tv Going Underground RT February 8, 2025 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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more research on the the i'm actually understand see, and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. in the heart of a, me least stunned into understanding what is reading the usa of long had in store for palestine wheel. donald trump's national security advisor, mike will be fine. does he already verified? saudi arabia was swift to attack drums planned to ethnically cleanse guys, even though it was in the middle of the night, saturday time when the us president sitting beside israel's netanyahu. so to defacto d, stabilize egypt and jordan with millions of refugees as expected vessel states in europe and those sovereignty with muted but trumps erroneous claim that saudi
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arabia no longer thinks about a city and state, also and good china, russia and nato. remember tuck a, this is trump facilitated ukraine bombing of russia, bomb somalia, and signed in order to improve bombing iran will that in a week that out could be so a trump uprooting the c i a, and shelving the globally destructive u. s. a. i the agency that he a veteran kind of learns wilkinson is in full, it's george virginia. he was chief of staff with us state department now led by monica rubio. when nato power has invaded the rock, kind of thank so much for coming on right off the top. i suppose i better ask you despite all the relief about usa id, what you thought of that press conference in the white house with the alleged wall criminal netanyahu, the trump gave way outlined, possible ethnic cleansing route for gaza. frankly, i didn't think that i could be in the future storm to buy anything but look,
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curio bombastic character donald trump said, but i was, this is, this is just such a flagrant violation of the read space to order if you will, that we fashion, particularly the international law, part of it, there's just stunning, absolutely, studying. i think this special effort to her all the needs said correctly, if you wanted to break every law possible to be broken, he did. except while you and spencer up or to or i'll give you a fail to create disease 5. and i know i get criticized with the left is if i'm some trump supports it. yeah. it was trump that allowed the children of guys had to sleep for the 1st time up to 15 months with that aerial bombardment. i mean, it's the genocide. and of course, some people to kindly looking on this is saying now is real cars start up the bombing image, these different processes of the ceasefire agreement because it's the united states land now was this wasn't
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a humanitarian gesture by drawing. this was strictly transactional, could go to the jared coast in a dream of a gaza with hotels drop hotels, probably. and other assets, the trump likes featured on the mediterranean, say this had nothing to do with humanitarian instincts or empathy or exempt of the even. and now we're seeing the reality of it. i think the reality of it, however, is the military professional i have to tell you is not only reasonable is extremely dangerous as well if it really was jared questionnaire and a bank of trump's idea. as you imply, there it is reasonable because there's no way i mean you might have to remind or what he is. what exactly, he said as regards we, he didn't really loud us troops on the ground to god. this perhaps future trump hotel, project him guys a. but while saying that the 2000000 people in guys of which somehow became
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1.81.6000000. i don't know whether that was an admission that half a 1000000 to being wiped out by british american european union on bombing over the past 15 months. to some o u. s. troops a going on the ground there. um i go back to colon barrel statement to me on a number of occasions throughout about a decade period. putting us forces on the ground in the law in a serious per portion. that is to say, not just that air force spaces and pass through facilities as we haven't weighed. but on a serious basis war fighting capable basis would be the greatest mistake the united states could make with regard to the bar. and possibly with regard to its global position period on powers, right. you do not. and h w bush actually said this to in the presence of his then sector defense. richard cheney, you do not stop me into that calls or i will not put us forces on the ground there
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to stay because all they will be is a disaster waiting to happen. yeah, so i mean, yeah, they would also cost trillions of dollars and it's all going to happen then. and so some of your other huge question. huge question. read extra billions. just released article in the new yorker magazine. a huge question. where is he going to get these american troops? he's already given northern command, a warning order to seal the southern border. given 3 army divisions, at least for gauge of 2 and a whole division was attempt to mountain orders to go to the southern border. those troops could only cover maybe a 100 kilometers that of that border. there's 3150 kilometers in that border. where is he going to get these american soldiers? we don't ever dry up. we have a volunteer force. it's falling apart, even as i speak is the extra tokens article points out graphically. whereas you're
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going to get these forces. is it going to hire private contractors like i understand right now, and i have video proof of it apparently from a person who is walking along with the palestinians. who are you for it? even though they were passing through the nazareth border in the devastation into a more skate they were you for it about going home and all of their flights were american hired security contractors, making sure the israelis didn't take advantage of the passage and to even thousands more so where are we going to get these 4 c? so you go to higher, higher eric prince and a bunch of private contractors. this is a disaster waiting to happen in dollars by actually doing it from the oval office, but avenue on. so yourself, you said these transactional, it called happened, the troops aren't going to be that guiding you. the trump investments that the american people want to go for that. so if it is transactional, it will be with the wrong information being provided to him from like waltz perhaps
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because as you say that he understand. i mean, where he go duty mike works is going when he realizes the, well, it's presumably is the guy telling him saudi arabia or it's fine with no palestinian state. i mean, it was very, very late. the release time for the far enough as to bob, what are the saudi arabians going, what are you talking about? basically an immediate response and there's outrage all around here. and uh well, it's presumably telling him the palestinians. they don't want to return, they shouldn't return. when it goes on, hundreds of thousands have been returning over the past few days to know them guys, it's all wrong. information is being fed. the world is on the street this morning early about 7 am. the vaults has gone. i don't know if that's accurate, but that's the word on the street. what that is or the end date, there's a history of a national security advisers going quickly. we had john bolton on the other week of course, and hope to get mike flynn,
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who was the 1st one. so that should hopefully signal that trump reacts very quickly to when he's being made a fool out of i would think so i said earlier, right after the election that there wouldn't be a single one. if they did pass, go with the senate and, and get confirmed, there wouldn't be a single one. it is major cabinet appointees are reasonable facsimile sex tax families that are off. there lasted 9 months and all the go. that's donald trump, at least. so he said that ron was not a, in a week position, some of that i'm planning to buy administrator. and for that on like what say, lindsey graham and bizarre of people in your congress is talk about when they, with respect to iran and the, the possibility of an invasion you're on is just sign that russia do, you know, with just showed a military cooperation with iran has been showing of new weaponry that at least
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looks off the table. it's just going to be greater way to sanctions. although trump obviously hasn't been told about bricks and then say where i'm talking to you from the you a is now part of a system, a new new drooping with a run. i think that's one thing that i would say is fairly assured in my mind, at least a trump is a gaze, is a us use of force or real force against the wrong. i'm taking out an occasion or on the, on his he did with the r g. c is one thing, but taking on or on is quite another. i think he's been given the full breezing by different people or different types from the pentagon on how desperate the circumstance that would great in the united states. not just because we're so lawfully short of people in our military. but also because our industrial base is lawfully and adequate, we've taken some measures to remedy that, but it's going to take a while is going to take a couple of years before we even begin to get going on that. so we don't need to be
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taking on any more substantial commitments and iran would be a very substantial commitment. 10 years, 2 or 3 trillion dollars, lots of troops of construction process a draft. in other words, and many young people in america go into canada and mexico o b, as the president has been said by men. yeah. well, i'll give leave with you actually just in the highlighted place and making uninhabitable rather than actually occupying, you know, taking it over. and trump talks about maximum, keeps using this phrase maximum. and then the to the pretty poor journalists, arguably, especially at that net and you know, press conference kind of us who will options on the table is the threatening it run with aerial bombardment. or i don't think there's anything that trump won't say as a threat, but i find it very difficult to believe from past experience is 1st term for example, the fall through most of those threats. he is purely transactional. he has no
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entity whatsoever and very little sympathy, but i don't think he is ignorant of the consequences of some of the more drastic actions that they didn't. even he occasionally puts forward and understands what kind of damage it would do to him and then go to re. so i don't think he's going to do anything egregious in that form. or too many people around him to at least tell him that he's naked on a bob say some of these things. so i just don't think he's got to do something like that. i don't think he likes war at all and i don't think he understands what he's saying. sometimes when he talks about things that those of us who are at least somewhat schooled in it know will probably lead to more, will lead to more p simply doesn't believe that until someone says. so i'm with him with some temerity. and scourge. undoubtedly, as the pentagon has done repeatedly about or with the wrong, so he's not netanyahu's poodle memory modeled since poodle. i think the yahoo is
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far too. i think i've said there's a number of times i think maritime or mall are wrong in terms of a pack, and it's an influence. there's no question that the jewish lobby has an influence and significantly on the congress. but israel is our people. they are doing precisely at various times what we want them to do and have been doing that since 1948 when they started out as the british poodles to do that. britain got a file of the united states fairly quickly. we took over its imperial writ and ever since then with increasing frequency and bloodthirsty this israel has been doing our job in the law. and isn't that the point though, that it's so refreshing to have a purse like donald trump in the white house, who says it how, how it is rather than was using wiki leaks to release a memo of blinking and know jake sullivan,
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the previous national security advisor sending things to hillary clinton telling about kaiser is on the side of united states. he dropped patello stump of tell the american people of that tax dollars was paying. okay. the yeah, the rafters are off. the disguise is gone. donald trump is exposed. sorry, wilkinson. i'll stop you that more from before, but chief of staff of the state above. and after this break, the lease of russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest in something set up. the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this was what question did you say for steven cliff, which is the the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with the lords wilkinson, former chief of staff of the us state department. kind of, we were talking about the refreshing nature of at least some one in the white as being candid county uh, ken trump force egypt and jordan's hand about the $12000000.00 refugees of
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egypt and jordan and previously always done with washington have told him to can actually do that, even though it does cost the stabilize both those countries. he has a lot of leverage on both cairo and a mom more. so on cairo, i understand now this is a fairly reliable source that the egyptian military would not be paid if it were not for the united states largest go into egypt. i'm sure that is probably even in excess to the 3.6 or 3700000000. we give them routinely to bribe them to keep the base trade with israel and for all mile on. it's probably not equivalent amounts, but it's equivalent to fact. so there's a lot of influence the united states can exercise there, but it only goes so far. i mean, you're talking about the king and i'm on, for example, losing control of these countries. if you know even a 1000000 of those 2 to plus whatever 1000000 gallons suddenly appeared in jordan and added to the already 6 or $7000000.00,
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he has to look after it'd be untenable situation for him. so he's going to be forced to make a hard decision, but i suspect he will make it to balance the money with the problem. and that's not going to do anybody, any good. it'll be a half solution if you will. yeah, king of the do in washington and to me jump on tuesday. of course. uh us a id was a big decision c i a decisions as well offering to everyone in the c ha, all around the world, the, the offer to reside and get 8 months a salary. i suppose the one i want to get on to ukraine in a moment. what was your immediate reaction? you might have to remind the audience of some of the egregious things you as a ideas done over the years. because most recently the funding of factories about history in the china regarding gain a function code with research. but you must have been you must have known us as
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a id intimately at the state department under uh, colin powell, i certainly did. aid was under andrew knoxville since that time, and i watched the transition and transformation in u. s. a. it went for a mentor organization of fundamentally bureaucrats, civil service and foreign service running development programs in various countries in the world, in accordance with us express policy. to be a few of those people, very few of those people managing a horde of private contractors, and that's the u. s. 8 of today. so frankly, is marco rubio and dollar from want to change that entirely. i would stay in the street in the blog because what the did was turn us aide into a fountain of complicity with intelligence services and other n g o's and quite all groups, quite as i've government groups who's in tap,
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either known to them or i'm known to them because they were infiltrated by the c, i was over throw government. how would you ride samantha power is a bit sure. she of course, was an administrator usa. i the after being ambassador in the u. n. for your country. i don't think samantha power knew the half before i just said. in fact, there are very few people outside the government center use or who know what the united states is doing and places like georgia where it is now trying to over 0. the georgia dream party, which has a tenuous old on power and wants to maintain a balance between nato in one direction in moscow and the other. they're trying to over throw that government. they're working on college or just school in romania so he won't get elected. they're trying to cast the election against them. so because he's threatened to take romania out of nato, this is what we're doing today all over that region. trying to recruit allies in
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this vicious struggle that we're behind in ukraine to bleed russia. and we want more l, as in doing that, particularly georgia and remaining a. and anybody else smoke global that we can get to come into the fight with us at their peril. look at georgia, look at what clinton did the last time we tried this with my president, we went to blazing and stood beside. present, been president sockets for bailey and said, george, you would be a member of nato in the very near future. to invite you to a cause you and so i'll set you and he still has tension or control over those. next time he'll go all the way to police. see how they were referendums there. of course, as the russian say, i think you're crediting too much ignore instead of samantha power. i think, well, i'm going underground. we've been covering usa id massively in the same vein, is national endowment for democracy because you're intimating that with you as a id did in 2014 with the victorian newland and the made and qu, but i mean the a,
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this is great, isn't it? i mean, that's the only down for the walk. so you can reminder audience. what these organizations mean doing is regards to not democracy promotion, reducing democracy. i meanwhile, the new arm of the speed, there was a new arm of the ca, very sophisticated armor. the ca, sometimes they, you know, they are old and there have been objections from time to time for a professionals within the groups. but most of the time they don't know who they are because they've been infiltrated. and sometimes they don't even have to be humans that entails right. it's just the policies and the money themselves rights and the objectives that blow their from. and so they become an arm of the see. i mean, clearly fox news and the like, the total drum watch is concentrating on the wall guy, the all the g elements, but it's all vs. but when he'll a muscle during open the book, he was shocked at the amount of money to the american people realize the scale of the money while their own infrastructure and bridges and a basic, a civilian,
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been argued, textures corroding. understand how much money this ending overseas to destroy democracy in the stabilize countries. the majority of the american people, particularly the 77000000 that voted for donald trump and the 90000000. apparently they didn't vote at all. or what i would call with regard to the maintenance of their country and their republic and their security ultimately brained it uh for the day that it ranges the gamut from. they don't give a damn to. they have the knowledge nor their education to deal with them. and we're in trouble because of that, we have a very, very un educated public, probably the most fun educated public in the o, e c. d. countries in the developed countries period. and that contributes mildly to the ability of people like you must j, the benz theatre deal. and peter deal now talking about taking back south africa for white people as it contributes mightily to their ability to put things over on
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the american people. and to do things that later when they're reveal to the light of day, same absolutely mom level. but even then the american people don't seem to have a whole lot of objections. as long as i doesn't read down personally to their inability to watch taylor swift organ nfl football game or whatever else might still like them. that's what they're really interested in. and i'm not saying that because i'm mad at the american people, i'm saying that because it's a reality, it's a stark reality. we have not taken care of our democracy. we are now taking care of of democracy and you pay for that. you pay for that? well, trump got the popular vote in fans to be american people, but then trump also, while uh, trying to an i lady usa, i the saw the talking about the need to get ukraine's rare at the metals in a similar vein to real estate and gaza. does it have mean that there's a quid pro quo because, i mean, i know we're both laughing about that,
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but it's being a lead full week, a for russia i these be the attacking the and got to him once i a lindsey graham got to it is all as critical minerals you, you see what's happening and search laughter right now. these people are killing each other over these critical minerals. goes anybody, obama, from them and pay them top price. so it's not gold or silver or any of those things that the belgians ripped up central africa over. it's now critical miles and those clinical mentos are fundamentally not totally, but fundamentally they're in the eastern part of ukraine, which russia now invest. so you got a problem, donald, if you want to stop the grading and more and you want those critical minerals at the same time unless you can talk through it. and then this would be smart. this is the transactional president. you get on a plane, you go to moscow, you sit there with the new work out a deal, and then the deal. you work out some provisions for you're getting your share of the critical man from there and you don't kill anybody and you stop the war prison
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. our president would do that, but i don't know if we have a pretty smart person. i mean, over the dead bodies of the scale of destruction in ukraine, it's unbelievable that such a transactional policy could be even thought about. but there's no doubt trump right now, whether he knows it or not, through the military, your 30 year military veteran yourself. the united states has been facilitating what an assassination in russia, a killing attack drones into russia. it's going on. it's still going on. is now true of apparently has a sign, an executive orders error this morning. i haven't seen the executive order, but sign an executive order. the sales has posterity. if it were honest as the night seem to bomber on, you can make this stuff up. the hollywood director would throw you out of his room and that's what he said at the press conference that the whole of iran will be presumably nuclear bombs. if he was assassinated,
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which presumably would only be part of the radium policy because he's not allowing around avenue a weapons in iran anyway, says they don't want. thus ensuring the hard line is in geron does a we do when you do your weapons. well, i watch draws research, one of the few people in the around the entire key. now that i listen to and pay attention to at the devil's on when he was being interviewed. i think it was by uh, 3, it's like a, it's a car. yeah. and if you read between the lines of was the re said he was saying, we'll do a deal. i'm on president trump, we'll do it the a will gave you the deal century will give you a deal that doesn't have a 25 year sunset. we'll give you a deal where we will at least admit to talking about other issues like our boost and ma'am ballistic missiles and so forth. we'll give you a do. let's do it here. and then you can go back to saudi arabia and you can say you got a deal or honors not going to be in
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a power. i assure you to do work. and we can go ahead with the elongated extended and much more expensive abraham on towards that mohammed been solomon has in mind that's at the bottom of some of this. the trump is talking about with regard to god . but the saudis are not going to go all down and he's just walked right in the bus . so if he thinks they are. yeah, and they have a new government though, seemingly desperate for this deal because the separating palestine from the j. c. p, a new j. c. buick and u. k. a deal. but just find the perhaps the most serious a element of world policy, nuclear disarmament of, apart from all of these transactional, bizarre will be a dangerous conflicts. can we expect the most important element between food and trump will be the resumption of some kind of uh, start treaty, some kind of treaty to restore a nuclear arms reduction to make live safer. certainly should be. and if i
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did make that trip to moscow, sit down with it, and by the way, i'd go back even weight is the landscape. and hope that when i flew back and came over to you, if you would have been assassinated anyway, i would say to susan, oh, by the way, we're through with this deal pretty much now we need to talk about not just a bilateral treaty in this new girl arms business, but a multi lateral treaty. you drag north korea and, and all drag israel and we need all 9 nuclear weapons opening states to be and this multiple have a treaty really him that you and i are going to forage and take the credit for. oh yeah, we can run over to beijing and gives easy and paying a little bit of credit for it too, because we need him also. but let's forge a new treaty environment that is, you know, pretty, pretty robust and will work most of the lease and hope the time it doesn't work is not the end of the world. and let's get a handle on these most dangerous weapons,
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which, by the way, you and i possess about 10000 all that would be a real historical achievement and a marker for his presidency. i hope you would think that way about it, but i don't know because i don't think is advisors any. don't think that what does the gab or she could be an exception? you're right. she could be an exception to larry. welcome and thank you. sure. that's it. for the show, we were trying to guys on monday to further explore the reverberations of u. s. u k. u of genocide to him to be the by not to about his book, being jewish after the destruction of guys a reckoning until then keep in touch with social media of his thoughts, sense of a new a country and a drawing channel going on, going to be hon dot com to let you know that sense of going underground see monday the
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we are not only at the trash world of media the international relations, but also instrumental because if you look back to the, let's say 3000 to use the humanity dropped in all aspects from economy to military, to health, etc, but not often they will, once they're seen such and even that just as we have witnessed within the last 10 years, the
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