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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2025 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the the russia has become, as i speak to you, and for the years to come, a threat to from and to europe. francis president rumps off the rhetoric in a public address against most go even bringing off expanding policies. nucular options to deter this suppose aggression thread for the remarks. commas, washington a 9 says it's no longer sharing intelligence with ukraine, leading to a deepening, spawns with brussels that follows the white house officially holding all new. it creates a speech disastrous office meetings with donald trump. and also russia sees at this time, did not. israel's intimacies in moscow on p. f. reporting on ukraine's renaming of strengths in honor of an infamous world war to nothing cooperating. the fairly
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foreign minister responds by sitting here to look into it. we will check in and if there isn't a necessity, we'll publish them nations. we'll do that. the heavier catching then use our from today across the world. welcome back to law school in the global neutron, and we begin with breaking news french president on monday with mike crow on has the courage and a public address that russia poses a looming threat to both fronts. on the continental large, a lemon, a split, the russian threat is here and to fix the countries of europe affects us. russia has already turned the ukrainian conflict into a global conflict. it has mobilized north korean soldiers and the radian equipment on our continent while helping these countries to arm themselves. small russia under president putin violates on board, is to assassinate components,
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manipulates the elections in romania, in moldova, and it is organizing cyber attacks against our hospitals to disrupt their operations. when russia is trying to manipulate our opinions with light spread on social media, a deep down, it tests our limits. it does it in the see in space and behind the screen has been there. this aggression seems to know no boundaries who can therefore believe in this context. russia today will stop with ukraine. russia has become, as i speak to you and for the years to come, a threat to from time to year end this thing quite a be strong woods in not speech from a manual black hole that was widely tempted by the press not just in front across europe and listening to that you got a sense that he felt that you repeat was essentially going to have to go to loading and have to not see the us be that to essentially support it. he talked about the events that shaking the world order at the moment, essentially the idea that the countries, when the biggest economies and the biggest mike to decide to do what ever they
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won't do, regardless of how others spelled. if he said that they need it to ramp up defense spending. now let's be clear. this is not the 1st time that mike gordon is said that in fact, he's been saying that you received it. so no, i mean it needs to ramp up defense spending all the way since he was supposed to like think back in 2017, but no. these would sort of resume to read all the european needs. as we know that as level glen european commission presence has also talked about ramping up defense spending. and you are saying that essentially york needs to be like a still poor pine that can deflect others that come to it's a manual not cold and not speech. also saying that it was import, so you just continue supporting ukraine in these uncertain times. and as you heard in that clip, the once again suggesting that the only aggressor in this situation is russia and that you, russia continues to be as right. not just the fonts, but for you as
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a whole. he said that a rush. it was through interfering in other countries and he mentioned the remainder of the country. i made up the movements in the capital k through crest, and he said that the needs to be peace, but rush after the time not be the one that dictates those terms on when it came to defense wasn't just talking about re militarization. we specifically mentioned from says you clear the cache of weapons saying that was a deterrent because this is all new create and i'll put the, our nuclear deterrent protects us. it is complete solver in french from start to finish, since 1964. and it has explicitly always played a role in preserving peace and security in your own se, but responding to the historic call of the future german chancellor. i decided to open the strategic debate on the protection by our deterrence of our allies group on the european continent. whatever happens, the decision has always been and will remain in the hands of the president of the republic, the head of the armed forces. it'll be interesting to see how that remark is
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digested by the press in your because whenever we have her defense, then you to, to turn in russia lost his head seems immediate remarks that russia is looking to essentially send a new cube for me to another part of the world, so it would be interesting to see how much core referencing phones is new to this heritage is done with the press in europe and indeed the united states. and i'd suggest we comp take these comments in a vacuum. it must be seen without bach rolling to the growing risk that appears between the us and europe on the ukraine conflict, right. i guess that's why i mean, we all need to sing back just a few days ago. i think most of the was, was watching that press conference in the oval office between the president from j . d vance, and elusive as a lensky of you quite. and with your own, the full because it really was a historical moment of complete and utter dissolving,
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christmas when it came to diplomacy. and since then in the last few hours, we've had the confirmation that the us is now we stopped sharing military intelligence review credit. and i think that says, gosh, choose your mind in regards to how flu is relationships. are at the moment my calling saying that europe needs to be ready if the us pulls away in my car, rolling back, then i'm not saying all you know, well, we know that trump wants to put these terrorists on us, but they don't good for us. will continue to speak to him, but clearly he is concerned that the white house and donald trump is moving in a very different direction to what we so under the by didn't administration. and he is now giving a clear, learning to you what the route i sent to he needs to pull, it soaks up and it needs to essentially stand only. so and he saying, you know, that's a sudden sleep of europe is going to have to go. it alone,
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because once the piece is signed for ukraine not to be invaded by rush or again, will certainly require long term support for the ukrainian army. it may also involved the deployment of european forces. and i want to believe that the united states will stand by us, but we must be prepared if this is not the case. whatever happens, we need to equip ourselves more to raise our defensive position for the sake of peace itself to the, to we need to do more strength in our independence in terms of defense and security on the future of europe does not have to be decided in washington or in moscow? i think if you heard what michael was saying, you'd think that all of the pod stuff is coming from washington or even from the crime, lend itself. but let's not forget. in the last few days, the russian for an intelligent service is released information and it says the e u is behind some of the events that we've seen taken place, said romania with the essentials attempting to stop one kind of the two's from trump, from running in the presidential election here in may,
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but also that the you is massively concerned about those leaders in europe who are proved from, from like his way of doing business. on this specifically mentioned, victor opened as hungry and also robot feet. so offices lock in. interestingly enough, victor open is that the lease a palace in paris right now, having a stuff, but with president mack on us to the bottom bostic speech. and that is a head of an e. u summit on thursday with only does will come together to discuss the debacle. and of course not moving away, not pulling away olsby us from europe when it comes to the big issue of nope, just ukraine but also issues like terrorists. well, let's discuss the story further on wells. come on to the program officer. i'm president of the french and you west these nicholas markovich and also pascal mass special adviser to the minister, permanent representative in par as of the republic of touchstone for almost 3
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decades. gentlemen, you're both most welcome, pasco, can we kick off with you these public remarks by a money on my throne, their aggressive, bellicose all most? what's behind the words in your view as well? so we used to hear it from mr. math problem one day as jury and the contrary on the day after. so when that's very afraid of what he says and what he's is thinking because we use 2 or 3 of these kind of, of, of speech us. but the most important it's for tonight is that you, it looked a very nervous and very terrify because it seems so that's oh is they provide you can jo, we're doing political story is cause scene yes, because it has come to washington made the president, trump, you do when it went back to france, we did the hands and with nothing enhanced. and so he organized with a,
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the prime minister of the u. k. i meeting when it because the u. k. is know this is to come from the point for him. what day it is not belonging anymore to the young z up and union, but it doesn't work at all. and so they made it a the various tomorrow. and it will be meeting in versus with all the rest of the muff, show the gang of bruce and as we use for them here. and there is no reason for really getting a really reserved from this because of the most. there are at least 3 parts of fuel ruptures. those where i could definitely and i gave this rich shane or in other words as we share tonight. and then they have some more corporate g, but i keep telling you hungry and even for one. and there are those who are waiting for to know when the truck comes to the wind,
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but there is no reason to, to, to be at $35.00. okay. and i think that might make kind of saves because he used to speak like these, this force of the sick, the 1st time is catching from the coffee to this crazy it's betsy said that that's we, i mean i to, for a similar point to you is president mccomb trying to freeman the self as the leader all of this new to russia lyons because you know, germany's in the state of flux, the u. k. is out of the you is, this is opportunity. i knew napoleon shunts of sorts squire, i think the problem is even deeper than that. if you take a helicopter view, what's going on now the situation, the economy, you can have an economy situation in most western countries in europe where they would be the u. k. germany products is not far from being in tatters. uh, germany's the recession perhaps and that you care for the with recession of the
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political program of the mentor on that cause. the catastrophe and france, i think this is, public services have come to an all time. no, there's never been so many taxes. we've got massive problems of, of immigrations are so many problems. and so now all of the sudden and mental macro was trying to find some way out. and so indeed he may think that use some sort of a new european leader. but i think especially he wants to find a scape goat and the late great press philosopher when is, you know, i spoke a lot about the 2nd ism, and so what he did tonight during those 13 minutes was round about russia. i'd say all the that everything was because of russia's fault, but if you take a closer look at it, france and medical didn't do anything when there was a war between the duties and saudi arabia with 400000 people. did you do anything with the, with the war between costing is industries and that all of a sudden russia is a, is a threat for us. so i think he's just fine to find a way to do 2 things. trying to get people to this be distracted from the real problems. the french are going to the european union is going to because the european union, as francis policy back on the policy is
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a catastrophe. the 2nd thing is he's trying to find some great excuse some great reason to get some money from the banks, because he's has to bail out, we're not far from bankruptcy. and for us today, and you have to find some great costs, something which is going to frighten everybody. and so there's this whole story about more with russia and we have to get our munition and then we have to get bigger armies. the only point in all of that is just to get some money from the financial market because he has the we don't have it smart. we don't have the money that we have to do any the last time he did this. he did it with cove it now isn't it again with, with you crane, which we, we understand he's here is his a is pay book now how he will, how he's working. he wants to get money. so this is why he's doing all this thing about russia and hoping that the trash will fall in the trap. pasco, you mentioned there hung gary and prime minister victor or a bomb. he also has been commenting on what's being emerging this stance. increasingly, among e u leaders, let's take
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a listen together to what was said. if the warring parties failed to defeat russia and help ukraine went in 3 years, when the americans were still on the side of continuing the war and now the americans are no longer there. therefore, the pro war camp is much weaker. why do they think they can win this war? now, i would like to get an answer to this. what makes the positions of the french and supporters of the war justified? pascal, it's a very interesting point, isn't it? how come the e, you think that it's possible for ukraine to the feet? brush on the bottle, filled with all the american support when it fails to do so over the last 3 years with billions of us funds a yes, but the thing is, is all these people a plane or a very bad game because of no one of them are completely different, it's the best showed that the on the right way and so the twice. so it's a good to gave some information or no information but stories to the countries. but
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of course a you've been union is not a military union. and cuz gun seen from the, from u. k and friends suite which are not the same audience. and so. ready there is no reason for, for. ready ready for feeling about that, and of course there are 2 camps in france and as those who say that russia is not able to, to catch over the territory is which of any baby read the koreans. and on the other, on the other side, there is a can with that say that's the euro to get version. i mean is goes to batteries syllabus to feed and the people are fed up with all these kind of things. well, it shouldn't mention of on the other side is i of course i agree with the color and i would like to switch on something else is from for the, the book relation of france. the most important and most critical pieces and
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venture is not coming from the east, but from the cells. i mean, specifically from julia, i love that the salaries and people making an influence inside inside the country. and this has no, not even a word from in the prince most useful to, and that is useful. $20.00 to $21.00 time that would give you your ups and say only 7 time friends. so can you imagine that a leader like these that's it is the, the better the from in, and then trying to find the can free and its own country which has delayed the clock just on the overall situation as we've been digesting for the past week or 10 days or so, we've got in my suggestion, a rare opportunity where, where russia on the us are similar,
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they're on the same page that they want peace finally in, in ukraine. that is, but there is an opportunity for that to happen. yep. we have those in the middle european a leads pushing it further away by their actions. do they know directly that that's what they're doing. and i think some of them know, and i think some of the most of them don't care because they don't understand what's really going on in ukraine as they don't understand what's going on in their own countries. they're in this leads. they think the best they know that they, they know better than anybody. they couldn't care less about democracy, of the community. couldn't care less about the sending 100 and thousands of kids to the front 9 but to, to get killed. so i just did one thing which is important is as you've just mentioned, a we've got the protagonist when we do the country, which is behind all of the starting or dismissed the us, which has, which is wise enough to have chosen a president who wants to negotiate piece russian wants to negotiate present even to lensky if he's between over uh, between the,
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the you and the us finally and apparently said was a, he would, he would follow the don'ts up. so i mean the main protagonist one piece and the you, which was built because of peace because they didn't want, we didn't want us to was as receiving the 1st of the 2nd boulevard. and we see that the most, the damage defending war today is becoming a war machine. and let us not forget that the reason why they're doing this is not ready to go to war. because i don't think the european armies have the means. i know a lot of french military today, the what the watching or video is coming out of ukrainian right around the rush up every day because they don't know how to, how to, how to go into battle field today. they don't have that training. so they're, they're, they're quite concerned and they wouldn't go to war. and especially if you count the number of warheads, i mean, russia, our numbers, all of them together. so i think what is important is just underneath that, they want this as an excuse to get more money to go to the markets, to get money, to build out their economies. and let's not forget that we've done. i mean, in many americans to, to things interesting tonight, he said, we've got
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a special appreciation of truth that he's, she said it himself. truth is whatever he says he doesn't believe in truth. he has, the special vision is the truth. and the 2nd one is, you said, even if peace arrives early in ukraine, we still have to build this great military. so he's on the board walgreens side. he wants to go get some of some of these 800000000000 euros for war, 800 billings that nobody into you got to fight against poverty, to fight for education, to fight the closer to protect our borders. ok. all of that came for many good reasons. and now the war is supposed to be this, this great reason is it's a, it's preposterous. can i just briefly get to both of your thoughts and one final point as well? because you brought up money, nicholas and the background as well to this is that there are at some 200000000000 euro. it was worth of russian assets talking about being released at by europe to give to ukraine now. and my chrome appears to be at the forefront
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of the push, after having said before, hon that he didn't want to set the precedent was tonight, was those remarks almost getting the public behind him to do something like that? so it wouldn't, it would scare the public, the markets almost. it is just about the plus gal. we've got about 30 seconds that free time to be just on the other. the other people don't really understand what it means because it doesn't know what, what is this money coming from? but what is known as what are the eclipse and make a conclusion that these, if you are of steals students, i use it with steve. the money, the russian money, these 200 billions in euro, it wouldn't be a message and a big warning for all the countries reached, which i've invested in europe in new friends, particularly. and what is very and what is really is important to very good in my car always on the side when he speaks of. busy the freedom and the free of,
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of speaking them and open and i would mention that last week i'm finished. anyways, i'm new to work as being said. sure. only is own is order. so these guys is love to speak of a freedom of office, of thinking and speaking, and on the other side on the same way. he is a make sense share on the very popular brooklyn television network. and so there is no reason for the people to be leaving. and what he says is if is say the sun is shining, and we'll see that it is easy. it's moving the right the next, the final word to then on tonight's address. yeah, i agree with prescott, i mean, after this uh, a declaration tonight, anything that's going running in going wrong in france will definitely be the, the, the default will be the of those got to be able to and then a and
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a reference. so it could be and then they could try it out of things, including us, doing the assets and, and try to give them that to ukraine. however, i do agree also with prescott that these are very bad messages sent to a market, but does not forget that the european economy is in the doldrums and then sending this message to a foreign investors that you needs today. but uh, to kick start the economy again. uh, that would be quite negative. indeed, after back on with my concert tonight. so anything against pressure will go one just positive element. if you look to the show. so that was lot, lot of people just don't believe the mainstream media type and believe that what am i going to doing? so i do think that would definitely be a lot of people within france and the european countries, which will be more than ever, quite angry, quite met with people like macro and the heads of the you today, which are going to me. i mean, didn't you all the drums of war instead of going for peace at the moment, we're putting in trump, our speaking piece as always, top notch. and alex says, from nicholas markovich, the president of friends and joe, west, east of pasco,
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most joining a special advisor to administer a permanent representative and part of the republic of top, your son for some 3 decades judgments for immediate reaction. we much appreciate a thanks. so much you're welcome. not a c i. a chief has confirmed that the us has halted sharing intelligence data with ukraine. the move follows a white high suspension of military, a ticket. my colleagues donald quarter, and rachel ribble talked through the details a little earlier. while it's official, the c i a is finally pausing military intelligence, sir, uh, sharing with ukraine. and this is something that we heard from the head of the c. i a himself and the parents that he made on fox news. can you tell us anything at all about the intelligence on ukraine and russia? sure. what i, what the president trump said is he asked for a pause. president, trump had a real question about whether president it zalinski was committed to the peace process. and he said, let's pause, i want to give you a chance to think about that. and you saw the response,
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the president zalinski put out a statement saying, i'm ready for peace. and i want donald trump's leadership to bring about that piece . and so i think on the military front and the intelligence from the pause that uh, that allow that to happen, i think, will go away and i think will work shoulder to shoulder with ukraine as we have so done. what does this mean for kids? what washington controls the lion's share of strategic satellites and space and for the longest time they were used to provide the ukrainians with critical military intelligence. but with these recent statements from dc, i directed the ukrainians are scrambling to find an alternative. and also we have to understand that this initial refusal by vladimir as a wednesday to sign off on this rare earth minerals deal that trump has been trying to push through for the longest time. this is also raising the possibility of basically the united states in you on must specifically cutting the ukrainians off from the star link satellite system,
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which would be catastrophic for the ukrainians who are already facing the feed after defeat on the battlefield every day. so does this fall, is another significant move, of course, that pause and sending military aid to keyboard or the chances they will get this back on track. well, this all came, of course, after zalinski is fiasco in the oval office last week that it was obviously offended washington and the trump administration. pretty bad, but trump, administration officials seem to be trying to send us take notes as a landscape ed. it's not yet the end of the world for a health physician with check data. i think if we can nail down these negotiations and move towards these negotiations, and in fact put some confidence building measures on the table, then the president will take a hard look at lifting this pause to. now this also comes after zalinski seems to have bought from his former hard line position on all of this because he's told donald trump that he's ready to sign off on this round earth minerals deal. and he's ready to negotiate something that the u. s. president was more than happy to hear were beginning of the earlier today i received an important letter from
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president zalinski of ukraine. the letter rage, ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring last the page closer. nobody wants piece more than the ukrainians. you shift my team and i stand ready to work under president trump's strong leadership to get a piece that last we do really value how much america has done to help ukraine maintain the sovereignty of independence. regarding the agreement on minerals and security, ukraine is ready to sign it at any time that is convenient for you. i appreciate that. he said there's letter just got it a little while ago. simultaneously, we've had serious discussions with russia that i've received strong signals that they are ready for a piece. wouldn't that be beautiful? wouldn't happen. yeah. who knows?
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this could be a stepping stone to this highly anticipated upcoming meeting between donald trump and water approved know these really foreign minister has planning difference. after was pointed out to him, the key of house being renaming streets, an owner of a nazi collaborator, giddeons. so i promised to look into it. i said i, i am over here. the 1st of all, i didn't know about it. i would check it. and you know, that's probably not, you know, probably know that because it has the best best deal knowledge that's, that's clear. but we will check in and if there isn't a necessity,
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we'll probably should come to a nation. no problem. well, if, if i want to check it and we'll do that. yeah. we reached out to these really for ministry asking if they followed up on sar statement and if it's ro, plans to issue any condemnation, but so far, no response. and yet there is no shortage of evidence. in the last 3 years, at least, ukraine has renamed treats avenues and squares of to figure is tied so nazi crimes likes to fund bundle. everyone should have a tool, petro, it'd be a chunk of all involved and work crimes, holocaust atrocities, or ethnic mass occurs. the latter was even personally awarded the iron crossed by hitler. hard to believe the top diplomat of a country founded in the aftermath of the holocaust, representing the jewish people. who were the primary victims of hit? there was genocide, was unaware of this, or was it just inconvenient to address versus for ministers? folks?
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person has called all star statement question. and how is really the end of things, both in p of ukraine animals because russia who have failed to report these facts back to jerusalem. the facts are not, not new, and certainly not hard to verify. the russian ministry even compile the total materials on the issue, addressed directly to get it on sar in english. but it's been just negligence. so part of the road of parson, because while israel's foreign minister stays unaware or silent on ukraine's glorification of not sending figures, voices within these roles own political circles are openly using knots and rhetoric, his israel's vice. because parliament referring to palestinians from gaza as sub human. take a listen. but the, during our meeting with european and arab states that the parliamentary assembly of the mediterranean, it was obvious that no one wants the palestinians. every one just by pushes them into israel. they might know why didn't egypt take them when it made peace with his
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real? no, it's all because it didn't want the egypt knew. it would have to deal with sub human scum who behaved like barbarians showing. nobody wants them to. sub human is come. that's not just the human eyes and language is a term directly tied to not see racial ideology used to justify mass extermination . and yet this isn't as really empty. so when israel's foreign minister claims ignorance about ukraine, glory find nationalist with a not to link past. it raises a much bigger question, but it's really good know where these things have brought because it allows the same thing, the same rhetoric at home and dangerous precedent and still no response from these really foreign ministry. we're waiting after a lot from now, but then use thing just off. come are busy putting together all the latest updates . to explain this to you on this, the 1st week of march housing there, i'll bring them to you in 32, telling me that.


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