations of u. s. u. k. you um, genocide, talking to a piece of vinyl to about his book being jewish, athens destruction of gauze, a reckoning until then, keep in touch by little as social media of it starts as video country and at one channel going on are going to be hon dot com to watch and you and all the episodes are going on the go and see monday, the conflict around around the contract in the us military base and the bangladesh, the prime minister doesn't want to do it. and so our foreign policy planners decide we need to do, we're seeing change a former state department official blows the lead on us of
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a i at the spinning details on how the organization full to talk to government for around a while on leaks to talk to you about and reveal western media a recruiter for a couldn't john this account of the content in that same old table confusing audits? did you know that there they cannot make disadvantages. the next flight to very hard 5, these active the links to you to us states intelligence of a very but established flight. now you are looking at and live pick just from the west bank. a 5th postage swap between hamas on is route is on the way to berlin, proud, welcoming home thomaston, rest. detainees recently released, we speak with a recently freed palestinian about why he and others were present in the prospect
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of was a military activist. but there were others were arrested simply for expressing rejection of the occupation throwing a stone or participating in demonstration, and can settlements on the wall the, let's keep them here in most group, assess, say, the 8th of february. that could be joining us here on the international. i want to bring you actually live pictures, something that's going on right now in the west bank and the town of romano. and you can see crowds of people, tears of joy celebration. and that's because the fast patch of kind of sitting in prison has to be released from his regular citizens as part of the hostage deal between them off and as well is taking place. this is the last group assembly and present palestinians returning a deposit on a box from oh fuck prison on the today. and they have now been met by so many on
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the press in west fine. we also know that the 3 is ray news, who had been held in captivity by mazda ever since the october 7th, to talk have been released. that was this morning now as rel is with, by releasing the 183 palestinians that are part of this, the latest hostage deal. a 5th that happened for over the last few weeks ever since not cecil. i came into effect the quote in for about 3 weeks now for that is the scene at the moment as we speak in the west, fine just called 1 pm, that's waiting throughout the day to see as more of those prisoners free. many of them are being fost freedom for many, many years. they return home. so that's probably the what i want to talk about some revelations emerging about us a id which that is pretty tough week. mike bens,
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the former state department official, has given details. examples of the agencies assets to gain influence on even top of government. basically there was a conflict around around the constructive u. s. military base in the region, which is very common conflict that we have often times foreign countries don't like having a big fat us military base installed, you know, on they don't want for insurance on there. so let's just say it really is vital to us national interest to build that military base in bangladesh to counter chinese influence. and the bangladesh of prime minister doesn't want to do it. and so our foreign policy planners decide we need to do resume change of more on this all to shauna events. the is joining me in the studio. i'm trying to, i remember when not to happen. i remember, i think obviously been on shift and we started looking into who was coming in, who was coming out, what could it be behind it? out of the talking to us stayed pretty somebody that's not. yeah. and it's really
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interesting. these are pretty expensive allegations coming out now from like fences up full my us state department official, who says that all the way back in 2018, the state department had adult human to about how we could possibly look at shifting the lines in bangladesh. now what he was referring to specifically though, is that story back in if it was august of last year, with the legally elected representative leader of find with ash fled the country and a helicopter, a mid thieves steve white's. so a 10 years of people killed at the time. now when she landed in india, she a choose the us of being behind, essentially accrued out to. and she said this was related to the fact that she had refused the us to have access. in fact, to, to buy a piece of land since the mountains islands. and it won't take to put a us military base on in the bay if and dollars. she said this was the whole reason why essentially that she was out of state. you said to us pretty solid at the time
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. mike buttons now saying, well actually this is all true because this is something we knew the state department was trying to do for the last 3 years. and then that's what you saw with his words. another color revolution, what a the elected leader was ousted because she wasn't saved for full c u. s. policy. and he outlines how us a, r d was involved in not the sort of the o g, b, population to, to bangladesh. she ethnic minority groups and young students and student groups who had already been protesting earlier that year because of the big some, a local, local politics issue there. and, and they noted, you know, that a rap music was, was popular and young people were listening to rap music and bangladesh. so what do they do? they, they turned around and they took us taxpayer funds. they get
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a 100 percent of the money from, from the state department, and they work closely with usa. they actually administer usaid programs all over bangladesh and all over the world. and they funded bangladesh. she rap groups to produce songs and music videos insinuating that people should take to the streets and do street protests. and you know, the classic a peaceful protest that's has the, the upside of being a right. and so my friends alleging that that those pro tests that we saw that led to shaken, seem to find the country would instigated by the us government through the funding through us a r d. i mean, we know that funds the dash is one of many as the suite because really, um, so usa, i think it has been incredibly busy. in fact for basically the entire duration of its existence. what else was it being responsible for? yeah, that's why it's been uh, in existence. the stuff is around 1961 to decades now of involvement of trying to
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promote regime changes were favorable to the us in countries across the world. i don't want to talk about specific a king, but we know there's a long history of animosity between king for in the usa and as a result of uh, the american influence in cuba. that the government that's been trying to stein you for the decades. it decided to ban twitter at the time now x from using its accounts on the island. now usa id was like thing. okay, well how do we get around this band? and essentially it created it something version of keeping twits a did. so by guessing she wouldn't businessman to sign up and create this enterprise, he had lots of cubans going on to this cuban twitter talking about the things they were interested in. what was usa, i think, doing the whole time, it was taking that data and looking at trends and patterns and trying to identify individuals that might be susceptible to its views and help promote us ideas of democracy on she might bends in his interview, would talk
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a cost and essentially talks about this as being c r a style mentally. and so they start to do that in cuba by creating what they, what usaid called the cube in spring. and the problem was at that, at that time, cuba had band us social media companies calling them, you know, a tool of us imperialism. and so there was no twitter allowed. and so usaid pulled office operations to create a, a, a company called as engineer, which is, it was a, it was a twitter knock off at once. they had a critical mass of users in the platform. and they had enough support from other civil society institutions that were, that were being funded by usaid and state entity at the time that they would then activate what they, what they called smart mobs. they would, they would switch the, our, the mobs, they would, they would switch the items and they would selectively target news distribution of, of messages to 2 users on the, on the basis of their political proclivities in order to get them to take to the
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streets in environment street protests and over overthrow. the government basically the same, be able to pull off the same thing that was happening the every spring would do it in cuba assess care usa, i didn't knew it was metal lake and he did everything it could to cover that up. it essentially moved money through the cayman islands. 2 of those companies, anything it could do to not show where the money for this cuban twisted was coming from. and in fact, associated press a p actually did an investigational missed several years ago where they essentially said the don't 2 months. it was pro processing and it's on its own offices. was that to say, let's cover up our involvement. that will be absolutely no mention of united states government involvement. this is absolutely crucial for the long term success of the service and to ensure the success of the mission as well. that was navigation back
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in 2010 full years late to a representative from usaa id was at an appropriations subcommittee being grilled by this involvement in keeping twist and he was like not us folk notices o lives. we support civil society, we support and implement the f y 14 appropriations language that directs us to improve access to information and internet freedom in many parts of the world. we do it transparently and with public notifications. the fact that we're discussing it in this briefing highlights the reality that these are publicly notified or some of these. what are some other countries redoing open? i mean, i, there's a right literally around the world and we've had efforts in kenya to support the yes, you have already been done with the motives has always been done with full knowledge and supported by us and pastor. and those countries in every instance, that's the aspiration tilt verified transparency. i think that's the last word many
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would now use to describe us a id. you know, when this whole story kicked off, for trump, it only seemed like this past an open data. he really had to be in his point to about usa idea and then people stood awesome questions. is this possible? um he then installs mentioned trumps impeachment. is that some kind of link to? yeah, i mean it's, it's interesting because what benz goes on to say is essentially usa, i the, i'm the state department, we're essentially looking inclusion. we'd be each other to 20 cook up stories and seen use friendly to and less so perhaps know eve june list to put top stories that didn't necessarily have a fax check. that would give them with sources that we can't confirm. and the use the media massively to put forward agendas, the were century things used to bring down high profile figures and not just donald trump. and so what did they do in 20?
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19 they dug up dirt on rudy giuliani and then that dirt ended up being used as part of the impeachment of donald trump in 2019. so they and so they, this is the state department funding, mercenary media to then dig up dirt on high profile us citizens metastasized and into that very evidence being entered into the congressional record to it, to him, to successfully impeach the president of the united states. so in that case, if there was no, you know, if there was no state department usaid funding to ccrpi, they wouldn't of, you know, presumably had the capital to, to go out and dig up dirt on rudy giuliani and so usaid, spending to journalists in ukraine comes back to be used to impeach trump. well in n n to square me as a russian agent, right? that's been reported this out there. it's proven to my tax dollars go to impugning
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my character and calling me a disloyal american, a certain point, you know, like we kinda need a revolution. i mean, that's why should we put up with that for a 2nd. a? yes, i'll scan. i know this is to replace too hot you cover that this week. we now know in ukraine 90 percent to meet organizations receiving a huge chunk of funding from us a id. and now con, run as a result of that funding a drawing up, even if we look to georgia in november and some we saw this process that the georgia and government at the time saying usa id was behind funding your position media and soaking up the process that's a really happy thing is in lot supplies around the world. and these are really explosive allegations, but the reality is, you know, a few months ago, if we had said this, people go, oh, it's a conspiracy theory. it's not true. now we've got a little mosque who's saying that this is a criminal organization that needs to be shut down. we're 2 that essentially
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comparing it to bullet williams was fascinating. most of the old he's he has no one else why we knew about 10 to 30 percent of the money was going to 8 the logical question that is on the see, wait, hold on a 2nd, was it going well not he just gave us an indication of where it's got and it was all to correspondence on it. you've been see, thanks very much. meanwhile, we have discovered that some western media outlets have been working overtime to tarnish ortiz image in africa. and to do that, they've been recruiting local john this across the continent i've worn, according to mixed documents, shared with us by a report to he was himself invited to join the project as an al, to all to use donald. the outcome of africa's word works emerge as a mysterious government organizations spreading hysteria about paid actors targeting the continent with kremlin narratives, indications of a like generated content. behavior of involved accounts and data on ad spending on facebook together suggest that social media accounts that spread pro kremlin
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content targeting various countries in the saw helps with false salacious claims. additionally, there is evidence that nigerian journalists are being paid to promote pro kremlin anti ukraine narratives in the nigerian media, the ultimate irony, the document was sent to r t from an anonymous whistleblower in africa, whom this plan does sign organization actually tried to recruit to make paid and t russian propaganda and our networks enemy numer. oh no. because we can't have the russians getting better. reach o t t is a major player in russian. this information and influenced operation efforts, as indicated by us secretary of state anthony blinkin and stanford internet observatory, to provide an indicative assessment about ease, reach and performance on x. the project designed to methodology that identified amplifies of t on x. the total a t amplifies reach weights across the 3 month period, is 175 percent higher than the baby sees. it said the document was sent via work
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e mails to journalists from kenya gonna, and nigeria who agreed to $1000.00 pound payments for each and t russian article. they turned out many such articles of already been published covering topics like african protesters carrying russian flags and western bio labs, all apparently aimed at mirroring topics covered by r t and his sister companies in africa. our program, i'm almost africa is specifically mentioned in the emails for its big bad deep dives into the crimes of british colonialism. auntie created a new television program called new members, africa, hosted by permanent canyon lawyer, patrick lock. oh to you know, remember things, samples of topics relevant to nigeria, the member has discussed include the intersection of colonialism and ethnic conflict in nigeria. how colonialism affected the yorba people, and how, during colonial administration to partition, use the divide and conquer policy. that exacerbated tensions amongst nigerians, various ethnic groups. sorry, but british colonialism is not a russian,
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this information campaign. according to our source, some journalists refused to take any part of this whole operation when they were told to sign a non disclosure agreement. after all this group isn't telling anyone who they are or where they're getting their money from. but when one of the so called russian propagandists mentioned in their document discovered the operation that's minor said that they didn't have anything to hide. we're aware of the leak to david on the and we are very much on top of it and monitoring the situation. we have nothing to hide, so we're not worried. we recommend that you do not engage with the post and that you stay vigilant online. flagging any related or suspicious activity on any of your profiles to us, whatever the case, there is, no doubt, some big money behind this operation. the participating journalists are all invited to a week long retreat at a 5 star luxury hotel. and donna were, according to david, whom dan, no expenses are spared. i would imagine hosting
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a one retreat that would be difficult and we have cost, you know, several dozen thousands of dollars to basically carry out unintelligence operations on our behalf. like, i don't know whether that is that is genius. so that's just people because the people who are being used to do this have no idea what the market value or the point. so what do 3 actually deals? and basically their economic disadvantages being exploited. jerry harvey live. these actors say this looks sketchy, is a big under statement, especially with the west spending tens of millions of dollars in africa to advance us foreign policy interest. just coincidence, judge for yourself is called this and so for the information for information resilience, it's, uh it's, it's a u. k o position is based in london is to found is that both long term employees of the u. k. for income work, i'm in office, which is a very roundabout way of saying devils and my 6 agents,
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the links to you. can us states intelligence of a very well established on any addition days? it's on public record as well. that space and you has received funding or received funding from the c d o has also received funding from us the id, the west and model of economics is built on. i forget having the specific economic rule, which is to be a place where we placed that as an army to advise you as a wooden drawers of what's that basically, i'm nothing more than that. it's a place where it's economic involved visiting global economies, basically to be at least of miles of all solid minerals or supply of crude oil on a supply of cash crops. and they may be supply of cheap to my labor as well. i'm nothing more. well, usa i t has something to dominate the headlines this week. thing to funding regime changes shaping the mainstream narrative, sponsoring hundreds of and chose and pushing liberal agenda on the latest episode
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of getting on to ground for my state department official. north wilkinson talks about how the agency has transformed over the decades about him, on all to throughout the day. but for now his a quick pre i watch the transition and transform ation in u. s. a. it when for an organization of fundamentally, bureaucrats civil service and foreign service running development programs in various countries in the world, in accordance with us express policy. to be a few of those people. very few of those people managing a horde of private contractors. and that's the u. s. 8 of today. there are very few people outside the government, cent is or who know what the united states is doing, and places like georgia where it is now trying to over 0. the georgia dream party, which has a tenuous old on power and wants to maintain a balance between nato in one direction in moscow and the other. they're trying to
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over throw that government. they're working on college or just grew in romania so he won't get elected. they're trying to cast the election against him. so because he's threatened to take romania out of nato, this is what we're doing today all over that region, trying to recruit allies in this vicious struggle that we're behind in ukraine to bleed russia. and we want more allies in doing that, particularly georgia and romania, and anybody else smoke global that we can get to come into the fight with us at their peril. there was a new arm of the sea. i very sophisticated armor the ca sometimes they know they are others and there have been objections from time to time, from professionals, within the groups. but most of the time they don't know who they are because they've been infiltrated. and sometimes they don't even have to be humans themselves, right? it's just the policies and the money themselves rights and the objectives that blow their from. and so they become an arm of the see i
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the, we're talking to the lease now and gone. so it is just off to 1 pm, like i said, the latest exchange is a recent image is between a mass on as well. it's taking place. if both sides hold the was a $183.00 palestinians will be swapped. for 3 is res regional bureau chief worth motion to have the details. today, free male civilian hostages are finally coming home off to $491.00 days and cafeteria t. as in previous time, not saves a public display. militants gather the round, the sage bearing a banner, the red, complete victory. a slender nits in the apple himself often uses when speaking about this guy. as a rule, one detail spins out this time the air we must choose for the exchange. this appears far less destroyed the station sent in previous rounds. some say this is
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a direct message to donald trump, who suggested garza is livable. and that's how the scene is should be really tied to the message from from mass gals. i still spending and we are not going anywhere . tom kept saying he wants to end the war in guys and return all the hostages while keeps sending. conflicting. i'm calling for version mac singers, the editor, paul, to screen and go from there and take the pairs of guides. as nature has been sil, donald trump, former real estate mogul, says the palace student in quaver. indeed, as a wes real estate project, but it directly contradicts washington's longstanding for 2 state solution, which advocates for an independent palestinian state including but his gaza and the west bank sellers to the state. what is also saudi arabia's condition for normalizing ties with israel? this is another project, trump is eager to secure. now he's making the kingdom at all for let's take
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a listen to the united states would view it as a real estate transaction. where will be an investor in that part of the world. we don't want to see everybody move back and then move out in 10 years. has been going on for 50 years, much more than that, which is what is the stability that would be having us have particular piece in that particular location i think would show great stability and would, would lead to great stability in the area for very little money for a little price, and we wouldn't need challenges at all that will be taken care of by others. the saudis can create a palestinian state in saudi arabia. they have a lot of land over there. and the united arab emirates are resourceful. the planning and meeting to drop the united rejection of the plan well trans and israel frame its as a sole vacation for guys and a so called deliveries,
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migration to back to places and safe places and beautiful places. palestinians don't see it that way. let's take a listen to what they think about this. we will defend our land with all our strength, america is real or any other country in the world. we will not to feed us. we will fight for our land with all we have, including our lives, our children and our homes, remembers the blood and we will not leave our country. we are clinging to gauze on trump. believes it is a freestyle wrestling match one could. he could say that he will get us out. no, no, we are the children of this land. this is all i'm coming to the mind of our ancestors . and we are holding onto a v. i fellow, well it, even if the entire world were united to drive palestinians from their land, there would be no forest or voluntary migration. this is proved by the fact that the war lasted for 15 months, and people did not leave or flee. rather their devotion to their land grew the nobody leave their country so easily. but the situation and gaza is getting worse
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with no health care education into housing or job opportunities in the streets and houses are destroyed. the situation is so challenging that even if someone wants to leave it, he will not do so with his consent, but against his will. meanwhile, at other development, stalks on face to the israel, had not cease fire agreement offset to the game delays because of, uh, nathan. yeah. who's us? the visa this phase. as you understand the lines an end to the war and for the release of all remain, and hostages, 7 to 6 offices, today's exchange, we hear that it is rarely delegation, is now preparing to leave for doha. now we wait to see how the sun falls, but for now all eyes are on the exchange that has just picked off in gaza and will continue here in the west side of the pool. so the previous 4 rounds of exchange is $583.00 palestinians were reduced from is ray the prisons. well 18 hostages were returned home off to over a year of captivity,
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and garza and mine. he spent decades behind his randy balls spoke to us of his oh do you hey, i'm the washing alonzo. so i spent 24 years in captivity sentence to life. imprisonment of the main reason for my risk was resisting the occupation. and this reason is sufficient for them if they did not need an excuse my long sentence, life imprisonment was based on the charge of resisting the occupation. i didn't know more specifically military activity was the main accusation. i was the military active, but there were others who are arrested simply for expressing rejection of the occupation, throwing a stone or participating in a demonstration against settlements or the wall, or even posting the tweet on facebook or sending the message and social media. they were arrested. we struggle for justice. we're fighters for justice, justice and freedom are fundamental goals for us as cost. any of this sort of i underwent 4 rounds of interrogation. the last 2 were in 20192021 i was placed in
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solitary confinement. many times the longest being and 202020232024. i was subjected to constant transfers like every post and in fighter in prison. it was not a personal targeting. there was a general targeting and as i was being abused and subjected to punishments, various punishments. captivity is an attempt to up route new from social surroundings, your extract from your environment and placed them prison inside prison, they try to isolate in the siege. the 1st form of isolation to social actually restricting communication with families through message monitoring repeatedly banning visits. i was denied visits for years. i could not see my mother, my brothers, or my sisters for so called security reasons. and then i had experienced imprisonment since i was 16 years old. that's my memory holds much of the present experience and little of normal life. my awareness of the world develops under the guards watch. my fundamental consciousness was shaped inside prisons and there was
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no longer any framework for long and everything depended on the jailer psychological state, his nature, and how he decided to treat you on this. you were stripped of everything this while you were completely cut off from the outside world. you had no idea what was happening outside of your food was reduced and a deliberate starvation policy was imposed. a well studied and widely applied starvation strategy. daily violence was used against us, the crew to the state of instability. they worked on making, you doubt, doubt, your leadership doubt the external situation of and if there are more than 2000000 pounds city in suffering right now. and we cannot treat this as an insignificant matter if this is a real humanitarian crisis through the attack is comprehensive, and whoever thinks that they are outside of this attack is delusional. and this attack will effect everyone else. this attack will affect the policy me the story, dual target how much it will target all factions for the web.
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