tv News RT February 10, 2025 3:00am-3:30am EST
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to look so common ground the across the headlines here on how to international e loan mosque says shutting down the liberal media, the us sponsors abroad. that's how strong dismantled usa id, which is a orchestra. i think regime change around the world like can find with us just last week there was a conflict around around the contract in the us military base. and the banquet actually prime minister doesn't want to do it. and so our foreign policy planners decide we need to really enjoy the scenes of peo, something, and powers as protests, with the st saying foreign hands or driving the violins. and the d. c. t. we speak explicitly with lawanda as foreign minister who says the crisis has also provoked like colonial piece of the for the know the for the one dot
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is the 4th of the colonial part. was that decided the 19101911. and drop those 2 parts, especially draw the photos between uganda to the one the new york and while protested erupt in america over donald trump's plan to buy gaza. benjamin netanyahu arrives the cockney as well as his flag. but in this thing, the chrome new goal is to construct a car and london. it's a full program, get top stories rolling now. so elaine must continue, so it's a f, it's to slash and burn the bloated bureaucracies and america off to effectively dismantling usa id and it's tentacles across the globe. next up, radio free europe and voice of america, both of them on the chopping block. as musk says they're not worth it. in fact, they just
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a waste of money. it is just radical left crazy people talking to themselves, walk torching, $1000000000.00 a year of us taxpayer money. which conference calls out the address is unprecedented levels of corruption and dirty dealings usa id. now a well known in front of the c, i a held the post strings for 60 percent of americans for an assistance fishing out over $40000000000.00 abroad. last year alone. now what's left to the agency will be merged with the us state department with trump announcing that is $14000.00 employees will be with old down to just $300.00. and the former us state department officials exposed even more of the usa. i. these are shady activities mike bens, token to talk across and detailing a slew of instances, instances when the agency had his hand in finding k, austin, populating documents around the globe. and here he highlighted. so for example, just last year his events should we call them and banquet dash. basically there was
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a conflict around around the contract in the us military base in the region which a very common conflict that we have often times foreign countries don't like having a big fat us military base installed, you know, on they don't want for jubes on there so let's just say it really is vital to us national interest to build that military base in bangladesh, to counter chinese influence. and the thing that i should probably minister doesn't want to do it, or it's our foreign policy planners decide. we need to do resume, change the allegations it by us say id. just keep on coming. a few months ago when protesting gulf finally dashed, forcing the p. m to flee for her life. she said the us was behind them. i could have remained in poa if i had surrendered the sovereignty of saint martin island and allowed america to hold sway over the bay of bengal. b u. s. she said it wouldn't take to build the military base on st most an island to come to chinese
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influence. echoing what we just heard back from a former us state department official at the time. washington said the claims with multiple performer have another issue, finding associates, athena take you. so united states off of a sitting mass furnace that led to her all throughout the week. so for instance, do you have any comment on this? uh, that's laughable. uh, any implication to the united states was involved in a shake. the scene as resignation is absolutely false, but now a full must state department official has exposed how ponds to remove shake has seen from power, had been in the work since 2018 mike brand new, says new se id was instructed to spend money on projects that would profit of position groups and exploit issues to destabilize the country. and they noted, you know, that the rap music was, was popular and the young people were listening to rap music in bangladesh. so what
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do they do? they, they turned around and they took us taxpayer funds, they get a 100 percent of the money from, from the state department, and they work closely with usaid. they actually administer usaid programs all over bangladesh and all over the world. and they funded bangladesh. she rap groups to produce a songs and music videos insinuating that people should take to the streets and do street protests. and you know, the classic a peaceful protest that's has the, the upside of being a riot vine. i'm a protest sprite in bangladesh for some 1500 people killed. what happened off the shake has seen a flat, an unelected us friendly sewage was handed the keys to rule the fresh elections. voters may have to wait until 2026, while reforms so implemented. mike bad news went on to make even more expensive allegations about usa i days. well in trying to over throw the cuban government
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this time through social media. so they sort through to then cuba by creating what they, what usa called the cuban spring. and the problem was at that, at that time, cuba had banned us social media companies calling them, you know, a tool of us imperialism. and so there was no twitter allowed. and so usaid pulled off this operation to create a, a company called this engineer, which is, it was like, it was a twitter knock off it. yeah, susan. yeah. which wasn't really about letting people post that news online. us say id was using the platform to map out which uses could be susceptible to helping bring down ivona. they would, they would switch the outcomes and they would selectively target news distribution of, of messages to, to users on the, on the basis of their political proclivities. in order to get them to take to the streets in violent street protest and over overthrow the government basically the same be able to pull off the same thing that was to happen to the ever spring would
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do in cuba, metal metal, metal wall, usa, i think was desperately trying to cover its tracks using offshore accounts and funds. the companies to hide its involvement. it was eventually exposed. there will be absolutely no mention of united states government involvement. this is absolutely crucial for the long term success of the service and to ensure the success of the mission. it despite being questioned at the time about whether the agency was transparent about how would engage through civil society in other countries. it consistent the light, we support civil society, we support and implement the fi, 14 appropriations language that directs us to improve access to information and internet freedom in many parts of the world. we do a transparently and with public notifications, the fact that we're discussing it in this briefing highlights the reality that these are the outlook we notified are some of these, what are some other countries redoing open?
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i mean, i, there's a, literally around the world and we've had efforts in kenya to support the yes, you have already done. remote loops is always been done with the full knowledge and supported by us in vassar and those countries in every instance. and that's the aspiration mike bens accuses usa idea of also being in place that they involved in trying to cook up corruption stories about officials, it wanting to bring down using friendly oh no you have to enlist to do it's dirty work. and so what did they do in 2019 they dug up dirt on rudy giuliani and then that dirt ended up being used as part of the impeachment of donald trump in 2019. in that case, if there was no, you know, if there was no state department usaid funding to ccrpi, they wouldn't of being in presumably had the capital to to go out and dig up dirt on rudy giuliani and so usa and spending 2 journalists and ukraine comes back to be
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used to impeach trump. well in n n to swear me as a russian agent. right. and that's been reported this out there. it's proven. so my tax dollars go to impugning my character and calling me a disloyal american. what usa i d has been doing for decades is showing this sense pushing u. s. foreign policy. and he is trying to fly under the radar. it's being do a conversely, often using other organizations to control the narrative or freeze up funding for organizations that it doesn't like one of the ways it does. this is through into news working in a 100 plus countries with 3000 need to outlets and 20000 joy lists on his payroll. president, even the champions, how it tries to shift money away from what? 8 games, bad content. this information makes money and that's, that's one of that we made of fall of that money. and we need to work with the,
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in particular, the global advertising industry that lot of those dollars go to pretty bad brand content. and so you can work really hard on exclusion list or inclusion. let's just really try and focus ad dollars and challenge global advertising industry all around the world to focus our ad dollars to words. that's the good, the good news and information, the good, the accurate and relevant needs them from patients with the leaks report internees has paid maybe health 1000000000 dollars by usa id to counteract. it's with work that promote to the political interests of the us. not so not just an allegation wonderful of the piece. interviews raised her own concerns. the 1st phase of inter news was really a lot of fun. we'd come up with little bits of money and do things all pretty ad hoc. but then the organization began structuring itself around getting money from the government. there was now an intersection between the political interest of the us and the work we were doing. and it's that intersection of how us political
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interest was pushed across the world through. it's so cold humanitarian programs that now being exposed a kind of when was opened with the lies manipulation of meddling of an agency or wriggling out. and it's really an agenda from us. but again, the says, well, us a id has been funding use agencies around the world for years to script the american world view. it's the little low news i'll put in sewing used. it usually takes the cake, $500000000.00 to be exact. that funds in a central voice has to do what to push and drive the main stream narrative a lot in the usa. the money has been going towards propaganda. you know, like very far left or new liberal war mongering, propaganda. and in that aspect of deals who started to demonize
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strong, you know, and so for example, i do this the news through god. i've entered news. nobody has ever heard of it and it gets $500000000.00 a year from us. they need to train a journey across the world, the through the train like 9000 last year. and they have all these broadcast programs. and it's all about the us propaganda, war mongering. you know, so like in the georgia, i mean, you survived the, you trade in database in a 100 gloves, countries around the world. and it's all just propaganda. they started to become very, very much against drunk and repeat. and now it's sort of like problem of us empire
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is having, i mean, i, the auto immune disorder and the are deciding against one another office of president to problems. we go here on the program with the nation's capital turn into a malay, the supporters of a democratic republic of the congo, looked up with some of the earlier it did start out as an organized monks to powers. however, several arrest. what made later was protests began to rampage through the streets with demonstrated, reportedly accusing the london and the western governments of creating the conflict in the d. c. and it will seem to be seeking the very same tune, but it's time foreign powers, leave congolese territory. it's the big guys, the french they need to get the hell out of the d, r c. and so to the westerners, they have to get out of our land because we're calling the lease. we have the rights to our soil. the congolese people are rich people, our land is rich,
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we're rich in raw materials. i'd like to say to the french, listen to the history of the congo. find out what's going on in the congo because the right you are claiming to your land that your home is the same. we are claiming it ours. we came here as children. we'd love to go back home or set up the westerners or behind it all in the international community says nothing. we're going to die because of our wealth, just so they can make mobile phones. they can do whatever they like, but we're the ones dying. we've had enough of this, we've had enough of the rwandans and we've had enough of mccullin's book. he's come here to plunder us. we're sick and tired of it. correspond to the cougar, it has details now surrounding the crisis and the d. c. u and the efforts of africa, nations to try and bring the conflict to a peaceful of the weeks of intense caches between the forces and the mtv sci fi to the situation in the d. c has come to, even though the tensions remain quite high,
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the number of people who have had to flee the home since the start of this year already has exceeded half a 1000000. basically, the living conditions has become increasingly dangerous, with access to food, to drink, water, and the sea. so service is becoming more and more difficult at this stage. and in order to meet the vital needs of the population. over the weekend, we sold the delegates from the southern african development community attendee attending a to is 72. the staff continued to come to fonts to discuss the concepts and the eastern part of the d. c. the heads of states that were present at the summit to from the static and the ac accordingly on both parties and the eastern part of the d. c. including the empty 35 is to return to negotiating the stages or rather the negotiating table ad urgently talk to the part to, to a ceasefire. i haven't isn't particularly to the canyon present. we didn't go to
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making that particular piece we joined together in order to read to, you know, a course to the parties. but the started conflict immediately, fees hostilities and take positive action to allow meaningful dialogue aimed at the restoration of stability. specifically, which tends to be about the corner on or parties up to lives. this he's fine on specific cutting on the m 23 to hold for the advancement on the process of d, f. c, to seize or retaliate 3 mission. and in response to that, the m train to city movement roads relates to the organizations demanding the unconditional withdrawal of set of troops. also warning that they have presence on the escalate to the consumer. and it's also called the deployments. also set a tooth and active interference in the constitutional revolution. it goes to prison
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in phoenix, just the case of the d, f. c. we all know that we know in rebellion, but we are in a constitutional revolution to label our movements. members as foreign nationals is tantamount to manipulation, lies and propaganda by mr. cheese the katie, our movement isn't using military force in violation of the sovereignty territorial and independence of the d. c. we are accumulates constitutional revolution fighting the tyrannical regime of mr. felix cheese equity says law state, the emptiness of declaring a ceasefire in the eastern c, citing humanitarian reasons, but still fighting resume shortly after that raising concerns that the ceasefire served as a tactical force for the group to regroup, to re um, even consolidate control over new lead cap to territories, even companies, government spokesman patrick, we are denials the ceasefire as a ploy by the entity. so the fighters and the d. c. government continues to choose
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a one day off, back to the entry, the 35 to steve, and condemning for condemning the one to the government. police involvement in. it's the resources that have it. it seems that we strongly reject to the continued involvement of certain states in particular, lawanda in the logistical military and financial support to arms groups operating on our territory. we're one to support for the m. 23. has fueled violence in the east of our country for more than 30 years, exacerbating the war for reasons related to the exploitation of strategic mining results is of the democratic republic of the congo. and president government also sees the crisis was started by the d. c. ad force on the one that to carry the blame, which they will not do. she went on to say that they will also not be quiet about the situation because it also gives one day security threats against it. having a d r c can not just tell us to keep quiet when they are mounting
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a security problem against our country. nobody can tell us to shut up. we can't go on forever massaging problems. what is happening there is an ethnic war that has been brewing for a long time, denying people's rights, and then attacking lawanda. you must recognize people's rights and take a step and resolve the issue. often the we can submit a c instead of cheese off to say this has been instructed to meet within 5 days to provide direction for key objectives, including and immediate and unconditional ceasefire. uh it is not for you at this point with that the need to protect goodness, which is called the lease um presidents felix just to get the add on the one that present polk got me prepaid so even reconcile. it seems like more personal mediation is required expense even say the lower off outside is including the u. is china. russia, the you in concert with the united nations after communion might become the key to
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unlocking great appropriate oh yeah, my colleague mike, a question spoke with the other one and foreign minister and an exclusive interview and discussed the weekends peace conference. but also the reasons behind the ongoing process and that the c or there was any ice story cause cement between the east african community and the subject south african development community towards the 1st of its kind. and. busy the outcome will be some, it was important because now it gives us a way or way out to this crisis. we've. busy the ceasefire that was requested by the summit then political dialogue through the one to know it will be process. and then the folks that it talks between uh the government of google and them $23.00. i think we are, we are not in the new momentum. busy and we hope that the region,
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the countries of the region including dwanda ideas. so you've got no now does we continue supporting this process in other 12 uh, no. collecting piece in eastern dressing, president kick comedy has also demanded that the d. r. c. recognize local people's rights. can you help clarify what specific rights you believe the d r. c must recognize to resolve the ongoing tensions and how does rolanda planned to facilitate this recognition? we have in this, in the r c, a community, both over one done the culture and the one the language. actually we have a senior community and so that besides the wisdom you've done, but this is not the 4th of the season or the 4th of the one that is the 4th of the colonial part. was that decided that the 19101911 brussels to buy to fish really draw the boat does between uganda dwanda and
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d r c. and then we have on the other side of the border of people over one done. gotcha. and uh, heritage. but while in the sullivan uganda, that community was for the integrated and for the citizens in eastern d r. c. that's one of that was another case. there was never organize us as of commodities that were marginalized, persecuted against, and the victim as we speak of overhead speech. so now to solve this problem, there is a need for a demo. as i was saying, shortly, direct talks between deals, the government on that moment email that to find a solution was on for to the grievances of these community. aboard air force one donald trump has double down on his vision to own gosh, or of course is something that a shock the world this time he's even offered up parts of the n k for other
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regional states to rebuild the real estate type rooting time president is clearly taking a page out of his past and evidently thinks that washington's checkbook will help to solve the crisis. to find as far as us rebuilding it, we may give it to other states. at least we're committed to making sure that president trump is due to meet with major major our leaders 1st and foremost the king of jordan and the president of egypt. and i think also the crown prince of saudi arabia. eh, yeah. was well yeah, they all partners that must be listen to must be discussed with we have to all know the fields as well. and so yeah, we've been a plan that is sustainable for the future. but the whole idea of making sure that
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guys that changes ownership, well the is really your prime minister. benjamin netanyahu also expressed support for tron scholars apply. and this was during his 6th day visit to the us last week when he was met by a towering, wanted poster on his hotel and some protest as even making it past and nothing yet . what was the security detail? the project is in new york and washington a hitting the street to remind him of the war crimes. he is accused of the all settled jewish community, even setting fire to the as railey fly in protest. or before we join our correspondent here we are now to you to the u. k. we go now where a full, my british diplomats on policy advisor on weapons sales is blowing the cover on it . every thing he saw, marx smith revealing and what was the last straw for him before he resigned from his post. last what i witnessed was not just meryl failure,
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but also conduct that i believe cross the threshold into complicity with war crimes . the british public deserves to know how these decisions are made behind closed doors. and how systemic dysfunction enables the government to perpetuate harm while shielding itself from scrutiny. all right, question. well, i thought maybe it's barely shaped more if an option or for more details on this. maria, very good morning to you. some fascinating revelations now. what half a year off that marx smith actually quit the for an office position. can you bring us what you know? a good morning to your rory. well, indeed, a shocking revelation from inside the cave government coming as death and gauze. decline past 47000 marks. me as a former diploma, the middle east advisor on arms sales has blown to resume what he calls a broken arms expert system at the heart of his claim. you k officials deliberately
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manipulated with points to avoid making the bridge made weapons were being used and war crimes describes how officials use delaying tactics, extending reporting deadlines, demanding unnecessary evidence, creating what he calls a loop, hold aloud arm sales to continue. well, maintaining the illusion of compliance sweeping the resigned last almost over the u . k. government's refusal to suspend to military exports to israel, even as gaz came on the relentless bombardment of sick listen. israel's repeated bombardments of gaza have killed thousands of civilians and destroyed vital infrastructure actions blatantly incompatible with the international law. you have to you. k government continued to justify arms sales using the same evasive tactics . and while the for an office denies any wrong going in system, it has not been able to conclude that israel's bowman of guys have breached international law. officials also points to the government's decision weeks after
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smith's resignation. to suspend, such he owns export licenses to israel site in concerns over potential violations. but some of these argues the decision came to late and even now the k continues to supply parts for f. 35 fight to jets used by israel and exemption about human rights groups. and now the challenge and quote more over a this suspension effective just less than 10 percent of current license is more symbolic than substantial though it's still sparked strong reactions from each row . so he's also says, this isn't the 1st time arguing that the u. k. has a portion of miss, we're presenting facts to justify our sales. let's take a listen. the most egregious example of this manipulation occurred during my work on arm sales to saudi arabia, amidst its military campaign in yemen, the u. k. government was fully aware that saudi air strikes were causing massive civilian casualties. now the big question is,
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how much political influence of shaping the pays arms. experts, policies have these allegations hold, could which officials be held accountable for the role and conflicts overseas. but it's hard to say we have to wait and see before now this former diploma is urgent and his colleagues still inside the government to stop enabling what he calls at corrupt process back to you. right? all right, i'll be at least grocery if it's more, if an ocean. thank you. and you can see more what from a rail on our website oxy dot com for the meantime of your program or tons and about hoffman house? a. the yep. no jokes this week is the big joke because on you guys it's usaid. i need
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the . 2 the the milestone rubber but i'm still che bose and i'm still joined by my little side kick again behind every mine is a great woman. don't forget it. wherever we start this week. well, where else could you start done with the usa and spawn demik? uh, bear with me. uh, it's a kind of similarity right to the united states as a foundation, following hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars around the world conflict war, upsetting people's religions. it's hard to know where to start, right? but we're going to have a good roof already. let's have a look at some of the kind of things that you guys in the good old us of a, i've been paying for photos of it to michael 1st. if you feel
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a space for all diversity here we show you this is different about transitive boys and girls in its history. this is where the cache is gone. a safe space that teaches us to be authentic and challenge gender so many for the kids school. the grinds ourselves yeah. comp areas. the bill kind of pay a tax. that's where the cache has gone into a farm for some 6442. anyway, moving a so they go, there's a sample of where the cache is gone and, but there's a lot more, there was so much actually, oh, you know, we had to pick to what we thought was the best bits. i'm going to do a little bit of a fact ping pong with us aids or agents. some of the most bizarre crazy you've ever seen in your lives. or you would you like to start? and don't forget to mention from where you dog all this insanity of from all right, treat so.
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