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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  March 2, 2025 3:30pm-7:01pm EST

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ways being valued and co operation has never really ceased, even in the most difficult times. that for all those who wanted to, especially small and medium sized businesses, they aim to maintain their positions slight to modify their activities and make some adjustments. but there was no great desire to leave the russian market today, by the way, at the general assembly. there were conversations about very serious losses by european and american businesses of to the exits from the russian market. and we are talking about quite considerable figures. i think all sides, we'll learn some lessons from this by stay with our team to national for all the latest from around the world. thanks for watching at the bottom. the
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hello and welcome to well, the part, the principles of national security and neighbors. territorial integrity have never been perfectly aligned with the arrival of donald trump on to the global stage. added even more attention to this already and boiling contradiction. will the countries now have to agree on a new set of boundaries when it comes to defending national borders? well, to discuss that i'm now joined by invested, or i see if there are any back a sense form or special representative jobs dentist. and currently, a senior research fellow at b as i'm about the policy research institute investor. it's a great honor for me to talk to thank you very much for being available. thank you for having me. now let me start with something that is a very close to your home late last year. but cosign in indian media were buzzing the discussion on august on strikes on one of the i've, i've got a sense provinces,
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and i know it's a big thing for you uh for the 2 countries. but i also noticed that internationally, you know, many out of countries where a sort of doing a similar kinetic scene because at that time is real and turkey, we're moving from a boldly on into the syrian territory. there is a rush as presence in ukraine. we know about, is there a israel's operation in gas? donald trump is now talking about expanding american borders officially by quite acquiring greenland and canada. i wonder if you take that all as sort of isolated incidents or do you think perhaps the some of the countries have become far more liberal when it comes to redrawing the map. i think that we are mixing as many issues together. the 1st is no 2 sufficient the similar that you'd effort to bucks on strikes. that is was a result of the intelligence based report that need to be cover this work
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order and the end the do a planning. so those are precision strikes based on incursions and none of the one measurements of one. and then a similar strike took place the back in march, last drills. again. the same intelligence base of reason was that these 2 people, they are taking folks really know what's on the as for the you in the report, the tools to 6000 and they are the largest group so far as far as phone carriers are concerned. apart from why i escaped, then the stomach moment of those books, um and then uh, it t i m o, it's a long running problem, but it's a, it's a problem that's positioned outside your borders and you know that according to the
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international law, all countries have to respect the neighbors border. so there's always a controversy. whenever somebody crosses into somebody else the this was not drug classical, you know, why lucian, what about the 2 to be the attacks on bucks some positions joined by the one excellence? it is not there to be exclusive attacks on bucks on security forces to williams, and so they have engaged in death and destruction. and then what about ice q p. people who have done did our tax in the could mind trying it on in moscow and bucket some so the, so you have to actually address these issues and like on this you and then you can norton me send the sovereignty comes when the other side also respects the sovereignty of others. now my question is not to criticize
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a practice done by any measure. i'm not an expert on that, but i wonder if perhaps the current framework of international law not only by the fact that they and many countries seem to be ignoring it, but, but by the fact that it doesn't seem to solve the issues that you have just raised whether the framework needs to be updated, revise brought in touch with reality some how well those uh you are offering to i can understand that those, those are the movers and shakers in the water. when you in good bucks on into that then uh can you think of this that was the last uh, light analogy. drawing on back to a huge situation as i said in the beginning is difficult different. so when the do you do talk about iceland? no, for the metro next thing. uh, mexico and canada. so that's the, you all know, we all know under the international law, that is actually
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a tech on the phone. and the one in may, school out in the state of war and the, the same united states and natural forces. they entered into the agreement and no one is social can and left smilingly. now they have left for the language. our disposition is rolling. uh we, we respect that, but at the same time, the left, you know, the single problem after that. so if you are in my shoes, have you ever winter 6? i'm not qualified to answer that question. that's why i'm interviewing you. but can i just, um, double check the 2nd part of my question, do you seeing the, the international environment there? so the current a source has become somewhat more permissible us to re drawing the borders or crossing into the neighboring territory a little bit more sort of
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a carefree them. it's used to be, i think, a, that's a loose talk and that we discussed the talk and the drawing of the bar as means it would actually bring the piece of security in, in the work dangerous. so this was something guys dangerous talk. do you think there could be any i joined international action because i remember a couple of years back. there was a lot of talk. the police from the russian side about the shared secures of principal, you know, all major powers and regional powers. committing to the principle of not advancing the security of the cost of the neighbor. do you think it's realistic to perhaps come back to that principle or invent some other? i think we have to go back to the drawing board for that. and we have to discuss this in um, total manner. and we should not lever this to some vertical
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mavericks that they decide about to anything. and this is not the way off to conducting international business. how can i ask specifically about ways of conducting international business? because and i've gotten a sense uh or the tally, binds uh, policy or sort of style of international engagement seems to be very interesting. crowded because on summer shoes they seem to be um, very unconventional as put it that way, for example, of refusing to issue a passports to the citizens for crossing into pakistan for example. but on other is on other matters, like negotiating with the indians. they seem to project an image of a fully fledged diplomatic power. how do you sort of see how to characterize these foreign policy approach? well, instead it's i think,
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to the bottom of student learning us. and even though they hold the deadline quickly about the conduct of relationship, what does it mean to respect the southern, to an integrity of for each of those borders? and what does it mean that to, in the economic real, how to behave, how to grant access to each other and in the region? it does have been sufficient. so we hope that the internal government of ones and really take measures that will be beneficial for the people of health on some chasing. they're genuinely uh, not aware of how to do those things and need to learn or are they perhaps using uh, you know, some loopholes in behaving in a certain way. but when it pleases down with one nation and showing a different,
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say i go to that. so i've been to the that's the case then the thing is sick level by hoffman because it is the thing that perhaps the refills are real, say in a one nation's not to have fox sports. and this is not the case. i think you have to check the effects because the usual most of 2000 visa is birthday is to the highest number, perhaps anywhere in the world with such a number of reasons. i do show that one should also know that they have 5 other neighbors off. they cannot really, you know, use the, the, the concessions which bucks on used to give them that was not available to done with the other 5, numerous. and yeah, you wrote recently the president cuz i used to cold pakistan and i've got a son sammy's twins that cannot be separated. do you agree with him and what,
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what do you want pack us down to be in the such a symbiotic relationship with any other nation? i have no doctor of the, there's a symbolic relationship between bucks. i don't know why. so again, it's quite exceptional. dec, 17 tribes are actually on the border. this is not the case with the one, some other 5 neighbors. we should, we have a different box on, on one. so the and then coming up industries to and more full firestone, they have projects, those books and for commons. but the culturally don't identify themselves with the projects, projects on those books on our took them to sun because there's the culture of the gap which has come and the more conservative here in the projects goes looks and the 2 comments will human one some. so do the subsea or situation testing, it is a special case. i mean, that cannot be ruled ultimately by the international law. because what you're
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describing seems to be a very peculiar situation and dealing with the, you know, very traditional culture that is very different from even the pakistan's culture. i mean, the urban pakistan culture seducing, perhaps then this border needs to be and given some sort of an exception in how a you have to keep on trying. the reason is the edge on the border. now it says and not a good example, but the polio awareness is prevalent on the, on bucks on the ones on border because in the polio of his husband entered have it finished or to ward, but it is. yeah, that's because of the culture, the tools we set up, right? because the thing that they get, the part of the waters of drops are shars so they should remain in me and become important nonsense. it goes. but this is being pursued. so the that because that it
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is, but you have to visually tell the people that there is a way to interact. no one is dropping, the was coming to park to some no one is dropping. fucks on is to go to a one some. but those who are coming from why, why son, they have to adopt a way which is internationally accepted. the goal for hugs do go on passports. they cannot imagine going to. so the passport, all right, any other country without us. so i think this is a good healey doing all due to the well invested, or we have to take a very short break right now, but we will be back in just a few moments station the
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the the welcome back to it was apparent with assume dirani former pakistan's special representative and i've got to stand on currently a senior research fellow and the is lama by the policy research institute investigator. and just before the break, we started talking about afghanistan. and you mentioned in addition to pakistan and it's other neighbors. and i think it's through the intervention a solid and formal intervention of a 1000 neighbors that the guy has done is sort of kept afloat. most certainly no flourishing. but i think with russia in central asian republics on montana in context and trying to make sure perhaps for their own good,
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the packet i've done is done, does not regress into k is now. is it good enough for now? do you see any opportunities for something more inspiring, i guess, or economically viable? it is such an and not good enough, but at this same time, i think carrier should go to a one subs immediate neighbors. and the russia for sustaining one is some economically do and actually use subsystem sleep. so the subsistence level is to the cut off to swap and to box or treat and which is 14 or was on but situation is group. there's 97 percent power train on some part of which 52 percent of ex, truly dependent on international humanitarian assistance. and unfortunately that
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internationally, i mean, into a successes drinking and good posing printed fee. all drugs come and the and the come at drawing was made for $4200000000.00, but only one 3rd was a to lease a dealer close on the same happened last year. around $2400000000.00 coming from only 1.5 percent was actually committed. female was so the country is essentially at abandoned by its former partner slash, let's call it that's the way it is. and in fact uh, was southern does not figure in america, no natural countries prior to use. now, oh, can i ask specifically about that? because you mentioned this rather her departure of the previous administration. but then you administration, the new american president seems to have a great interest in rare earth materials of which i'm going to send has plenty. and
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the here recently came up with a rather unorthodox proposal for you guys a, suggesting to turn it into a piano. do you expect any sort of creative, a, that kind of creative ideas coming out of washington that can bring some economic development though, perhaps some focus at least 2 of them has done. i don't think they was very much just use of our new tillman of let us. and then you said the left 100 and you know, the left on the plan because my life doesn't let me tell you. of the president bush auto generals can move in the wall and the officer was no. and he said, then why i'd be visiting our blood and treasure, and oh, my son pull out. so he entered into an agreement with the telephone and signed it and but it was implemented by prison by could it. so it shows that it was a bipartisan support to this pull out from. so you can see if it was done in the,
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in the, in a high, it was going to try the spend good 20 years. and they took a and gave uh, from boulevard to tied up on this problem. okay. my question to you, do you believe that there is any possibility of them coming back perhaps even in some sort of a cotton like a in a joint effort. let's say with the russians or the salad is because, you know, the results of the reality is that would be an unusual thing around the miracle. if that happens, are dry and upper sun made you and offers are made for the board of the humanity for the board of people designate a there's a lot of opinions about the, the, the powers they should infective together. and they should talk about peace and they also try to help in resolving disputes better where they are. now uh, as i mentioned in riyadh, we had uh,
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the russian and the american delegation. now, uh, talking about the potential for economic corporation to at least their set starting whether it's could be profitable, let's say a man and just extra or in our to cooperation if that's where to be extended a to, i've gotten this done in a genuine manner. do you think that the that it couldn't move the situation of it's car and deadlock entry definitely makes a difference. because right now a one son is neglected. there's a need not to abandon the other stuff because my fear is that it was due to the bottom dollar bonds. 1.4 when i was son, was neglected, and 911 happened. it's the same. you can see the all the signs as far as present data lines that is concerned with dice gape use activities, and the t t p and all so they can go exeter filter. so it's all the more necessary
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for the word to sit together and not isolate ok. so the reason i'm so sort of pressing this issue is because uh we all heard about the present terms of american to list approach. so he seems to involve himself into, uh, you know, will problems only when he sees some rational, some business ration now. and i wonder if indeed cooperating on of dantas done together can bring some benefit. not only to, let's say russia and the united states, but also perhaps to a larger re and region. and most importantly, to the of dennis dining people themselves. i do when it comes to business and then uh, i think the bill that i put you on it is for all the interested boxes. what about the uh, tele bandito because uh you mentioned about the uh, bare diamond down them, you know, some, etc, and aid. not being enough. do you think they're actually ready not to be the
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receivers of 8, even though i know that the lot of the funds are now frozen by the americans. but sort of enter into the negotiations with region know and global powers. um, you know, on that own self sufficient basis, are they ready to be partners? is there a mentality even of what is definitely there could be many ideas non view of talking about the tal yvonne. they may also have the idea how to on money. the issue is that to do they have the city expertise line is not simply mathematics. 2 plus 2 makes for you told me before the interview that you're interested in afghanistan became very concrete on the soviet war or soviet invasion, whatever you term it, even though in the end it's always union based hold of it as uh, brother, we have whatever, uh, somebody, the enrollment didn't have dentist on began and at that time, uh, saudi arabia,
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it was a very important address, serial partner to the soviet union. but this time around the saudis play the very active role in bringing the russians and americans together. do you think they, they to may have a role to play in? i've got it done in terms of expertise in terms of i don't know, maybe i deal logical or religious a negotiation or liaison in whatever most definitely because uh, so here i be a is enjoy those for a not on in bucks on, but i'll buy some as well as the place, so for a whole the whole it shines office long, no doubt, and then it is a very appreciable that and so there is playing media travel between the us and russia. oh, well, we hope that of some, for some of the positive will come out of transfers and we should be to the benefit of the entire board and react also offer the assistance in negotiating between immediate and rather between the americans in the iranians. and i know that you are
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very concerned about what may happen with iran and it's nuclear poster during the next 4 years of trump. what's more as you the most about it? what again, as you said, i think a pushing it on to the corner were uh, the data this it on maybe down after the seed in a you can say up as or where do it on a searching even though trout it on is a power to be that can with so there's a need to try and read it carefully when me on addressing this and try to get my passport as me to cisco. so when new drug orthodontic means, then you can are doors sick from the middle east. and i'm hesitant inside to good i, i don't think that to get on is that old. i also want to ask you about iran's enemies or proclaimed him, is because we are so used to the soonest you divide and you know,
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for and power is exploiting. that's cause me, but with this new initiative by this out is to mediate between the radiance and their america's uh, how do you assess the state of the so do you rainy in the relationship? do you see some possibilities there? you are likely that such an addition would not come out of the blue. i think a confidence has been big between so do and a hit on and that in china play the very positive immediately role in bringing. so then together then they had to stop the electric, which they used to use against each other. so it has a positive development, and now it's so the that'd be a can play and we do trade or between united states and. and if both the parties agree, asking then edward have same impact, which we can anticipate about. so do me these 2 little between them out of 10
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russian. so we mentioned all the major powers of the region except one, india and the communist. and what it wasn't long, the 1st leaders to call and congratulate donald trump and his victory. they also worked quite successfully during trumps. first term. we all know that in terms a new team, there are lots of people of the indian origin in official, an unofficial capacities. for example, the vice president's wife is of indiana origin that she has massive following on the internet. i know that the indian desperate in america is very happy. do you think that may impact the politics in any way? i mean, do you expect any changes in the engine american dynamic and how it may reflect on because it has already, i think, going back to the end as well. america's the strategic bar room. again, that has been bipartisan support rather dental care. so republicans,
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so it really have an impact, right. and i think we will have a problem with that response as the situation comes up. but of course, our major concern is a disturbing the kind of actual balance in the region like the truck or foot providing the f. 35 at the end. well, to some extent, as balance has already been disrupted, because india, you know, that you really made some decisions back in 2000. 19 that some would change the situation in kashmir at least now. my question to you and i guess it's going to be the last question in the many countries right now due to trumps. uh, uh, some of the lowest looks downs on foreign policy. i now revising that own domestic and foreign policy outreach. have you seen any moves in pakistan? is pakistan changing how it approaches its neighbors? you know, its itself and its relationship with the big powers. so as you're talking about the
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end does action in hopes of support cushman in august 2019. that is unacceptable. that is illegal and it is against the resolutions. so in any case, endeavors not enjoy legitimacy, as far as in echo park. gosh me this concept. so we already care about what to wear a completion are kind of impressive tactics. they may not want to use uh, building the comical miller to muscle. does that mean that they can probably be focused on? and more importantly, bucks on is not dependent on india. so those, that aspect is the so in that respect and get, becomes evaluated for bucks some as far as valid meeting is concerned, for that matter, how far it sounds depends on dependence. this concept by size is not dependent. and the but at the same time in the lesion and done so. so both and then focus on nuclear weapon states besides this. so there is a cause for what you for all of us,
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those who want to be stability in the region as in the neighborhood. so i think the center to sure will tend to infect, to the dangerous strep rating uh, to uh, february 2, 1009 and 19, when they attacked puck sense. but of course today, in fact, to introduce the noun almost in a nuclear environment. so i think the book says for approval, because otherwise it would produce for disaster. imagine quite a few miracles or a possibility for miracles or turn around the major problems throughout this interview. do believe something like that is possible between india and pakistan like some new vision, some new idea that brings both to yeah, it was incredible. yeah. it was definitely possible if uh that our friends who, who can play the role for media liked the c and c must say, well,
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we were not expecting talk of the, so do mediation between russia and so without regardless of, of so these are offering to me did between need on and so i think that can happen that can help. okay, well let's keep our fingers crossed, but on this sounds helpful. no, thank you very much for being with us. thank you for having and thank you for watching hope to sara again on the well to part the the, the
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the no piece only a was ukraine summit drops up in london where a lot that means the last key fled after a hasty whitehouse fiasco with european leaders calling for more military aid, although not ever one of the you she is that includes you have to look like this. plan to introduce peacekeepers into ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the care of regina to wage a war against us. that no european troops on the ground in new grade. that's the message from russia stop diplomat s. he discusses the peace process and ties with the us. the following by the means. it hasn't. you've oval office compress the
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big job. so no, no, not a lot of jobs. your country is in big trouble. i know you're not. you're not winning this song to deliver some hard truths as he shuts down a hope that deals sending kids ambitions in washington promptly the continuing coverage of the latest draft and shaping the world right now. this is our d to national i a michael watched a so. all right now a q is your a p and sama to ukraine has wrapped up in london and fresh from his bowling from donald trump. loved it is the last key was given the rod, the woman welcome from a host of lead is the bad plenty of hogs and even more promises on offer. the
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other british prime minister, it was the 1st to give comments and while some talk about a time for peace, he's still talking of war. that sounds like a new, over a 1000000000 pound, a package for key of specific you need to buy more web hurry doubling down on his support for a lot of me zalesky. yesterday evening the u. k. signed a 2200000000 pound low to provide full military, a to ukraine. bought,
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not by the purchase trucks, pay a by the profits from price and russian assets. today i'm announcing a new deal, which allows you trying to use 1600000000 pounds of u. k. export finance. to buy mold of $5000.00 at defense missiles. we have rates some important steps today. first, we will keep the military flowing and keep increasing the economic pressure on russia to strengthen ukraine now. so daunting me right now is are these unless they still follow the, you know, right here just to do it to help us make sense of all of this last year. we have heard what the british prime minister said, but however, can you walk us to what else, oldest things that we need to know about his press conference. well, you know, it's quite ironic. how is it a prime minister is talking about a particular piece that because what kind of keys can even talk about when you're talking about that you're going to keep the military age of slowing
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a case he did. in fact mentioned piece, but seems like it's one does. it does slice of keeping this conflict going because salma talks about assigning a loan to keeps the comes from the prophets made from phrase and russian assets. he also stated during his speech, i'm going to quote this early in the end of the deal will have to involve russia. i mean, it's the conflict between russia and ukraine and it just seems like the u. k. besides the ceiling is one grain restoration. it will say it's trying to make itself relevant and one of the best and he noticed almost was, was echoed by others such as like, us know, bundle. and he, she actually stated that she, i mean, she waited with cools to, urgently on europe. and all of the shows will say, stated that you states a set to discuss raising defense, spend things on a minute on my car and was also there as well. he stated, the purpose of this meeting is to strength and support for ukraine and to instruct
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that you commission to launch a large scale co financing program. and you know, but besides one of this struggle and say, talks about strengthening relations with the us of deploying peacekeeping missions to create we will go further, develop a coalition of the willing to defend a deal and you try to guarantee the piece. those willing will intensified planning now with real urgency. so you pay is prepared to pack this with boots on the ground of planes and yeah. together with all this, europe must do the heavy lifting. put to support pace in appleton and to succeed. this effort must have strong us back a we're working with the us on this board. often mind meeting with president trump last week. let me be clear that we agree with the president of the judge and need
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for a durable piece. now we need to deliver together. all right, boots on the ground. i wonder what does russia think about european boots on the ground? you know, russians repeatedly stay for the nato contingent, even us, please keep us as unacceptable. but you know, europe's move on growing rhetoric just carries on something rushing for a minister. so get love of actually talked about as well. just following biden's term. there are now people who want to lead with common sense. they say directly that they want to end all wars, they want to piece you who demands a continuation of the gravy train with that war. europe, french president, my crohn is running around with some ideas. just like british p. m, tier star mergers. they say that so many thousands of peacekeepers are being trained and they will provide them with air cover. that is arrogance. this plan to
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introduce peacekeepers into ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the care of regina to wage a war against us lose. russia for us has race concerns about native expansion, east west. and this is something that predominately actually led to stuff of the special military operation and ukraine. and now the british prime minister is basically talking about these nato peace keepers basically on to the skies. uh, i mean, sorry, native treats onto the disguise of peace, keep us so that it seems fall from peace making them. now. if we narrow it down to europeans themselves, what do they think? well, part is prime minister way to end stating that there is a sense of chaos and no sense of unity in the west on seizing frozen russian assets . and they took chief, actually to landscape to meant his relations with the trump. uh, so really seems like a chaos with every one trying to put that $0.02 in the tradition of the willing yes,
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a number of computers vindicated today that they want to be part of the plan that we are developing. i'll leave for them to make their own statements about exactly how they want to make that contribution. but we'd be unable to move that forward. i accept without criticism and with respect of the position of other countries that may not feel that they will contribute in that way. but i strongly feel, but the less something to move forward. we will stay in a position where we're in and not be able to move forward in that full. it is a deliberate, a plan to show that we get some momentum, a piece here. i've seen it that's clearly no units in europe with case tom. i just himself had mentioned that the, how about washington, what are we hearing from washington about this? well off to the show down between ceylon skin trump and the oval office. washington
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continues to abuse the landscape, a mockery of the actually states that he hasn't spoken to zalinski since also stating that the us use. so let's case actions as an attempt to add a to fluid. the trump administration efforts to resolve the conflict and ukraine. and he also mentioned the you there as well. i would ask everybody this is, there are no negotiations. what is the alternative and other 4 years of war? another 3 years of war in which the united states and europe continues to pour billions of dollars into award and ukraine. is that the alternative? i've asked every foreign minister i meet with. tell me your idea of how this turns out. most don't have a plan, a few have said, well, let's give them another you are fighting a year from now a year later, after another year of death, another year of destruction then may be put in will be ready to negotiate. at that point, that doesn't sound like a good plan to me, and it certainly is not a plan that presidents on board with me. uh that was buckle rubio,
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but was he alone in the us administration regarding this fence? no. the us national security advisor, my quotes, and so he joined in of what was so i think stunning to all of us in the oval office was that it was not clear. zalinski was going to go to negotiations at all that he would ever be able to negotiate with fulton. i am whether he shared our goal of ending this war. are you suggesting that president trump wants the landscape to resign? we need a leader that can deal with us eventually deal with the russians and in this war. and if it becomes apparent that presidents the lens, he's either personal motivations or political motivations or divergence from ending to fighting in his country. i then, then i think we have a real issue on our hands to, you know, my quotes also stated that the americans did not have an incentive to patients for the end of the support fee crane,
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which runs into billions of us dollars. adding the concessions of territory will have to be made to end the conflict in ukraine and that is obese. the us doesn't view ukraine as a native member. and us commerce secretary will say, wait in a stating the washington will not provide the key of with more a, unless the landscape is willing to actually make peace. you know, it all seems that while the west is actually trying to make steps towards peace and, and the conflicts in ukraine, the, you continues with this woman green effort and bibles, it provides the cray not a, with financial butts military. it as well. we see how things spat out of the coming days and weeks. thank you so much, ortiz, uh, just an update. you have a look to buy the nice thank you for bringing us up to speed here. thank you. all right, live now to the co director of the international action center set off loan does. so i'm glad to have you join me right now. so here's tom i as well as several of the lead as pledged to put the troops on the ground to sustain peace in ukraine.
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and that's despite moscow calling. it's unacceptable and the washington refusing to provide any guarantees to those forces. what is your, what is the, from your perspective, what is the goal of the european leaders here? well, the european leaders are totally frustrated because the whole cost of the war has just been dumped on them. and at the same time, they all know that the war has failed. totally. and that's to test britain with $70000.00 troops. ukraine has lost a 1000000. you know, they obviously can't turn this around and if the, these 3 years before, haven't done it, it won't happen. now, the war is over. the us nato effort failed. and that is what trump said he's. he says he's a realist. will he actually do it? he also, we know, gave job believes in the past and was part of the $350000000000.00. but maybe he
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wants to send, make a deal, or maybe he wants to send a message to his base. he also is saying that the us fully in times to stay in cream. that's why he's demanding this water steel. so, he's making ultimatums and lensky had better hear them because really he fail. so they're ready to throw him under the bus. that's fine. this isn't really and a nazi who was part of this horrific war effort. but will it really be different? i think um, to russia well knows and has few illusions about us double speed. and there have been many rounds saying that save one piece and want to make a deal and want to reset the button and all kinds of other things. are they really willing and able to do it, or are they to find always to military solutions?
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when, when trump said he wants to make big investments in ukraine and have troops there to back it up, what, what on earth is really being said? so we should look at the statements when the landscape couldn't be better time. he's been totally fail valley here. and you also being told they're going to pay the cost and there'll be no backup. so there's a lot of grandstanding going on, but none of it is real. and i think that's what we need to hear from here. what is really come out of this? beyond all kinds of sound media hype, new c u. s. prepared for a new path i, i find still that hard to really grass. all right, now you will see a lead is also called the for the countries to minutes arise is a something your p and tax payers would accept. absolutely not. actually,
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you know, already the e u was a vassal state to us corporate interest and has been a nato, was a us commanded military alliance. now they're being told, they gotta pay the whole cost. and they're already the industrialized, really, because they've cut their gas and oil. and on so many shipments from russia, they're part of the sanctions. well they really and all of that, are they willing and ready for an new relationship? they say they're going right ahead with militarization doubling their military bunch. it's that will take vicious cups in every conceivable social program. and i don't think the workers throughout europe are going to accept this and we can see even what trump's planes are for here, which is huge cuts on the workers here. so i think there's very difficult days ahead of a lot of co workers piece, but it is by
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a billionaire and corporate interests who are always tied to war in europe. and here. and that is the problem that i think we need to mobilize and confront more strongly. now, do you expect the war monitoring stands to be universal from the european nations? you know, here in nations, the, you and nato are falling apart in all different ways. and that's been very true, you can see this all, they can have a conference in munich and a meeting in paris and, and puffy each other up. but not one of them came forth with any plan of how to survive. they have been under us really corporate political, economic, military covenants for 75 years. nato has a meeting coming up in june. what on earth are they going to say? no, they're, they're coming apart and all kinds of ways. so some of this is just talking tough,
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but they're unable to do it. and trumpet said the ok, they will back up you us will go ahead with some deal of its own. but let's see if that's real. because on the other hand, he says, i don't like do travelling, $350000000000.00. so he absolutely is part of the passport every step of the way. is there a change now? i think that will be the determination of forces beyond him to, to make that new arrangement and not to have illusions on this politician who is totally tied to the billionaires and entitled mine as we know from his past policy statements. so will he really and you gave me the sanctions one on russia. will there really be a new relationship? essentially the us military spending really cut back even an inch or is this an
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excuse to increase it from getting leverage? i think we should be extremely cautious. and of course, in europe it's going to take a real mobilization to push back these you know, some political figures of storm or every 31 of them who want to make big threats and they know they can pack it up at a loss. besides, they know they can put a big tax for the population there by talking you know, the story and i like that the, the us secretary of spain says that he haven't heard of any piece blind when he spoke to his there you're repeating all lice. who instead proposed prolonging the war? why have we seen this shift where the us has been 1st to stop calling for peace? while most european lead us, i still pledging to fuel the conflict a well, i think there is a realistic, there is a realization the war is lost. so we're,
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or do they go from here, their effort to bring down or impose your machine change on russia to this member it. that was a purpose of nato. and in that nato has failed. so you know, they're not about keeping that. there are no friends, they're only temporary allies, as kissinger reminded us. that's exactly how they operate. they zalinski may have been a us and a data creation. if he failed, he's disclosable. if he can't recognize that and agree to make like a protection payment, and then he's out of here all the faster. and so the europeans are desperate in this. you know, they're, i'm brittany, you're talking tough, but they can't back it up at all except to take more and more out and hand it over . what was the agreement, they would hand over much more money for us military weapons. while at the same
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time there's, there's a break sellers disunity on this everywhere. but there really is this unity because i didn't succeed. so you have a, a pack of pirates fighting each other now on which way to go. control really make a deal. is he really willing to do that? um, you know, there's a lot of experience from even his 1st administration where he promised one thing and then another way, i think of negotiations going forward in meetings. there's a lot of skills that can measure what's real and what's just media talk arrived. we have to leave you here now set off sound as a co director of international action center. thank you for your insight. thank you . start during those unprecedented scenes in the oval office, the us vice president tried to big zaleski, i knowledge. his military has huge problems,
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but the 10 is that most they are rapidly escalated when the ukrainian suggested the bands wouldn't know. as he hasn't been to see that, you know, been to your great himself to see things for himself. what kind of diplomacy? gigi us, to gamble? what, what, what do you, what do you mean? i'm talking about the kind of diplomacy is going to in the destruction of your country, but he's mr. president. mr. present with respect, i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office to try to litigate this in front of the american media. right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have the manpower problems. you should be thinking, depress it for her to bring it into this cause i've been to your claim that you say what problems we have. i have been to come on, i've actually, i've actually watched in seen the stories and i know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tor mister president are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military have
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by let's discuss this now. this episode of the white house squabble with the form, a pentagon, cd, a security policy analyst, my killed model of michael. i'm glad to have you join me right now. so i get. what is your take on zillow lensky? suggesting all you send a waiting that vans is out of thoughts with what is going on in your trade. well, that's just, that's just totally ridiculous. the united states, as intel assets and, and, and, and, you know, they've been closer like to, uh, ukraine for quite some time. plus uh, the intel community views all of the films and videos that come out of the east. now the main stream media of the us doesn't show that because of their ideological bent and, and support for well then the bind administration and, and, and ukraine. however, i, you know, we, we see the videos all the time. we,
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we see the destruction of the speed as zaleski is, is dismissing or hiding the fact that for 8 years prior to the s m. o, they were bombarding the east every day. those who have been in government knows those things. and i think that's why you're seeing this reaction, but he's a, he was really groping. zalinski was really groping and looking for excuses to, to make it took the eclipse and advanced in the, in a bad light. but it just didn't fly. and the, the, the reality we know what the reality is, we've seen it and, uh, and the president. and he came into that meeting with the, with the concept of, of wanting a security guarantees, as opposed to wanting to work out an arrangement for the, for, for
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a minerals which would have brought in billions of dollars. now what's the treaty is that all of a sudden you're here in the british and the french suggesting, well, maybe we can invest in those minerals and various as well. so, but starters precondition or all of that is a stronger ukraine at a european element that guarantees the security. and also a us back up isn't going to happen. it isn't going to happen. so now i think zaleski is being causal. you better go back to the us at hand and apologize to the present and make a deal because frankly, is dormer and they call are, are, are buying the bonds between themselves. a closed door to leave the, the, the new european defense alliance. because but, and we're, we're seeing that,
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but it's a nonstarter and us is not going to back it. so it's all predicated on false assumptions by stormer. and i think that that's a reflection of his lack of leadership generally in, in the u. k. to all right, uh, western media reported that c i a agents and other specialist west space and posted the front lines and on the some communication facilities posted the front lines in the early years of the conflict. how credible, ah, so it's kind of reports on, do you think this could be going on even today? oh yeah, they were probably embedded with a ukrainian troops in, in the da boss when, when uh, particularly in the early stages of it all and, and, and, and they probably are so kind it in and embed embedded with the ukranian troops on the front lines. some of them probably are, and of course they're, they're constantly monitoring events because they need to have accurate information
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on the ground as it's happening. that doesn't necessarily get into the hands of the west or media, but it is designed to provide to the to the policy major that type of information. however, based upon my experience, oftentimes, well, the tells us community with holes critical information like that even to the policy maker. if it's not going to uh, enhance their, their viewpoint on an issue. all right that's, that's the area i want you to help explain to us because i want to as to what extent does the c i n a c brief the president and the vice president about the realities of what's good because they the president even come monday in chief and he is the inmates of the policy, you know, all the country at the time. so how help us reconcile that. as i said, they get,
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they, they do breeze. they do give them a, a somewhat of an accurate portrayal. but there's information that they may withhold, and i personally know that from my own experiences, it was because of the information that i developed in talking to for an intelligence entities. when i was it at the defense department that will allow our policy makers to know what was going on. because in, in, in this case you see i was not reporting that, i won't say what country i was in, but it was, it was, uh, but i could see that. and i also brought back to the attention of the policy makers and they never received from c. i a, any report, even though i had invited them to my meetings. so they never, they never generated any, any after action reports that was supposed to that go into the system and then move on up to the policy makers. so we don't know to what extent that this is going on.
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it's but the, based upon what i know is considerable. all right, so sorry, sorry. yeah. so, but the as a form of pencil, good on the lease to if, if i have to ask you this question, what, what policy advice we do give the white house after a foreign lead comes into the oval office. challenge argues with the president, the commander in chief and questions, the wetness of the vice president of the united states, about the awareness of what a u. u. s. policy has be because be default before the, the, during the bottom, the administration us was actually the one funding and the being at the forefront of everything that has to do with ukraine. and now your state of a sitting vice president of the united states. you requested that he's a witness of what's going on. what kind of policy advice would you give the white house to do exactly what, what vance did the other day. you call them out?
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you call them out and, and, and, and let them know that you know better. you have the information. you don't necessarily have to show it. but if you reveal it, you know, different ways. i think that sends a signal to them, but that they've got a, uh not why and, and, and trying to pay a picture of that. everything is rosy when it's really not. and, and again, i've seen this before and it was, it's happened. and given, given the hostility of the intelligence community, which they're trying to clean out right now. but during the 1st trump administration, it was awful. it was awful. and it was and, and they were denying him information. i remember i remember one was the was c, i a director and it was a during the clinton administration. he would complain and i and i knew and very, very well and even tell me, look,
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i'm the director but they might, operational people, keep information from me. they slow rowley. when i make a decision, they never implement. they have an agenda of their own. this is what trump is trying to now deal with and it goes on and i doubt that he'll ever accomplish it completely. and i think he's, i think he's got a good start. you should fire all start over while really get the colleges community. all right, we have to living here now michael model from a pentagon senior for a security policy on the list. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. great . but archie, the comments where you can get 5 of the details of all the story is what followed. thanks for watching by now. the
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hello and welcome to the cost of full force. here we discuss the wheel in the the hey body. welcome to the most to mules on shaped bows, joined by all you as per usual in the backseat. and guess what? this was in washington, me where to start?
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well, the little mark of your risk of the green goblin. and i ain't going to well, 1st the meeting was on the meeting was off, but the meeting is definitely back on. and as we speak, it seems the permit of mister zalinski in a very stylish black track suit to me. but to put him on the suit on going to white house, me 5 move is getting his ass chewed off by the big gun and j. the vance. i'll be run the video boy around it. but he didn't do it. what kind of diplomacy? gigi us became involved with what do you, what do you mean on talking about the kind of diplomacy is going to in the destruction of your country. yes. but he respect, i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office. try to litigate this in front of the american media. right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because no problems. you should be thinking the president ran into this company. never been to your claim that you say what prominence we have. i have been to come one. i have
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actually, i've actually watched in seen the stories and i know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour. mister president, are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military and from do you think that i suspect our lives to come to the oval states of america and attack the administration that is trying to, trying to prevent the destruction of your car ok, let's start from the big you sure. coastal during the war, everybody has problems. even you but you have nice souls and don't feel now, but you will see yourself from in the future. god bless you. i know that god bless you. god bless you. i don't know that god is through these guys while we're finished. he's trying to solve a problem. don't tell us what we're going to feel. i'm not telling you no solicitation which includes the role you came zation. you're around and you found out mr. z. it's game over, built into it. we're good or feel very strong. no right now, not in
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a very good position. you were allowed rosari to be in front of your wife this evening or this is the problem. this guy isn't full of war, not any position. it was, you don't have the cards right now with us. you start having a car right now. you're always fighting with the family with world war 3. and what you're doing is very dis, disrespectful to the country, this country. i'm the you that to you are more than a lot of people say where they say, i think it was that over. yeah, this is so crazy. you said so you room today? you went to pennsylvania and campaign. here we go. you account ready for kamala, she should wait, are the phone there in the president who's trying to save your country? that's just incredible. so quite an hour. yeah, the so over, i guess, was the big dentist completely. roy, you know, fairly is a billions of dollars of hard earned american tax payers cashed. a lot of problems
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in the united states. people know you really may really got behind ukraine. the big donna's kind of really laid out now for zalinski. right. check this out. you're just not kindful and that's the case. plenty of people here in russia and around europe now are learned and just how grateful the ukrainians have been for all the help they go eat and brad assume forgotten, don, and all those saying on the video already it came out of a 100 by these bedroom it was disgusting and, and they said, oh, oh, the laptop from hell was made by russia. the $51.00 agents took the advanced language to scan the protocol. does he get use of all that stuff? all i can say is this. he might have broken deals with obama and bush, and he might have broken it with bite and he did maybe maybe that i don't know what happened, but he didn't break in with me. he wants to make a deal. i don't know if you can make it deal. the problem is,
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i've empowered you to be a tough guy, and i don't think you'd be a tough guy without the united states and you people are very brave. but you're either going to make a deal or we're out and we're out. you'll find it out. i don't know the big, but you know it out. but you don't have the cards. but once we signed the deal, you're in a much better position. but you're not acting at all thankful. and that's not a nice day. i'll be honest. that's nice. i tell all right, i think we've seen enough. what do you think? so as the cringe fist of the century goes on with the knack of your arriving in a black track suit into the oval office at to a country that gave them probably 300000000 dollars of age to lecture. the big don and j, the vance, about what the american people feel. detroit is both that the russians are going to come and, you know, steal that barbecues. and it's just incredible to watch. maybe the lack of your
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should have taken, you know, a bit of a more touchy, feely uh you know, avenue of approach. yeah. are you with the big don and maybe should have reached out and touched them just like our friend and degree see french man. many mccall young who turned up there and had a bit of a brain in his head didn't quite do with zalinski kind of a bit of a bit of face acrobatics. when the big down was saying that, you know, these never going to join nato. let's have a look at mccaul, young, sort of them getting up close and pers small with a big dog run the video of the quote that i don't know. i go to the lingering finger who did slimy. that is the most beautiful thing that it didn't across the crow. you've got to pushes the big guns fine, but little bit creepy. so it's just as well that all americans are really tuned
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into what's going on politically and the country right. argue that they know exactly. uh for example, what's going on the global stage, you know, who is in charge when, who is the cause of watch? yeah. oh you, you think so? run the video comes to been in office for a month so far. what are your thoughts? so i'm not very pleased to find the do when he was in he was in no one of the one when you're under joe biden. they haven't got a clue. you know, let's face it. maybe it's just as well as the some americans don't know what's going on the country because some of the that's going on is completely insane. so let's take geometry, meals the governor of maine, the democratic governor. and she decided to like many in the global home on moving to, you know, that they're gonna actually nail themselves across on
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a hill. a particular hill i'm out of hill is the fact that men dressed as women are going to be allowed, continue to participate. and women, sports field, jerry and guy in the lympics beating the crap out of fema boxes. you know, 7 foot 6. yeah. the impersonator swimming in the fly against a school kids in the pool. and you know, john, a t mills has run into trouble with the big don previously. we don't look at what you doesn't a spare time in a moment. well, let's have a look at a little interaction she had with the big gun themself on the video. you stanza has complied immediately by the way. that's good, but i understand main is the main here, the governor of it. yeah. are you not go to comply with it? all right for you? are you? well, i'm, we are the federal law. we are the little bit of do a huge threat or because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't. and, but we don't care, we don't get federal funding, we don't care what you say. you're just the president united states lives. i wanna
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look at the dude man in speedo sports. when it comes, you better comply on cuz otherwise you're not getting any, any federal funding. yeah, every state, good. i'll see you in court. i look forward to that, that you think there's a clear state like what all you, the course genet emails that completely balanced individual. right. she's a kind of lady who likes to go play chess in the evenings. walk the dog with the kids down, you know, soccer mom. no more, more kind of american average american, these are the people who represent average america, right. are you right this time i think should us and i, what is your american, once a k or e mail participate in a girl scouts sports. and he also wants to spend hundreds of billions because the lamb for you create a do with a brought worst on to coconuts and a 2. 2. that's the only way forward. right for america that's i'm a look at what good on china t meals china, teen meals, those in our spare time. yeah, you get to choose a fruitcake for the video of the
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when it comes out of it, there's nowhere to hide on the internet. there's nowhere to hide on the internet like you've been. so i can, i can be in line or, you know, do dot on top of this, you've got friends, activists, you know, tail wagging the dog. you know, it's a small, very small, a marginal percentage of the population who are transgender, but they're so vocal, the road, you know, the scream and the people in the streets. why, you know, well, because they want to sign, surely they want to place that special place for special and people. it's all about being special, right? and they want to create a series of e, correct, which means you can be trans, there, you can be. so you from the big bad on,
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you just want you to be the section where we were born on the criminal reality of us makes me sick from the video of the city to protect me because the federal government won't. and if you think you're confused, you should see how afraid of trumpet by a. can you wrap up, please? i do not doing that here. it's my day off. i do not want to be in your gm's. i do not want to be in the. i do not want my creativity writing this track like kendrick, i don't want to spend an hour apply so that you will hear me. i speak as someone who is the beautiful. i'm like all the time people refer to me as or when i prefer to be referred to as ma'am to control the rights of others. and that's not right. we should make was gross sanctuary. so they, they put the kid up there, people, everybody deserves to feel safe,
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and everybody needs to feel safe. the kid upstairs and disgrace. so there's not a legitimate medical issue. this is a psychiatric issue. these people need a psychiatrist don't need surgery. they're completely insane. right. on and also remember this is the hugh, a lot of politicians in america and europe are willing to die on. so what would be the most bizarre dead bodies in the world? let's have a think about a bunch of nazis uh, on the elected president gross, the cross country vast amounts of domestic violence. people trafficking, p to fee oregon, harvesting all kinds of crazy things, going on. a gate people routine beat and open the streets. day parades, attack, that's a coach called ukraine, by the way, news flash, and then of course, global homo who completely, uh, you know, trolling themselves head over heels into the yellow and blue swimming pool and
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their lap and it all up. so these deals are supporting each other. you kind of meant to be a, you know, a place where everyone is free to do everything and they want to do, which is a complete fund to see the us state department. we're saying it's open until 2022, then certainly you kind of became dis virginal, made and skipping through the middle. never know that the ross didn't killed 14000 people in the bus. yeah. didn't know that of their own people in crimea. it's all both. let's have a look at the latest ukrainian protest. yeah. here they're everywhere. all getting behind per virginal ukraine. the victimless crime, the unprovoked invasion? yeah, on pro, vote my ass on the video. yeah . well, you know, these people are actually in ukraine. but oh, you know, memory and you can jump if you're, if you hate to. yeah. see to jonathan you're trying to do it's in the previous
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video, aren't in your crime. yeah. yeah. turnover, russian fly go. this is really, this is gonna have a huge impact on the front, of course, and here's a, here's a donald, trump f, a g. yeah, this a donald trump avenue address, popping to so landscape cost. you can cost you, i guess you're paid for this. there's rumors that mr year mike and mr. simon skis, s a video party may have paid for the very protest in uh in washington. mm. mm. nasty folks that's not forgets these protests. i am because they want more weapons to continue their stupid war, which they are losing catastrophically. these protests are purely because the big don latimer put them, want to create peace and stop the killing. that's what they're protesting about. the mosque slips which way treat. i see a lot of the able bodied man. those protests. do you think they're willing, you know, go and fight and die for the landscape. yeah. they're all over the place to an island buquet. they reckon there's probably a 1000000. the you're training and man,
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most of the very vocal supporters of the narco viewers regime, um, but they don't seem to find see a trip beast, one way trip, when we take it to die for the knock off. you're not the for nato anymore, because we all know now nato is never gonna happen. maybe it's for you, maybe it's from the lawyer who knows who it's for. but some people are quite clear and then not even try to things in any more degree. this duty espanol that's on the look on the video or how do you feel about trans proposal? sit there that we need to sit down and negotiate young people and stop at this stage where we are now. so we got to be honest. everyone is in shock and everyone is younger, most notably me because i'm in spain, we're comfortable and drinking sangria means i'm taking top oswell. my cousins are all getting ready to take the rush on. oh yeah. because i think that our goal is to unite even more with your attributes that you would offer so, so that it will let us in and explain to trump that it needs to be done differently . no, but he's such a crazy little man. so let's see what it'll mind. yeah,
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a little how you think we should go to the borders of the 2014 year old, 1991 year or wish to stop to. but as i understand, you don't want to sit on the right. well actually of course, if you ask me for the, the up because i would say that we need to go to curse region for me watching region for a bunch of because it is historically our territory. unless i forget, as he's talking about a curse from this, does the pool in, you know, uh, id to, uh, wondering when he's going to return home after the next angry. and maybe my time. he's a bit of a top of the, that encourage the catastrophic, an edict. you know, the biggest military idiocies seen in recent decades. this invasion of russia idiotic that they've lost 75 percent of the original territory. they've held. they've lost probably heading for 70000 men. they've lost hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands of vehicles, material under best western equipment that,
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that on this catastrophic when we take it to nowhere. it's been an object failure to what would have to happen for you to take part in the warranty. so this is also a good questionnaire. and a very difficult way in which i probably ask myself every day since the beginning of the war. and maybe this is an excuse for it, but i feel like i'm much more using. yeah. when i say i'm kind of bringing in the model when you're losing that number of man, that amount of people, particularly encouraged as the russians power forward in the east at day after day . village after village town, after town, the russians are winning the war cross still needs a lot of man. so diseased. this a fighting with trees is there know, calling it mr. thursday. hm. great. russian general needs more and more people. and as the sort of numbers stack open to more trees, you need more, more at ego volunteers, right? i need to head to the front. you gotta find a more,
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more innovative ways to catch them. so little bit, this one, this old dude went out for a little that may be snack butler beer and some bread maybe run in the middle of a cycle down to the shops for us the afternoon. but he didn't end up at the shops. he ended up being shocked into the trenches of the stuff, probably cost one way. tickets to nowhere. run the video of the a crazy boy. that's what it's come to. this is the freedom of democracy. absolutely insane. the next van comes along no to was about the 10 men that a don't get them go to the front instead of this kid squared, say at the front. meanwhile, the boys are knocked off their bicycles and sent these to die. and some people who are the biggest cheerleaders for this war, who would they be?
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let's have a think. lindsay gray gay, i'm sorry, gay nick, great. lindsey lindsey gay. anyway, lindsey graham, he's probably one vander lawyer. yeah. a gave or hofstadter burrell mccall. you maybe not. so much schultz but stupid. yeah, but the king of them off the par, probably both joe, the butcher. right. i'll give you something interesting as a merged back in 2022 bulk of the butcher was a you know, in very serious trouble politically. back in the u. k. and of course, the destruction technique, the destruction strategy of all western politicians is we're all going to save. you kind of star war strategy. you know, forget what's happening here. housing, healthcare, immigration, forget all of us. we're going to go and say the world by slight a fight, a lot him approved and he's gonna eat your babies. and you know, have a bath and your grandmother is low in reality. bo joe is. i'm, i'm responsible for the blood bots. back in 2022. we took a stroll just before at ukraine and russia sat down in his stumble and very serious
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peace talks. yeah, this war could've ended back in 2022. many weeks we offer it started. but bo, joe decided to stick his fat little fingers into the pipe and dried the knock off. you're away from the table. that's all the look what happened when he went for little stole and completely by accident, an adoring fine of old joe. turns up in a doorway. we're going to see what happened to that poor for gentlemen's, thanks to bold jos interfering. psyche fingers very soon. run the video of the wave of the actually we'll be looking to close it. yeah. he said more than just to you with yeah. so what is the key? why is because of some of the most naming, mutual efficient with it. and the item was known 1st of all you want. so here's the guy at the end. well, we know the guy at the end with the black ribbon in the corner of his picture.
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that's the poorer of mine who died for ball joe, because he'd be still alive today. if john suddenly preventive, he's the 2nd guy with a beard. is a guy called david hom. yeah. i know david r. com. yeah. was the chief negotiator in his stumble for ukraine. a member of the zealand skis, political party service to the people, which by the way, is named after the t v show which got to lensky elected as president, where he played a school teacher who became president of a corrupt country comp. make this lots of people would say that the british are just the germans, that can swim, you know, the anglo saxons, the angles, saxons, lower sacks, me throughout. germans really clean. victoria couldn't speak a word of english, apparently married to german. uh. yeah, interesting bunch. let's have a look at the new chancellor of germany. a. fred mears, a big time corporate executive. now, but the interesting thing about fred is not the fact that his grandfather was an
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energetic nazi, who's the name street in the town that he was the boss of during the not the area after. yeah. you know, goebbels and what have you, and that, that's forget that, you know, let's forget that everyone's allowed, have a not c o 2 in the closet. but fred kind of made some differences during his campaigning. and then after he got elected, things changed a bit. of course demonizing the the, you know, the nazis are coming. that's, he's already here for that. just looking to find me portrayed. that's what a look at fred's changes of opinion, pre and post election. well, the video was very info. mine of item goodness content evidence. i've already touched on tall. i'm guessing talk my on site. oh, how does the buddhist eden ministerial inveigled to the 16 you incompetence discipline discounts? that sun visors. the dodson stuffs constant allan ones and not done, i don't have to control human. and also,
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i'm slows. i look 1st of all. so going to close to ge, oregon. i know all the immigration is going to and the for election me met someone regardless police about guns, presuming me meant, oh no us involved conflict awards who the kansas fred a well fred, you know, settled, intimacy. it is not chance to yes, mind you, but you will be um, you know, germany's problems are multitude and multiple and a load of stem from the fact that somebody gets who accounting cue or he blew up the north steam pipe want depriving germany the industrial here at the end of europe, of cheap, reliable clean russian gas river level, europe's a postwar growth was down to russian energy. when the soviet union collapse. a lot of these have sorted out pipelines were built, german economy boomed, and now they've called the king and had off their own puppy. and it's
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a show. the german automotive industry is in collapse. chinese are looking to take an overall volkswagen factories, audi, mercedes benz, all these great, great, great. the german marks are crippled on their knees. and meanwhile, what's fred doing? fred is telling people about the oncoming. so now me of the season. jeremy know that. oh, he's talking about the wave of, of islamic attacks on innocent civilians studying police officers. children know, what did you do? well, i think, yeah, he's telling school children about how bad the mirror puts in is that's the best a priority demonize. the russians scare little kiddies, run the videos if he's told to certainly talk, keep no fuel kind of august for putting job. look at the place just about can you believe this, the good notes are indicating been view from class zach. yeah. who has kind of fall so you can see me what, you know,
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it looks like he's getting ready to draft those kids. that reminds me of a certain friend of his grandfather outside the fuel bunker and meeting members of the german a hippa, you can remember that so that also putting them on the head top and on the back. good boys got a smells a bit of that, right? mm. slavic deutschland. well, that brings us to the end of another. i mean, a roller coaster ride through the events of today's world. literally, today's world received the knack of your make his way. i'm coming, i'm not coming, i'm going, i will sign, i won't. so i don't want to exposure behind that by the way. i'll be at, you know, don't find a deal. we'll do a better deal with you. who knows what's going on in the background. but what we do know is that the green goblin, it just got a big old slap in the face from j events in the oval office. and we do know that
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the europeans are proving as they make the way to the white house that it's possible for a girl man to crawl while standing up straight. and we do know that we'll be here, same time, same place, all you know to sit in the stalls which you watch the whole show on the phone. and we'll see that the release of russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community invest. in most all sense, i'm at the,
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in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, i stayed on the rushes to day and split from our t spoke neck keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the 72 question. did you say a request for check the stuff for the
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machine for the picture such as you the machine should that should do this vehicle? is it economic or to model have us the kinds of what it means, different products come and see if it doesn't figured testify this thing. and so with the concept, even though is a new month's bill, one gives us a compliance and we'll get you developing bio chemical weapons inside of the guns. good to watch the news. well let me see should you know which one cheaper to use? the white glove service you cost, but he's because of the same as your state. the the
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no, the only was a ukraine summit dropped up in london. well, lot of these that as the sled after facing whitehouse fiasco with european leaders calling for more military aid. although not every one of the ships that improve to locate this plan to introduce peacekeepers into ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the camp regime to wage a war against us. no european troops on the ground in ukraine, and that's the message from the russians subject, the mazda c, this crosses the peace process and ties with the us. following a lot of these, the last, these oval off is called cross legion. now he's well blocks, all the 8 supplies from entering guys as
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a boss rejects the us proposal to restore peace and the watch on regions come off more difficult bureau labs that tells us bus 10 that he's real did not stop the new proposal, but the group she says, because we haven't received an offer show you both on the 1st 2nd she's on a new office because we have a certain deal. this dealer has has been signed by the football team. the, when you're watching our team to national, reaching you from our new center with moscow, i have mike cook watching by now a key european summit on your train has dropped up in london. fresh from his mulling from donald trump. the language, the last key was given a rival war. my welcome from my host of leaders that web plenty of hans and even more promises on offer. the the, the,
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the . 6 the now the printer spawn minister was the 1st to give comments and while some talk of a time for peace is still talking of war. and also a new over a 1000000000 pound aid package vocab specifically to buy more web re doubling down on the support for a lot of these zaleski yesterday evening. but you pay signed
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a 2200000000 pound load to provide full military, a to ukraine. bought not by the purchased tax payer for by the profits from price and russian assets. today i'm announcing a new deal which allows you trying to use 1600000000 pounds of u. k. export finance. to buy mold of $5000.00 at defense missiles. we operate some important steps today. first, we will keep the military flowing and keep increasing the economic pressure on russia to strengthen ukraine now. well, you know, it's quite ironic. how is it a prime minister is talking about a particular piece that because what kind of keys can even talk about when you're talking about that you're going to keep the military age of slowing. okay. he did, in fact mentioned piece, but seems like it's one does it the spice of keeping the conflict going?
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because style my talks about signing a loan to key if the comes from the prophets made from phrase and russian assets. he also stated during his speech, i'm going to quote this early in the end of the deal, we'll have to involve russia. i mean, it's the conflict between russia and ukraine and it just seems like the u. k. besides the ceiling is one grading restoration. it will say it's trying to make itself relevant and one of the best and he noticed almost was, was echoed by others such as like a snow bundle. and he, she actually stated that she, i mean, she waited with clues to gently on europe. and all of the shows will say, stated that you states a set to discuss raising defense fund things on a manual. mccolan was also there as well. he stated, the purpose of this meeting is to strength and support for ukraine and to instruct that you commission to launch a large scale co financing program. and you know, but besides what of this astronomy and say,
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talks about strengthening relations with the us and deploying peacekeeping missions to you, right? we will go further, develop a coalition of the willing to defend a deal and you try to guarantee the piece. those willing will intensified planning now with real urgency as you pay is prepared to pack this with boots on the ground and planes in yeah. together with all those europe must do the heavy listing but to support pace in appleton and to succeed. this effort must have strong us back a we're working with the us on this board. often mind meeting with president trump last week. let me be clear that we agree with the president of the judge and need for a durable piece. now, we need to deliver together boats on the ground. i wonder what does russia think
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about european boots on the ground? you know, russia's repeatedly states of that nature contingent, even this piece, keep us as unacceptable. but, you know, europe's move on growing rhetoric just carries on something russian for a minister. so again, love of actually talked about as well. just following biden's term. there are now people who want to lead with common sense that they say directly that they want to end all wars. they want peace, you who demands a continuation of the gravy train with that war. europe, french president, my crohn is running around with some ideas just like british p. m. cure storm or they say that so many thousands of peacekeepers are being trained and they will provide them with air cover. that is arrogance. this plan to introduce peacekeepers into ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the care of regina to wage a war against us. russia for news has raced concerns about native expansion,
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east of woods, and this is something that predominately actually led to stuff of the special military operation and ukraine. and now the british prime minister is basically talking about these nato peace keepers basically on to disclose. uh, i mean, sorry, native treats onto the disguise of peace keepers. so there it seems, fall from peace making them. now if we narrow it down to europeans themselves, what do they think? well, part is prime minister way den, stating that there is a sense of chaos and no sense of unity in the west and on seizing frozen russian assets. and they take chief, actually to the landscape to mend his relations with the trump. uh, so really seems like a chaos with every one trying to put that to cents and the coalition of the willing . yes, a number of companies has been dictated today that they want to be part of the plan that we are developing. i'll leave them to make their own statements about exactly how they want to make that contribution. but we've been able to move that forward
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like set without criticism and with respect of the position of other countries that may not feel that they will contribute in that way. but i strongly feel the less, some move forward. we will stay in a position where we're in and not be able to move forward and that for as it is a deliberate plan to show that we get some momentum of pace here senior that's clearly no units in here of with case tom i just himself had mentioned that the, how about washington, what are we hearing from washington? the above is well off to the show down between salon skin trump and the oval office . washington continues to abuse zalinski, a mock of ruby actually states that he hasn't spoken to zalinski since also stating that the us use. so let's case actions as an attempt to add a to fluid. the trump administration efforts to resolve the conflict and ukraine.
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and he also mentioned the you there as well. i would ask everybody this is, there are no negotiations. what is the alternative and other 4 years of war and other 3 years of war in which the united states and europe continues to pour billions of dollars into award and ukraine? is that the alternative? i've asked every foreign minister i meet with. tell me your idea of how this turns out most don't have a plan. a few have said, well, let's give them another you are fighting a year from now a year later after another year of death, another year of destruction, then maybe put in, we'll be ready to negotiate at that point, that doesn't sound like a good plan to me and it certainly is not a plan. the presidents on board with a valid buckle. rubio, but was he alone in the us administration regarding this fence? no, the us national security advisor, my quote and see joined in what was so i think stunning to all of us in the oval office was that it was not clear. zalinski was going to go to negotiations at all that he would ever be able to negotiate with food. and i'm whether he shared our
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goal of ending this war. are you suggesting that president trump wants the landscape to resign? we need a leader that can deal with us adventure. we deal with the russians and in this war . and if it becomes apparent that presidents valencia's either personal motivations or political motivations or divergence from ending to fighting in his country. i then, then i think we have a real issue on our hands. you know, my quotes also stated that the americans did not have an incentive to patients for the end of the support fee crane, which runs into billions of us dollars. i think the concessions of territory will have to be made to end the conflicting new crane. and that is obvious. the us doesn't view ukraine as a native member and us commerce secretary and say, wait and it's stating the washington will not provide you with more aid unless the landscape is willing to actually make peace. you know,
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it all seems that while the west is actually trying to make the steps towards peace and, and the conflicting ukraine, the you continues with this woman green effort and bible supervisor ukraine, not a was financial butts military. it as well. now during those on president, it seems in the oval office, the us vice president tried to make the last key acknowledge his military has a huge problem. but the time is that most the rapidly escalated when the ukrainian suggested vans would've known or wouldn't know. i see hasn't been that what kind of diplomacy? gigi, us, the gamble, what? what do you, what do you, what do you mean? i'm talking about the kind of diplomacy it is going to in the destruction of your country. but he's mr. president. mr. where is it? with respect, i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office to try to litigate this in front of the american media. right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have the manpower problems. you should be thinking the president for right to bring
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it in to this call into your claim that you say what problems we have. i have been to one, i've actually, i've actually watched and seen the stories and i know that what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour. mister president, are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military? have that's just totally ridiculous. the united states has a intel assets, you know, they've been close in like to ukraine for quite some time. plus uh, the intel community views, all of the films and videos that come out of the east. they probably are to kind it in and embed embedded with the current insurance on the front lines. some of them probably are, and of course they're, they're constantly monitoring events because they need to have accurate information on the ground assets. and that doesn't necessarily get into the hands of the west
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or media, but it is designed to provide to the to the policy maker that type of information zalinski was really groping and looking for excuses to, to bait, to put vance in the, in a bad light but it just didn't fly and the be the reality. we know what the reality is. we've seen it the opposite of us from the organization for security and cooperation in europe handed data on weapons positions. and they didn't ask him to calm people's republics to ukrainian forces. and that's the revelation that's been made by a former greek ambassador to ukraine. oh, i see. observe us west station to the dunbar from 2014 until 2022. another issue that came to my attention was the use of classified information sent by a ca. observe is about the locations of weapons on the russian side of the contact
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line in east and you train since these positions were immediately under you training and fire. it was obvious that the observers reports with 1st passed through ukrainian services degree kids. diplomats at certain vein, sorry, a story, obviously very close to hard. as he also pointed out that she visited the russian speaking greek villages in the boss, which were at the time deserted due to the constant showing. now, there is a large greek community here, especially closer to mario full and its slowly but surely reviving ass, the russia liberated the nearby territory from where you create a military argument. disability and population asked for the use of self. well, russian for administrators. folks who've been marie as a car law, she pointed out that such revelations by the greek diplomat certainly deserves to be investigated. this requires not just political statements, but a serious investigation cries that this happened under the former leadership of the
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o. s. c e secretary. it do not count the o s. c e is obliged to respond effectively to the accusations made. now, for those of us who have been covering the crating and aggression against the people of the boss, for a long before the started with special minutes reparation of this particular news regarding the o. s. c. monitors spying in favor of the militants, of the key regime is absolutely nothing new. russian officials were always fully aware. that's always the actions could easily be defined as a war crimes. back in 2022. maria's economy again pointed out the monitors illegal activities, saying that they collected sensitive data from the domestic and the guns republics for the western intelligence agencies who are in says with their counterparts now the russians diplomats also drew attention to the fact that the o. s. c. presented heavily distorted the picture of what was actually happening and
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were instrumental in hiding the ukrainian armies for crimes. now, the heads of the nets catalogs through politics as well as russia's representatives at the united nations. i've also spoken out about the crime, somebody's always c monitors at length. now russian officials press that. it's unbelievable. that's an international organization such as an always see who are tasked with the monitoring a conflict. with acting such despicable way in the spring of 2022, both the dumbass republics reported the detention of boy i see admission stuff on suspicion of espionage and state treason pedals more about this case. um, what was no, not the moment or the detention real overseas. special monitor in mission were stations on both sides of the conflict between the boss and the key of regime all the way since 2014, before they were expelled in 2022. their official role was to report on the state
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on the conflict fans on the number of these 4 violations. and as soon as they were gone, authorities in the next gala guns began sharing information that in fact, the v o is the monitors were collecting information that so what ends up in the hands of the media sense of the key of regina prosecutors in the nest republic also said that's the information provided to ukraine by the always, the monitors for use not only for military purposes, but for terrorist acts against civilians and public infrastructure in the next can in lagoons. now once again, this was all happening long before the start of the special military operation and following the explosion. no. v always sees flies from dunbar. local authorities began making arrest balls in jeanette scanning. the gods republics must seem to solve. i was one of those arrested and she was initially hired as a translator for the always see, but she's now serving
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a 13 year sentence for treason for passing on information on the people's militia of a little golf. now r t spoke with this man, back in 2022. makes him is in a world of legal trouble. few faces state freezing charges, but not because of the services he provided to the o. c, as a translator and, and to protect one of the mission senior supervisors who introduced himself as a former state department. official approached maxime and language assistant evolved into an espionage agent on the goals
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structure. this data maxim fedbid has recruited georgia livet scheme. quinta, and is very closely tied to the pentagon, a self described to 26 year special ups veteran with the us military. and the reported form intelligence officer was chosen to supervise the impasse. yeah, let's see of the special monitoring group. all these special ups offices need to come on does intelligence agents and the trusted stuff have unlimited access to always see reports like these from exact code and that's of little guns forces positions to high resolution photos of logistical basis. o is c, came to the dumbass carrying the banners of pacifism as non partisanship and left in plumes of miss trust and the trail. the in the middle east is role has stopped all human, a terry and aid from entering into gaza. and that's according to prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu, who blamed the move on her mind rejecting to us plan to extend a push will cease 5 in future love on with the completion of phase one. and in light of a mazda is rejection of the wind cause outline we decided in a discussion last night, that starting this morning for all entry of goods and supplies into gaza, will be prohibited and stuff. it must be emphasized that mazda is being taking control of oil supplies and goods sent to gaza. it is abusing causes, population to a trying to receive that aid. it is shooting at them and is turning humanitarian aid into a terrorist mechanism directed against us. we will not agree to that in any way. his role has approved the tempo, retrieve his extension on the proposal by donald trump invoice. steve would cough on this initiative. the seas file will remain in place during the mazda of holy month of ramadan, and the jewish pass of a period of mazda is expected to relieve the house of the remaining hostages. on
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the 1st day of the plan, with the rest, to be freed. once a permanent truce is negotiated, how about the group rejected these rules deviation from the original agreement, which called for all hostages to be released in exchange for a full idea of withdrawal. the member of the mass political bureau by 7 i am. it says that easel didn't even talk about the new proposal with the group. it was nothing you say to it because we haven't received any uh offer show off on the 1st 2nd. we are not privy to negotiate on a new office because we have a certain deed this deal has, but it has to be signed by the tool button on the last. this is all of them in the interest. i mean the categories, the exemptions and the americans, and why tony can choose a new, do we have the deed and this unplug acceptance from one fault is assigned is rejecting to go for the 2nd fees. and we have if it's even the 1st is money cents,
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i'm going to be 90, but a scene is not be kept doing the fist fees. most of the needs of the girls are, were not allowed to enter. that goes to the people who are not allowed to move up the rest, the, the, the gates on both directions. they have delayed the, the release of all prisoners. many times we have says we are pulling in one 1st before the 1st of one of the mediators on the americans. we quote also the international community to intervene to block as its way into abiding the deed we are going to implemented. we are committed to the deal. we owe it to implemented honestly and seriously. therefore, i think we, we are pulling the community to intervene. otherwise we are really before, obviously not even when he comes back to or we have to fight back. we have to different offices and we have done along the last 15 months. we want to be sure
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that this deal is, is going to lead to it failed amenities, fail it door to door and a serious reason or change and then to starting the process of goods as to why should release the prison. i was on the 1st day without being sure that it will lead to another piece for free on a along the last few days in contact with the principal is with the introductions and we have 2 of them in green works out position. and today we have heated the of minnesota foreign affairs of agency since clearly this way is obliged to go immediately if for any decisions about the setup fees. and they are not allowed to serve attention to the all to fit by the wall or cutting they. these are the statements of the some far enough is easy. i think it's good for them. indeed, those i'm for, every one was for the top that it is this i,
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it was several 1000 things of you know, as the muslim world monster, the beginning of the holy month of ramadan palestinians, the guys i gathered together among the rubble that mid thigh humanitarian situation locals live in on 70 in here, and they say the people are stopping as a result of the crossings being closed. we demand the crossing to be open today, the close the crossing and look out. prices have risen again. yesterday, prices were normal, but today they have risen again. unfortunately, our merchants are exploding the closure of the crossing negatively against us because of the prices for all goods increase immediately and people are starving when the crossings are closed. the crossing was closed by the occupational and the merchant started raising the prices of goods on the goods arrive in gaza at a low price. the goods are available and stored, but the people don't have the money to buy that shot. most of my friends come mind
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taking all these or blocking the aid coming into guys, a bus, a name again says it's a direct validation of international law. i think this is a little crime. and this is, this has to be this cause it has to be directed to the international community, which is, which is getting the international name with you to know to do, to protect the cvd is to run on the bill of rights of getting their food or maybe send a bit of 50, by the way, or how much is not receiving anything. and because the, all of the bids are coming through international organizations, like what for the wrong, like uh, the unit save virtual owner. why? in some cases, the world kitchen, all these organizations, which is international mothers via getting bought, receiving the and the tools this a new to do for we in the us or in the government. even we are not receiving any
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kind of, uh, any kind of feed. i think this is a very, very silly uh little book and uh is, and one of those books. and this does not happen at the tone and be when we're stopping the. sometimes the window is to be taken by how much it will. but i mean, the part is therefore, again, it is a very silly little book under use as usual to buy anything out of this government and close a home. now the presidential election. and now kazi, i have been won by the man who's been acting the head of states in november by that going by secure nearly 54 percent of the votes, the 2nd route. he will now leave the country for the next 5 years. lot of me put in has already sent his congratulations of the victory and the election held in conditions of free. popular expression has confirmed the support of,
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of kazi and citizens, for your policy of insuring domestic political stability and the country sustained socio economic development. i trust that friendly allied relations between russia and that because the will continue to strength and for the benefit of our brother lead peoples. the central election commission of applied here has confirmed the bought the has won the election, his opponents gathering, securing about 41 percent of of a father goober, securing 54 percent of the vote, the authorities. he came up and said that while they had registered several violations during the voting yesterday, that they are a new way to influence the outcome. this is a huge gap which even the opposition, which would be quite aggressive in the build up to this election visa dump is the not even they can contest again by the blue book from either running on
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a platform of opening a prod you off a bringing change to a country deeply traumatized by a war 30 years ago for independence against georgia. a will that has defined the way of live here for decades since his opponents. i'd go to opposite, but it'd be running with a much different platform. what of keeping the prize you close keeping for eviction? going in the you the old ways all best. nevertheless, the people of a applied you have booted and they have picked the president. this is a get a very small country, a very small country, but with huge potential in industry and agriculture in mining, of course, in terrorism, an incredibly beautiful country, but again, a landscape and the nation and the people mod a bite in scott y conflicts we so i didn't, so that is already being described as
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a terrorist attack, an attack on opponent station here and up because you know about all men with a sole bibles busted to a booty cedrin and attacked. people forced everyone to the ground, began firing the yes and seize the silence bolts is scattering with booth attempt again to intimidate booth is since then the privacy and even russian prosecutors have joined the efforts. and the problem is to bring everyone responsible, pulled us attack, which is the leading to the relatives of a good example. uh, the, the 2nd cabinet is in the selection at plumbers to bring them to a child. and everyone involved in organizing a tax. and then people to ation against loses vanessa was the fact that since invitations take new role in the outcome, people are because you have made that choice and, and now looking forward to the president feelings that accomplishes with them. they
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just that he is made to the people now it might be a traditional ceremony in russia to herald the end of winter and the arrival of spring. but celebrations of this lovely combust along its festival have vis you. also to be the way to the hot to the african continent, the out through all the facilities organized by the russian housing. some of the those celebrating tasted russian pancakes, known as lean, soft on more delegate that traditional pancakes. there are pots all the subject condition, and symbolize the sun, as well as spacing retreats on alpha young people were about to learn the celebrations, and even participating traditional rituals. while
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as the army experience all the way to our, to the companies where you can get for the details of all the stories we're following, this, our thanks for watching and by the, the chess willis. i am the nobody's telling me that a humorous item. does this, but yet i'm gonna forward it to bill about authority. stover. by some of the, from the umbrella dealership within the water to this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job special she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us labs and ukraine. the
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russian interior ministry suspects that we use to test biological weapons for the 1st step is that then they saying that she's a real quick. let's see who she has been able to have to escalate to expedite didn't exceed the shape. what the he and the she was the 1st before the ukrainian army retreated them. stuff tried to remove all materials and documents but they failed. the only thing that's different, how do you send the record is not the voice of a chose to read user. so it looks like you called at the the number of words. so for all he, one word court just spin each, just go by still doing you. when the abandon lab investigators found evidence of operations with deadly viruses and paper with a test on a named patients. it's on known how many similar centers have been established in
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ukraine over the past ideas. the russian ministry found signs of them in almost all liberated major settlements on which they are c unit that in these hold a category. so chad is showing the subscript wallace tab. so so we need to so that we originally caught a few of the yearbook as anya from you. still pushing chest that we would use it to a fund that we missed each one and this much for what are some your to be with the one that stood out and they submit it to like oaks on a many people around the world trying to find the answers to the question, some created this network of bio weapons factories. ukraine has a biological research facilities for how long has it operated and how many deaths? is it responsible for the
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is my level home? come on, let me show you. show you around. hard to believe, but 20 years ago, this man, proud of his route guns, was a top international generalist, a former military officer. he came to georgia in 1991 on business to and ended up as adviser to president me file stuff is really entering george's top echelons of power. this is if i recall john persimmon, it's called carol. okay, i think in russian, in georgia, jeffrey silverman, his career, flourished until 2011 when he saw a story on george and tv about
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a new us biological lab. open 70 kilometers from to be see. individuals like cf. com. well, the positive part appeals to new the losers as well. but if i just give us some photos really set up what they're doing, you've got the option of assigning him to pay the most of the novelty as an allow me to cosco some other edits or the little girl, the silverman, to sit down to find out what the bar drew is out to is very 1st finding shell 2 right behind me. there's a village near the airport where the workers for the repository used to working with the military barracks. and people were getting sick all the time. there was a thursday or from the lab. were living here for got sick to die, but what did they dialed?
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oh, they should. food poisoning. oh yes. but they were there and the phone was coming out of their mouth. silverman lights alone. these experiments were ordered by military authorities in washington. i used to work with people my university that had connections with the lab. one was on the ministry of economic development. they were telling me how this project started. the u. s. navy tracks checking the logical labs, when silverman discovered who was behind the lab, and its secret experiments had already caused many casualties. the public, they called for an immediate end, submitted the agreements between georgia and the us. this program was not a agreement between georgia and the united states. it was there was one sided in position that they said you want to do. this was like because shortly off to these statements for major us and european use
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agencies stop working with silverman and presidents such as release administration site to him as well. i wrote some articles, publish them and local media. i gave interviews to george and newspapers, and actually everybody jumped on me. the embassy wrote in their reports and press releases, as the silverman is not to be trusting the nasa t, the truthfulness of his information is in question. despite the backlash, he continued investigating those who didn't want the us journalist to go public with his discoveries reacted soon enough. as a result of this, i've been kidnapped off the street the and if you look at the lower level is basically the crown, the flagship,
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the crown 0 of a network of laboratories in smaller lives in our main in as you be john center, asia, africa was that email local reveals what is concealed behind the high walls of the bio center. oh shit 30. i don't know my bushes. we don't take the data on my own. they go to the page. i'm the youngest getting most of the the up. it was easier to go straight to the result. oh yeah. the sooner the better one of the larger the, the, they did, they were just going charging way. i said something about to do, show the show, but the family courtroom, the center really busy schedules the us journalist as a cushion. the swami. as low as an investigation into
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a pen to go into the bar trees around the world. she obtained sensational us government documents proving the existence of a network of bio labs in ukraine, similar to georgia's lucas center. the united states state department had a press release. that is no longer there, but we did archived this. it said that there were peaceful, biological laboratories in ukraine. to me, it's kind of strange that they put the words peaceful as this. they were trying to deny something. normally you do not expect normal biological laboratories to be not peaceful. the general is joan dubin visited one center of the board tree. it was very safe, the ways the stores and basically they were both the trials on, on suspension, launched an investigation the shortly all to the us government once again denied it
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to the board res existed in ukraine. on march the 10th 2022 pentagon press secretary john cubby made a special statement on the mess up. we are not developing bio, logical or chemical weapons inside you crank is not avenue. now people are starting to realize how disingenuous and untruthful the united states has been with a lot of these vile biological labs that have been in ukraine. they've been getting a lot of coverage there is. now i do have one i with this account. there was a laboratory biological laboratories, maybe a car to you've you remember i told you that i have a whistle blower in car keys. and this whistle blower is the one that gave me a bunch of documents. it's interesting that he sends me this document
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here. institute of veterinary medicine of the national academy area, the academy of agrarian sciences donor department of defense of the united states, of america beneficiary, the state committee of veterinary medicine of ukraine. the connection between the arrival of us bio lab specialist and bizarre breaks of diseases that have been sweeping ukraine is want general is the most curious about ok. and you can say no. who will feel if, if they knew who i for 5048, for the original, whom official formulas of the guys got to watch the news move in a solution. you hardly, i don't know where it's going to go live. it's no way for cheap because of his mom, me, i'm and we some of a consent with this ship than us, but i will w e n y, this young lady of the district as the one. uh, but it is all uh special or do any of it any must have put on the get the most on
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your cost, blah. i got this from the need to be snap and when you set it up my show today. so i am uh cuz i was still with the new which, which device gave me the amount that was utilizing. if i could look up, which not up here when you, when you will, but as also upsets local, are you a little pull up your term with a bill which is crash? not alexa decided to look into the weird strain that almost killed his child, and hundreds of other idea so residence. well, since 2010 us scientists have been secretly experimenting as a former soviet and see play against the tooth with cups shifting into the system. and you upload them both of them cushion on some of the put me in the position in the building. you stick laboratory. i'm not uh, in a split in front of us. i got the best plus the cooking solution, a gulf this company. and i'm not, i just key americans to so i just go up and switch them. no, i used to put the bullet protection that came in the attribute expensive unless the
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3 positioned or the facility is currently the only one in ukraine, enjoying biosafety level 3 spaces. affect corroborated by john doogan, who assisted like say, elbows investigations. but he tells me that they are cleaning on their website and he sends me some documents here. and this document here, and he sends me the original links for them. you can see right here, ukrainian research and type like institute. okay. located this once in odessa, the donor department of defense, the united states, the beneficiary, the ministry of health of ukraine, forma, ukrainian intelligence office of us see the process of shows documents proving the existence of secret us army programs in which dangerous pathogens were handled in ukraine photo, both origin for the tax still with me is just the,
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is that all the agreement that goes to putting the stairs to him? i don't know. could i even call me okay, is there glass of which a lot of 2 different both of them was same this time next it's at least of their activities was supervised by former ukrainian health minister leon us, approved a name appears in the secret files of the ukrainian intelligence service, according to the sewing machine, young girls may still stop on the shop p. i'm a little delayed, even as little yellow. suppose they use, i do use their deacon as the default, but i put in a ticket to clean as a says, then you have some that are maybe 50. unfortunately, the truly born 40 on the super own move to ukraine in 20. so i'd say in just a year before the crew to that she was actively involved in a bunch of lip watching you each all is as you start the simple cream
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thomas. nice indeed. put us so yeah. because that has to be, to be sure to get this job the the, the
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the mysteriously this us citizen, virtually on noon in the country, was appointed by the new authorities to a key post in the ministry of health. shortly after my stapleton pacific used to them, but a ship in goshen was to see the status of the times. subscriptions still continues to hold on me cause cause that i'm not gonna look beautiful enough that you know levels of nissan, a 100 total you know crazy and that's fine. we have a simple that was done to for sure. let me to come to class copays, because then you can use the suite same to you. ready for a meter when a buzz or i'll even let them use that. shouldn't be able to use the flow,
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but i'm pretty good to the studies. no crating or serious close or you just for me to drop off in new york. those place also just give me music, gave me stuff because a lot of the machine for me to supervisor already on a super rulings activities as ukraine's health minister can be inferred from this letter to from robot pub direct to the pentagon, d t. all right, division the also to expedite work on transferring ukrainian loves to the control of us specialist common steps to achieve joined the objective analysis of highly dangerous micro organisms under consolidation in a single repository of the shot, blah, blah, blah blah. so she needs to be as nice humor for probably a new and crime schemes to give me a come up like, and i'm gonna be always really little up in your wife's store cream and you get to build a new city center thing at some stage and then you realize there's still not from the just give us the ball off, but the edge come, uh, well, i mean, it comes good,
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bye good. i'm just glad to put a soaker this the sleep. good. awesome. cuz due for just keep up with me. musky. seeing i can that not a bumble dyslexia, let me stop again. let me just make a lot of good news. let me see though it isn't the see if it's in too much too much pain. yeah. what you miller view? i'm supposed to shop, but if i'm going to go out there was the photo might unless somebody's, the nick will use you. this a cool must do on this for the old laugh that i'm going to know green here because i am, i guess the formulation you will get all the data. it's the worst company at the blue up. it gives you most care. we show fucked them. but the, almost the front of mind that said that with the well as that goes down, keep i get out of luck out from the i'm gonna give it 3 gigs, but on some get this out the court order, but i get, i want to show a center for controls of the blue. i didn't receive the see or the file and give it an official good enough kind of a new website. i was no great. you got cut off and i get all of you chief the, i'm
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a product to those. are you mazda data based on the, you have been going into the office for the wrestling and the going off with all appointments to see is a dynamic decent. but all of the companies are in less than 3 years, almost all of ukraine's main to biological research stations came on to the pentagon, run the agencies control. and what do i do, just to be honest, approved at this point, i should be assuming you start having this little agreement news, and you may not have, don't store this process of pulling up even the libido earlier due to this kind of products again, as science, at the bottom of teach the guns to say do much the for me to get the 5, the chinese, the simplest way to is to go see your teeth. and this includes the 3000 that completed the task successfully giving you a little bit, a couple of things you miles look across the board of the book and be able to use colors and know with cheap what he means puts on the lowest pretty far out that's meant to do to the goose the left on top of the list that i was. and this is just
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lum boozy. what was the fix it on the news could, could you show customers to make full shift because part of the sides still pay me charge and that name was encouraging to me. they kind of thought i'd say settlements, if you just go to the dentist thing and it's not for me to do, let's what i'm going to date. will we need to show the patients? we have done that, but i'm sold a lot of beautiful just the show. so to dish for kind of for us to get inside the photos of just did you go on so sure what you mean via those to say the only starter for me to get them to the of the villages just gimme a little bit of the music there's the bonus and the cadets use or for the at the volume that by the so sure. i do think it could totally be doing something cross with the city of the one you city where you may be able to stop him and show it to him. for being a flight also you sure sort of can we go they got the email to dock so
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usually most as the way not play and when she get off that's gotta meet him pony. don't put any more than the buses and they will chest you over to board. you at the out of some sort. and it said you, me at the end of school, you post k in get off the scale out of me. age at the young important is any monies or is it a more could be able to use collateral, j. e split the name you will not be in the witness will, should cost me out of me. he stays, we can get to the heart of being able to those that are both not so venue movie are the same. so for instance, i think that's what i show as what a little bit i'll talk to you. i will on people's god, lives in law is visit us. i looked at all your score idols, i visual promising associates and it will put them not. this will be management in the late 19 thirty's, the japanese army occupied hub in one tokyo as old as a secret sense. it was opened to is such a new type of weapon. deadly viruses for use against china on the soviet union. the
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desk with by weapons which has stayed on humans, was code named unit 731. so as i said, i gave you a really sit visit facility on the measure list, viewing pleasure with you, and just some little as that i should have done both of us. that actually creates a large, a nice in the wireless shalayna yetter understood near bluffing. the natalie a listener witnessed a terrible experience. the japanese military performed on civilians and occupied china during world war 2. the recording, those horrible events is not easy for her know of any of that desk counts. few survivors, the
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when the lower 3 beginning operations natalia was do a 7. she remembers black smoke billowing from the chimney above the building day and night. they incinerated victim. so it died during the horrendous experiments. think of a swat up somebody else the radio, i guess there's a d, a sure to a store where you 1st of all of the new shows you got it. with vision material. the museum exhibits reminded her again of those terrible moments from her childhood and of the fear of becoming one of the test subjects. the jump in the scientist selected from the local population subrogation of because of my beloved human, they need a medium in the lab. be surely is going to be, is you or is it, is it is your what is what really got some interesting thoughts to share an interest interest through your soul. but mine yeah. on the other line. can submit little as a full. it's not the smart tv or
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a smoker these couple days. so especially if they buy that she's going through really, really easy for me to get some you to go any further than you because you, what do you do this new which is still in the states unless you're doing good? so do you think that the fluid was cute? it just looks like you're going to jump in the scientists working under general shield. real issues come out and worked out how microscopic viruses could become. weapons of mass destruction behind unit 7. 3 one's bob. while they created, posted in bones filled with infected insects, capable of spreading fatal disease to thousands of people have their own level. mobile is sickly on level i'm with uh, a girl though, it doesn't matter what the kids will move. it goes to the ball. most of somebody really is you, unless you get the chance, we just have them put in a shot as many a trauma, tubes of the, at the demick spread unit 731 scientists disposed infected insects over chinese
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cities. one of these experiments killed more than 3000 people, is ation provence. before world war 2, there was a military unit, and it was led by this scientist called is she and the, in the course of their research base figured out how to use a flea or sometimes a different kind of insect as a delivery mechanism. and they could insect the insect or a fleet with a kind of virus or a bacteria. and it could be done delivered to head out a large area of the japan surrender unit $73.00 one's don't. as in general, issue liberal to the united states, where they collaborated with former german military don't us. who had carried out
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some of the research on known c concentration come prisoners. we know that the u. s. government definitely received this technology from imperial japan, in exchange for letting these scientists go and not trained them for their war crimes. and the reason, of course, these biological laboratories appeared is because they wanted to sabotage socialist or communist. basically, any country that did not tow the line for their imperial conquests, the war criminals new home was the secret us telling me biological weapons center at fort detrick's, maryland. for the summer. speaking of that view, a little, i have to enter a couple of minutes to go to the front of the study and literally into the the she shoved. you got the most can be what i was on the list. i should say that solutions grew. i am the collaboration between the us army and killer scientists. according
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to chinese journalists would produce results less than 5 years of to the end of world war 2. during the 1950 korean war, the radio message date is february. the 22nd 1952 from china sing was state news agency as our frontline corresponded and reported from january 28th to february. the 17th the us address as well. plains systematically dispos stove of korea on all true positions and in the rear. large quantities of bacteria and various poisonous insects. on january, the 28th, southeast of ancient enemy aircraft dispos, 3 species of insects never before observed on the korean peninsula. but to me, if it's our lord to see new stuff and i need it because the that, those planning things on my team and i'm going to put a little more police launched on the company. and you can point me in the villages
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florida was and not so kind of just kind of as to emotional kind each to know which is which is the most you used to solve. i don't want to seduce, don't postal code or something. you don't know that i'm going to do it, so it's good for, for the new f as is coming in from to be on. hold on. if someone cisco of us up to more from over to me, calling this for them to complete the vision for the time, the gym and journalist on this road, this started for districts history. and the experiments carried out by its specialist in guatemala, having us, uh, d, i a newborn, and i newborn. and it's different this behind of understaffed and the next time and see if it's it doesn't vickers testify this thing and due to us are from next off until we get them on the the priest.
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then please let me put you through the the window to pick of chip. good. so like most of those are right in the order to limit the more of the characters. i mention that enough for 3 wisdom and maybe even the 2, even though i still have an order from nova, is that all one word to tell or should i just click on? especially if the one is our list, any sub list of them that is on key out of my business. thrust the risk either way . number or the sure. and then can you hear me to get the patients that what is their ground level? the,
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the know, the only way you're crying somebody drops up in london where a lot of these, that as the fled have to have some white house fiasco with european leaders calling for more military aid. although not every one of the ships that enthusiasm gloves. little thoughts planned to introduce peacekeepers into ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the camp regime to wage a war against us. no european troops on the ground in your trade, and that's the message from the russians subject about se, discusses the peace process and ties with the us. and following a lot of these, the last, these oval office, pod crashed media. how easy blocks all the a supplies from entering guys as a boss, rejected us proposal to restore peace and the watch on region come off for the
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bureau. elaborate house of suppressed hands and these roll did not pop the new proposal with a group. she says, because we haven't received an offer show you both offices so to 32 and she's on a new or for us because we have my son, dean. this dealer has, has been signed by the football team. the we are watching our team to national, reaching you from our new center with moscow. i have mike cook watching a key european summit on your train has wrapped up in london. fresh from his mulling from donald trump. the length of the last key was given a rival war. my welcome from my host of lead is that where plenty of hans and even more promises on offer the the,
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the the . 6 the now the printer spawn minister was the 1st to give comments and while some talk of a time for peace, he's still talking of war and also a new over a 1000000000 pound aid package vocab specifically to buy more web re doubling down on this support for a lot of these, the last the yesterday evening that you pay sign to 2200000000 pound low
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to provide full military, a to ukraine, bought, not by the purchased tax pay a by the profits from price and russian assets. today i'm announcing a new deal, which allows you trying to use 1600000000 pounds of u k expo finance to buy mold of 5000 at defense missiles. we operate some important steps today. first, we will take the military slowing and keep increasing the economic pressure on russia to strength and ukraine. now. well, you know, it's quite ironic. how is it a prime minister is talking about a particular piece that because what kind of keys can even talk about when you're talking about that you're going to keep the military age of slowing a case he did. in fact mentioned piece, but seems like it's one does a despise of keeping the conflict going. because salma talks about assigning
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a loan and to keeps the comes from the prophets made from phrase and russian assets . he also stated jerry, his speech, i'm gonna quote this only in the end of the deal we'll have to involve russia. i mean, it's the conflict between russia and ukraine and it just seems like the u. k. besides pursuing is one great restoration. it also is trying to make itself relevant and one of the best and he noticed almost was, was echoed by others, such as like, us know, funded land. he, she actually stated that she, i mean, she waited with close to a gently on europe and all of the shows will say, stated that he, you states a set to discuss raising defense spending on a manual nicole and was also there as well. he stated, the purpose of this meeting is to strength and support for ukraine and to instruct that you commission to launch a large scale co financing program. and you know, but besides all of this astronomy and say, talks about strengthening relations with the us and deploying peacekeeping missions
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to crate. we will go further, develop a coalition of the willing to defend a deal, and you try to guarantee the piece. those willing will intensified planning now with real urgency as you pay is prepared to pack this with boots on the ground and planes in yeah. together with all this, europe must do the heavy lifting but to support pace in appleton and to succeed. this efforts must have strong us back to we're working with the us on this board. often mind meeting with president trump last week. let me be clear that we agree with the president of the urgent need for a durable piece. now we need to deliver together boots on the ground. i wonder what does russia think about european boots on the ground?
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you know, ross has repeatedly stated that native contingent, even this piece, keep us as unacceptable. but, you know, europe's move on growing rhetoric just carries on something rushing for a minister. so get lover of actually talked about as well. just following biden's term. there are now people who want to lead with common sense that they say directly that they want to end all wars. they want peace, you who demands a continuation of the gravy train with that war. europe, french president, my crohn is running around with some ideas just like british p. m. cure storm or they say that so many thousands of peacekeepers are being trained and they will provide them with air cover. that is arrogance. this plan to introduce peacekeepers and to ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the key of regina to wage a war against us. russia for news has raced concerns about native expansion, east the woods, and this is something that predominately actually led to the status of the special
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military operation and ukraine. and now the british prime minister is basically talking about these nato peace keepers basically on to disclose. uh, i mean, sorry, nature treats onto the disguise of peace keepers. so though it seems fall from peace, making them now if we narrow it down to the europeans themselves, what do they think? well parish prime minister way den, stating that there is a sense of chaos, a new sense of unity in the west, and on seizing frozen russian assets. a native chief actually took the landscape to mend his relations with the trump. uh so really seems like a chaos with every one trying to put that to cents and the coalition of the willing . yes, a number of comments has been dictated today that they want to be part of the plan that we are developing. i'll leave for them to make their own statements about exactly how they want to make that contribution. but we've been able to move that
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forward like set without criticism and with respect of the position of other countries that may not feel that they will contribute in that way. but i strongly feel that the less something to move forward, we will stay in the position we're in and not be able to move forward. and that for as it is a deliberate plan to show that we get some momentum of paste here senior. that's clearly no units in here of with test. um i just himself with betting that that but how about washington? what are we hearing from washington about this? well off to the show down between salon skin trump and the oval office. washington continues to abuse zalinski, a mockery of the actually states that he hasn't spoken to zalinski since also stating that the us use. so let's case actions as an attempt to a to fluid the trumpet, ministration efforts to resolve the conflict and ukraine. and he also mentioned the
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you there as well. i would ask everybody this is, there are no negotiations. what is the alternative and other 4 years of war and other 3 years of war in which the united states and europe continues to pour billions of dollars into award and ukraine? is that the alternative? i've asked every foreign minister i meet with. tell me your idea of how this turns out most don't have a plan. a few have said, well, let's give them another you are fighting a year from now a year later after another year of death, another year of destruction, then maybe put in, we'll be ready to negotiate at that point, that doesn't sound like a good plan to me and it certainly is not a plan. the presidents on board with a valid buckle. rubio, but was he alone in the us administration regarding this dance? no, the us national security advisor, my quote and see joined in what was so i think stunning to all of us in the oval office was that it was not clear. zalinski was going to go to negotiations at all that he would ever be able to negotiate with prudence. i am whether he shared our
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goal of ending this war. are you suggesting that president trump wants the landscape to resign? we need a leader that can deal with us adventure. we deal with the russians and in this war . and if it becomes apparent that presidents the lens, he's either or personal motivations or political motivations or divergence from ending to fighting in his country. and then then i think we have a real issue on our hands. you know, my quotes also stated that the americans did not have an incentive to patients for the ends of support, fee crane, which runs into billions of us dollars. i think the concessions of territory will have to be made to end the conflict in ukraine and that is obese. the us doesn't view ukraine as a native member and us commerce secretary and say, wait and it's stating the washington will not provide the key of with more aid unless the landscape is willing to actually make peace. you know, it all seems that while the west is actually trying to make the steps towards peace
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and, and the conflicts in ukraine, the, you continues with this woman green efforts and bibles, it provides the cray not a, with financial butts military it as well. now during those on president, it seems in the oval office, the us vice president tried to make the last key acknowledge his military has a huge problem. but the time is that most fair, rapidly escalated, when the ukrainian suggested vans would've known or wouldn't know. i see hasn't been that what kind of diplomacy? gigi, us, be gamble, what, what do you, what do you, what do you mean? i'm talking about the kind of diplomacy this going to in the destruction of your country. but he does it with respect. i think it's disrespectful for you to come to the oval office. try to litigate this in front of the american media. right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have the manpower problems. you should be thinking, depress it for, right to bring it into this cause i've been to your claim that you say what
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problems we have. i have been to one, i've actually, i've actually watched in seen the stories and i know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour. mister president are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military? have that's just totally ridiculous. the united states has a intel assets, you know, they've been close in like to ukraine for quite some time. plus uh, the intel community views, all of the films and videos that come out of the east. they probably are so kind it and, and embed embedded with the ukranian troops on the front lines. some of them probably are, and of course they're, they're constantly monitoring events because they need to have accurate information on the ground assets. and that doesn't necessarily get into the hands of the west or media, but it is designed to provide to the to the policy maker that type of information
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zalinski was really groping and looking for excuses to, to be put to put vance in the, in a bad light, but it just didn't fly and the be the reality. we know what the reality is. we've seen it the opposite of us from the organization for security and cooperation in europe handed data on weapons positions and they didn't ask him to cons people's republics to ukrainian forces. and that's the revelation that's been made by a former greek ambassador to ukraine. oh, i see, observe us west station to the done boss from 2014 until 2022. another issue that came to my attention was the use of classified information sent by o. s. c. a. observe is about the locations of weapons on the russian side of the contact line in east and ukraine. since these positions were immediately under ukrainian
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fire. it was obvious that the observer's reports with 1st passed through ukrainian services agree kids diplomats, it's sort of a entire story, obviously very close to hard. as he also pointed out that she visited the russian speaking greek villages in the boss, which were at the time deserted due to the constant showing. now, there is a large greek community here, especially closer to mario full and its slowly but surely reviving after russia liberated the nearby territory from where you create in minutes and saw arguments, disagree, and population asked for the use of self. well, russian for administrators, folks who've been marie of a car law, she pointed out that such revelations by the greek diplomat certainly deserves to be investigated. this requires not just political statements, but a serious investigation cries that this happened under the former leadership of the o. s. c, e secretary, it do not count the
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o s. c e is obliged to respond effectively to the accusations made. now, for those of us who have been covering the crating and aggression against the people of the boss, for a long before the start of the special minutes, reparation of this particular news regarding the o. s. c. monitors, spying in favor of the militants, of the key of regime is absolutely nothing new. russian officials were always fully aware. that's always the actions could easily be defined as a war crimes. back in 2022. maria's economy again pointed out the monitors illegal activities, saying that they collected sensitive data from the domestic and the guns republics for the a western intelligence agencies who are in says with their counterparts. now the russians diplomats also drew attention to the fact that the o. s. c presented heavily distorted picture of what was actually happening and were
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instrumental in the hygiene, the ukrainian armies for crimes. now, the heads of the net scandal, the gospel politics, as well as russia's representatives at the united nations, have also spoken out about the crime. somebody's always c monitors at length. now russian officials press that. it's unbelievable. that's an international organization such as an always see who are tasked with the monitoring your conflict . with acting such a despicable way in the spring of 2022, both the dumbass republics reported the detention of boy i see admission stuff on suspicion of espionage and state treason pedals more about this case. um, what was known at the moment or the detention real overseas special monitor admission workstations on both sides of the conflict between the boss and the key of regime all the way since 2014, before they were expelled in 2022. their official role was to report on the state
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on the conflicts and on the number of these for violations. and as soon as they were gone authority fees in the next gal, a gums began sharing information that in fact, we always see monitors. we're collecting information that would ends up in the hands of the medicine. so the key of regina prosecutors in the next group public also said that to the information provided to ukraine by the o. s. c. monitors for use not only for military purposes, but for terrorist acts against civilians and public infrastructure in the next can in lagoons. now once again, this was all happening long before the start of the special military operation and following the explosion of the always seas 5 from dun boss, local authorities began making arrest both and jeanette scanning the gods for public, so it must seem to solve it was one of those arrested and she was initially hired as a translator for the always see, but she's now serving a 13 year setting for treason for passing on information on the people's militia of
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a little golf. now r t spoke with this man back in 2020, so it makes him is in a world of legal trouble. he faces state treason charges, but not because of the services he provided to the o. s. c. as a translator and into protect one of the mission senior supervisors who introduced himself as a former state department, official approached maxime and language assistant evolved into an espionage agent on those structures. this data maxim fed to is recruited georgia
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livet scheme. quinton is very closely tied to the pentagon, a self described to 26. yes. special ups, veteran with the us military and a reported form intelligence officer was chosen to supervise the impasse. yeah, let's see of the special monitoring group. all these special ups offices need to come on this intelligence agents and the trusted stuff had unlimited access to over see reports like these from exact cold and that's of little guns forces positions to high resolution photos of logistical basis. o is c, came to the dumbass carrying the banners of pacifism as non partisanship and left in plumes of mistrust and betrayal. the in the middle east, israel has stopped over here by the terry and aid from entering into gaza. and that's according to prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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who blamed the move on have mice rejecting to us plan to extend a coastal sci fi consume show up on it with the completion of phase one. and in light of a mazda is rejection of the wind cause outline we decided in a discussion last night, that starting this morning for full entry of goods and supplies into gaza will be prohibited. and it must be emphasized that mazda is being taken control of oil supplies and goods sent to gaza. it is abusing causes population. so who are trying to receive that aid? it is shooting at them and is turning humanitarian aid into a terrorist mechanism directed against us. we will not agree to that in any way. his role has approve the temporary truancy extension on the proposal by donald trump invoice. steve would cough on this initiative. the seas file will remain in place during the mazda of holy month of ramadan, and the jewish pass of a period of mazda is expected to release the house of the remaining hostages. on the 1st day of the plan, with the rest, to be freed. once
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a permanent truce is negotiated about the group rejected these rules deviation from the original agreement, which called for all hostages to be released in exchange for a full idea of withdrawal. the member of the mass political bureau, the bus, and i am, it says that as well, didn't even talk about the new proposal with the group. it was nothing to say that because we haven't received any uh offer show off on the 1st 2nd. we are not privy to negotiate on a new office because we have a certain deed this deal it has, but it has to be signed by the tool button. under the auspices of the dentist, i mean the categories, the judges, americans, and why tony can choose a new do we have the deed and it's a target acceptance for him. what about this assignment is shifting to both for the 2nd three's and they have if it's even the 1st because many times i've been to the
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90 but i've seen is i'll be doing the fist fees. most of the needs of the guys are, were not allowed to enter, that goes to the people who are not allowed to move up the rest the, the, the gates on both directions. uh, they have the, the front of the leasing office, and as many times of the access we are pulling in one 1st for the 1st of one of them. does that make sense? we could also the international community to intervene to block as its way into abiding the deed we are going to implemented. we are committed to the deal. we owe it to implemented honestly and seriously. therefore, i think we, we are pulling the community to intervene. otherwise, we are really before, obviously not even when he come back to war. we have to fight back. we have to defend ourselves. and we have done along the last 15 months. we want to be sure that this deal is, is going to lead to it failed amenities,
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fail it door to door and a serious reason or change and then to starting the process of goods as to why should release the person i was on the 1st day without being sure that it will lead to communities for free on a, along the last few days in contact with the categories, with magic options. and we have to have them in clear words, our position and up to date we have heated the of minnesota foreign affairs of agencies since clearly this way is obliged to go immediately if for any confusions about the setup fees. and they are not allowed to sometimes the deal all to fit my wall or cutting they decided the status of the some far enough is a piece of i think it's good for them. indeed those and for every one was one of the top. that is this site who is subsidizing the be so as the muslim world
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monster, the beginning of the holy month of ramadan palestinians, the guys that gathered together among the rubble that made the dye, a humanitarian situation, locals live in on separate dns here. and they say the people are stopping as a result of the crossings being closed. we demand the crossing to be open today, the close the crossing and look out. prices have risen again. yesterday prices were normal, but today they have risen again. unfortunately, our merchants are exploding the closure of the crossing negatively against us because the prices for all goods increase immediately and people are starving when the crossings are closed. the crossing was closed by the occupational and the merchant started raising the prices of goods on the goods arrive in gaza at a low price. the goods are available and stored, but the people don't have the money to buy that chart. most my friends not commenting all the usual blocking the aid coming into guys the bus at night and
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again says it's a direct validation of international law. and i think this is all the crime. this is the, this has to be, this closing has to be there to, to the international community which is, which is getting the international name with you to know to do, to protect the cvd is the one on the bill of rights of getting the food or maybe send a bit of publicity by the way, or how much is not receiving anything. and because the all of that is coming through international organizations, like what for the wrong, like uh, the unit saves virtual owner why? in some cases, the world kitchen, all these organizations, which is international but is the good thing for receiving the and the tools this a new to do for we in the us or in the government. even we are not receiving any kind of uh, any kind of feed. i think this is a very,
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very silly uh little book and uh, is it one of those books. and this does not happen at the tone and be when we're stopping the. sometimes the window is to be taken by how much it will, but i need the positive. therefore, again, it is a very silly little book and i used as usual to buy anything out of this government and close a home now the presidential election and now cause yeah, had been won by the man who's been acting the head of states in november by that going by secured nearly 54 percent of the votes in the 2nd round. he will now leave the country for the next 5 years. lot of me put in has already sent his congratulations in the victory and the election held in conditions of free. popular expression has confirmed the support of, of kazi and citizens, for your policy,
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of ensuring domestic political stability and the country sustained socio economic development. i trust that friendly allied relations between russia and because the will continue to strength and for the benefit of our brother lead peoples. the central election commission of a prize here has confirmed the bother going, but has won the election. his opponent, gathering, securing about 41 percent of the vote, father room by securing 54 percent of the vote. the authorities. he came up and said that while they had registered several violations during the voting yesterday, that they are a new way to influence the outcome. this is a huge gap which even the opposition, which would be quite aggressive in the build up to this, an extra a visa numbers. the not even they can contest again, but i'm going but from either running on the platform of opening a prod, you off
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a bringing change to a country. deeply traumatized by a war 30 years ago for independence against georgia. a will that has defined the way of live here for decades since his opponent, i'll go to opposite, but it'd be monday with a much different platform, 11 of keeping the prize. you close keeping thread vision going in the you the old ways, all best. nevertheless, the people of a applied you have booth is and they have picked the president. this is again, a very small country, a very small country, but with huge potential in industry in agriculture, in mining, of course, in terrorism, an incredibly beautiful country. but again, a landscape and the nation and the people, mobs. but in scott y conflicts, we saw, i didn't say that that is already being described as a terrorist attack. and the tackled opponent station here and up,
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cause you went by all men with a sole bibles, boston to a, booting cedrin and attacked people, forced everyone to the ground, began firing the yet and seize the silence. bolts is scattering with booth and attempt again to intimidates booth is since then a prize. you and even russian prosecutors have joined the efforts. and the problem is to bring everyone responsible pulled us attack, which is the leading to the relatives of i'll go to the uh, the, the 2nd cabinet is in the selection at plumbers to bring them to a child. and everyone involved in organizing attacks. and then people to ation against the booth has never been as soon as the facts for the last intimidation. take new role in the outcome. people are because you have made the choice of the now looking forward to the president feelings that accomplishes little judges,
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that he is made to the people. now it may be a traditional ceremony in russia to herald the end of winter and the arrival of spring. but celebrations of this lovely can, must learn. it's a festival have this you also meet the way to the hot to the african continent, the out through all the facilities organized by the russian housing, some of the those celebrating taste it and russian pat case load as we saw 7 more delegates that traditional pancakes there are pots all the subject condition and symbolize the sun, as well as basting retreats on alpha young people were about to learn the celebrations and even participating traditional rituals. busy while as the army experience all the way to our,
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to the companies where you can get for the details of all the stories we're following, this, our thanks for watching and by the in 1960 the americans lowers the huge bellwether operation documents. most of the, of the reading found that way online the us army chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques designed to permit the quantity of evaluation of intimate logical munitions, these tests formed the basis for developing offensive biological weapons. no
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withstanding that in april 1972, the us britain and the soviet union signed a convention strictly prohibiting such developments. and many ca, seeing this money in the 2nd year coming in super village with action. the models you see in utah seems the put the she or say she can wait for the use of the billing scalable authorities. tickets the full may end an easy, unhealthy. minnesota city for a deal, so potty trying to find out what was going on in the mysterious number to us lab opened in the country in the early 19 seventies. surely if the less permit to do for the position of the shots until we go infectious diseases, which is an issue in many sales staff that the pollution never happened. most our offices. busy larry ships program were 7 days
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themselves and but the very least the applied to get up with all this stuff. the number to me, it's a federalist, says magic se with the was off. but so now what do you as managed officials, who of them were a grams up into land save from my accounts a to be couldn't see it asked if it is a little i redid, didn't see what was that was south of any subs. so i, so i told it was within schiller for them to sell for. it is the of my job that i was active into kind of an 8040 is up to 2005. when an outbreak of an unknown respiratory disease occurred in indonesia, the number 2 lamps, specialists,
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to the surprise of the will community, identified it easily as birds flew in this. yeah, that's why it's been a frightening of the 2 leases. so we didn't have an is swimming diagnosis of the virus right. within that move to the still it was ready to diagnose which is my question. it's if so i knew that before if had this my breast of in my have the presence of deadly virus strains illegally and bolted into the country along the sitting engine easy. and government officials demanded the secret number to us lab and the pathogen samples to world health organization representatives, delena states. as a government point, i will make money. yeah,
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super di w. it's also a comment by law. i've done left chapter but bike and but if i can that he may have missed 1000000 and us officials ignore the demands that ordered a judge and shipment of all bio samples for the engine easy and labs to the us as a staff that i did the news above all, n z a much areas of greenland and with the is a, it's is ever so monique daughter, the separation of the didn't just lives in the well, yeah, the rules of the game have changed when see to, if i d, safari accused american scientists of conducting illegal research on engine easy and citizens administer was followed at a criminal case was brought against. nevertheless,
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a wave of indignation. this went through in an easier for me to concept because we do need says, but i get this, the one, the easiest one talking this way for him to eat or some, but i see to put too much tv to stuff for them. wish to achieve their store. i mean you can see these putting it in this way. the only information we have was we require an arrow to relates to naturally occurring infectious disease. when you go to the cost of the white glove service. can you custom? but he used except one assignment, she said they bring this in today we're going to the visit the military hospital. we're not going into the hospital because it's a restricted area. and we're going to talk about the tribe ration cooperation between the luger laboratory and the drug, georgia military and the how young recruits in georgia for they 1st came into the
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army. they were sent here. this document discovered by jeffrey silverland in georgia, list the country's hospitals, way us defense experts conducted research. it contains the following. volunteer, dest won't be promptly reported to the military hospital, i'll be the, the study will be, can ducted, according to the protocol, as in compliance with the regulatory requirements of georgia and the u. s. department of defense system and trying to tell the world about these dangerous experiments, see what kind of disease is and what kind of community they have. they are designing ways that they get sure they can help them, but they're also designing ways that they can people who have immunity. they can have a virus that is stronger than their immunity bodies investigation into the victims of the gullibility band tests was never published by any major europeans on us publications. struck
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a science. so gonna have different level of josh uh you show, then you provides you as near um the slip to a nice bit tiny and like what your score was. you know, he is like, when we enter the, i think i told him for a while to ensure us here is that the 2 main concern, ahold of them, right. sheer turn them off, even though it is concerning, is a down here, but it was easy and guys to you have to be, i have to mention is 0. is that the use of any, what any uh you put it was usually what they can use, but that, but it does show a partial and that i needed to, so i can show silverman believes luca buys and his activities in georgia resulted in sporadic anthrax outbreaks. in the region, which i saw michelle pulled up, actually today and part of my chat, but also such as your dog with the machine pulled the should the guy gutter should do this vehicle? is it economic options are we have and tracks in georgia where we don't have it and
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tracks only it's sample in the laboratory. we have and tracks and the walls and herds of cattle in the soviet union, the deadly disease was practically eradicated in the caucuses livestock was vaccinated in you. it's just other people. but a cool way is by me. this continued until the early 2 thousands, when american military biologists arrived in georgia and they stopped the vaccination program. the government didn't in order to see how the end tracks would evolve in new generations more resistant to antibiotics. and which is ultimately the use of biological, military weapons photographers. you be able to go just here to most of the stuff we've got as far as you know, the scholarly stuff simple start with the babies from inside of me. any other top industries? there's no, that's how she she i'm, i got the g less people. so it was, it's help you at least one years. in 2014,
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according to the national center for disease control and public health. some 60 people contributed anthrax and georgia infected numbers of gross and most recently people of even being towards on morning t. v shows. how do identify the diseases symptoms do you? this is the little advantage. maybe she has, nobody really sells it every year. the number of infected people grew alarmingly every year, so many drawers and farmers and shut pressure, getting sick with anthrax. and they started this their blood. well, this is a new strain. maybe we can weapon this strain the uh, the holidays. uh, there's different stokes and nose with us as long i ever worked cuz when i use bull recently, and i still do sort of move so he would open the official conductor, got the planning for that, the coil, victor, no bushes and it's good for the to actual nice town, see it's not be spelled wrong.
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bulgaria journalist says one is being writing about us bio labs by over 10 years today. the investigation has led to crime in a way, shortly before the pendants who, the united with russia americans had begun to acquit the former ante playstation, such as of saw some of what you watch them last on. so i'm going to, i'm going to cancel the phone, you what it says, does it run and go, good school, go through. no. so you need your create a lot of sort of 6 when we saw arch informed them they can do a lot of 30 because i'm dying and stuff that's completely of of that i'm move on, the circle gods are new for space of will to the for the appointment uh for washing and amazing. that was jim. uh um, who is it? is this uh phone yet is we'll send you the
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disclosures. go us to those emails. all nice plus short submitted concepts showing 1000 any miles. so newport charging for a month system. deluxe swimming, let's see. annual leave of should go to 10, but i don't know. first of all, let's go ahead but ok, so down the, tell me what the kim, i'm one of the ship them we're on. the bulgarian general is began to the investigation over 10 years ago when she went to georgia to fill in the report on american bio labs. work was just now spread it out because i just don't seem we okay on the book items, we must put a gun. your name please tell me your boss because they're just elizabeth college. so know, give me a book, a portion of that. i don't know, but the self government, which is 2 girls of point the worst, the most criteria is that the sheep down the book as well as football, got ski passport from the goods on zillow because which was fun to see. and up. i drove off a new student that was really swelled clear um,
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best buy medium and living thing now cuz i is the right now or one son is neglected. does it need not to abandon the other stuff? because my fear is that it's was students dollar, bottom dollar bonds, one find for when i was son, was neglected in 911 happened the hello and welcome to the cost of full born. here we discussed the wheel and the, the us authorities had
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something to hide the during the investigation, the bulgarian journalist on us a real sensation at the low, near the low rental, is your lowest gravitating understanding most cuz you got what the additional port so, but i thought it was dish, but out in this quote, to produce 12, both those put new marks to schwab, the emitter know is a 3rd shorter look sort of thoughts cross. and when you pull my different screen, the mid on the one that's name, of course the market price professional. no, he's come here because all of us to go so you go do it up so that old you know so no little spirit
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or some sort of short. it's natural. it still hasn't. besides you with that just doesn't go wrong based on the deals because our storm uh maybe cost to the 4 months . the new. sure. almost immediately the identity of someone working at the bio lab under the cover of the us diplomat was discovered when as nice as our storage at the cord, honey, i don't was according to my internet to your customers. so with the dental, the vision this when you search mills or assignments, it's ryan, me and 2 more walks doors, diesel chairs, and a sick whim uh, searching mushroom but ground them joshua bust. so he was a us diplomats and denied any connection with the bio center. this is boxed and a photo taken as an awards ceremony for us military stuff. deluca on social media bonus doesn't hide. his ties with the us department of defense is military and
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scientific specialization. is insects as deadly disease carriers and joshua boss to live. so it's up to affordable them what i, what i'm, what's going on with that. if i'm going to come up with 10 subjects is job and i have to go with knowing that i'll be sonya docket. that i'm bolted adults toys to know. um boy will put it in as much showing it doesn't work because don't store adults stores to up. so just the kids. what else that i was trying to do more than a photos which contain it. it said it was only move storage at the last sort of thing and bill of that cannot also know up, but it's you when it comes in and it's an improve model of the goes bomb, showcased the unit 731 museum in hobbin. and i did it still not some of the do for well the center of bottled water is starting us out on saying, and now we're not showing it. so for schools can sort of mostly comb, union nationals, collect duct building is wired, some basics, you know, most of the week of cars listed the products uh, used to comment up. so you come to the task of put them on you lots of 3 to correct
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facilities. those are concerned with that you call who was move he um, he stared with the soonest to sort of to these to get this document look, that was like, tell them what did you most did or what's the notion social reading of what the landline be searching and here's what's not something that i feel comfortable as to fix to, to hear yes, just let's do read the same level to mean i need you to notice that the bus and it but i was you to sway soon yet it didn't do judas. oh, cool. so fuck through with your vehicle is above simple, run your computer on your mobile watch. um motion of the court into it as it was of why it was or was it i'm would go fi, vitamin notions. so think of content going on a little bit the vanya origin that was put us to the notes i filled out to you for an ongoing steining, basically on, on your rich, some old stuff for my mother's and some dozen times for numbers,
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pretty much on each the issue of each time you should get the book, but i mean, you do know that it means we skip cutting the nature of one. so as you have a demick was understood in march 2021. when russian ministry of defense representatives a quad documents from the ukranian lab specialist with studying pathogenic insects and pathogen infected bud migration study of the super for you beach, repeat it also to you and also let you know what the most is for somebody else on my boss, they're going to choose me give you a shift. you don't see it was a couple of i don't know 3, but i still don't want to do within this cut order to deep cigarette bishop or something. others, what is new cause the collection an analysis of via materials containing strains of highly toxic pathogen. this was carried out as part of projects. you p 3, you be 5 and you'd be 6. i'd rather that you play the official report, the cause of the most people, most people are described just as in the uh, what goes over this,
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but the computer is such and then you had a gentleman who suggests the crane. the full project is studying age 5 and $1.00 flew in migrate we birds, which has a 50 percent vitality rate and humans u. s. military experts studied new causal disease and ukraine. nation the plague 1st, this stuff was so since i saw it in 2021 crime in fish, i'm on the sounds at the along the coast of lake sea. valesh was strewn with dead bugs. they come to crimea from odessa, where for several years us programs have been studying the spread of pathogens among birds. at that, do you think that the reason why it asked me, can we use skin yesterday? it diet, so by his name is peter. what's the name of the most of the consortia. you remember
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him in the early and yet need of his anybody? she said last night go. he's good news for me. i live in a long as george lewis store admitted counseling. ok. juvenile is the new mode. so it was that a multiple me deal when you go to your company into doing it. disclosure, i suppose it must be, well, i spoke with it's a company anthem, drug which goes i got was number will get you scheduled with the titles in law school, but it was a new through only single pro. it show up on a windows key. our next tournament, as the lord some of those to do is meet that is good to a speedy man. to not lead me to ask them dine, use a scout in your quote though. typical. so loop is close to nothing else. bush, well is, is the cause. there is a charge of slid step into into 20 to the russian military published a township secret documents on large scale us some of the tree biological programs and ukraine at the before i guess the lesson or do you put them in the city on the
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stuff to but i'm all of the sales, but he must on the new you still offer us tom, and you also shop how i'm going to share. it's the cool things cuz i knew that's probably the collab, short usage because i do is to companion black and the which shows the chestnut combine is like a total of 50 just gifting drive. so yeah, always if you have to be able to apply and that's good. that's so that's and then you've got a balancing understood, i prefer shop. this is correspondence between black and beach and ukraine's health service, notifying them of experiments to study the crime in congo. save a virus bush, which has to do all that. i'm typically scaling at the realization and it varies to frontier secure 1000 show. of course, the programs clearly kafka, what it was cool was 200. so clearly to pronounce black and beach is the main equipment supplies of pentagon bio labs, color with a d. r a agency and the infamous for did treatment of our treat to
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a huge customers. there's a reason why d t r a received the contract from the us department of defense to study a new strain of corona virus. long before the pandemic start at the cross. oh, putting it on you are going to do. it's not such a horse and you just as you do with us, the kind of the smoke of and it's not. so if it's an issue, nipple, the cable and presentation, or allows you to meet or not with them, grand credentials are flaming, i'm with them. you combine your bullet can reach a portion of the content will not. and they see it though in the face, and they submit the one that is not as must and they split onto my stuff is that i was in yet and they split on it. but i give them this to, judging by the documents of the appearance of us, scientists from organizations directly link or working for the pentagon and ukraine . tens of thousands of people were subjected to secret experiments to the single god assist you in a sort of show you showed hospitality. i thought fog store green skin glass thing.
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you folks, you still as up a little bit, the nicole couldn't have yes, i was up at the front, wants to teach thing. you've gone through the uh, the menus to the store, but the one that has to come up with the 3 of those happy. so it's of sure still, but i do a number of what it so a for a month or so. city usually for much like it is the real gosh, it's a sold you to a new it's latrice me or to of the not so easily share these to hours or i've got thought of these can plus, normally these boys on the, brought to on us the russian ministry of defense revealed the money making scheme, but depending on the secret programs were close to inspection sees him was they might use to organise the shop. so please can do the rush of us here in the morning and, but it shows which cannot shoot on you presently didn't seem to stop to restrict me or someone who was supposed to show jefferson. so i'm off on that. but other than that sunday that the record is concert by the sum of the money received by 100 biden controlled firms, found its way back into
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a democratic party funds funded himself. judging by his laptop, photos also did nicely out the secret pendulum programs. the us journalist, georgia license revealed the ukrainian scheme to withdrawal millions of dollars from the us bunch of favoring one political party. they have more money and power in washington than saudi arabia and us. that's why they're setting up the graph, like bring them up for people like to buy from 100 bytes and they're doing all these things and make sure that money goes back. in terms of grafting, campaign contributions stand with last associates for it. comes in samples, appreciate your response to the new orders in a multiple center, completing a bill and booked it on gifts. go off deduction aloud. what was the purpose of this to you? it looks images of the federal de comes here and says just me out on bolton. i know somebody died sufficient but the most on your what else to update?
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so us yeah. such as to now ocean um good. almost 9. you should be able to provide a uh, one you to do to skip the steps sick. i'm fine. you can go to uh, one of the things you, experimenter. i mean, even though it's, it just means desktop. but on the pulse to combine you find that out of doors. mean it's just the bottom, it says sort of thing. that's when you can just browse most of them, put down your fios pseudo and doesn't know post them, but those pictures. uh, but the only those toilets now go mazda, of, since it won't go to google, is x amount of watch it's print, i'm going, i'm in 2022. when the weight of evidence of us, some of the tree biological programs had exceeded any reasonable limits. deputy secretary of state victoria newland for the 1st time submitted us specialist working in ukraine. ukraine has a biological research facilities which is in fact we are
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now quite concerned russian troops. russian forces may be seeking to uh, gain control of. so we are working with the ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of the russian forces. should they approach based on recover documents. it's moving over 20 labs of working under united states programs in ukraine, a load that are around 300. some of those centers don't sit around because whatever happens behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue at the un security council. special meeting or the status of the stuff i think is the shrub of the voice in previously same or do i give it to be? i do not. they do much invitation with most or with the bills to shut up a bunch of them. so i'm just not gonna, i'm gonna dispute the product. notice we're struggling, you will because of the commodity boost novel doing it. he's giving you the chance,
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at least for the new college consisting schools, there's to those talk to people who mean any ability to deal like, excuse me, he will not be really interesting against him, but they didn't use both just me. it was a frequently deals go for a muslim tequila, was installed, or to use solutions or software. the us and its allies belong the final resolution . citizens of other countries probably haven't heard of the russians attempt to publish the facts. independent journalists send the results of the investigations or instantly deleted on major antoinette platforms. the viola bar trees topic was effectively banned by those able to control the information johns. the ukrainian scheme continues to kill some hunting rich others on these points. uh, bill gets caught or yeah, and that was that whole civil muta, induced, and that's the one you brought up as a new problem, and i'll send you with jim egan. what else do i a cost at all?
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yes, the boy is google or will keep cutting glass, but the she's good is in front of mouth save for the front on the news and the selling dealer was doing if we will solicit to us is to serve on you know, fall gods store a suit to a rich store, nicole jetson, i'm the new book 10 or get you to provide me the results this off. cuz usually it's a really do seem to simulate the leasing. it has the most of the machine you use them this month, but how many cosco rupture present to them? plenty of us in the the
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russian states. never as one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the speed, the one else holes. question about this, even though we will ben in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on russia to de escalate the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services, political, should they even closer to the
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no, the only ukraine summit drops up in london. well, lot of these that s p sled after pacing whitehouse fiasco with european leaders calling for more ministry aid. although not every one of the ships that enthusiasm gloves, which is a plan to introduce peacekeepers into ukraine, is a continuation of the incitement of the camp regime to wage a war against us. no european troops on the ground in your trade, and that's the message from the russians subject, amada se, discusses the peace process and ties with the us. following a lot of these, the last these oval office pod crashed media as well. blocks all the aid supplies for mentoring. guys as a boss, rejected us proposal to restore peace in the war to our region from us. political bureau, lamba tells us bus 10, but he's real, did not talk the new proposal, but the group.


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