tv Worlds Apart RT March 1, 2025 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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are you ready to come along the hello and welcome to will, to part the principles of national security and neighbors. territorial integrity have never been perfectly aligned, but the arrival of donald trump went to the global stage edit. even more attention to this already and boiling contradiction, will the countries now have to agree on a new set of boundaries when it comes to defending national board as well to discuss that i'm now joined by invested, or i see if there are any back, a sense form or special representative jobs dentist and currently a senior research fellow at the is long about the policy research institute investor. it's a great honor for me to talk to thank you very much for being available. thank you
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for having me. now let me start with something that is a very close to your home late last year. but cosign in indian media were buzzing the discussion on blackest on strikes on one of the i've, i've done it since the provinces. and i know it's a big thing for you. oh, for the 2 countries. but i also noticed that internationally, you know, many out of countries where a sort of doing a similar kinetic scene because at that time is real and turkey, we're moving from a boldly on into the syrian territory. there is a rush as presence in ukraine. we know about, is there a israel's operation in gas? donald trump is now talking about expanding american borders officially by quite acquiring greenland and canada. i wonder if you take that all as sort of isolated incidents or do you think perhaps the some of the countries have become far more liberal when it comes to redrawing the map. i think that we are mixing as
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many issues together. the 1st is no 2 sufficient of similar a mute effort to bucks on strikes. that is was a result of the intelligence based report that need to be cover this work order and the end the, and do a planning. so those are precision strikes based on the incursions and not on the one nationalism one. and then a similar strike took place to be back in march, last drills again, the same intelligence base. the reason was that these 22 people, they are taking folks really know what's on the as for the you in the report, the tools to 6000 and they are the largest group for far as far as phone
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carriers are concerned. apart from why i escaped the stomach moment of those books, um and then uh a t i m. uh, it's a long running problem, but uh, it's a, it's a problem that's positioned outside your borders and you know that according to the international law, all countries have to respect the neighbors border. so there's always a controversy whenever somebody crosses into somebody else the this was not drug classical, you know, why lucian, what about the 2 to be a tax on bucks some positions joined by the one excellence? it is not there to be exclusive attacks on bucks on security forces to williams, and so they haven't goes in depth and destruction. and then what about ice creepy people who have done that? our tax in the could mind trying it on in most cool and focus on so the,
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so you have to actually address these issues and like honest you and then you cannot make send the sovereignty comes when the other side also respects the sovereignty of others. now my question is not to criticize him, back is done by any measure. i'm not an expert on that. but i wonder if perhaps the current framework of international law, not only by the fact that they and many countries seem to be ignoring it, but, but by the fact that it doesn't seem to solve the issues that you have just raised . whether the framework needs to be updated, revise brought in touch with reality some how well those uh you are offering to i can understand that those, those are the movers and shakers in the water. when you in good bucks on into that, then can you're thinking that that was last like the analogy,
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drawing on back to huge situation as i said in the beginning is difficult different . so when the do you do talk about iceland? no, for the metro next thing. uh, mexico and canada. so that's the, you all know, we all know under the international law, that is actually a tech on the phone. and the one of the inmates few out in the state of war and the, the same united states and natural forces the entered into the agreement to know what a social can and left smilingly. now they have left for the language of. our disposition is loading. uh we, we respect that, but at the same time, the left, you know, the central problem of it. so if you are in my shoes how you're going to address that, i am not qualified to answer that question. that's why i'm interviewing you. but can i just, um, double check the 2nd part of my question, do you seeing the,
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the international environment there? so the current a source has become somewhat more permissible just to re drawing the borders or crossing into the neighboring territory a little bit more sort of uh, care free them. it's used to be, i think, a, that's a loose talk. and that we discussed that talk and the drawing of the bar as means it would actually bring the piece of security in in door danger. so this was something guys dangerous talk. do you think there could be any i joined international action because i remember a couple of years back. there was a lot of talk. the police from the russian side about the shared secures of principal, you know, all major powers and regional powers. committing to the principle of not advancing
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the security of the cost of the neighbor. do you think it's realistic to perhaps come back to that principle or invent some other? i think we have to go back to the drawing board and we have to discuss this in um, total manner. and we should not leave this to some vertical mavericks that they decide about to anything. and this is not the way of conducting international business. how can i ask specifically about ways of conducting international business? because and i've gotten a sense uh, or the tally buns uh, policy or sort of style of international engagement seems to be very interesting. crowded because on summer shoes they seem to be and very unconventional as put it that way, for example, of refusing to issue a passports to the citizens for crossing into pakistan for example. but on other
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issues on other matters like negotiating with the indians. they seem to project an image of a fully fledged diplomatic power. how do you sort of see how to characterize these foreign policy approach? what does it say that i think a gullible on student learning a. and so they called the deadline quickly about the conduct of relationship. what does it mean to respect the sewing to you and the integrity of for each of those bodies? and what does it mean that to, in the economic real, how to behave, how to grant access to each other and in the region it does have been most efficient. so we hope that the internal government of one some
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the really take measures that really be beneficial for the people that falls on a, some chasing their genuinely uh, not aware of how to do those things and need to learn or are they perhaps using uh you know some loopholes in behaving in a certain way when it pleases down with one nation and showing a difference. i go to that. so i've been to the that's the case then the thing is sick level by hoffman because every new thing that perhaps they refuse the room say in a one match was not to have fox sports. and this is not the case. i think you have to check affects because the usual most of 2000 visa is birthday is to the highest number, perhaps anywhere in the world. the social number of these are sure the one should also know that they have 5 other neighbors off. they cannot really, you know,
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use the, the, the concessions which bucks on used to give them that was not available to done with the other 5, numerous. and yeah, the you wrote recently the president cuz i used to cold practiced on and i've got a son sammy's twins that cannot be separated. do you agree with him and what? uh, what do you want pack hassan to be in such a symbiotic relationship with any other nation? i have no dogs throughout the there's a symbolic relationship between bucks on on. i was so again, a squared exceptional dec, 17 tribes are actually on the border. this is not the tiers, so with the one, some other 5 neighbors we should we have a different box on that one. so the and then coming up industries to and more sol firestone, they have projects, those books and for commons. but the culturally don't identify themselves with the
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projects, projects on those books on our took them to sun because there's the culture of the gap which has come and the more comes over to here and the project goes like some the to come as well. you may know, but in some, so do the subsea or situation tasting. it is a special case. i mean, that cannot be ruled ultimately by the international law. because what you're describing seems to be a very peculiar situation and dealing with the, you know, very traditional culture that is very different from even the pakistan's culture. i mean, the urban pakistan culture seducing, perhaps then this border needs to be and given some sort of an exception and how you have to keep on trying. the reason is that on the border now it says and not a good example, but the polio why this is prevalent, only on bucks on the ones on border because and the polio, as has been ended have it has finish all or the word, but it is yeah,
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that's because of the culture, the tools we showed up, right? because the thing that they get the part of the waters of drops or sharks. so their children may, we may become important nonsensical, but this is being pursued. so the that because that it is, but you have to visually tell the people that there is a way to interact. no one is talking, i was coming to puck to some. no one is dropping fucks on his to go to a one son. but those were coming from i was sunday, have to adopt a way which is internationally accepted. the goal for the hugs do go on passports. they cannot imagine going to, so the passport or any other country without us. so i think this is the guys really doing all the while investigator. we have to take a very short break right now, but we will be back in just a few moments station. the
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russian states never as one of the most sense community best english, all sense of the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the states on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the, the question, did you say even closer to the
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welcome back to was a part twist. i seemed to run a form of pakistan's, special representative on i've got to stand on currently a senior research follow the is my mother bought the policy research institute investigator. and just before the break, we started talking about i've gotten this done and you mentioned in addition to pakistan and it's other neighbors and best thing. it's through the intervention. so solid and formal intervention of a 1000 neighbors that the dentist on is sort of kept afloat, most certainly no flourishing. but i think with russia in central asian republics, i'm going to need contacts and trying to make sure perhaps for their own good,
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the packet i've done is done, does not regress into k is now. is it good enough for now? do you see any opportunity just for something more inspiring, i guess, or economically viable? it is such a not good enough, but at this same time, i think carrier should go to a one subs immediate neighbors. and uh, uh, russia for sustaining on this, um economy. could we do any of these subsystem sleep? so the substance those level is the true, the cutoffs useful up and to bar for truth and which is 14 a was on, but situation escape. there's 97 percent power train on one, some out of which 52 percent of ex, truly dependent on international humanitarian assistance. and unfortunately,
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the international humanitarian assistance is dwindling in good, posing printed fee. all drugs come at the end of the commercial and was made for $4200000000.00, but only one 3rd was actually a dealer close on the same happened last year, around $2400000000.00 commitment. only 1.5 percent was actually committed. female was so the countries essentially at abandoned by its former partner slash, let's call it that way. it is, in fact a was certain, does not figure in america, no natural countries, the priorities. now, can i ask, who's specifically about that? because you mentioned this rather, her departure of the previous administration, but then you administration, the new american president seems to have a great interest in rare earth materials of which i've dentist done has plenty. and
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the here recently came up with a rather unorthodox proposal for you guys a suggesting to turn it into eddie vienna. do you expect any sort of credits if that's kind of creative ideas coming out of washington that can bring some economic development or perhaps some focus at least 2 of them has done? i don't think they was very much just curious about new tim and why this um and then you said the left 100, you know the left on the plat because my wife doesn't let me tell you of the president bush auto generals can move in the wall and the officer was no, and he said then why i'd be visiting our blood and treasure. nobody's son pull out . so he entered into an agreement with the top to bottom and sign it and but it was implemented by prison by good. so was there was a bipartisan support to this pull out so you can see it. it was done in the,
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in the, in a high, it was gonna try the spent good 20 years. and they took her and gave her the, from balaban to tied up on this problem. okay. my question to you, do you believe that there is any possibility of them coming back? perhaps even in some sort of a cotton like a in a joint effort. let's say with the russians or the salad is because, you know, the results of the reality and that would be an unusual thing around the miracle. if that happens are dried up verse, i mean you aren't, governors are made for the good of the humanity for the board of the people. there's an 8 that is a, there are no 2 opinions about that the, the powers, they should infect step together. and they should talk about peace. and they also try to help in those long disputes where they are now uh,
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as i mentioned in riyadh, we had uh, the russian and the american delegation. now, uh, talking about the potential for economic corporation to at least their set starting whether it's couldn't be profitable, let's say a man and just extra or in our to cooperation if that's where to be extended a to, i've gotten this done in a genuine manner. do you think that the that it couldn't move the situation of it's occurring, that log entry definitely makes a difference. because right now a one son is neglected. there's a need not to abandon the son because my fear is that it was due to the bottom. the bus is 1.4. when i was son, was neglected, and 911 happened. it's the same. you can see the all the signs as far as present data. line site is concerned with dice, k p's activities and the t t p and all so they can go exeter filter. so it's
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all the more necessary for the word to sit together and not isolate. okay, so that's the reason i'm so sort of pressing this issue is because uh, we all heard about the present terms of american to list approach, which he seems to involve himself into uh, you know, world problems only when he sees some rational, some business ration. now, and i wonder if indeed cooperating on, i've got a son together can bring some benefit. not only to, let's say russia and the united states, but also perhaps to a larger re and region. and most importantly, to the i've done this time and people themselves. i do when it comes to business and then i think then be another push on it is for all the interested boxes. what about the tele bundy? because uh you mentioned about the uh paradigm and down that you know, some, etc. and aid not being enough. do you think they're actually ready not to be the
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receivers of 8, even though i know that the lot of the funds are now frozen by the americans. but sort of enter into the negotiations with region know and global powers. um, you know, on that own uh, self sufficient basis. are they ready to be partners? is there a mentality even of what is definitely there could be many ideas non view of talking about the tyler bond. they may also have the idea how to on money. the issue is that to do they have the city expertise line is not simply mathematics to propose to mix for you told me before the interview that you're interested in. afghanistan became very concrete on the soviet war or soviet invasion, whatever you term it, even though in the end it's always union. they thought of it as brother really help, whatever uh, somebody, the enrollment didn't have dentist on began and at that time uh, saudi arabia was
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a very important under serial partner to the soviet union. but this time around the saudis play the very active role in bringing the russians and americans together. do you think they, they to may have a role to play in afghanistan in terms of expertise in terms of, i don't know, maybe ideological or religious a negotiation or liaison in whatever most definitely. because uh, so here i be a is enjoys for, uh, not on in bucks on, but i will i, son as well as the place. so for a whole the whole it shines office long, no doubt. and then it is a very appreciable that is so there is playing that mutual between the us and russia. oh, well, we hope that of some, for some of the other 2 will come out of transfers and we should be to the benefit of the entire work and react also offer the systems in negotiating between
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immediate and rather between the americans in the iranians and i know that you're very concerned about what may happen with iran and it's nuclear poster during the next 4 years of trump. what's more as you the most about it? what again, as you said, i think a pushing it on to the corner were uh the de jesus it on maybe down after the suit in a you can say up as or where do it on as such. an even though trout it on is a power to be that can with so there's a need to try and read it carefully when me on addressing this and try to get my passport has made it to cisco. so when you drug orthodontic means, then you can are doors that from the middle east, and i'm has friends side to good i. but i don't think that to get on is that old. i also want to ask you about iran's anyways, will proclaim to hand them is because we are so used to the soonest you divide and
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you know, for and power is exploiting that scares me. but with this new initiative by this out is to mediate between the radiance and their america's uh, how do you assess the state of the so do you rainy and relationship? do you see some possibilities there? you are likely that the search and mediation would not come out of the blue. i think a confidence has been built between so do and a lot. and that in china play the very positive, immediately role in bringing. so then together then they had to stop the electric, we still use to use against each other. so it is a pleasure to be able to print and now it's so the that'd be a can play and we do trade or between united states and. and if both the parties agree, asking then edward have same impact, which we can anticipate about. so do me the travel between now i might have to and
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russian. so we mentioned all the major powers of the region except one, india and the communist and what it wasn't long, the 1st leaders to call and congratulate donald trump and his victory. they also worked quite successfully during tons, 1st term. we all know that in terms a new team, there are lots of people of the indian origin in official, an unofficial capacities. for example, the vice president's wife is of indiana origin that she has massive following on the internet. i know that the indian desperate in america is very happy. do you think that may impact the politics in any way? i mean, do you expect any changes in the indian american dynamic and how it may reflect on because it has already, i think, going back to the end as well, america's strategic partner. and again, that has been bipartisan support with the dental care. so republicans,
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so it will have an impact and i think we will formulate our response says the situation comes up. but of course, our major concern is a disturbing the kind of actual balance in the region like the truck or foot providing the f. so the $35.00 at the end. well, to some extent as balance has already been disrupted, because india, you know, that you really made some decisions back in 2000. 19 that some would change the situation in kashmir at least now. my question to you and i guess it's going to be the last question in the many countries right now due to trumps. uh, uh, some of the lowest book stands and forum posts. yeah. now revising that own domestic and foreign policy outreach? have you seen any moves in pakistan? is pakistan changing how it approaches its neighbors? you know, its itself and its relationship with the big powers. so as you're talking about in
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years action in oak park there for me in august 2019, that is unacceptable. that is illegal and it goes against the resolutions. so in any case, endeavors not enjoy legitimacy as far as in echo park. gosh me this concept. so we are very clear about what to wear a couple of chart repressive tactics. they may not want to use uh, building the comical miller to muscle. does that mean that they can probably be focused on? and more importantly, bucks on is not dependent on india. so does that also because the so in that respect and get becomes a value in 4 bucks some as far as valid meeting is concerned that for that matter how bucks on his dependence dependence, his concept by size is not dependent and the but at the same time in the reason i'm done so, so both and then focus on nuclear weapon states besides this. so there is
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a cause for what you for all of us, those who want to be stability in the region in the neighborhood. so i think the center to should prove will tend to infect for the dangerous step rating uh to uh, february 2009 and 19 when the attack for buck sense. but of course today in fact, to introduce the noun almost in a nuclear environment. so i think the book says for approval, because otherwise it would progress for disaster and mention of quite a few miracles or a possibility for miracles or turn around a major problems throughout this interview. do believe something like that is possible between india and pakistan like some new vision, some new idea that brings both to yeah, it was incredible. yeah. it was definitely possible if uh that our friends who, who can play the role for media liked the c and c must have, well,
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we were not expecting to talk over there. so do mediation between russia and so without regardless of the so these are offering to me did between need on and so i think that can happen, that can help. okay, well let's keep our fingers crossed, but on this sounds helpful. no, thank you very much for being with us. thank you for having and thank you for watching hope to share again on the welter part the . oh the the
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