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tv   News  RT  March 6, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the romania detain 6 us backs and i must go link trees in case on the same day a russian, the tree at sashay and his deputy are expelled from bucharest. paul to a head on the program at this hour. donald trump's foreign policy chief confirms i'd like to fight the ukrainian conflict with the west as repeatedly labeled russian propaganda. president trump, to use this as a protracted stalemated conflict. and frankly, it's a proxy war between nuclear power as united states offering ukraine and russia. and it needs to come to an end. we will consider the presence of these troops on ukrainian territory in exactly the same way we consider the potential presence of
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nato and your brain. plus no matter the flags on their uniforms must go, considers any farther and fruits in ukraine as belonging to the nato alliance and their presence with the signal, the blocks official involvement in the conflict. that's the warning from russian foreign ministers 30 left off the fly from our international news, helping rushes capital city. this is our t. let's get straight to our top story this hour. and we beginning romania for that's where 6 people have been detained on charges of organizing a criminal group aimed at staging a crew. allegedly, with the help of moscow in, in 2024, another defendant joined to the organized crime group. old members carrying out continuous conscious public or conspiratorial actions in order to achieve the proposed goal. also, the members of the criminal group repeatedly contacted agents of
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a foreign power located both on the territory of romania and the russian federation . well, this is the so called lab fee and pay the commandment group name, talk to the interview as a nobleman from transylvania and romania who is known to card up both barrack acts and inspired the legend of comp dracula. they has been accused of treason on forming a power military group with the intent of bringing down the remaining government. there also choose by the intelligent services of wanting to take romania out of nato and to a bullish school political policies and the director at for investigations into organized crime. and terrorism has said that these individuals that have been detained to for p to be contacted agents from russia here in romania and also in the russian federation to having traveled to moscow. previously, in january, 2 of the defendants traveled to moscow where they came into contact with people
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willing to support the organizations efforts to see state power in romania. so 6 individuals have been detained on those accusations that they were essentially trying to over through the government. tate in romania. we also know that homes were also rated in the last 24 hours. and this includes the hope of a 101 year old were tired, major general, and major general his war hero. he in remaining despite the fact he's also being accused of being a holocaust denial. this is a ride to see a daughter who's seen as being a public figure, old space group, vlad, the impaler commandment. now she has to prove base allegations and said, well, we have so it is a trying to do here is to link his organization, make these spurious accusations to calling jo jessica. this is the mind of a moment who came 1st in the 1st round informing his presidential elections in november of last year. that was then late to a know, then he's now facing
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a slew of accusations himself as there is evidence a merging that the european union, brussels itself is being behind knowing if those elections not wanting another pro nationalistic leader to come in to pilot in the you know, going back to what the retired major general said, he said look, the trying to without any evidence link us to call and choose yes. could they need to have evidence against the cotton joe jessica, that proves that the accusations of true and to link us this group of military personnel to kelly and george, ask you to put us all in the same part, accusing us of supporting him in order to create a sensational trial because everyone is accusing them of abuses. so providing evidence of an empty system organization would show that they are not committing abuses. well, that's the case again shows yes, do. i was didn't all age in terms of the listing of judicial impositions on thursday by
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a cool to improve caress. he's also lost his wife to appeal the decision both the and no man's 5. you repeat quoted q and rights, but the prosecutors source is from the post and she just told the local media here in romania that there are no limits between the case systems loud in pay, la commandment, and the case of calling georgia institute lobby. any comment from moscow so far? the russian embassy ministry attacks shay and his deputy were declared persona non grata he in romania certainly gone to the detentions that have taken place in the last 2 hours. that has been no response. but we know that russia is uneasy about the tensions, and that means that we are sitting here and remain and not just stay with the calling georgia school case with the russian for an intelligent service at saying that brussels was behind that decision to and know of the election,
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but also in the fact that that has seen 2 of its diplomatic stuff being declared postilion and will go to and essentially kicked out of the country. now, according to the secret service is hand romania. those 2 individuals who worked at the russian embassy of being accused of spying. the 2 russian diplomats carried out intelligence, gathering activities from strategic areas of interest and supported the anti constitutional dom marches of the group. while the russian, a foreign ministry says it does was of the right to make any decisions and to a spoken to what's happened, it says that those allegations or false. and it says that they have not been carried out by an unfriendly country. now in a moment that will have shocked many, the us secretary of state has openly admitted the ukraine conflict was conceived as a proxy war between the us and russian. some very clear from the beginning that
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president trump, to use this as a protracted stalemated conflict. and frankly, it's a proxy war between nuclear power is united states helping ukraine and russia, and it needs to come to an end. and no one has any idea or any plan to bring it to an end and the plan of the ukrainians up to now and their allies on capitol hill. and the people you talk to in other countries is, let's just keep giving them as much as they need for, as long as it takes. that's not a strategy. you know, it took 3 years for washington to find that experience a moment of clarity and actually has missed that a, it is, in fact, the proxy war against russia led by the us. and this comes off to use of denial, especially in the media because, you know, media outlets repeatedly called most based on some, the conflict of russian propaganda. and the conflict and ukraine was actually unprovoked. and this was despite to his russia raising concerns about nato's expansion. easterwood, while most of the south had to actually advocate for its own national security. but russia was silence and blames for this propaganda with 12 military officials in the
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west actually to 9, but any proxy were actually exists. so this really is a, a, a proxy war. you don't have boots on the ground, you're not making decisions which are helping you current and kill russians for helping ukraine defend themselves. but now the new us administration, the trump administration, is breaking away and actually a lining itself with the rush of stones. so the u. s. isn't meeting the current in conflict is a proxy war. but what about chance other backers? well, formal breakfast point minister orest johnson, i also joined in despite his previous role in splitting, actually the play store tools that happens in march in 2022 and a stumble according to most gay johnson actually allegedly advised key of to keep fighting. and you know that, that hi me a, uh, then head of the ukrainians allegation is what's known as the jones lot actually played an influential role in the process. but now boys still some seems to be seeing a compatriot differentiated. we are late,
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let's face it. what waging your proxy will await your proxy will, but we're not giving a proxies the ability to do the job and wet and for, for years and years now we've been allowing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs. and it has been cruel, it is being cruel. and you know, this is the same bar as don't send them back in 2022 actually stated that there's no proxy war. and in response to lateral statements, the russia is a war, not with the ukraine, but with the west. and the war means war. and you know, these he is here of has been repeating the mantra that russia is the aggressor. i think it's important to repeat some narrative. the reason that karesha and i were just a crane is a victim. and russia is there
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a restaurant. we only need to be realistic about russia. russia posey's existence, with threats to our security today. the threat of war may not be imminent, but it is not impossible, but not still in europe has been beating that drum about the russian threat for a while now. and after 3 years of pomp like there does seem to be no letting app, but what effect has the us changing its approach to the conflict had if any, well, you know, from the last few weeks and days the we've a seen washington stones on the conflict has indeed changed and new while europe a still pushing for the school to continue us is actually pushing on so lensky a to negotiate with mockery bill actually admitting that the landscape is reluctant to end the conflict. we asked you, credit is not to sabotage it when the vice president made the point that it's got to take diplomacy to get things like to solve, present zalinski. unfortunately, it made the decision to challenge the vice president and start questioning whether diplomacy is even possible in essence sabotaging and undermining the president's
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plan. my understanding is poor and said he is willing to get into a negotiated settlement. is that your understanding? the answer was we are interested in talking about it. we now need to follow up. it's hard to follow up when the other side of the conflict is saying they're not interested in peace at all. and that was the message that was coming across as a result of silence keys, reluctance to negotiate, washington has actually stopped. it's a to key of and most importantly they stopped the transfer of intelligence data. and this pause is supposed to last until to have changes. it's gone so you know, overall we all see a slide shift and the narrative that the west has stopped to since february 22, 22 to a former us army officer is stelis love to perfect tool. and archie washington is interested in ending the conflict before foreign troops are sent to you. thank. it was kind of like saying, uh, the sun rises nice. its its the obvious thing that everybody knows. and the lindsey
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graham has been uh, fluttering about uh, all over the world uh, screaming out this is the best brought you weren't around. i think there on a um, on a specific course. uh and that course is uh to wash their hands of the ukraine in a direct manner. they don't want their boots on the ground. they don't want to have the beans, have their boots on the ground and are in a full scale war with the russian that they don't mind and the lease. but they're not going to do any of the fighting or the europeans. and the other hand to do whatever that they can't afford to us and to reapply in the grain with these guarantees and advocate for us troops thereby. so when they escalate, the us has to get pulled in. so some type of war between the 2 parties, both want the war to continue, but in different forms. yes, we're going to be quite happy selling weapons payment 1st money, 1st weapons after to the european. so they can, the, on the gradient steps, not gonna change anything. putting peacekeepers on the ground in ukraine from
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nato countries would constitute involvement in the conflict. that's the very direct words of russian for administer, circle of rough of social opinion. russia doesn't want any war. russia wants to eliminate the root causes of the situation and ukraine that the west created in order to suppress the influence of an essentially to wage war against russia. and while the europeans have decided for some reason that the united states has betrayed their interest. and now simply prefer to ignore the root causes and the topic of nato. and essentially, they're creating fighting forces within nato to be deployed in the territory of ukraine. we will consider the presence of these troops on ukrainian territory in exactly the same way we considered the potential presence of nato and ukraine. because no matter what flags this operation is concealed under whether you flags or the national flags of the country supplying the forces. regardless of what patches, even those associated with mendera are
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a fix to their uniforms. it will still be nato troops. so this would mean i want to say once again, not some alleged hybrid involvement, but the direct official and undisguised involvement of nato countries in the war against the russian federation. however, i've also spoke a bit about the ukraine conflict in the context of bilateral relations between russia and zimbabwe. he sang once again the minister and these are bob wouldn't government for their support towards russia within the ukrainian conflicts. because the president meant on god was of us and bob way has said time and time again. they understand that ukraine is being used as a tool by the west to attack russia. and this is something essentially that the minister echoed when i was able to ask him a question today. i asked him what he thought about the wes attempts to pretty much continue this conflict and escalated while we're seeing a cooling and relations between the us and russia. and the possibility of peace on the horizon, he said that is it baldwin. government is against any sort of escalation of this
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conflict. zimbabwe is always advocated for a piece of forward. it is an issue to this conflict. racing call causes underlying causes of this conflict in that anybody who wants to help the situation can not advocate for continued to deduce a lot of attention was paid to the recent address to the french nation that french president emanuel micron made recently, specifically 2 statements in particular, 1st of all that he said the european union cannot allowed ukraine conflicts to end in the key of regimes capitulation. and also that russia is a threats to the european union. but lab are all about this press conference. said that the real threat is actually france to russia when they're talking about
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actually using nuclear weapons against the threats the european union can use to to those. of course, this is a threat and directed a russian. if macklin considers us a threat, then he gathers a meeting of the chief of staff of european countries in britain. he says it is necessary to use nuclear weapons and prepare for their use against russia. this is certainly a threat, unlike his predecessors, who also wanted to wage war on russia, such as napoleon and hitler. mister, my crown does not act very elegantly because they has explicitly stated that russia needed to be conquered and defeated macro and seems to want the same thing, but somehow claims that they must fight russia so that it does not defeat france. that's also important to understand that russia and zimbabwe have had long time, warm, healthy relations between the 2 countries. i mean, the russia back during the times of the soviet union and help zimbabwe and it's war for independence. i'm lab rep also praised zimbabwe for its regional leadership in
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trying to tackle conflicts throughout africa through regional organizations. specifically, what's going on right now in the democratic republic of congo, belongings, visit to mosque with a foreign minister. and bob, we also highlighted the importance of developing partnerships with truly independent as we roll. we like i said, in the meeting, we have met highways. so what we're doing now is to talk to you later this week, which is very important. what it comes to a critics is one goes from chris to this
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section for substitution to social which is one of the most money. well, my problem is recent attempts to inspire decisive action in support of ukraine is facing fierce opposition in part a smaller growing number of politicians have accused the french leader of trying to distract from the could be huge depth deficit with his rhetoric. the real existential threat to france is not russian, because that is a lie. it is the bankruptcy of the country. the loss of jobs, french president emanuel macklin wants to spend tens of billions of yours and not on the army, but on patching of holes in the budget. surprisingly, emanuel mat, chrome is playing on fields and using the war in ukraine to accelerate his federalist agenda. and he's pushing cynicism to the point of using this tragedy to excuse future,
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social breakdowns and huge deficits. the biggest threats to piece is not russia. the biggest correct piece is my crumb and the slice. that's the biggest threats. the problem is, once again, is that the level of adults and propaganda that we have in the european union in france is saying exactly the inverse. yesterday i'll be listening to my chrome and my chrome has only talked about lies. what basically my from is trying to do is, according to the plan that was discussed by united states and in great britain, france, us is switching the responsibility of this conflicts to the european union because they want to get rid of it. so what my front of me is doing is trying to gather has kind of, uh, i would say directed to europe in need to, uh, to system to conflict. so now they are running after
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a different kind of processes. i'm plus the unfortunate a complete system on your brain, which is uh, the drum of the go, i would say, because friends, in your opinion, are digging their own graves by the way they are doing it. for the french defense minister has said pars, we'll continue to provide intelligence to ukraine after the united states draw to its intel to t of par us has just over a 100 space soft lights while washington has 80 times more. russia for its part has a run 1500 satellites and orbit french level security, unless they're a little thread again say is that from says no capabilities to sustain the ukraine conflict without us back and we don't have the same capabilities. let's what did this, where do you currently and from the spread of 1000 kilometers, we do not have the means, no other man power to system such a front. and we don't have the munition. the only thing that we could do, actually,
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before speaking about france by itself, is to suspend upfront of 18 kilometers for maximum. 5 days. nothing, nothing more. our military industrial complex as being completely destroyed. since nato is making a backing us speaking about a fight or is that crowd we, we are capable to produce only 3 per month, maximum on the 10 months be, or is a year. so that's not the difference enough enough. it's nice to know the story to bring you at today at and we go to at the, at ukrainian or russian forces, excuse me, or pressing on at with their clearing or be printing forces from the curse cat region. just trying to develop this wallet, say on folding must go saves over 200. now if all the and reading soldiers were
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killed or wounded there in the past day alone, those figures coming in from the russian and m o d, while i wanna show you this as well aggressively discovery has been made. recently freed village there are wanting you may find the following images distressing. this is footage from restore you port edge noise, which shows the body of a person in the snow. another corpse was filmed by russian soldiers inside a building. both victims appear to be civilians, the troops say they have forwarded their findings to authorities for investigation . not what are the is really embassies in key of unless go even doing rush out, directed that question to israel's foreign minister who claims he was unaware of ukraine's idolize ation of infamous nazi collaborator, stepan binder is really part of a member of our cost that says he feels shame,
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these really government is not aware of kias operation of bunder, the best phone to be, even before we have talking about these, any government, i think of any human being who is against them every body as a human being must be against any form of racism, including of course, and they say to you, let alone not season in the photo is not season. i will didn't expect that they all with and including these lady government defense them and do whatever possible against any form of racism. including, as i said, of course i said it isn't let alone naziism. so i would have expected. these are the governments to do what the eval possible against a such incidence. but again, these are the government itself is very easy. so why should they expect them anything to do? the behavior of these a, the government change is in accordance with the singles dunces. so now it's very,
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it's more easier on them to say that the mic. no, but the obvious, obviously it was well known for everyone wanted to know. so again, i'd be invidious jacob that no to i forget, we go where the molly and security administer has an on to bama. co stop issuing mining permits to foreign nationals following a number of deadly incidents. that's local gold mines. the head of state instructed the government to strengthen measures to avoid human and environmental tragedies in our country is excellence the president going to has in other words, taking the following measures. the suspension of the license to exploit art has no minds granted to persons of foreign nationality. by the officials of the territorial collectivity. off to a number i'll say to collapse is it is molly, which is the 2nd largest goal producer in africa has decided on this move where it
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will stop issuing small scale goals. mining permits to foreign is the countries minister our security announced that president, i seem to call you to direct to the government districts and mrs. to avoid human and environmental tragedies. these misses include suspending local authorities or from issuing activities on mining and permits to foreigners confiscating in the equipment to use for gold mining is small scale lines and also dismissing the local authorities in communities with these fateful mining accident covering to occur because of that last month's a hand diag gold mine in mind you cannot resulting in id fee. so $49.00 dates and just before that in january 13 it is no mine is including women and children were killed in the southwest region of monday. off that a time the in which they were digging for gold flooded. and this also stems from the fact that the mon,
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for gold in the waist has pushed mine is increasingly dangerous. practice is to produce gold. rather, the quantities of gold needed to set aside to mount small scale mining companies have been popping up across the west african beach. and because of how little processing is necessary and how profitable, even the smallest quantities of goals can be v that is low. mine is difficult to regulate and because of that to be often straight from safe mining practices. and mine is a from the west african beach, and particularly in mind me in monte, i'm willing to risk their lives in these and former mines because of the high profits the time with satisfying the global demand for gold. we can see the mountain government's desire to regain control of waits for sources and to achieve, but most importantly, to improve surveillance and prevents human and environmental tragedies. violent things are,
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again being seen in syria classes between the new estimates. governments forces on government linked to former leader, but charlotte side has erupt. it in the western city of job law in the left talk a governess, a winning disturbing images, a had a survey and broadcast to reports. that 13 members of the serious security forces were killed with local armed groups targeting their vehicles with exclusive devices . the country state agency labeled the remnants vote at militants. excuse me. remnants of assad's malicious government reinforcements are set to be on the way to support the security forces. now in retaliation, the algae atlantic government has reportedly deployed at me 24. how they comforters for the 1st time, cutting out our strikes on the beach on the area which is near jump. but that's a story we'll continue to close. the following brings developments to not for the past 7 decades. the story we are about to conclude was large,
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the getting from the world under the political embargo views loving paul that expands centrist. it's not an easy watch, but it is unimportant one. the latest part over document free songs of heard gets going. the, on the 1918, the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside. and sign that humiliating armistice, upload grove, great britain and france, and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire,
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but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greece as the main striking force. seeking to make others realize its aggressive plans. for an intervention, provo massey indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experience of general mustafah come all as a 3rd. in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation, and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922, the third's army won a decisive victory over the invaders. in the battle of doom, levine, art and within a month liberated all asia minor. from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions in
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1923. the loss on these treaty was signed turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence, becoming an example for millions of via press on the planet the or the so the and people will nodded and other parts of heads, the governor as well. both of us, but you still have the cubic clips, you cause it to the unit to the future and devonte a back door. and children literally is a favorite target. and there's another notable execution site and there's a governor to pay it in cup of which a village and looking at municipality which developed $72.00 people. the few who showed that most was thrown into the path of life. but anyway, i'm,


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