tv Documentary RT February 28, 2025 12:30am-1:01am EST
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eval join the walking force joined the postal site visit during the colonial period on the 1955. but chris in the moon but joined the trade union movement. it is joining is exposure to the trade union movement. the chief caught the bug of the fight against the colonize ish. he himself say's the t a. the of freedom fighters in other parts of africa. yeah. tied the gun as of crime in google. my yeah. adult and i'm the zip q way of nigeria under i, todd of judy has to come by around in your area. and of course, i mean took a brand of united be so and would duplicate molly. and this is what the energized and one of the things that patrice image of the moon bussey's annoyed him, the most was the money in which king leopold or the belgians had
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controller on the published candle. it is not toward us of not should be the mind and many people, on many occasions, the leopold of the belgians i'd killed no less than $15000000.00 combo lees, a muscle of gigantic proportions. so any joined the trade union movement in 1955 through 219-0156 of cause. he was jailed for our not to vision of having invest those some funds on the jail for 12 months late of cause it was released and was one of the individuals that why invited to buy plum and put them in a crowd gun. not in 1958 when he went to after you had the opportunity of meeting other african freedom fighters who had been involved in this fraud before
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duco nys issue. and it came back check a signed and founded an organization called a national movement, because at that time he was quite clear that the process of due colonized dition that was being conducted by the local. again, the belgians was simply going to lead to the creation of a comb per adult and complying class. that meant individuals such as joseph cuts, the rules and of course, moist that show me. and when he came in, the belgians was so for team the and they literally abandon phone book. and in the 1900 on 60 of cause independence was then granted. and this is important at that time the king in belgium was king. but one, when he came to congo in what was then called leopold vill now kish joseph. the
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arrangement was the blue moon but would not speak the ring. but that was because of who would speak and then did. when do listen to cuss a was speech. he praised as the belgians, he tells the belgians are good the, to the companies and taking the q to but do i also the minds the company, the, the, i've been headed to the good feeling from the belgians and they have a duty to retain it. patrice immediately move or driven in a speech, stands up everybody's upraised, and he begins to speak on the minds these orders that, that they might on location which must remain in the minds of the companies. that the companies must remember. they have been here many, 8 of the day i've been named,
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published by the belgians and the joy of the location was that from that day henceforth, the companies would drive their own history. the companies would be, must tons of their own resources. the companies would the people that would be respected by that was he speaks. and you can see if you look at the footage to both who are looking like gus of wood, one wondering what is this month say those who know say that it is on that day that it was decided that the moon but must die. and it is also instructive to remind ourselves that prior to that the event he had met the young journalist while they were in brussels in belgium. dr. young journalists was joseph investigator, mobile, to who late that he named himself mobile to assist the staple coupon band ones
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unbound. during the days when he was now dealing with what you call a 10 to sit they and making everything to the come come release those a us and this man will bore to unknown to them, but was already an agent of this. the a, he was already an agent of the bill gen intelligence, and this is well documented in the book that is written by looted if it, the finish and of the loom, it tells us alma to then became very close to the moon, but was on the sun trust and do you believe that this is a man that was going to participate in the process of dakota? nice vision of the within 9 months of convolt gaining high independence in 1960 in the month of june. the month of january, i think in the process of illuminating the one but begins the party,
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the national movement winds. and the moon by is then appointed as the prime minister with joseph as a booboo, as the president. but the prices begins there is that conflict on the conflict leads to cost of will, dismissing the on the moon, but dismissing cause of rouble under of cause. the belgians up already decided that they are going to illuminate blue moon. but there is another feel good that they might just in the scene. a man from got down got call to moist. it's showing me no more was servicing the difficulties under where the, the united nations was present in the space i fused because there is a mutant in the army. and he appeals to that. then 63 of the united nations dot com . i showed to support his army so that this new to new can be brought down on the
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belgians who would not eliminate the united nation abundance of them. but it is at that time the moon, but on the soviet union and the americans den say this is the communists. and he is going to met campbell, a communist country and the division is made. and from that they own their is according to name for the move, the called name for the moon, but is satan and the division is that he must be illuminated. of course, he is the rest on these detained in contrast, so then beautiful view. and he tries with people like pim, woodland who are part of the people that he was walking with on the attempts to escape on his way to the cosigned province to what was been called stanley bill. now part because somebody unfortunately loomed by their wrists. and by the 1st as the 2 on ones, the i've addressed,
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the jim on this footage is one of the most painful gives you ever see over the moon buzz huns been tied to the buck on this 100 over 2 months as shown. be in cup tongue on wednesday hyundai. moreover, the story is now told, nutritive it says he's taken to the forest. he's shocked, and these bodies dissolved in us that the mine we sent him has recently come out and said, is now an old man that i shot to the moon. but the only thing that i the thing, what it was this to which was done to congo in the 2024 that is beside history of our lives. but then in the heart of the people, and one of the things that the moon but does before he dies, is that the rides a lift up to his wife. josephine opened one of the most eye clinic glasses. he said
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he's in, but i'm aware that i'm going to die, but i die the knowledge that the history of combo will be written by the company. and of course, he's executed on the ad riots across the was because the move uh, how do i read the distinguished himself as a pa, not for goodness. so numerous are the riots. and of course, the does, of course the was i'm in oklahoma or judy has come, but i've been to the time in the soviet union loom buzz name is synonymous with find out for can use them. the member's name is synonymous with cottage bloomberg. his name is synonymous with somebody who loves his country. the member's name is known to mess with the good thing that the companies would have wanted. and the one by is on the edge that is 6 at that time on
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subsequently of cause. it is said, the dispute is over the moon, but has never stood. you does never guess that with the consequence that even as we speak today, the democratic republic of congo was no, no peas. and we'd never know any peace. i know that his legacy was preserved in many ways. yeah. in kenya, in the 1900, then 16 on or blue moon. but we had something that was formed by the can you off with the national union kind of called the institute. we odd street name before noon, but we had in most cool is the friendship university which was named after patrice and many of the moon. but on became a kind of an intellectual pilgrimage site for those who went through the soviet union at that time. for purposes of ensuring that bloomberg legacy is maintained on many individuals are the name for the woman by including myself who is born i
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yeah. after he was assessing they did. and when you go to the scripts of many african cities, you find the name, luna, and the name on the moon, but as i would read to indicate it has become synonymous with that, which is good. it is also important to note that the move uh, came from uh small as the group the but that then steve was not from the by luba. you would not from the congo, but yet she was the able of getting that video to emerge the most i corner lead uh at the time. and he was able to send as mr. do because of the move. i believe that campbell must be one. remember, in the democratic republic of congo as we know it, it changed its name to say, and now the democratic republic of going with them more than 250 at the list of these or tribes and knowing don't as you do,
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you can then i appreciate how difficult it must have been in the 1960 is with the limit the communication for the move to have succeeded in getting into the hops of the people for remember to have been accepted across the region for a little more to have been voted by the people on for him to have one doc in itself is indicative of them on who he was. and one contest say that the moon, but is that long leave the wound, but because the likes of him never die. thank you very much. we uh, continuing our discussion on the continental wasik mentioning how grace, sons and daughters. but let us take a break. we'd come back later to continue the conversation. the
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what else seemed wrong? just don't have to shape house because the engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look so common ground the the russians and the americans are talking again, the media is about as about ending sanctions. the europeans, as usual, are angry, confused, and divided. in short, there are high expectations about dramatic change. so where is the trump piece play the
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i am theater to move uh in the heart of night roll. be caring. yeah. in our bids, to unravel the things about under around the continental wasik. today we focus on a political issue, critical and important. this state does of what is sometimes described as to try bull nose. i choose not to use the word drive, but the additional africa, no visa v. the law is that why impose on african peoples by the colonized the depending on who colonize who but before we get into that space, it is important to appreciate that african communities, odd sophisticated laws that talk on different aspects of their lives. the
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man who as document that is better than anybody else is checked onto a deal of center god. in many of his books, he has been able to demonstrate that offer kind of society is, was sophisticated. so that if you went to the bar up people is the money that the own low. in fact, it is now accept that the monday shot, the shooting, the re no. soon as the last update, the money the advert. ready quad you, if i don't know, which was to be the uh, to the universal declaration of human rights. you know, the, what the systems of government and that what if you look at a right does such as she knew i ship it when he drops the bodies. you both community, it is fiction of books, things fall apart. it talks about laws that existed. there was organize them fires
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. if you look at the yellow but people's the con, the point gun. you look at the when you're a kid, todd, i in uganda. the about gun daniel gun and there's a little kingdom. and many of the communities in the continent of africa, they are organized in those. yeah. in kenya, if you look at the walk that was done by jermel kinyata on facing mount k. yeah. is m but to demonstrate the value of quail of kenya, ah, laws that govern the well being among the newest, can you re up the quantity of law and boy? and so is that essentially when one looks or no one sees that off, it's on countries, had 3 additions that well stop relies on that these wide disrupted when the cut
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on it is came into the continent of africa with the rent of corner, nice vision, a number of things happen, number one that they put under this came in with the administrators. they also came in with the missionaries, and they also came in, we've unplugged apologies and when they came in for purposes of the donation of african peoples. one of the things that they did was 3, i'm impose the i legal to receive the country that was corner lies by the british pod. what was described as diploma lo, phone 3 is that was a corner nice by the dies. and of course, the audience, a system of law which was characterized as the judge roman low, the countries that was going on, eyes by the french, also had the civil that was based on not fully on the chords. so that by the time is that the corner, the sides separately, the into the continent of africa,
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a lot of laws which was traditional to africans. i've been decimated. it is also instructive to note or that when the out of this game, there was also they are a bi position and is la maya, vision of large competence of africa, particularly on the cost still spot. so that the laws why it's law me on this, not even judas prudence the tech root in those are the days the question bill for the 3 months us did the interruption between border law as an african laws effect african, negatively the on such with that question is yes, you know, whenever i think about the manner in which the pins subdued africans,
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there is one movie that comes to my mind. it is a movie called roots by alex haley. it dramatize the life of a young african who is removed from the gumby, asked the young man is called the kentuckian day and when he is taken away, one of the things that they do is to change his name to toby to american believe that is no longer a part of his old community, he'd become a frenchman if he was caught in eyes by the french. you'll become my english. if you are calling, i've been english. you become my new dialogue. and if you are color nice, by the time you, you will become anata. if you died young with the items and you seems to be on off with them. in other words,
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the design was to ensure that people are banned under the culture on the cloud. so that was not the own when you know, watch it better, for example, say that the white man is clever. he took a knife. unfortunately from the thing that's how this together on we on not on go on. brazza is the rising of gays. brazza sister eyes in a gaming system that's in itself, is a clear dramatize vision of the impact of flooding low on africa. and we only have to examine the influx in different sectors that i was there because i'm in the impact of implanted law in my cause of land ownership in can, you know, for example, wish to as a separate country all as in bob would wish to and then no,
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no solid under these you all exam via then known as nose under a dish. oh my lie. we then known as you know, salon, all nigeria. what they did was to impose the father in law of individual ownership of life. or on wednesday, individual rated the lawn stifled spend they started creating conflicts between those who are farm. i was on bills who are bust released today. african countries find themselves with the legal regimes on land ownership systems, which on north african the only plus them will drive to change it off the corner. nice vision was dirty. somebody outgoing your data in based on parts of africa in the western part of africa. they are lucky that this shift and see is why the thing . so a month we have come people, you will still find
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a lawn. daniel systems which are based on traditional on us, you pulled line in uganda. you still find what is called the milan system, which is based on the back gun the system has been did you do in bring your kids that are the out of the country? that's bad to solve. the problem was of course to fill up. yeah. because to feel appeal was never caught on eyes on for that reason, the line thing a system of the remain almost into if you live alone line, you go into the area of mine and one of the problems that we are going to mind except the is because we lung became individual and because when line became individual, the impact is that the individuals can now set a line. and we see those problems, you know, a part of the was in the area of criminal law. they also brought in criminal laws,
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which inside the case as was untied, sceptical to african mode of dealing with those do i didn't, gave in criminal activity institutions such as reason why imported into the continent of africa. also, law of governance was always so affected, and i'm always reminded of these words by that great america john henry pluck. when is said, upon regaining independence, there is not a single african country. that's not the system of government that is based on the african tradition. on the goes on to say, no african country will never succeed through in want of the systems of government . and if one why ever throughout the conflicts that you see in africa. i indeed as a result of that. but i cannot, but remember how father in law has affected us with uh,
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by touching as to appetite cells optic, when john von to pay back r. i in south africa. and when yon fund read back establishes our posts, and they created the opposite side regime. it was based on funding low, it was based on the bible that offers funds. why in the city the opera tide regime that was instituted by the national society and individuals such as hendrick, 5 foot was based on doctoral monroe. and they said that african inside to be dominated, they look at the bible and they said that it was godaddy on full hundreds of years . africans why humiliate, was dominated through the use of father in law. it is not until
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1995 that africans were allowed to vote. because there was fine law as i speak to you and now all of us 72 by son, overland in south africa, is controlled by minority whites. still console father in law, father in law's have destroyed the continental wasik. and that is why today, in many areas of the guns are now beginning to talk about what they call or tentative dispute resolution. i, i hate that it is not always fun. if the dispute resolution, it is african dispute resolution because of the kind of community is in the day for us, but they had different ways of resolving disputes. they all found will have their
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way. the of them going to have their way. they all get oil have their way victim now, the way the men they have the way the about done the way they're behind the way on there was to pull my have their way. then when you i'm with the of the way on die hard. the view, the time is and now for us to begin to reexamine how we do things even in month of government and they are all part of their own democracy under they've got the system. the time is now for us to go back to some of our laws and we are not to romanticize in culture called size dynamic. it changes and it gets influenced by other cultures. yeah. simply say that our cultures and our traditions on laws which are good and which can reinforce and give us confidence, ought to be given the pride of place and the laws which are not useful to us on
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which wind blows. don't us bite the corner knives us ought to be just on and kept in the museum of history alongside the spinning wheel on the original printing machine. africa must now give meaning to that gets to i hear me saying watch, i mean the, the name to what he who abundance is called becomes the slave. we can do it. we must do it. and it has been done in did i be off with the level the african jot down human on people? is the right is on the been by the allies. there's some that's the offer tons of something unique thing that they do for themselves. and that is why the split overboard into must be given is prior to place. as we continue with the conversations about the continent of africa, we dissolve the brakes. and that is why we say or buys in the knowledge that we
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really interrupt the game. as we continue with this critical conversations, thank you. and by, by the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, but how us to do vision with no real opinions. pictures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this? but can you see through their illusion going underground, can the
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russian states never as one of the most sense community best english i'll send, send up the same assistance, must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t supposed net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the,
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in the headlines here with all the international, could talk about an antique fly box for us, release it up blocking sound version of the jeffrey epstein file. and the american public surprise file at the trump promised to reveal the client list is apparently nowhere to be found. whenever necessary, we stop solution talk to children. i'm not going to rush you by yourselves. well, that's a reality check that the british prime minister paid the visit to the white house, but not much loss was he tries to cozy up to donald trump also in the program. russia's federal security services arresting. 2 men who reveal ukrainian intelligence recruited them to a faster they hate form where it is really just lead up.
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