tv News RT February 9, 2025 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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the, the us see id is on its last legs, has donald shop, exposes the agencies long legacy of corruption. for my state department official highlights just one of its shape jobs. they actually administer usaid programs, colored or bangladesh and all over the world. and they funded bangladesh, she rafter oops, to produce a songs and music videos insinuating that people should take to the streets. the news that yahoo didn't get the womb as of welcome during case a visit stateside, except in the white house itself, where the us president shop of the world. but it's planned to own guys and if he
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gets people to us, we'll take over the gaza strip. below that you are the greatest friend, as well as ever, had in the white house, the one, the millennium in paris, as people pack the streets to protest the 4 in hand, indeed received at lee complex. the redwood continue not coverage of the latest dread shifting the world right now. this is our, the international i a michael quarter. all right, let's begin. by the way, he, that was one story this week best. she said, shock waves all around the world. it was the u. s. e. i these and that's because the united states agency for international development has now been exposed as little more than the front for the c i a. and as don't look from dismantles,
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the global body, he says this one political group in particular that's feeding the heat. the usa id is driving the radical left crazy. and there's nothing they can do about it because the way in which the money has been spent. so much of it fraudulently is totally unexplainable. the corruption is at levels rarely seen before. close it down. it's now transpired that us the id had interest stretching all across the globe. you had this down during annual budget of around $40000000000.00 holding the purse strings of 60 percent of america still following the systems of the us president says, but what's left of the agency once he's done with it will be matched with the state department. other i wrote most that only 300 to the car into 14000 employees will keep the jobs a secretary of state double down on that saying, and america's interests have to come 1st. i am the acting director of usa i. d,
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i've, i've delegated that authority to someone, but i stay in touch with him. and again, our goal was to go in and align our foreign aid to the national interest. there are a lot of functions of usa idea that are going to continue to are going to be part of american foreign policy, but it has to be aligned with american foreign policy. the attitude, the usa idea is adopted over the years is know, we are independent of the national interest. we fund programs, irrespective of whether it's aligned or not aligned with the foreign policy. that's ridiculous, is a tax payer dollars. you look at the waste and abuse that has run through usa id over the past several years. these are some of the insane priorities that that organization has been spending money on. $1500000.00 to advance d i. d, i in serbia's workplaces. 70000 for production of a d. i musical in ireland. 47000 for a transgender opera in columbia. 32000 for a transgender comic book in peru. i don't know about you,
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but as an american taxpayer, i don't want my dollars going towards this crap. and i know the american people don't either. and that's exactly what you on must, has been passed by president trump to do, to get the fraud waste and abuse out of our federal government to a former state department official has now also a help build the lead on us the id mike bands speaking with pucker costs and detailed the agencies rolled in, creating k off and toppling governance world wide. here was one recent example that she highlighted. they saw the l g, b population at 2 at 2 bangladesh, sheet ethnic minority groups and young students and student groups who had already been protesting earlier that year because of the big and some of the local, local politics issue there. and, and they noted, you know, that at rap music was, was popular and the young people were listening to rap music in bangladesh. so what
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do they do? they, they turned around and they took us taxpayer funds. they get a 100 percent of the money from, from the state department, and they work closely with usaid. they actually administer usaid programs all over bangladesh and all over the world. and they funded bangladesh. she rap groups to produce songs and music videos insinuating that people should take to the streets and do street protests. and, you know, the classic a peaceful protest that's has the, the upside of being a right now i'm on the deluge of allegations made against us. c id in recent days is one from weekend leaks. i think claims that thousands of journalists and hundreds of angels around the world, the world and its pay are these don't know, court has details on this as well. so just rob your country and then have usa id spend $20000000.00 on sesame street propaganda to brainwash your kids. oh wow.
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that's what the us stayed in the rock and it turns out us say i d. 's been dropping fat stacks into more than just kid shows. political, for example, has gotten over $8000000.00 in subsidies from the state department. and geo and the white house is putting a stop to it. i was made aware of the funding from us say id to media outlets, including political, who i know has a seat in this room. and i can confirm that to be more than $8000000.00 taxpayer dollars that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to political. i mean, american tax paradigm will no longer be happening, and with all that money comes a political line that needs to go away. it's no wonder political was the 1st outlet to churn out, completely fake propaganda that the scandal surrounding 100 biden's laptop was russian. this information political was also willing to do a little dance for that state department money. something one of his former reporters said was coward politico,
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my former employer. and i knew at the time didn't do itself any favors. i was covering bite at the time and i remember coming to my editor and saying, hey, we need to write about the 100 wide laptop. and i was told this came from on high politico, don't write about the laptop. i don't talk about the laptop and don't treat about the laptop. and the only thing political, one of writing was that piece that called at this information which charitably could be called this information of us, say i, the sphere of influence expands far beyond that the organization's got its tentacles wrapped around nearly the entire ukrainian information. spear with 9 out of 10 media outlets on usa i these payroll, according to wiki leeks, but they're not just getting us taxpayer dollars. they're completely reliant on them. almost 90 percent of ukrainian media survived on grants, and almost everyone had grants. american grants with key the new york times is also come under suspicion. has its gotten over $2000000.00 from the us government with donald trump questioning. if it's come through usa, i. d. not really
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a shocker. considering its hand and spreading, and t russian propaganda like it's the last 8 months investigation into boot shop where it claims that russian forces, mastercard civilians and ukraine. but russia says that story is a complete fake, a fault flag operation stage by key of an a fake investigation aimed at manipulating people's emotions. pretty good, easy putting those. i mean, put you in a sub co butcher. dozens of corpses was suddenly found on the main street, as we discussed neatly laid out on both sides of the roadway. there was also a group of bbc generalists come to accidentally, but quite successfully prepared a report that later caused hysteria in the west. russia was again accused of whole multiple sins, which it became the reason for another branch of sanctions with which the west wants to strangle russia. and then we started to get interested. we have our own facts that prove that there were no russian troops there at that time. no one wants to listen. we are already at a minimum right now. for the 2nd year,
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we have been trying to get the names of those people whose bodies were shown by the bbc generalists just their names. isn't this a natural step in any investigation of any crime? includes a stone wall moves also on usa. i these books is the bbc which got over $3000000.00 in 2024 alone making it that years. the 2nd largest recipient of us say i the funds and it definitely earned that money. shamelessly pushing fake and 2 russian stories like those of ukraine's former human rights chief ludmilla denise of us who made up stories of a case with russian soldiers of raping ukrainian women to goes up to about 25 women age 14 to 20 full. that's where rates by russian soldiers, the needs of his life were so obvious that you have removed her from her post and may of 2022. she even admitted that there was no evidence to back up any of her claims. and that she was being told to spread all those lights. they told me,
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can you write that? there's a present at this oper owes you a nuclear plant, because official media sources are supposed to say this. oh no, the ombudsman didn't want to say it. he only says what the president's office tells them to see beautiful, no, but i'm being asked to say this by the authorities by intelligent services, but spreading lies like the nice of us have only been half the battle for us a id. the organization also instructs its minions to observe so called strategic silence, essentially a form of collective censorship, through lack of media coverage on subjects inconvenient for the west. by this usa, i d means that coordinated by the order of the sponsor of such pocket media. they ignore those inconvenient stories, facts and opinions that do not fit into the version of events approved in washington. a blow to sujata. what is such a restore? perhaps? no, yeah, there was nothing vicious. well, you get the pattern. however,
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the brochure did not select an equally high sounding term for the orchestrated distribution of prepared, stuffing and fakes. by all these incorruptible and independent people who were on the payroll of the overseas owner. as it was with the staging of butcher, the hopes of surrounding the nord stream bombings and the wrong elections and a number of countries. i can help you. strategic hubbub. tried looking up a little screw up, but it's night on google. you'll find nothing in the english press about that war crime that the ukrainian military committed in russia's course region. do you see a know that it was meant to be a standard clean up operation instead of a bloodcurdling discovery fingerprints of ukraine's months long presence in this village be above you a. how do you have going? do you have to do full is do those little, i mean, but when it comes to the stereo surrounding russian propaganda, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. it's all over the internet. it's ingrained
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in people's minds and its mission accomplished for us. say i d, y, let's switch gears now on tuesday these ready prime minister objected to the united states capital for i'm almost a week long visit. but while trump gave nothing, yeah, who will welcome to the white house out on the streets protest is accused him of war crimes including genocide against a policy new people. a swarm of demonstrators gathered outside his hotel with some people in forcing the way in the, the, on the,
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the, the protest. this comes out for the duration and the can yahoo stay the he was actually the 1st 4 and needed to be hosted by trump. since the lots are kicked off his 2nd term in the oval office, and he was there that the us president did the opportunity to announce his vision for guys. a cus will take over the guys history of float if you are the greatest friend as early as ever had in the white house you were talking tonight about the united states taking over a sovereign territory. what would allow you to do that? are you talking about a firm, an occupation there? everybody i've spoken to loves the idea of the united states,
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phoning that piece of land developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent. he sees a different future for that piece of land. he has a different idea and you might hope that we could do something really nice, really good where they wouldn't want to reach or why would they want to return in 7, maybe a 1000000 a. but i think all of them, i think they'll be re, settled in areas where they could live a beautiful life. and nobody could live say you can't live there. that plan is to own the, the in buffalo to enter even the transform it into a review. it will help the middle east has cost up to all around the world. here is a footage from the to the indian capital where crowds voice there on got the idea of the victim meetings about a studio. and that's as egypt saudi arabia had a you, a heart reportedly planning to drop them official, a joint rejection of the drum scheme. usual followed up with its own proposal to riyadh,
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essentially say that you've got plenty of land. why not create your own palestinian state? now so i've already be a, has been one of the most of the local regional play as to reject the drums development plans for guys. a react maintains that no one has the right to deny the police to people the homeland the kingdom stresses it's categorical. rejection of such statements that aim to divert attention from the continuous crime is committed by the israeli occupation against the palestinian brothers and gaza, including the ethnic cleansing they are subjected to the kingdom affirms that the palestinian people have the right to their land and they are not intruders or immigrants to it who can be expelled whenever the brutal is really occupation wishes. now some officials in regard to a window as far as to say, but if tom pre wants to restore peace in the mid lease, then he shall take out these rubies. if trump wants to be a p 0 and bring stability and prosperity to the middle east,
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you should 1st move is really friends to alaska and then to greenland after it's amex ation to america. now we got the takeoff of kelly, but out of fi, how professor rides, all phase all university and saudi arabia, that he believes that nathan yahoo is controversial statements of lead indicate that the normalization of ties between his homeland, the some country in israel is not on the horizon so the idea is just the scene is to, it should be established bears. and then we talk about some of the issues. and that seems with, especially with this kind of government in his aisles. that's impossible. i might be maybe that's why and display sions and anger. i mean it's danielle jose and what he said about the interviews use and. and so the idea because he thought that it was impossible now, and there is no hope for him or his government and to,
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to establish any relationship with godaddy. how can you accept what's happening and does a now interesting or? and so even though, oh, i see how children are slept 3rd time women and, and how people are palmed and then you come the next day and get them even bigger problems. and you ask them to leave out there was, it's like a pre amenity since ability, no lack of knowledge. i know, but to friends now, but protested in power is descended into violence as supporters of the democratic republic of congo squared off with the police. the now several arrests were made about 1500 people who showed up and sold a diary to you with the central african nation holding signs with method just like
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our wealth, our rights. and that's because many are accusing western governments of lawanda l. supporting the minutes and defensive in the east to get their hands on price less resources. i'd like to say to the french, listen to the history of the congo. find out what's going on in the congo because the right you are claiming to your land that your home is the same. we are claiming it ours. we came here as children. we'd loved to go back home or set up the westerners or behind it all in the international community says nothing. we're going to die because of our wealth, just so they can make mobile phones. they can do whatever they like, but we're the ones dying. we've had enough of this, we've had enough of the rwandans and we've had enough of mccullin's both. he's come here to plunder us. we're sick and tired of it. all right, you are looking at the foot from gama right now. the red cross workers there had been collecting the remains of victims following a fire at the local prison last week. its thoughts about at least
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a $150.00 women were among those burned alive of the inmates allegedly set one of the facilities buildings. i lied a blocking escape routes and so dropping villas inside according to some reports, 4000 prisoners used to be used in shooting chaos to escape. right in an attempt to resolve the ongoing hostilities, 2000 leaders of african states convened. that'd be emergency summit in times and yeah, they have directed their ministry chiefs to come up with a plan to achieve both of temporary cease fire on the long lasting piece. can you also made a plea for all parties to the coffee to sit down and pull to join together in order to lead to the time of course, to the parties. these types of conflict immediately seized most entities and take positive action to allow meaningful dialogue aimed at the restoration of abilities
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specific on we've done to get that the call on or puts up to life the sci fi on specific, on, on the m, $23.00 to hold for the advancement on the 4th test of d. f. c. to seize or retaliate 3 mission. now, what heard from a university of rwanda, professor tom, what movies he believes that other african states are capable of putting it ends to the blocks yet. i think there's going to be a breakthrough because i think this time we had been with the is suffolk, i'm hands of stairs familiar with this so that the team but it wouldn't be successful with the honest duck taking on this challenge. but i think they probably took away that is existing because a dental appointment is pretty and it seems flat to these when we've seen that did
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the fact is involved in their own thinking, attending even though the, the, the c, i attended online not physical but i think the ends of states coming to be loved, but i think we expect at least is by at least i'm looking forward to that. is that because it's for yeah, the way from africa you runs oil industry found itself in donor trans cross had this week when he slapped us with a whole new round of functions of crucial portfolio regional trade with india was also targeted that washington said that the measures way driven by to ron's new programs and continued made it 3 advances of the rainy and regime remains focused on leveraging it's oil revenues to fund the development of its nuclear program to produce its deadly ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles and to support its regional terrorist proxy groups the united states is committed to aggressive, we targeting any attempts by iran to secure funding for these malign activities for
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all these administration and its new around of sanctions against the wall as economy as parts of the maximum pressure campaign has actually removed the sanctions waivers for some countries including india and has mainly target. it's a along some southern ports of the child, the heart. so this time we see that the new around the sanctions against the one is not just targeting to be ones economy. and especially it's going to industry, but also if he's involving other countries and targeting other entities and individuals from other countries and based on around india, talking about maximum pressure campaign launched by donald trump in the 2nd term in office saw well the frequency range. and so i'll fall back in 2018 when i actually us pulled out of the j. c. p. o, a. and again, in that time and don't know tom tom. actually, a once again imposed another round of maximum pressure campaign against the country
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to bring the ones boil exports to almost to 0, and to reduce the ones influence in the region. and then official reaction to the sanctions campaign and maxima pressure campaign by the southern just ration and also some for it's in the past couple of days of the supreme leader of the summit for delusions, set that negotiations will not solve the problem of the uranium nation and the person who is right now, the president of the united states, ma'am, we don't know tom, i did not comply with the treatment trace of purely back in 2018 and toward the parts we negotiated and we made concessions. all the backs down, but we didn't get the results. we wanted it and the other side didn't even honor the 2015 deal with all its shortcomings together and it ruined regions and total parts of the agreement. nice. one shouldn't negotiate with such a government. negotiating with them is not wise, it's not smart,
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not honorable. it's a big step back for the news connectivity plans. the us residents doing what's on house or do you tional sanctions? we saw the small magic shift shown. so you use us for the see which exam to go see you got if you guys increase in the shop for me and he's on the sign, don't let daniel do you on the job on my board. and that's all the important for you as far as the national board is supposed to see it splitting the central asia, but also cutting down the stine, with succeeding with some of the news old font. like, for example, to be treated with russia or just send each to of got us on also it's a sweet, easy design for $75.00 officers to stop the subsidy
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you because you have submitted it on 120 d b and instruction this porch. now in june, so i'm in this scenario all set to travelers. the us is coming through these clearly the to the doors and the range. so lots to talk about the r t spoke to one official, a lot of the ports targeted by the new sanctions who doesn't believe that the restrictions will have much impact a ma, uh or we were working with our own capabilities and connections before these sanctions were imposed against the wrong partially it cannot be denied that this has definitely an impact on the process and the connections we had at port of job a har in the ships that dr. there. the new sanctions are definitely having an impact. but it is not like we have no way around the many countries. we're under other sanctions from the us at a time when job a har had been exempted. we can continue on that same path now to certainly one of the reasons for these sanctions is to reduce india is already limited presence at
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this port to 0. if india would no longer have any presence there, that would allow maximum pressure to be applied and enabled us to achieve its desired outcomes from the sanctions for its own benefit. at our top was urging more sanctions into ryan, and he was also suddenly pushing for another new b, a deal claiming that he would help the middle east. the nation quote grow am taskbar, but speaking is specific to r t and iranian m. p. 's told us that the washington's unpredictability makes a future agreement impossible. it says where i think that mr. trump is playing a double game. this has been going on for awhile, the policy of pressure and negotiation, or stick and carrot. so at the same time, he is making this maneuver in order to push it ran to sit at the negotiating table . if the issue is only nuclear weapons, there is no need for pressure. actually the exact opposite,
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reduce the pressure on iran and say the problem is just the nuclear issue of iran has always officially stated that it is not seeking to produce a nuclear bomb. so we can negotiate for 60 percent of uranium enrichment and achieve what trump wants. but i think that is not his way. and it is important for him to both ruin. it runs relationship with its allies and enter another round that it will intensify. iran problems the united states is known as a country that is on faithful lies and is cunning and can ruin the negotiations. so in this situation, it is not wise for us to negotiate with such a country as a, as in all, and basically mr. trump cannot be a partner, nor is he a reliable president for the people of the us because he has a narcissistic personality and now protests are happening in the us given his
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stance on the gaza issue. i think that this person will bring a dire situation to the united states from now on, i give this hope to myself and to the countries that have been harmed by the us, including the bricks and shanghai cooperation organization. countries that we have entered an error of multilateralism. it is enough to observe and manage our opponents with wisdom and prudence and to follow our own path more strongly. therefore, i do not see a future for the united states. and i think mr. trump will be the last president the united states. that's not, i'm faithful. what i'm in my opinion this. it will consider the position of mr. trump buried america's soft capabilities for mr. trump. the issue is not actually to establish peace in gaza, but rather it shows that they have evil goals along with the zionists. and for him it is a matter of domination. so far he has been criticized by both crudo in canada and
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denmark for the claims he has made even by the president of panama. so he is not yet come to reveal his true character. actually, i think this position of the islamic world and the error of world shows we are moving towards a new unity and we should expect resistance to be witnessed in a new form in west asia and the world as it is or what are the archie does the comments where you can get from the details of all the service will fall. i thanks for watching. see you again. the oh sure. yep. no jokes this week. just
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a big joke because on you guys to us save. i need the last go run. i'm still che bose and i'm still joined by my little psychic audi behind every mine is a great woman. don't forget it. wherever we start this week, what a warehouse could just start done with the usa and spawn demik. uh, bear with me. uh, it's a kind of similarity right uh, the united states, an aide foundation following hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars around the world conflict. more of setting people's religions. it's hard to know where to start life, but we're gonna have a good roof. all the.
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