tv News RT March 3, 2025 2:00am-2:31am EST
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[000:00:00;00] news, the coalition of the war and the u. k. um, from h a falls, sites plans to put boots on the ground, the new crane wanted me to a concert with without the us, which isn't exactly rushing to get from. i've asked every foreign minister i meet with. tell me your idea of how this turns out most don't have a plan. a few have said, well, let's give them another you are fighting a year from now a year later after another year of death, another year of destruction. cus, presidents, national security advisor apparently suggest 50 tons of the lens key to step aside and let someone else make piece of ukrainian need is diplomatic. there's also a trip to washington,
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so him take power of the one plus to as well. block, see monetary an aide from entering garza is it pushes to extend the 1st phase of a c spot that expired on saturday. we are exclusively on 9th. when they have my political view or a man or do you see the new, the read helpful? the deed, under department attempted from one part as we are pulling the national community to intervene. otherwise, we are really focusing on the 8th 10 am here in most go and you're watching all the international with the latest world news. ok, they can very good morning. see, our top story, a coalition of the willing is a to manhood of since the us led invasion of iraq over 2 decades ago. but right now it's the u. k. i'm from leading the charges. they propose they both. michelle
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planned to deploy european troops to ukraine is an idea that was ruled out by russia well in advance. and there's no aside for it either in the us while even the british leader or a mixed it would be possible without washington support. are those willing well intensified planning now with real urgency but you pay is prepared to practice with boots on the ground and planes in yeah. together with all this. europe must do the heavy listing but to support pace in appleton and to succeed. this effort must have strong us back. i would ask everybody this is, there are no negotiations. what is the alternative and other 4 years of war and other 3 years of war in which the united states and europe continues to for billions of dollars in to award and ukraine? is that the alternative? i've asked every foreign minister i meet with tell me your idea of how this turns out most don't have a plan. a few have said, well,
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let's give them another you are fighting a year from now a year later, after another year of death, another year of destruction that may be put in. we'll be ready to negotiate at that point. that doesn't sound like a good plan to me, and it certainly is not a plan the presidents on board with and honestly you're planning anita was caused by his allies in europe. a long lost extent. another job. he's away from the us asking how many more people have to die in the military conflicts before lots of measure lensky agrees to make peace as well. the on the elected official is leaning on shoulders in europe. his country's citizens being forcibly drugs to the front lines
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the so the whiskey just left the trump standing at the altar in washington just as their valves are about to be taken on the minerals for peace deal. and he went off to see your opinion leaders as well, their favorite girlfriend, for yet another orgy of hugging kissing. and performative self flagellation all complementing each other. while he's busy being everyone's favorite side chicken, brussels, or this time in london, he's simultaneously totally trump. he will sign the deal, but here is care star, i guess a bit slow on the uptake ear to throw british troops into the next. just so, you know, as long as the us holds its hands while they're there, the best part, european leaders can choose whether to commit their troops to this bull, new adventure or not. but even that most europeans vehemently oppose selling their
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own country strips to drain any leader who signs off of this might be fast tracking their own political career, straight into oblivion and globalism along with it, given their ideological meanings. now speaking of people who should be packing instead of grad sally, why the heck is canadian from mr. justin true though, even there is a monday. he's just days away from being hosted by his own party as a select a new leader. yeah, he's squeezing in and one last taxpayer funded euro trip wellbeing us strategically. i'm think us, you can say about sending canadian troops every step of the way. canada has looked at the ways it can best help. and as i've said a few days ago, everything's on the table. we know that the canadian military has ways that it can contribute. we're not going to get ahead of the discussions on how to keep a piece that isn't yet in place, but canada will be there and is open to doing what is necessary basic needs
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discussed and please do that. that is a long piece of strength. the 2nd element i brought to the table is that we have to do all and so that will present a comprehensive plan to we are 0 on the 6 of the much every one of us is doing in our own interest. what is necessary here. this means we have but have to find ways to increase of defense spending, which is already planned. and then they're still there. another seem to be x lead or really it sounds like these guys are just looking for an excuse to keep following public money into the defense industry at home. because while they were too slow on the graphed early on, the us was smart in that regard. they spent most of their ukraine age on themselves on making weapons right at home. europe, lags behind now, watson on the scan before the music stops. but here's the kicker. the whole idea of you crate of european troops and you can create under the guise of peacekeeping is really
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a non starter for russia. just following biden's term. there are now people who want to lead with common sense. they say directly that they want to end all wars, they want peace, you who demands continuation of the gravy train. would that war? europe, french president micron is running around with some ideas just like british p. m. cure storm or they say that so many thousands of peacekeepers are being trained and they will provide them with air cover. that is arrogance. this plan to introduce peacekeepers into ukraine is a continuation of the incitement of the care of regina to wage a war against us. so a starter himself has to admit that this whole boots on the ground fantasy depends on countries actually volunteering their citizens for it and beyond that, well, he doesn't have a plan. well, look to addition of the willing yes, a number of companies vindicated today that they want to be part of the plan that
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we are developing. i'll leave for them to make their own statements about exactly how they want to make that contribution. but we'd be unable to move that forward. i accept without criticism and with respect to the position of other countries that may not feel that they will contribute in that way. but i strongly feel that the less something to move forward, we will stay in a position where we're in and not be able to move forward. and therefore, it is a deliberate, a plan to show that we get some momentum, a piece here. yeah, here's a reality. virtue say really like is doing. there is totally free but actually entering the hor, that could have some very real, very career and a consequences. and if there's one thing these guys really care about, it's themselves. here's a one guy who already sees the writing on the wall. the european leaders decided in
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london today that they want to go on with the war. instead of opting for peace, they decided that ukraine must continue the war. this is bad, dangerous, and mistaken. hungry remains on the side of peace. all right, so let's be real. this isn't really about just ukraine. it's more about keeping russia as the west, eternal bulky man, each journal opponent so that the global disorder can keep slicing up the economic pie and trump and puts in his big crime. suggesting that maybe just maybe that pipe could be shared. washington wants to deal with a ukrainian lady who at 26 pace. that's the message from president trump national security advisor mike waltz. what was so i think stunning to all of us in the oval office was that it was not clear the once he was going to go to negotiations at all, that he would ever be able to negotiate with brewton. i'm whether he shared our
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goal of ending this war. are you suggesting that president trump wants zalinski to resign? we need a leader that can deal with us eventually deal with the russians and in this war. and if it becomes apparent that present the lens, he's either personal motivations or political motivations or divergent from ending to fighting in his country. then, then i think we have a real issue on our hands. a last friday's, a lensky lunch style set. and donald trump and j d vas, well the american need is gave him a dressing down at the oval office that dissolves to a showing ended with the entire ukrainian delegation been kicks out. so if the white house a proposed where somebody will still was also left unsigned on following sundays, folks in london, polanski was lost about his diplomatic fiasco in washington. and the ukrainian leader suggested he was give up power so easily. hesitating any communication
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with the administration since the overall office meeting. have they reached out to you and separately, you talked about resignation a few days ago. how you thinking about elections? communication? there is communication, but not on my level. and as for resignation, if i am to be changed and i am here now, well how can i put it with what's happening with all the support? it won't be easy to change me. it is not enough to just hold elections. you'll have to keep me from participating in the elections, and that will be difficult. they'll have to negotiate with me. i have said that i would swap for nato membership as that would fulfill my mission. although honestly, it should be our people, the ukranian saying, who must be taking posts as others talking about that seems on democratic. maybe it is a solution for putting in for everybody. if i'm not as flexible as they would like, but i'm offering to exchange my position for nato accession. and it appears that without them is a wednesday is having trouble accepting the reality. but he's no longer treated as
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a hero in washington off to the republicans. so kind of from the democrats, as long as that sounds good, taylor explains a time slice when you'll having fun. and boy did, he have stock. photo colors standing ovations chop shows and red carpets. honeywood, saws and haughty hugs, but 3 is on the landscape, is finally nodding. the good things come to an end. actually, i know he is used to hearing that, as long as it takes as much as it takes blank check. and the united states really doesn't have much of a say, you can determine the outcome of all of this. that's what he heard for years from biden and his team. and he has not gotten the memo that this is a new sheriff in town. this is a new president and we're determined to take a new approach towards peace. and if he still hoped that he could climb, we're out of the whole team dug for himself during the oval office. masika was
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showing that hope was laid to rest when die hard, noiseless lindsey graham wanted his headstone and even pumped of some flowers around the grave. i want to tell you and your people, you are the ally. i've been hoping for all my life. not one american has died defending you. great. you have taken our weapons and you've kicked their ass. and i'm very proud to have you as our ally. he was terrible at munich, the landscape. and i think he has made it almost impossible. the sales of the american people that he's a good invest, but either needs to resign and send somebody over the we can do business with, or he needs to change his the way i'm david last across and how of the cookie crumbles. when your a us ally, one day, all that much of her date on the barricades against the red tara the next day, you all the tara, one day, your saddam hussein, getting american alms and money. unintelligence. the next day you'll hanging from the gallops one day or more. i'm
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a good casting over tea with tony black. the next day you were lynch to death by a bay mall one day your call go on to the permanent protection of us troops. there's gonna be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the united states from afghanistan, probably the next day, or watching your for rob of friends, shop print up underway almost exactly like the day that you'll south vietnam being trained to flight, you'll north and brothers, and the next day you'll gutting it aloud as then so now one day you'll pass in of the yeah, the next day, your persona non grata closet, a history book put a shows the landscape. but the also, the trail runs deep in washington. so the question was always when and know if, just as the question now is,
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when know if it's all finally going to come out. i've asked this congress commute to investigate. whereas this money gone, the american people are owed that answer because it's our money. our taxes are now and well by and stop with savanski is bank accounts and the b b i believe's site press. then i'll check out his transaction history with the thoughts and had to bite, and then i'd have a chat with somebody going freight, you know, the smallest mind behind the reported scam the. so millions of dollars donated to you. craig invested in crypto and then some helps. no wanted back to the democrats super pack stateside because the countries might change. but the rockets while the racket is always the same, because the goal is not gonna spend money out of the tech space of
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a trend. there is a trail of thousands of kilometers long of the money is the landscape claims never to have seen. we just need to look at just as there is a trail, thousands of kilometers long. that leads us to places as far flung as nigeria of the weapons. he received. second fact, fact not guessed fact is you create a military is selling a huge percentage up to half of the arms that we send them half. and i'm not guessing of this. i know that for a fact, all fact, okay, not speculation. and they're selling it. and a lot of us wanting the drug cartels on our board. so this is the, this, this is a crime. what's happening or until agencies are fully aware of this, you tell me they're not profiting from this of what you think ca is not profiting from us? yes they are. i can't prove that. but i believe that what they don't know is i know this, but they don't know this. they notice. and notice saying like no american seems aware of this,
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we're sending these arms to crane billions with hundreds of millions of dollars. and it's being stolen and sold to our actual enemies. like what the turn of to square, what is this? yes, it turns out that shipping nice. so um simple is 0. the site to the country, the tops most tots on criminal activity and corruption wasn't enough to solid game plan with a substantial stockpile of weapons. few barriers to accessing millions of small arms and light weapons on the black market. ukraine is believed to have one of the largest as trafficking markets in europe. while it has long been a key link in the global trade. its role has only intensified since the beginning of the conflict in east and ukraine. and goodness, is it going to be on today when they finally fess up to those bio labs? that definitely don't exist, but not quite as ugly as when people find a new realize the extent of the blood on salon skins. tons,
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right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have the manpower problems. you should be thinking, depress it for her to bring it into this car, into your claim that you said what problems we have. i have been to one, i've actually, i've actually watched and seen the stories and i know it. what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour. mister president, are, do you disagree that you've had problems with bringing people in your military, the sending of teenagers to the source or it's just the type of the ice book? just wait until all those ne pho file is a full is to admit the best seller and fatigues over. so the rest of priests. the raids on churches, the looking off of political opponents, the crackdown on media assassinations on foreign soil, and shows as his body guards a mine bearing ss. insignia. just wait until the landscape grades just a dozen of batches, the main stream media. we discovered the presence of corruption in near nazi
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ideology in the past. in a democracy, they've been fined, gutting over for the last few years. and i say re discover because they knew, i mean, wrote about when they were still allowed to, when you prayed was nothing but a space. some web on the la, he was taken to the secretaries private living room where he was waiting. and what he shouted at me for about the same amount of time as the interview itself had lost it. he was not happy to have been questioned about ukraine. he asked, do you think americans care about ukraine? he use the f word in that sentence, and many others. he asked if i could find ukraine on a map. i said yes. he called out for his aids to bring him a map of the world with no writing. no countries marked. i pointed to ukraine, he put the math away, he said, people will hear about this. and then he turned and said he have things to do. and
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i think to him again for his time and left. yes, she was nothing until it became a free thing until it was assigned to pass. it was that now infamous round report to over extend and on balance russia? well $21000.00 functions of focus and g d p growth and a few rationing slates. uh, most co stands, but ukraine. ukraine has over extended itself as has zalinski, as has a web, both his co conspirators all the while dover, his demise, as the golden boy will come with the demise of his nations golden status. as soon yes, very soon. the pro will have no clouds so trump won't have to pay up for us to prove this received over the years, but how much money was actually spent. and why did it all go?
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we investigate on our website all to your com type on those us to be false guzman, feel free to have your say, and the comment for that, the toner into the middle east. now, countries around the world, along with humanitarian organizations that are expressing outrage of it as well as decision to local aid from entering war tone garza, egypt has slums. the shut down of supplies and at the end of the agreement includes the faith flow of aid and when the and we cannot allow or accept the use of aid as a weapon for collective punishment or starvation, which is completely unacceptable. and constitutes a blatant violation of international humanitarian law. the delivery of humanitarian supplies, the gods, are as positive. the 3 phase is really her last feel. the 1st stage, which last at $42.00 days and ended on sauce a day. so hundreds of a trucks entering the enclave daily. but that wasn't enough to cover all the needs
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of the displaced population is well for it's pod justifies the band by claiming that the aide is going to have mass instead of civilians. we've done that because come us deals and supplies and prevents the people who does it from good use of the supplies to finance tour machine, which is a directly it as well and our civilians and this we cannot accept. we will take further steps from us, continues to hold our offices as well. this is old news that america and president trump half are back is comes as israel has approved, a temporary truce extension on the right proposal by donald trump, special and boy, steve with calls on the this initiative if the safe spot will remain in place during the muslim, holy month of ramadan and the jewish posts of a period of loss would be expected to release halls at the remaining hostages on the 1st day of the plan with the rest to be freed at once,
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a permanent truce. these negotiated, however, the gauze in group has rejected israel deviation from the original agreements, which called for old hostages to be released in exchange for a full idea withdrawal. all the spoke exclusively with her last political be around them, but awesome night. it was nothing, it saves it because we haven't received any uh offer show off on the 1st 2nd. we are not privy to negotiate on a new or for us because we have a certain deed this deal. it has, but it has to be signed by the tool button on the last. this is all of them in the interest. i mean the categories that egyptians and americans and why tony can choose a new, did we have the theme? and it's a product sentence from one product is assigned is rejecting to go for the 2nd fees . and we have a list of even the 1st is many times i've been to the 90,
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but i've seen is i'll be doing the fist fees. most of the needs of the guys are, we're not allowed to enter, that goes for the people who are not allowed to move up the rest. the us, the, the gates on both directions. they have the, the, the, the release of all prisoners. many times we have history recording in one 1st before the 1st of one of the mediators on the americans. we quote, also the international community to intervene to block as its way into abiding the deed we are going to implemented. we are committed to the deal. we owe it to unlimited, honestly and seriously. therefore, i think we, we are pulling the community to intervene. otherwise, we are really before or not, even when he comes back to war. we have to fight back. we have to defend ourselves . and we have done along the last 15 months. we want to be sure that this deal is,
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is going to lead to it failed amenities, fail it door to door and a serious prism or change. and then to starting the process of goods as to why should release the prison. i was on the 1st day without being sure that it will lead to another piece for free on a along the last few days in contact with the principal is with magic options. and we have 2 of them in 3 words on position. and they only have heated the of minnesota foreign affairs of agencies since clearly this way is obliged to go immediately if for any decisions about the setup fees. and they are not allowed to serve with the deed auto accident my wall or cutting. they decided the status of the front of is a piece of i think it's good for them. indeed those on for
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a one was for the top. that is this i it was several 1000 going to be as the muslim world, most the beginning of the holy month of ramadan for the city and guns i gathered together among the rubble. i met the guy a few minutes harrigan situation. locals live in on slots and see on fear. they say people are starving and as a result of the boat, it being close by as well. we demand the crossing to be open today, the close the crossing and look how prices have risen again yesterday prices were normal, but today they have risen again. unfortunately, our merchants are exploding the closure of the crossing negatively against us because of the prices for all goods increase immediately, and people are starving when the crossings are closed. the crossing was closed by the occupational and the merchants started raising the prices of goods. the goods arrive in gaza at a low price. the goods are available and stored, but the people don't have the money to buy that. the most the most political be are and then the boss of 9, again has the to the world to take action to help the palestinian people survive.
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and i think this is a little crime. and this is, this has to be this because it has to be there to, to the international community which is, which is counting the name that you didn't know to do to protect the civilians, to live on the bill of rights of getting their food and medicine have been efficiency by the way, or how much is not receiving anything and because them all of the fields are coming through international organizations. like what for the wrong, like uh, the unit saves virtual owner why? in some cases, the world kitchen, all these organizations, which is international, but is the good thing or receiving the and i'm be honest with several pools distribute to do for we in the us or in the government. even we are not receiving any kind of uh, any kind of feed. i think this is a very, very silly uh,
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blue book and uh, is, and one of those that this does not happen at the tone and be when we're stopping the. sometimes the window is to be taken by how much it will, but i mean the positives, therefore, again, it is a very city little gun. they used as usual by anything else is government update this monday morning from russia's federal security service. it said they would be terrorist has been killed. well, with this thing arrest according to the speed, the suspect was preparing to carry out boldly. attacks on a jewish cultural facility in the most of the region as well as a most growing metro station. the f as be added this amount intended to flee to afghanistan, and joined the ranks of an international terrorist group off to committing the crimes. the suspect will show that the off the he posts a fight wall office has tried to detain him, investigates,
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and say they found firearms on the improvised explosive components of his team. a full price is currently under way. it was more details on this story and everything else do head over to a website all to dot com. i mean you away next option. what time? see what the latest episode of getting on the ground. and with that was more news at the top of the i see it on the the i'm action routes and seeing welcome to going under the broadcasting all around the world. from the heart of the me least this week,
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a defeated european union scrambled it to lead us together for an extraordinary summit to double down on the proxy war and rush through grain fresh from forwarding trips to washington. france has been a good macro and the u. k, stop, i want to violate the russian red lines and send soldiers to die against russia after any trump row could agreement an economically suicide. all european rumble the razor. now if he is isolated from the usa, that boats with russia and china of the united nations joining me again from washington dc. if professor on it will leave and direct with the razor program at the quincy institute for responsible statecraft. thank you so much from isn't even for coming back on with the things moving so quickly relatively, can we just establish, i mean, do you think the trump administration believes that the bible proxy war that it inherited on taking office signifies some sort of a existential threat to the united states, trump again in a game in recent to wait days, weeks since he was you know,
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