tv Worlds Apart RT February 16, 2025 3:30pm-7:01pm EST
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so it's really a process between these 2 powers, russia and the united states, and europeans that mean they don't have the military power and they don't have the, you know, without the united states, the nato has nothing. and they just don't have the power or the, the influence to, to change the shape of the events and the way that they would like to go on the way we all right. we have to leave you here. now has almost been hard to contribute to . thank you so much for your time. i. thanks, mike. have a good night. stay with our international for all the latest from around the world . thanks for watching bye. now. the, the
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hello and welcome to was a part throughout history. humanity has tried many times to solve problems by means that have not only exacerbated the preexisting challenges, but also create as much bigger ones. they can nuclear weapons, for example, borne out of the need for security. they come with the risk of total elation. my guess today argues that our efforts to deal with climate change fall into a similar pattern as time doing more harm than good. why is it so difficult to prevent the treatment from becoming the disease in its own right? of to discuss that, i'm now joined by judith curry and american clement total induced, and professor america at the georgia institute of technology. professor curry, it's amazing to talk to your thank you very much for being available. well, thank you for inviting me now in one of your articles, your role of that and let me quote here. all things considered planet earth is
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doing fine. humans are doing better than at any other time in history. and i think it sounds incredulous in our era of almost paramount doomsday anxieties. why are you so chill population, you know, over the last 100 years population has substantially increased poverty has reduced substantially, globally on agricultural productivity is way up. um fewer people per cap adults are dying from weather and climate related disaster is on the planet is green. me it seems to enjoy the warmer temperatures and the addition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. so overall it, it seems like we've done pretty well over the past century. during a period when the planet has been warming. so yeah, that warming is dangerous. i think it was the weakest part of the whole argument.
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but as an adult said, show, that's why we have witnessed all these technological uh, progress. our requirements of safety and security have increased dramatically and people are far less solar and not only of the real dangers, but even ofa basic uncertainty you reach our ancestors took for granted. i want to have that in and of itself necessitates postulating some major danger. that would be a sort of a, you know, a designate is designated aggregates for all the as a central anxiety. it exactly is a convenient in climate global warming fonts. so field warming has become a convenient scape code for, you know, all of the plan that's problem is, you know, whatever, there is a water resource shortage. they don't blame power, water management and bad governance or extravagant use of water instead, they blame climate change. so by blaming climate change for everything that goes
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wrong, we ignore the real causes of many of our problems. so professor curry is in just a scapegoat to escape responsibility or, or is it also in a way, a trojan horse to some on the land, some human vested interest. oh, well it's, it's driven by a particular world, the or new male suzy. in world view the, you know, humans or a blight on the planet that the environment is fragile. and the only way that we can deal with all this is through non government world controlled through organizations like united nations world economic forum at such a at the end of the day to me, this looks like a big power grabs rather than something. and they help humanity. mm hm. well, uh, given the state of relations between russia and the united states. and you can hardly suppose that the crime is in the, in the pockets of, uh,
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washington activist. and yet i think, you know, some people here are also not necessarily share the, the entire debate, but they, they do see uh the temperature changing and the extreme weather of lands. uh. is there any relation between uh new weather phenomenon. uh thats where witness and uh climate change. we've had extreme weather and climate events for you know, for several 1000000000 years of the earth has been in existence. we've always had bad weather. we currently have bad weather and we'll have a bad weather in the future. there's even the un climate assessment reports finds no relationship between extreme weather events and global warming apart from hayward's. that's the old one that seems to be increasing and that makes sense of the overall temperatures and thing. but for games, floods, droughts,
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pale, you know, whatever bad weather that often gets blamed on fossil fuels, warming, even the u on climate assessment reports 5 is low confidence in any trend, let alone anything that can be blamed on fossil fuels for me. mm hm. but i don't mean only, uh, quote unquote, bad weather because here in russia for example, we have witnessed some unprecedented unheard of weather phenomena. for example, um, over the last couple of years we've been witnessing a lot of what we call an ice rain when a temperature is full precipitously during the rainfall. crazy. it's essentially a huge ice rings and that's would be, it's very unpredictable. and also very dramatic, especially for the elderly and i've heard that all the countries also experience something like that, a phenomena that they either now were never experienced before or perhaps have forgotten about. and do you think there is any relation between these uh,
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like on heard of uh, things and uh what we see happening uh, when they ask mr. globally, a miss the key points is forgotten about. for example, in the u. s. bad weather, everything from the worst. he waves the worst drought season, the worst land following hurricanes occurred in the 19 thirty's. okay. and that is outside of most people's living memory, but it's there in the records. and if you look back further, you know, into the 1800s, you'll find all sorts of crazy weather. so the key point is forgotten about it, or they, that there are natural, very ations in the weather and climate extremes. and some of these are multi the cables, so maybe you may have to go back 6070 years, a 150 years before you find something comfortable. but it's very rare that
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you owe the completely new weather event. that's untrusted. so do i understand you correctly, the climate and the weather patterns are, may be changing simply because nature always changes. it's never static. i'm claiming that it's all due to human activity may be not only misleading, but perhaps a little bit of ground heels, even if you just look back a 100 years rather than one person with a live thing memory. you will find lots of extreme weather events, lots, you'll see lots of natural weather and climate variability. so this is nothing unusual. people have just been fed, the hype that, you know, also fuels cause bad weather and it's is just ludicrous, but people have to somehow or o at least people in the, in the, in the united states on more largely within the western world. and i do want to ask you a sort of a cultural, i guess question because to russian. and i think more broadly for an i,
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the american debate on climate change is characterized by implausible, with high predictions of emissions. and the sort of, uh, fi arise farm that they may make may cause the most governments around the world tend to stay on the conservative side of the forecast in the policy settings, simply because the resources are limited and there are many present day issues competing for those resources, but i think in the united states we see a totally different trend. i mean there is a predilection for the most dramatic forecasts possible and not only on climate change. take example take for example, the public health debate and all the corporate projections. they were also hugely uh overboard. do you think that's a cultural issue or is it perhaps an ideological one? even the un climate assessment reports have focused on the extreme emission
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scenario and the very warm, you know, that gives a whole lot of warming and exaggerated 6th stream weather events. but even the contents of the parties, climate negotiators of band, at these extreme emissions scenarios in 2021. so why are the scientists still using them? and it's not just us science as there's a, a very healthy contingent. but what i would call a alarm of scientists in europe, and particularly in germany, many and u. k for example. so it's not just to us phenomena and a lot of motives. i mean, individual scientists get far more attention and funding and whatever if they make an alarming pronouncement, time meaning or attention. and they have states that the big table is, you know, making policy and things like that. and so, so there's various social motives for people to exaggerate in the us and,
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and in europe by and think it's becoming more and more apparent. and you know, something is very wrong. and, and these is that there's a growing move just to a band on the extreme emissions scenarios and look at the 3rd of scenarios. and i have to say the russian climate model has one of the lowest sensitivities to um c o 2 emissions. and i think it's one of the better climate models out there giving more real projections. well, as, since you mentioned that, i think at least within the russian collective cycle, there is a, um, you to our soviet past. i think the sort of outlined this plans that the we were striving for at that time. there is now a very clear distinct distinction between uh uh, trying to implants and trying to control. we can influence lots of things to
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varying degrees, but we can't control them. absolutely. and we have, i think this is what western policies prime is still on the, the demand for germany and not only as a do a political concept, but also as a, something that, you know, human need to have. isn't that one of the reasons why the climate change narrative and perhaps, as i said, many other issues like public house international polls, etc, has become so intolerant to opposing points of view or even, you know, scientific data that doesn't know what they agree with, the diagnostic proposition and yes or you should on a keep point. but basically they've tried to characterize like, pandemic management and control of the claim it as simple problems. so, you know, these are things that we can control. and in fact, these are what can probably deeply complex a lot of uncertainty and
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a lot of ambiguity and the values surrounding the issue. and so, you know, for a problem like the climate change or a pen demik, i mean, we have to abandon the idea that we can control it, but we need to see to understand and then manage the impacts. i mean, all, it may be to a certain extent, but not in any substantial way. and so we just look band them the idea that we can control these things. well, uh, at least you and me, we can control our conversation to some extent in the sense of taking a short break right now. but we will be back to these fascinating discussion if in a few moments station the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the all the welcome back to worlds of parts with judas. curry and americans claim intelligence and professor in america at the georgia institute of technology. if it's occurring just before the break we were talking about or rather you were talking about the need to abandon the attempts to
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control everything. and instead focus on adapting on whatever and my, the nature brings our way. but i think that's what the require a lot of humility perhaps, and a certain degree of tolerance of, of uncertainty. how do seeing those values could be sort of brought back into the public debate, at least on climate change? you know, the, the uncertainty issue is out there. and by trying to ignore it, or minimize that or frame a problem. you know, if so narrowly that uncertainty, you know, it doesn't seem so large. i mean, it's just a very, very big mistake and is very bad for policy making in scientific discourse when there are sort of political values in play. there's always a lot of uncertainty and disagreement as
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a spice of academic life and you know, nothing is ever settled and you know, that tell the norm, the scientific process normally works. but when politics come into play, no, everything becomes very overly certain. and you have tribal communities develop to try to cancel each other and marginalize each other. and we've seen the summit, academic climb and debate and is the very pernicious thing, not only for science, but also for the policy making process. when policy makers are simply misled, i thinking that, you know, this is simple, we know how to fix the climate. and we have these very specific targets and timelines and we need to meet them and then bad weather will go way simply of very tail choking knowledge. it and get on with trying to better understand the
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situation and to adapt to extreme weather events and climate variability and change not speaking about understanding the situation better. i know that the hallmark of your approach to climate and weather forecasts takes a particular attention to natural ver, very ability such as volcanic eruptions, san activity, ocean know, solutions, etc. why do you think it's important to take those parameters into account? well, because you know, we've had climate variability, huge variations in climate, and times scales from century 2 millennia to a hundreds of millions of years. and these were not caused by fossil fuels. ok before caused by natural processes involving ok, knows the sun sheets and as an ocean circulations and
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to all of a sudden a trivialize, those processes and blame everything. so you know, emission of fossil fuels, those just items facility. now correct me if i'm wrong, i think those processes move on very long scale, so not only of thousands of years, but perhaps even millennia and a lot of studies are investigating them. but uh, speaking generally, how well do we as humans understand what a fax was within the planetary system? well, you know, unfortunately we've lost 2 decades of research on trying to understand natural processes that contribute to climate variability. because everyone has been focused on the a c o 2 issue and global climate models. but the ocean oscillations i think are particularly relevant on scales from entre annual to multi
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decalle to multi century, which are the time scale, the same time scales that we're talking about in terms of fossil fuel missions so. so this is huge in terms of racial climate variability. you know, like the ill nino and la nina are examples and then there's, you know, the cable very abilities, mid atlantic and pacific ocean on the arctic ocean southern hemisphere. all of these things, the circulation patterns heavily influenced our climate and our regional extreme weather pattern, and lost sight of those just by looking at globally average temperatures and c o 2 emissions. now from what you're saying, it looks like uh, an area that almost requires authentic global corporation. i understand that the, the discourse on climate change within the west has been somewhat ignited. but what about international academia?
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is it also under the pressure to conform to certain dog most or is it more sort of independent and it's forecasts on conclusions? well, in europe, in australia i would say the situation is pretty much the same as in the you of, um, you know, in asia things may be more open. i mean, i, i, i would say in asia things are a bit more open, but i've seen it as policy maker started a band and a mix stream emissions scenarios. all the climate scientists are going to have to agree with the natural climate. variability is much more important than previous thoughts because if you, these extreme emissions scenarios are so huge that yeah, they swamp natural variability. but once you get back to reason law mission scenario, then natural variability definitely becomes a major player. and as far as understanding you are already a working in that field, advising companies or private businesses on how to go about their own
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decisions, how to invest that own money. and that may be sort of in, in nothing to pull agreement with the mainstream view. so how much interest do you see uh to the kind of for that you do from private businesses? do they, do they buy into they don't mind. okay. the people who are trying to meet some government regulations, you know, they're, they're looking for the, you know, the main dogmatic kind of thing. but my clients are people who have a direct economic interest or their have specific infrastructure that they're developing and they need to make sure that it can withstand whatever mother nature's froze it's way over the next 3050 years. then they come to me and they say, oh, well we, we've heard the hype. now we need to hear from you some, some scenarios about how this might really play out
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a range of possible scenarios. the on certain do, you know, give us sorts laid out for us, you know, so when people have real decisions that impacts, you know, the economic or engineering or infrastructure related. they want to hear from me. so i'm just saying from what you're saying, they all, they have to think not only about what mother nature, so those are way. but what their government surf, impose is owned by them. that may be a burden over of its own kinds. and perhaps even a heavier than the natural situation. oh, exactly. i mean, we're in a situation right now, or the cure is worse and then disease, particularly in the us, in europe with all the a renewable energy use and tearing down nuclear power plants and coal power plants and you know, and they're running the environment and they're ending up with the very
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reduced and unstable power generation, which is not helping anybody. well, but here you're just have the change of power in washington, and i don't want to get us into the sort of political discussion, but i'm sure you're heard some of the statements that they will not. for example, who is prominent in the, in your trump administration. has been making about the energy policy and the use of the renewables. from what i understand his point of view is that he believes that there, there is a place for them within the energy balance, but they have to be a they have to be backups by traditional energy sources. are you in any way hopeful that the they may be changed? not necessarily in policy, but that's least in the way those issues are discussed. um okay, um i think rooftop solar power is a good solution. but um, offshore wind is probably the worst solution and then lives when solar farm said there's a need for them in some regions. but that there is no way we're going to get around
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this without firm based loan power, either of, of fuels, nuclear power, or maybe, you know, you know, advance geothermal or some new developments are often about so, so we just need that's on the trunk administration has a very forward looking team of people looking at the energy issue and i'm very optimistic that things will move forward in the us in a sense, simple way, as well as things move forward in, in the united states. i also want to ask you about international policy because over the last couple of days, because there has been a strong international drive towards some sort of a uniform climate or environmental a treaty that would have for, you know, all countries agreed to certain conditions. so regardless of the geographic called climate or economic cult situation, do you think there is a need for some sort of
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a global agreement on those issues or are they better addressed on the regional perhaps local basis? they're much better addressed on a regional or a local basis so that each country, each state or whatever kind of work to secure their own environmental, economic and security issues. and then we need bottom up solutions to all these problems. not top down man, dave. like the when and world economic forum of tried to impose on everybody in the parent the brand, we've seen malay withdrawn, now trump has withdrawn. i think this is going to start a number of different countries withdrawing from the mobile cream. and but what, what do you then say to people from various pacific communities like tomorrow or the marshall islands, who are facing very precipitous to rise in the, in their sea level ascend their officials like giving speeches, public speeches, standing in the high in the water to sort of dramatize the,
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the impact would you just tell them, okay guys, you know, but lots of nature, habits coming your way. okay. 2 issues. first off the sea level rise issues is com sites. you have to look at each individual location and see what's going on. often a lot of what's going on if in case where the land is thinking, either geologically, or because of ground water extraction or even fossil fuel extraction. so a lot of the so called sea level rise problems are caused by thinking not by the sea level 5. the other thing is even if you blame all of the sea level rise on human, then it's still not a lot. it's basically like 9 inches over the last 100 years, and it's now a lot, even if you blame at all on humans, if we were to stop emitting fossil fuels now. and even if you believe that climate
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models it would take several 100 years or this to reverse. we can't on ring those particular bell. um there's a lot of inertia and very long time scales in the ocean. suddenly i sheets. so even if we stopped admitting the sea level, this is going to continue to do what i do and even, you know, i don't know what the people of 2 hour can do. but i think it's pretty clear that large industrial countries, like the united states or russia for that matter, you know, can do a lot of things by making sure that the hydrogens have enough water and that they have uh, you know, well, fine, functioning, early warning assistance either for the hurricanes or perhaps for wild fires. and that brings us back to this very mundane issue of governance. and what is it for, and how do you invest your time, your resources, whether you're investing into some abstract future or version goal,
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or whether you're trying to deal with boring, mundane, but still resource requiring issues of the present day. do you have anything to say on that? well, i think we need to focus on the local and regional issues. i mean, the climate crisis is really a summation of thousands of local vulnerabilities that because we live on coastal regions in flood plains and, and various folder full play stuff like that. and putting all of this can be exacerbated into some small, extends by global warming. but most of its population increased in increasing property in vulnerable full regions. so you know, we just, we need to confront that and we need to, to increase our resilience. we named better warnings,
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we need better infrastructure, we need better water management. we need to harden our electric utilities so they are less vulnerable to extreme. whether there's all sorts of things that we can do . and again, it's mundane, but it's going to make people's lives better and it's going to reduce the large economic loss of associated with it whether faster. so when they do occur, okay, well, professor curry, we have to leave it there. but thank you very much for highlighting that though we get into the future by attending to the present. no. and the other way around. and i think that's very important to, to keep in mind. okay, good. thank you. i'm thank you for watching hope this there again on was a part of the
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us delegation heads to saudi arabia for high level talks with ross and envoy. it's the 1st meeting of its kind since the war and ukraine erupted 3 years ago. what was the situation with the previous administration? no dialogue war until the that was the official position of the previous administration. an optimistic outlook of the kremlin folks up the potential for a meeting between the russian and american president say the stands in stock contracts 2 divided. yes, the some interesting question. the key of insists about vague cannot be offer soul
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discussion about you crazy without a direct involvement. but donald trump suggests that he's ok with that, let's keep being absent from the negotiating papers. this has been coughing me, of diplomacy, you know, just sort of in security as a security conference. heavy us left blood decided to add the munich conference meeting after the washington cold at brussels over its approach to democracy. the threat that i worry the most about the city europe is not russia, it's not china, it's not any other external actor. and what i worry about is the threat from within the retreats of europe, from some of its most fundamental values value shared with the united states of america. russia says 0 pays in it, berkeley ignoring kids, war cried. and that's after the use top of diplomats plays
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a degree and never target, gosh. and so if any of the about, well continuing comp rate of the latest dread, sweeping the world right now, this is our to, to national i a, michael plus. all right, now we start with some breaking news on the war and ukraine. a us delegation is leaving today for saudi arabia to hold pulse with russia and representatives. it's the 1st such high level meeting between the countries in years. now the news was confirmed by donald trump special envoy to the middle east, steve woodcock, and the set to be aimed at building trust with moscow. the ross inside has yet to comment on best. i don't want to talk too much about that ends, specifically marie, but i am going to night i'll be traveling there. ready the national, secure. ready the advisor and we'll be having meetings at the direction of the
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president and hopefully we'll, we'll, we'll make some really good progress with regard to russia. ukraine. not a lot of details so far as with any hud from washington. moscow has once commented as yet, and we could only guess who's going to be on the negotiating teams list. but actually yesterday, bloomberg named a few and american delegation will be led by us national security advice. up my quotes and a special uh and boy for the middle east, a steve uh, width, golf and actually width of noted, uh the, the 1st stage of tweaks will focus on building trusts between the united states and russia. and this resonated with what kremlin spoke spots, and i'd treat me 3 pascals as stated motions. you know, this is a powerful signal and we will now attempt to solve the problems through dialogue. we will talk about peace, not war. what was the situation with the previous administration?
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no dialogue war until the end. that was the official position of the previous administration. judging by president trump statements, we resolved problems to dialogue no more. we need peace. this position should appeal more to any reasonable person or state. you may, the, the, you know, you crave will actually attend the saudi arabia summit, as trump actually during a phone call was not enough to reach an earlier this week, emphasized that she wants to meet with 210, in particular, as trump has a some sort of understanding on how to apply them, that putin views the conflict in ukraine. and now we also have multi rubio. he said earlier, the cube and brussels will actually the boats into the price as off to woods because sized absolum ice as little about talks between moscow. washington president trump ran, he was very clear, he thinks this war needs to end. and if he sees an opportunity to end it,
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which is what he's looking for. whether there is an opportunity or not, we're going to pursue it. ultimately it will reach a point when, if it's real negotiations, we're not there yet. but if that were to happen, ukraine will have to be involved because they're the one that was invited and the europeans will have to be involved because they have sanctions on pollutant and rusher as well. and they've contributed to this effort. we're just not there yet. we really aren't, but hopefully we will be because we don't like to see this war. and so the key of constantly says that know you're creating 12 so that ukraine talk to us about that . what about this time? well, according to a to a fox news, john, the last uh ukraine was not invited to the talks and saudi arabia, citing a high ranking ukrainian official who actually specified that ukraine was not invited nor informed about the upcoming and negotiations as the landscape. so concerns that, that will snow invitation that he has received. he's also called the meeting between most and washington. i'm
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a bit strange as those similar talks what held between a t of on it's so cool, strategic part as before. and you know, if this seems to be ironic and i wrote what i want a moment to, as soon as i get the soonest, trump announced his intentions to meet with the russian president. as the last he said, he actually had a state visit to saudi arabia, which obviously is just a coincidence of course, and that his economy, minnesota is ready in re add, holding meetings to prepare the visit. and once again, i want to cows the landscape while still feeling sort of left out is still trying hard to get involved. because top, all the way actually has been open about ukraine's floods and all of this um, and is there a certain question?
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i think they have to make peace that people have been killed and i think they have to make peace. we the, i said that was not a good way to go into and i think they have to make peace. that's what i think. the last, you know, i don't think so as long as he's there, but you know, at some point you're gonna have to have elections to you're gonna have to have it. i just keep you to go to more just skim. oh, you can negotiate with anyone. but zalinski is illegitimate, he has no right to sign anything. but if he wants to take part in the negotiations, i will send people who will conduct these negotiations. the issue is the final signing of the documents. this is a very serious issue that should guarantee security for ukraine and russia with a serious long term historical perspective. a. hi leah, an nbc interview actually t mountain, which celeste explains that if that was a real plan to resolve the conflict, t of what us being invited. what is the trump administration's piece plan?
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do they have one look for? well, 1st of all, i've seen no they, they don't have a real down because they come have it without us. i think so. maybe that and there are some ideas that your, some ideas about the economy. how does your economy, how to in the past we spoke mostly about teeth with weiss president, i think security guarantees told today the question of the president with all of this that twice president bob, it's about more to president because he's the president of the united states and he is a leader of nato, and each man that lives are all security allies. so, you know, from all of this, we are in sight seeing a huge shift on the geological landscape. but, you know, once again, to be sure of that, we'll have to wait and see. now for my director of inter governmental affairs to the us trade representative of steve, gil believes that the torque said in saudi arabia with quickly via fruits. you
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cannot resolve conflict if you're not talking, having conversations about how to resolve the conflict. and i think that we haven't seen that was the last several years is divided administration, but under president trump reaching out and now beginning the conversation with president food in the russians, i think there's a real pathway to find you not only piece, but also better prosperity, for all the nations involved, i do think it's kind of ironic that you have the presence of lensky complaining about being cut out of these. go see ations when he push the legislation in ukraine to make it illegal for him to negotiate with russia. so now, i guess he's complaining that he can't break the law by being involved in that goes, he ations. i think the other irony here is that the presence of lensky has been bad mouth in the united states. talking trash about the us when they're not doing exactly what he wants to do. not sending more money, more weapons to ukraine after he just boston and backtracked on his agreement to,
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to provide about a half $1000000000.00 in resources to the us to help pay back the humanitarian aid in the military that's been providing to them. so, i think presidents lensky, when he has canceled the elections and is now saying that we need to have elections, of people in your brain don't want to elections that to the president. trump, there at odds with prizes of trump when they're refusing to, to pay back the money and munitions that the u. s. has put in place and then complaining about not being. and so they go see ation table and the, let's see, made it illegal for him to be able to go see agent. they will. so i think president trump is making the wise decision. we're going to move forward with adults in the room. and at some point maybe will involve so let's see. and you're right now the munich security conference has wrapped top of which was side for some, quite literally it's joe mind was reduced to tears, but not just because everyone was heading home to this order is easy to disrupt.
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it's easy to destroy, but it's much harder to rebuild. so let us stick to these values. let us not reinvent them, but focus on strengthening their consistent application. let me conclude that this becomes difficult. the . so the cabinet is right about one thing for sure. the weld order is changing and not to the west advantage of the conference, was supposed to be a show of unity, but in the wake of old arguments and recrimination that throughout the weekend. this unity would perhaps be the more appropriate word to describe how things turned out. but as the gathering wrapped up delegates westfield trying to put on
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a brave face, this has been a cat costs. any of diplomacy, you know, just sort of people being quite head top, but shock than the rest of it. but once we get over us, the prime minister of iceland said from the shock, what do we need to do? we need to listen what the americans are saying, what went down as exactly what they knew was absolutely not expecting these summits like the munich security conference, like the a i summit for europe that j. d, vast, the vice president, united states was also speaking at a little bit earlier in the week. these things are only just very routine, quite big news, fast actually. and normally kind of the talking points are worked out in advance. they're almost always on the same page. it's not supposed to be a roast of the americans or i'm, i'm the europeans by the americans was essentially what we're seeing, that at both of these events, the threats that i worry, the most about visa,
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the europe, is not russia. it's not china, it's not any other external actor. and what i worry about is the threat from within the retreat of europe, from some of its most fundamental values value shared with the united states of america style struck that of a former european commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the romanian government had just an old and entire election. he warned that as things don't go to plan, the very same thing could happen in germany too. now these cavaliers statements are shocking to american ears, or i would also spins advanced. did. yesterday was the stand on the side of addictive tauriel regime and to say europe to germany you are to tell a terry in states is aren't, is, and that really has our welding and aspects of we create our coalition ourselves. just be sure it's none of his business. you know. yeah, tough guy. a connie minister of germany,
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robert had back there and also the vice chancellor of germany telling awesome judy vance, not to his face at the conference, but on a pod cast. and i'm sure he'll be listening to that and following along very closely. so what's going on here is that, you know, instead of standing up to the previous administration, previous american administration and a, standing up for their energy sovereignty and ending up the street, the industrialize. and his dad's as j, the vans admonished germany for doing right in front of their faces at that munich security conference. these guys, any they just kind of are saying, well, you know, coming here now we're standing up for news for democracy and freedom that all these things that they really couldn't be bothered standing up to the, by the administration. for apparently the envoys that trump had sent to this conference in munich, general kellogg or one of his own voice. he, um,
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he had said earlier that with respect to where this is all going and in, sorry, ray, be with the next phase of negotiations with hopefully alternately or who are heading towards direct had they had discussion between president puts in president trump probably within the next couple of weeks before ramadan ends up unfolding in saudi arabia and everything kind of shuts down. prior to that he said, you know, we really don't need these pounds. the you are ukraine at negotiate table and they can come to the table. but probably the kitty table over there in the corner. what's interesting now is the secretary of state marco rubio has now kind of contradict to that and said europe and ukraine will be part of peace talks. let's have a listen to the kind of contradicting discussions that are happening in, in front of on the world stage for everyone to see on, on the american side. can you, can you
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a show this audience the ukrainians will be at the table? and europeans will be at the table where you just change the whole dynamic. pardon or victor, thanks for having us today. i appreciate the answer that last question, just you framed it? the answer is no. the answer to the earlier part of the questions. yes, of course. you can use are going to be at the table. the finish for our minister side of the, of this report that we're watching right now. that this is all very messy and well, you know, diplomacy is messy and it's not in a straight line. the only way it ends up being anything other than that is when everybody is in agreement on propagating the same, talking points in the past, which is again what these conferences typically. all right, we're absolutely not saying here. this is real diplomacy happening in real time. so you have catalog contradict during marco rubio, and it doesn't mean that there hasn't been something that occurred between those 2 statements made by those gentlemen. but again, it's a big question mark over whether or not the,
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the you or to what extent that you will be involved. the beesley always uses, i mean, they've been holding their own little kind of side summits ahead of this particular conference. for example. specifically, there was one in paris just before i left paris to come out here in moscow. they were all meeting there and it was, they were setting the stage. they said for an eventual piece agreement as though they were running the adults table. i'm not realizing. c but it seems that some, some trump and puts in, we're also having a conversation and they'd already kind of done the cast day and their casting was for as a 2 man show not for a, a clown. troops involving the typical jokers at the u. i n. a by austin, my stuff. what have i done today? how the printer have i done enough use in this fight for a year of a future,
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for the very common sense of freedom for low security. you must or we will lose problem $5.00, fee $3.00, but obviously the european party of war, the liberal mainstream, will try to do everything in its power to fight disagreement. let's not be now. you've that. yeah, well i mean that's part of the course when it comes to that you all, you gotta supply tubes and for 2 signaling, just non stop virtu, signaling and that's, again, that's not diplomacy. so what we're looking at now is very messy diplomacy playing out in real time and you, it's kind of been relegated for the time being to the, to the table. it's not really sure at this point whether they will be involved or not. mark rubio has said yes, you know, calm down over there cuz they're yelling and screaming and freaking out that, you know, we might not be involved in this. so again, when j. d that says at this munich conference, that the
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e u is violating basic values that it purports to back like freedom and democracy. it's also kind of violating the rules of a free markets by doing this. and it seems like they're always trying to push the envelope and see what they can get away with. so this will be really interesting to watch where it all goes. a ukrainian drug and strike has left 3 people that didn't rush as belgrade region after the call. the way traveling in was it, and that's according to a local authorities. it's the latest thoughts i tap on civilians. despite the use foreign policy chief insisting that keeps troops never target non competent. well, when it comes to russian, ukraine, you know, the differences that the russian civilians are not dying. i mean rice and children, then we were not dying. it's so which is on the ground of father territory when you are occupied, then it doesn't mean you know, in words, you have peace,
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but it doesn't mean that the human suffering was stop. and that is something that we need to work for. well, a kind of callous seems to be absolutely clear this as a 3 civilians were killed in bel good region. this sounds a alone while it's really difficult and comments on such an outright and belief in the law. i, especially when the person who sees the slide is an actual head of the entire european diplomacy. she said with a smile, though, how this lead trying to be cues, which it looks to be her only forte when the cameras are on the substance of what's coming out of her, of her mouth is so far from reality as she is probably from diplomacy and kind of calluses, this statement is generally in line with the west. and so i are approached over the last decade or so, where they would turn a blind side to any atrocities committed by the key of regime against the russians
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. taking of some kind of person in such a position, not know that the key of regime is committing terrorist acts against civilians, children women and socially vulnerable groups know. and as they say, we know, they know, can a person with the authority and that knowledge lie like that? yes, tell us does. for the last few days, all the leaders have been screaming all over the place that they absolutely need to keep their seat at the negotiating table. callous cuts their hopes that the route. how can you talk seriously with those who have declared lies is their official position, judging from all that happens of them unit go security conference, it's probably safe to say that's kind of calluses fantasies. those cynical and having nothing to do with the reality are a desperate attempt to stake a claim in the upcoming talks between bosco and washington. while the atrocities committed by the militants of vicki ever see more well documented, not only by the russian military investigators, but also via those who committed those atrocities. when you create invaded the
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current scrooge in russian civilians were forced to flee. and those who didn't make it out on the side were rounded up and either since the ukraine or were made prisoners in their own towns and villages. and this some were even tortured and worried killed james, here's just one example witnessed by our reporter segers. donal take a look, if you see a know that it was meant to be a standard clean up operation. instead, a bloodcurdling discovery fingerprints of ukraine's months long presence in this village be above you. i do, of course i do you do you have the engine bowl is do those little? i mean, the civilians weren't killed by straight bullets. they didn't just happened to be in the way of a random piece of crap. no. they were screened, tortured and executed with a diabolical meticulousness, which is on there, is,
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who do you not to do this real script, but each the is one of the villages most recently liberated by the russian forces in the course region. and as they rounded up those ukrainian soldiers who failed to flee the settlement. little did the russians know that one of the captives would admit to the atrocities we raped the girl with particular cruelty. then i made her neil and then shot her. we went to another house, there were 2 men and one woman. we cut the veins on one of the men's hands. we decided to mock him just like that. then we killed them both. after that, i raped the woman, made her neil and shot her other regions the neighboring ukraine has suffered artillery miss. so i'll end the drawing the tax as well. the desktop civilians, the in regions like the builder of vermonters and the brands, all happens. youtube indiscriminate shedding by the ukranian nationalist and here
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are just a few examples. the rushes you regions, legs with the desk, people's republic, for example, our role. so under constant indiscriminate shedding by the ukrainian, the militant here in goal of code. just the 40 kilometers away from the nets. at least $215.00 civilians were killed in nearly $14400.00 since the start of this special minutes, reparation, all deaths and injuries occurred very far from
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a any military positions. but i guess kind of counselors send the company has turned a blind eye to that as well. i that's across now live to professor of the institute of european studies in bel grade. so if i'm in grades is nice to have you join me right now. so what are you on may called the woods of brussels, stopped victim while she took the magic in her conduct and approach. if an orderly person sat or something like that, it was does be crazy to judge those words as the words of the ranged person. because there's only to say something like that uh is implying that there should be more civilians, a who are killed. and this is really talking volumes. i think that the, the brussels that leads people like kind of call all sort of some of the line of it also lead leaders such as
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a model more crone. and former leaders as far as johnson are in the state. busy complete denial, especially officer, the words of dre, the events of all the europe and union. they just don't get it. they lost the war. this more was provoked mostly by brussels. and it was also of by people from the state department in the past. like the story a new ones, but the brussels was ones the side that supported the violence, cooling kia back in 2013 and 14 and it was the side that fuel this conflict. if last it goes to mealy agent. and i think that the humiliation of the bronsels the leads will only continue and these kind of, well, these kind of language is only making things worse for the brussels really down the road. well, why not do you think this could impact brussels hopes for playing
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a part in any potential peace negotiations over you? great. you know they, they, they are not the player anymore. and this was a quiet to blame them, please said to them by joined us by trump, also by people like you on the mosque and others from the new american at least ration they have created the mass. tom said that this war shouldn't have happened at all. why even put inside that if trump was not in the elections were not stolen in 2020 as they were. and i think we will see more concrete evidence of that. uh, if this did not happen, there would not be an escalation of this size that happened in 2022. so i think that the state of denial is, uh, uh, what people from, from brussels, from the you are feeling because they're still trying to, uh,
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3 people to, to change the situation by repeating that they will be at the table. no, they are not going to be at the table. they're going to be on the table. so right. that's how good the issue of war crimes as talk about back now, i'm going to the issue of war crimes committed by ukraine. the impact the possible peace folks to well, i think that ukraine is probably going to talk about the terms of surrender to be quite for quite franks. and this is not going to be surrender of ukraine, but of the whole brussels. and of course, these war crimes that versus the magically committed since 2014 basically since may uh, the 2nd of 2014, when several 100 russians were burned to live in the center of odessa by the neo nazis. and then this continued, and these tribes were systematic and not the lead you are you paying sort of
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a loss for the mercenaries also coming from you countries were participating in these more crimes. i think this will all be investigated. and i think that the history books will be written, having in mind these huge atrocities, and we will learn more because i think that the investigations that are happening in united states connected to us, say, id and other government organizations. they're now being, he's investigated by the trump under the space and the results and connection with ukraine will be sh, absolutely shocking. and i think that this is very bad use for current brussels, a leads and, but i also think that we will see a lot of political changes in particular european countries. absolutely spots on there that when we look to a post war future,
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where will the issue of accountability stand for those who have committed crimes against civilians? would they have a piece of justice? so i think that the newburgh style tribunal will probably be established. and that over to years, people who uh tried uh, or successfully sleeve uh, 24 entries will be brought to justice. and that is probably what we will see in the years to come. but why is more important here is the political responsibility for fueling this conflict. and that the to have in the irony is even greater when we know that the, these cries were committed on the rhetoric that was based on protecting human rights and so on and so forth. everybody was blind to russian. and c williams who were being killed in tens of thousands basically when we count uh the uh,
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all the, all the victims from, from 2014 until today its almost 11 years. and um, i think that uh that the uh, future the, the near future is going to reveal a lot of these items. but why we have to leave you here. now step one guy, each professor of the institute of european studies in bel grade. thank you for your insight and you were having a great r t dot com is where you can get farther details of all the stories. well following this. ok, thanks for watching by now. the the
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hey buddy. welcome back to the law school. muse. i'm shay bowes, and of course i'm joined by our guns. and you may notice this week here so that the forces of romance have separated us. i'm in a, let's say, secret location working on another project. uh nogales has been dragged away, but we are united by the wonders of technology. i'm going to plow on for the next couple of shows. and prizes for those who guess where i may be. see a black size. you never know. where would we start? and yet again, at usaid, the catastrophe that just keeps on giving for us here at moscow mules. nobody knew that it was well into the core, you know, national down for democracy, usaid, you know, for a long time that this complete show was just that for me, the most retired and then would take us things a, on a global scale. that's all the look,
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a little internet and mean from something from the out there. and internet's feel, which kind of says that all about the absolutely lunacy of usa wanted. oh, you know, yes, yes. the does. and the street know the dogs in the street now know that this is a complete show. and you know, let's talk about some of the actual things that we might know. the got to the last week when we were talking about usaid. and we saw come on, we saw the train coming down the track, and one of them, which i suppose defines the insanity of usa, more options than others. is the funding of a school log e in have practiced. um, right. i mean, they spent a few bob on this incredibly elaborate lush, beautiful building. this is high level, this is 5 star practice, tiny school. little,
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you mean, you know, they have to sign up and everything else and, you know, i mean we're very proud we built the us, i used to say is this, we do this is 1st class or both that a, do you go to the ga gov. you may want to choose yeah, pretty good. i mean, i don't even even any windows, excuse me. where, where did actual money go? all the, this was a big ticket school, you know, millions of dollars to build a shit at a mock and install basically no windows, you know, it's like something from, you know, 80 and 20. so where did the cash actually go? and i think the money actually went to line the pockets off for politicians, and the favorite part right is to protect biden's interest. so let's not forget just how usaid was used as a carrot on a stick when it came to us foreign policy. in particular, one instance,
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which organizes the spins of the oval a into a web f is when a joe biden, a certain job. i'm the big guy. he decided that he wanted a prosecutor or at rid of, in ukraine. you know, that prosecutor seems to been asking the wrong questions. no, forget the fact that the old sleepy joe sold, the hunter had been appointed to the board of reason facing the state. uh gas buddy for a job that he had told me. do you want to do and i'll forget, hunter admitted that if he his 2nd name was a boy and he wouldn't never got the job. yes, he admitted that right. and jo decided to withhold a $1000000000.00 in aid from us aid to do ukrainians on this. this particular prosecutor got fired a modular time. of course, remember, it's the russians who are interfering, and people's internal policies is the russians who are, you know, applying pressure, at least, you know, in the reality of the u. s. world the they don't even try to hide it because bite and certainly didn't on the video. and i always go, i suppose,
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to announce that there is another $1000000.00 loan guarantee. and i had gotten a commitment from portion co and from lots in new york, and they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did. i said you're not getting the building. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutors not fired. you're not getting the money all sign of a batch. yeah. so he's not even hiding. he's not even pretending. he's basically boasting about the fact that he to get the process, the chief prosecutor and one of the most corrupt countries in the world, fired on this. yeah, they did what they were told. i mean, what is that, is that not influence? is that not the external influence? i mean, just don't know exactly what the alleged, the russians have been doing wrong. i think there was a warrant for this in crime. right. how does that word for all right? oh yeah. for option. so you're not to build it, you know, where you guys che, should be, you know, very, very sad,
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very upset that usaid has been exposed for what it was. you know, it hasn't done anything wrong. everything was fine. and, you know, you shouldn't be upset the, the joe, who remember his partner soon, and everybody else in the boynton calling from you ahead of even be in charge. what would you do that if you don't have the wrong course, you don't have the wrong job. was a good guy, 10 percent of the big guy, and you're definitely right on you should not be a, you know, a feeling a bit of shopping for you to as you watch this sort of count dooku itself, alex or us at the bottom now in charge cozying up to the live tides in the west. uh, you know, awesome and romania estimate, georgia. how important mr. sources. mm hm. they may have something to say. so you shouldn't feel happy to see him. basically having a live tard mailed out rather than when we talked about things in the united states like you'd like to come check the balances, which aren't written anywhere, but our cousins and one man, donald trump, literally can only guess you know about. yeah. oh yeah, it was. well,
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it's so sweet, it's so nice to watch. i mean i, i feel about that. i feel good. sounds like he's going to cry. now look at, you know, who was studying it as a good deal. all happened on your watch. alex's sco, forget all happened on your watch and all that to me that everybody got them. yeah . so what, which, what he's made personally, you know, from all these re g area, you can change your rate. i'm nothing, you know. yeah, i love it. i love those glasses steaming up with rage. how dad, they choose their own government in romania in georgia. how dare you. as our old friend graduates say, no, you might be wondering. yeah, just why a little alex is so upset that that he said i'm far might be getting a good kick in the notes because of the big the whole time. and uh, you know, a semi truck right through the middle of that a little regime change up or asians, but there might be something else to it. are you? right? i think uh, alex uh, the sort of finally might have been a stone in the pockets on was uh, by the actions of the big gun. am i correct?
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are you, you are correct. j and our dear yours. i've got a 2 headlines for you. me and then you makes a picture for yourself. first headlines according to the wall street journal. george soros most nearly 1000000000 in weeks after trump the election. oh, and the 2nd one news from gary in government claims the source network is relocating headquarters from washington to brussels. uh new friends. yeah. let's all converge and meet on the dead star. yes. so we're going to leave the usa for a minute, but we're going to talk about something which is also related to usaid funding funding of kind of crazy not only around the world, but also for people like google and to be filed. do you remember the guy that told us were all about he from, from basically getting a cold yeah, cold and remember that told us all we have to take this vaccine, which is kills is sort of people and probably made you feel worse than the cold.
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you were going to catch, you read the code the so really in seen revelations of come out now about just walk us taxpayers, money that's you realize it was being used for in the united states under the, you know, tutelage and guidance of good old mr. foundry. and guess what all he, i think mr. bouchee was also put on the list of people who can be charged with any crime over the stuff they did because they did nothing wrong. right. let's have a listen to some of the frankenstein type insanity that was going on under mister folk cheese guide and select se, run an implant, a boarded b b parts into a lab, animals. and have you heard of that sort of research? yeah, um we did an analysis a few years ago showing that over 90 percent of issue of experiments with using human field tissue and putting them involved of animals were funded by fowler. she's not ad, i mean absolutely insane stuff. this is like science fiction, like
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a bad science fiction movie, right. i mean, i mean, implanting bits of dead children babies fetuses into older animals. what does that even for like, what sort of crazy fish this? so they go implanting pieces of seat assisting. you put your babies. okay. we were all see this is once, don't forget it. implanting piece of the babies were boarded by young students in very, you know, vulnerable situations. how they got the fetus as we don't know how they managed to get to implant them into older animals. what kind of crazy, alien frankenstein's does this at all? he what's the sort of details? i mean, it looks like mr. file tree or do your system creased, asked man, he has a really, really hateful animals. so his career has to begin with seem infecting chimpanzees with h. i v. and promising to us, if we're going to have age, like seeing back in the eighty's, and don't forget,
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just like many of the biden's crony cru, mr. folk cheese personal wealth and went through the roof during cold cheek. follow the ammonia you follow the morning. sustain in the usa. uh, health is the only thing that's going to be changing. maybe you know, and or of k, you store on things up there. and they're all gonna compete to see who can shake it down. to the biggest extent, mr. hakes at the new sexy defense is definitely doing the same kind of thing. he has basically dropped a couple of 2 bombs in germany in munich, and was talking to the ukrainians. it's kind of a dose of reality is the type of stuff that we've basically saying here for a long time of the most. come you many independent journalist, people who are objective, nobody believe that the things are going to ever be the russian says fantasy. and guess what? the western media melts down. as soon as mr. hicks, it says, you know, they're never going to join nato. we know, you know, everybody knows the fact,
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even in the real world, this is a trip to the uh, you know, the psychiatrist for the western a need to have convinced themselves getting high on their own supply propaganda. this what a look all you how joe biden, sleepy joe, the cookie drum that. yeah, you know, perceived a yeah, you kinds entrance into nato is the other with the how exhibit or with the same mobile. and that's all local. mister hicks, it says, this is a really interesting little video which shows the loss of shift in u. s. foreign policy rule it out. it's not about whether or not they should or should enjoy. it's about when they can join and they will be joining nato. united states does not believe that nato membership for ukraine is a realistic outcome of a negotiated settlement. so let's have a look at how little loud load even has decided to. but i'm interested in the geology of you right? problem is most of it's now under russian control,
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and it's always going to be on the rushing control because these parts of x, ukraine, used to be parts of the russian empire. and again, they're now part of the russian federation, and that didn't change and any time soon. so you want to deal, you're gonna have to deal. let's have a look how long you take note that all the names on the map are strangely, in english. me really lucky and they put a this document out there that they weren't able to shape was much to, to move on the machine or to protect you on the coaches. but i think it's a pretty school bush pool of an issue then that school bush and then it had to go on monday. and so the course on time which was at least will water more, is supposed to just come out of get nobody does that or we have to rush and i just remembered them which just loses that. i'm glad to see multiple says the show. so you the point about everything being in english, this color looks like kind of a sales brochure more than a map, right. how do i sell this country to foreigners? yeah, yeah. we own the label and it's like a fire sale for his, you know,
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that every day goes by. there's less and less of you claim left to sell. so you break the news to uh, what remains your population. uh, you know, the menu drag and off the streets, the grandfather's, the on goes, there's hardly anybody left at this stage and, you know, that's pretty hard on me, right? well, it's also hard to morale when you actually hear that the big don and the president to prove are basically doing a deal about your country are x country. and not even us getting the lack of your to the meeting. a saturday res morales, the i wonder, let me think and tell people that is going to be peace. that is going to be a piece, devon end of things, going to get better. we're going to rebuild the country. that peace is better than war. maybe not. why don't we put a stupid looking cost act like something a genie and the lamp up on top of a tank spinning round and round waving, cup of swords about that's bound to do the trick right on. you know, the video, the,
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there's the dogs in the street in ukraine and elsewhere, know that there is nobody really left who wants to fight for the narco fewer it's selling the country. uh, anyway, uh so, um, what would you do? well, let's tell everybody who's 18 and above a, you know, the draft age is basically being dragged down where it says the armies destroyed for the 5th or 6th time i was convinced that you're gonna give you a $24000.00 to get the money in ukraine, and if you join up, if you're $18.00 and above, to probably get the younger generation, most of whom are in europe now. and if you're the son or daughter of a needs and you're probably in some rich or in monaco, that's the way to do it. tell them they're gonna get 24 grand, but i think there's a catch with this was, oh gee, you're going to be sent. if you do take
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a lot of cash bonus, do you maybe send straight to the front line, right? but you're only going to get the big pay day if you make it back. and the range a lot of ukrainian soldiers making a return trip from the front these days. are you correct to? it is correct. and of course, when you're living in a country which is basically an open air prison, the people are being dragged off the streets dispatched to their certain death to certain black humor. i mean the russians ukrainians, bella russians are all very similar. people, essentially one big thumb. finally i didn't seem. yeah, i know the kind of a, as i say dark sense of humor and that has kind of flourished during these dark times in ukraine. let's have a look at a very innovative video online, the showing the ukrainians, how to avoid dying. first, armando liar and mr. route to and the nato proxy war. and there's a bit of the, i'm frank about this, i think on the uh, let's have
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a look. a fascinating stuff on the video is literally easily because it literally is like this. figure this out. i measured covers it with the sofa. it's terrible, easy, learn skiing. you're not getting this man today. a horrible isn't it? it's like horrible the links people go to another reason. why is the lensky on this compile? don't want this conflict, and this dish. tons of money being made by local. come on, there's absolutely wrong with corruption. this is why you find new corpses are left to run on the battlefield. you know, tens and tens of thousands of people are missing because their benefits are still being paid to local commanders and that's going in their pockets. not to mention the, the amount of weapons and cash that's being funneled out of the yukos. com and turn it off in place like spain, the weapons turning them place like hard of know somebody might have said that at the united nations when they were asked to speak there, about the proliferation of weapons. more. oh, of course i was called
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a conspiracy theorist and the lunatic for the you, craig, in the bathroom to the united nations who refused to speak to me while you, i think uh mr. tucker carlson. uh, a good friend of ours here in the most go meals also had a few things to say about this, correct? uh, draft this week we saw him saying that the grading mail 3 leads. i'm making huge profits by sound like weapons they receive to, you know, cool criminal gangs. and of course, mexican cartels. now, talking about mexican cartels, few interesting videos of emerged, of the deal them scenarios, let's say with some anti tank weapon systems over the shoulders. now there's only one place that this type of weapon could have come from. now this isn't a javelin, which a they say in the video book, it's an a t for, it's a, it's a very advanced, a british manufactured if i'm not incorrect at empty tank weapons, which could basically take out a name ball tank. so what chance with
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a jeep for the cops of real the video of the board when done on the bus for the bottle. but then the. 7 side of mazda mazda, of steve, steve, us april, that'll says, when do we get dirty, the table, the saddle, the up or to him bill and the is that i'm a gay. do actual that it, you know, but i, so i'm not i put in, but i see it that it, it, you guys that my case worth the most and throwing. that means you just send them in dollars. you go ask yourself the amount of money that's been spent and you find on a, you know, useless proxy or a sales process, your, you mount a cash. trillions of dollars spent enough kind of time. lydia, syria. rec, against is manufactured torres. how about the usa of and it's allies and friends on some of the top? she's russia, china, everybody gets together. and whites out the scourge of the nar code dealers, the boys in mexico. let's go with them. went up pump some of the caution. and guess
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what? you're going to probably turn up against your own weapons, old uncle sam, when you turn up there, because we know that these weapons are flushing out of ukraine into these gangs. when i put the cars together and give these boys a good kick in the us, just an idea. meanwhile, as the rest of the world moves towards accommodation and piece, you know, the us on the, you know, the kremlin how basically completely side locked into pearl, mr. allow me, we're under slide 30 are enough that are relevant anymore. what is happening? what is the you doing? well, it's still building down. it's a rule. so phobic drivel speech. you know, recently the powerhouse countries where l carlos carlos has from the, you know, estonia, lafayette, that you area, you know, these, you know, a sort of aggressors. why do they do? well, we're celebrating the cutting off of russian energy falls. it's such as
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a critical blow to the russians rights of all these. this is the end for the crime and the war machine. we're drawing to a halt not, but what's most interesting in queen g and crop about and off is how they really lay on the seat. or, you know, they're just determined to be de as room of the fact of it. so i kind of we try this like something out of an old flash gordon, sound like something dr. jack off. right now. what did you plug it into? a new concentration comp. like around us. it's activated. so connection. rouse. it all sounds kinda familiar, right? yeah. and while they're, you know, telling you that it's a big success that you decap and take your self from cheap, reliable, clean, russian energy. remember, russian energy is the reason. uh,
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the european economy grew the post war, essentially, as soon as go started supply the energy things start to go, well, as soon as they cut it off, it all with and rolls down the hills. why don't you? and it's the audrey uh, you know, tax payer and bill payer that's going to suffer from this. not earth live on the lawyer or call us call us or mr. router. these dudes are all going to be in their mountain villas. uh, you know, burning logs, you know, the eco warriors, are you, i believe the situation in good old, the good old guard of the european union is going from bad to worse when it comes to energy. i might not. correct? absolutely correct. you, in fact are do your viewers based on the prices for electricity in those very baltic states have made a little jump. they used to be around $55.00 euros bear me about hour. and now it's 230 years for the same amount of energy. there's like 4 times more,
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but here's a get 230 years. that's without you know, fines and taxes and fees. if you add all of that, the end user, which is, you know, an average bolted caruso folk. the price will be around $400.00 wow. hey, oh you, that's what they call waiting in the you society. that brings us to the end of another visit to, to the cloud, show cloud world log in. i am amazed really just how angry europe is with the idea of peace. don't forget, the 3 people in particular have a lot to lose if peace breaks out in ukraine, the 1st one is a lot of mirrors have an ski who will that lose a job, maybe lose his head in the political vacuum that ensues. the next one is there a slip on the lawyer who has basically invested a whole political career and capital into a win and ukraine. of course, the last one is mr. router, whose little nato club has been shown to be, you know,
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basically to this, they walked ukraine up the primrose past and then dump them into the pond. well, exciting times and will be here next week to narrate the story as it involves the big don joe not seems to be doing everything except slowing down. i'm going to be here, same time, same place to tell you all about it. next week. we'll see you this, the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people.
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a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient . we should be very careful about our personal intelligence and the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the demon the robot must protect his phone. existence was on the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time,
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ethiopia was the only fully independent state on the continent back in 1896. its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonists and defend their independence. since then, rome craves for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. ethiopian armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy of the italians knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of easy will be up by the fastest 760000 people were killed . the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval.
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britain and france recognize the annexation, giving that green light to a further fastest expansion in the world. 10 baby and the way for the outbreak of world war 2. hello, my name is joe. i'm a traditional catholic, father of 6 children. i'm from dallas, texas. originally, all right, my girls, what are you doing? by that time many things had changed since curb in america, and she talked about the eligibility propaganda and all that sort of thing. we think that we would like to move and live somewhere else to raise our children. 2023, my wife and i and my 6 children, we moved to restaurant. really actually seen all these movies of russia being this dark, very place and crash and everybody starving. these are fish eggs. mm hm. and yeah. okay. so that's called the current and the russians loved pizza was what?
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it's like living in russia with a big family. the good and the bad, the pros and cons expectations, leading reality killed enough, but i can't do that. i see the the climate global warming thoughts. so field warming has become a convenient scape code for, you know, all of the planets, problems you know, live over there is a water resource shortage. they don't blame for water management, bad governance or extravagant use of water. instead, they blame climate change. the
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in the us delegation helps to saudi arabia of a high level talks with across an invoice, as helps. but it's a magic breakthrough. although you create the situation with the previous administration, no dialogue more until the that was the official position of the previous administration. an optimistic outlook, the crumbling 12 saw the potential for a meeting between the ross and the american president saying that's it, all stands and spots contracts to divide in years. the interesting question the oven smith are that they cannot be 80 or official
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discussion about your grade without this direct involvement. but donald trump suggest that he's okay with the legs key. being absent from the negotiating team come through this becomes difficult. morning be use last officials, either munich, security conference, fine with the changing world or the day i talked to the date of the e. u is also left offline site. the meeting of the washington's pulled across sales folks democracy. the threat that i worry the most about the city europe is not russia. it's not china, it's not any other external actor. and what i worry about is the threat from within the retreat of europe, from some of its most fundamental values value shared with the united states of america. russia says, europe, pains, deliberate, the turing keeps of all crimes,
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and that's the cost of the d use pump. just the magic veins. that'd be great. now the topics russians the, what is already international, reaching you from the russian capital with the latest from around the world. i a michael, quite a while we stopped by some breaking news on the war and ukraine have us delegation is leaving today for saudi arabia to hold talks with russian representatives. it's the 1st such high level meeting between the countries in years of the news was confirmed by donald trump special envoy to the middle east, steve woods with coffee and the set to be aimed at building trust. with moscow, the russian side has yet to comment on this. i don't want to talk too much about that ins, specifically marie, but i am going to night i'll be travelling there. ready the national, secure. ready the advisor and we'll be having meetings at the direction of the
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president and hopefully we'll, we'll, we'll make some really good progress with regard to russia. ukraine. not a lot of details so far as with any hud from washington. moscow hasn't commented as yet, and we could only guess who's going to be on the negotiating teams list. but actually, yesterday, flu bug named a few and american delegation will be led by us national security advice of my quotes and a special uh and boy for the middle east, a steve uh, width golf and actually went to golf, noted, uh, the, the 1st stage of tweaks will focus on building trusts between the united states and russia, and this resonated with what kremlin spokes person treat me 3 pascals earlier stated emotions. you know, this is a powerful signal and we will now attempt to solve the problems through dialogue.
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we will talk about peace, not war. what was the situation with the previous administration? no dialogue war until the end. that was the official position of a previous administration. judging by president trump statements, we resolve problems through dialogue. no more. we need peace. this position should appeal more to any reasonable person or state. you may, the, the, you know, you crave, will actually attend the saudi arabia summit, as trump actually cheering a phone call with lot of met page. and earlier this week, emphasized that she wants to meet with who 10 in particular as trump has a some sort of understanding on how to apply them f, pete and views the conflict in ukraine. and now we also have multi rubio. he said earlier that cube and brussels will actually the bolts into the price says off to what's because 1st, absolutely nice. it's little about tools between moscow and washington. president
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trump ran. he was very clear. he thinks this war needs to end. and if he sees an opportunity to end it, which is what he's looking for, whether there is an opportunity or not, we're going to pursue it. ultimately, it will reach a point when, if it's real negotiations, we're not there yet. but if that were to happen, ukraine will have to be involved because they're the one that was invited and the europeans will have to be involved because they have sanctions on pollutant and russia as well. and they've contributed to this effort. we're just not there yet. we really aren't, but hopefully we will be because we don't like to see this war. and so the key of constantly says that, no, you're creating 12 so that ukraine talk to us about that. what about this time? well, according to a to a fox news, john, the last uh ukraine was not invited to the talks and saudi arabia, citing a high ranking ukrainian official who actually specified that ukraine was not invited nor informed about the upcoming and negotiations as the landscape. so concerns that,
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that will snow invitation that he has received. he's also called the meeting between most and washington. i'm a bit strange as those similar talks what held between t of on it's so cool, strategic part as before. and you know, if this seems to be ironic and i rumble, i want a moment to, as soon as like as a soon as trump announced his intentions to meet with the russian president. as the last he said, he actually had a state visit to saudi arabia, which obviously is just a coincidence of course, and that his economy, minnesota is already in re add, holding meetings to prepare the visit. and once again, i want it. how's the landscape while still feeling sort of left out is still trying hard to get involved because tub all the way actually has been open about to ukraine's floods. and with this
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um, interesting question. i think they have to make peace that people have been killed and i think they have to make peace. your i showed that was not a good way to go into and i think they have to make peace. that's what i think. the last, you know, i don't think so as long as he's there, but you know, at some point you're gonna have to have elections to you're gonna have to have a way to go to most of the skin which you can negotiate with anyone. but zalinski is illegitimate, he has no right to sign anything. but if he wants to take part in the negotiations, i will send people who will conduct these negotiations. the issue is the final signing of the documents. this is a very serious issue that should guarantee security for ukraine and russia with a serious long term historical perspective. a. hi leah, an n b c interview actually t mountain which celeste, he claims that if that was a real plan to resolve the conflict, t of what have been invited,
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what is the trump administration's piece of plan? do they have one look so? so 1st of all, i've seen no they, they don't have a rio down because they come to have it without us sizing. so maybe then there are some ideas and a your, some ideas about the economy. how does your economy, how to invest? we spoke mostly about keith with the wise president. i think security guarantees told today the question on the president with all of this that twice president bob, it's about more to president because he's the president of the united states and he is a leader of nato. and it's been the leader all the security allies. so, you know, from all of this, we are in sight seeing a huge shift on the geological landscape. but you know, once again to be sure of that, we'll have to wait and see whether short while ago president trump told
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a journalist that he will meet with vladimir, put in soon, but didn't provide any time frame. well, i for more on this whole, this, let's cross now to see a research fellow at the global policy institute, george somebody joining me right now. george, i'm glad to have you join me. so just to be rob says that the meeting will be soon, but gave no further details. how quick do you think it might happen from your analysis? and i think it will happen very quickly. i think clearly the trump administration wants to get things moving. uh and so the best way of getting things moving is a, a summit meeting between trump and puts, and i'm assuming that given that around the don stats um, at the end of the month, it will take place some time just before or i'm of them without what do you expect to come out of this high level delegation meeting over the coming days and saudi arabia, any major breakthroughs? or is this just about leading the 5 the groundwork for that's
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a trump put to beating i think it's so the way of presenting the, the american idea and i think we're getting, we're getting some sense of what the american intention here is. clearly the trunk wants to bring this war to an end of the campaign on. this is a repeat of this over and over again. during the past 3 years, he wants to bring it to an end. the way he wants to bring it to an end is through normalization of relations with russia, that the as normalization of relations between the united states and russia. so he's offering a variety of incentives for russia to bring this war to an end. you know, as you saying, if you can bring this to go to an end. now in other words the see sign um is this now whatever. um then we can offer you some sanctions really. we can offer you normalization of relations. we can offer you
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a relief on the moving issues about embassies and, and, uh, comforts you'll, its and diplomatic compounds. all those things which are really very, very sore point with moscow. but, uh, and maybe even down the road and invitation to join the g 7. but the price that russian would have to pay there is an immediate cessation of hostilities, and that may be too high a price for the rest of the pay or right. uh, you're surprised that the speed all of this is happening and taking place right now . no surprise, i think this was something that trump intended to do. i think trump is determined to bring it to an end, but how that comes about is very, very difficult because of course, russia has some important security concerns, but as well it needs to bring under a control the for all blast, which is a don't ask for guns is up at all if you're in harrison because that secures rushes,
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land bridge, the crime. yeah. so that's a little bit is very important. it would be russians not a full control of those 4 of us now and russian needs some kind of a hills. thank you to point to some sort of a security architecture for a future arrangement in europe so that we don't go back to the inevitable in the next level, nato expansion and threatening russian security. so these are the prime concerns of russia. it's not clear the trunk can deliver trump once the immediate ceasefire, then the oldest will not be brought on the full russian control. moreover, any future security conference will involve the europeans has to beef is going to be kind of the helsinki 2 point. oh, and the europeans and now, so russel phobic, so absolutely demented and, and determined to provoke some kind of a, what was the rush of the little bubbles would be subway in the search conference. i
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mean, to just be an opportunity for the likes of kind of call us, and i'm a lena bab book and, and the rest of them just to rant and rave against russia, so it wouldn't serve any real purpose. so it's a very difficult situation to rush, it would soon find itself. well, the wow. the united states is offering normalization of relations. on the other hand, rushes long term concerns will not be addressed that by all right, we have to leave you here. now george sutton, early senior research fellow global policy institute, thank you so much for your insight. thank you. great. the. and now the munich security conference has rob, top of which it was cited for some, quite literally that it's chub and was reduced to tears. but not just because everyone was heading home disorder, it's easy to disrupt, it's easy to destroy, but it's much harder to rebuild. so let us stick to these values. let us not reinvent them, but focus on strengthening their consistent application. let me conclude and this
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becomes difficult. the but yeah, that is right about one thing for saw the world or that is changing it not to the west advantage of the conference, was supposed to be a show of unity, but in the wake of all the arguments and recrimination that throughout the weekend . this unity would perhaps be the more appropriate way to describe what happened as the gathering wrapped up delegates, westfield trying to put on a brave face. this has been coughing me of diplomacy, you know, just sort of people being quite head top but shock than the rest of it. but once we get over us, the prime minister of iceland said from the shock,
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what do we need to do? we need to listen what the americans are saying. what went down is exactly what they knew was absolutely not expecting. these summits like the munich security conference, like the a, i summit for europe, that j, the vance, the vice president, united states was also speaking at a little bit earlier in the week. these things are normally just very routine, quite big news, fast actually. and normally kind of the talking points are worked out in advance, they're almost always on the same page. it's not supposed to be a roast of the americans or i'm, i'm the europeans by the americans was essentially what we're seeing, that at both of these events, the threats that i worry, the most about visa, the europe, is not russia. it's not china, it's not any other external actor. and what i worry about is the threat from within the retreat of europe,
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from some of its most fundamental values value shared with the united states of america. i was struck that of a former european commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the romanian government had just an old and entire election. he warned that of things don't go to plan. the very same thing could happen in germany to now these cavaliers statements are shocking to american ears, or i would also spins advanced it yesterday was the stand on the side of addictive tauriel regime. and to say europe to germany, you are to tell a terry in states is aren't, is, and that really has orwellian aspects of we create our coalition ourselves. just be sure it's none of his business. use them as or the new. yeah, tough guy. a connie minister of germany, robert had back there and also the vice chancellor of germany telling off judy vance not to his face at the conference, but on a pod cast. and i'm sure he'll be listening to that and following along very
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closely. so what's going on here is that, you know, instead of standing up to the previous administration, previous american administration and standing up for their energy sovereignty and ending up the street. the industrialize instead. so as j, the vans admonished germany for doing right in front of their faces at that munich security conference. these guys, any they just kind of are saying, well, you know, how many years now were standing up for news for democracy and freedom that all these things that they really couldn't be bothered standing up to the, by the administration for apparently on the, on the way that trump had sent to this conference in munich, general kellogg, or one of his own voice. he, um, he had said earlier that with respect to where this is all going and inside the re be with the next phase of negotiations with hopefully ultimately are, are heading towards direct,
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had they had discussion between president puts in president trump probably within the next couple of weeks before ramadan ends up unfolding in saudi arabia and everything kind of shuts down. i'm tired of that. he said, you know, we're going to need these pounds. the, you are ukraine at negotiate table and they can come to the table. but probably the kitty table over there in the corner. what's interesting now is the secretary of state marco rubio has now kind of contradict that and said europe and ukraine will be part of peace talks. let's have a listen to the kind of contradicting discussions that are happening in, in front of on the world stage for everyone to see on, on the american side. can you, can you a show this audience the ukrainians will be at the table? and europeans will be at the table where you just change the whole dynamic organ or victor, thanks for having us today. i appreciate the answer that last question,
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just you framed it? the answer is no. the answer to the earlier part of the question is yes. of course you can use are going to be at the table, the finish for our master set at the ending of this report that we're watching right now. that this is all very messy and well, you know, diplomacy is messy and it's not in a straight line. the only way it ends up being anything other than that is when everybody is in agreement on propagating the same. talking points in the past, which is again what these conferences typically. all right, we're absolutely not saying here. this is real diplomacy happening in real time. so you have catalog contradict during marco rubio, and it doesn't mean that there hasn't been something that occurred between those 2 statements made by those gentlemen. but, but again, it's a big question mark over whether or not the, the you or to what extent that you will be involved with these negotiations. i mean, they've been holding their own little kind of side summits ahead of this particular conference, for example. specifically,
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there was one in paris just before i left paris to come out here in moscow. they were all meeting there and it was, they were setting the stage. they said for an eventual piece agreement as though they were running the adults table. i'm not realizing that it seems that trump and puts in we're also having a conversation and they'd already kind of done the cast day and their casting was for as a 2 man show, not for a, a clown troop involving the typical jokers at the u. i n by austin my stuff. what have i done today? how the printer have i done enough use this site for a year of a future for the very concept of freedom for low security. ukrainian must or we wouldn't move problem fi,
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fi 3. but obviously the european party of war, the liberal mainstream, will try to do everything in his power to fight disagreement. let's not be now. you've got that. yeah, well i mean that's part of the course when it comes to that you all, you gotta supply tubes and for 2 signaling, just non stop virtu, signaling and that's, again, that's not diplomacy. so what we're looking at now is very messy diplomacy playing out in real time and you, it's kind of been relegated for the time being to the, to the table. it's not really sure at this point whether they will be involved or not. mark rubio has said yes, you know, calm down over there cuz they're yelling and screaming and freaking out that, you know, we might not be involved in this. so again, when j. d that says at this munich conference, that the e u is violating basic values that it, it for ports to back, like freedom and democracy. it's also kind of violating the rules of the free markets by doing this. and it seems like they're always trying to push the envelope
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and see what they can get away with. so this will be really interesting to watch where and all of those are ukranian drove and strike has left 3 people that didn't rush as bell garad region after the car, the way traveling in was hit. and that's according to a local authorities. it's the latest thoughts attack on civilians despite the use foreign policy chief insisting that keeps troops never target non competence. well, when it comes to russia and ukraine, you know the differences that the russian civilians are not dying. i mean rice in children, then we were not dying. it's so which is on the ground of father territory when you are occupied and it doesn't mean you know in words, you have peace, but it doesn't mean that the human suffering was stop. and that is something that we need to work for. well, a kind of callous seems to be absolutely clear. this has the 3 civilians were killed in bel, good region. this sounds
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a alone. while it's really difficult to comment on such an outright and belief in the law, i especially when the person who sees the sly is an actual head of the entire european diplomacy. she said with a smile, though, how the sleep trying to be cute, which it looks to be her only for it's a one to cameras or on the substance of what's coming out of her. of her mouth is so far from reality as she is probably from diplomacy and kind of calluses. this statement is generally in line with the west, and so i are approached over the last decade or so where they would turn a blind side to any atrocities committed by the key of regime against the russians taken listen. can a person in such a position not know that the key every team is committing terrorist acts against civilians, children, women and socially vulnerable groups know. and as they say, we know they know can a person with the authority and that knowledge lie like that?
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yes. tell us does, for the last few days, all the leaders have been screaming all over the place that they absolutely need to keep their seat at the negotiating table. callous cuts their hopes that the route. how can you talk seriously with those who have declared lies is their official position. judging from all that happens at the unit go security conference, it's probably safe to say that's kind of calluses fantasies. those cynical and having nothing to do with the reality are a desperate attempt to stake a claim in the upcoming talks between bosco and the washington. well, the trusted chief, committed by the minutes in suffolk, you ever see more well documented, not only by the russian military investigators, but also via those who committed those atrocities. when you create, invaded the curse, korean russian civilians were forced to flee. and those who didn't make it out on the side were rounded up and either sent to ukraine or were made prisoners in their own towns and villages. and just some were even tortured and worried killed james,
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here's just one example witnessed by our reporter segers. donal take a look, if you see a know that it was meant to be a standard clean up operation. instead, a bloodcurdling discovery fingerprints of ukraine's months long presence in this village be above you. i do, of course i do. you have the engine full is do those little, i mean, the civilians weren't killed by straight bullets. they didn't just happened to be in the way of a random piece of crap. no. they were screened, tortured and executed with a diabolical meticulousness. which assessment is what you do not to skip, but each the is one of the villages most recently liberated by the russian forces in the course region. and as they rounded up those ukrainian soldiers who failed to
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flee the settlement. little did the russians know that one of the captives would admit to the atrocities a. so we raped the girl with particular cruelty. then i made her neil and then shot her. we went to another house, there were 2 men and one woman. we cut the veins on one of the men's hands. we decided to mock him just like that. then we killed them both. after that i raped the woman, made her kneeling shutter of the regions the neighbouring ukraine has suffered ard . so remiss all ends of drawing the tax as well. the desktop civilians, the in regions like the builder of runners and the brands, all happens, you to indiscriminate shedding by the ukranian nationalist and here are just a few examples. the
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rushes you regions legs with the desk, people's republic, for example, our role so under constant indiscriminate shedding by the ukranian militants here in gulf coast. just the 40 kilometers away from the nets. at least 215 civilians were killed in nearly 1400 horrible. and that since the start of this special minutes, reparation old vests and the injuries occurred a very for from a any military positions. but i guess kind of counselors send the company has turned a blind eye to that as well. now john list an editor of my grad, b dot org monte j says the process is caught in its own trump. in the media.
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what's been happening in europe to the last 20 to 30 years is this intensive indoctrination. i on all that so impressed by concern john this in brussel. this meant to be, you know, you have a situation where the journalists are really being slips to know if there's nothing more. so now it's coming on a real source on what happens is ultimately, the relief stops to actually believe it's on its own fake news. and start for peace again, i think that's probably really part of it. you know how this is just not very bright . i mean, it's not in the shop is told in the box, let's be honest, but it seems to be a week of the lead is particularly women saying, incredibly stripping things to get the media spotlight. you know, so hold the land a spell to these ridiculous uh, ideas of the minutes a conference. then we had an a bad back who said that yesterday. there's no way that a piece to can go ahead without us signing it off, cleverness, and now we have homeless who just seems to and brush all of the inconvenient
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history. you know, out of the other picture. i'm just having a little one sided narrative just nina refusing to look at the statistics of women shouldn't have been killed her and just need killed them in a done by some next reasons. by the that's the news. now stay with all the international for all the latest from around the world. see you again by now the the, my fellow americans. today, i armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces the
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keeps this or try what to do. really to see that your son same team will pass since the my, you over to some of the few tell him that i do the deal . they have no need to send that to me. pretty much similar to, to toothpaste almost when i'm drawn to the house, the, to the quote. so that's land degree. the total distance are going to do the medical center as well. no, well, it's good to know and i do a neck in clinic,
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is mounting nibble as to the wayside cleaning community live that knowing they lost their own. that the best thing with that under the century. if that sense, you don't have to force them into the police that doing the answer very clearly because some of the most of the other 2 qualities we're still covering for the number one. ok, so me customer service time. still, the
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space is of the nation, which is reinforced with the depleted uranium that has a special capacity to pay the trade from lucas safety point of view. there is no radiological or even, you know, the been significant consequences almost as a visual moment. it became a concept called forcing so, so much the cell themselves. i choose the district village of bugging you about many houses here was swallowed up by the farmers long ago. just 50 years ago,
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these lands with thriving today. people don't come here unless it's absolutely necessary. it's just too dangerous. yes. is allan santa instead of the fellow bush, never tungsten abriana? what's so for me? says office 300 spanish for him and look through and that says the yes from believe those ones. even the last part of this real quick, you're a few kilometers away. that was us. be a military base night to planes from during the 1999 we'll be able to provide you the village spoke to us with them. when we stopped forward. the inquiry disengaging us. nato commanders chose uranium weapons for that powerful penetrating power. but they ignore the consequences of those in the affected area from march to june
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1999 thousands of cruise missiles and tens of thousands of ad on this carrying tons of depleted uranium rain down on the former yugoslavia outside the suite. just whenever you know to assessment bothers me so but never more fema, your munich waste of them by zillow has downloaded the sheep desk. you sound like where you might look for story or done done us mean equity if me so good. so guys, all the, all initially a loan on me like split our limit will stick with them down to see why that eats on over the minute. courtney so that explore data more direct. you seen danielle, stan, and we split are getting you there. that's what you said they go do that. not to me as mentors really on the boss, last name of course. and what do mess it's got questions over. so the bottom, the, when you're on your board showed the right of can operate since then the village of by any of us are something that an uncle,
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logical academic with some of the various forms of cancer, the little being a vonage. his son was born 4 years after the native bombings. he's now 20 and has been struggling with congenital diseases for his life of the the locals that convinced all this was caused by uranium bombings which we supposed to hear about to night get only. so billy still molly stopped having more chair been promised. i've done this one. i'm glad by a couple hours ago and i picked up to pull to
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the. 1 who being his neighbor, drug and event of age because of the war veteran. he's busy preparing pettus the canning a couple of years ago. his entire family would gather on the porch. doable, easily. tempt for somebody to go to bed, cause the need for donna. was it up with martha needs to go there, some will actually need to come over to the bus and so they're still so mean most, some of those you pieces slips on to symposium as the bus and that the lease and the, the recently he to receive the terrible diagnosis from his don't is fairly familiar with the trail or the car bigger the
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know so long ago, the picture as town of brown yet in southern sub it was famous for its ancient architect to today. it's a venue of ever increasing mortality for this and allows us to put it as is a call, go send all of that. but it will deactivate stuff, but hopefully to best wishes when they thought about additional dollars they to die . you really does find insight on that of the 122 almost. what am i from what i knew my firstly definitely is not, but it's not even i know assigned me more about it. going to be less ability cup, but i see no way that will have all those label spend on each of them. and i know our cost me a political keisha. i'm not sure you all day it was because i'm there. see or float a line that's is what i'm a queen block because i got you really what the said, you know, you know if that really, supposedly the simplest ventilation little professor is only me, a judge of it's moved have run yet in 1999. a few months before the nice hell
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bombings, the like many of the low told us they couldn't imagine that the legacy of the war would think forever in these lands. me that a shot when you thought that i noticed that actually what i knew, what they that's what i need to formulate, how you did it until they these you meet these where you will be allowed to swim. they keep them mess below, as i mentioned, is which one of the let you know, the oil to fill out the form of people. so that's why i'm quite a lot of district is there sleep the rest of the 50 foot off? is that all of those up as the system? the presuming question is, what are some of the co owner so not to it has to be positive. it estimate,
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there's nothing going on with the pump that any more the center of the see that i see on the restaurant table comp. also to, to go in the bill victory that you want to follow the see that i see if i concepts and met this does the pressure on the cost to be on the system by for mess . so of the most of the ships of the most sort, but as long as like the man was 12, when brand new was games. today he's the only one left to live among his peers who survived the bombings of added to the guest. not to perform a lesson good, i'll do the democrats frontier, the democrats boulevard. it is why they knew the local connect most visually that. so i could do the search up was the because they are sort of motion or on the i
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was sort of designing from show for the on the quote but it's still concept best and sound to god. it's about pretty so kind of sort of boy check the shipment to go to, to play off in the summer. the concert i'm not at the low the coastal, but if somebody's a $4000.00 less than that goes on that side of some delta. so thought of suppose to look at a since i goes through my little difficult control for this. i couldn't sleep cool . want to circle dr. well, the bottom, if it only sort of the buffalo to come across all 2 more families in the fire stick, there's less the mysteries, the venue of silence. only the rustling of funeral announcements blasted onto them . post can be heard. the wind rustling through the photos as if turning the pages
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of the local book of the dead. and to every month, dance writes new chapters deflect that. i call you want me to sit for the bedroom that is locked and let's get pockets here. not to, let's do it as to the gold in the suit for sale, the use of the tv all day. no fee to that, but i do so see the last name would on your dog or you know, your full a cheap cousin, but that's could all be easy that equally clear if you'll do beds of a fuel. but i don't know, you had a majority in my mobile, my disability female female declaration was that on, there we go. so we'll try what they do, go really to see that your son sent him a pass since the my you only want it to somebody to see what's out on that. i'll do the
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climate global warming thoughts. so field warming has become a convenient scape code for, you know, all of the planets, problems, you know, whatever, there is a water resource shortage. they don't blame for water management, bad governance or extravagant use of water instead, they blame climate change. the
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of course, the nearby slice of stuff is a lot the way out of the g at the fortune of us and that suddenness portions here, it wasn't even the result of the story and pushing a or studio to see more option that this be so for ship if we started last week and you want you to, or it was a school in your welski territory. so this could save the natural logos of it. so form a ship portion or the whole day or, or you may think about a football i still knew about chavo and gold. and on my side as close i, you was a category stores for us at ocean and continued to go out and died at bowie. now probably not sure of the south, the strong, clear, but i still don't soccer. if you do so full, so comfortable at the blog post and discovery, smith gosh, can't foolish voice coming out on the subject, but before you're still going on to me. so i'm on the publisher. i'm kind of, i just the waiting in goes to the, i'll go back to normal. yeah,
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i get to talk about it. there's dorski a whole bunch money wanted to circle comfortable the some about on there. not. i mean, yeah, the desktop, i do have both come similar to stuff. some of the the clinical sense, the ink us in dougherty, in 1999. it was a community hospital. the only one available to this population in this part of bose now is where chief physician profess us live, close the receives cancer patients. today, former yugoslav, sonia jill co so much and she came to him. the nato bombed his military units with
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uranium shows the same for some of these questions, which we have no little awkward by fozzy, before they watch and whatnot. you for the 3 of you to start the process of door for us here. that'd be perfect. one is all there is nobody in the most and will come out and you have to nice, one does full mental problem in the don't to tells us junko story. now he has a tube in his land rings. having defeated one cancer inbox on a fight with another for almost 30 years, cancer has been eating away. it is buddy the for the cheap, the easy got to you on the video told me has to be cause a computer. so we didn't sometimes don't studies, duty peptides,
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duty when. so beauty portfolio done i put on there was a light to 3 minutes to just touch with them. is rudy aust, i'm way way there are 2 more to speak. we do it to somewhere else. got sonoma, wait a minute. delta strongly and he's going to exhibit caps was to sticks on cancer cases instead of being since the start of nato's aggression. the number of cancer cases in you raining, the thing to day areas is now reached at the demick propulsion. this mutually muddy . usually it's a very key roy documentation over tucked up based on a totally full table. be located. you're not going to be uh additional it'll say what point the but you know, to negotiate with somebody else. and there was an argument each i have 2 more to go out of state to keep, keep without some because he really does say they're still there,
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show up as 20 will be side or east on the, at the cause him or stuck with them. not close to enough for me to suppose that these. that'd be a pretty sweet on the small the on the list. get pulled out, get stuck. now. she thought of useful but not good, but you know, tell that base only the c u and that's where the puts you into. we saw the sweet saw today not quite a bit of homework them on the test lab goes donnelly's friend and colleague, professor of surgery, marco brokovich tired of watching his patients die from cancer. so he decided to conduct an investigation in the territories when they tell used uranium bones
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to i have to to them wait to arrive to what city to a woman was catching on my toilet with my former little kennedy nettles. but as long as i shall have the legal governor to look for another 2 more than one was on the process of the which is investigations resulted in a book that explains the direct link between depleted uranium bombing and high mortality rates. in this thing to the areas commercial pulled up coal, you know, fit for, you know, cool, white white. so 0 people in the white screen. i've got to have some for me and they should be me so clearly
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productive for them. i know it's a new camera. i'm with this but peter velma from focus on it from from that's similar to the you know where to put them in both the so sort of my so name around you either this of this or just it's a peer to on the recording of the bucks in the to the cool my young i'm watching in both. i'm about be like 3 cool my: you're not toma about the money. a yellow the new color you can know. fortunately, you know, i don't know how to teach the code deal certainly posted to the course. so we about to me yesterday said to me on the existence of, most of them are close to about. of course, i mean for to know so much while we're on the one, naturally in recent is thousands of studies and dozens of bunks of a period. and so it'd be about the dangers of uranium weapons. but for some reason, nato countries are reluctant to acknowledge the dangers to people on the
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environment. it's of interest to us a told them please. what's the item that phone wishes to do? and you have good day when i clicked in the media on this one, put it over the little thing, but you will control wasn't which of these 2 choice questions? yeah, so just think of going you boy, next night it's my other question. so for focus that's in the course to do. and i was told there is, was an interesting thing of winning saying, hey, well, says the states a was a no published list on the states a film. so from the display made angelina, which is the son of a deceased journalist who study the aftermath of uranium bombings, is continuing his father's work. collecting documents and tracking cancer mortality rates. the hi gigi region, where nato bombed industrial facilities with contaminated shells.
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bunch of them said website support and all that asked me to do to create some bully because so i'm a little concerned with my my dream. i will put the, the sub, you know, the districts they're going to be busy. so they'll came with a little bit of a logic of each on the other. they said that it towards to still try it. less monthly. so this so it's sort of continuing to hold your team on and read it a better reception than yeah. nipple, 20 space. so can you, what do you expect to go over them with those out? okay, so the quiz from the moment. believe i'm going to box it 3 p 9, not the play is in minnesota. so that's one of the junior graphs. so when will it cost me? it? full scale workspace got sort of what i've done. so it's really actually a little a formula. see us that sort of, you know, the, from the mazda me loans father need that because it, even if it's just a few days after the explosion, inaji, experts from the vin to a nuclear institute arrive to take readings. and so it was samples. however, the findings never saw the light of day going me and knowing
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that no, no, see on them. yeah. a denial as an example. he started telling everyone about chloe, what kind of juliet and the general tab would have never worked. as i said, for me is, it's a totally cool, no story. it you have all the that claim loving that. don't know. when the almost simple family on the seminal gives you the lead, either the silly number empty tray stock as the joke of age initiated the commission to investigate the consequences of nato bombing. as the commission also proves that uranium kills all living things. the core yeah, acquired the laws that concept concept concept concept. it's ideal don't for them as well. but the support you and pizza is are still top foot black. yep. that's. we're going to me that on the account,
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set up the image clinic in louisiana that became a little then that is why they keep the head of them. you cough that was born shortly. often they toes, uranium bombings, more just the same. and that way, i'm not something like allow the moment budnick is simplistic with for me actually . and obviously kelly, i'll post them on there. but i shall corporate all the don't to sir john mitchell that practicing vege was going in run yet. and witness the bombings in 1999. find it on the car, him the vice today's post with she will not be a me. don't know if you go over it or for the addition of the human last of the bottom example to as on those is of the origin that fell on the paper tray to 5 t. oh and that is out a movie, a new mattie bay quarter. so but to 2 and 4 map saying that a my for my, the week is because i don't know if, if we nailing there know,
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request a quote it or to bottle and include them in to case you quote them into stuff too. and just look at it and i sound within a mile of it now. i mean, they own a car and kids and, and to full capacity che, let's who named build fee to game of the people and who were supposed to i, i don't fucking profound a queen the or he said to me about the format decalle and that is apple, as good been able to know is up in the indian queen. i mean, i'm in the dilemma that i see that you back in the market. so the week, the week of adult learning center, i meant the queen, the landlord, you, guy, and most the same teacher is the added a to, for a city. very difficult to go to a lot the to says 2002 by the engineering specialist antonietta guntee is
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going to consult and so on. it's out in government commissions, on depleted uranium and diseases among data and military personnel. hey, i'm going quick. as we'll see, so the one who lives at the low g b. so that gave them that can be sorted by chance to now to see it on, on my laptop, i'm allowed to deep. that's a legitimate on a new to me and lead for me. so that the mind can, can goes to so tomorrow or the committee put the right, is it a and the, this, the courtney might have been moved on get drowsy. it'd be diluted instead of a not so great. and so whenever i barely started to, to, to not initially quoted us the order for that. and i put to a g, a in, in louis poses who do not n t, v chief adult to guntee began her research more than 20 years ago since then. hundreds of nato soldiers, veterans of the war in yugoslavia have died from pathologies caused by the deadly
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dust, the initials you own, and then boone about going to bed, assign you and 50 on the k h a. and uh, can you see on it? imagine it assume they do not the most up to date that. i mean i got it. let me, let me investigate that a minute to something that i get on like okay, kind of load. i think we more request. i also think the store i'm knowing 50, i'm a lot. i had a soul is a silver a then i'm moving back a little bit aside. you see that? i'm in the think we have the secret am ruffling queen. i mean, i've been dial it now to demand. so now to get say, the speed limit, the poor data they need to bring to the settled and on the edge of god sees what remains unrecognized by any nights of him and the country. otherwise, they'd have to pay millions in compensation to the soldiers and offices for forward
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against the and hold the use of a deputy weapons that night. so this would mean admitting the will from the of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide fairly died. the address that made the minnesota any phase of it. again, the immediate diety described to the web that a guy made the dougherty boom out of that, the short domains atlanta at the start of the combo. when i'm at the lift gate on the 5 to so the was see i have in me get get a on, i'm going to show you all these. i knew the receipt of them being fairly persona fully on google and they will guide you back and 11. 05. so no lab, no 5. so in the or vice, i'm not good with see i have to meet am all the time you have them be in there. so notice on sappy they have to pay this. so they love the area i found on family based and all that they go to see the info, the e mail, the show me yeah,
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yes. connect to the generally to seeing if you get the will a local main though they let the, the, the agreement, the party. you are the name slowly that a little the uses see, i mean he can even begin ocean city uninstalled, the fish of ice flow that we have running fully a shambles down in dodge. and this was daily audio. i just, i don't know if we see out of me in green out, i mean, they go now by fish relay the message i lead designs, we get the, the,
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the volume wall claimed and ruined the lines of tens of thousands. but it was the hague tribunal, with delta of finishing flow to this lesson, expand on, you know, it was that i will talk to you more. all of that will cause of the scariest. i mean them was that the rest of your stuff or so much in the funded 13 as many of them are just that means okay, up on these, you're about to send me to blog that's through the because of the 3 in eco so tired out table i'll a cousin built around what sort of on teams so so the, so the evictions or for something to bit jamie stuff as i've done this for the bus, they have to think of any of your stuff as i so this so now click on the nice to promo the problem. first i noticed was that some of the,
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in the us delegation hatch to saudi arabia of a high level talks with ross and invoice. i've helped spread the magic breakthrough . although you bring the situation with the previous administration, no dialogue more until the that was the official position of the previous administration. an optimistic outlook, the crumbling pulse of the potential for a meeting between the ross and the american president saying that's it all started in spots contracts to divide in years. the interesting question c evans this or that they can not be 80 or special discussed with a bunch of grade without
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a direct involvement. but donald trump suggests that he's okay with the legs key being absent from the negotiating team. let's be confused and this becomes difficult. the morning. the use last officials either munich security conference, fine with the changing world or the date. hard to take, the easier he's also left bottom line side, meeting off the washington's pulled in process focused democracy. the threat that i worry the most about the city europe is not russia. it's not china, it's not any other external actor. and what i worry about is the threat from within the retreats of europe, from some of its most fundamental values value shared with the united states of america. russia says europeans deliberately, during, keeps ago, christ that stop the use. probably just the much things that you great. now the
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sockets russians, the, what does this already international reaching you from the russian capital where the latest from around the world. i a michael, quite a while we stopped by some breaking news on the war. and ukraine had us delegation is leaving today for saudi arabia to hold for us with russian representatives. it's the 1st such high level meeting between the countries in years. the news was confirmed by donald trump special envoy to the middle east, steve woods, with coffee, and the set to be aimed at building trust with moscow. the russian side has yet to comment on this. i don't want to talk too much about the at the ends specifically, maria, but i am going to night i'll be traveling there. ready the national, secure. ready the advisor and we'll be having meetings at the direction of the
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president and hopefully we'll, we'll, we'll make some really good progress with regard to russia. ukraine. not a lot of details so far as with any hud from washington mosca how students commented as yet. and we could only guess who's going to be on the negotiating teams list. but actually, yesterday, flu bug named a few and americans delegation will be led by us national security advice of my quotes and a special uh and boy for the middle east. a steve uh, width golf and actually went to golf, noticed that the 1st stage of tweaks will focus on building trusts between the united states and russia. and this resonated with what kremlin spoke spots, and i'd treat me 3 pascals earlier, stated emotions. you know, this is a powerful signal and we will now attempt to solve the problems through dialogue. we will talk about peace,
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not war. what was the situation with the previous administration? no dialogue more until the end. that was the official position of the previous administration. judging by president trump statements, we resolve problems through dialogue. no more. we need peace. this position should appeal more to any reasonable person or state. you may, the, the, you know, you crave will actually attend the saudi arabia summit, as trump actually during a phone call was not enough to reach an earlier this week, emphasized that she wants to meet with 210, in particular, as tom has a, some sort of understanding on how to apply them at peach and views. the conflict in hugh crane. and now we also have multi rubio. he said earlier that cuba and brussels will actually the boat into the price as off towards because 1st absolum ice as little about talks between moscow and washington president trump ran. he was very clear, he thinks this war needs to end. and if he sees an opportunity to end it,
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which is what he's looking for, whether there is an opportunity or not, we're going to pursue it. ultimately, it will reach a point when, if it's real negotiations and we're not there yet. but if that were to happen, ukraine will have to be involved because they're the one that was invited and the europeans will have to be involved because they have sanctions on pollutant and russia as well. and they've contributed to this effort. we're just not there yet. we really aren't, but hopefully we will be because we don't like to see this war. and so the key of constantly says that know you're creating 12 so that ukraine talk to us about that . what about this time? well, according to a to a fox news, john, the last uh ukraine was not invited to the talks and saudi arabia, citing a high ranking ukrainian official who actually specified that ukraine was not invited nor informed about the upcoming and negotiations as the landscape. so concerns that, that will snow invitation that he has received. he's also called the meeting
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between most and washington. i'm a bit strange as those similar talks what held between the t of on it's that so called strategic part as before. and you know, if this seems to be ironic and i wrote what i want a moment to as soon as like as a soon as trump announced his intentions to meet with the russian president. as the last he said, he actually had a state visit to saudi arabia, which obviously is just a coincidence of course, and that his economy, minnesota is ready in re add, holding meetings to prepare the visit. and once again, i want it. how's the landscape while still feeling sort of left out is still trying hard to get involved because talk all the way actually has been open about to ukraine such and wolf this um, interesting question. i think they have to make peace,
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that people are being killed and i think they have to make peace. your i showed that was not a good way to go into, and i think they have to make peace. that's what i think though i don't think so as long as he's there. but you know, at some point you're gonna have to have elections to, you're gonna have to have it. i just need you to go to most of the skin, which you can negotiate with anyone. but zalinski is illegitimate. he has no right to sign anything. but if he wants to take part in the negotiations, i will send people who will conduct these negotiations. the issue is the final signing of the documents. this is a very serious issue that should guarantee security for ukraine and russia with a serious long term historical perspective. a. hi leah, an nbc interview actually t mountain, which celeste explains that if that was a real plan to resolve the conflict, t of what us being invited. what is the trump administration's piece plan?
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do they have one look for? well, 1st of all, i've seen no they, they don't have a real time because they come have it without us sizing. so maybe then there are some ideas today your, some ideas about the economy, how to seek your economy, how to invest. we spoke most of the politics with the weiss president, i think security guarantees told today the question on the president with all of this that twice president, bob, it's about more to president because he's the president of the united states and he is a leader of nato and each man that lives are all the security allies. so, you know, from all of this, we are inside seeing a huge shift on the geological landscape. but you know, once again to be sure if that will have to wait and see whether short while ago president trump told a journalist that he will meet with loudly put in soon,
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but didn't provide any timeframe. well, i for more on this whole this, let's process now to see a research fellow at the global policy institute, george, somebody joining me right now. george, i'm glad to have you join me. so just to be rob says that the meeting will be soon, but gave no further details. how quick do you think it might happen from your analysis? and i think it will happen very quickly. i think clearly the trump administration wants to get things moving. uh and so the best way of getting things moving um is a, a summit meeting between trump and boots. and i'm assuming that given that around adon stats um, at the end of the month, it will take place some time just before or grandmother without. what do you expect to come out of this high level delegation meeting over the coming days and saudi arabia, any major breakthroughs? or is this just about leading the fact that the groundwork for that's some put to
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beating i think it's so the way of presenting the, the american idea and i think we're getting, we're getting some sense of what the american intention here is. clearly the trunk wants to bring this war to an end of the campaign on. this is a repeat of this over and over again. during the past 3 years, he wants to bring it to an end. the way he wants to bring it to an end is through normalization of relations with russia, that the as normalization of relations between the united states and russia. so he's offering a variety of incentives for russia to bring this war to an end. you know, as you saying, if you can bring this over to an end. now in other words the see sign um is this now whatever. and then we can offer you some sanctions really. we can offer you normalization of relations. we can offer you a relief on all the issues about embassies and, and, uh, comforts you'll, its,
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and diplomatic compounds. all those things which are really very, very sore point with moscow. but, uh, and maybe even down the road and invitation to join the g 7. but the price that russian would have to pay there is an immediate cessation of hostilities, and that may be too high a price for rest of the pay or right. uh, you're surprised that the speed all of this is happening and taking place right now . no surprise, i think this was something that trump intended to do. i think trump is determined to bring it to an end, but how that comes about is very, very difficult because of course, russia has some important security concerns. first of all, it needs to bring under a control the for all blast, which is a don't ask for guns is up at all if you're in harrison, because that secures rushes land, bridge, the crime. yeah. so that's
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a little of it is very important. it would be russians, not a full control of those 4 of us now, and russian needs some kind of a hills. thank you to point to some sort of a security architecture for a future arrangement in europe. so we don't go back to the inevitable in the next herbal nato expansion and threatening russian security. so these are the prime concerns of russia. it's not clear the trunk can deliver trump once the immediate ceasefire, then the oldest will not be brought on the full russian control. moreover, any future security conference will involve the europeans. it has to be, is going to be kind of the helsinki 2 point. oh, and the europeans are now so russel phobic, so absolutely demented and, and they determined to provoke some kind of a, what was the rush of the little purpose would be somebody in the search conference . i mean, to just be an opportunity for the likes of kind of call us and lena bab book and,
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and the rest of them just to rant and rave against russia, so it wouldn't serve any real purpose. so it's a very difficult situation. the rustic would soon find it so well the why have the united states is offering normalization of relations. on the other hand, rushes long term concerns will not be addressed that by all right, we have to leave you here. now. george sutton, early senior research fellow global policy institute. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. great. now the munich security conference has rob, top of which it was sad for some, quite literally now it's chub and was reduced to tears. but not just because everyone was heading home disorder, it's easy to disrupt, it's easy to destroy, but it's much harder to rebuild. so let us stick to these values that's not reinventing but focus on strengthening their consistent application.
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let me conclude that this becomes difficult. the, the cube that is right about one thing for saw the world or that is changing it not to the west advantage of the conference, was supposed to be a show of unity. but in the wake of all the argument. then recrimination that throughout the weekend this unity would perhaps be the most appropriate way to describe what happened as the gathering wrapped up delegates westfield trying to put on a brave face. this has been coughing me of diplomacy, you know, the sort of people being quite to have top but shock than the rest of it. but once we get over us, the prime minister of iceland said, from this shock,
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what do we need to do? we need to listen what the americans are saying, what went down is exactly what they knew was absolutely not expecting. these summits like the munich security conference, like the a i summit for europe, that j, the vans, the vice president, united states was also speaking at a little bit earlier in the week. these things are only just very routine, quite big news, fast actually. and normally it's kind of the talking points are worked out in advance, they're almost always on the same page. it's not supposed to be a roast of the americans or i'm, i'm the europeans by the americans was essentially what we're seeing, that at both of these events, the threats that i worry, the most about visa, the europe, is not russia. it's not china, it's not any other external actor. and what i worry about is the threat from within the retreats of europe, from some of its most fundamental values value shared with the united states of
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america. i was struck that of a former european commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the romanian government had just an old and entire election. he warned that if things don't go to plan, the very same thing could happen in germany to saudi's capital. your statements are shocking to american ears order, but also spins advanced it. yesterday was the stand on the side of the dick tutorial regime. he meant to stand and just say europe, germany, you are to tell a terry in states is on us and that really has are well he and aspects of we create our coalition ourselves. just be sure it's none of his business. even as or you know, yeah, tough guy, a connie minister of germany, robert had back there and also the vice chancellor of germany telling off judy vance not to his face at the conference, but on a pod cast. and i'm sure he'll be listening to that and following along very closely. so what's going on here is that, you know,
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instead of standing up to the previous administration, previous american administration and the standing up for their energy sovereignty and ending up the street. the industrialize instead, so as j the vans admonished germany for doing right in front of their faces at that munich security conference. these guys and he, they just kind of are saying, well, you know, how many years now were standing up for news for democracy and freedom that all these things that they really couldn't be bothered standing up to the, by the administration for apparently on the, on the way that trump had sent to this conference in munich, general kellogg or one of his own voice. he, um, he had said earlier that with respect to where this is all going and inside the re be with the next phase of negotiations with hopefully ultimately are, are heading towards direct, had they had discussion between president puts in president trump probably within
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the next couple of weeks before ramadan ends up unfolding in saudi arabia and everything kind of shuts down. prior to that he said, you know, we're going to need these pounds. the, you are ukraine at negotiate table and they can come to the table. but probably the kitty table over there in the corner. what's interesting now is the secretary of state marco rubio has now kind of contradict that and said europe and ukraine will be part of peace talks. let's have a listen to the kind of contradicting discussions that are happening in, in front of on the world stage for everyone to see on, on the american side. can you, can you a show this audience the ukrainians will be at the table? and europeans will be at the table. oh, are you just change the whole dynamic? pardon or victor, thanks for having us today. i appreciate the answer that last question,
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just you framed it? the answer is no. the answer to the earlier part of the question is yes, of course you can use are going to be at the table. the finish for our master set at the end of this report that we're watching right now, that this is all very messy and well, you know, diplomacy is messy and it's not in a straight line. the only way it ends up being anything other than that is when everybody is in agreement on propagating the same, talking points in the past, which is again what these conferences typically. all right, we're absolutely not saying here. this is real diplomacy happening in real time. so you have catalog contradict during marco rubio, and it doesn't mean that there hasn't been something that occurred between those 2 statements made by those gentlemen. but, but again, it's a big question mark over whether or not the, the you or to what extent that you will be involved with these negotiations. i mean, they've been holding their own little kind of side summits ahead of this particular conference, for example. specifically, there was one in paris just before i left paris to come out here in moscow. they
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were all meeting there and it was, they were setting the stage. they said for an eventual piece agreement as though they were running the adults table. i'm not realizing that it seems that trump and puts in we're also having a conversation and they'd already kind of done the cast day and their casting was for as a 2 man show, not for a, a clown troop involving the typical jokers at the u. i n by austin my stuff. what have i done today? how the printer have i done enough speakers in this fight for a year of a future for them. very common sense of freedom from low security. see ukraine or we would move problem by fee the, but obviously the european party of war, the liberal mainstream,
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will try to do everything in his power to fight disagreement. let's not be now you've it. yeah, well i mean that's part of the course when it comes to that you all, you had to supply tubes and virtually signaling, just non stop virtue signaling. and that's again, that's not diplomacy. so what we're looking at now is very messy diplomacy playing out in real time and you, it's kind of been relegated for the time being to the, to the table. and it's not really sure at this point whether they will be involved or not. mark rubio has said yes, you know, calm down over there cuz they're yelling and screaming and freaking out that, you know, we might not be involved in this. so again, when judy that says at this unit conference, that the e u is violating basic values, that it, it for ports to back like freedom and democracy. it's also kind of violating the rules of a free markets by doing this. and it seems like they're always trying to push the envelope and see what they can get away with. so this will be really interesting to
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watch where and all of those are ukranian drove, in strong case left, 3 people that didn't rush as belgrade region after the car, the way traveling in was head. and that's according to local authorities. it's the latest thoughts attack on civilians despite the use foreign policy chief insisting that keeps troops, never target non competence. when it comes to russian, ukraine, you know, the difference is that the russian civilians are not dying. i mean, russian children, then we were not dying. it's so which is on the ground, the father territory when you're occupied and then it doesn't mean you know, in words, you have peace, but it doesn't mean that the human suffering was stop. and that is, is something that we need to work for. well, a callous seems to be absolutely clear this as a free civilians were killed in belgrade regions. this sounds a alone while it's really difficult to comment on such an outright and belief. and
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while i especially on the person who sees this slide, is an actual head of the entire european diplomacy. she said with a smile though, how this lead trying to be cute, which it looks to be her only part say when the cameras are on the substance of what's coming out of her, of her mouth is so far from reality as she is probably from diplomacy and kind of calluses, this statement is generally in line with the west. and so i are approached over the last decade or so, where they would turn a blind side to any atrocities committed by the key of regime against the russians . taking of some kind of person in such a position, not know that the key every team is committing terrorist acts against civilians, children, women and socially vulnerable groups know. and as they say, we know they know can a person with the authority and that knowledge. why like that? yes. tell us does. for the last few days,
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all the leaders have been screaming all over the place that they absolutely need to keep their seat at the negotiating table. callous cuts their hopes that the route. how can you talk seriously with those who have declared lies is their official position. judging from all that happens at the unit goes security conference is probably safe to say that's kind of calluses. can just use those cynical and having nothing to do with the reality are a desperate attempt to stake a claim in the upcoming talks between bosco and the washington. well, the atrocities committed by the militants of the key of regime are well documented . not only by the russian military investigators, but also via those who committed those atrocities. when you create, invaded the curse, korean russian civilians were forced to flee. and those who didn't make it out on the side were rounded up and either since the ukraine, or were made prisoners in their own towns and villages. and this some were even sword shirts and were killed dead. here is just one example witnessed by our
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reporter segers. donal take a look. if you see a know that it was meant to be a standard clean up operation. instead, a blood curdling discovery, fingerprints of ukraine's months long presence in this village be above you. do you have going, right. do you have the i didn't bull is do those little. i mean, the civilians were killed by stray bullets. they didn't just happened to be in the way of a random piece of crap. no. they were restrained, tortured and executed with a diabolical meticulousness, which is sarasota, is hoping to hear you, not the real script, but each the is one of the villages most recently liberated by the russian forces in the course region. and as they rounded up those ukrainian soldiers who failed to
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flee the settlement. little did the russians know that one of the captives would admit to the atrocities a. so we raped the girl with particular cruelty. then i made her niel and then shot her. we went to another house, there were 2 men and one woman. we cut the veins on one of the men's hands. we decided to mock him just like that. then we killed them both. after that, i raped the woman, made her niel and shot or other regions the neighbouring ukraine has suffered ard. so remiss all and a droll, the tax as well. the desktop civilians, the in regions like the builder of vermonters and the brands, all happens, you to indiscriminate shedding by the ukranian nationalist. and here are just a few examples. the
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rushes you regions like this people's republic, for example, are also under constant indiscriminate shedding by the ukrainian, the militant here in gulf coast. just the 40 kilometers away from the nets. at least $215.00 civilians were killed in nearly $1400.00 or who did since the start of the special minutes. reparation. all deaths and injuries occurred a very for from any military positions. but i guess tired counselors send the company has turned a blind eye to that as well. now john list an editor of my grubby dot org monte j says the process is court in its own truck. it would be the what's been
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happening in europe to the last 20 to 30 years. this is a good intensive indoctrination of its own press back its own john. this who and brussel this to be, you have a situation where the channel is really being steps in order for as many more some now it's coming out of real source and what happens is ultimately, the relief stops to actually believe it's own. its own fake news and starts repeating. i think that's probably really part of it. you know how this is just not very bright. i mean it's not the sharpest tool in the box. let's be honest, but it seems to be a week of the lead is particular women say incredibly stripping things to get the media spotlight. you know, so on the land a spell to these ridiculous ideas of the minutes a conference. then we had an a bad back to set up. so yesterday, there's no way that a piece to can go ahead without us signing it off. and there is, and now we have homeless who just seems to brush all of the inconvenient history,
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you know, out of the, a little bit. sure. i'm just having a little one sided narrative just now refusing to look at the statistics of women should have been killed. horrendously killed them in a done by some next reasons. by the that's the news. now stay with all the international for all the latest from around the world. see you again. by now, the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense key and the best most i'll send, send up the same assistance as being the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in
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the the uranium dust moves to new areas, the number of combat veterans diagnosed with severe diseases of the handling uranium weapons continues to rise. and i saw a positive 3 tell yes, click on this vehicle, a stall, wanna add the lack of the sloane puddle. i'm in to eat the and then i go to and that it has to be in a school store. utilize over the m as what cloud name only that we really need. 6,
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we civilian about kyle landscape. i need to was of stomach florida on the some they'll be like easiest. i looked for it for me. see a let's see what i need so. so the, uh, the on our stuff to them. uh, it looks like the easiest type portfolio. yes. that, that yet please call my lease. what day would i be too much time over in the post store it that i will be a sit. i'm a sion of what i knew mountains like uranium spares neither its victims, noise, public choices over the 10 years following the war, more than 30000 nato soldiers before the in yugoslavia develop cancer most what diagnosed with leukemia and brain to most according to various estimates between 10 and 18000 have died, the so called bulk and continues to claim lives. but nato still denies the detrimental and thinks of depleted uranium from
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a this is new care safety point of view. there is no radiological significant to or even in the, or even in the significant consequences. it may be in some very specific cases, for example, people very near a blaze that showed up in heat with these kind of munitions. they at the a, the aerosols that could be done as a result of that there's good vehicle donation bodies, more of a health issue of a normal nature than a radiological potential christ as best every morning form italian army office, carlo called kidney stones, his day with an oxygenation procedure,
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his blood is oxygen stopped. so he has to run it through a special device called categories. so in the balkans with the nato peacekeeping force under the un bound, he was the only pilot in his unit. and at the time he took great pride in that if it over in credit, let me see on it, comments on gimme a call, legal or spit out the their money that they bought very, very onto the needs of the money. so anyone, would anybody positive buy the get out of the by the gym, give me on the other lady for my little let me that said the only chance that i sent the money to the end the day i may have done to a lady on the best so that the, the other does have gone to an authorized decision the most to send them over to the, to meet my id number so that us would be on cutting the screen to that by the let your mail it the binding is do we let you good bad or see me, the man that is pulse the over and above
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a minute. stand on that mess going that it was separate on at the get other thoughts in the system instead of the get a did it do it out. if you guys can, you can credit zone and on. i'm a lot of you meant it was so the domain name is dave of the quote can no problem. ok, so let me double make that see on it. but so now that the available still and 2nd and the, the stop 28th types of heavy metal into a found in colorado kind of categories below the ones that are being an italian scientist wrote about these cannot be removed. this deadly mixture is killing the form and a so office a no longer expects and the visual apology from his former superior as much of that as any compensation claim on the inquiry. and you'll get the what will be the setup and when you got the time, cannot do that. did you give it all, i know,
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been southern vanity not even formatted but over and all i get fully end up on. well, i know that i need credits on. maybe give me the ability to no, no, but i know mine for that. is that the only way to do any we see that going into the schools that we have. i mean, yeah, it is the study, right? it will not go to on the muse data on include the digital media data. pretty simple. so not even that i mean 10 or more than 500 people like carlo. initially alone, recently they filed a class action lawsuit against the data is come on ex military personnel from the north atlantic islands in the czech republic, greece, spain, and belgium are ready to join. the law. suits only got one of the little deeds out on the boat guy me see, i mean, believe or not all they gave us on the side the go straight to the the eat diatra,
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you know, so you will be need to add the, i'm not any tabs on the guy that because he asked me to be asked. so we see that a believe that these are the am, is this the mat they know the to meet? i mean he died the, this is on my to the side. but the g, you have to today we go to that a change, the value of the gas jeopardize the gas to be giovanni. that god. so you can bring on your studio. we have represent that me the lamb. i left the side of the engine that leaves voltage and meet so good way. maybe died english. he didn't go to the back guy. me a fully the bulk of pain. both that the sooner we moved. yeah. my god, the somebody mess with the mail. they moved florida until recently there was no legal precedents, the studying depleted uranium weapons and the damage they cause. did a lawyer to tell ya, is willing this guy with cases he wins in international courts. although there were no more than 350 such cases,
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nato combined refuses to stop the pro ration of these weapons than they use, including and ukraine that same day and says patients and guess what? they see out of going a are the thing going and see i'd be wrapped up in a moment to get see for to me when i do this for the and 2nd i think that may have to and added. so we need to do that, like wherever the lawyer search on alex, it just selves are filled with medical records of those home by deadly munitions. today he's preparing a massive lawsuit against mesa, which will presents thousands of facts, leaving no doubt that the allowances high command was aware of the dangerous consequences of using uranium weapons, but continued to deploy them anyway. my to tell me which way am i coming to a positive social emotional. yes,
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and so of course is always most and i always say it'll be questing them best. and then the best phone number to go. i know most of them are somewhat on even more silly below your cell as their ownership comes with, you know for that is your start right the the corner of this low mom criteria, it became a constant of co boss itself. so much the more 18 month old, but then i can add these that to quite a bit key on nation. got genuine dot or cheese to sell someone needs to quit and that's what it thought a plus they had no sort of weight on it. so he brought this up because not cost me . it's a yeah, cool. did all these select latino, single much the most lovely reports and there was, it is like, i don't, i'm not sure she was concerned in the not on the black village at let me see what
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needs to be like wasteful boiling, of course. so she wasn't up to the tardy yoga, sort of me call somebody talk in the depleted uranium. so history is written in blood gym and was such a read of, i made a documentary about it. the film includes damning evidence, only consequences of depleted uranium shells used by nato troops in yugoslavia and the middle east. we could have made a bank splash or the film was banned up for a single screening. that's come here to assist you in the uh site that was some items in provides uh, secret hopes couldn't to can to the com. i was so sylvia nothing said to alex and
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susan in the native. wonderful. with some warranty, i had subsided in the data. so this will show that one tops in the facility and the sick flooding pointing, and then it will knock them creek for 9 so that i know 9 system either that could be good for those who've been that the it's that could be at the fs goose that splits lease fee, the baby is missed skipper, the people and the ones that are allowed to assist get that glass when they're come . then of the, the, that's the smooth lisa arrives by the can node out the of acts in the, in the, in the system and button some guy by the time owns it and it says, my pay you out of the have i was go with. i'm the oldest of carlos on that does listed, that's pretty nice black us and then get saw some best thought it was nice just and then how to implement them. get back. i think it could show us and like believing
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it. but as when that's have been some substitutes, it went the so that's the one that had been let's see 5th because the that's the good shots that i was up. good. i ship what on what on. so i own the best been the i see 5 in order to give to face when the set of them booklets, you know, what the month or the 3 where should i have them? but i'm gonna say decent content is a professor that is the product. the, i'm going to kind of edit the mission and then click on it and, and did i do extensive wouldn't look that single gift. this was the one little place, the 1937 militaristic, japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the
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capital of the republic of china. the dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied 9 z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless confrontation of 2 officers of the imperial army. the my guide and to yoshi, no doubt gained particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us or for this month for its competition. was widely reported in the japanese press to the non being massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes
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against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non gene operation, freeze yasu eco, a sock gun, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration, the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discuss the wheel in the the visual give me hope the audio people can be here much than from each them should have some teams bothered me stories stay in hindsight,
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still one good for us. i need to say it's kind of less than for me based on shot for to mine. so i skipped off task. the broadness film was never released and the director himself became persona non grata in his own country a dance of for the 1st month. am i see if the 3, the, on each become practice the 9 niema smith and then feed them on the else that i. but in a felicia basically feel set and then if it does not be the headset on the phone so that the, if it's a guy, these become the man of the voltage from this film with the he refutable evidence of the density power of uranium 238, and they totally the ship's unsurpassed duplicity which did the supplying the ukrainian me with thousands of deadly uranium shells. that's that's
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that's indeed pretty can give me. so this is the light that in the kidnapped cy loan. that's in the april 1st i live feed the can to get i increased i led to at least get on 8 feet in between the room and the business is really about 80 percent a multitude of use as dishes to potentially on the system. the system constantly, they're single launched out stem things into the times of the board and such as alice is continuing the other side of the system. the seed me. i think you had a mouth grandkids and does the it's an hour that is gone salacious that i'm the advice that the binding or something
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the reason of this nice, that's easy, but do you mind competition to become a slight? can you send me in the other submission stanley's see your cvt started these guys 5 or 10 isn't, don't they created? haven't done. god. i did want to book an initial as best as i am the p. s. the but it is sometimes the and the ups and them did click typed in their form. that's the hood who it is. i see it again. what's the fest in the assignment that i can the out contaminated? i'm so sorry since when i'm least of this and it came to kind of got kind of the kind these tied up and one king a good evening might seem to do this because i mean then soon by the game. and this is something that i've read site fun come up from, from the adam. yeah. dian size says concept,
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proclaim somebody to come to the side because the people have so you don't know how many tools understood understood until it doesn't do you do sources in time? do you have time during the going for more than $300.00 tons of depleted uranium were released into the environments. this corresponds to the physical level on the international nuclear oven scale. the maximum level is the 7th, which was assigned to the general and focus cima disasters. major combat operations any recommended in the battle of a racks. the united states and our allies have prevailed. the thousands of veterans of the rock campaign also diagnosed with cancer. leukemia became so common among us military personnel that they started cooling at
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the gulf war syndrome. the again, that took some rated as haven't been using less than i'm either count and on and on . also at the school and i own the buildings on the side to advisors. so one of the stuff i'm going to click send a new the baby's died. fossil to the victims also tried to find the close action lawsuit with the international court of justice. but the case was never opened the book or something just uh, bear with me got to put them up. what's the wiley and what was that style for crowding or success? get out there to for the year for the on you see or for story here. pretty early posted sorted by of the city or your carpets that are for schools to for the new key me the view from bmw uh near was or did you hear that even there somebody one you and your prospect uh nearby c i'm which is now uh system or as of friday,
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so i was asking you to put in restaurants or when right either one of them here. it's like on your phone, you have any pets. no, i love where you encouraged me to contact any category, just gift cards or wait for as much you guys and all that. so i'm going to do the single part of the written notice as i've, what's the point that are more than that you choose, or would it be on personal book as part of the such them what we do to memorize the pretty large jr. literally or to those of us here sir, are those it will be a junior, with a key to look into such already of key issues a little, but i'm throwing this b as in the since 2011 us army soldiers have been signing agreements. that they weren't approach sites of uranium bombings, any sick selling jet can now be accused of violating this clause of the contract. they refused compensation the
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silvia iraq afghanistan. residents of the affected countries, us screaming about the catastrophic danger posed by depleted uranium. the ukraine will soon join this moon full list as thousands of tons of contaminated shows have already been delivered, the depleted uranium, depleted uranium shells depleted uranium innocence samsung together with its challenges to your tongues. it will also be sending ukraine almonds pacing cells containing depleted uranium, depleted uranium, munitions to crank. following the u. k. in september 2023 us secretary of state antony blinking, announced the transfer depleted uranium shelves to ukraine. here's the best buy. we hit them up, but have the sort of diabetes just to bump the bottom each and the 2. so 2 plus now
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you have the manual music beach. yes. specialist. thank you. the for these boys on the new speaker pieces, but the more ship will. yeah. it will give you the new do we get simple stadiums, then we ship them cut the bill of us, lady, of course, of all the reasoning stuff. the assistance includes an additional $175000000.00 in drawdown authority to provide significant support for ukraine's air defenses. the div that's a and the oh good. i am a good leave it to their own people. could i even upset some fee? take notes and ship on, so i'm done with the 2nd notice says i live moving the bus that live down, is that the v as an installation and no guy in it. they may scape you fairly confident in advance, and when vindicating so, and that is something so that or this and did need to do so that we can put them
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this in for that one on taking that think about it when, when did so that think it done, i'm put in so in for our quarter in for and then when from indian come in on that. so that. com. then we had intensive kim, the, i will put them in the hands and then they stick on them and then seal on had safety in the so that for in the business and the other team that we came to getting the cables we've been money by is that's up, could i get this or? and the height of that side. i so be still, i got to 50, it's a head of the up to clone is pathetic. the had a bad side. this is this incense click and one for i've been the some coma for me, yada yada. so i just and so son. so stay in this with the lease in feet come up from from of the out of me. i live at this in middle of these
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a of the up good. i hit this little of, i'm game of a few like kind of administer man. the in may, in september 2023 explosions with her to the depleted uranium storage sites in the ukranian towns of 10. nope, a 10 mountain escape. the footage of the huge fire spread online the luscious. if it gets scheme, does it go to the rest of the bush campaign is a good suit only wishing it dummies. lashania supposed a new list of interest. if you had gotten a hold of them just by being a little loose, munoz, if you could please each other to be done, the more on the pop up to the computer and then you'd like a name in the middle name and the, the king assumption will get there, but the more just like you call it a gives you an almost like a border patrol,
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stored in a portion. but most of that in the blue because up on the you'll know, cracking and annoying points. get you to 40 positions that are in the thick of some of the doing the more on them. but those who decided to bring thousands of tons of uranium bombs and shelves to ukraine don't care about its inhabitants. future, the don't to through june took us to a place where all the arguments and statistics and now powerless all of them. but some of the but it was done with this morning small took to go to norma. molly melanoma most sort of wonderful, but up throwing in illinois. triple the women of all the consumer ones, the dentist, they were then i might thought to more of content on that. and then i go in more than 10. uh, for my kids also to most of them. so no one put in a southern what's important to them a,
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a will young you much similar to the contains thousands of grades of those who died from cancer. the direct result of european and american politicians murderous validate the civil loyce law. do you plan on this up and running? i mean i want to confirm your trip that i spend more than a consent on looking to on why all of us legit. one was good to know on, i own more forward. i think this is i'm to be, i don't know going on because the truth, morales, the, for the sun. so a task which somebody will use to my little model studies or for them in a while, i bought it for many colonial motor cuts and on the
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smell of the saw on the the only me all that stuff on the 20 on world that's in on modeling one on one moment for me while there's always performing alexander on numerous cuts and almost pollution model studies, or probably the list of victims of deadly uranium shelving is growing here. day by day i'll leave that to stick with on approximately the request, but only one of the most for you to know the want to try community to build this and copy each and then at least a good signal. so the symmetry seems and
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the climate global warming thoughts. so field warming has become a convenient scape code for, you know, all of the planets, problems, you know, whatever. there is a water resource shortage. they don't blame for water management, bad governance, or extravagant use of water. instead they blame climate change.
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the or the us delegation hatch to saudi arabia, of a high level talks with across an invoice, as helps by the magic breakthrough. although you create the situation with the previous administration, no dialogue more until the that was the official position of the previous administration. an optimistic outlook, the crumbling tops up the potential for a meeting between ross and the american president saying and that's it all started in spots of the contract as soon as the bought in years. the interesting question vince this or that they can not be 80 all special discussion
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