tv Documentary RT February 20, 2025 12:30pm-1:01pm EST
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you said we've come here not to remind ourselves of how important unity is. unity is important. and we also comes most unite of costs at that time on like conclude am i? it took the view that it should be a little gradual, but he apologized late a $99.00 to $7.00. but he was a person who believed in building a nation. and this is all you see when we talk about is linda say for unit 2 in 1900, on 60 full joining play with the shake, a baby to come to me. they created what is now times any with him as the president and come with me i the vice president of, to this on divided pollution on the thought was good to me. we are you nice thing here to show the, even if songs recall we must create the ones going on. they told me, remember, there is enough and color to sounds and the, there is no,
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but the color and tons and it is a duty to create that the bus. and that is always taught and on the task of creating a tons on the east side. first of all, all of us are brad, those that is white tons and yet it's called themself. when do or you told tons onions, that is all you became the same as when you moving from one part of the times and yet they are. and telling them we must new as it gets to a healy, because the a 136 languages in tons of new and today. ton. sonya is the only country in the continent of africa. united by one language gets to a healy tons, india is the only country in africa where you are bone in ones and you go to them back and become a member of by them. and people did not look at you at dr. the only country enough and when in 196070 came with the we, gemma is said we must have
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a system. we have people in the villages so that we can industrialize you. of course it was undermined by the west. they did all mangrove things discussed. they said if he is up to scenes, is going to be a bad example to the people. but he continued, and he took the view that the team must be strong on today as i speak cc of so much i'm up into is the which was created in 1977 with the module of ton of the sheet. ozzy is one of the strongest spots easy enough because on the all that he believed in order and in institution. and this is the thing that when we knew that it was famous for the member in your area and left the office when he was just slightly over 63 years. and he said, a whole dance must know when to leave the stage and to allow as, as to lead on. these said, you are not successful until you are successful subsidies. when he left in 1985,
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he said, i'm going to insure and i wish if i'm able to leave at least on the 2 presidents while my lives step aside, then step down, i did the done the loud and we need to come in and ask them we need yeah loud and we'll stop by to come in the all the time to a settings account real quick. what the weight weight you have time we've come then of course john joseph from the medical 40. and we know this to, this is a man who believed in the find the item men by in 1995, when he was talking about the president that they needed at that time when corruption, i've taken root in times on the you said we need a president pool, we're doing to 3 good, 3 things. one, president, where do you nice tongue. i need a president. we not talk about tribe and religion. that is the president that we
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need. we need a president where to fight corruption. a president who is solved vinnish, we need a president who is a humble, who knows that this state house, he is a holy place, he said, and because what he needs to name a highly if this faith house is the only place when you go there, you a duty is the soft vinnish that is needed for you to new, the tons and the uh, had to industrialize back to industrialize through a brief cultural production. today when we see tons and the beginning to move in for the sufficiency busy of the 10 to 24th tons, o'neill is for a sufficient at 128 percent. one of the few countries enough because that includes stuff we should because of the foundation that more than we do just come. but i've been, you know, the late the font, the succession is from the, the 100 over the,
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but on from one generation to the other. he was upon us with an east. that is why the finance look on freedom movement organization by created by the way, you was headquarters in the still out there is not a single off with on the day and the saw the region who did not stick refuge in tons on you because he said this is your home during this drug, eduardo more lane. i was on be somewhat on my shell, scroll back to gabrielle and we'll go happy. all of them. well, how's the? and how is this on? school is was billed for them in dire salon. uganda, you waited a good time was 71 house. there he was upon off because his who believed in african unity, he believed in east african community. and that is why he was one of the pioneers. he regretted, however, that he did not agree with the gloom on the 6th day of march, the 1997. when he was invited to
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a crowd gone to talk about the talk on the deal page of the 40th anniversary of gunner's independence. he said, nicole, my was the right. we were wrong. we should have united africa immediately. and a reminder, these orders that we never talk about, that particular meeting, the meeting in 1965 in a crowd gun when the coma thought that they would be unity. and they told his audience, when i moved out of that meeting, i had some president say, we a happy if we you and nightly, we seems been presidents on minutes does and all these things. but he said, we do go up, but we drove away the cologne or this. we know they are still here under the neo colonial project. but we are saying that is the duty of the next generation to fi is to ensure that we have talked to the independence. but he was not only on us
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because he was also part of the non aligned to movement. when the non aligned movement had been created with just the pros, detail with joe, a lot of natural and of cost clement coma and presidential con no of indonesia. the younger generation who participated in strengthening the non aligned movement was of costs. judy has come, but i've given you that, and that is why he was the recipient of the jo. are a lot of nettle awarded by the india and the government because he was a believer in non alignment on the called the non aligned, but positively neutral on that is why he said we are not just going to look through the west for development. i'm going to go to china. i'm going to go to russia. i'm going to go to sweden, i'm going to india because what? times and yeah. and africa needs. but those who i g and he was also a globalist. that is why when he designed,
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he became the chairman of south south movement, where he was one of the pioneers was talking about insuring the trunk file. acknowledge you moved from the north to this out. this is a man who was a great man. he was also wanting to lecture me on the lumber because lady language and believed in the promotion of because lady language as a unifying language. people do not remember this, but he's the only man ever to of translate into ships. the input is like it. julia sees it translated as judy as the guys already and of course the merchant of venice . asthma, but my divided was a nice so he was also an intellectual. who believe that if you are leader, you must be a leader who writes and educate the people he was set for that us. he was not corrupt. you know, when, when we left office him on the, going to the west on well the one to,
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to find out if they had any money kept anywhere in the west of gold. and he had in his account the equivalent of $8000.00 united states dollars after being in fall off with 24 years old. and yet i had a yeah, the only 2 houses, one in the salon and a small one in with them. uh. and it is different sonya and i need that built for him. uh, slightly big office. this is greatness personified. this is southwest. missed the bus sony fide. this is bon. i've looked at his bus certified. julie has come, but i've been here at a is a boston who is in the one of the great this off was going to need as well relieved . and one of is great as it corrects when he became a peacemaker. remember you also update left office. he tried to be one of the be
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some, it goes into it tried to make peace between one of the under one the, he was one of the people tried to make peace between the democratic republic of congo and wonder. he was one of the peacemakers between the water in 5 days during the golden civil war is one of the people try for foothold, the little bait to agostino nato. and you'll know some of the 8 of us of him get together. he was one of the people who ensured that this 1000 spots of south africa was liberated. and if you talk about him funded in those parts of the wild, the understand doesn't bob, one is know him, then was on becomes know him then i'm indians know him. the young orleans know him, the south african know him because he was a leader who gave or for purposes of the liberation. and ultimately, he was also, i can just show move around the country and created
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a culture of humility amongst these people. so that today, when you talk about ways that tons on you and the thing that comes to you attends on in is a humble mind. even when a police officer and tons and the wants to address to the state. i request to address to that is judy has come better. okay. yeah. that a the money from this a not keep people in the i'm a a great my name did. and then did history. does that remember fondly? it is not known. you as a customer, luke, and as i speak to you now, there is a process of making him st and unity of because it makes judge. thank you very much. we continue this discussion about africa and office ends with a view to understanding the mazda of continent. but let us take a short break. we've come back to continue the conversation.
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the, i am theater, remove the from the, with the goals on country club in nairobi, k. yeah. talking about the continent of africa. there's great content and that has a great prospect on the question. and indeed the questions that we ask about uh include uh, billet t to be great. oh, great to then she is. we already know that when compositions held around the continent of africa, sometime it's the doubting thomases. paul is, the question is been to africa, to hit tara genius to walk,
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to get the full. i general good is off because as divided as she is in too many post colonial nations, not to divide that she can not realize a common vision to one. so that's the question. i invite those who care about the content, then there is no shortage of them. to read i, lima 0 is book the power of 5 bell. and in that book i knew my 0. he the fact from what we know more about. the tyler robotics on the talks about the power of bible and he reminds us that hit the rigidity is in then the very essence of beauty. he reminds us that when we talk about on know, guess trap as it is,
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the beauty on the mixture of the instruments and then did the beauty of the mit shot all the different tones that met the orchestra. great on mex, the orchestra and orchestra. when i looked at aust luca today, hi tara janet. the is in prospect task friend and it is our friend in different way called certainly the owner of uh overnight jerry uh, may be different even within january, so from the angel. oh, the deal or the community, but if the identify the things that are unique and come on to them, it is then that would be there is to pay for the kind of development that nigeria needs. and if you come to this 1000 fund or vice versa, and you find the 30 and the zulu one cause on this on,
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on the different says you will discover that one is from one is weak and it is the witnesses on the springs. the put together that will review the witnesses and then on this brings you come to the sounds on. yeah. and you find this to comb on them with the on the high. yeah. and you come to kenya and you find the i get coil on the little under the, we on the college and, and then then throughout the continental vasa, you find that there is beauty in di, bussed in did use 3 of them on straight the, not the ones not twice, but times without number that whenever a people who i did with junior as choose to identify what is the best interest, then they can suck. com, navigate those weaknesses, and do that,
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which is getting the best interest. and when we talk about contemporary africa, we must always on the, on the dive off, it must be understood in the concept of a recent history on top past. he's wheeler, videoed, candidacy or history that africa has always a, in the forward, when she allowed different people to trade amongst themselves, you only have to read the history of the phone book to know how those great empires, why bills. you only have to read the history all the zulu, to know how those m fires will have built. you only have to read the history of the been in a to know how those m 5 as we have built, and resolved romano to sizing his 3 unresolved being stuck in history. the question that we must day off was, oh,
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come on. how should we intend to fuss sensory moments such as we use those differences in a mind? uh that is going to help us move in the right direction. you know, frequently when one is in meetings, where they off with us and you remember africa with color and eyes by different countries. as you will see, that is the struggle as to which language is going to be used as a language of communication. when down garlands are they are, they say we want to communicate intellectual gaze when the synagogue, these are there, they say they want to communicate in french. when is the libyans or the defense? uh they are, they want to communicate and drive it when design bins are they are they want to use english. and of course, they are those who want to use different languages to see all the language of the
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colonizer. but today we recognize that the differences in languages is not something that ought to be condemned. but the only thing that we must do is to give pride, replace lots with the language just today. for example, we have agreed ask on union, in fact as a breed, that one of the things that we can do to ensure that our unity is communicated in one common language when you, because i hear the language, which is a language that is already being spoken by more than 300000000 people in the continental box. yeah. saying they have for that our unity can be in homes. if we identify that a single language, would it be a medium of communication to communicate the size to communicate a lot. but that does not mean the language is, will die,
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does not mean the community will die. it does not mean that event will dial pad do with die or teen young. joe will die or cheat shall, will die. ok, i will die. they will be celebrated as a possible, a culture because culture is now a multimillion dollar in this and difference did countries a multimedia dollar industry. how can we use our hit the rigidity to ensure that that culture is in homes on given its bible plays through our interactions, you know, the menu of the active folks which are based on our call, john, it's the rigidity on now to be found in museums in europe, such as a new book, and i'm museums, or the british museum, or the american museums. if we want to bring them back and use culture as one of the engines for purposes of development of the continental foss, with a we can do on the message we are sending the, the full,
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he's the off because the diversity is one of the engines that we can use to strengthen the funding in the what if we go into the area of science and you look at the same question of whether a genet and you go to countries such as miley, and you will discover that the people called the dog gone had knowledge in the ox, in fact, those who are in the business of looking at the african history through i'm through apology and through history such as the great senegalese check on that the up us told us that the top gone was some of the most of the astronomy before europe and america, if i recognize how the galaxies, why organized the dog gone wild, reggie organized and was capable of articulating this thing in the mind that confounded the world. how can we use the drug on for the purpose of using non
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traditional knowledge for ensuring that africa ease how to grow in a unique months when, when, therefore, we talk about the value of it, the rigidity, the value of di foster, the and the essence of those things combined as being critical to africa's development. we are not for any one minute drive and to romanticize history. we are not for any one minute trying to be sent to mental about history. we have confronting a very con, temporarily question of questions that those who want to dismiss africa as incapable of being an integral on important. yeah. and why that says by say you are to then get us to be divided. you can never come together. oh, well, i'm stuck with them is the we are not, we are merely di,
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bus. and our diversity has sometimes been to use by our declutter to divide us. but the scale is on the eyes on now beginning to drop. and the vision is being in homes. the walks you know, are you as is beginning to melt. and we can now hear a lot more loudly and a lot more eloquently what it is that we ought to do in order to use our di wants to do for the sake. as of developing the continental wasik. you know, this continent is also unique in high ability, not only to celebrate todd diverse culture, but also to welcome the cartridges. nope, on the continent of africa and see how she has succeeded in welcoming the civilization. she has welcomed people from live and on. she has welcomed people from europe. she has welcomed people from india. she has welcomed people from china . she adds, welcome people from our area, and we are saying to ourselves,
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we are not in the business of discrimination. we uh, in the business of telling those individuals or groups of individuals, that when you come to the continent of africa, you add to our diversity. and we want to have faith in the continent of africa. if you must unsure to help a girl in all the different directions which we up to realize up with things you know, it used to be set by those in the know that there is so much to be done. so little time that even if you have $10000.00 d as you would not as she what you want to do. but we know that if each one of us, if each of the components of africa what to play the effect, then each one playing the effect can make sure that we do that, which requires 10000 years in a short time, you know,
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a lifetime. but it is also true that when we talk about task, because they say in the language of the just show and in the language of that young job, that's more important to africa is not high children, but the children hold by children. you know, other words, when we talk about the funds to do, we are telling ourselves that what we are doing now for the continental wasik got in our diversity is to ensure the future generations participate in the agenda of what we left off because sustainable and continuously respective so or friends of goodwill on say the last the guns, wherever you uh that as a reminder, i saw that our diversity is though a sprint that has to remind ourselves that the beauty of the continental wasik are lies and not in high ability, not diversity. only,
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but the ability to use that day funds to do for the sake of addressing the issue that confront on the many issues that come from the continent of africa. like, as, as confront them with a is the place you on a public do that as use it for purposes of confronting public. so that if one group of farmers that has used the finding ability, using contemporary ways of improving farming. if i those raises all, keep puzzled, comfortable that as you dont abilities are those of fish up people that has used us . and i say this because africa as we speak now is in the business as i do much really wants to gain family, said consuming what she does not for abuse, unprepared using what she does not conceal. but yet i believe that even our drive last,
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which was this is contained our ability to do different things in different ways. we can make off because of continental, the thrives on method diversity that will, that will cut the opposed africa into the re, um, of sustainable progress. diversity is our strength, not all weakness. the of the in the 2nd half of the 1940, the powerful european armies were losing their colon, one of the 1st to start collaborating. what's the dutch empire?
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on august 17, 1945. the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former judge colonic was proclaimed the liberation movement 1st led by the national hero of the indies. people to carnis, however amsterdam had his own plan, which was to defeat the revolution. moreover, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels and the resistance continued growing. in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power. and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed a massacre of the inhabitants in the village of robert got a 431 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indian agents were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the
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cities. the world community demanded to put an end to violence, and the empire started negotiations. in 1949, the head round table conference was held, and the kingdom of the netherlands was forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslim state appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the islamic world. the, the
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a the the drug, this is actually their search available to me and there is no and insides to the war of blood between washington and kia. now, tom's doubles down on his criticism, opposite ends, key accusing him of insulting at the top of us on special i'd just ask the us special envoy keith at kellogg to cancel his press conference with the ukrainian politician after meeting in kit. and i'm in the
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