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tv   News  RT  February 28, 2025 3:00am-3:31am EST

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the, the headlights hold off the international talk about an anticlimax for us release as a black style version of the jet free f student files and the american public cries filed at the trump promised to reveal the client list right now is nowhere to be said necessary we stop sleeping each other off and not so you take on russia by yourselves wells couch. that's a reality check right there for the british prime minister, paying a visit to the white house, but not much love was. he tries to cozy up the donald trump and rushes federal securities, which is arresting. 2 men who reveal ukrainian intelligence recruited them to assassinate a top religious leader of crime in the
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field top doors are updating by the hour here at all. change them out. appreciate your company for this friday. so sorry for you. right now. i was washington exposes the so called 1st the batch of the next day and files, but it's all been seen before. failed with redacted pages. the us attorney drama is now actually a choosing the f. b, i a withholding thousands of documents. i repeatedly questioned whether this was the full set of documents responsive to my request and was repeatedly assured by the f b i that we had received the full sense of documents late yesterday i learned from the source of the f b. i field office in new york was in possession of thousands of pages of documents relates to the investigation and document on epstein. despite my repeated request, the f. b, i never disclosed the existence of these files. then you trump administration had promised that the absent falls would be declassified and shown in full to the public. we've got the 1st batch of the documents from the f
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b i. but the finding seems to be a little bit underwhelming. it larger contains information that has long been known to the public and it didn't include anything new about the case. so it's no wonder that he drew a lot of criticism from the public. now us attorney general to choose the files of being something a break in and revelations is not ordering the f b i to hand over the full and complete. epstein falls after she claimed that she only received about $200.00 pages of the documents. whereas the f, b, i field office in new york has thousands of pages related to the case. now she instructed the f b i director to also conduct an immediate investigation as to why her orders for the f b, i have not been followed. now, all of this, of course happens as the f, b, i's pride in his soul. so in entering this new era of transparency, the f, b i is entering a new era. one that will be defined by integrity, accountability,
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and the unwavering pursuit of justice. there will be no cover ups, no missing documents, a no stone left on ton and any one from the prior or current bureaus who undermines this will be swiftly pursued. if records have been hidden, we will uncover them. of the 1st materials in the files are released include flight logging from upstairs, private jet, a heavily redacted photocopy of an address book that is set to be confined of by epstein, as well as his long time partner delayed maxwell. they also released a full on blocked out list of miss sues as evidence list showing entries for more than $140.00 items. so those items include new images as well as massage tables and other items. but it is important to note that all of this information, all of these documents and pages that they came up with is the information that had already previously been disclosed through port documents. as you can imagine, of course, the public is quite disappointed. i mean, the epstein case was such
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a huge case and it was a very serious one because it is one of the sex traffic and of miners with over to 100 alleged victims. not only that, but also epstein have links to royals full of titian's 1000000000. there is some of the world's most powerful people who are also alleged to have been involved in epstein doings. so for years the public wanted to know more and especially know about the infamous epstein clients list. and they really had high hopes withdrawn because he had been promising that this is not what anyone thought releasing. the epstein files is supposed to be actually releasing. the files would be releasing the files on the d o. j website so everyone can read them. exclusive video of the epstein list release. these records have been available via open source information since 2015. and now all of a sudden people want to talk about them or post them is breaking news for click bait and or to gain follow is if you're never going to believe this. the epstein
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files are more redacted than what's already publicly available. this is a massive, massive scam by the trump administration. now the 2nd phase of these documents is set to be released late on friday, and hopefully that will have more exclusive information then what's been published to the public, especially because donald trump made it a key point to declassify i. and this case during his presidential campaign on the hills of emmanuel macro and shopping to america next in line to the white house was the person's care storm. a look into a cozy up the trunk. and while he tried to say that london is always looking out for washington, the monica lated junction with a bit of a dose of reality. whenever necessary, we absolutely balance each other off. i'm not going to rush you by yourselves. well, no, it's bad about the british. i don't need much help. they couldn't take care of themselves
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very well. did you discuss with president trump his repeated statements of desire to an ex, canada? i think you're trying to find a divide between us that doesn't exist. we're the closest of nations that we have very good discussions today, but we didn't, i shouldn't have found that up. thank you. please. meanwhile, it's not only the okay, but most of the european union is the same and a folding out of us favor off the trumpets taking back the oval office. this a 180 degree time and bilateral ties occurring in just 6 short weeks. but how did we get to wherever you all today? so ask you a tailor. explain in europe has been well and truly trumped law . was it a quicker fact? just a few months ago, the year was woman, america's embrace, the 2 brothers in arms and ukraine, voters in homes of the un, defendants of democracy. the fires of dictates ships and trade is in the trillions
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. but a storm is now brewing over the atlantic. let's be honest. the european union was formed in order just to say it's, that's the purpose of it. and they've done a good job of it. but now i'm president. yes, less than 6 weeks into the job and trump has that's the bureaucrats in brussels, shook. and it's not just the personal sites like my chrome being offered in through the back door. the white house will do josh being left to get his steps in for over an hour before he was finally given an audience. or rubio cancelling his meeting with pallets or j. d von spreading everything thought. love out of thoughtful g 7 meeting or indeed the munich security conference, his scolding session, left full, my friends high end. well, the opposite dr. this order is easy to disrupt. it's easy to destroy, but it's much harder to rebuild. so let us stick to these values that's not
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reinventing, but focus on strengthening their consistent application. let me conclude and this becomes difficult. the then top labeled that done and kids dictate to refuse to brown food, to a dictator spot and the annual russ about the resolution of the un didn't invite them to the tulips and re add and then as of so that wasn't enough. you have to go and table the minerals, they themselves had been an up. so yes, that's a big deal. very big deal. and i think the american people, even if you look and following, they're very happy because you know, by the way, throwing money around like it's gotten janny and it's a, it's
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a very big deal because it can be a tree. and. busy deal, it could be whatever, but it's rivers and other things. people don't talk about it much, but a few months before the war began. the you and ukraine signed the ro, partnership deal a when with the high potential of the critical raw materials reserves and ukraine. together with the need for modernization of its extractive industry underpinned by improving the legal and administrative framework for investors and geographical vicinity represent a solid base for the mutually beneficial partnership. you see your a pad identified, the ukraine was hoping to 21 of these thoughts. the materials, the book designates as critical for its clean energy transition from industry for its minute. treat insured for the very survival, but the white house has now dealt it's about trump called and instead of being handed ukraine's wisdom in gallium, copper nichol titanium,
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uncomfortable. but you will be handed a big, fat bill. well, that makes you hear it again. do you see on very much because, you know, we're talking about here is the nature of a neighbor and it's not just inquiry thing given the cold shoulder, even sort of nature remembers how being put on a lot of school thoughts. multiple 5 were paying by my rules now. pay up, pay the price. so i said, you didn't pay your delink when you said yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you gotta gotta pay your bill. look, i know gods teaches us to pity the pool, but they also say god helps those who help themselves. i'm bringing you. the e. u is the architect of its own pulpit. see how many times does it need to be
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humiliated before it goes a backboard? how many times does it need to be betrayed before wakes up? and how many of us governments have to be voted out before they finally stop solving the people? next thing, greenland, new part, natar to well, i know i have asset building up north stream to and triggering the, the industrialization of your, of economic powerhouse. go ahead. oh, no, sorry. the cost that was in the us tons out is it looks like a dock with like a dock and was like a dock. it's definitely not the c. i a conducting the great to stuff a terrorist attack on a global and destructive project. not any way. there's no evidence. if you're rushing vase, that means tanks or troops crossing the, the border of ukraine's again, then there will be we, there will be no longer on our steam to we, we will bring it into. i certainly hope the center formulations committee would
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take up legislation to go beyond just suspending it. but from ending it permanently, if russia engaged to chrome one way or another nord stream to will not move forward, black mailing austin, to buying america and at and t at a huge premium. but go on. that makes me off entirely on competitive. so some of the biggest companies move that production states, so i know complaints. yeah, ordering the say to super not lead as well. fine. q for looking out for us, needs to go up with the roster who we've been promising to bring to with needs the 3 years now and not inviting us little to worry about it. we prefer holding meetings with dr. ourselves anyway, facing economic decline, but still agreeing to boost defense spending as your orders shift guess types off, tarus stockton on a. we have made a decision will be announcing it very soon and it will be 25 percent, generally speaking and that will be on stars. all the things in europe in union is
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a different case to get different categories. they really taken advantage of us in a different way over and over the years has been played by its greatest ally and who we are again. i mean, really should have seen it coming up to kissinger wound them when he said it may be dangerous to be america's enemy, but to be america's friend is faithful. oh, put most kind of play and you know, the whole house was, but the sentiment is clear. you us relations on the trump off, fractured and german, a fee party member, go know linda button says it's only going to get was us $1.00 side wants peace and the other one once for the wrong does not include the dental. let's have different people. good, good luck to get them and say you will be in the admitted station because then tom, but want to finish the war and okay, and you want to find the solution
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a peaceful solution. do you hope the commission ones to continue to support? ok, so they want to continue deliberating over a reference and you will be in the commission, want to go and continue this war. and that's why i'm tom, but doesn't want to agree with them and make his own the opponent jake. we have some opportunity now to finish the war, which should be in the interest of you, and it is in the interest of the people of your work. so all the people that live sleep, they want to finish that as well. but the administration and blizzard i think they want to continue. the way to do it is uh may even do it, but she announced before it is eviction. because you have see one of the 1st day he was an impala. his daughter is made. you start, this is about the, the, the russian federal security service has arrested to matt and here in moscow,
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but planning the assassination of a top crime me and religious vigor recruited by the ukraine in the military intelligence office. so that would be killers, had explosives and forwards to documents and that possession, investigating the story all correspond that as remind customers over the last few years. russia's f, as b have prevented hundreds of terrorist acts drawn up by the ukrainian military intelligence against civilians and public infrastructure dates. key of had used either disgruntled russian citizens or psychologically manipulated young and old people into committing crimes that would lead to death and destruction on russian soil. from this time, however, ukrainian handlers have gone after what safe grades to the majority of the russian ukrainian people. the orthodox christian church, and one of its most outspoken representatives, metropolitan, the heart of central and crimea. the ukrainian special services do not shy away from any methods in this case. it was
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a question of cold blooded preparation for the murder of metropolitan t on. when inciting and committing a terrorist act, they used the methods of the grossest blackmail and threats in particular on one of the detainees. the ukrainian special services not only made these people notorious terrorists, but also killed their souls. jenny spoke probably just citizen of ukraine was one of assistance and in metropolitan, and was initially recruited through telegram by ukraine's and military intelligence for surveillance of the critics movements. yes, i was an assistant to metropolitan t home and was recruited by employees of the ukrainian intelligence service in order to monitor the movements of metropolitan t home. this was proposed on the threat of reprisal and murder of my relatives. subsequently the task was set to find an ally and illuminate metropolitan tea home by means of an explosive which was transferred in the form of a bookmark. we were suppose to place it in the living quarters of metropolitan
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t home at the short 10 scheme on a street in moscow. and off to that, we had to leave the russian federation with forge documents, metropolitan see calling him was supposed to be assassinated by an inc. from wise, the explosive device must go right around the russian christmas in january. that terrorist act was prevented by the f as b as pop all this was arrested. but just like he said, he was not alone. is he crazy? military intelligence instructions football each to recruit another would be terrorist? in case the initial plan did not work out. the heat that evolved coverage is from moscow, and he was recruited by give, through both of which in 2024. so the task was set to make an attempt on the life of metropolitan t han shifting off of crimea, whose employee is dennis popovich. the 1st attempt was planned in early 2025. however, due to the fact that dentist was detained,
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it was not carried out. therefore, the assassination attempt was scheduled for the end of february 2025 explosives, which were meant to assassinate the metropolitan or past the terrorist from ukraine . the assassination attempt was plan through the detonation of an improvised explosive device which was passed through a network of hiding places to reach the house of metropolitan t han shifting off of crimea. russia's f as b had sarah's that through rights after discovering the explosives and forced ukrainian passports, as well as their own confessions, the criminal action was planned to be carried out during metropolitan tea home to stay in moscow. after committing the crime, they planned to leave russia using fake passports provided by the ukrainians, special services, metropolitan sea corner of central and crimea is safe and sound. he's one of the most outspoken and public clerics of the russian orthodox church, an offer of books, as well as skilled documentaries,
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most of which are in support of russia's men and women involved in this special minutes reparation. the sag that's key of the minutes of intelligence. joe's and metropolitan of the russian orthodox church. one of their tsar this, this is indicative of their entire pro which as well as their service nature. following the ban of the cranial orthodox church with millions of parishioners throughout the country. is it persecution of priest? it seems that absolutely nothing is sacred anymore, whether it's human lives or religious beliefs. vermont costs are a varsity to romania now here on the program with the leading candidate and the last years cancel. the presidential election has been released off the 5 years. excuse me, 5 hours of being interrogated by police. mister calling to jessica, who he was detained while naturally on his way to file the paperwork for his presidential candidacy for the next round of voting. now, he does say that there are certain powers that
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a trying but failing to break and eat. so wake up a massive wake up of the cautiousness of the power to know who we are and we fight for our democracy and our freedom. so he's important that we have to understand that the deep state, each sort of the faith he's lucky if he's not the of the recall. nice what he's favor. everything is absolutely. uh is the most sense. land is it planet? yeah. yeah, absolutely. and, and the, by the way, that the, i have seen that everything was calculate, everything was a plan. i mean, it was nothing that we ask, okay, my case, we are going to just go about the situation. no, everything was, was a plan over now to why days i saw that there was a highlighting how american officials are now weighing in all this scandal. but why europe seems to be so unhappy about that right now. brussels is going
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crazy. while it's being growing over the counseling for me, is presidential elections? it seems it's up to step would be us yet again. why? well, simply put as this guy, the front run, the in romania is presidential election is being guide on what she says a trumped up charges political heavy weights in the us. so offering georgia school based support. they just the rest of the person who won the most votes in the romanian presidential election. this is messed up. musk isn't the only one who's been in bowling the mass and phone thing in romania, u. s. v. p j. d. events recently criticized the country for knowing the results of its presidential election, lost it off the georgia scoop top. the poll you don't have shared values if you cancel elections because you don't like the result. and that happened in romania. you don't have, you do not have shared values. if you're so afraid of your own people that you'd
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silence them and shut them up. so let's have shared values. let's defend default democracy. let's have 3 expression, not just in the united states, but all over the west of the world. that is the path to strong alliances in europe . menus or administer is in sense though, but these statements lashing out to the trumpet administration saying this is a form of interference. who says, no that's i can say now about musk that he is an american official tied to supporting the ideas of certain people. former candidates, we don't know if they'll run again. clearly mister musk said he agreed with mister george eskew, who wants to band source is i'm in romania. how do we interpret the statements? it's not news. he also intervened in german political life, expressing himself directly without complexes expressing sympathy for a certain politician. that is not necessarily to the liking of the current coalition in berlin. that's what you've been. there is vice president answer speech
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and in their depositions of leading americans, a kind of light motif, we need communication. we need to restore communication between the leads and the base of societies. this dialogue has been stopped and true democracy has suffered remain, is foreign ministers speaking narr about musk continued into german politics recently had to be elections must, could describe the hard right wing policy, the f d. that was the only one that could save germany about and got him in the hot water with bowling to, to nods. looks at this most, a commitment to never again, cannot therefore be reconciled with support for the a f d. we will not accept that people who look at gemini from the outside, intervene, and our democracy, and our elections, and in the democratic opinion informing process in the interest of this party that's just not done. certainly not among friends and allies. we resolutely reject this, where our democracy goes from here is for us to decide and go. yeah,
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if you haven't, you all to, the americans are questioning democratic institutions and they are interfering quite openly in an election, including in relation to democratic parties and their majorities. and i have to say it disturbs me, it doesn't surprise me because they've talked about this before, but i firmly reject it. it's not the job of the american government to explain to us here in germany, how we should protect democratic institutions. we will continue on our course. okay, so you are definitely like being us bigwigs. the king that knows into elections makes sense. she think it's that that's not always been the case though. in fact, in other elections, us interference was whole heartedly welcomed in 2016 is the u. k. wasn't booting on it's feature with the u. then president barack obama was pretty clear. which way he'd like the boat to go in the vacuum. if we do not solve these problems,
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you start saying those who are tried exploring these peers and frustrations and channel them in a destructive way that presumably went down well with the then you capsule, president donald tuscan. now, the man who is heading poland teeth a missing wrote, there should be a special place in hell, was a for those who promote, it, breaks it. then in 2017. when obama, once again waited into the politics with this endorsement because of how important this election is, i also want you to know that i am supporting emmanuel macro on to lead you forward . a ton marsh named brussel, batches, an islet, so effective was a bottomless support that his image and miss logan would use to help angle americans to win a full time in germany. so what's the difference now? i'll tell you simply, us interference is elections is welcomed,
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but only when it since supportive brussels approved policies, any deviation from last and well they will come down to new like a ton of bricks. and there's all the duplicate wrapping up. this. how is program headline from what's going on the international this day though, it's just will being out there so many top storage will the will the updates as well. we're back at the top of the hour with more of your news. appreciate you joining the show room just to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail.
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when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the one with the for wonderful. those little and so forth. us national, move the images on. so squared ma'am, and that's why little do you plus really watch the words you're telling which isn't going to do with me as one of the windshield. and what else don't you just send them to the dumpster and was told by when you pull it in here, when you push up the issue of the, of them. but the models to move up is to move 0 easy lift, mysterious. and when you go ahead and send them to do is make up the music, they will sell items. yeah. post the by the other was like, oh but i use the obvious thing and then use ways that i mean 58 and i maybe cause
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it please go ahead and always communicate to meet me to go up nationally. mine's police are still available. we have such all push mojitos to eulu video in space, but i don't think he will do a solution that's a little easy tubs the but you move because they want to spend these, these really big or you see i'm saying is up with them. you've got thrown images to one and then the other will be missing. the guns thing is um list that most of rubies is organized and not old on the side of the senior slot that i put down for the i am tito the moon. but here, the bend, tiers date and jungle county and the republic of kenya. and we continue our
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conversations about the continent of africa. and today we look at the legacy of the mind for whom i am named, patrice emory, minimum, the buttress, embittered the move uh was bone among the but the, the people in the cosign and like all, are young people who grew up during the colonial period in his case, the quarter nice vision of belgium. he was exposed to western education but did not. facilities education to the university level joining the walking force joined the post those 5. this is during the colonial period on the 1955. but chris image of the moon, but joined the trade union movement. so it is journeying is exposure to the trade union movement. the chief caught the bug of the fight against the
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colonizer ish he, himself. he says that he had had the freedom fighters in other parts of africa. yeah. tied the gun as of crime in google. my. yeah, adult a non v as the q way of nigeria and todd of judy has become better idea in your area. and of course i make a brand of united be so and would duplicate of molly. and this is what the energized. and one of the things that patrice image of the moon buses annoyed him, the most was the mine. i and wish king leopold or the belgians had control heard on the published call it is not toward us of not should be the mind and many people on many occasions is that leopold of the belgians i killed the nor.


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