tv News RT February 17, 2025 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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of the the breaking news right now or russia and get the magic delegation, the rise in saudi arabia on tuesday. they'll sit down with the american counterparts hoping to for deposit to peace over the water ukraine. we will listen to our american counterparts. and of course, we will be ready to respond. we will report back to our leaders who will make decisions regarding further steps. and one passing without any invites to the top is ukraine's ellen's deep. so instead his rock up, i'm not storing the you a building 1st thing that they can be don't piece without his country's involvement team is literally understanding that the minutes provisions are unattainable. and
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that the new conditions for ending the hostilities and ukraine will be far worse for them. the price of the last year says any future deal on your brain will be far less. i've been teachers for kids who failed to uphold the previous means. agreements from a decade ago and ukraine strikes, one of the biggest oil pumping stations in russia, but he turns out the blog, gold within those tubes, positive belongs to the west. the kind of the welcome to our team to national, reaching you from the russian capital with the latest from around the world. i a michael for or right. so russia stop the tape them. i said again, love it all along with presidential aid has landed in saudi arabia where they will meet with the us delegation on tuesday. the i expect it to discuss the ways of potentially resolving the water, a new cray. all of
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a sudden the issue of restoring normal relations is on the agenda. now the question is about agreeing on how to start negotiations for now in this context is we're talking about bilateral negotiations. the latest comments that we have from any sort of russian official on these upcoming negotiations that are set to take place in saudi arabia on tuesday are from sir day lab, rob the russian foreign minister during his bilateral meeting with the serbian foreign minister. but they didn't just talk, of course about relations between serbia and russia. lab, rob, tony, talked a lot about the expectations that the russian side has for these upcoming negotiations. the sort of echoed something that the kremlin said earlier today that the russian side is going into this, trying to re ignites reconstruct, comprehensive relations between russia and the united states that have been cold and not working properly for so many years because of hostile
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u. s. foreign policy in lab, ralph said, right, the main goal of the russian delegation is going to be not to make ultimatums or park orders or anything like that, but to listen to the other side and get past the sort of relations that have really played diplomacy between russia in the united states for many years, appears to show up whenever we go into negotiations upon the suggestion of our partners. our primary goal is to listen to them for the president's putting in trump during their phone conversations agreed on the need to move past the completely abnormal period and relations between these 2 great power. when essentially they were not communicating at all except about some technical and humanitarian issues. the presidents concurred. that dialogue needs to be resumed on all matters that can be addressed with the involvement of both russia and the us. this includes discussions about the situation in ukraine, the middle east, and several other regions around the world that are currently experiencing unrest.
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therefore, we will listen to our american counterpart is and of course we will be ready to respond. we will report back to our leaders who will make decisions regarding further steps. everyone seems to have gone crazy. i mean, the headlines in years ago on social media and phone saying, the end of the war is imminent. it's just around the corner. what's your view on that? is that slightly over optimistic some people even saying we've got an extra deadline to think, thoughts, actually feasible. listen, i think that 1st we have to recognize this as a historic moment. the fact that us rush a bilateral relations were so abnormal over the past 3 years, especially under former president biden, who cut off basically any contact with his cumberland counter parts is really something that we have to recognize of this period of time has been uh, something that we haven't seen since the cold works. so the fact that we are restarting diplomatic relations and at least having a dialogue is very symbolic. and something that can lead to some progress on not only the bilateral relationship,
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but on possibly ending the war and new frame. however, i think we have to send for our expectations. there are a lot of complexities involved here versus national security concerns. it's questions over it's kind of total integrity over the expansion of nato. are so many concerns, not to mention the numerous things sions put on russia by the west. all of these have to be part of the negotiations. and ultimately the rest has concern over d. b, that's vacation demilitarization, and then ukrainian neutrality has to be agreed upon by all the partners involved. and so i think that that adds to the complexity here. what could possibly happen sees the rep push month between united states and russia, but to get opinions going on a separate test on a wordpress. and we have to recognize that that's a possibility in this equation. was also interesting because the things that we've seen moving around right in recent days this morning, we sold it the visa mastercard might be coming back and now everyone's thinking good. is this all somehow involved? i don't know. so we have to talk about the munich security conference law prof.
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reference that today. um, what specific team did he have? just say about thought events. well, at the press conference that he gave, which i mentioned before, he talked a lot about right, how this is connected to the european union kind of feeling insecure and it's position not knowing if it's gonna have a significant spot or a spot at all at the negotiating table when it comes to coming to sort of some sort of peaceful resolution to this ukraine conflict and lots of asked. i mean, why should they have a position at all in the negotiating process when they've still got this attitude that they have had since the means protocols back in 2015. and this, just to remind our viewers was an agreement that was signed by a number of parties, including russia, germany, france, to establish a cease fire in the ukraine conflict. and later on, european officials had admitted that this was just to buy ukraine time to prepare its military for a larger conflict with russia and russia had actually engaged in these negotiations
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in good faith. and now at the munich security conference, we've got people like the finished president saying that maybe they can cut another troops to buy more time and prepare the military for another confrontation for the european union. it's just more war war. no, no sort of understanding of, of what it's gonna take to actually come to a peace agreement in this conflict. and again, we're talking about the european sponsors of a regime that lab ross has called out for its many crimes. i mean, we're pressing the russian language, we're pressing russian culture, giving the basically for a free way to neo nazis, to put their own political agenda at the forefront of the country. i mean, so, and of course we can forget about when the people's republic simple guns combine, yet declared independence from ukraine and the key ever seem launched a military offensive against those people calling them all terrorist. so of course
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lab rob said that these people need to be held accountable. it's not going to ask for the outcome of the munich conference. i can say the following. everyone must be held accountable for their actions when someone engages in lawlessness for many years. and when a nazi regime is arm to kill its own citizens, all while hoping to somehow slip by and hide under a nuclear umbrella that will no longer be tolerated. people must answer for their deeds. that's even stated in the bible. if they attempt to push for some cunning ideas about freezing the conflict while continuing to wage war, as per their usual customs and habits, then why invite them at all? from washington's perspective, how significant a partner about negotiating table is brussels. we're seeing that there's a lot of hysteria coming out of european countries. there's also fracturing into european countries. we have to recognize for binding hungry. also. slovakia is leader. dire many fishers and fractures within the european alliance. not only within nato, but into your opinion itself. and the populace,
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the people of various european countries are sick of their money going to ukraine and to end to the possibility of further expenditures in the military. so the fact that some is coming in and 6 to have the restart in negotiation, the europeans are not as certainly interested in that decades of rooster phobia. and sort of ramping up this conflict and the futile mongering of a possible russian invasion of europe of the borders. russia has expressed no interest in reading anybody. right? that what happened in, in kelvin, 2014 has to be understood within it and circle context. but there's been no indication that the russian federation, 6, any other military conflict. so this year mom green is actually playing into the cards of those will seek to create a european wide army. those who advocate it always for europe actually to move away from the u. s. block and to beat a block onto itself and to have its own policy outside of washington. the fear here is that brussels might eventually tell the americans if the americans cut a deal and say,
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we don't want to be involved any more than brussels to say we're going to send our of sons and daughters do you faint device. and we're willing to take that risk. the problem, of course, is that the start to get up getting countries that are also usually of ours. so we have to understand that there's still a lot of danger in this, and my hope is that cooler heads and sane people can prevail in brussels to forge a new restart to this entire situation, not only for their own countries, but for the good opinion global security at large. i'm also just, i would add, very interesting, we're hearing basically the usa loves you quite in is never going to get into nato . then a couple of hours later we hit us to the same. we need to speed up to create a session to, to the blogs. the blog is very difficult to imagine, may find not actually right how brussels would be able to weather taking in ukraine with what that was that, i mean, just totally rebuilt, how they would survive thought, don't just returning to the much anticipated summit in saudi. we know pretty much who's coming from all scope and our prof. presidential aids,
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i'm sure more in terms of the make up of the us team. what are we looking at here? well, we've already seen the video of secretary of state marco rubio, touching down in saudi arabia. so it looks like he's going to be part of the american delegation. but earlier in the day we also heard from trump's special envoy to the middle east. steve with coff, who said that he's going to be making his way to saudi arabia with his colleagues, with the rest of the delegation. and there's also reports that uh, the national security advisor mike waltz is going to be there as well. and they've all gone with the stated purpose of improving ties with moscow and making some sort of progress towards a potential peaceful resolution of the ukraine conflict. and that's something that is obviously bad news for vladimir zalinski who's already freaking out about the fact that he didn't know in advance these negotiations were going to take place. ukraine will not take part. ukraine knew nothing about this. and ukraine regards any negotiations about ukraine without ukraine as having no results. we cannot
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recognize any things or agreements about us that took place is without us. now that's a really bold claim that so lensky is not gonna accept any sort of negotiations that he's not a part of, especially when washington is basically keeping the country afloat. right. i mean, the military budget would not, would completely sync without the american taxpayer dollars. ukrainian media is held a float by american taxpayer dollars and pretty much everything else in the country . so to me, washington, we could just pull the plug on that and the key version would be in big trouble. and that's connected to something i want to ask you, chris, because obviously we know right now that's it, as, as we're seeing preparations for these talks and saudi arabia, zalinski himself right now is in the united arab emirates right next door. you know, he wasn't on the guest list for saudi arabia, and we also have heard that he and her to one are going to potentially be talking about regulating the brain conflict. seeing how that,
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what kind of progress they can make on that. so what likelihood do you think there will be for the wednesday to play some part in these negotiations at large? donald trump might be a good deal maker, but zalinski is a good salesman. so he's right now going to sell all of ukraine, if he can do whoever can be the, the highest or the lowest bidder, depending on the situation. so i think part of what's happening is that the lens, he feels left out. he understands that the, our power is bigger than him. that are at the table. he's basically that the kids stable and the bigger powers are trying to figure things out. and zalinski says, i want a piece of the action. he's going to go to other regional partners. of course, ukraine has an economy that has suffered in this war time. he might be willing to sell us enterprises, sell off opportunities for investors to come in for concessions for the opportunity to get something in return. and of course, what he ultimately once is, as he said, if he's not a part of the negotiations, he's not gonna agree to anything. which means that he's willing to carry this on. he's willing to continue to have ukraine in
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a state of absolute worth and taking people off the streets and carrying them against their will to the front lines to die for him and his the ruling class of their. so i think ultimately we have to understand that zelinski has his own agenda, the, the rulers and gifts have their own agenda. and if the west no longer supports that they're going to continue regardless of the cost in their minds. and until he's actually, you know, removed from power and he already has no authority to be there, given that he's not re elected. so i think that there's a lot of complicated factors here. and i think ultimately he's going to try to do whatever bilaterally or multi letter that he can do to try to get a leg up in these negotiations. now are to correspond then hugo piece, good knob is in the yard right now in the center. this preview, we're here for a minute, says sergeant, wherever i just landed, this is also where tomorrow, the 18th of february, the 1st negotiations on
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a high level between of course i will say wait less than a week between the phone call between the president, bilateral guys the brain and preparations for the meeting between a wedding are important, and donald trump are expected to be discussed on from says that this meetings will take place in the near future will be here as well. and i'll be personally making sure to bring the details here on our team. but you, you is in no position to be a party to a future agreement on ukraine, as it will only use any cx, 5 to re on key spots to play my ross as ambassador to the u. n. as he addressed a meeting of the security council, a timothy, do we all see the developments after the entry into office of the republican us administration. as we have called for over many months, diplomacy has finally been actively brought into the game regarding e u. countries in the united kingdom are absolutely on faithful and there were some
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of both. they cannot be a party to any future agreement on the resolution to the ukrainian crisis whatsoever. present a european politicians are incapable of strategic solidarity, lose you, the divides within europe don't conceal the fact that in the event of a ceasefire, who they intend to rearm ukraine and to prepare it for the resumption of warfare. and if you crane today has irrevocably laws, you not just crime media, but also the do net scan lugens public. and the carson ends up and rosie and regions of the self proclaimed ukrainian presidents a lensky loss. legitimacy less or may he direct the country into a conflict for the advancement of others geopolitical interest at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, u. t. f as bitterly understanding that the movements for provisions are unattainable good was, and that the new conditions for ending the hostilities and ukraine will be far worse for them. it was the main thing was requested by russia tamaqua decades in the u. n. adopted a peace reservation for eastern new cray. the document paved the way for the men's
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good agreements, which will eventually fail with billy later meeting. it was all about buying time for your grade to be on. now the you is pushing for each place at the negotiating table. 10 kind of best tree of russia is once again, using this meeting in an attempt to distort the truth behind it said the google, a durable piece for ukraine must include robust security guarantees, ukraine, russia, and our european partners need to be a part of the conversation because if your crane is a sovereign nation with in europe, who security is at stake, must participate in any negotiations and be able to decide their failed to this thought about. let's get some thoughts on all this down and cross live to john list an offer donald laws or a donald is good to have you join me now. so it's 10 years fitness demands for
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grievance where adopted, we all knew what happened to them. so would that be a different this time around? sure, there will be a great difference this time around. i mean, those that use the war is wanting to close. although we have no idea of what lies ahead. i mean, i think the price is going to actually get a lot worse before it gets better. i think things will explode in the ukraine. i think that's a wednesday. his rain is very, very tentative at this point. the europeans are terrified as to where the salt going. so i think the situation now was actually more explosive than it has been in the past. all right, so all roads don't want to as a permanent thing, go and active is to also address the security council section. not let's pick and listen to some of what he had to say. that 95 percent a few trained in seen cried mia voted to secede for in
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2019 a new president was selected. a popular act of code for low dom is savanski. he ran his campaign on a promise to resurrect and implement minutes to as a one in a landslide. am the man means to um no, the ceasefire. the implant has been negotiated and of great in his temple. but then the british prime minister orest johnson arrived and keith with a message and a lot of media. a word in your yeah. forget just bowman minutes can do that. between you and me. this will suits the americans down to the
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ground. they think it will. we can russia so it's been decided to continue it for as long as it takes and um, just between you and me from where it takes the past. right? so, so given that, do you expect the western countries to change those funds on any, your grade piece resolution now? well, the e u has no choice. if the u. s. which is a deal with russia. there's literally you can do the, you can't carry this war forward on his own. and uh, and zalinski is highly dependent on us support. so if there is a us russian deal, but that's kind of the ends of the game. but have wherever i think that that, that zalinski is uh, hold on power is very weak and there will be uh, uproar in the nationalist camp and we have no idea what the words know. we are the
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cleaners going uh what the future holds. oh, what is going to happen to the government the our if a piece of the deal has reached or while we have to leave you here now dondo laza rage on the list and also thank you so much for your insight here. thank you. great . the all, i close the whole now, what about largest oil, a pumping stations in vasa was attacked overnight on sunday by 7 ukrainian drones of the company operating the facility claims that the attack did a break lead target the decisions bus. now the terrorist attack was carried out by 7 unmanned aerial vehicles loaded with metal projectiles and explosives. the attack took place at timed intervals to not only disrupt the facilities operations, but also caused casualties among the personnel. the trip up can sky oil pumping station located in the caucasus region of coupon is the largest c p. c oil pumping
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station in the russian federation. all shareholders of the international consortium including representatives of companies from the us and europe. that'd be notified about the terrorist attack on the civilian facility by you a these now let's cross to our to use roman cross our i have a who is live from the natural public room. and now what more can you tell us about this latest ukrainian or top so this is a yes, another terrorist attack. let's call it what it is which was executed by the key of regime in the early hours of monday. but so this time for then skis, the militants have actually targeted american and european interests trends. and let me tell you why. first of all, the ukranian drones are filled with the metal projectiles and explosive effects. the facility which pumps mainly oil from american and european companies fruit because i started the crew, boston scott,
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oil refinery is the most important hub for the transportation of oil for the caspian pipeline consortium are also known as c p. c. it's located approximately 230 kilometers away from the port of never cease for which russian oil is pumped. so an accidental attack is absolutely out of the questionnaire because it's really far from any other fuel and energy facilities. now, as for the shareholders of the caspian pipeline consortium, well, they include international companies where the us ownership amounts to 24 and quarter percent says $62400000.00 tons of oil were pumped through the cdc in 202411.7 percent of which came from russia and 88.3 percent from cars like starting now. the pipeline mainly collect screwed oil from a large oil fields in west for an context on, as well as some from
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a rough shop. and last year, united states companies controlled some 40 percent of oil supplies, the ships via the cdc, the uh, the oil flowing through this patient popular belongs to america and then europe and the oil companies. can you break that down for us? oh, absolutely. um, zalinski is a behavior is uh, well, really unpredictable at this point, especially the following. the events had been unix security conference, most going in washington are about to begin their talks on the settlements of the crating and conflict wells. the lensky is seemingly left on the sidelines at the moment. she looks to be a loose cannon. if you will, mind you. even before donald trump took over the oval office, the united states had asked the lensky to limit his tribes souls to not to drive off foot royal prices. well, trump said that the oil would play as leverage on russia. if it does not sit down
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and then negotiating tables and ask you seems to have done just the opposite. in this case, he drove up oil prices and damaged the american interest as well. now despise it. as jesus self destructive ashton feet continues to enjoy support from the european union, but most of the officials there seems to be well blind to the fact that the reactions of the key of regime are actually hurting your opinions themselves. after all, the latest attack does indeed hurt european interest as well. there are nations in europe. however, who understand the danger all for this you because it's support for genetic, he's a deadly escapades and how they affect the situation. in general, they can listen to the ada. there are those gathering and parents who have been constantly pouring oil into the fire in the last 3 years that are followed or failed strategy. in the past 3 decades, you 40 countries that have continuously posed a threat,
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escalating the war with their policies today in paris, or we're seeing a gathering of pro war little anti trump frustrated european leaders who wants to stop and agreement from happening on peace and ukraine. value and contrast that we are supporting donald trump's efforts and the us russia talks, which in most lashawn i saw no immediate. and the direct reaction from zalinski is european fans at this point in time. but so we should hardly be expecting of any reaction any time soon because for the e. u. officials, very darling can do absolutely anything, as long as it hurts, flush off. all right, trip on call. sort of joining us live from the national public debt. thanks for bringing us up to speed. all right, let's go ahead now to uh, a struct, live to retard united states army general major general poll valley,
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joining the right now, general american or business is, are among the stakeholders. shareholders of the company that owns the space and we're talking about that right now. so how's the news of this attack going to go down with that met and, and what about the washington couldn't damage relations with kids? well, they're going to be very unhappy about that. they are 25 percent of interest in those oil production companies. uh, president trump, uh is going to be very of us as well, but the europeans in which that is there like spoiled children right now. i'm not getting their way wanting to keep pushing the war in supporting the wrong tax over there. so they've got to change their attitude because it's not gonna work for them . right. what do you make all the timing the given that the task was carried out? just as the 12 sarah bought the spots in saudi arabia. well, i think i would think it was time to that probably conjured up or thought of in the
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last 24 hours of the us team now is in the saudi arabia. i headed up by our secretary state demarco rubio and special envoy schwarzkopf. so they're, they're, they're ready begin the talks at any time. all right, trump has been saying that he wants to use all at least the level of pressure and pulse with russia. so what kind of message does you crate want to send by this attack then? well i think they're confused. they probably don't know what to say. they're in the backseat, as we say right now. and the key of i don't lose advising of the wednesday at a key of right now. i think of some of the european influence there are those driving p evans allows you to make these re very bad decisions. so, but just coming through and i think right now we get these the conference or the delegations to come up with a, uh,
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an agenda for trump and the pool debate shortly. and the sooner the better our protecting everything aside, the united states as a strategic partner for ukraine, s, we'd know we'd have incentive billions of dollars to key of now, given that the all a positive belongs to the united states companies, is this a case of biting the hand that feeds that as well. absolutely, and the course president trump is that i think you may have heard, he's going to demand some re payment of the $250.00 plus $1000000000.00 we put into ukraine, and he's going to look at minerals. these are very essential minerals and levy even gain grand because as you know, your credit is one of the biggest providers of grand in the world. so trump is looking for some repay here because all the money that's gone into the old george made a lot of ukrainians rich. and as i've said before, so i'm wondering money laundering operation now. and again,
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the european countries haven't put that much in other than some equipment and that, and certainly uh, united states is holding is we say holding the bag for all the 250000000000 plus we put in. so we're going to work this out at the conference in saudi arabia, and hopefully we'll hear some good news in the next 24 hours. all right, that good news is what everyone is waiting for right now is thank you so much, paul, but at least retired united states. army be general. thank you very much for your insight. thank you very much. but right live still with arch international for all the latest from around the world. i see you again on top of yeah, the take a fresh look around.
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