tv Documentary RT February 28, 2025 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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what we call when russia and us were meeting in the he started meeting in the yard, in saudi arabia. that was a complaint from you leadership the, you don't, we will be invited to the meeting. you the ones, the ones they complain. now, with the stands that we're seeing spain and jeremy and, and i'm from so far how far the this push them away from the negotiation process when you, when you're considering russell on one hand and the united states, on the other hand, regarding your trade by the present truck as said pretty well if you're not looking to find a path to peace, you have no business being at the, the goal. she ation cable. and you've had some of the female, the furs of western europe, that of, of the you and they to declare that peace is more dangerous than more. these are people that clearly have no concept of war, no concept of the damage. in the end, the death of war, if a peace is worse than more under the circumstances, i think that's again, the mindset that you're getting at western europe. and i think president trump is
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correct to say, look, if you're not going to sit at the table and help us make a deal and, and work out the path to peace, you have no business being that to take. and that would include at this point, president zalesky. all right, we have to leave you here. now steve gill from my director of the tech governmental affairs with us trade representative. thank you so much for your time. thank you. great. all right, sock ways from the oval office show down and have him re evaluated out around the world. particularly horrified, has been marked to the west and media who cried file over how of foreign war time visit the was treated. it was an entirely unprecedented moment in recent us presidential history of foreign war time visitor coming under repeated scolding from his american hosts. the state visit of ukrainian president vladimir zalinski to donald trump ends in a scandal. the world has never seen before. after a heated argument in the white house, the us president throws his counterpart out know raw materials, deal,
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know press conference. no food. never has an american president elected the leader of an ally in public like this, much less the leader of a country that is fighting off in vitus. i have covered the white house since 1996 . there has never been an oval office meeting in front of cameras like this and all that time. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski came to washington the optimistic that signing president donald trump's desired minerals deal would stabilize the relationship and keep the u. s. on his side. turns out he was walking into an ambush and i thought the fiasco in the white house, the last case reported me heading to london to lick his wounds. and that's as his european allies have been quick to leap to his defense. we all know the situation. there is an aggressor who is russia. yeah, there are ukrainian people who suffer from the aggressor to pulse. goodness, i think we were all right to help you brain into section russia 3 years ago and
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continued to do so new. and when i say we need to get to the united states of america, europeans, canadians, japanese, and many others. and this is it exist and that we must thank everyone who helped and that we must respect those who from the beginning have been fighting the security because they are fighting for their dignity, their independence for their children. and for the security of your, on the scenes from the white house or shocking, how can someone stab the president of an invaded country in the back like that free europe will not betray ukraine? the zalinski ukrainian friends, you are not alone. now we got a chance to discuss the complexity of relations between ukraine, the united states, you and russia, and an exclusive interview with the ronald economist at u. n. c, the advisor jeffrey sachs in europe. but he's got trapped by following the united states, getting a blind kind of way, and just trying to be the great cheer leader of us a gemini. i obviously,
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the whole us approach. the unit polar approach was delusional. what happened during the last 30 years? i'm going to put it because this is a 30 year us project. is that the united states said were you in a polar, we do what we want. we expand militarily, where we want, we expand our influence where we want i eat in 2008. the us said, now we move made over to ukraine to georgia. i and a, this is a replay by the way of the pry me and more of 185321856, almost a, almost almost at the blueprint. and rushes said, no, i that's not going to happen. i. the point is, europe got into line with it. the u. s. i strategies to, if i could call them and it's a, it's an exaggeration in my view. but the us strategist said will win because we're
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all powerful. what can do do what kind of russia do nothing. and based on up until the end and i know what they thought, because i talked with them i heard from them. i watched what they were saying, this was a group in, in essence playing a game i would say on the american side, which is we can do what we want, right? that isn't the case. they, they lost that down, but the ukrainians, tragically followed that line. i called the ukrainians. of course everyone knows kissinger's famous line that to be anatomy of america is dangerous to be a friend of america is fatal. i explained that to them, you're going to be like afghanistan. well, here we are, you know, they followed the us europe followed the us. now they don't know quite what to do. yeah. but you know, so i'm still coming to washington in this kind of pathetic way to sign over in it,
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almost a meaningless document. the middle or half the mineral rights, this is just sad, desperate, confused behavior. this is not strategy, this is not national policy, this is not continuing award. this is not. and i think the latest talks in a stumble, following the discussions and react between the russian and american officials, we are witnessing, as you said, moments ago, a reproach monkey. do you really think there's a chance that a true piece can be arranged between bruton and trump? regardless, all the noisy chihuahuas in your well, 1st of all, a true peace can be arranged for a fundamental reason. there is no fundamental conflict between the united states and russia. so there is no fundamental reason for conflict. if the us had not asserted unit polarity after 1991, there would be no conflict if in december 19,
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2021 is i beg to divide white house. a negotiated with president pulled in on the draft us russian security arrangement that he table on december 15th 2021 negotiated there would be no war. there is no direct reason for conflict. there is reason for trade. there is reason out they'll be competition and other things, but conflict, of course, not the same is true with europe. if europe would open its eyes, it's hard with europe is 27 independent countries. they can't think clearly as a major power in a unified way, but if they could, they would have just a direct counterpart relationship with russia. and ukraine would be so much safer as the neutral state that it was that would have protected
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ukraine. because neutrality is not a danger. neutrality is a protection asked sweden, finland austria during the decades that it had neutrality, not the nato period of the last year. this is ridiculous, they were safe with him, trial of the austria safe with neutrality, but they chose the block approach that's on the safe. why, let's talk about this and more now with laurie johnson for my see i on the list and seal of beg associated laurie. i'm glad to have you join me right now. thank you mike. great, now i look for my see i'm, let's do name say 3 things that the last key chose to do wrong. would you ring this meeting? and he forgot to say, thank you. he forgot to say, thank you. any forgot to say thank you know, if he, if they imagine this,
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if he would have started off the meeting like this, it was a president. trump listen before we get started. i want to thank you personally. but i also want to thank the us congress. i want to thank the members of your administration. i want to thank the american people because i know they've made an enormous financial sacrifice to help us in our, in our battle against the russian imperialist, you know, bring people, you bring them on. he didn't say that if he would have said that it would have completely disarmed people, trump, it would have put them into a completely different move. but i think, i think this was trump and vance. had talked about what this meeting in advance you notice in this picture, in the background the fireplace is not let that fire, but it's, it's still it's still winter in dc. and normally you'd have that fireplace going. if they didn't light it for a reason, they wanted to create sort of a fuel, a chilly atmosphere to,
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cuz i think donald trump and vance now understand that russia's never going to deal with. so let's get. and so what they created today was a drama where they lived zalinski prove watermark, who is point that zalinski is in no position. now that kind of person who can even talk to much less the fact that he's legally no longer qualified to be president. and that ukraine must remove him and there must be elections. they must have a new government, some of the rush it can engage. and so i think, i think this was an effort by trump and advance to give zelinski enough rope to hang themselves if people not the entire scene in the oval office seemed like it's like something so real. if we come back just a few months back now, why do you think the new administration has on the gone such and met them offices surely knowing that will be a level of opposition for b u and so on. no initially, well, part of that i think stems from the fact that they have now discovered that billions
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. i know of at least one instance of 50. if it's $48000000000.00 that have been taken, you know, to the united states, gave it to ukraine. ukraine has taken that money and they've moved it into banks in the, in the caribbean. so they've been, they've been stealing us taxpayer dollars. i think that's, that's very poorly with donald trump. and so then he's, he's also recognize that there is no military way out of this for ukraine. they can't take the military victories, impossible. and then ultimately relations normal relations need to be restored with russia. so they're moving on that front. but in this part of this was to assess, is zalinski willing to play along and be a part of a no zalinski is an incorrigible pump of
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the money interest that are backing him in ukraine. and so he was today, he was just too stupid to recognize that he should have kept his mouth shut and it showed us that thank you. and he did none of that. me. all right, now you appear, lead as have been leaping to the last case, defends and taking a stand against the white house, all in the making the same mistake as the ukrainian people in your military bell. what are they going to do? i may have seriously know they're taking a stand good let's you know, they're not one of the top trading partners of the united states. united states doesn't need anything. sure. goes to europe. the exports to the united states were not dependent upon europe in any form or fashion is done. the reality is the united states hacks is dependent upon russia from fertilizer know that's one of those hidden things it to, you know, they don't talk about in public. so it just, in fact trump, this is part i think,
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a design strategy by trump that we've seen over the last 3 weeks. going back to p takes us for our remarks at the, at the nato defense ministers conference, followed by j, the vance as remarks, the munich security conference. they're dumping it all on europe. say, okay, you guys want to secure your crime. great, go ahead and do it. you're going to pay for it. we're not going to pay for it. you're going to pay for go for. and now you're a guest that they've talked a good game. the word means to be seen is whether they can actually act on it. and frankly, they're incapable of acting on it. they don't have the economic strength, they don't have the military strength. they don't have the industrial base to produce the military equipment and weapons needed to supply ukraine. this is, you know, this parties coming to in that the minister of spain. now the extraordinary argument has even seen one of ukraine most vocal support as senator lindsey graham
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say, but he's proud of trump. that's. that's a good lesson. yeah, yeah. i a present prop was in a very good mood. last night. somebody asked me, i my barest about trump, i have never been more proud at the present. i was very proud of j. d, but standing up for our country, we want to be helpful. what i saw in the oval office was disrespectful. and i don't know if we can ever do business with zelinski again. all right, now grant also said that she should now resign if key of wants to keep talking to washington. now in your view, what i have a chance is don't go with say something like this happening in the coming weeks or even months. what do you make about it? i'd say a 100 percent, as well as he's done. uh, we know if you go back to, if you, you good to have the conversation the of a week or so ago. where's graham is sitting uh, with the landscape. maybe it was at the munich security conference. hey, it goes,
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you need man. he was pricing zalinski up one side and down the other. all your best for mad. i wouldn't want to be your enemy for you guys are terrific. and, you know, he was doing everything but hugging and kissing him and public that was in what's the length when graham comes out today? and it says very clearly, i don't know if we can never do business with him again. a parties over zalinski, zalinski better figure out where he's going to go into exile if he's going to survive. because it wasn't just him there. if you notice there were about 15 other ukrainian officials tagging along with him there in the, in the oval office a year mock, you know, his former campaign manager and the manager of is the comedian the committee career. you know, he was there and a reportedly,
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the ukraine's ambassador to the united states. she was in the room and she was holding her head in her hands. she realized what a disaster this was, what an mitigated disaster. so uh, is the, let's these days, they're numbered. yep, there she goes. she's having one of those, etc. and headache moments. there used to be a commercial with excedrin headache. you know, so i had, you know, it's kelly, i got take the take the medicine, she needed one of those pills. and that's going to make heavy headlines after this, maybe by tomorrow or in the next 24 hours. now. yeah. you you why, but make a deal? oh, we're out. that's exactly what font told valencia amid the spot. yeah. how do you interpret that? the what consequences do you for c? i wouldn't be surprised that it saw john radcliffe to c. i a director. i instructed the director of the human clandestine service h. c. s that, uh, to send out a meeting and instructions withdrawing. c,
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i a personnel from the various outposts that they occupied in, in ukraine as well as commands coming down to the secretary of defense to so com. that is and send com, excuse me, you call that instructing military personnel that are there, providing support or, or, you know, advice and consent to, to get out. so you, i, you plug the plug now is effectively polls. i believe that we're not going to see a flaw of any more aid to ukraine. i think that's highly unlikely to zalinski for you. i mean, he, he might as well as come into there with, with a flask of gasoline and littered off and throwing a molotov cocktail into that meeting. because he did every wrong thing you could possibly do with donald trump. the negotiation is talked over him,
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came dressed in his black pajamas and you know, instead of instead of showing up with a suit and tie, uh and then he tried to talk over truck and it did not a shred of humility, not his right of a recognition that hey, you know who you, you may be right? and for the ban of we're, we're the benefactor, you're the provider of that. so this is, i think you're going to see a dramatic change in the us posture within your crane. so right, we have to leave here now laurie johnson for my c i on list and see you of big associates all those nice speaking with you. thank you. thank. thank you, michael is a pleasure. my great not 10. soon as ron high in the oval office as a lot of means, the last key found themselves locked in a spot with donald trump and j. d events over the war. and ukraine. here is how we went on talking about the kind of diplomacy is going to in the destruction of your country, but he's mr. president. mr. present with respect,
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i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office. try to litigate this in front of the american media right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have the manpower problems. you should be thinking the president for right to bring it into this cause i've been to your claim that you say what problems we have. i have been to come on. i've actually, i've actually watched and seen the stories and i know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tor mister president. are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military have from do you think that i expect a launch to come to the oval office of the united states of america and attack the administration that is trying to, trying to prevent the destruction of your country road, a lot of questions. let's start from the big shirt festival. during the war, everybody has problems. even you but you have nice souls and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future. you don't know that god bless you and bless your don't tell us what we're going to feel. we're trying to solve
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a problem. don't tell us what we're going to feel. i'm not telling us what to know transition, reject taste, the deer in no position to dictate what we're going to feel you were going to feel very good deal. and so we're good to feel very good and very strong. no just incident. you're right now not in a very good position. you're allowed to be in the position and had examples to be right around the word beginning of the war. not in a good position. it was, you don't have the cards right now with us. you start having all kinds car right now, you're going to give you a choice for you to you. again later we relied simple radians of people seeing you gambling with world war 3 gambling with world war 3. and what you're doing is very dis, disrespectful to the country, this country. and that's what i tell you that to you far more that a lot of people said we're, they should have you said thank you. was there lie or no in this entire media? you said you today,
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you went to pennsylvania and campaign for the opposition in october, offer some words of appreciation for the united states of america in the president who's trying to save your country. police, you're seeing that if you will speak, we're allowed to live all of the war. you're not speaking loudly. he's not speaking loudly. you're cutting in big trouble. no, no. okay. done. a lot of talking. your country is in big trouble. i know you're not really oh, you're not winning this type. you have a damn, you get a chance that we only out. ok. because the last thing, you know, what country is staying strong from the very beginning of the war, we've been alone, and we have sampled. i said, since you haven't been on the cabinet, the bill on these can we gave you? i said the president, $350000000000.00, you will you for your military equipment, your man, upgrades, but they had to use our military wonderful rest. if you didn't have more mileage our equipment, you invited me to just have our military equipment. this war would have been over
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into wiki, in 3 days. i called the drum, which in, in 3 days, this is something maybe less in 2 weeks. of course. yeah. it's going to be a very hard thing to do business like this. i tell you say thank you, i said those are excited to their exceptional america. they accepted their disagreements and let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to find it out in the american media. when you're wrong, we know that you're wrong. when you see, i think it's good for the american people to see what's going on. and i think it's very important. that's why i kept this going so long. you have to be thankful. you don't have the car, so you have buried there yet. yeah. people to die. tell your running. so to on this i don't play a run a slow on soldiers. it would be a damn good news and then then you tell us, i don't want to cease fire. i don't want to cease fire. i want to go and i want to this, i look or you could get a ceasefire right now. i tell you, you take it so the bullet stop flying and you med stuff according to the cost of the one to still of the war. but i'm saying you don't want to send it to you. i
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want to see why or and t, because you'll get a cease fire faster than any color people about use fire. what they see is it was actually money. well, you was that was it with me, that was with a guy named bite and who is not a smart person. that was your, that was with obama. it was your, excuse me, that was with obama, who gave you a sheets and i gave you a javelin. yeah, i gave you the job is to take out all of those tags. obama gave you sheets. in fact, this statement is i'm a gave sheets and trump gave javelins. you gotta be more thankful. because let me tell you, you don't have the cards with us. you have the cards. but without us, you don't have any cards. sorry. because the attitudes have to change what do you say? she's asking what a brush the bridge the ceasefire. what did they,
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what if anything, what a bomb drops on your head right now. okay. what are the brackets? i don't know, they broke it with biting because binding. they didn't respect them. they didn't respect obama. they respect me. let me tell you, important went through a hell of a lot when he went through a phony which showed where they used him and russia, russia, russia, russia, you ever hear of that deal? that was a phony. that was a phony hunter bite. and joe, by the scam hillary clinton, shifty adam chef that was a democrat scam, that he had to go through that. and he did go through and we did the war and he went through it. he was accused of all that stuff. do nothing to do with it came out of hunter biden's bathroom. he came out there by that it was discussed. and then they said, oh oh, the laptop from hell was made by russia to 51 ages. the thing was
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a scam and he had to put up with that he was being accused of. all that's all i can say is this. he might have broken deals with obama and bush and he might have broken it was by needed. maybe maybe that i don't know what happened, but he didn't break it with me. he wants to make a deal. i don't know, did you make a deal? but once we saw the deal, you're in a much better position. would you not acting at all thankful? and that's not a nice thing. i'll be honest. that's not a nice thing. all right, i think we've seen enough, what is the television where the hard to the companies where you could get all the details of all the stories will follow you. thanks for watching by the
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in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say even closer to the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the error is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. press for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so what should i need something living on to have said eclipse propaganda. you know,
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a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is, will be the if you think about russia, what is your mind? the picture? the bottom landscapes open up before the last one. just imagine the, the discounts dodge the journey, the, the,
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you ready to come along the, the russians and the americans are talking again, the media is about as about ending sanctions. the europeans, as usual, are angry, confused, and divided. in short, there are high expectations about dramatic change. so where is the trump? he's playing the right now or one son is neglected. there's a need not to abandon the other stuff because my fear is that it was due to the bottom. the bottom one point o when i was son, was neglected, and 911 happened the
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the, the, the physician by check the deer in no position, didn't dictate what we're going to fail. so after a serial, so down in the oval office, a lot of me the less keen walk south of the white house that out. but donald trump, a few that came up of gambling with global security. you don't have the cards right now with us. you saw a car right now, you're gambling people seeing you gambling with world war 3 gambling world war 3 now with talks brought to an abrupt end, the signing of the controversial view, low volume creams, natural resources. it's taking off the table to.
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