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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2025 9:00am-9:31am EST

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is the, the us is no longer sharing intelligence with ukraine, according to a fox news reporter citing the country spicy the follows the white house decision to officially cut all military aid zekia per donald trump, the public route with vladimir zalinski earlier today i received an important letter from president zalinski of you agree? the letter res, ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible with the us pumping. the brakes on ukrainian a p of is taking a short few turn. the ones b is now eager to sign and minerals deal with washington and claims. he wants teeth more than anyone. and the kremlin bowers to use every means possible to
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help resolve the arabian nuclear issue, but insist the process must be respectful. while to ron says us threats would the rail the top be, ron will not negotiate under maximum pressure with the united states. negotiation is a voluntary matter. no one can force another to sit at the negotiating table. the . i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. this is our t international. we start with breaking news as the u. s. has halted sharing intelligence data with ukraine. that's according to a fox news reporter, referring to comments by the c. i. a chief. the move follows a white house, suspension of military aid to key of the maria barter romo just as c i a director ratcliffe about this. he tacitly confirmed referred to pause on the military front, on the intelligence front to hold everyone accountable to drive peace around the
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world. washington currently controls a hugely disproportionate number of 2 satellites. while there have been no formal statements like ukrainian official has into that key of is scrambling to find an alternative military communication system. well as trumpet pushes the landscape to sit down for peace, talks to europe is scrambling to be looped into the ukrainian peace process or parts claim. both the french and u. k. leaders are looking to accompany zalinski on another trip to washington. that says, london's ambassador to the us is urging he have to commit to a csr and quote, the 5 the russians to follow. but other british officials admit there's still no concrete vision for a deal. the research has to consist of the united states and ukraine getting back on the same page and presents the landscape,
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giving his unequivocal backing to the initiative that the president from is taking to end the war and to bring a just and lasting peace to ukraine. i think that ukraine should be the 1st to commit to a cease fire and defy the russians a to fall the well, no agreement has been made. you don't want to trace looks like, but we all working together with friends and all you can add always to look at ways to post the 2 piece. how do we create a lasting and durable piece in ukraine? this theory is that any show piece may become a pause that will simply allow pets in time to re um and then to re invade of london and paris seemed to present a united front while discussing plans to send peacekeeping troops to crane out for the complex ends, but that unity only extends so far with the u. k. backing away from french president microns pro proposed one month truce. this rift to surfaced after
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a london summit aimed at protecting europe in unified support for your crime. following vitamins, zalinski is disastrous meeting with trump. all right, let's cross now live a to former british problem at member and broadcaster george galloway george. good to have you on the program with us. the us has halted a to to you crane and now are poor to leave a ca has also stopped sharing intelligence. how do you think this will likely affect the conflict taking place as well? donald trump seems to be involved in a good cop bad cop routine. within his own fashion and the landscape seems to be in the grip of schedule pena. it's not i told, clear how far trump is prepared to go to force the landscape to the negotiating table. i'm definitely not clear whether zalinski is going to go or not. he seems to be saying that one thing in the here's laptop to trump, which was actually a,
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we don't know a way of diplomatic correspondence with instructor bye to my car and seeing something else to do your opinions, at least to cure tom who has a peer does his god yeah. as if it's a landscape was the little boy he did adopt uh no proposes to use as a ticket to enter it, to the white house on the influence of the white house box on the face of it. an ending of intelligence cooperation. and it is reported here that trump has banned britain from using in giving intelligence do green intelligence, which has been obtained under the 5 eyes arrangement on the face of it not brings the war to an end, because you simply can't fight the war without american intelligence. from these a 1000 or more us after lights that are in the sky over the battlefield. in quite
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a dramatic turn of events. george, the german defense ministry, said it's reached at the limit of its ability to transfer weapons from his arsenal . so to ukraine, i want to play a clip 1st. let's take a listen to that. a 0 sum does this, as you know, that there have already been deliveries from the bundles of air to ukraine. but their natural limit has been reached after all, in the context of the new framework conditions, we need to increase our own european defense capability. so george, this comes as germany's chancellor to be, is calling for europe in independence from the us, including and it's ukraine. the policy, what are the prospects of independent european support to ukraine now? right now 0 as the german spokesman, just said, germany is not in a position even physically, never mind, politically better in mind. the coalition of uh,
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the new chancellor will be a very precarious one. and he, in fact uh, is dependent on the pop, the all power schultz to even be in government at all the collapse. so the center in the election results in germany was such that politically, germany is really and feeble, bitterly has pulled out of what you might called the london track. the one called that a did buy key or star ma, i don't think and i speak from a historic experience that the french will be a major military play of. they haven't been before chased out of west africa just the other week in, in total. and uh, of course, in 1940 they, they folded like a jeep 10 and surrender, leaving bridge on the last month standing. so i don't have high hopes of french
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military independence. the polls upset, they will not be sending their forces to ukraine. so really storm are is up the creek without a paddle, as we say here, because britain only has 74000 soldiers, only have a 140 tags. russia has 9000 tanks and 9000000 men and half of our 74000 on the front line, come back troops, their hair dressers, and, and the ambulance personnel and firefighters and clocks on type us. so there's an element. i've got to tell you of complete unreality saturday out about all this posturing in europe. europe is as promising a sharp increase and military support for ukraine. i mean, how is it that they can keep that pledge, especially as, as we see tensions with washington for the straining their economies while they
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can't, even if and we want, we put ourselves on a war economy routing, transferring a machinery and plant it to military purposes it would take a year or 2 years to materially impact the size. all the contribution that could be made under water will be over long before that. in my opinion, the european commissioner ahead ursula bundle lion is calling for re armaments with a lot of billions being borrowed for that's what, what a point is she trying to make? i mean, this is surely she knows reality and, but it's is just purchase the going at this point as well. i think they do intend to do that. they have uh, have the message from washington that the us is not a reliable uh, partner uh,
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within nato and may even one day leave nato and show they tend to form uh, an a tool. uh, but the public in the european countries demand to eat. and the states almost done it, they across western europe is such that it's a very debatable point. whether the public opinion will allow these fast increases in public expenditure on weapons in preparation for war with the a russia that the ordinary man and woman industry does not recognize as a, as any kind of threat or enemy of their. so i think the intention is that of on the land who is elected by nobody, of course, and answerable to nobody in democratic terms, is telling the truth when she says they do hold in 10, she says, to dramatically increase the military impostor. but that will change the character
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of the you, which we were always told was a piece project never was uh, it will turn the you into a new, new to model the public in countries like germany, who's factors are being dismantled and unscrewed from the ground. mass unemployment across western europe in the manufacturing sector. and does the russian economy and the chinese economy goes from strength to strength. you like to think that one day the shoe will drop and the public will say no more of this. i know more of them. george is that you can bass it or to the us has expressed the confidence that key of should commit to a cease fire and quote, the 5 the russians to follow. how do you think that would work? exactly, but it's never walked in history. you've got have one sided cease fires to the
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rapid advance of the russian armed forces would presumably continue and places that were not on the radar for becoming part of what is it now getting is uh, a new rush uh noble roads will be included and i'm thinking of places today, i know and love so well. odessa will, will come under the, the russian orbit. so the one side of each bar idea simply doesn't work. i don't think the russian public would accept it. and the western public could easily be wip, dropped into a frenzy about the nasty russians continuing to fight. when's the landscape has all the daisies far? but that wouldn't matter, a dime to russian public opinion or to the russian government. so the only cease file that can be is as part of
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a comprehensive settlement of the conflict. and that requires rushes aims for this operation to be fully met. and think what a long way away from that european countries are trying to present a united front. but the continents, most prominent leaders have failed to come up with a joint plan so far for your brain. what do you think is really going on behind the scenes? well, i think the ball is back in washington's court over the weekend. it looked like a man, a moment of maximum danger, danger of imminent conscription in britain and so on because we cannot commit to such a mad cap. miller today, adventure with the size of the armed forces we currently have last weekend was a moment or maximum danger. but the ball seems to be back in donald trump's court, and so it's his plan that we all now need to focus on. and we have no idea
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whatsoever what his plan is. i don't think moscow does. i'm not even sure that trump does, as we saw, prime minister storm are saying a piece still on new crane must be one that last. now this comes after zalinski is an explosive visit to the white house last week. despite that though storm are pledged, even more aid to key of how does that all align with the goal of kick starting peace negotiations? well, it contradicts it. uh, the only peace settlement, but can last is an absolutely beautiful western ukrainian state. uh, with no nature membership, no age or membership, no a membership, no prizes, all those bodies inside you crate, it would mean a demilitarized ukraine that would mean the fascist formations. the are so powerful on the ground in ukraine being completely utilized effectively means
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a new president means an election with a new president in ukraine for this president, zelinski has no democratic legitimacy at all. and even his own friends seemed to be getting ready to move against them. so that's the only stable piece that can be when russia has no reason to feel the presence of foreign weapons and armed forces as a threat to russia and is not as if this is a fantasy. this woman colors who act just the european foreign minister. she has repeatedly over and over again on camera, talked about how they want to break up. the russian federation break up into state . let's the better to be exploited by black rock and western capital and western
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governments. and so on. so russia has every reason to say, we will not allow if you claim to be any used as any kind of a lift off point, any kind of bridge head into the russian federation and it's legitimate interest. so, until that is resolved, i don't see the russian stopping fight to adopt the roll. why would you pause a war that you are winning to please those against whom you have actually been fighting the war, namely, the natal power, the united states and europe. so that's why i see, i still think we are a long way off from a settlement, but we at least have a president in the white house who wants to have good relations with russia, who's restored communications and diplomatic relations with russia and,
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and is not locked in ideologically speaking, to endless war with russia, as joe biden was on camelot. how does would that be? yeah, it certainly is a big improvement for sure. of george, the u. k. is planning to increase defense spending to 2.5 percent of the countries g d p by 2027. like your storm or was, was that this would affect social welfare? what's his reasoning behind this? well, it already is uh, the case that the increased expenditure on war on the 4b8b actually since july inc 1000000000 study we have given to ukraine was cutting off the cold weather payments to our old age pensioners which costs 2000000000. so we could have funded the calls other payments to our own old age pensioners for 4 years, for the money we've already given to the landscape in $7.00 or no 8 months. so
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it's already affecting us and it remains to be seen whether the british public will put up with that uh for very much longer. you ask why, i'm afraid that's a much deeper on big our question. britain lost an empire and that has not found its way. it cannot come to terms with the fact that we are a small country with the declining economy, with declining standards of living, an aging population, with declining a both rich country that doesn't want immigration, but uh will do nothing to improve the best rate. and that's standing down, the bottle of a demographic uh bomb. and so uh we are a mid level mid table player for football funds. we are a mid table team,
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but we've never forgotten that. once upon a time, we were champions, we were top of the leak on until breton shakes itself from this post. imperial delusion stopped going around the world threatening people with america's army, especially as america is. i'm is not very unlikely to turn up george christopher freeland, the former deputy prime minister under mister, true though, made an interesting statement to said british nuclear weapons can be used to protect the canada against trump. uh, what are your thoughts there as well? that one belongs in mental health director for a number of reasons. the, the thought that for canada, britain would threaten the united states of america with its nuclear weapons is its one flew over the cuckoos nest. but the more importantly britain has no
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independent nuclear, delta are independent nuclear, i've just done, it is entirely dependent on american permission and american cooperation in launching. so now we're into britain threatening trump with nuclear weapons. that drum would have to authorize the use off. and indeed, provide the key. so if that is a miss friedland, this level of intellect belongs up there with the bare bach until $360.00 degree turn. uh these people are not fit to be running a nursery school. never mind country, but yeah, that would certainly be a remarkable turbo. hence for something like that to happen. how important i think it is for zalinski at this point to present a united front with western leaders, especially as he loses the support of us, especially after that route in the oval office on friday as well as shakespeare
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said, then julius caesar, once you're steeped and blood so far, you have to make a calculation, whether it's bloody or to go on our blood. you have to go back, although he put up more for it, declared that but, but that's well the western european leaders are no. uh, they are so invested into the landscape, so invested in the so called democratic sovereign ukraine, which is not the silver and not democratic and suited will be brand new. ukraine's at least until longer ends on the romanians. above starting the poles, turn up and ask for their turner 3 that ukraine was unjustly awarded. but in former soviet times, so the, the so invested investigated was it is a very difficult task for them to you turn for. so that's why you need a new government either like come is approving, gather to come in and say well, and you thought was the old guy and the new guy or not have
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a different approach to this. yeah, and it certainly, um, is doing that exactly the, the u. k. has a 100 year deal with ukraine that gives london access to the natural resources. now trump has also very clearly expressed interest in a rare earth deal with ukraine and says that zalinski wants to sign it. now, how can ukraine appease both and supporters here as well? uh, you can be mounted to 2 women and you can pledge your mineral resources to uh, 2 different countries blocks. uh, it's another of the absurdities of this whole situation. was the selling, the mineral rights twice to 2 different countries to different leaders. and what is the men role well, of what will be the wrong western ukrainian state? in any case, my understanding though i'm not a geologist,
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is that the vast majority of the mineral wealth of ukraine lives in the east of the country. and uh, zalinski wont be giving that to any but a present boot and has said he's ready to have joint ventures with the united states for that mineral well. lot seems like a much more sensible way to go. maybe they're all using this phantom mineral wealth deposits as face saving measure that we gave all this money. hundreds of billions, hundreds of billions getting on for 3 quarters. all the trulia has been given to the landscape over the last 2 and a half years. it's less that you have to tell your public, you got something in return for that, don't you? especially when you didn't succeed in any of your goals and the passion people
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country that you were up against succeeded in all of it. yeah, i've been wondering why we're seeing this shift, a narrative to ukraine's natural resources, because for the last 3 years, it's all been all about focusing on the loss of life and military threats that this war has brought up. and now all of a sudden we have this, this new narrative taking central center stage. so it, do you think it really is just about finding a way out of explaining all the losses on the battlefield and zalinski having something to show for these last 3 years. or they have never killed a dumb about a single say, tyler, to on the ukrainian site. they were ready to fight to the last drop of ukrainian blood, not the blood of their own people. and that's one of the things that hurts me the most, because i actually love ukraine. i loved the informa times. i loved it in post a former times. i loved the people of you. great. it is those who tell
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you most often that they love you. great, who are completely reckless with ukrainian blood and sacrifice it. i saw you clean and soldier having his leg amputated. if we can use that word for it was no kind of medical procedure and the screams of agony will never leave me. i want to end this madness now. i want to end this suffering all the ukrainian people a 1000000 dead ukrainians and nobody even talks about the no western media. i've talked to about the new western political leader of our talks about them. they don't even show pictures, they don't even show film. this is the least broadcast war in human history. a moment when the means of communication have never been greater. and there's a reason that they don't show you actual footage from the war. because the
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suffering of the ukrainian people would give him a liar to the west, still not active that they're doing all this for you. great. yeah, it is really tragic to think of all the people have died, especially when you know that there could have been as a piece still 3 years ago, george going back to the possibility of a cease fire, which russia has been very clear. it does not want to cease fire at once an end to the war. the french president micron has proposed that a one month cease far would prove moscow's genuine interest in achieving peace. why do you think that the sincerity has been questioned here in the 1st place? as well, they don't want our comprehensive and to the war because when russia's conditions for the end are on the table, they know that it's cartoons for them. they'll not be flying into ki every other day, or paying celebrities to go and pretend to love the lensky as the landscape won't, in any case be there. so they know that the end of the war is the end of the
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confrontation with russia and in failure. so they want a situation of no war, no peace. that's why they talk about freezing the conflict. why would draw shock lead to that? we see what happens when you freeze or conflict like in gaza today? well, the palestinians are again, with our food, without water, without power, without medicine, because you had a pause. you have the seas fall, you have to have a comprehensive resolution of the conflict. russia will know, i'm sure i don't speak for restaurant. i haven't even spoken to anyone in russia about this, but i'd be very amazed if the russians agreed to a cease fire or a korean style freezing of the conflict. because that would call into question
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the sacrifices that russia has made in this conflict. and i very much doubt that a leadership of food and love are off and so on, whatever i agree to that they want and, and to the war final and to the war. and that means dealing with the reasons why the war happened in the 1st place. the reasons why the various attempts mens one minutes to it's done but why they never happened this war. i agree with trump on this. this war need not have happened at all. shouldn't have happened at all of this started in 2014, a little older people like me know that it stopped at long, long before that. in the 1950s, when the c i began cultivating the extreme ukrainian nationalist forces and even post 2nd world war not see forces as
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a means to we can to bleed the then silvia you and yeah. so this has been a long, long time in the making, and it will not be resolved until all the reasons that caused it are finally dealt with. all right, well we have certainly taken up enough of your time and you are a wealth of knowledge. it's been an absolute pleasure to discuss this with you. that's the former british problem and member and broadcaster george galloway george . thank you so much. i all right, well turning back to our top story as the us cut off sharing intelligence data with you frame c, i a chief express hope the pods will soon be lifted and stretched. his commitment to working with ukraine toward achieving peace that follows president trump receiving a letter from zalinski. but our t correspondence done porter is here with me now in the studio. so done. what more can you tell us? well, it's no secret that washington controls the lion's share of strategic satellites and space. and for the longest time they've been used to provide military
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intelligence to the ukrainians that they could use on the battlefields. but they now seem to be scrambling for an alternative. now that the c i director is saying that they're not going to be there for a lab least. the guy is going to put a pause on military intelligence sharing with the ukrainians. and it's also after this initial refusal by the lensky to sign off on this rare arts minerals deal that trump's been trying to push through so much that it's also raising the possibility that you on must will shut the ukrainians off from his startling satellite system. which would be catastrophic for the ukrainians where they're still, i mean, even with that military intelligent spacing to feed after, to feed every day on the battle, we'll get done. this was another significant move to pause and sending military aid to key of what are the chances that this will get back on track? well, i mean, the soul, of course, came after the lens keys fiasco in the oval office last week and obviously offended the trump administrate.


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