tv Cross Talk RT February 28, 2025 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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it is, is finished, which as of today, as of now, ukraine is finished. that zalinski was already an illegitimate leader. he really showed his true colors. when he was speaking, he had no skill in diplomacy dealing with trump. he completely aggravated him. he did not show any gratitude or respect for the office. he didn't wear suit. he didn't, you know little things for big things. right? yeah. they don't think about big, big yeah. yeah. and, and really you're talking about the trump finally was able to really show his emotions when he said what you're gonna, you're bringing us to world war 3. really. i think he met joe biden, the fight and regime was bringing us to world war 3 was zalinski, right. so against russia, they were trying to get this world war 3 going and trump has made it clear that he is stopping it. so yeah, i mean, the zalinski have very little skills, ged vance, really got a chance to show his skills. so what it showed is that there the adults in the room
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were trumping vance, and zelinski looked ridiculous. he looked ridiculous to the whole world and i'm sure that the european leaders are probably going to start jumping ship rather quickly. e. well, we'll wait to see how these things like with the panels in the next few hours, you know, going forward, especially from european lead is now, while the ukrainian delegation reported the bags to re boots the, the entire talk shop towards the said, the last key wasn't all ready for peace and kicked him out. what do you make of that? well, it was obvious. he wasn't ready for peace and he was kind of talking rhetoric before in public and, you know, then you have storm earlier in the day, aggravating trump by saying that he was going to put english boots on the ground and ukraine. right. and trump said, oh, you're going to fight russia by yourself. remember that? and the look on his face like deer and ad, but it was like the absolutely trump has made it clear over again and again. but he
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wants that administration. that's strength through piece. and zalinski was coming to the table, very combative way of making demands. and you know, they made a good point. $50000000000.00 has gone there. more than $50000000000.00 has gone and wasted and, and ukraine is a mess. it's basically being divided up in the west, in the western part of it between western nations, sports goods and black rock has a big piece of it. a whole generation of, of ukrainians have died. russian soldiers have died and all of this because they were trying to get into nato and trying to push those borders up against russia, which was unacceptable. and let's face it, like we've talked about this before, is russia was doing this in the us continent as they were up on the board, just like say of mexico or canada and they were coming close to us. do you think the us for a minute would allow that the for a minute and so it's a very um, you know, prudent of trump and vance to take the firm stance. they are and say,
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look, we're not going to world war 3. maybe the bite machine was heading there were not hold on. were you surprised at this level of tension between swamp and the lens key? we already have heard some pos rhetoric from a trump initially, and yet zaleski still went on. what do you expect to know? what will come in the white house? i think he was expecting a more neutral one because of the trumps shown earlier with, you know, the british prime minister and the french president. however, he knew that he's on the outs. right. but bear in mind, um, back in the 1st administration, zalinski tried to have trump in peach to remember that was benjamin zelinski, got his henchmen in the us to try to do that. trump is never forgotten that there is. and like i said, no love lost between these 2 men and, and trump ones that wanted nothing to do with ukraine for med, john, this was all of the a we democrats project, if we will, very soon to your projects that they worked out with nato and so you're talking
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about obama clinton invited trump didn't want any part of that. or i doubt this apparently we have seen that there was no deal on the red f mineral sign today, which was supposed to be the original like gender. now what does this mean for you clean going forward? i think it's a disaster for ukraine, i think is ukraine is in the worst position that it was this morning. if, if there, if that's even possible, the must comply. now they are not going to have any choice. the choices are going to be made by the grown ups in the room. and the grown ups in the room are going to be president putin, president trump. and, you know, i think that's going to be basically, america is going to be pulling all the resources out militarily the fund, you know, aid and all of that. they're going to be demanding that you're up to the same. and trump has already talked about consequences if they don't. right. so i think um zalinski is left in a position where he's an illegitimate president with not if he was to run for
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election tomorrow. he couldn't win and he's lost a generation of, of ukrainians. it's over, it is over, all right, in a spots between something that zelinski trump said that ukraine's problems have just spotted. what do you think you meant by that? well, i think that it because of the position ukraine is and, and because of the, you know, the way the land is now, it's going to be about rebuilding, he doesn't have an trump made this point. there is no one for zalinski to even, you know, drafting to being soldiers. he was doing the force draft as we saw, right? force constriction. and he has no sort of soldiers left. he has no military has no info structure. so they're, they're going to be looking at like just basic infrastructure they oh, that's all over the world. so essentially, i think you crane is a field state. i predicted that it is going to transform into something different.
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i don't know what, but i think zalinski has led them down into a path for the field. stay. do you think? do you think washington will let this slide and ukraine could get still get some help in rebuilding the the what on terry trees? maybe if they ask england, it seemed like storm or seemed interested. but bear in mind that that great that, that prime minister is not very popular with his own population. and any of us believe that english people do not want to go fight a war in ukraine against russia by themselves, or, or even with american backup. they never did very economically having their own trouble. so i think that all the political rhetoric is going to turn down. but what this has done is it's put russia in a superior position because they've said all along that they're willing to have a ceasefire and long standing piece, and they're willing to come to the table. um, they look a lot more reasonable than ukraine and ukraine has made a clear,
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you know, zalinski has made it clear that he wants more money more a more to keep the conflict going. and this is basically, and i've said this from the beginning. um, this is a bit of money laundering operation for the military weapons manufacturers of the us and the politicians of europe in the west. it's over now and you know, i think that moving forward, it's going to be of the clean up. it's going to be trying to get to the table to get this long lasting piece. and then the us is going to have to work very hard to build trust with russia again because so much trust was broken. exactly. well, some of the analysts i've spoken to earlier, i said that the, it's all over for the zelinski expertise right now. right. we have to leave you here now to read how to contribute to thank you so much for your insight. thank great. it sounds like after the disastrous meeting, donald trump issued a statement saying that zaleski showed no respect to the us and is not remotely
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ready for peace. we had a very meaningful meeting in the white house today. much was learned that could never be understood without conversation under such fire and pressure. it's amazing what comes out through emotion. and i have determined that present zalinski is not ready for piece of america's involved. because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage and negotiations. i don't want advantage, i want peace. he disrespect to the united states of america and it's cherished oval office. he can come back when he is ready for peace. or we got a chance to discuss the complexity of relations between ukraine, the u. s. e u and russia, and that exclusive interview with right now, the economist, as you, as you know, advisor, jeffrey sachs, europe. the. so it is god trapped by following the united states in a blind kind of way and just trying to be the great cheer leader of us
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a gemini. i obviously, the whole us approach. the unit polar approach was delusional. what happened during the last 30 years? i'm going to put it because this is a 30 year us project, is that the united states said where you have polar, we do what we want. we expand militarily, where we want, we expand our influence, where we want i, in 2008 the us said, now we move made over to ukraine to georgia. i and a, this is a replay by the way of the pry me and war of 185-3218. 56, almost a almost almost at the blueprint. and the brochure said, no, i, that's not going to happen. i. the point is, europe got into line with it, the u. s. i strategies, so if i could call them and it's, it's that exaggeration in my view. but the us strategist said will win because
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we're all powerful. why can do do what kind of russia do? nothing, and based on up until the end and i know what they thought because i talked with them i heard from them. i watched the what they were saying. this was a group in, in essence playing a game i would say on the american side, which is we can do what we want, right? that isn't the case. they, they lost that down a bit. the ukrainians, tragically followed that line, i call the ukrainians. of course, everyone knows kissinger's famous line that to be anatomy of america is dangerous to be a friend of america is fatal. i explain that to them. you're going to be like afghanistan . well, here we are. yeah, they followed the us. europe followed the us. now they don't know quite what to do . yeah, but you know, so i'm still coming to washington in this kind of pathetic way to sign over in
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almost a meaningless document, the mineral half the mineral rights. this is just sad, desperate, confused behavior. this is not strategy, this is not national policy, this is not continuing award. this has been a lot and i think the latest talks in istanbul, following the discussions in react between the russian and american officials, we are witnessing, as you said, moments ago, a reproach. monkey, do you really think there's a chance that a true piece can be arranged between bruton and trumpet, regardless of the noisy chihuahuas in your? well, 1st of all, a true peace can be arranged for a fundamental reason. there is no fundamental conflict between the united states and russia, so there is no fundamental reason for conflict. if the us had not asserted, you have polarity after 1991, there would be no conflict if in december 19,
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2021 is i beg to divide white house. a negotiated with president pulled in on the draft us russian security arrangement that he table on december 15th 2021. negotiate there would be no war. there is no direct reason for conflict. there is reason for trade. there is reason out they'll be competition and other things, but conflict, of course, not the same is true with europe. if europe would open it's eyes, it's hard with europe is 27 independent countries. they can't think clearly as a major power in a unified way, but if they could, they would have just a direct counterpart relationship with russia. and ukraine would be so much safer as the neutral state that it was that would have protected
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ukraine. because neutrality is not a danger. neutrality is a protection asked sweden, finland austria during the decades that it had neutrality, not the nato period of the last year. this is ridiculous, they were safe with him trial of the austria safe with neutrality. but they chose the block approach that's on the safe. what, let's cross live now to international relations. come and tell you to and also one de leon and so will be who joins me right now from so that's a good one day. i'm happy to have you join me now. so in a post on the x, you said the last key was quote, dealt with appropriately and that you've never seen anything like this. could you elaborate for us? what do you mean as well, what we saw, what i saw already also was quite extraordinary lived for me. i have never seen that on the international stage before where you know, the,
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when you look at the entire clip about 8 minutes long confrontations, it does seem a zip. perhaps. maybe it was the us president of the vice president. there was a tech incentive where the natural fact it actually began with is it is with the question j b bands and every, this is based on weight. uh, questioning the, the comment that you guys was making on all the details of diplomacy ending this conflict in a pro maxima way. that's a whole new way to put in his coffee to car ended military with people dying. for example, i miss out to a support. the only way to in this is to to go with the and that's what, that's, that's awesome with us. try to grab it. this was not received very well. bye, bye, bye zalinski. even. and you are the safety puts in his place. you know, he needs to understand that this is not divided administration. this is not the
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time the way he could dictate. but what was going to happen the way he's going to use the emotional blackmail and so on. to force the americans to do, but he thinks the and the europeans as well. so it's a, it's a different time now. and tonight's was, and it saw an example perfect example of that, but truly extraordinary. i don't think i've seen that. well, i'm talking about it in being extraordinary. is it people might extraordinary that this all played out in front of the cameras before the whole world to see and not even in probably. yes, yes, of course that's that's, that's what makes it give it more sort. there, but here's what i need people to understand the position that they're lensky, you know, what do we have always known about that as be and, and this, and this, the government has just paid off for the world to see. zalinski does not want peace in between you, craig and rushing. you was a continued cost because cost,
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amongst other things they make a back up, is, is making a lot of money from this, from those concepts with, with, with watching. so it's paying out in front of the media. that's how it works in the us. i mean, if he did his homework, he would have see the friendly but competitive. a told him when he was, when present top was speaking to the french president, for example, the, the british prime minister. so in the u. s. hallway has to be the worst thing that they use based came to play out in the, in the, in the probably, but is for the sake of granted in the cause. of course, the relationship between trump ends and s b is a little bit frustrating. uh, you know, you know, one had some think that as the, for us to an increase with one of the for present time. so yes, intel, due the fact that it's a tough being in the public as to why this moment is very extraordinary. about what are your expect patients for the mineral deal?
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now, do you think the us might turned its attention elsewhere now in this whole and ukraine situation right now, and the number of deals that are there, the number of proposals that up in portfolio is this. like i said, the last time i was was on this platform is that we are now the, the, we're now the, the final chapter of this, this conflict. what's gonna happen is, i don't believe that the top is gonna look forward to the united states looking at a different direction. so let's do, we'll come back to the us and try and, and so i could do with the us government. it's going to happen because we thought you were support, you did this, there's no options. there's no way forward for them without us support. so he's, he's definitely going to come back to the us was, was he comes back to is a census. also another thing that's important present from reading on this issue, you said you was going to have it done on day, was course the meant that simply but the, the,
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the main points who was making was that this will be priority number one in terms of foreign policy, so this is very important to you and that, you know, i have those dots in my mind that it's going to work out the cost. it's will comes in very, very soon without us support. there's no cost way for or you could even with us support, it was never going to be a bit to do what trump is just done is just cut the, the life span of this conflict with it between ukraine and i say yes, kind of shots that start from me, but i have so many of the publications i spoke with. i've already said this is the end for the landscape. we have to leave it here now one day and so meet international relations come and take her and offer. thank you for your insight. thank you very much. all right, back $0.10. ron high in the oval office as lot of means, the last key found himself locked in
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a spot with donald trump and danny vans over the war in ukraine. this is how it went down on talking about the kind of diplomacy is going to in the destruction of your country. but he's mr. president. mr. present with respect, i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office. try to litigate this in front of the american media right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have the manpower problems. you should be thinking the president for right to bring it into this cause i've been to your claim that you say what problems we have. i have been to come on. i've actually, i've actually watched in seen the stories and i know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tor mister president. are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military have from do you think that i expect a launch to come to the oval office of the united states of america and attack the administration that is prying to try to prevent the destruction of your country road, a lot of questions. let's start from the big shirt festival. during the war,
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everybody has problems. even you but you have nice souls and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future. you don't know that god bless you and bless your don't tell us what we're going to feel. we're trying to solve a problem. don't tell us what we're going to feel. i'm not telling, you know, transition, reject taste, the deer in no position to dictate what we're going to fail. you were going to feel very good deal and so we're good to feel very good and very strong. no, just incident. you're right now not in a very good position. you're not allowed to be in the position in that example should be right around the word beginning of the war, not in a good position. it was, you don't have the cards right now with us. you start having a car right now, you're going to give you a choice of bread. your gambling with relied single radians of people seeing you gambling with world war 3 gambling with world war 3. and what you're doing is very dis, disrespectful to the country. this country and the way that really that to you far
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more than a lot of people said we're, they should have you said thank you. was there a lot or no in this entire media? you said so you today you went to pennsylvania and campaign for the opposition in october, offer some words of appreciation to the united states of america and the president who's trying to save your country. please. you're seeing that if you will speak, we're allowed to live all of the water. you're not speaking loudly. he's a shaking laugh. if you have continued big trouble. no, no. okay. done. a lot of talking. your country is in big trouble. i know you're not really no, you're not winning this type. you have a damn you a chance that we have me out. ok. because the last thing you know, what concerts, things strong from the very beginning of the war, we've been alone and we have sample. i said, thanks you have the bill of these can we gave you? i said the president, $350000000000.00 you we get for your military equipment. you met a brave,
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but they had to use our military while the rest. if you didn't have more mileage area equipment, you invite the remainder to have our military equipment. this war would have been over into wiki in 3 days. i heard it from fulton in 3 days. this is something maybe less in 2 weeks. of course. yeah, it's going to be a very hard thing to do business like this. i tell you say thank you. i said the excited to their next step in america, they accepted their disagreements and let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to find it out in the american media. when you're wrong, we know that you're wrong and you see, i think it's good for the american people to see what's going on. and i think it's very important. that's why i kept this guy so long. you have to be thankful. you don't have the car. so you have buried there yet? yeah. people to die. tell your running. so to on this i don't play a run a slow on soldiers, it would be a damn good news and then then you tell us, i don't want a ceasefire. i don't want us to spire i want to go and i want to just look if you
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could get a ceasefire right now, i tell you, you take it so the bullet stop flying and you med stuff according to the cost of the one to still of the war, but i'm saying you don't want to send it to you. i want to see why or and t, because you'll get a cease fire faster than anywhere else. color people abilities fire. what they see there was actually money. well, you was that was it with me? that was way that he got a guy named bite and who is not a smart person. that was your, that was with obama. it was your, excuse me, that was with obama, who gave you a sheets and i gave you a javelin. yeah, i gave you the job is to take out all of those tags. obama gave you sheets. in fact, this statement is a bomb agape sheets and trump gave javelins. you gotta be more thankful. because let me tell you, you don't have the cards with us. you have the cards. but without us, you don't have any cards. sorry. because the attitudes have to change
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what do you say? she's asking what a brush the bridge the ceasefire. what is the what if anything, what a bomb drops on your head right now. okay. what is the bracket? i don't know, they broke it with biting because binding. they didn't respect them. they didn't respect obama. they respect me. let me tell you, important. went through a hell of a lot with man. he went through a phony which showed where they used him and russia, russia, russia, russia, you ever hear of that deal? that was a phony, that was a phony hunter bite. and joe biden scam. hillary clinton shifty adam chef that was a democrat scam. and he had to go through that and he did go through and we did the war and he went through it. he was accused of all that stuff. nothing to do with it, came out of hunter buttons,
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bathroom. he came out of water by his bedroom. it was disgusted, and then they said, oh, oh, the laptop from hell was made by russia. the 51 ages sold, it was a scam and he had to put up with that he was being accused of all that stuff. for like to say is this. he might have broken deals with obama and bush and he might have broken it was by needed maybe maybe that i don't know what happened but he didn't break it with me. he was. ringback making a deal, i don't know, did you make a deal? but once we signed the deal, you're in a much better position, but you're not acting at all thankful. and that's the nice thing. i'll be honest, that's not a nice. alright, i think we see the ways, the great television, i will say why stay with our team to national for all the latest i'm around the world, us, you and getting less than 5 minutes the
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russian states never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, i'll send, send up the consumer to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians per day. and split the r t suppose net keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the said this is steve and twist, which is the
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stuff for the machine. for the picture, such as a dog with the machine called the should the get our daughter should do this vehicle, is it the economic model have new was defined what it means. different is next time and see if it's doesn't figured that's so with the concept august, even though it was then you much bye. it was supposed to be it's a company in some village goes up developing bio chemical weapons inside. you can use the solution, you know,
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wasn't cheaper to use the white glove service cost, but he's because of the 2nd 1941 . the radical right wing was stone shall be nice. ation seized power and foam. the independent state of croatia, pull on 3 in a sense, what kind of a problem with a still a system of these 3 on the next one of the main targets was children. historical sources say the gosh, killed over 72000 children business it my god. they have done a roll of nose up that of course, i say, you know, by may have done one upfront that they have just done with general just go a b c on that. and that is not even the germans themselves were horrified
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by the atrocities committed by the stash reflection of that some of the election bill of couple mistakes. a theme is the style structure. possibly it can be decided not to allow me to say that there will be so much all right, the same wrong just don't you have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the,
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the physician, reject a set of the deer in no position. didn't dictate what we're going to feel off to us here, or else show down in the oval office. a lot of these, the last key walk styles of the white house mess up of donald trump accused him of gambling with global security. you don't have to cards right now with us. you start having a car right now you're, you're, you're, you're gambling with people seeing you gambling with world war 3 gambling with world war 3 that we talked a brought to. and i brought in the signing of a controversial de la over you, free not.
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