tv Documentary RT February 24, 2025 10:30am-11:01am EST
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is why we cannot support ukraine's resolution, and we urges withdrawal in favor of a strong statement committing us to end the war and work towards a lasting peace. the united states also request the general assembly take action on the united states, proposed resolution immediately following consideration of the ukraine drafted resolution. i thank you. i assigned to the distinguished representative of the united states. i know give the floor to the distinguished representative of the russian federation to introduce the draft amendment, a slash e as i from 11 slash sale. the 12 was put in for it. so that was rainmaker lydia fingers. colleagues, today we are witnessing historic events, whether or not every generation gets, gets
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a chance to see them in front of our eyes. the multi polar world is taking its outlines the world that should have come into being 13 years ago at the end of the cold war. which system. so put a line under the idea of logical confrontation between the soviet union and the west side of the times. of the world was full, so which one that to future shooting for my new corporation, between key actors for the interest. so the man kind the ending on the world and creating a new indivisible system of security, were informed that those were the allies and we work on international problems together. unfortunately, at the time that logic did not come to the for and the idea on the chair of preparation was gradually replaced by the philosophy of the 0 sum game of this was not our choice. and we have warrens many
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a time about the dangers of this kind of logic contains within itself as a result of the world, the end and up on the brink of a 3rd world war because you called was what the west general countries are doing. namely, they enter a russian project who called jim ryan, which has taken place and now it borders. it's key milestone was a contact customer traditional co when kids in february 2014 was as a result of which is what with western assistance allowed them. i know where it came to the wireless. my know a minority has the ideals that we will stream nationalism and russell phobia is intolerant to the different opinion to everything. restaurant of the color towards it. ok, so you can based on what you it, glory wise, the populace. so we'll just throwing that all the way. mean peddler. so execution is who we use during world war not to kill and hundreds of thousands of choose the romano. those are still clue why most are for reference and you're praying ever
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since this regime launched, a brutal warrant against the russians is speaking, compatriots and the use of the country trying to eliminate their identity and replace them with the idea of an old owl to bring a nationalism this way, ukraine itself launch the mechanism of a self destruction, self destruction by hatred, intolerable z as to maybe means case of lashania. but this could have started live in minsk agreements which were endorsed by the secure which account we'll send here . so you go exactly a side instead of implementing them the key and the with the, the patronage on the west, and sponsors like what the decide is. it is we will now today decided to undermine the agreements. and at the same time, i'm arming itself and preparing for a war with russia. the citizens of the brain have tried to stop this mechanism again when the 3 quarters of them been made 2090 and voted for the new your brain and presidents. elijah is a landscape who promised peace on the eastern part of the country promised to
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protect the russell language and the rights of the russian speaking citizens promised to end the glorification of nazi accomplices enter. restore a good neighborly relations with russia. suff. unfortunately, when he became president, he treacherously turn the country back. it was too long to, it's early a suicidal and in humane course, and i small this time, i'm russian little exponent spartans show, can you put those patients? the risk range also did not give into the publications from the evidence, western sponsors, and we kept the staging very clearly the same time that we were not going to give up on the russians the boat. we will not allow them to be persecuted or to have the identity changed to be changed. there was another red line for us that really was ukraine. so membership and nature that created it, not on acceptable military strategic risks for russia. and we're trying to sort it out piece where you would see if and washington in brussels,
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no one listen to us. no one took a seriously. and it was only when 3 years ago, it became absolutely clear that both of the read july ends were going to eminently cross by you prayed. we had to stretch the special millage or operation stating clearly what his goals were from the very 1st day of the operation. at the same time, we kept talking that we spend ready to arrive at the special military operations and goals. so it would be sort of peaceful means and that $85.00, that would be our preference. we see today, the key or for shame is on the full ring. come all the crushing, know that you really can, continues, pointing to the sacrificing tens of thousands of, of king indians people and, and to women. most of them have to be mobilized by force for the landscape. and his could include your cert baldwin, who refused, in my may last year to conduct extrinsic and violation of ukraine's constitution. let me stay find is unacceptable to have a need to go be
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a talk about about the piece on less there on the basis of the ultimatum. so when you, when you're trying to provisions from the landscape formula, which has no bearing, no relations with what's happening on the battlefield. and there might maniacal, for us to, to inflict them to a strategic viewed on russia and as a dog by some western sponsors and b k. first and foremost, this former accurate rebushka didn't see this symbol of agreements in april 22, a new b 2, which had already been initiated and also passed along the side of himself and to call it just to accommodate you. negotiation with the rest of the authorities over the past 3 years, great received hundreds of billions of dollars of support that the country kept receiving weapons and ad lamerse scenarios and which is intelligence data. and in other words, the crate became a private military company of sorts, fighting for western geo political interest. and the complex probably became, becomes a classic perhaps even more names gonna be by russia against the countries of open
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data use. despite the ukranian army itself, with catastrophic losses, handy capitulation or the key or pushing him as a matter of times. and we have said this many times, including this home, trying to drive to the western countries of it, and it cost in confrontation with russia in august of last year. the landscape started with a suicidal, aggression against the peaceful russian regions in the course complex due to as a result, as we know today from witnesses and didn't bring of soldier, as the war captured, right, hundreds of peaceful citizens were coming and were killed and tortured the ukrainian occupies, were involved in looting violence as much and pillaging. big vacation was the pressure was going to react to this equally brutally and up of the public opinion will once again take the site of key, can assist you with the product. that's a very similarly to what was being done by the crude provocation in,
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in board shot. um, it was the investigation by the way. it is being slow walk to lie, to care for shame. with 4 squares have been chosen landscape, as you know was beautiful. i really don't think exhilarated the collapse of the eastern front when the brain is lacking resources, they will being burnt into the course. come like, today they frame, you're more, i mean, controls, little more than what one 3rd of the original territory there. and it is suffering horrifying loss as we're going to take in parallel to that, the russian army is moving forward and done by somebody else is going on in some scope. listen to the old list, which became part of russia in the fall of 2022 as a result of a referendum. every day we learn new names of liberated places. and unfortunately, new horrifying figures of the ukraine uniform. you losses or other count and folder, which the turn it into easy for the new regions of a rush, or i see hundreds of thousands of people arriving from your brain. and this
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different disapproves the ukrainian propaganda statements. and that people, the, to the people hate the russians been, we've said to this clearly, we're not try to have a territory. is we're fighting for people who live in the best way to oh no. the hopelessness of the city and state which seems to reason they have become mobiles also to the main sponsor of the phone to the united states becomes gonna be a republican administration, lifeline president. promptly finally saw the real face of being spider pregnant president and realized that she is not at all interested in having piece of this country because was clinging to power with everything that she has is fearful of a democratic river elections where he has no chance of him for when he was is not in, is it anything else and he's ready to sacrifice the entire people over your pray and it was natural resources. i know the whole don't, there is not work well um, information setting up to the for about the unfortunate corruption in ukraine,
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which is awesome dental and school name levels of the, you know, a stealing of western assistants and they were selling on the black market and sold weapons, supplies of hundreds of billions of dollars worth, and the blood curdling instances of human rights violations for which the ukrainians nickname the country does landscape concentration. what happens is the number of those who want to leave the ukraine in order to avoid prosecution and avoid going to the front is as you, for making sure is extraordinarily high. turn barbecue reporting because the compensate doesn't on a load, right? but from the country, it's clear that under there's been any additions where we're having to have a former lead, as well as very worried by direct negotiations in back direct talks between the russian and the united states. about the means also think that your brain in crisis and removing the reasons which will lead to it's us the exist jealous of them
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wouldn't shift soon, would attract drastically improve the international situation the european countries. i've also worried by evolve. they've spent the years uh, health coverage in said you freinds and they nurtured rest of phobia. they tried to ignore the fact that the wind has changed and there is a clear demand. so for peace as though the people that are meant to to, that is a key. if you serve problem hon, that is a comprehensive, they're not at their roger anymore. but these parts of the attic peacekeepers are as a loss bottom as human. do you truly lecture the rest of the world about how we're supposed to live in this beautiful garden and colleagues? i'm the draft, what it provides you and your brain today is directly related to this bubble as it is. you really need to slap together and we pull by this group. thing we're going to do is try to ignore reality on the ground. on the one hand and include into the key elements from this landscape formula, the fam birkenstock process. the said,
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i know the other hand trying to cover it up for the same time, round it up to make sure that the, the countries of the global south, the north sea, such a pleasant undertakings. they have interested in the figures today come to present them in support of the care for shaman, for long it's not going to be able to for some time, but it's will be the every day you great is who will pay for this with our lives thinking about it as well as many of us ask us what it started about, what would be the right way to load shot. but choosing between these wouldn't do to tax us up. mean you were wearing instruction, the american techs, well, everyone who's going to press the button during the low change. the process today has the child's you either play along with the landscape and the sponsors live was doing the trans support to other income patients, which i divorced over realities before make a choice. it's a very practical, realistic steps which can the very top the hostilities in ukraine games
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a very near future don't get just saved and make the right choices here. go to just a 2nd. draft resolution was submitted by all americans call. this text is, of course, is definitely the right direction to make sure that this initiative is put in line with the understandings arrived down to during the russian and american context of the highest and high levels. we introduced an amendment to that about the new to elimination of the root causes of a crate in crisis. and this, by the way, it was mentioned by president from several times this would help books to splashes with its last thing. settlement as is caused by the united states and ethics and weak fixed. we with the rest of the home for this affordable sense of, of delegation in the room used as our charles, the amendments from some states of the european union amendment to the americans as well. to clean our rooms lights, the assessment of i'm saying some of the text i want you to see if they were to
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pass, then we will have instead of something just full of common sense, we will have an ultimatum in despair and over the broken, showing process end, it will be distance space of little bit of conflict with it well for it will put it away from us and we will be no different from politicized products. during this emergence, special sessions, we shall be voting against them and order all member states to do the same. the fact that the sales representative of the russian federation, i'll give the floor to the distinguished representative afresh, to introduce the resolution. right? you are just hearing there from the us and russian envoys to the un speaking on the 3rd anniversary of the start of russia's special military operation in ukraine, the us and e. you have introduced competing resolutions in the u. n. on the conflict with the u. s. resolution looking forward and the ending the war and finding a path to peace. my colleague on a study of
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a lot in the is here in the studio with me now for more on this. so a nice day you were listening to the speeches from the us and russian envoys as well. what stood out to you, what were some of the key points they made? well, i know the 1st thing that really stood out as the us was actually urging for peace . we haven't had that in 3 years. and you know, the silence between the 2 needs a, a palace just of made. it was for the past 3 years. and us also mentioned that they can not support to ukraine's resolution as well. and you know what russia's a and you've been. he also stated that for his, you create your abundance. western allies has been fueling the will at the conflict and rush the state to multiple times that is not willing to give off on its people . and uh what, what, what rushes fighting for a new credit is actually not the terry trees. it is the people and the bench also mentioned that nato is expansion east was, had a strategic risks for russia. that full rush,
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obviously had to start and rush up with his wound about this and that full ability rush. i have to start this special medically operation in ukraine on today. and she also mentioned that to daycare is on the brink of military defeat. and the ukraine became a, some sort of private ministry for come of fighting a company for, for the west against russia. and ukraine on me is suffering huge losses on the battlefield. and actually us finally sold that zalinski as no seeking for peace. i think that really, this is actually one of the main things that really stood out to me. and he also mentioned the corruption both and, and ukraine from palsky is on human rights. the violations as well. he mentioned that and so yeah, that was, i think those were the main points that really stood out here. is that right? and talking about the ignoring the realities on the ground saying that ukrainians every day rec ukrainians are paying for this with their lives. we heard from the us envoys saying that the longer this war continues, the greater the suffering there needs to be a resolution marking
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a commitment to end the war. can you break down for us exactly what this washington draft resolution is about? well, from what we have just had, there are in fact to resolutions, the west one on ukraine, on e, you. one of the differences is that actually the us use this less critical language when it comes to russia, special ministry, oppression, and ukraine on, on country the draft resolution from ukraine. and the european union refers to the so called full scale invasion and demands immediately unconditional withdrawal. a full russian forces and you know, mockery be actually reiterated earlier that the main, a multi american resolution is peace. the united states has proposed a simple historic resolution in the united nations that we urge all member states to support in order to chart a pass to peace. this resolution is consistent with president trump's view that the un must return to its founding purpose as enshrined in the un charter to maintain international peace and security,
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including through the peaceful settlement of disputes. we strongly believe that this is the moment to commit to ending the war. well, we'll say no so far as the washington resolution actually imposed a swift end to the conflicts. earlier we still reports that the us resolution will not include cooling, russia, the aggressor and the conflict and ukraine. a. but that's obviously a report of reports. and previously washington reports and the actually demanded k of uh to withdraw its resolution. the one with the you and replace it with the american one and reported it to your for fused to do so. you have are going to hear more of this debate and actually have a vote on this later on. but what kind of support is there for washington's you and move well from what we know, say father, a full countries that supported washington's resolution. and visa, those must during the georgia israel and hungry and actually hungry, a hunger in for administer actually states for administer, sorry, stated that hungry was the coat of the resolution that was put forward by the us
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us. and he also stationed the hungry will support it. in the vote you take and he also added that you need us are actually fueling the conflict. we will prevent pro war liberal european leaders from to a p, during the us russia agreement. that brings hope for peace in europe. ahead of the day he went general assembly um washington report to the judge. 448, no vote on easiest resolution. and from what we're seeing now this will this be a clash with these 2 resolutions proposed, but we'll see what's going to happen later on today. yeah, we're gonna have to wait and see a necessity of a lot of the thank you for is really prime minister has now told his nation to prepare to fight for an extended period on multiple friends that says benjamin danielle, who tried to justify ordering idea of tags to raise the palestinian westbank, which he refers to by it's biblical name. i mean, come out. oh god,
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this for as long as it requires tenacious compliance on many fronts, 7 fronts. we introduced tags for the 1st time in judy and scenario and decades. this says one thing, we are fighting terrorism by all means and everywhere. lawmaker from that now who has real langley could party, has made a shocking statement on his really radio, suggesting a mass murder of palestinians in dasa. besides, israel needs a lot of ammunition to fight all the terrorists hiding and every hole in every corner. we already eliminated 20000 and we have 10000 more left. so maybe we're not winning because we're being mess of old to the women and children that maybe we should just call them the whole place as you're suggesting a little bit too. i do not enough. we've been, we've managed to properly separate the kids from the adults, but i don't see any innocent adults there pressure level the level. so you're saying all the adults in gaza should be killed. the other,
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anyone still there should be treated as an adult because we have move the women and children. so you're saying separate the women and children and then target adults that will do the trick sides and only thing love, i mean, come on, we do not. and will not hold back in eliminating terrorists at a time of war. we won't let them get away by dressing up a civilians, we will eliminate them all. we got reaction from publicist and commentator. you all ready of open hymer who says statements like this could reflect a broader israel, a state policy. this is a unacceptable night. every human being should condemn me to it totally without any question. and the problem is that it's not on the hear me say on about the policy or the government appraisal, or that is saying out loud. now no, in this paper, in the, in gaza, in the after the end of the phase, one of the hostages, the prism is exchange. we will use young dual and quoting and present the thought
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of saying that to him. then we'd be new coming to garza. so what these day, what these day and so on, station of this, the slogan eviction that the we can stop all humanitarian aid being 2 guys out. we can use a fire and munition and a very heavy booms. we dial to really define who use the target toys to resist the noise, the saving you is. so unfortunately, i'm not so sure that it's only just the statement to make the also the policy if they will review the joint naval on the ground. the military drills are underway and southeastern iran. the exercises are designed to not only strengthen middle eastern defense capabilities, but demonstrates its modern integrated response to potential threats. and the operation unfolded in 5 stages from planning to actual assaults, and that combination, the successful deployment of forces on enemy territory as real,
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reinforces around this defense capability to work across domains. and despite being a training opportunity, it sends a message to of the turns to adversaries. randy and military commanders confirm the exercise has been conducted as plans. right, we're going to take a short break here on our t international. i'll be back with more news and just a few minutes the, the russian states never as one of the most sense community best, most all sense and up the must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin the machine, the state on russia's coding and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say to stephen twist, which is the same rom, just don't you have to shape house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground, the to
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as it shows you, fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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the see the, the somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments is fairly low paying the boys, but of boston low cream and may be able to assist them with low grade level nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about to the easiest. and then also one of the easiest one bedroom above the sold will nice to have to kind of the piece that have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that
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they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell women's. yes, we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of them . the to hello and welcome defrost the full force. here we discuss the wheel in the the, the
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the 1937 militaristic, japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china, of the di. this city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied on z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions,
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rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery, ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so so yaki, my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as though who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with a sword. this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press. to the nuns being massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non gene operation freezes yasu eco, a sock gun, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american
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administration. the sticky not support ukraine's resolution, and we urge you to withdraw all in favor of a strong statements committing us to end the war and work towards a lasting peace of war resolutions. the united states urges the un general assembly to vote for its resolution on the rush. so ukraine and conflict of this monday, which includes less aggressive language support. moscow. plus, of course, during your war time, yukon have elections. many countries have in their constitutions, points to contact election. european officials give leverage zalinski a pass on holding elections despite the training and parliament failure to rally the necessary vote to pass the resolution supporting his legitimacy.
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