tv Cross Talk RT February 26, 2025 1:30am-2:01am EST
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for spending even more money is a tough cell right now. the state side particularity, when it doesn't seem that much, is changed since back in 2022. and the scales were so flagrant that they were happening right on to the nose of observers. and she have even military goods are cited for cash. we have established such facts that again, what do you expect when usa, i d, the suppose the gold standard for foreign aid once report will be spent over a $100000.00 on ukranian anti corruption tv show to raise awareness about the very same message. that's the landscape peddled as president fighting corruption. yeah, seems like another case of money well spent the meantime with so many billions being shipped to key of the new case, telegraph newspaper reports to the french economy is on the verge of collapse. this will reportedly due to a huge budget deficits and 5 of you are paying central buying. so it does go into financially rescue power so very quietly. it was all hidden from the public before
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the german election in case it somehow gave power to the anti establishment. a us be potty, make sure you questionable with us. why from us one. it's onto the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. germany selections offered up some surprises. the alternative for germany search the left garnered a stunning result, and importantly, vote or turn out was high. but the final result, the next ruling coalition will be the same status quo parties. and their policies,
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not exactly change the cross talking the german elections. i'm joined by my guess going to rebec in london . he is an e u lawyer and a farmer, a fee member of the european parliament and hanover, we have like a, a mother. he is an economist and political commentator and assemble. we cross booth headaches are lamar, he is a historian and political analyst, right? cross lock rules and effect. that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate, let's go to our guest in london, gunner and i mean, you know, there was a lot of hype around the selection, the obviously, or all of sholtes, which i have called sergeant schultz on this program for years. he got what was coming to him. his party had his worst results since the 2nd world war. he deserved it. okay. they have to be did really well. a little bit less than expectations. doubled its vote. and this party,
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the left came out from left field as it were here. but at the end of the day, nothing critically changes the color legs. it will be the same old tired coalition parties that we've seen off and on since the, the end of the 2nd world war. so what was the selection all about? a hutch. i agree with every one you've sent, the dea has done well, not quite as well as it may have hoops and cd you has one of these and actions because it's 10 days it would change its policies and the number of values. i'm rather skeptical whether they will. um we have a familiar configuration, a so called brad wish, which is grand o d. in the sense that uh there's 2 bodies which participate. the dates were once
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a by father, not just actually the on to the non good, but they justified scrape the majority in parliament. they see a government on handles and frequently together for the best part of 20 years. and my prediction is that there will be a slight change in policy not so much because of his will. ready and because a wish to change things, because this much less money arrived, did shop the, it will change a few things, but the be nearly enough to restore job and use economic fortune and fortunes. so my prediction is that germany will um, the price is the job, the will continue, the journey will continue to decline economically, possibly as an accent already to pace. ica and in hanover, again the winner, the christian democrats, they achieve their 2nd worst result in their history in that and they're the
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winters. explain to my viewers out. that is paul. it sounds like a the labor party in the u. k. go ahead. the yes, the, the people voted for a change, and this is why all these old parties will stand for these. that was group deep stayed whatsoever. you call it, they don't want this anymore and the people wanted to change. but in the west, when you look at the picture, how the people voted, you can clearly see that the, all these more socialistic parties like the socialistic party or the green party, they have lost dramatically even in the west of the east any way. and in, in the west you have mainly cd who is the wind out and in the east we have a f, d y. the people want a change and they don't get a change because in the west they don't get it that with it's
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a who there is no change. it's the same. it's the same people who go to double us who get their orders in these us in these groups there. and that's what the people's thoughts to get rid of, but they don't. but in us they as a new sheriff in town at jd event, said, and there was a big class in the, on the munich security conference of that the, even the us doesn't want this downturn policy anymore. and now it's getting really, really tough. because i don't see the cdo changing anything, especially not having the left arm of the socialist party as the only roommate in college and partner. so uh basis what, uh, what is the, the big, big, astonishing thing about this people would be furious in a very period. yeah. and particularly since so many more new voters went to the polls. teddy um, you know, i looked at the electric result map and you know what,
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i'm sure you're not going to be surprised. what these the borders of the d d r. i mean, i think the, this looks like of a going into the past study. yes, i mean, right now the situation is that if you look at the map, the i have data is dominant in all of the form i use that to them and it's not as strong a dominates the but as in the form my restroom and they, you have mostly nodes, they do have some a speed data that's all the map looks so that the problem is that is and i be frank about to some of the very left string pressed by of who free of sympathy for the united states. but i've always been that event that you cannot prohibit it. and the other thing is that looking at out of coalition building isn't for you to kind of be unfair. and is basically the gates, the voters of the are the to the 2nd rate voters. right? this is what's really happening, but you can vote for it. but even not really that into the level of the parties
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will actually look at government power to each other. the constitution and jeremy doesn't for see anything that back to homes, find the to them fire or in the constitution or anywhere else for very good reasons . so what is happening here is that by looking the if the out, whether you like the day or not, and i mostly don't. but by looking them out, you polarize the country, and you polarize it. as long as the old line between east and west is that silent and my view to be honest, governor, they're going to stay with this theme right here, is that dissent is not welcome didn't german politics? the german political culture of the old parties does not agree to dissent among the voters. go ahead. yes, i agree. i mean they say something comfortable so far. i've agreed with abc nbc run settled the program so far. i think that's an app to novices. i reach them and
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peaceful politics has to be built around the idea of approved for a majority consensus. that's i think, all very well in times of economic prosperity. that's right is at this time. so the results are at policies. most policies that web ex should be all that good said seal. they appear consensual patient because she present to do you know, exhibit to be an interesting or a done to us man. uh uh, but then when she radical policies as a visa divided the country, a people i know fearful, fearful in terms of a internal security which has to be broken, diamond johnny, and that fearful of a states, a economic decline. and the parties that are not applying or in
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the process is building a new golfer, but they just way to listen to them. they will continue rely and implementing the the old policy. okay. well i, i don't have problem with consensus that's, that's good in the democracy here. but i mean just as it was pointed out, i mean this consensus politics is good when there was prosperity. ok and but why should these consensus parties be reinstalled in decline? this is managed decline would say a guys, it's managed decline icon. yes. well, i'm not totally agreeing with the with this because most people don't feel the decline yet. it is a decline the in the companies closing down, there's companies in very, to be up situations. but the ordinary people don't really feel like no, i think the main issue was that in the form of east germany,
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the people know already every redeem that the sensors that gives those with a police to people who have a different opinion. who um, who goes to expel those? the boats who are taking the forest, the police force and the techs authorities to, to fight against political opponents. those people know already this how this works out. they really don't want this in the west. they never had this experience, they still believe that city or like being uh, being humble and saying, no, everything will work they of the conservators, but they have nothing to do with the conservative party. of course, i'll know of any more, nothing and comment anymore. and the big problems uh, just about to arise because now we go into the down to economic downturn. and this is getting really, really, i mean, in germany, no, petty, i mean with, with a,
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they have the being shut out of power. is this just the greatest campaign slogan for the next part of my entry elections in germany? we're not part of the problem. go ahead. yes, i mean look, they have the right now can only profit one way or the other, right? i the tell you who in the spit they won't be able to greet. i think they will because they have to. and then the day is coming back in the they really agree and have to is grand cause this is the grand coalition to suffer from south located people that people get frustrated and for us to just have a more and the id is now they all position right, the other parties, but the day is now the biggest part in the position and the bit like my reading the pen. yeah, it's dave of profit. the, the old system displays is weakness and the fact that it's called extra repressing . so the next election bush, i do want to be in 2029, but i don't know if you even get there. keep in mind that this was already
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a snap. i liked some prizes, and most of my blacksmith came out of a government breakdown. but if i may add one thing real much on the topic, i want you to hold that thought because your thoughts are always worth listening to and i don't want to cut you off. i will cut myself off by saying, well, hopefully the only silver lining is that we will not have any more and, and lead a better bach. okay. we're going to, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the term of elections today with our team. the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders that conflict with the 1st law show you alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to make a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean with
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the discounts dodge the journey. the, are you ready to come along? the 12 i make the process stock. were all things are considered on peter level to remind you were discussing the german elections the okay, let's go back to assemble to our dear guest study. you were making a point and i didn't want to cut you off. so going ahead. so in terms of the economy, the 2 things i would say is, i personally believe that the german economy can only get out of its carbons very deep structure. the crisis that everybody, even on that as it says, it's not in the ordinary session. if 2 things happen, one is they have to give us a desperate, and i don't think this call list. i'm going to be able to, to give us
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a debt break because they don't have a majority to change the constitution at. they won't be able to get the position to go long. the 2nd factor is they would have to repair their relationship with russia . so that german industry can draw on inexpensive energy again and also open up markets and corporations with russia. and again, the problem is the mass, but the leader of the christian democrats is stuck in the 1990, if not in the 1980s. he is a very old fashion, cold warrior, and he doesn't show any sign of wanting to repair that relationship. it's probably opposite, unfortunately. well, since merits name has been brought up, let's go back to london, gunner, he's mertz. he said he thought he got on election night. he talked of the need for european independence from america. i mean, it's a black rock guy. okay. i mean, he hasn't been in politics, formal politics for a long time. i mean, what is he talking about?
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now we're looking at, well he, i grew up in the mid to clear the do tinge between the objectives of a close that you are p at each ration a and good. uh uh, todd semantic relations and we now have this is are, and generally i think there was 2 of the americans wanted to see more european integration. and they saw the contradiction between that objectives and a really great age. uh, western uh knots, the trump, i think may have a different situation at least for the time being, uh that the be a these objectives didn't appear to coincide. well, perhaps to uh, illustrate the point just made
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a match doesn't seem to realize that he thinks he can uh, reinvigorate 8 or to store a tons of magic donations or number lines in which they exist state before and the same time the few about closer european integration at it so far as he sees some kind of difference between the 2 ease, ease of a close to europe and integration as a us. uh huh. uh. as a way of compensating for a slight people, 1010 years relationship with video to be in the countries and the us. well not of this will work because it's time to restore things the way they were 25 years ago. and the european stay off 52 weeks to act it, well, we get an idea of that, but that was by design. okay. that was by design like, uh,
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what are the 8 of what germany needs of sovereignty, okay, before it needs to take the next step here, this integration thing, that's a deflection. it's a deflection. ok. i mean, we've seen it with the competing in ukraine. the europeans can't get out of their way. they don't have a, a unified industrial base. i could go on and on and on. and that is why there is this rip right now. and it because of the lack of sovereignty and having an independent foreign policy, all of europe pays this price ica. yes, well, we have, so the 2 problems at least 2 problems. yeah. the number one is that the europe, the into european project, the european union is on the brink of co ops, because when germany is going down, works with the germans. economy is going downwards. the, the um, the european union has not so much to plunder any more because the european union is nothing else but the plundering, come up against germany. so when the victim is done,
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then it doesn't make sense for the of us to stay in that club. so this is number one, number 2 is a pretty pretty much maps doesn't even have his own party in an under control because all of a sudden mrs. macro came up and, and just see it in the last, the boat elections within the stock for this migrant problem. and finish match doesn't want to change anything. and he doesn't even stand for the, for the new powers in the so called deep stage, which is being done with just being a fault in, in the us. so he is for an, an outdated in network that is said that is going to be out and to the european union has it, it's time is over they, they got to send him to, they got the, they, they lost their credibility, they lost their credibility and rush out because it's been scanned, so on these agreements, but he also lost the credibility with
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a new government in the united states. and that was very obvious on the munich security conference. so we have a pro, we have a, it should be a problem major. and the other european partners panicking more and more. and when he doesn't get to the, the money out from the german techs pay us, then many things in europe will now come up because they spend more money than they were allowed to. and know they want to hear something that the, that when the illegal but she doesn't get the. so i'm totally in line that this next coalition won't last very long because it does. it's not only because it is no change, but because they are part of the problem and not the solution, and you need solutions that you need quick solutions and you need to be a solutions. and this is what all both super powers around us have already said. and what the rest of the world is, is telling nicely those bullet jason's to yeah,
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well it's headache. it seems to me that at least within the german context, if you ask for solutions, you're just called the racist and, and nazi. i mean, that whole rhetoric, a rhetoric is so self defeating, but i want, i want to broaden it out. teddy can mean, you know, with this selection and keeping in mind what happened on sunday, and, you know, you would have europe that caused russian enemy possibly now to united states as an enemy. and the europeans are not getting along very well with china. really good place europe is found itself and has it a catastrophe, obviously, and that's not only as we'll talk about temper playing with the trump is. i mean the, the u. s. s. a to, to, to them and europe was obvious, but not stream most blowing up. right. as a european stuff was the classic a case was a u. p, and showed that they had absolutely no spine, a little autonomy left. that's what, that's the last moment when they should have defended themselves against the americans. and now it's too late to put the city. is that now the se,
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in the beginning of part of it, i think is going america and the russian great understanding that the town to, oh and the europeans are being left out of it. high and dry and to come back to mass and hits people. but i hear from maps this talk about making you independent of the us. that smoke goal is, doesn't need to make your pretty independent means to build sort of a small may to investigate in your it's atlanta system this out in atlantic, clotted perverse construct, right? in which i think you, this is dream that somehow driven they may be with drugs providing news can replace the united states as a u. p 11. that's insanity. it's the work of cause it boots us through in the country even more quickly. what, gunner, i mean, what we're getting at, as we speak here, is that because of europe mistakes an error again. so we're getting a you all to
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a 2 point. oh and, you know, given the circumstances that's, that's so bad. go ahead in london. yes, it's not so bad. it'd be you to p is all if the principal unit b and states actually started to find a workable solution trace, i agree with it. it's a bit, it's been nothing is on the table yet. that has nothing function where i differ is uh, i think this function of the arrangements and we currently have dysfunction. arrangements can actually, uh, last much longer than most people think. i think some of the kids, the decline and uh, no one will let you do anything about it. i mean, germany today is north multi was a 100 years ago. yeah. the uh, rates. uh, i think there's
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a very serious prospect that germany would simply be politically immovable that the a, the will continue to be excluded. that the website becomes stormy, not to assert itself without the age of any other. right. i think i, i could disagrees with you on this point and i want to give him his word on this. we're rapidly wanting and if i'm go ahead ica. yeah. um, well i think of the ac, we'll get strong enough. we have already observed majorities of f, the put additions in the eastern part, and i think the worst on we'll learn it to be is especially because this new college and whoever it will be with a chris and democrats. well won't last a very long, but we are on a possible way to get deal. pull that to go a new dimension and this dimension will be but we will get you raising uh free free trade zone from the spot to ride the bus stop. and they're unique politicians in germany who are able to talk with both sides and square footage. matched is not the
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one talking with both sides anymore. and the cd who in the s b dates they have. so they have destroyed to so much credibility that you need new people at least for, for awhile. i can understand that these are all politicians don't want to go away because they have committed so many crimes. if you look at these corona politics, it's a no string to things and so on and so on. and of course they don't want any body else in power now to be able to, to go for it. uh, but this will happen anyway. it will happen from the us. it will probably happen from other sites, maybe even within europe, the time for change is there, and a yukon step is yourself be against these movements and you get even with, with any tricks, what they are still doing quite well. i mean i, i think all of us would agree there's some nuances here, obviously, but that's that as quote,
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it has failed and it will fail if it is continued to be in power here. um, germany is following france, following the u. k, we need a resurgence and the voters are going to say it one way or another. it's all the time we have gentlemen. absolutely fascinating discussion. i want to thank my guess in london, hanover and of course and assemble. and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our t. see you next time. remember across black roles the the, the see, the solvent, us of the move up to somebody. how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments. destroyed low paying the boy, but in passing no,
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great. and then the old one used to stand with located along the nominal facility with him. the other says the i'm about the easiest little so what is the easiest number mobile bubble a sort of nice to show kind of the piece that have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them a capabilities that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes, we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of that the, the the,
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the, the, the blue with a c h a and you will, i guess will slow down them. awesome. so the is that bottle? is it on some last that is a sign, you know, the rest of your activity on the, on the stove we show you the solution. can you see is doing much to it, the prostate mitchell. i'm seeing you in the show state. yeah, we do a couple metro. she'll cool i've seen really is what additional s p a
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the in the headlines here with all the international, it's payback time. donald trump said savanski is heading to washington to sign a deal over ukraine's boss of mineral resources during the time is up and keeps comfortable with them. of those needs to end of desa weights, gas ends and their children because of the cold. the lack of minimum living conditions, the lack of heating and electricity, we did a dye, a crisis, and the concept. as israel restricts critical shelton and a into the enclave. newborns are struggling for life and the freezing overnight temperatures. the opportunities were feeling sick. died of high post on the just the last few that the leader of he's really off addition floats a plan for gaza 50.
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