tv Cross Talk RT February 23, 2025 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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are we still have some common ground the the welcome to cross the bullhorn square. all things are considered on peter lavelle. trump's ukraine initiative. is it real and what is next? is the us to europe risk for real or is it merely kabuki theater as differently? are these serious policies or trumps personal preferences? to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess your to send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals. and here in moscow we have marks level that he's an international relations and security analyst, or a gentleman cross that grows in effect. that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out with mark here in, in moscow. would beginning to get some of the outlines of what the so called uh
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trump, ukraine piece initiative is. so it was very controversial would be tags and said in a, on this european trip about basically nato membership is off the table for ukraine . the us will not commit troops. any european troops under the flag of nato will not have article 5 protection. and now we're going through this. absolutely absurd, ridiculous, rare earth's minerals a dance which is absurd on its face. um, personally, i think they're talking about that. so people don't ask about nato membership. i think it's a peer diversion. we're all we on this mark because i have to say uh from his team doesn't seem to be a 100 percent on board mark. yeah, obviously there's some dissension within the administration, which is fairly predictable. it's the,
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i think the only unpredictable thing is that they're able to trump and, and the people who want to escalate the us from the conflict in ukraine still seemed to be pushing forward successfully. even if there is dissension from kellogg waltz and a few others within the administration, it's happening behind closed doors. for the most point. i think that the europeans, of course, uh, and plenty of people within the us and the entirety of the west and mainstream media are on the attack against trump. there the accusation is that all of this, that heads upset our concessions being given to russia before negotiations. even begin a betrayal of ukraine, etc. but i mean, peter ags of had the perfect come back. he said, this isn't concessions. this is reality. i. you are not living in reality. we are
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living and reality and what he's not saying, but he is almost, you know, completely implied. is that the wars last we you by we, he, me, they mean you because of course the trump administration wasn't uh, themselves, directly involved in, but the west has lost this conflict. and it's time to own up and recognize that the europeans aren't ready to recognize that yet. but i think the other important thing that higgs, that said has said since is he acknowledged that russia has superior already in terms of manpower and fire power. a significant advantage on the battlefield and that no western aid packages, no future western aid packages, will be able to change that calculus. and that is all, most important, a real list recognition of the reality on the battlefield,
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that no other western liter, you know, the exceptions or bon and fits so have owned up to it is either or george, the, the other penny hasn't really dropped because the good criticism of peg 7, obviously the trump administration in general was that what concessions of the russians making no taking on board with mark just said, and i agree with him completely. but what i think this is all about. unfortunately for the ukrainian people, not it's the leads, it's never really been about them. what trump is gonna say now is that we've, we've made it very clear about nato expansion, american troops, etc, etc. no rush, you have to parlay with us on china on a ran and then north korea. that's the next to drop here. it's obvious to me, george. i think that's right. because really the question is why it has the been this reversal of us all and say that in the sense it isn't totally
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a reversal on trump's part. but this consistent with his themes in 201526, and it said them, i don't see why there should be a conflict with russia. russia could be of apartments, and instead then brailey where it implied that the real adversary of the united states is a china then subsequently you could go into the whole thing with the wrong and is the seems to be coming back to that though, that is an immediate ticket, so he wants russia as a partner in that, the problem is that he's not going to talk to russian said, look, we have given you everything that you desire. you know, we've given you the respect states us. we're going to treat you as our uh, geo political pop now. um, but we want something in return. we want you to end this war now. but another way, as you know, wherever you are now, you know, we, we want to cease fire now,
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and we want it done. and this is where to gets problematic for us for, because if a, if it's a cx 5 now, and then there's still a lot of the goals that russia has yet to accomplish. and of course, are actually has unfortunate experiences coming to agreements with the west and the pos whereby, you know, everything's fine in a world finally. and then 234 years later we're, we've got another conflict. so it's a very difficult situation for russia to be. and clearly it has been like the norma's changing tone from washington, which is very positive. but then russian has to respond to that because any for us, it doesn't respond, then trump is going to turn around and say russia is the problem the europeans arrived. russia was being always the problem. we need to then go back to the policy of escalate the good guys. russia. yeah, well, oakland impeccable logic because what we have so far gentlemen, is that, you know,
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there's talk about ukraine. it either. it's in the, in the center of the conversation around the periphery. but the only thing that is really changed beyond the rhetoric is that the us and russia urge are talking. well that, that's a good thing here. but to kind of echo with georgia said there the russians want some iron clad on paper signed notarized, witnessed documents about their own security, because we don't need to waste our time going through the litany of lies and deceptions a we, you know, we, the cool regime in 2014 was instantly recognized against all democratic norms by the west. and then we had the machinations of the o. s. c e were just prior to the s m o. then we had the minutes process $1.00 and $2.00, then we had is simple. well, i am going to little bit naymark. they want something more solid than that we've
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had in the past mark. yeah, i rushed is going to drag this out forever. and they've already given plenty of science, they're glad they're talking right. they've got plenty of the deal with the u. s. on, but they've made clear 1st of all, they've pointed out that they have no one in care of that can sign anything. so trump team is actually seems focused on getting rid of zelinski, right? yeah. and that's going to be problem matic and rush. it can just sit back and eat popcorn. well that happens. they have don't want to cease fire. and to be perfectly uh, i don't think they intend to stop the middle of the conflict in any way, shape, or form any time soon. they've got their book on the key every james throat, they're not gonna pull it off. they're not gonna play that hollywood game of. i should have killed you when i had the chance this time. i think they're going to go all the way. and i think trump has made a couple of statements in the past week that show that he actually understands the position that the u. s. is in, in these negotiations and on the battlefield. he said that russia doesn't need
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a deal. they can take all of you crane if they want. he said that he also pointed out that russia could of a bomb the key of into the ground. it could have destroyed it several times over and has no interest in doing so. and that's also true. and he also pointed out that russia has all the leverage all the cards and negotiations. he pointed that out because russia has already taken so much of ukraine's territory. so obviously trump is informed enough between that and the statements we've got from higgs of the trump administration is now aware of what a weak card they have. this statement by kellogg's about bleeding russia about the concessions that russia should make. being to break their alliances with china, iran and north korea are as fantastic all as much of a fancy. so the land scenario as it is for the europeans to believe that they can
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still win those conflict. they're both living and in fantasy re out. all it is right. the russia understands that they can't trust the west, including trump any further than they can throw them. and if they did trust drop these gone in 4 years, they're not thinking and in us selection cycles, they're thinking for the long term. i think what's actually likely the big rupture in geo politics, the big split that's likely to occur is not the special relationship between russia and china, or between russia and the ron. but the special relationship between the united states and europe, that okay, and that's exactly what we're going to talk about in the 2nd part of the program. i absolutely agree in charge of zalinski is name is popped up here. um, a lot of feet are being played out here. am i? it's quite hilarious watching a peak zalinski again on,
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on twitter. most people there don't even have a clue what they're talking about. but i mean, this is also kind of a diversion because it's for, instead of focusing on, they were military realities that the west is brought ukraine to with ukraine volunteering for this ridiculous dead we exercise. and now it's a battle of personalities. this is exactly the kabuki theater that the west always plays about. the guy in the white house, the guy in the black, which is completely divorced from geo politics. george? no, that's right. any that is going to is, are you using that the media or own blow? they're all singing from the same shape, but just we kind of possibly have electron snow elections and no possibility of elections in ukraine out of the question as a war on no election zone. i said, but they seem to forget that they were elections in iraq during the war. there were elections in afghanistan during why didn't you may not think that i have from the united states. i don't know lexi,
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for 1964. that's exactly. it is an example. sounds they have not, i mean, you know, people who with a lower mentor is out there and i'm having new mobile x is during the war years. so people didn't have any problems. but it's amazing how everyone has this. uh, you know, but everyone's things on the same. she gives us a talking point and then every little bit, we're going to repeat that just like this. uh, let's pull that was coming. came up on some of the events that you that so i'm scared. enjoys 57 percent approval and then the you by us a id. thank you george. exactly. it. yes. 57 percent. what political liter anywhere enjoys a 57 percent approval. well, georgie, if you did have 57 percent, why doesn't do you have elections? in fact, but so it's a young person and they're always even though they're coming up with all of this, but it's not going to be easy to oust um the landscape because i don't know who exactly would replace the landscape. i don't know. even the people who are being
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talked about as realistic, um, uh, see goes, would be in a way, in any bets or, i mean the illusion is obviously the one was being talked about, but i know the, the money i have time this block of the program but who does have legitimacy, that is the question here, and that is something they're going to have to grapple with gentlemen. i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break and that's about your break. we'll continue our discussion and somebody on the stay with our to the the,
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if you think about russia, what does your mind picture the landscapes open up before your eyes? the last one does you imagine the, the discounts dodge the journey? the, the you ready to come to the welcome act across that bull horns. and peter, a little to remind you, we're discussing some real news mark, let's go back to you here in moscow. you already hinted in the 1st part of the program, getting a little bit ahead of ourselves,
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but what special relationships are at stake right here and i think you're absolutely right. it's the, the transatlantic one. but i have a long enough memory that, you know, it's been tested every once in a while. and you know, there's a lot of noise, you know, and not much heat is enervated. obviously, this is something of a different magnitude. but because the europeans, the u. k. have um, you know, the base themselves so very much they have very few resources to resist. okay? the only, the only real weapon of resistance they have this rhetorical is look at it, it's social media. but other than that, there is not much there and you know what gentlemen, they're just gonna fall in line because they have no other alternative mark. yeah, i think it's the big question, right? we've seen where the trump chaos bomb is going off. it's going off in washington dc against the bib state, and it's going off on the transit atlantic relationship right at the land. this is
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my work, or you could more specifically say natal, although it's not restricted to just the institution of nato. and trump not only doesn't have any interest in europe, he has contempt for europe for european leaders. he is obviously focusing his foreign policy vision on coming to terms whatever those terms might be, with what he sees as the other 2 great powers, russia and china, notice the europe, the e. u is not one of those great powers. therefore they don't really matter. and the europeans have, obviously, the current crop anyway, have become a colonized by the idea of previously us exceptionalism. now, western exceptionalism to an even greater degree than the united states. now, at least with the new administration, they believe that they are morally structurally and societally superior to every
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one else on the planet, including the united states right now. but for trump, it's more then i think a foreign policy decision, although i think that's obviously part of it. but it's also personal. trump aids, v e, u liberal technocratic a lead. he hates all these, you leaders that came out supporting biden. and harris openly. storm are sending operatives to campaign for errors. all this talk about trump proving their cons with the ukraine. he despises them. he also despises zelinski and the key of regime in jeff role because they were instrumental the involved in the whole russia gate hopes and peach meant attempt against them, the steel dossier, all of this stuff. he won some payback. i think the trump much like he
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wrecked obama's j c p o way with the ron is set on the racking the ukraine conflict. biden's, you could argue there argue signal. so that's why that's why that's why i said in my introduction, george, i mean, at least in, in this regard, it is, it's deeply, deeply personal with, with, from p is settling account. so because where is mark pointed out to russia gay to the 1st and peach meant all had everything to do with ukraine and the same cast of characters are there. um trump is in no mood to reward these people. okay. at all is as a matter of fact, it was a he wants to show that he was the victim. all. this is really interesting. how may i get his adopted a victimization profile with it. but, and that's a program for an ideal for a different program. but it is personal for him. george, it is bust of old. and the question that really get it from years ago,
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the is days. trump has been a nato skeptic. however, you know, you know, again, those always a little older generation will remember. that'd be so many of these trends that land take risks over the years. from the 1950s with john foster, dallas agonizing reappraisal, 96 days old to talk about you cleared the coupling. when you know the americans longer to sacrifice washington for, do so the fun. and then with the 7 days, you know, the americans on paying attention to our security and we and then we haven't read them. and every time, every time the europeans, us, i don't want to ride. well maybe we showed them think about a european security and defense that the mission of maybe europeans should take more interest and concern about this. a good, the american does have come down like a ton of bricks, the, how data you talk about any kind of separation from the to, you know, modeling old bryce fame is 3 d's. no decoupling, no duplication, no discrimination. and trump himself,
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in 2018 when my chrome started mumbling about, well, maybe to your been should do morgan on the day you take care of this? a good. this is a don't you even death? think about that. we americans, we came to your rescue, you know, 1st, well, we'll look into your skin. the 2nd level, you know, they, we, we won the cold war how day you think about separating from us. so i don't think it's going to happen. i think europe is very, very useful for america, that it's a way that america projects its power in the world. it's how it gets to be a global power and bullets everyone around what he wants from your about whatever is to focus on your up to me in your room so that the americans can concentrate on china. so it's really kind of a division of labor. and so the europeans memo going to because they don't want to step up, you know, they that have to give up the 6 week vacations, a universal health scare. uh, you know, guaranteed incomes that's very, very comfortable live so that you were being, is enjoyed. so they're not going to do anything you know, to stop, you know,
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despite all the top, they're not going to do anything about their own security. so i just think whichever way this ukraine debacle resolves itself, i don't think there's going to be a split between american you're it's, it's very interesting mark because there was a bentley with the advent of the 1st trump administration. the 2 percent of g d p spending on defense was a the new benchmark. now he wants to up the ante to 5 percent, which is extremely unlikely. and um, and probably deputy but uh, detrimental um, but i mean my, my inclination about his always been the drums and people around him that i agree with them. say, if russia, if is such a threat to you, then why don't you spend 5 percent? and then they're going to come to the realization. well, maybe they're not that big of a threat. i mean, i think he's forcing them to make that decision. i tend to agree with george the, there's a lot of people that are really excited to, to cheer leading the end of nato. and i'd like to see the end of nato,
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but i don't see it happening any time soon. mark, i think it depends. i think every thing is on the table now, right? i've had to do some serious assessment here. and a lot of it depends on what happens even personally, between trump and european leaders, if they're smart and roll over and show their bellies to trump, right. he was still won't have any respect for them, but you know, they might be able to last through the next 4 years. if they do what zelinski has done over the past week, ran the openly challenge and insult him back then. anything is really on the table as i think it's more important. what happens after trump, those ged vans succeed him, then he can carry on? if not, then the us can go right back to the role that they had with your you know, 4 years before. so i'm, there's a lot still on the table,
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but i think another important thing with all of this is that all of these last 8 years of, of liberal attempt, both in the united states and the intelligence community and in europe and the media to try to use the issue of russia are imported, or trump has always had a degree of respect for poor and right from the beginning as a strong leader. but they tried to paint him as the populace of poor, right. they tried to paint him as a trader, as, as, as, as just an instrument as an author or carry on like they call boot. and, and i think all of that has blown back in a big way all the russia gave attempt to slurred trump has actually pushed trump into we have bracing russia in a way that he might not have before. and so i think that in trying to,
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to the, legitimize trump with russia gate, they have created a trunk pool monster of their own accord. what do you think about that judge? because a lot that i'm o. uh, as a avid viewer, a breakthrough rachel mad out should that she's back on the rush of russia rush out horse right now, and i find it very quick odd because it didn't really be a garden or any dividends for those people that, that they really don't have much left, i mean they have zelinski as their liberal hero. there's a lot of people that still walk around with masks. i mean, cobra was one of their sacred cows as well. so it's not gonna be, it's not giving them dividends. maybe you're both right during the there. he's gonna try to outright trump. i don't know george. when he gave her some dividends. i mean they did in 2018. they. they won the mid terms. they impeach him. they had mala investigation and that weakened trump is low question. the 1st um,
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of trauma was a failure and it was a failure in large. but because of russia gave, he was thrown off balance. he couldn't really get his bearings. he pursued a very anti russian policy, including sending lisa weaponry to ukraine. so it didn't deliver something. it doesn't. what do you want them to do? of course it didn't destroy a truck, which is what they were hoping for. but now, you know, all these years later i, i don't think it's going to achieve them of very much, but i think it's gonna lock mark is right. clearly, trump is now angry and is pursuing the policy that you might not up to see what had it not been for rushing it. we'll also see what happens generally when you or of is under the control of the kind of sent the left liberals relations with the united states a fault. and so even these policies may not change that much. you give so center, right? people in power in your room they really shows will improve members of the games in
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germany. and we have john, so shaw and so i think is going to be replaced by management. those months is even more focused on russia then. um schultz is, but i suspect to be able to get on trunk wavelength more than show size. i mean it's, it's good trigger trunk just kind of get and understand and kind of talk to people like shoals and style. i'm up and my crowds go up with somebody like months the, you know, the kind of going back to the days of a elmwood coal grade. he's a christian democrats, he's a conservative and it know, based on kind of communication. so it's not necessarily the question on, on russia is just as you will have a way of communicating with him, that he, that he didn't have with the shoals and doesn't have with micro installment. well, the finish off, gentleman, i hope you hope it's the mean trouble to everything but from his personal but um security infrastructure is about and far more important things the,
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the european security architecture is in, in disrepair. it's in tatters and i don't know, but we're going to move any closer to fixing it. um, fixing us right. a rush relations is one small step, so we'll see. it's all the time we have gentlemen, when i think, my guess in budapest, in here in mosque. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our d. so you next time, remember across up rules the or by the middle of the 19th century. practically, the whole of india had been under the rule of the british and by the colonial authorities that imposed that heavy death. bringing the people into poverty ex,
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40 natural resources, and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the physicians of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of this respect even to those who operated with them. the fact of ignoring the religious believes of the hindus let them use nails as the voice mercenary soldiers serving under the british ground. 3000000000 began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may river north of india, the form of abuse. the rebels quickly took over daily that he rode the resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with a rebels, cruel, late fee and slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. these type of execution was called the gables,
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with the obliteration of them you may result in the death of 800000 inhabitants of the indians. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will will resist the one with the political little of the one that's not the only thing that is on. so good on scrubbing, ma'am, and that's why little do you much really watch the dealer words which isn't going to do with me is the installer level to start using the function was still working and you will have near when you push up the issue of the unbox remodeled and move up to move 0. you may have missed the linux and you go
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ahead and send them to deal with my music. they will sell items. yeah, post the by the other was like, oh by you. so yeah, i was thinking i was, i knew so i strongly feel ca, good i made it goes can was it, please go ahead and i'll just communicate to me through a couple of national minds. police are still the other we have such all push mojitos to ya. you're losing a deal in space, but i don't think he will definitely stays for a little in the tub. the but your move is a new and you spend is bringing particularly see i'm seeing is up with them. you got thrown in. this is the one and then the other will be missing. the guns thing is um, the worst of movies is throwing in my hands, not old on the side of me and just want them uh is up with them sort of the .
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