tv News RT February 8, 2025 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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it within the last 10 years, the i believe 90 people are rescued while and now the $140.00 are about q a to safety after a fire broke out to the they started building in the russian capital. ukrainian shelling hits the down by 6 you of my key of got leaving one women, dad and 11 obviously vivian's injured there was a conflict around around the constructive u. s. military base and the bangladesh, the prime minister doesn't want to do it. and so our foreign policy planners decide we need to change a former state department official. a blow was delayed on us the id, spelling details on how the organization sort a couple of governments around the world. these role and have my eyes conduct their
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latest exchange, a 183 policy and present as on really at least for 3 hostages from god. that's one of the former detainees says that the keys only crime hoping for a better future. they threatened us beat us to our last breath, but all of it is for the homeless. all of it is for the palestinian cause, a defenseless, impoverished people demanding their simplest rights freedom and independence. the hello the well comes are due to national, reaching you from the russian capital with the latest from around the world. i a mike for watching. right now will begin how program this time with the news from the russian capital. a large fire has tore through a historic form of factor buildings, which is actually located in the same neighborhood as all headquarters. here are
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these on this piece you have a loading that was out the scene to tell us more. a fire and golf around 100 square meters. last i think we should 2 of us to take and listen to the eye witness who was actually inside the building. when everything happened, the moon is up and i saw smoke, a strong smell of burning. i had to leave the building through the window and the firefighters. i thank them very much. they helped everyone left the building at that moment to rather those who were in the same part as i was in. they made it out in time, but i didn't have to go through the window. there are lots of organizations in the building. a lot of people doing different things. i hope everyone is safe. the smoke was very sick and that was the worst thing because it was just a one of smoke that made it impossible to breathe. and there was a feeling of panic. according to the emergency services, at least 90 people, high speed rescued with i thought, 140 people being evacuated or at least 10 has been hospitalized. this is what we know at the moment from what we also see,
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not the site is that the uh fly flight is uh all the rescue teams have been deployed to the slides quickly off through the fly. a ruptured with over 65 flight is continue working at the site to extinguish the fly and move are reportedly being deployed to the site. now as the fly level has been upgraded to level 4 out of 5 schools into the operational services, the quotes of the fi, i could have been to you to the uh, 40 electrical wiring or a network overload. ukrainian strike on the dumbass city of lucky if guy has left one woman, dad and 11, all of a civilians wounded. and that's according to a local authorities. with more details here is our t z goes down of the ukraine has carried out and attack against the very central parts of the town of my cave co, which is a sub for the city of denette square. we are right now. it all happened in the afternoon on a saturday, so what day off for most people. and so that was
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a busy area, especially given that to very particular sports that was hit, it was a bus station. so it is pretty much always busy with people waiting for the long distance service bus or just waiting for the relatives or friends, you know, meeting and greeting them. and the russian foreign ministry has already step forward saying that was, it was basically an act of barbarism and a bloody crime. the key of shewn to has, once again demonstrated it's in human nazi nature by committing yet another cynical, bloody crime. ukrainian armed forces deliberately attacked a densely populated area in the city of monica in the genetic people's republic of the russian federation. we strongly condemn this criminal act of terrorism. the key of resumes, western patrons who regularly insight ukraine's current authorities to commit bloody crimes were directly involved in organizing it. now the attack could, against the backdrop of the russians, liberating the town of georgians,
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which is not far away from the cave. great is maybe if you were to drive or if it was safe, of course it would take you maybe about an hour or an hour and a half to get to the town limits. now of course that is not possible as of now, but the russians, the russian army, raw veggies in full control of the town of threats. it is also important because it is home to several mining operations and it has a bunch of slug heaps. and so those of course they provide a high ground and it is a difficult position. it is a difficult place, a difficult structure to attack can to capture. but while the russians did the now, from the tops of these waste peeps, they can actually see the next down of constantine of times that this is an absolutely will to show this. the town of constantino provides its like a hub where major lifelines will be great. in ami, where they connect and wherever they are you into twine because this town of
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constantine of k provides logistical supports and services to view creating and guys and in the town of chest of yacht and across a huge chunk of the front line here, outside of the city of the nets, and now the russians can actually see with the naked eye and it's, well, it's quite, it seems to be the last is, again, it's quite painful for the ukrainians that now the russians are saying that basically they are they are just the lashing out and they're carrying out the revenge against civilians against the civilian population over the past week or so, they have intensified their showings and their attacks against the town of gulf. and as sad as it may be likely, it is from ukraine's last strike against you. know civilian population and civilian infrastructure here on the don't boss and elsewhere along the front line. why there is no laptop and the revelations emerging about us. the id,
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a former state department official, has now come for would be feeling the agencies efforts to gain influence and even toppled governments around the world. basically there was a conflict around around the contract of us military base in the region which a very common conflict that we have often times foreign countries don't like having a big fat us military base installed, you know, on they don't want for exhibits on their soil let's just say it really is vital to us national interest to build that military base in bangladesh to counter chinese influence. and the bangladesh or prime minister doesn't want to do it. it is our foreign policy planners decide. we need to do resume, change a pretty expensive allegations coming out now from like fences up full my us state department official, who says that all the way back in 2018, the state department had adult human to about how we could possibly look at shifting the lines in bangladesh. now what he was referring to specifically though,
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is that story back in if it was august of last year with the legally elected representative leader of bangladesh, fled the country and a helicopter a mid thieves student wides. so attendance of people killed at the time that when she landed in india, she accused the us of being behind essentially a crew to our, to mike buttons now saying, well actually this is all true because this is something we knew the state department was trying to do for the last few years, and then that's what we saw in his woods, another color revolution. he outlines how us a r d was involved in that. and they noted, you know, that at rap music was, was popular and young people were listening to rap music in bangladesh. so what did they do? they, they turned around and they took us taxpayer funds. they get a 100 percent of the money from, from the state department, and they work closely with usaid and they funded bangladesh. she wrapped groups to
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produce a songs and music videos insinuating that people should take to the streets and do street protests. and, you know, the classic a peaceful protest that's has the, the upside of being a riot. the bundle dash is one of many as the sweet because really, um, so usa, i think it has been incredibly busy. in fact, for basically the entire duration of its existence. what else was it being responsible for? yeah, that's why it's been uh, in existence. this stuff is around 1961 to decades now of involved when to trying to promote regime change to favorable to the us in countries across the world. and i want to talk about specifically king, but as a result of the american influence in cuba, that the government that's been trying to stime you for that, that case. it decided to ban twitter at the time now x from using its accounts on the islands. now usa id was like thing, okay, well, how do we get around this band and essentially it created it. something version is
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cheap in twitter. it did. so by getting she wouldn't businessman to sign up and create this enterprise. so you have lots of change things going on. so this change in twitter, talking about the things they were interested in. what was usa already doing the whole time. it was taking that data and looking at trends and patterns and trying to identify individuals that might be susceptible to its views and help promote us ideas of democracy on seeing. since at least ought to do that in cuba by creating what they, what usa called the cuban spring. and the problem was at that, at that time, cuba had banned us social media comp, these calling them, you know, a tool of us imperialism. and so there was no twitter allowed. and so usaid pull office operations do create a, a company called as engineer, which is, it was like it was a twitter knock off if they would then activate what they, what they called smart mobs. they would, they would switch the, our, their mobs,
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they would, they would switch the items and they would selectively target news distribution of, of messages to, to users on the, on the basis of their political proclivities in order to get them to take to the streets in in violent street protests and over overthrow the government usa, i didn't knew it was match lake and he did everything it could to cover that up, but essentially moved money through the cayman islands through falls companies. anything it could do to not show where the money for this cuban twitter was coming from. and in fact, associated press a, he actually did an investigation on this, where they essentially said the documents it was processing. was that to say, let's cover up our involvement. that will be absolutely no mention of united states government involvement. this is absolutely crucial for the long term success of the service and to ensure the success of the mission. when this whole story kicked off . for trump, it only seemed like this possible open data where the,
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how to be an exponent about usa. i tell them that people start off some questions. is this possible that install is mentioned trumps impeachment? is that some kind of link to? yeah, i mean it's, it's interesting because what benz goes on to say is essentially usa i d, i'm the state department, we're essentially looking inclusion with each other to try and cook up stories continues friendly to and less tool perhaps no eve june list to put top stories that didn't necessarily have a fax check that would give them with sources that we comp can fun and the use the media massively to put for the gen this store. essentially things used to bring down the high profile fake as a no just donald trump. and so what did they do in 20? 19 they dug up dirt on rudy giuliani. and then that dirt ended up being used as part of the impeachment of donald trump in 2019. in that case, if there was no,
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you know, if there was no state department usaid funding to ccrpi, they wouldn't of being in presumably had the capital to to go out and dig up dirt on rudy giuliani and so usaid spending to journalists and ukraine comes back to be used to impeach trump. well in n in to square me as a russian agent. right? that's been reported this out there. it's proven. so my tax dollars go to impugning my character and calling me a disloyal american. we now know in ukraine 90 percent, to meet organizations receiving a huge chunk of funding from usa. i see. and now con, run as a result of that funding a drawing up, even if we look to georgia in november and some we saw this purchase that the georgia and government at the time saying usa id was behind funding your position media. and still looking up the process, that's a really happy thing is in lot supplies around the world. and these are really exclusive allegations, but the reality is, you know, a few months ago,
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if we had said this, people go, oh, it's a conspiracy theory. it's not true now we've got a little mosque who is saying that this is a women oh organization that needs to be shut down. we've to that essentially comparing it to both of williams now picking up on one nation to charlotte mentioned there. cuba. america has a long and well documented history of the mazda d towards the island. now, the investigative team of the great zone has published a report, dating washington's various attempts to overthrow the leadership and have on a us intelligence is doing all it can to exploit the resentments of those elements which usa id branded as the socialized and marginalized youth from afro cuban communities, every policy of today's most powerful empire has been calculated and designed to inflict regime change in cuba, a euphemism for the complete overall of class relations. in cuba, their agents there was this group called armies on a frank guy,
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and then the whole twitter internet operations. they were trying to win me over to be a type of international, a spokesperson for they were trying to do. but i come from an anti imperialist background, so i was able to sniff it out from the beginning. it smells like, uh, what we would popularly call c, i a operations. these individuals in cuba always said that they were non ideological, and they were attempting to recruit afro q bins and rap artist. and then the any d came in with millions and millions of dollars working with different professors and international uh, agents. and that's what stove the 2021, uh, the quote unquote, you know, rebellion that we saw. and this is what forces the cuban government to defend themselves and defend the sovereignty. so then cnn and fox. and the reason she changed arms here can say,
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look at the cuban government there. so savage and repressive, without knowing us aid and the sea is low and stoking those flames. now, to the middle east. now the is really prime minister who is currently on a trip to the us as a q is to mass of mistreating hostages during this site. today's latest swap that he's out to destroy the group completely. and brock of having the donald trump support a to who we have seen again what the months does of how most of these are the same monsters who slaughtered our citizens and abused our hostages. and i tell them again, that blood is on the heads, we will do everything to return all our hostages. we will ensure that safety, this is the instruction i gave to the delegation, to tell the mediators this and to demand it. and i see, but beyond that, president trump completely agreed with me. we will eliminate him up and we will
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return our hostages. this is the instruction and we will do it by the comments, follow the latest exchange of pays and as in the house to days between both sides. that user of fee, the $183.00 policy unions while have mice returned. and now the 3 of its captives on both sides of the deal, people gathered to celebrate the return of their loved ones, that the white piece of joy is found that these wherever united are these my of the notion i sent this report from the west bank city of ramallah are now in downtown, in ramallah police times to say to with palestinian prisoners release stuff and day on to the israel, him off exchange agreement. happy world buys bosses promo for prism the only really know through jail and you'll provide was bank. one of them is right here. now. scores immediately surrounded by the press. everybody wants to interview them. as the final list was confirmed last night, the idea and civil administration warrens,
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palestinian families against public celebrations, reckoning arrests. but as you can see, the cloud have gathered here despite the warnings. there's more than anticipated problems getting versus deployed here to provide security. i don't know the power side, we see so many of them on the ground. i hope you can, can see them. now, here are also ambulances on the grounds. the, as some of the prisoners are in really bad shape and concerns here. a motion with the ambulance i told you about before i made joy freedom and also dick sole rosalie, over 60000 gallons killed all missing in 15 months of war. and the question on everyone's mind, why wasn't they still reached earlier months ago to avoid so many casualties, including from these really side as the war to the lives of hundreds of ideas, soldiers and 2 hostages medicaid. and so i didn't tip to the,
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to the following the same return on his rated as the change earlier on saturday was a 183 palestinian prisoners were afraid, including several high profile figures. but only dozens. we're here to deal with. what now would be a, a drop off point to the day we're serving like 7. 2 the ambulance, so we have been able to speak to some of the new release prisoners here. here's what they have to say. why don't then by the way, lost consciousness while talking to us. we will defend our land with all our strength. america is real or any other country in the world will not to feed us. we will fight for our land with all we have, including our lives,
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our children that are homes i spend 23 years in the occupations presence. that is a feeling of a citizen stripped of his rights, returning to one's homeland family and people is a feeling that cannot be described. it is an image that speaks for itself. we salute our palestinian people. we congratulate them on the return of their sons to their embrace, and we hope god willing to welcome even more people being freed. they are currently being subjected to the worst forms of torture and is rarely present. they are humiliated and trampled. we are being tortured every moment and every day they threatened us beat us to our last breath. but all of it is for the homeless. all of it is for the palestinian cause, a defenseless, impoverished people demanding their simplest rights freedom and independence. solve lady. i was sentenced to 18 years in 2 months. i served 16 and
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a half years. when the war started, they targeted the prisoners representatives, the leaders of the factions. they were beaten in unimaginable ways. just because you were in the leadership role because you were responsible for something inside the prison, they beat you yup. humiliation. beating, lack of food or poor food, filthy food spreading diseases, escaping us among the prisoners. it took a mental toll on us even more than a physical one when a life was undeniably ha, the meanwhile tops on the 2nd phase of israel had lost these far. 6 results of the game though they were delayed. you took it, them. yeah. was us visit the space that is supposed to start off. the 42 guys of the initial stage will focus on ending the war and secure and the release of all remaining hostages. 7 to 6 off to today's exchange, and we're hearing that and it's really delegation is preparing to had to go hot. soon. now it's a waiting game to see how things develop for as an option on oxy reporting from
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ramallah and to europe now flooded with migraines coupled with an economy that's time king. that's the dominant assessment of the e u. by the hungarian prime minister as they to on the bureaucrats of brussels have destroyed europe because of brussels. the european economy is slowly sinking because of brussels. our money is being sent to ukraine to a hopeless war because of brussels. europe has been flooded with migrants, but while gas prices in europe have hit the highest level since october 2023, and that's according to the london stock exchange by the spike and added the costs comes as 3 baltic states permanently separate themselves from profit. the electrical grid and why that move is going to come out the cost for the trio, but you use for impulse achieve things. it's
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a prize was thing that we all take all the story here is our to contribute to rachel. nice to a big day for the you says the box chief diplomat. tie a callous all because 3 former soviet satellite states live vio, lithuania, and her home country. estonia, where she previously served as prime minister are all swapping out there historically reliable russian electricity for a system regulated by the folks in brussels whose recent energy security strategies have included dressing and sweaters like a turtle and recommending groups. showers in russia can no longer use energy as a tool of blackmail. this is a victory for freedom and european unity. maybe she could point to exactly where on the map of europe. russia supposedly touched the u on, wanted lead by black mailing it with electricity. because if that were really the case, it's pretty weird how the officials of these countries like callous. i felt completely
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free to bad. most russia non stop like someone trash talking their toxic acts while still stealing their netflix password. or like customers who leave scaling yelp and google reviews online, but then still show up every morning like, hey, same table 3 all the is that these baltic countries i've been trying for years to ditch russia supply for the use network. but their new guy apparently just didn't quite have enough cash to make them part of his e, you electrical. busy pair of despite process being the single biggest financial contributor for cross core infrastructure projects like this. these countries were perfectly happy then to just keep plugging into rushes power supply. but the moment they could afford to leave, it was like jumping from one sugar daddy to another rewriting the whole story, like someone who was escaping a toxic relationship conveniently, forgetting all those years. they benefited from russia's electrical largest. but
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this kind of rhetoric masking a rather different and contradictory reality is just the classic tie, a callous. she's been one of the loudest voices pushing, not just to skim the interest of russian state assets in the e. u to find you frame basically making russia pay for the use side of the conflict to like it's the blocks personal atm. but also, she's advocated to go even further and just hand over the russian assets altogether to key of like their gift baskets bought with a stolen credit card that would be rushes the last year around this time, russia put talis on wants, is less citing. falsification of history for leading the charge to tear down soviet era, 2nd world war monuments, while she was a stony in prime minister statues, commemorating a time when soviets were allied with the west against the nazis. but that major russell phobia didn't get in the way of her family from caching in after the start
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of the train conflict went about a year and a half in reports came out about her husband's transportation company, stark logistics, and the fact that it was still enjoying business relations with russia, when everyone else was being pressure to bail out of the russian market by folks like his wife. since he got busted, he had to offload his 25 percent stake in the company. now, if he'd only been able to keep flying under the radar radar, he could still be ready in cash right now. while his wife performs her screw rush routine for the public. look, no matter how much tell us and the preach, european unity and freedom, their actions typically just end up being re, a master class and self sabotage with russia sitting there, i'm watching like it's a nascar race with endless spectacular crosses. now african had so states and all the regional leaders have descended on times and he had to
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discuss the ongoing crisis in the democratic republic of the congo can yeah, has called for an immediate cease fire, we joined together in order to retreat of a course to their pockets, these types of conflict to immediately cease hosting with these, i'm take positive action to allow with meaningful dialogue, a restoration of stability. specific un. we've done to get that the call on or patterns up to lice deceased by on specific on, on the m 23 to hold for the advancement the i'm the i'm for says d, f. c, to seize or retaliate 3 mission. earlier this week in the eastern city of go my m 23, insurgents have their 1st public meeting since taking control of the area. they are now claiming that they will march towards the capital kinshasa. the fighting has cost a document. each area in crisis with locals wanting about disrupted food supplies
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to the region. the union at the definitely the warren goma has ruined our trade or we used to buy our goods and go much to sell them here. and now everything has increased drastically. those who still have stocks of food have raised their prices . so gabby died me and i've been coming here to buy my products for years. but today it's chaos. there is almost nothing available, not even onions, which we used to find in abundance. fruits to of becoming hard to find all of this came from guidelines and now we are completely stuck fees. we used to get them from government, but today nothing arrives here because we are entirely dependent on government. this will, has power lost everything, and our lives are now on such. and now in the meantime, on voice from the d. r. c. and rwanda treated accusations during the session of the un human human rights counseling geneva, the life of this demo,
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catching you from the democratic republic of the congo coals for the establishment of an international commission of inquiry to examine the violations of human rights committed in our country we strongly reject the continued involvement of certain states in particular lawanda in the logistical military and financial support to arms groups operating on our territory to follow him. therefore i'll go my new evidence as a commenter lied to the guy named any minute a large scale attacker then. so the one that consists of bucked coalition has stockpiled a large number of weapons and military recruitment. and the other one does border most of the in, oh, i don't to go my airport now like to the, on the comparative constitutional law and human lied side of the university of lawanda. thomas lisa believes that the east african states will help broke a piece of the d r c. i think there's going to be a breakthrough because i think this time we are being the subject of hands of says
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to be that we decide that the team it wouldn't be successful with the honest duck taking on this challenge. but i think the ability to go with that is existing between a dental appointment is for the pretty and it seems plans to these when we've seen that, did they practice involved in their own thinking, attending? even though the, the, the see attendance online, not physical, but i think the ends of states coming to be loved. but i think we expect at least is by at least i'm looking forward to that this message is paid for by to stay with our team to national for all the latest i'm around the world. see you again the .
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