tv News RT March 1, 2025 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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the, the, the, an attack on, on solving to you for the past and really reacts to an attempted ukrainian drones dry called the touch screen pipeline in southern russia. vital to hunger, ease, gas supplies. big trouble. no, no. they've done a lot of talk in your country is in big trouble. i know you're not, you're not winning this last the white house and more of the fight house. okay. i'll be sends on the over office as a meeting. that's fine. and the way forward for you trade ends in a shouting match, a deal in the rent as minerals a parent lead down to the trash a democracy on the fire. shoot out a rob at the folding station,
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a number of cars we are leaving 3 people. when did you including one of the attack us the about we're continuing our coverage of the latest trend shaping the world right now . this is our, the international. i have mike called portrait. now ukrainian forces have attempted to attack the parts of the tug stream pipeline. in southern vos, you 3 drones west set to have been shut down and as moscow card to exact, it's influence on key of to prevent such attacks. hungry describe the incident, i found an attack on its silver d. the dirt stream pipeline is the guarantee of the security of the hun, gary in natural gas supply. so the possible in operability of the pipeline would seriously endanger our energy security. however, energy security is a matter of sovereignty. so attacks of this type must be considered an attack on
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sovereignty. while it looks like a zalesky remains that true to his fear mongering and to terrace methods so much. she being uh, support from the rest of the worlds and this son he attacked made. so am europe's commercial interest in russia. once again. now, wasn't lensky was read at the white house by donald trump at g. the bands on friday, his militants attempted to attack the infrastructure of the russian compressor station in cross country region in russia, which supplies gas for the 3rd stream pipeline in european countries. now, the cube routine use the aircraft side drones to attack the facility. and according to the russian defense ministry, all 3 ukrainian, u, a. these were shut down at a safe distance from the compressor station which continues to run its operation
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and irregular modes. despite this a terrorist attack, mind you, it was in ukraine's 1st attempt to disrupt the gas, but supplies to the european countries. it back in january, the key regime deployed 9 aircraft. so i've drones to attack the same compressor station in the trust in the region. and rushes, air defense intercepted old you these that's, i'm around as well. now rushes for administer surgery. a lab robin for me is that circus can't afford the, for administer of the 3rd year or fall. what is happening here seems to pay closer tension. so ukraine service tax take a listen. the minister honestly asked his took his counterpart to use encore, his capabilities in working with kids to stop such attempts by the key of regime to carry out terrorist attacks against civilian infrastructure. data showed that the necessary measures would be taken by your grain, have
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a weaponized as their transit for russian natural gas to europe a long time ago. and that search screen that was attacked as being the sole rude, supplying a russian gas to southern and south eastern europe. not just the picture. the map that's greece, serbia hungry bulgaria, slovakia and the ball stand. here's the golden uh uh, that certainly had an effect. so not only on regular consumers, but also on inside economies, announced lavaca, as i mentioned, is just one of the countries in the europe that was affected to take a listen to this. the slovak republic will not support ukraine, neither financially nor militarily to continue the war. if others do so, we will respected the slovak republic demands that at the end, there should be an explicit demand to reopen the transit of gas through ukraine to the slovak republic. in western europe, the situation is absurd. the gas from east to west is not flowing,
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but ukraine is making the situation worse in europe by taking away european gas also gave executed, gets another terrorist attack just last month against american and european interest in russia. but that's time it was an oil refinery of the caspian fly applying consortium, also known as the c d c. now ukrainian drones filled with natural projectiles and explosives. that's actually an oil refinery that pumps cruise from american and european companies through cause ex done. now they proposed in sky oil refinery, which was it's x is the most important hop for the transportation of grooved for the caspian pipeline consortium. now, the shareholders of the caspian pipeline consortium includes international companies where the united states ownership amounts to at least $24.00 and
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a quarter percent. and the last year us companies control some 40 percent of the old oil supplies that were shipped via the cdc. now, the response to the license attacks against american and european interests, i've been basically nonexistence until uh, russian for administered to get loud rough contracts at his at the fergus can't afford. no, it seems as if the darling, the off for europe zalinski is still allowed to do whatever he wants. but considering the latest developments in washington that, that could soon change well or not. so we'll see what happens. but that obviously depends on the many factors which includes whether the lensky will remain fil darling, to use fads in the european union. now i don't think goes right now is senior
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research fellow at the global policy institute, george samuel, early joining the right now, george is good to have you enjoyed me. yeah. so, so bored at best saying this is an attack on its energy security, referring to the country sovereignty. and this is referring to the uh, the european commission guarantees which ukraine failed to uphold. what do you make of this? well it's clear that so what ukraine is doing is applying pressure up against the hungry and slovakia, who are the most important members of the european union who are not on board the ukraine. express that, let's keep in mind that opposed to ukraine. cuts all the gas flows wrong, russia into europe as of the january the 1st. so this doug stream pipeline is
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really the only way in which i guess is able to reach your uh, from rock shops. now hungary, um is dependent on this uh, gas. so obviously, i mean we've had this from the farm and as the see out there with uh, this from our bank. so be also is dependent on those guys. but those are slow. hockey has now become depends on this because slovakia was um over the recipient of gas um through ukraine up until january the 1st and by so back date has been in crisis. uh since uh, january the 1st. now did you see anything in the timing of this at top right now being that because sides with zaleski is disastrous, a trip to washington, and now he's in london as well i, i don't, i don't see dimensions. i mean, maybe there is, but this is a part of an ongoing effort on the part of the ukraine to essentially
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prevent bull gas lows from russia into europe. so there's, i mean, he's a, he did this back in january. and, and that is, is made these attacks only the, c, b, c, the, the, the, of the caspian, a pipeline, a consortium. so this is all part of the ukraine's attempt to um, the executive sabotage of the, the, in the flow of a gas and the other energy products from russia into europe now hungry and, and still vakio of the, the primary recipients of this. and of course now there is this big meeting in london on march, the 1st old brother march the 2nd on sunday, and then a post as a big meeting of the european council on march. the 6th hungry is like a, have both taken very strong positions that they will not support the flow of ions
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to ukraine and hungry, particularly, so that they would not support the ukraine's entry into the you and lock is now, is that explicitly said that they either the, any of the tenant to the induct of ukraine into the you, what has to be with a lot of conditions of mainly that ukraine allows uh, gas flows through this country from russia because that's, it's a good thing. so i guess it made it so like it makes it a reasonable point that if you're trying to get in to the you, then you shouldn't be in the business of sabotaging the call. them is an e u. countries see, but apparently that's, that's the obvious logic, but it doesn't seem to have of, you know, it seems to eluded the grasp of the you with these. all right. does, does,
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but potential reputation damage ever factor into key is a decision making over. so that's kind of a tax with the problem is that we need to red reputational damage. reputational damage, among whom. now the united states is one thing. i mean offices, there was a get a major dressing down on uh, friday. but um, you know, the correspondingly that was this massive uh flow of the support of photos, the landscape from the e u member states. and it just about every single e u member states came out, you know, and then the emotional, almost hysterical support for the landscape. so he hasn't lost um, we shouldn't have, but he hasn't lost any of his reputation reputation. i'm not sure what have you taishan among the you, they're still saying that they will, you know,
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build the stand with the ukraine. so the 2nd thing and onwards without any the you, as usual, without any obvious goals in mind. but so as far as the europeans are concerned, the sticking with the landscape, that's a different issue with the united states. right? we have to leave you here. now george time you are the senior research fellow at the global policy institute. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. right. what it's being reviewed is that the us national security advisor. that was one of those tasked with giving you credit, applied them to zaleski is marching orders from the white house. i followed the explosive exchange and the oval office with donald trump. how do you come in salt? someone when you're practically begging them for money and assistance? when you're wholly dependent on the lark, asked to be american people and then walk into their white house in their oval
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offers. and try to be argumentative and insulting in fact, checking. so we made that clear in no uncertain terms, we made it clear that the negotiation which could have been a fantastic day for them and the country was over and that it was time to go. he had an opportunity, do apologize. he had an opportunity to say that he, you know, is, is absolutely in favor of hitting the reset button and moving this deal forward. but that's not what we heard. while after fleeing the white house with his tail between his legs, vilicki has been licking his wounds in london, replacing a lashing from tom for a woman bray's with stock. as the british prime minister welcome him to doubting street. and it wasn't just a fiction being shouted on the ukrainian but cashed to that with the announcement of another $2000000000.00 loan to key of us part of a g 7 commitment. and it's ross said technically picking up the top with the money
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coming from profits from its frozen assets, the size, the size of the ties you kind of in the store and the revenue celebration level with 2260000000 pounds as part of our on waiting an ongoing support for the training people as part of the g 793 months and as you know, the loan to be paid broadly. so with the profit, so the most licensed assets. busy as we find is mostly the cool visit, in addition to the ongoing support from the united kingdom
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to you crying, we have the selection through column. and so one thing that struck me when we saw was the face. the pool for is now is a moment to, to fund this stuff. now while the oval office spots may have heat humiliations that landscape, the power and sympathy ability has unlocked is building good for key of cough us. now with a jump button for administer, announcing buttons readiness to hand over another 3000000000 euros to soften the blow of washington southerly given ukraine. the cold shoulder and fraud was my cross has also hinted key of my gets hundreds of billions of your. ready was from the you this month. and on top of that, nobody doing the oil company has it now. it's stopping it. supplies to american ships, located off no age on coast. it didn't means it's woods on describing the explosive
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sit down in the white house, which was supposed to be a constructive meeting between trump and zaleski. what makes america a good country? is america engaging in diplomacy? that's what president trump is doing. can i ask you? sure, yeah, yeah. okay. so what do you mean? i'm talking about the kind of diplomacy it is going to in the destruction of your country with respect. i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office to try to litigate this in front of the american media. we're trying to solve a problem. don't tell us what we're going to feel. i'm not telling us is issue a check days the year in no position didn't dictate what we're going to fail. you again. somebody is a people seeing you dabbling with world war 3 and what you're doing is very dis, written disrespectful to the country. this country. i'm the you that to you are more that a lot of people say where they should have. you've got big trouble getting an hour
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or so. no, no. okay. not a lot of talking. your country is in big trouble. i know you're not really oh, you're not winning this from the very beginning of the war. we've been a long and we have sample. i said, thanks. you haven't seen the these. can we gave you the president, $350000000000.00 you will you for your military equipment, then you tell us i don't want to cease fire. i don't want to cease fire is that was with the a guy named bite and who is not a smart person. this is going to be great television. i will say well let's discuss this now with global security analysts, serial delilah and independent doctor john list. sonya bundled and i'm glad to have you both join me right now. so sonya, let me start with you now the, the british 5 minutes the hogs. the last key is a clear message to washington, at least that's what kind of news and some other outlets think is a how you see it as well. of course as to what we had seen yesterday evening. i
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mean, it was really like a hollywood show. i would say a so landscape was sitting there and be very unhappy of course, and they had to fight the fight in words, i must say. and what i noticed this morning already does all the newspaper us in britain and then europe straight away said ok, it's the last case with the us. us is out now out of the was what they call it. and so we have to do something. well, he didn't even come back yesterday evening. of course we went straight to to lawson . so with his friend there, and there was saying all people, you know, when he came to a number 10 downing street people, are there applauding him and, well, i doubted because, you know, i wonder and i asked myself, but just all this money come from. i mean, billions there, billions there it's, it's unbelievable. so, well, i mean, uh, the news outlets. of course, there's still a following this agenda,
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but actually if you look at the home of europe, i mean if you look at the people, i mean, we had a big loss for us and the people of europe had the big luck yesterday. and, well, what is going on is what i dislike is very bad, hollywood show, and i mean, he is now in there. and also i think a lot of the book from germany said that she would give him some money. i'm the one from a and made so uh, mazda 2, he's trying to save the whole thing because he knows, you know, do you as his out in the america still in europe is still in. he's trying to say, is it the you saying now, okay, as a landscape has to make it off with, with trump and fans woods. okay, this is not going to work, of course. so, well, you're disposing pumping a lot of money, but it's actually, it's rushing money. you know, it's the russian assets. it's been frozen and they say we were going to give it back or your brain is going to get it back and so low. but i doubt that of never
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come back. that's for sure. now what we certainly would talk about if they're, if they're good to see this money's again, but simply let me come to you now. that was the last key. come to stop my. you went viral. well, the wasn't so much interested in the new loan due to key of why the disparity, what are you interpreting? well, um, i think that we are exactly in the process that i have been talking about a few months ago. i have always believed that the united states would find any kind of uh, way to get out of this uh matter stack in. ready which uh, us are within the crate and translate them they would transfer the rest the rest on step. sorry, the rest on the spot rates are the responsibility of a couple of guys uh to the new york union which is exactly. ready what's happening and um we have always believed that they would try to finance this using the 1st on
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assets from the uh, the interest from the russian president section that did you uh, this is exactly what's happening. so. ready which is very interesting is that it seems to be very easy for the european union and france and bread breaks, and a lot of the counselors are part of a lot of money to help you find, but not to lay out that long countries. somewhere we can ask ourselves, or are they working by someone? yeah, i'm coming back to what you said earlier. another couple of b and the pounds to kia apparently, you know, now we're hearing. no, no. now what, what do you think london with ever see that money? again and seeing that the u. k. economy is not exactly blooming right now. are you surprised that all this money keeps being given away? yes, i'm very surprised because of what we know what you said. did you k as well? it's a disaster. same for europe. i mean, if you look at germany, for instance,
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it's, it's horrible that, i mean, there's the industrialization. so how are they going to get the money back? and then, you know, i mean it's, it's, you know, it, they look using is on the bet for seals in ukraine. and the whole part is in fetters is ukraine. i mean, we can see this, and so the am not able to give the money back. and this money is one that says it's russian assistance, been frozen money. so this money is gone, but it's not actually the money. if i, we my belief, of course, the leaders of the you what they are saying, it's the frozen s, it's money, but this is going on for a long time already. i think since well one or 2 years there, what were you saying? you know, we're giving a law and we're giving a loan, but it's no loan, it's just a gift. and i mean, i wonder how long are the people in europe a going to take up this nonsense? i mean, this is, yeah. what, what we can say, it's actually the money if it's not
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a low from, you know, the russian frozen s, it expects payers money from the european unit union people. and i mean, they have to be very angry because it's their mom a, they are working forward and they can see now it's going to ukraine, which actually lost it on the battlefield. so it's no use for this. and it's unbelievable. and i think with me, i hope a lot of europeans are also thinking that's it's unbelievable what's going on. all right, that serial you case 100 here, deal with ukraine, features london benefiting from key of natural resources. so how much of a co incidence is that that valencia gets into an argument with trump in washington, and then the head straight did to stop most odds in london as well to me that's not really a to me, that was, but that is not really a surprise, remember that in 2022 bo joe camp once and get on said no, no,
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don't negotiate will back you have will give you everything you need. i'm just by the assumptions, but wait for the on the brush and show your uh, the everything should be. ready busy square within a few months, well, 3 years after, uh, it's something that is happening again. in fact we have the same people via my cx, some of the european union that are coming in and u. k. of course that i getting in the step again. and i'm trying to break a piece, but it just, i don't know how to describe this because this is way beyond understanding. we have really the, the feeling that the only thing that there wants. ready is just the just the body war between the europe in. ready restaurants and what exactly the united states kind of way is to the just said ok, we cannot negotiate with zalinski is just a couple of pounds. uh there is nothing to do with that deal with it. we are out of the business on the united states. they will try to do what they have to do with uh,
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with restaurant and i still don't believe, but trump the front a brush up trump isn't working just as a business man. now the rest of the assembly of everything that's going to happen has been transferred to the european union. and the problem is that now. ready dealing. ready to credit is the guys my credit is thomas and my crime said again yesterday that he was ready to do, i guess because with the european union to put to europe in union under the french nuclear, our decisions to stuff which is completely absolutely crazy. 3 never happened, truck comes down or clearly are people that are down to us. ready the piece really to deal with this really quickly, the french and the french people, the europeans, people, remember that the problem that we have in the europe at actually with the god, those ladies on something as m. s. r. and we need to push us homeward. the
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for information process because i mean it's just impossible to understand of how many. ready lies because people can tell in just one minute. all right, us. all right. okay, i'm going to ask to a few question next, but the point is, let's, let's take a perspective. cross seems to be imagining in the palm west and front lines as nato . she said openly that the last key should apologize to trump. now let's pick and listen. here. nato secretary general mock router says he is not at liberty to say what was discussed, which is that he told zelinski we have to respect what trump has done for you. train so far. speaking to the bbc, he says zalinski must find a way to restore his relationship with his us. count about donald trump after the to clashed in the white house. all right, so now let me come to you fast. what is your thing?
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this means for ukraine or or actually nothing because, you know, margaret is the guy from nato and he wants to solve the whole problem not solve the whole problem, but he sees his war is going down to drain. we can sit because he is. yeah, i said the all the time he's elizabeth heretical likes, and i think the netherlands is taking a stance of extra ordinary stance because the government has the em hates as a team. and i clearly remember when it's happened to my parents and he was prime minister the time he was like, ok, we have to have to present on russia. this is what these traits already said and some of the politicians as well. so he wants now to have a trump, or do you as administration to come back to your room and then they can go to get and go on this war pass again. clearly this is not going to happen. so the corrects
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and they told are correct in your of because we also know that hungary and so i yeah, i'm not participating that they tell that clearly. so, but yeah, margaret, so he's the guy who's trying to save the whole thing and he sees his work off his roar, his again the going uh well, it's nothing anymore. and they know it because europe is not capable of waging a war against russia. this is actually what they want, and this is what you know, i'm telling all the time they want a war against russia, but they're not capable of it. the army is not good at the finances now and do is not playing alone anymore. so it's a disaster for them, and maybe nato will be the sole one of these days. and they've already speaking about a, you will be an army. i don't know if that will going to happen because i don't think a lot of europeans are heavy to form an army to fight against for our show, because this is what it will be. so yeah, mark, whether it's a little bit desperate me. maybe they'll try it out, then bring back the 181812,
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but not pull it up for you. i need to why the case may be at the same page might happen again. who knows? all right, serious now, what does this mean for the integrity of the so called collective west as well? the so called collective west actually. ready assessing uh the problem. uh 1st what son. yes, that is very interesting because. ready is among the collect west, you have need to not just imagine one minutes. uh that considering the uh, the problem that we have they're facing today trends size. okay. m w that and quitting need to know we need to is the, our uh, arms for him. uh, the united states to the, to the lives of the things as well. but just imagine that the not. ready they say what we need to most of the countries, the said, oh okay,
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we're good to go into the price that we want to have. um us security uh so and the secure. ready security. ready going through natal, i'm with the optical 5. no d, l e, is that right? the needs to have need to because they understand that the european union and actually i'm different comes as a new york in union and they're not capable to dispatch some of the sort of yours on the european army are on the contention that could be sent to the crane so it needs to be back to find, find it to. ready so that's, that's for them to the problem and they do not much time what's gonna happen. also, i remind that the article 5 of nato has so about skills. and in those articles it is very clearly we read them sorry that if any country claim on the article 5. ready or whatsoever all the countries that.
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