tv News RT February 8, 2025 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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going on the ground can the at least 90 people are rescued while another 140 or a buck you waited to safety officer. a fire broke out and he started building in the russian capital. ukrainian shelling hits the done by city of lucky after leaving one woman dead and 11 aba civilians injured. there was a conflict around around the constructive u. s. military base. and the thing that i should probably minister doesn't want to do it. and so our foreign policy planners decide we need to do, we're going to a former state department official blows delayed on us, the id spelling details on how the organization sort a couple of governments around the world is roland and mas conduct. the latest
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exchange, a 183 palestinian prisoners are released for 3 hostages from guys that a one of the former detainees added issues only crime was hoping for a better future. they threatened us beat us to our last breath, but all of it is for the homeless. all of it is for the palestinian cause, a defenseless, impoverished people demanding their simplest rights freedom and independence. the what is, is our team to national, reaching you from the russian capital with the latest from around the world. i a michael question now will begin had a program with news from russian capital. a large fire has store through a historic factory of a former factory here in a, in moscow not far from headquarters. here are these on this, this you have a low dina was on the scene to tell us more about it. a fly and golf around 100 square meters. let's i think we should 2 of us to take
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a listen to the eye witness who was actually inside the building. when everything happened. the example of this i saw smoke, a strong smell of burning. i had to leave the building through the window and the firefighters. i thank them very much. they helped everyone left the building at that moment to rather those who were in the same part as i was in. they made it out in time, but i didn't have to go through the window. there are lots of organizations in the building. a lot of people doing different things. i hope everyone is safe and the smoke was very sick and that was the worst thing because it was just a one of smoke that made it impossible to breathe. and there was a feeling of panic. douglas, according to the emergency services, at least 90 people, high speed rescued with i thought 140 people being evacuated or at least 10 has been hospitalized. this is what we know at the moment from what we also see, not the site is that the uh fly flight is uh old. the rescue teams have been deployed to the slides quickly off through the fly. a ruptured with over 65 flight
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has continue watching at the site to extinguish the fly and move are reportedly being deployed to the site. now as the fly level has been upgraded to level 4 out of 5, according to the operational services, the costs of the fi, i could have been due to the 40 electrical wiring or network overload ukrainian strike on the dunbar. city of mucky, i've got has left one woman dead and 11 of a civilians wounded. and that's according to a local authorities. with more details here is a r t z e goes down of the ukraine has carried out an attack against the very central parts of the town of my case, which is a sub for the city of demet square. we are right now. it all happened in the afternoon on a saturday, so a day off for most people. and so that was a busy area, especially given that very particular sports that was hits. it was
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a bus station. so it is pretty much always busy with people waiting for that long distance service bus or just waiting for the relatives or friends you know, meeting and greeting them. and the rushing for administrator has already step forward saying that was because basically an act of barbarism and a bloody crime. the key of shewn to has, once again demonstrated it's in human nazi nature by committing yet another cynical, bloody crime. the ukrainian armed forces deliberately attacked a densely populated area in the city of monica in the genetic people's republic of the russian federation. we strongly condemn this criminal act of terrorism. the key of resumes, western patrons who regularly insight ukraine's current authorities to commit bloody crimes were directly involved in organizing it. now the attack could, against the backdrop of the russians, liberating the town of gin. ski which is not far away from the cave gate, is maybe if you were to drive or if it was safe,
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of course it would take maybe about an hour or an hour and a half to get to the town limits. now of course that is not possible as of now, but the russians, the russian army, raw veggies in full control of the town of threats. it is also important because it is home to several mining operations and it has a bunch of slug heaps. and so those, of course they provide a high ground and it is a difficult position. it is a difficult place, a difficult structure to attack can to capture by 12. the russians did the now from the tops of these waste heaps, they can actually see the next down of constantine of got tons that it is an absolutely will flu show. this the town of constantine of go provides. it's like a hub where major lifelines of the ukranian army, where they connect and where they are you into twine because this town of constantino okay provides logistical supports and services to view courtney and
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guys and in the town of chess of yacht and across a huge chunk of the front line here, outside of the city of bennett's, and now the russians can actually seat with a naked eye and it's, well, it's quite, it's, it's to be the last is, again, it's quite painful for the ukrainians that now the russians are saying that basically they are, they're just the lashing out and they're carrying out the revenge against civilians against the civilian population over the past week or so. they have intensify their showings and their attacks against the town of gulf. and as sad as it may be likely, it is far from ukraine's loss strike against you know, civilian population and civilian infrastructure here in the dumbass and elsewhere along the front line. but there is no lights out behind the revelations. imagine you're by the usa. i be a former state department. the 1st of all has now come for the detailing of the agencies efforts to gain influence and even trouble governments around the world.
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make sure there was a conflict around around the constructive us military base in the region which a very common conflict that we have often times foreign countries don't like having a big fat us military base installed, you know, on they don't want for and trips on there so let's just say it really is vital to us national interest to build that military base in bangladesh, to counter chinese influence. and the language i should probably minister doesn't want to do it or. and so our foreign policy planners decide we need to do resume, change a predict space of allegations coming out. now from like fences up for my us state department official, who says that all the way back in 2018, the state department had adult human to about how we could possibly look at shifting the lines in bangladesh. now what he was referring to specifically, there is that story back in if it was august of last year with a legally elected representative leader of bangladesh, fled to country and
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a helicopter. i mean these stupid lights, so a tens of people killed at the time. now when she landed in india, she, she was the us of being behind, essentially a crew to our, to my friends. now saying, well actually this is all true because this is something we need to state to pump. what was trying to do for the last few years, and then that's what we saw in his woods, another color revolution. he outlines how us a d was impulse, but not. and they noted, you know, that or at rap music was, was popular and young people were listening to rap music in bangladesh. so what do they do? they, they turned around and they took us taxpayer funds. they get a 100 percent of the money from, from the state department, and they work closely with usaid and they funded bangladesh. she wrapped groups to produce a songs and music videos insinuating that people should take to the streets and do
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street protests. and, you know, the classic a peaceful protest that's has the, the upside of being a riot. the bundle dash is one of many as the sweet because really, um, so usa, i think it has been incredibly busy. in fact, for basically the entire duration of its existence. what else was it being responsible for? yeah, that's why it's been uh, in existence. this stuff is about 1961 to decades now of involved when to trying to promote regime change to favorable to the us in countries across the world. and i want to talk about specifically king, but as a result of the american influence in cuba, that the government that's been trying to stein you for the decades. it decided to ban twitter at the time. now x from using its accounts on the islands. now usa id was like, oh okay, well how do we get around this band and essentially a crate to the southern version if she's in twits a did so by guessing she wouldn't businessman to sign up and create this enterprise,
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you have lots of change things going on so this change in twitter, talking about the things they were interested in, what was usa already doing the whole time. it was taking that data and looking at trends and patterns and trying to identify individuals that might be susceptible to its views and help promote us ideas of democracy on seeing for us. since at least want to do that in cuba by creating what they, what usa called the cuban spring. and the problem was at that, at that time, cuba had band us social media come these, calling them, you know, a tool of us imperialism. and so there was no twitter allowed. and so usaid pull office operations do create a, a company called as engineer, which is, it was like it was a twitter knock off if they would then activate what they, what they called smart mobs. they would, they would switch the, our, their mobs, they would, they would switch the items and they would selectively target news distribution of, of messages to 2 users on the,
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on the basis of their political proclivities in order to get them to take to the streets and in violent street protests and over overthrow the government usa, i didn't knew it was metal lake and it was a code to cover that up, but essentially moved money through the cayman islands through falls companies. anything it could do to not show where the money for this cuban twitter was coming from. and in fact, associated press a, he actually did an investigation on this, where they essentially said the documents it was processing. was that to say, let's cover up our involvement. that will be absolutely no mention of united states government involvement. this is absolutely crucial for the long term success of the service and to ensure the success of the mission. when this whole story kicked off . for trump, it only seemed like this possible open data where the, how to be an exponent about usa idea and then people start off some questions. is
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this possible that installs mentioned trumps impeachment? is that some kind of link to? yeah, i mean it's, it's interesting because what benz goes on to say is essentially usa i d, i'm the state department, we're essentially looking inclusion with each other to try and cook up stories continues friendly to and less to perhaps know eve june list to put top stories that didn't necessarily have a fax check that would give them with sources that we can't confirm and the use the media massively to put forward agendas store, essentially, things used to bring down the high profile figures. no, just donald trump. and so what did they do? in 2019 they dug up dirt on rudy giuliani and then that dirt ended up being used as part of the impeachment of donald trump in 2019. in that case, if there was no, you know, if there was no state department usaid funding to ccrpi, they wouldn't of being in presumably had the capital to to go out and dig up dirt
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on rudy giuliani and so usaid spending to journalists and ukraine comes back to be used to impeach trump. well in n n to swear me as a russian agent, right? that's been reported this out there, it's proven. so my tax dollars go to impugning my character and calling me a disloyal american. we now know in ukraine 90 percent, to meet organizations receiving a huge chunk of funding from the usa. i see. and now con, run as a result of that funding a drawing up, even if we look to georgia in november and some we saw this process that the georgia and government at the time saying usa id was behind funding your position media. and still king up the process, that's a really heavy thing is in a lot supplies around the world. and these are really expensive allegations, but the reality is, you know, a few months ago, if we had said this, people go, oh, it's a conspiracy theory. it's not true now we've got a little mosque who's saying that this is
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a women oh organization that needs to be shut down. roosted out, essentially, comparing it to bully williams. rice put nick in the john list. so can find the believe that us c, i b has been paying reporters around the world. if we use to take part in the step below position efforts. a lot of us aids the money has been doing towards propaganda. you know, like very far last or new liberal war mongering propaganda. and in that aspect they also started to demonize strong. you know, and so for example, i do, is this the news through god. i've entered news. nobody has ever heard of it, and it gets $500000000.00 a year. from the us. they need to train a journalist across the world. the so they train like $9000.00 journalists last
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year and they have all these broadcast programs. and it's all about us propaganda, war mongering. we know, so like in a georgia, i mean you survive, can you grade? and they had these journalists in a 100 gloves, countries around the world. and it's all just uh, propaganda. they started to become very, very much against strong energy and now it's like problem of us and buyer is having, i mean i the auto immune disorder and they are deciding against one another office of these really a problem. medistat, who is caller id on a trip to the united states as a queues 10 miles of mistreating hostages during the soft. today's latest swap, now he's out to destroy the group completely brogdan. having donald trump support
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to lane, we have seen again what the monks does of how most of these are the same monsters who slaughtered our citizens and abused our hostages. and i tell them again, well, that blood is on the heads with us, we will do everything to return all our hostages. we will ensure their safety. this is the instruction i gave to the delegation board to tell the mediators this and to demand it. and i see, but beyond that, president trump completely agreed with me. we will eliminate come up and we will return our hostages. and this is the instruction and we will do it. the comments follow the latest exchange of present as and have to just between the 2 sides. these are free to 183 palestinians while have my eyes returned. and now the 3 of its captives. and on both sides of the do people gather to celebrate the return of your loved ones, the way tears of joy as families wherever united our days. more of an auction,
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i sent this report from the west bank city of ramada. were now in downtown, in ramallah police times p. c too, with palestinian prisoners released suffolk day under the israel have not exchange agreement happening. world buys bosses promo for prism you only really know through jail and you'll find was bank. one of them is, why do you now scores immediately surrounded by the grass? everybody wants to interview them. as the final list was confirmed last night, the i d. f and civil administration, warren's palestinian families against public celebrations, threatened and harassed. but as you can see, the clouds have gathered here despite the warnings, the smaller than anticipated problems. invoices are deployed here to provide security, another power site. we see so many of them on the grounds, i hope you can, can see them. now here are also ambulances on the grounds,
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as some of the prisoners are really bad. shay, the sun is here, and the ambulance i told you about before i made joy freedom, and also deep, soulful the over 60000 gallons killed all missing. in 15 months of war and the question on everyone's mind, why wasn't this deal reached earlier months ago to avoid so many casualties, including from the really side as the war to the lives of hundreds of ideas, soldiers and 2 hostages made paid. and i didn't tip to the, to the following the safe return old. he's really at the keys early on saturday was a 183 palestinian prisoners were afraid, including several high profile figures. the only 4 dozens were here to deal with. what now would be to be a drop off point to they were serving like
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7 or. 2 the ambulance, so we have been able to speak to someone with a new release presenter is here. here's what they have to say. why don't then by the way, lost consciousness while talking to us. we will defend our land with all our strength. america is real or any other country in the world will not to feed us. we will fight for our land with all we have, including our lives, our children, that our homes the theater still does, doesn't i spent 23 years in the occupations presence. that is a feeling of a citizen stripped of his rights, returning to one's homeland family and people is a feeling that cannot be described. it is an image that speaks for itself. we
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salute our palestinian people. we congratulate them on the return of their sons to their embrace, and we hope god willing to welcome even more people being freed. they are currently being subjected to the worst forms of torture and is rarely presence. they are humiliated and trampled upon. we're being tortured every moment and every day they threatened us beat us to our last breath, but all of it is for the homeland. all of it is for the palestinian cause, a defenseless, impoverished people demanding their simplest rights freedom and independence. solve later. i was sentenced to 18 years in 2 months. i served 16 and a half years. when the war started, they targeted the prisoners representatives, the leaders of the factions. they were beaten in unimaginable ways. just because you were in the leadership role because you were responsible for something inside the prison, they beat you. humiliation. beatings, lack of food. poor food fills the food spreading, diseases, scabies among the prisoners. it took a mental toe on us even more than
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a physical one. life was undeniably harsh. meanwhile, talks on the 2nd phase of israel had lost the fire results of the game though they were delayed. you took it, them. yeah, it was us visits. let's say that is supposed to start off the 4th a king, size of the initial stage will focus on ending the war and secure in the release of all remaining hostages, $7.00 to $6.00 off to today's exchange. and we're hearing that and it's really delegation is preparing to had to go how soon now it's a waiting game to see how things develop for as an option on all key reporting from ramallah no out. the donald trump imposed sanctions on the international criminal court. this week, iran has lost out of bad news keeping it aims to hand easel, a constable honest forwards atrocities in the middle east, a sanctioning b i. c. c for investigating israel's heinous crimes. marks
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a new low in the annals of the us is complicity and collusion with an occupying apartheid regime, which has committed all sorts of atrocities in pursuit of its colonial eraser of palestine. this is truly an egregious abuse of power aimed at the forwarding. the is rarely regime the fullest impunity for its criminal act. it seriously threatened international peace and security. he was foreign ministry, all synthesized at the us sanctions were present at troubling escalation of punitive measures. now targeting international buddies like the i c, c, the country for assistance from donald trump, executive order, imposing sanctions on only see officials and those assisting in investigations against the us and its allies. that decision change in response to the only success pro into alleged war crimes. in garza, president trump defend that his actions calling the i sincerely attempts and
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dismissing arrest warrants issued for his really officials as baseless. however, critics argue that these actions were present a pattern of the us using its economic power to bully international institutions and countries, the challenge its policies or those of its allies. these comes as the one supreme leader i to law say that least harmony has called negotiations with washington. on weiss wood. okay, they've got to be empty. we negotiated, we made concessions, we compromised bucks, we did not achieve the results. we intended the other side rude and violated and tore up the j. c. p. o. a treaty. we should not negotiate with such a government. it is unwise, it is unintelligent. it is this on revolt and negotiate price a little. how many is comments came in the wake of new us sanctions targeting the rain in the oil industry here on sleeter criticized transactions and wars?
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that's the one would respond forcefully. 20 prints, as a potential new nuclear deal has been proposed. the question remains how tom, during his 2nd term and office, will construct his policy towards the table. but moscow has proposed exporting the soul 57, 5th generation, still multiple find to, to new delhi, a local manufacturing, all the advanced objects, as well as help with building their own. that crop is also on the negotiating table with india. now archie spoke to one of russia's best buy lots say to get a box done. he says a russian jets remain on matched the size of the 5 for how far and to combine aircraft upon it. what for example can be said about friendship growth. they distinguished by the shape which is great for strong banking, and they causally demonstrate this across quickly performs a double barrel roll and then can store the rotation. this is what they can do quite well, and they've demonstrated, for example,
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not everyone can do the sophisticated loops. so right patients needs the best aspect across who control the thrust vectoring. this is, for example, the ramp to the f $35.00 plus the i managed to see around the spectacular piloting of the rep to ones. it was quite a long time ago about 15 years ago. i can say that compared to the pilot taking the russian s u. so t m k. all yeah, crowd demonstrated much more capable by the take at the time. i'm not saying that the raps or cannot do the same. most likely. there was a simpler program that compared to the su 30 m k i across what i saw, for example in the m ritz, it seemed as if a simple combat pilot arrived taken off, performed a come by turn on the raptor and landed almost immediately. so that is, every one was expecting something more that they didn't show us anything more except for the f 35. when you watch your popular funds documentary, that's where the topic of jewels is discussed. and the following is said, presumably probably the russian aircraft has significantly was characteristics in
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terms of radar across the section. and therefore probably the f 35 the across will detect to the what do you mean? probably presumably. well, ok, you name the characteristics of your rank croft more than if we will think about it and perhaps smiled. the question is a, for some exercises ought to be conducted then by what rules to me. i can give you examples. for example, russian made and cross when they met with their american just simply took out these planes. the indians, for example, when they performed on su 30 m k i is against the americans. and during exercises the americans created more comfortable conditions for the ad. growth are still even in these difficult conditions. the s u c m. k. i showed overwhelming superiority demonstrated and it, and all parameters. of course, the americans acknowledge that it is better and not do engage in price combined with the russians. but instead they will attempt to intercept them from long distance as well. go ahead,
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but just for us make really show that the characteristics of your planes actually back down. but i knew about the was a new one on expect. that star on the indian social media this week, a russian hindus and all because a video showing his trend spots compares into a figure from the hindu mythology that we had from 50 euro, the legs, the gosh and, and about his new found fame and his lifelong search for enlightenment. yes, i've done most of before. i started thinking about spirituality, about the search for truth, about the path to god. when i was 12 years old when i lived in russian, all so no matter what i did throughout my life, i continued my inner search and gradually it brought me to india. here i studied, emily ensued the yoga knowledge of some kind of darma and completely dedicated my whole life to this cause. somehow mystically, it happened that almost all indian bloggers and a lot of indian media posted videos and photos of me and they went viral with you.
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but unfortunately, i have not been to india this year. apparently, my external physical image and life style allow people to think about divine avatars. about the great heroes of my hub, iraq, to the job use of integrity. and i am very happy about this. with my lifestyle, i want to restore the ancient tradition of yoga heroes who had physically strong and powerful bodies. they are described in russian and indian classical epochs. i really want young people to be inspired by my example, lead a healthy lifestyle meditation and build their lives according to russian. india have significantly more common roots of knowledge and tradition than modern man knows. gradually this knowledge will rise and reach a large number of people. now there is unification, restoration of knowledge, and a kind of fusion of the cultures of russian traditions and the indian spiritual cultural traditions. if i can be here by spare, with our team to national for all the latest from around the world fence for watching it by now,
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